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tv   [untitled]    September 27, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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the statistics. canada. where did it take. my family alone to show where i get the real headlines with none of them or see or three live in washington d.c. that's not really asking what this country needs is less democracy as a feature or zags aside it is the only solution to our forever polarized congress just give them less power because that actually work we're going to hash out with james poulos then occupy wall street is still going strong in fact the ranks of replenishments this past weekend was the mainstream media still completely missing the message here we're going to speak to sam seeder and more of a debate over internet and on the many one writer argues that the first amendment
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doesn't guarantee it or that the wrong approach to a very serious question in our internet age would have all that and more fear not including a dose of happy hour but first take a look at the mainstream media has decided to make its. art so i get it we have a presidential election coming up next year so obviously obviously there is a lot of election coverage especially when there are g.o.p. debates and we actually get a glimpse as to how these people compared one another where they stand on the issues what issues they are completely clueless about like you know foreign policy but anyway some of the coverage is necessary all the time nonstop coverage on non-stories i would say not so take a look at what was all the mainstream media rage this morning. president obama is in full campaign mode as he wraps up his western swing today though is that out of the race but he is in the spotlight once again we're talking about new jersey
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governor chris christie plus that the president went to hollywood headlining a fundraiser at the house of blues yeah a big speech for christie tonight where the reagan presidential library in california the life of excitement for mitt romney and the lack of ability from rick perry is giving republican donors more reason to plead governor christie to fill the g.o.p. void. our word wave beginning here let's start off with one basic fact chris christie is not running for president he said a million times and i know that people aren't satisfied the current candidates out there but he is a really big support group a lot of people who would like to see him give the office of presidency a shot but he's not going to as he keeps repeating but i mean three of you just can't help but try to make a story out of it and act like there are new hopes you know it's not happening stop fabricating a political story just because you have nothing better to talk about i mean really people it's just pathetic then and there is the hoopla over president obama's fundraisers in california because they are support that he gets from hollywood
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because let's face it hollywood is liberal when it comes to getting the support from the tough crowd the industry giants like google and facebook that's were actually could get interesting but it could get interesting because if they do support him then you can follow the money trail then you can judge his policies the legislation that of his administration of holds based on who he is and isn't lobbying for it and based on the cozy relationships that he may have but that kind of analysis with the mainstream media and forget about it they just like it because there are a lot of celebrities and there are cameras around and there's something flashy you know that they're on it but here's the greater problem with both of those non-stories and with the obsession over that forget about what pundits want and which ones want chris christie to run which celebrity wants to put his money in obama's pocket what about average americans you know the majority of the population that doesn't get any of the perks of being about. of the rich and famous or just plain eerily powerful elite the majority of the population is affected by the policies and nafta and by this administration and by congress as
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a whole the fifty million people who are unemployed and middle class that holds the burden of paying more taxes on the wealthy those living in poverty and whose programs are being cut and there is a serious out of frustration and anger in this country towards washington take the latest gallup poll that shows that a record eighty one percent of americans dislike the government now that's not just the president it's not just one party or the other that is all of the government the whole thing that is the biggest story of this election if you ask me americans freaking hate everybody involved in this election that's a story of the mainstream media should be covering instead of focusing on who said what today who held a fundraiser where those are representative of the bigger picture but we all know the corporate media they live in a tiny little bubble the only covers d.c. new york and occasionally hollywood but the rest of it the record breaking of dissatisfaction with that they choose to miss.
