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tv   [untitled]    September 27, 2011 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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tonight on r t greece rushes to reassure investors lives worthy of the next bailout package as the prime minister prepares to convince its main lender germany. puttin up his public can take place as a static images of the place will be all the latest fencing talk with. also this hour as government forces storm a key opposition town in syria moscow calls on both sides to talk while rejecting western sanctions. and violence flares the things said here in breakaway cos of zero seven cost seven serbs are injured at the disputed border crossing.
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welcome you watching our team from moscow with me kevin owen our top story at eight pm greece says it's doing all it can and is on the right track reduce its crippling deficit the problem is to also pleaded for germany's assistance out of talks with chancellor merkel says the greek parliament prepares to vote on a new set of cuts needed to secure the next vital bailout installment sisera firth is in athens for. this concern here in athens of the naming really we've been speaking to a lot of people today indeed we seen since small protest movements throughout the day and they're saying they're really reaching breaking point head now we're on syntagma square and this is where most of the protest action has happened so far side of politics at the maybe you can see that just the beginnings of the greeks gathering with their flags that is to that later on today is well we're going to see a lot more gathering to but there's
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a little bit of concern about the tension that we're feeling at the night because as he said the prime minister happened today he's in berlin holding talks today at they've also been trying to push out measure three calling it a no those thirty measure that's a very unpopular. property taxes going on here say there's been a pattern a tension here today amongst the people that we speak and say just a loan from syntagma square you've got the finance economics building in the background that and earlier on today what we saw down these trees were the rates being stoked we saw a huge number that riot police carrying out people parking their bikes in the middle of the riot very large number of people what they were that protests were as he said these austerity measures that they said are simply not working so now than they were waiting to see really exactly how this plays out tonight at the certainly concern because i quit once again in a situation very desperate situation where such an official start to measure to the people say they simply cannot afford very positive rhetoric coming from the u.a.e.
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saying leaders there is the german chancellor and the prime minister of greece to step in try saying that they think we can get through the crisis the jennys going to be behind them get this isn't fair on the ground really meeting they still many people are saying that they fired all of this before it is. country to go to germany to find. a lot of. buying. cell's sometimes to see how this plays out now because again with these austerity measures we've seen and happen before in the usa leaders haven't made a decision yet on whether to believe that eight billion years a cash injection to greece is tanks nice to stay in place at least they will at some point we see mr ford again these are statements just simply haven't worked here if you even mean when we see tax upon types of these people they're saying
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that it's not a case of the not wanting to pay any more that they simply can't save as he said really growing discontent at the moment instant and quite disturbing testimonials from a lot of the people here he said to enter contrast to we seem to protest in the summer when the police are reacting to the violence friend the more extreme parts of the phrase has this that every seven weeks we saw on sunday police using tear gas only paid outside hits interact with the police might actually be reacting quite aggressively to this event there is the awareness that people here feeling extremely angry at these nation states a very tense situation a bit. further our correspondent in athens there let's go straight back to athens talk to george come true colors he's a lawyer and constitutional law professor in the city mr riggs ever so much agree on arts international and we've heard today the greek prime minister will promise to saying talking about your country's superhuman efforts to the do made but it
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sounds all very well and good but will he succeed at the end of the day in convincing the german chancellor that the vital for the should be released to think . well i am afraid. of measures just imposing to the people sacrifices without any point without any hope of success we are now at the second tier of these are scary for measures that there is people getting refused. rocket. is practically double want to. we have started this austerity measures at the same time. and at the same time we have a lot of burden to the poorest to the weakest parts of the population so i don't think that this kind of policy is going to work well here were you saying there because one of the key forces paling are trying to help me is the i.m.f. they say that austerity measures and cuts are the only way to go you also not working you live in that country. well justin martin. speak by themselves
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when we cover the commercials there was at one car that night said. now it is all over one hundred fifty is the latest report of i.m.f. prognosis that is going to be all one hundred eighty nine so what is the success of these missiles will germany. germany is again one of those key people trying to help here because he hasn't put forth any new measures to help your country it says it's going to try and help regain investor confidence but it's so again it's its words how can those words be turned into real practical help and a real confidence boost that actually means something to get your country turned around you confident they can do anything at this stage. where you just imagine that for the first time the government has reported taxation to people that they are below the poverty line how are they going to pay this new taxation it's completely hopeless and i think if all of this policy mix that is wrong is this
