tv [untitled] September 27, 2011 3:01pm-3:31pm EDT
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and the measures are needed to secure the next vital bailout installment prime minister george papandreou is in germany to convince its main lender the greece is on the right track to reduce its crippling debt sarah ferguson athens for us. shaven on the scale syntagma square tonight thousands upon thousands of people have turned out the parliament discussing the property tax is pretty extremely. country you can see the tension levels rising again the people john take their extremely invasive as we've already seen the riot police moving in there you can see poses a war sure the moment being dry and certainly if else like her piece what we saw in the summer when those processes. and sadly we saw the violence nothe sunday evening we source everything happened on syntagma it's been a struggle here to get the situation under control for the first time in this country you're seeing people below the poverty line being taxed they simply don't have that money and they're calling on eurozone leaders now to be realistic the
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talk is certainly turning to that as a greek default analysts here have said to us at the really is a case of how that happens whether it's a controls to focus on greece's turns over the e.u. leaders will again play by their rules and for that benefit really that the greek prime minister george patton jay has been having meetings today in berlin he said he thought the country could get out of this crisis and we had the german chancellor saying much the same thing that people have grown extremely skeptical about this rhetoric you only have to look at the numbers that are turning out and i can tell you it is a tense situation we've got a standoff once again between the riot police and the protesters say we've already seen some bottles being thrown everyone hyping that the situation doesn't once again descend into violence like we've seen happen before but unfortunately that is the level of anger today amongst the greek people people who we've been speaking to
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saying they can't a full day rent they can't afford to support their families the visa applications the greeks wanting to now leave the pros has risen dramatically as unemployment has . limited extremely volatile situation there and then please fed up with what they see as a complete and utter so why did nothing between what the people are asking for and what the e.u. lead to. the usa needed at the moment a still as yet to decide on whether to provide that eight billion a year a cash injection that we say desperately needs is still that potentially they will be approving that because they don't want to see greece acting the year is saying if greece leaves then anyone can leave and that really what many see beset with spell the end of the year is a altogether but a situation at the moment really on the brink everyone dreamily tell me i'd happy with what has been happening in the country. but you've repeated there by our
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correspondent sara firth in athens let's now bring into the conversation economic analyst an international lawyer next crackers nic very good evening thanks for being on our to international as usual as we heard so graphic you heard the greeks again tonight the key point rally and we're seeing more clashes more public anger about the government still going on course pressing on with those cuts to the politicians in athens to think of any alternative to this in order to try to spare at least the poorest who are going to suffer so much here julia really aren't that many good choice at the moment for greece and the political system knows that many of the protesters that are there who you see that are very unhappy have a very good legitimate cause us to be and it's not just the poll says it's a day in history it's the last forty years that have been a bit of a disaster really. in terms of how reflective the political will is these days of the will of the people well eighty percent of the people do want to stay in the euro in greece you know you can't do that without. coming to some accord with your
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lenders. so how are you going to do that tax cuts tax hikes and more spending cuts are the way forward. unfortunately this is what the troika of lenders demand from us and it's a very one sided bargain i think they have been pushing greece and greeks shots too far and i think it may result in a bit of a detriment because the more you say acts and the more you destroy the economy the worse of these and the harder it is to repay you i think the only good news that we really got today out of the seven billion package announced by the finance minister of the museum was is that he hopes he hopes that by the end of next year we will have reached primary surpluses which means basically we've got more revenues than expenditures and we can start seriously pain down debt during that time in that time focusing i had to do you think you'll still be using the euro in your country in a year's time i have no question that if the euros around we will still be using it
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i'm not altogether convinced that the euro will be around forever in its current form it needs deep institutional changes. have been avoided for far too long we have a very divided eurozone leadership at the moment there's a lot of delivering there's a lot of conflict i think that they would be very unwise to even suggest that we believe because quite frankly they can force us to leave and so i think it will be around and it sets a very dangerous present for them if greece leaves and succeeds yes it will also be a mix yeah i mean how desperate are the eurozone leaders to make sure the do stay within i think particularly about germany one of your main countries helping to bail you out well i don't think that the germans are the ones that are most worried about us being in the euro zone i think it's a lot of e.u. leaders that are worried about their own secure the banking system now if these
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rumors about a fifty percent haircut were to eventuate and i'm very much doubt that you would be not only wiping out the greek banks and greek pension funds you would also be damaging very. many french italian belgian u.k. banks you name it ok some of the german banks have also loaded more greek securities to the e.c.b. the now has been not particularly really experienced either so it's in no one's interest stage that a messy collapse that goes or even the eurozone exist ok looks like it's thanks for your thoughts economic analyst international lawyer as you are very much in the thick of it there in athens as well thanks very much. you from syrian government troops there reportedly storm to kill opposition turn after pounding it overnight with heavy machine gun fire russia's foreign ministers reiterated the talks are the solution for peace not more western sanctions he's also been addressing the e.u. general assembly new york from where our teams in this to sit in a report. wrapping up his visit to the united nations general assembly session here