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now speaking of the fact the latest gallup poll shows that eighty one percent of americans really hate our government right now let's look at one proposition to make the government more functional. former office of management and budget chief for the obama administration has written an op ed entitled too much of a good thing why we need less democracy now the title here is clearly a catchy one but what he does is a little more nuanced or as i argues that our congress is paralyzed by gridlock apparels ation that's here to stay and so we could minimize the harm that that causes by relying more on automatic policies the politicized commissions for certain policy decisions what is actually needed and it means expanding automatic stabilisers having a progressive tax code unemployment insurance or linking the payroll tax holiday to the unemployment rate so it always acts words tax and spending provisions to automatically expand on the economy weakens thereby cushioning the blow and then automatically contract on the economy recovers thereby helping to reduce the
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deficit he also suggests more backstop rules things that actually take place if congress doesn't apps things like the trigger effect built into the recent debt deal and finally he calls for more independent institutions and more commissions but this is approach of putting more power into the hands of even fewer people really sound like a good idea to me to discuss this is james pulo supposed to the bottom line and reform school on p.t.v. james want to thank you so much for joining us tonight and i first want to start with you know what i think is a basic premise of. argument here is he's just saying that he thinks that congress is so incredibly paralyzed right now because of their polarization that's why they're paralyzed they can't act on anything and he thinks that it's here to stay so we have to make some kind of drastic measures we have to knock some kind of change because that's not going anywhere do you agree with that. well you think there's any evidence that supports the contention you know go back a few years and republicans were controlled both branches of congress and then the you know it's just in between then and now we've got democrats in control so these
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things we're only a handful and this is an example of one of missed usenet leaders the vice president of citi group in the city i'm not happy with what i wanted to write no i can't get it build therefore we need to throw away decades even centuries of political president to replace it with a system that favors my outcomes whatever out i want to arguing about the fact that congress is very polarized right now and you know i think that if you look at social issues if you look at the economy that's the thing where it seems like nothing can ever get done when it comes to budgeting these days you know we've seen the government almost shut down a number of times here i had they kind of just keep what you want to call it kicking the can down the road so what has pushed her into her it is while enjoying this very very simply politics with it but you know that bipartisanship is in a way just is not a problem as you call polarization and go back and look at all the murky piece of legislation that came down the pike in the past decade they tend to be bipartisan plans bipartisanship can cause justice which legislative function dysfunction in
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just a very bad outcomes from a certain political standpoint as well as asian can and so you know i'm not convinced the polarization is the problem number one there are two units that make certain things more difficult that's democracy that's representative more seed and number three that's the kind of thing that can change just in a matter of years and i can give a number of examples there when it comes to things that bipartisanship has done that have been detrimental like i don't know a lot of the war is a lot of the defense spending that keeps getting approved how about the patriot act and they just keep renewing those are always the areas where they seem to have this bipartisan consensus but let's try to break down some of or as i've ideas here and see if we might like any of those what do you think about the fact that we should have more of these more of these trigger effects the way that we see with our current get the old actually might force an action might force some compromise because if congress just doesn't do anything. if they sit around it belknap don't vote and something that no matter what something's going to cut well you know much uncertainty here in this is something that he brings up with
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a couple different examples he says look you look at the regulators do it and then clinics can opt out but all getting together and blocking the regulation or the president to richard besser it states that it's in the habit of saying well we're just an opt out of politics entirely we're not going to spend any of her time sort of thinking these issues through citizenship is passe you know it's not something we should bother with the one we outsource everything to washington and that number two we kind of turn off will die on our heads and tells us what it is that we should and shouldn't be thinking about that have had it then you know it is responsible regulators could turn into tomorrow's terrorists. well so then yeah if we go by his policy of also having worthy of independent institutions are independent commissions you know i one hand we've seen a number of commissions facing the obama administration's deficit reduction commission they came out with a plan and that just went to put nothing happened with it and sometimes it's a little frustrating because you wish that they might have more teeth and wish my people actually or people might actually take them into consideration but if we
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want more supreme courts he uses that argument as well in his piece here saying that the supreme court nine people that's a good example another one of these commissions we want more of small elite groups that are making all the decisions on their solutions and to try to new or disturb the supreme court is it is a branch of government that you find in the constitution right regulators are not a bridge of government if you know exists in the constitution that you're not constitutional authority congress can delegate away certain things makes portions from which you want congress to get away just because a certain sitting congress isn't getting the job done as far as i'm concerned or as far as you're concerned does it mean that we should rip into the close to shore she needs to start tearing up whatever is it before it one point that i think there's a series of says here is you know when he's talking about blocking legislation to tell you what presidents are signing away whatever is the regulators to the premise here and he says it's going to have peace is virtually all. that.
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much bigger deficit is the short term much smaller ones which are a little net result of hugely significant minority of congress who is different still operating sections and number two it leaves out the possibility which i think is more the possibility that we're second self is operating under basic political consequence right he's a political idea about what makes for the kind of culture you should give it is a political idea about what kind of produces the right kind of human solution to political ideas about how we should suffer during bad times and to pretend that he doesn't pretend that this is just a scientific consensus right goes he can farther than any supposin scientific consensus that people are always pretty. from the right. if you see that is bush will say to you surely. this is. you can move or to argue to do lives. now you're definitely right there has a political agenda he makes it very clear as to what he thinks the economic policies are that need to take place here but one of the things he also says he's
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not doing this you know supposedly he isn't coming up with these ideas and advocating for less democracy because he just feels so inspired by these solutions but because he feels so frustrated it's like you want to bang your head against a wall and just try to come up with any solution you know or try to throw everything at the wall and see what sticks do you think that's a good way to legislate i mean is that is that your rational to try to change the system in that sense or sometimes out of frustration do we see the most meaningful change revolution or perhaps. i suppose what is coming from the from the bottom up you see maybe it will change restoration when it comes from the top down it's usually at least frustrated that they're not getting their way and so as you know as or so you know suggest with a straight face is well we should just run around. and run citizenship and run right it was to show we should search through. this room by elites who are trustworthy great today you are saying it's morrow it might be the appointee of your political enemy great there's that it will you dig the more politics you find
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. not to mention i think of us to our side must have missed this latest gallup poll or the latest polls that we've seen over the last six eight months maybe even a year americans are to feel like they're in the lead group of people that run this country that's why eighty one percent of them disapprove of washington as a whole of their government as a whole both parties congress and the presidency and yet here he is suggesting quite the opposite so i guess maybe we could say it's just a little bit of part timing you know in his case to try to come up with these types of ideas because i don't think they're going to pretend to pretend it's only conservatives or something actually the right is responsible for this oh there's only we've got these new old nasty ignorant and serious knuckle draggers out of the way then we could share of selves into this utopian regulation it in you can get through to kill us and is there are rules for it or it doesn't work was. president citi group all right james thanks so much for joining us tonight everybody is at
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fault i have with you there thank you. now still to come tonight they say republicans wage war in women's reproductive rights this year but once they could take it even farther than everyone else ready to give the details we are trying and while the mainstream media continues to misunderstand the occupy wall street protests will have an update on the cause and spreading across the country back in just a moment. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right here. i think the bombings readable and one well. we never government says we're going to keep you safe get ready because you have the your freedom.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so please if you understand it and then he glimpse something else here sees some other part of it and realize that everything is ok if you don't know i'm trying hard welcomes a big picture. you just put a picture of me when i was like nine years old i like to tell the truth. i may confess and i am a total get of friends that i love crab and hip hop is sexy and pretty.