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a neo liberalism a fundamentalist movie. affix a given market i don't think that this is going to work as you could not working out and i think we need a completely new set of policies so what you think about these two trillion dollar latest euro zone package that talking about putting your way putting your country's way does that bring any confidence to told us that bring any cheer or don't you think that's going to work either. time. or in about a very skew of our economy the first the worst in may of two thousand and ten the fairest imposition of the plan of the troika then we july again i knew a rescue plan you know where he had an idea about a piece rescue plan i don't think that people cast any more confidence. kind of plans i think that what we are trying to do is just weisel
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a pass to avoid i kind of domino effect to the other e.u. countries that are going to try to grow our economy. just one final one language you see i mean we were talking about the two trillion package there was a pub part of it was that your country we're going to go if this doesn't work where do you see your country heading off where is greece going to go within the next twelve months you think. well here's not an easy way out for greece. but i think that given our default but at the fault decided to buy. government it's not just imposed to us by therefore in the end this would be a better solution because people know. that's over in our government cannot cannot follow its own policy it's just following the guidelines because the blast. as i told you before have proven to be fruitless just because of sacrifices without
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any hope of worry out george we could have the programs like george cut through the last lawyer and constitutional law professor joining us from athens there thank you . folks in syria now and government troops there reportedly stormed the key opposition town after pounding in overnight we have a machine gun fire russia's foreign ministers reiterated the talks are the solution for peace not more western sanctions he's also been addressing the u.n. general assembly in new york and in a situation is there. wrapping up his visit to the united nations general assembly session here in new york the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov has addressed the united nations general assembly with a speech touching up on many different subjects that are most burning for the international community and syria was certainly at the top of that list and one of the most important points he needed regarding syria was that it's key to let the government and the opposition try to carry out talks to let them talk before any intervention from the outside world takes takes place he has said that the
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government should be given the opportunity to carry out the reforms that they promised and you know the international community should refrain from taking any action until this opportunities given to let syria deal with its own issues to avoid to stabilizing the region even further because he brought up the latest example of libya he reiterated that russia really believes that russia stands against the use of any kind of force against innocent civilians and libya's example has unfortunately showed that actions from the outside world really should take place within the scope of the international war and calling behind us so can hurt innocent civilians so russia is really speaking out against america's approach to call for the syrian president to step down and for sanctions to be implemented at the security council and it will governments but we cannot support the projects that is being pushed through by western countries and it is among other things to do with the libyan experience. the next try to use how have you calculated your
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next steps the answer we get is that we haven't thought about it yet with president assad needs to go we need to drive him into a corner with sanctions should go first and then we'll see you very soon i believe not very reliable strategy if it could be called a strategy we know that the united states and the european union have implemented unilateral sanctions against syria and have been calling within the united nations security council for the international community include. russia of course could join in but it's been made very clear that russia would not support a resolution against syria until syria is actually given a chance to work some of these things out to many different issues were certainly addressed but all eyes have been on palestine here in new york at the united nations general assembly and the russian foreign minister has reiterated russia's position really that it supports palestine's official bid for statehood within the united nations security council and within the united nations and he has welcomed expressed russia's welcome feeling for palestine's wish to participate in further
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negotiations with negotiations with israel as a that we know have been stalled and of course to give our viewers a bit of a background like we've been reporting it's been a mean sort of issue of. hard work behind closed doors the united states has been really working hard to try to prevent palestine from placing this official bid to the security council the palestinian leader mahmoud abbas did go ahead with this and this is something that the united nations security council will officially be considering come wednesday. still to come on r t why immigrants in britain are doing a good job forum what is the soaking up ninety percent of vacancies there in the country's bleak employment market good report on the way about that. my way or the highway tough words from russia's president as he gives the finance minister his marching orders so vital military money is not up for discussion and anyone who thinks differently can also go.