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in new york the russian foreign minister sergey lavrov has addressed the united nations general assembly with a speech touching up on many different subjects that are most warning for the international community and syria was certainly at the top of that list and one of the most important points he made regarding syria was that it's key to let the government and the opposition try to carry out talks let them talk before any intervention from the outside world take takes place he has said that the government should be given the opportunity to carry out the reforms that they promised and you know the international community should refrain from taking any action until this opportunities given to let syria deal with its own issues to avoid establishing the region even further because he brought up the latest example of libya and he reiterated that russia really believes that russia stands against the use of any kind of force against innocent civilians and libya's example has unfortunately showed that actions from the outside world really should take place
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within the scope of the international war and behind the scope can hurt innocent civilians so russia is really speaking out against america's approach to call for the syrian president to step down and for sanctions to be implemented at the security council when it was a difference but we cannot support the projects that is being pushed through by western countries and it is among other things to do with the libyan experience we will do next try to use how have you calculated your next steps the answer we get is that we haven't thought about it yet but president assad needs to go we need to draw you into a corner with sanctions you should go first and then we'll see it's a very simple i believe not very reliable strategy if it could be called a strategy we know that the united states and the european union have implemented unilateral sanctions against syria and have been calling within the united nations security council for the international community including. russia of course to
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join in but it's it's been made very clear that russia would not support a resolution against syria until syria is actually given a chance to work some of these things out to many different issues were certainly addressed but all eyes have been on palestine here in new york at the united nations general assembly and the russian foreign minister has reiterated russia's position really that it's supports palestine's official bid for statehood within the united nations security council and within the united nations and he has welcomed expressed russia's welcome feeling for palestine's wish to participate in further negotiations with negotiations with israel as that we know have been stalled and of course is to give our viewers a bit of a background like we've been reporting it's been a mean sort of issue of. hard work behind closed doors the united states has been really working hard to try to prevent palestine from placing this official bid to the security council the palestinian leader mahmoud abbas did go ahead with this and this is something that the united nations security council will officially be considering calm wednesday in
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a situation of the new york for us israel's give the go ahead to building eleven hundred homes in the disputed area of east jerusalem the reacted by side with decision should be reversed it's likely to further complicate relations with the palestinians on the frozen middle east peace talks the mideast quartet have given israel and the palestinians until the end of twenty twelve to reach agreement. founded the israeli committee against house demolitions told me that israel doesn't need talks so long as he's got support from his big. basically. israel has created facts on the ground over the last forty four years then of really made made its occupation irreversible i mean you've got half a million israelis more than half a million living in the occupied territories so that if i can't possibly see how negotiations are going to end israel's occupation i don't see any pressures to get a half a million people out and i think that's what abbas is saying negotiations are useless
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either you get out of our territory period or they or there's no point in going on with the process i don't think israel has anything to worry about from its point of view there are three countries that matter the other hundred ninety are irrelevant the three countries are the united states britain and germany as long as they're behind israel's policies or at least even if they criticize as long as they prevent saying sions and provide this umbrella for israel israel is something to worry about who's going to saying that who's going to force it to get out who's going to put pressures on israel. still to come on r t y m a grid sig written a doing a good job for homework as a soaking up to ninety percent of vacancies in the country's bleak employment market we've got a full report coming up for you. my way or the highway tough words from russia's president as he gives the finance minister is marching orders saying vital military money is not up for discussion and anyone who thinks differently could
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also go now. next seven kosovan serbs have been injured in an exchange of five between protesters and they took peacekeepers of the disputed border crossing locals playing the alliance's troops but nato says it responded only with rubber bullets and tear gas in self-defense off the course of. the attack the checkpoint well emotions been running high since august when kaufman police seized two border crossings in a trade dispute with. a local documentary maker told me that one sided nato is forcing serbia to accept its terms. this is something that is escalating the situation over there with german soldiers trying to isolate the community and turn it essentially into a ghetto in this you know uni polar world the serbs are hoping that somebody will come to the aid because nato at this point is not really contributing to a peaceful resolution of the problems over there and nato is simply pushing ahead with its interests in north korea which are mainly konami it's hard to say whether
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the situation will get worse but nato has not refrain from using force when it needed to push for its interest it does have blood in its sense ever since the neato bombing of serbia in one thousand nine hundred nine and these conflicts are showing that they don't really care what was going to happen to the serbian civilians are unarmed civilians in kosovo that they are going to push ahead no matter what while the serbs on the other hand are fighting for their bare existence and they have no choice but to continue pushing forward to have the right to remain where they have lived for centuries the bellary in pristina governments are trying to establish so-called good relations and this is a prerequisite for joining european and the european union and this is definitely a step backward but on the other hand ever since this requirement has been imposed to to establish good relations it is been more in the sense that serbia should
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accept everything that the international community thinks is a porton in regards to kosovo while the course all beings are getting more of a free ride but if the international community is supporting just one side it's very hard to reach a reasonable agreement jobs in the united kingdom getting fewer and fewer and it seems the vacancies that are there are being swept up by non brits immigrants scooping up a whopping ninety percent of positions bennett reports. jaymes amongst the growing ranks of unemployed he's been trying to find a job in social housing since many competitions fears that father six agencies now working for each job so you just find that you know looks like is about for you they will get short listed of it as look at salaries slightly less you know maybe going to go back to college and maybe do some parts on unemployment's now it eight percent the highest for fifteen years but no matter how hard jamie tries the odds
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are stacked against him job centers like this one helped fill one hundred eighty thousand new vacancies in the last twelve months but only eight percent of those went to british workers with foreign nationals more successful in the job market nine times out of ten reversing that trend was a key election pledge of the new government promising to slash immigration but a year on it's only increased migration was nearly a quarter of a million last year up twenty percent on two thousand and nine and britain second biggest annual total ever way off the government's five figure target i think we're probably over promising given the restrictions that they face it didn't make sense to promise to bring the number down to an arbitrary level we initially been having a more honest debate with the public about the limits on what they could do the government claims its target can be met by capping nor e.u. immigration but that ignores how most are coming from within the e.u.
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they are restrictions don't apply entry numbers for eastern europeans by eight times in the last year alone as they continue to cash in on the open borders it's unlikely that a top of the measures are announced will meet that target and might come close but it is unlikely to me to refer to measures are necessary for others the problem lies at home pretty patel's an m.p. and from an immigrant family herself she knows what it takes. to succeed here but says most don't i go back to thirty forty years ago and you've seen immigrants come to this country what they wanted to is they want to work hard and get on in life they really do that all families think about except she said sure you don't you days gone past two years have a tremendous british work ethic in this country we really did i think we'd be fit to be lost some of that was it was easy to see that at the job center where most i'm it were migrant workers the problem is that a lot of the bit hasty when they got used to not doing the minimum paid jobs and
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the low paid work so they need to be forced into taking these jobs the government claims it's now doing just that it says we are reforming the welfare system to ensure that we end the benefit dependency which is trap so many people and finally ensure work pays but once the long term unemployed can be forced to look for jobs there's no guarantee they'll get them coming back to their immigration promise the government simply can't keep either bennett r.t. london. here to me to envelop asserted that whoever disagrees with presidential policy should look for another job which is exactly what happened to the now former finance minister who was sacked on monday alexa code and said he couldn't work under a new government if would vote of became prime minister in any future reshuffle at the top peter oliver takes up the story. well since president medvedev came to power there were certain areas of the country ditties earmarked for spending in
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improvement things like improvements in the prisons the armed forces now some of the spending policies as appears to have been in disagreement towards alexy could in thoughts and that's why he lost his job on monday president dmitri medvedev has on tuesday possibly defended his spending policies saying at the defense spending in particular was crucial to the development of russia when you more from a way to use we can do without a different spending and the spending should be worthy of russia. we're not some banana republic we're a big country a permanent member of the un security council and we have nuclear weapons that's why an increase in spending for the defense budget arms and salaries for military personnel will be the government's top priority and whoever disagrees with that can work elsewhere probably but will missed well could really clearly did disagree with that and now he will be looking for work elsewhere this all really came to a head the catalyst for it being the announcement deflated me of putin will run for
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the presidency in twenty twelve and that he would put forward dimitri midgette as his prime minister so this could in to say see couldn't work wish. to be treated as i was prime minister g two spending policies debt is in turn issued an ultimatum to could in saying i think get on board or get celtic intend be a resignation that didn't come and he was dismissed from his post late last night after eleven years peter all of a correspondent there came across developments on that story at r.t. dot com including the actual frosty exchange between the president of the man who was his treasury chief we've got the footage online if you would r.t. dot com also online tonight the kalashnikov rifle proposed by the ball it is russia's defense ministry the size of the country's most iconic weapon. and moscow's in a mood to move this is internet sensation dancing mat videos show him performing as jigger around the world now he's in russian capital getting muscovites on their feet as we go watch them getting down by getting online and you can catch all our