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seven kosovan serbs have been injured in an exchange of fire between protesters and nato peacekeepers a disputed border crossing locals play in the alliances troops for the shooting but nato says it's responded only with rubber bullets and tear gas in self-defense of the kosovo serbs attack the checkpoint tension that increased in august when course of the police seized two border crossings in order to impose a ban on imports from serbia sort of belgrade no show and get the views of serving canadian documentary makers forests ski poorest thanks for being on the program tonight is this cross border trade dispute threatening to descend into something far worse do you think. well at this point it's very important for all sides to refrain from using violence which the serbs have done but but key for troops have resorted to violence by firing. rubber bullets and tear gas at the serbs eventually real bullets into the serbs and blood has been shed north coast of the german people as soldiers are putting barbed wires around entire serb communities and the
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last time we saw german soldiers pretty barbed wire around communities was in world war two. let me just let me just get this straight in my head what did you say that i'm not saying i was saying that they fired rubber bullets first thing differently . now nato has fired rubber bullets and. four soldiers did. this this was done to try to get the serbs to leave from the barricades which they have imposed on. these called border crossings the really administrative border crossings and. this is this is something that is. the situation over there with. soldiers trying to isolate the community and turning essentially into a ghetto. is nato will proceed as part of the problem there. well it's a good question who polices the police. in this uni polar world the serbs are hoping
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that somebody will come to the aid because nato at this point is not really contributing to a peaceful resolution of the problems over there nido is simply pushing ahead with its interests in with calls which are mainly konami. we've already seen armed conflict albeit with rubber bullets you think the situation is going to get worse was this an isolated incident again i'll put that to you just really want to get your thoughts on it because your closer to the action it. well it's hard to say whether the situation will get worse but nato has. refrained from using force when it needed to push for its interest in that sense ever since the needle bombing of serbia in one thousand and nine and these conflicts are showing that they don't really care what was going to happen to the serbian civilians are unarmed civilians in kosovo that they are going to push ahead no matter what while the serbs on the other hand are fighting for their bare existence and they have no choice but to
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continue pushing forward to have the right to remain where they have lived for centuries i guess depending on which side of the fence you're on which says. you know what your opinion is only the one i guess both corso and serbia need to resolve their issues before either can try and move forward with plans like for the recognition or you membership since august both of them seem to step back no. well first of all they could differentiate of course it was serbian there is a difference that is how people here perceive it but the gallery in pristina governments are trying to establish so-called good relations and this is a prerequisite for joining european and the european union and this is definitely a step backward but on the other hand ever since this requirement has been imposed to to start with good relations it is in the sense that serbia should accept everything that the international community thinks is
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a porton in regards to the course or while the council beans are getting more of a free ride but both sides should should really think about where this is going and try to solve things in a peaceful way because people here really need the peace we've had enough of war we just want to peacefully but if the international community is supporting just one side it's very hard to reach a reasonable agreement ok serbian canadian documentary maker. thanks ever so much for taking the time and to be on the programs appreciate. jobs in the u.k. getting fewer and fewer it seems the vacancies are there but that being swept up by no one brits immigration immigrants scooping up a whopping ninety percent of positions we found that either better reports. jaymes amongst the growing ranks of unemployed he's been trying to find a job in social housing since many competitions fears that for the six agencies now working for each job so you just find that you know looks like is about for you
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they will get short listed of it as look at salaries slightly less and are maybe going to go to college and maybe do some parts on unemployment snow it eight percent the highest for fifteen years but no matter how hard jamie tries the odds are stacked against him job centers like this one helped fill one hundred eighty thousand new vacancies in the last twelve months but only eight percent of those went to british workers at foreign nationals more successful in the job market nine times out of ten reversing that trend was a key election pledge of a new government promising to slash immigration but a year on it's only increased and it migration was nearly a quarter of a million last year up to twenty percent on two thousand and nine and britain second biggest annual total ever way off the government's five figure target i think we're probably over promising given the restrictions that they face it didn't
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make sense to bring the number down to an arbitrary level we've been having a more honest debate about the limits on what they could do you the government claims its target can be met by capping normally you immigration but that ignores how most are coming from within the e.u. we're restrictions don't apply entry numbers for eastern europeans rose by eight times in the last year alone is they continue to cash in on the open borders it's unlikely that a cut of the measures are announced will be about target and might come close but it is unlikely to refer to measures are necessary for others the problem lies at home pretty patel's an m.p. and from an immigrant family herself she knows what it take. to succeed here but says most don't i go back to thirty forty years ago and you seen immigrants come to this country what they wanted to is they want to work hard and get on in life they really do they got families think about it such exception you know when you days
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gone past three separate tremendous british work ethic in this country we really did i think we did it to be lost some of that was it was easy to see that at the job center where most i'm it were migrant workers the problem is that a lot of the place here but i got used to not there in the minimum paid jobs in the low paid work so they need to be forced into taking these jobs the government claims it's now doing just that it says we are reforming the world system to ensure that we in the benefit dependency which is trap so many people and finally ensure work pays but it was the long term unemployed can be forced to look for jobs there's no guarantee they'll get them coming back to their immigration promises the government simply can't keep either bennett r.t. london. so he said that whoever disagrees with presidential policy should look for another job which is exactly what happened to the now former finance minister who
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said on monday alexei kudrin said he could work under a new government if the advent of became prime minister in a future reshuffle at the top of his people over takes up the story. well since president medvedev came to power there were certain areas of the country ditties earmarked for spending in improvement things like improvements to the prisons and the armed forces now some of these spending policies as appears to have been in disagreement towards alexy couldn't force and that's why he lost his job on monday now president dmitri medvedev is on tuesday mostly defended his spending policies saying this defense spending in particular is crucial to the development of russia when you more from a way to say we can do without defense spending and this spending should be worthy of russia we're not some banana republic we are a big country a permanent member of the un security council and we have nuclear weapons that's why an increase in spending for the defense budget arms and salaries for military personnel will be the government's top priority and whoever disagrees with that can
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work out what is the worst and with that i will be the warmest well couldn't clearly did disagree with that and now he will be looking for work elsewhere this all really came to a head the catalyst for it being the announcement to flatter me of putin will run for the presidency in twenty twelve and that he would put forward to me to midgette of his his prime minister this couldn't to say they'd see couldn't work with. to be treated as was prime minister due to spending policies may get have been turn issued an ultimatum to could in saying i think get on board or get cells intending your resignation didn't come and he was dismissed from his post late last night after eleven years. cross the relevance of our story to r.t. dot com including the actual frost exchange as well through the president of a man who was his treasury chief also online because the stories to feed the kalashnikov rifle proposed to bite the bullet as russia's defense ministry decides the country's most iconic weapon is outdated. and moscow's in
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a mood to move this is internet sensation dancing mat video showing performing is getting around the world. now is russia's capital to get the most votes on their feet watch them get it online along with all the other videos reporters will of course and our teeth on. world news this hour powerful typhoon struck the philippines bringing monsoon rains and strong winds that have flooded parts of the capital at least sixty people including children have died in the storms which are forced businesses to close as well as disrupting air travel and power supplies over one hundred thousand people been evacuated from the worst affected areas so far the typhoon is expected to move across the country before reaching southern china on thursday. meanwhile in china to subway trains have collided in shanghai look at those pictures feared minutes injured more than two hundred seventy people but one of the city's newest lines of one train slammed into the back of another as a result a technical fault
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a similar collision between two high speed overgrown trains in eastern china killed forty people you may recall in july provoking public anger about safety standards so did other pictures that were illustrate that story for you it's not exactly twenty four minutes past eight o'clock at night in sports here from moscow in about twenty minutes time eunice got the latest from the champions league with c.s.k. moscow are attempting to put a dent in similar title hopes but it's business we're talking next with here. hello and a very welcome tree of business our daves a temporary fix has been made to the russian government following the firing of aleksey kudrin us finance minister on monday what about put in has appointed could run step or two until it soon as the new acting finance minister while first deputy prime minister will report to the cabinet on economic issues the prime minister gave no indication how long the interim arrangement might last distrust both
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appointments have been approved by president but if hoosac could run full public disagreement between the two men to meet you. world's biggest drinks maker coca-cola is planning to invest three billion dollars into russia's economy by twenty sixteen that's as much as it spent over the last twenty years speaking exclusively to our to the company's president can't explain where the money will go . given that camile actual central bank is very likely to keep presence on the market so. therefore that central bank will try to push huge you know flexible chiefly because it now most likely it seems that central bank will continue as they call it destiny is a small one. will last we can't. so i would expect the put them to contain developing the fundamental ruble in my view is fairly priced on the oil
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prices a lot of that will be but it's all question about whether world prices then let them be cured or. apologises that was all got a lot of your idea of how where we're going to go and the interview with a little bit later in the program turning to all now it's being supported by speculation the european central bank may alleviate the region's sovereign debt crisis boosting growth and fuel demond might just currently trading at eighty four dollars a barrel while branches at under one hundred seven dollars. got stocks are rising extending the previous sessions as inverts just hope that european policymakers are moving closer to a plan to avoid a massive solvent that. markets in europe have posted strong gains on tuesday sentiment it was supported by speculation that euro zone leaders will take steps to beef up the bailout fund german commerzbank sought eleven percent and georgia bank
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was just a bit behind under a law signed on the rise. in russia the markets rallied in cheers to despite the resignation of the country's finance minister the artist added over four percent and that my it's was up to and helps and let's have a look at some of the individual shares moves in the might sixth energy stocks were on the rise in mid stream of courage gauge one and a half percent among my list gold metal gauge two percent as precious metals advanced in other sectors ever fought was among the main gainers three and a half percent after it for four to twenty fold increase its net profit for the first time here therefore also assess its considering listing in dublin and new york mark rylance time for much of the day straight for us. the sentiment is growing that this market is oversold and that there. european
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authorities are to the point where they will be forced to come up with. their decisive measures. despite the fact that they might not have the whole agreement within the eurozone but blog and so forth so i think the expectation is that there's some meaningful action will come up from the and next e.c.b. meeting next thursday the expectations of that are rising and i think the markets starting to react to that but again that's number two number one this market was plainly always told and i think a lot of mystery sort of to get a picture needed to pick up something great names here. resign from the triple life see wrapping up the day straight for us for most for as such i call website archie dot com slash business son joining us for another business update on less than one us time.
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