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videos at the same time of course i am appalled at r.t. dot com. gives prosecutor wants former ukrainian prime minister yulia timoshenko behind bars for seven years the iron lady of ukraine's politics is on trial for abusing her power of a gas deals with russia which allegedly lost millions of dollars something she denies thousands of her supporters have been rallying outside the court in kiev from where alexia jeff ski reports many say that big. court hearings are entering their final stage with debates in court to take place within the next several weeks and we are expecting some kind of verdict to be delivered within the next several weeks how experts are speculating said what that verdict will be some say that you may get by still get a prison sentence of up to seven years for the economic crimes she is being accused of and that will automatically take her out of the presidential race in twenty fifteen and of course will also rule her out of the parliamentary complaint due to
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be held in the autumn next here you go to a check was being accused of several economic crimes one of them is unlawful gas deals with russia in two thousand and nine at the same time as moscow is adamant that those gas agreements were signed in full accordance with the international legislation and thus they must be fulfilled but still they're being revised and that is being something which is being speculated by the two countries governments had their moments of supporters of future shango and those against her are being stationed at the main street in kiev the street in front of the court building for several months now and they're still here with course expecting their presence to. to multiply within the next several weeks and tensions will most likely be rising and of course we'll be keeping our focus on this case a movie bringing the late dizzy tales torches us as soon as we get them we want to do to correspond of the legs here if see there more world news in brief now this
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hour opening statements are underway in the california trial of dr conrad murray who's charged with the involuntary manslaughter of legend michael jackson it's claimed dr murray administered a lethal dose of sedatives to jackson causing his fatal overdose in two thousand and nine mari's pleaded not guilty insisting he didn't administer anything that could have killed jackson. a roadside bomb in afghanistan killed sixteen members of a family including eleven children they're on their way back from an engagement party when their vehicle was struck at the province the explosion was just hours after a separate assault in the south of the country five died and dozens were injured when a suicide car bomber targeted police in a city where security was handed over to afghan forces two months ago. powerful typhoon yes it struck the philippines bringing monsoon rains and strong winds that are flooded parts of the capital at least sixteen people including children have died in the storms would you force businesses to close as well as disrupting air
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travel and power supplies over one hundred thousand people have been evacuated from the worst affected areas the thai food expected to move across the country before reaching southern china on thursday or. so level twenty four pm here in moscow in rome and five minutes or so tonight the kurds report on their fear telling is something wall street would rather you didn't know usual first yulia brings us up to date with the business news from moscow. thanks kevin that's right time to delve into the world of business and a temporary fix has been made to the russian government following the firing of alexa could try less finance minister on monday but about putin has a point it could turn step but she until until one of the first a new acting finance minister while first deputy prime minister he could shove all of the report to the cabinet on economic issues the prime minister gave no indication how long the interim arrangement might last his trance both appointments
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have been approved by president but that if that could turn following a public disagreement between the two men. world's biggest soft drinks maker coca-cola is planning to invest three billion dollars into russia's economy by twenty sixteen that says much as it spent over the last twenty years speaking exclusively to our t. the company's president walked out of kent explains where the money will go. that's going to be investments in more production more distribution more marketing more branding more communication more support of our customers where we have seen opportunity in russia we have made some with visions like move to and like we've done. so those are complementary to our business existing business we feel that our portfolio is very rich and we will be focused on organic growth in the next few years. let's have a look at the markets where our stocks are rising extending the previous sessions
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gains investors hope that european policymakers are moving closer to a plan to avoid a massive sovereign debt default. markets in europe have posted strong gains on tuesday sentiment was supported by speculation that euro zone leaders will take steps to beef up the bailout fund. or to live an unhealthy sound at the close and deutsche bank was just a bit behind under eleven percent on the rise. in russia the markets rallied on tuesday despite the resignation of the country's finance minister they are over four percent under my six was up two and a half percent so i have a check on some of the individual share moves in the my six energy stocks on the rise amid stronger courage book will gain one and a half cent among minus pull the metal gains two percent as precious metals advanced and another such as airport was among the main gave us three and a half percent wanted a twenty fold increase net profit for the first time for the year therefore also
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angry crowds gather in athens as politicians highly unpopular property tax cuts. tries to convince germany's leaders and business is that another. country avoid bankruptcy. government forces reportedly stalled a key opposition town in syria pounding it overnight with heavy machine guns moscow's calling on both sides to enter talks to stop the violence while rejecting western sanctions and avoiding a repeat of the libyan. violence flares up between breakaway. of the disputed border crossing an exchange of fire between protesters and nato peacekeepers.
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