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but he was kind of the guest today. i'm very aware of the role of the agency which played. well the extreme nationwide movement to invade women's rights has hit yet another state planned parenthood has been pretty easy target on the federal level but groups across the country been working to enact laws to stop women from seeking abortions on a state level finding states to be an easier battleground a fight and win now one of the worst instances instances of anti-abortion legislation comes from the state of mississippi this november the personhood amendment is going to be on the ballot there this amendment is going to change the definition of personhood from beginning of birth to starting at the moment of fertilization so just let that sink in for
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a second the moment of fertilization how even when that happens you know if it passes it's going to make all abortions in this state illegal including those instances of rape or instance incest and many are already questioning if the wording of this bill would have an effect on birth control and in vitro fertilization as well mississippi as a state is already extremely hostile to women's reproductive rights for example there's only one planned parenthood in the entire state for the campaign to pass this personhood amendment a ballot question twenty six as in moving across the state for months check out this clip from a local c.b.s. affiliate. predicating the person who did it which is number twenty six on the ballot this fall the amendment decides who person is a human being it certainly is a sure abortion is based on one big lie it's not a person in the pictures worth a thousand years. and the bills game celebrity support from the american family association mike huckabee and even brett arv's wife however it's actually the brainchild of print activists lez riley has passed affiliations reported on by
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mother jones sees spearhead of the campaign called the conceived in rape tour which sounds insane but is about as extreme as other causes from the past riley's been a member of league of south an organization in favor of the south to seeing and becoming its own country built on biblical law he was also a blogger for a christian exodus a group that wanted to form a christian nation after america's lack of morality killed the empire so now we have a glimpse into this man's history the fact that he's gone as far as he has with this ballot measure it's quite frankly very scary and other states we were appalled when there was a talk of forcing women to view all of her cells listen to heartbeats of forgetting abortion but here mississippi is actually proposing that any type of fertilized egg a female no matter what the circumstance is protected under law and i for one hope the personhood amendment doesn't see the light of day but only time is going to help the people of mississippi feel the same way. a lot of my wall street protests that began on september seventeenth keep going this weekend hundreds more joined
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the movement some reports saying that was up to one thousand people and this weekend we also saw more than eighty people get arrested as well as the disturbing images of the n.y.p.d. getting violent but the case of one officer vicious after video appeared in locking up to a group of women who were out tepper spraying them and then walking away the the. the i'm the boss. and what the interactions between protesters and police heated up we finally saw the mainstream media begin to pay the movement any attention famous faces like michael moore and chris hedges also stopped by to pledge their support and now activists and cities across the u.s. are also joining in starting small movements where they are how much longer do you think is going to continue and what's the view like from the place of the protest
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earlier i caught up with fancy either host of the majority report out majority f.n. and co-host of ring of fire and he was there today in the crowded park but first i asked him to tell us what the scene was like how many people and was allude is like after all the arrest that happened this weekend. yeah it's pretty amazing actually there were hundreds of hundreds of people there who were part of approaches and hundreds more who were just checking out the protest in the mood is actually really great people are very excited when i was down there susan sarandon stopped by last night is you know well you know i'm michael moore was was in the park and there's a real sense that they're actually getting better at what they're doing they're they're getting more organized they're getting their message out and. they seem very determined to be there for the long haul how do you think they're getting their message out you know this is a moment that we've been covering here on our show since i first started i know
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that you've been talking about it the mainstream media not so much but of course after we thought of violence we saw police the typical you know if i believe that leads scenario then and now suddenly the mainstream media is all over the story but i felt feel like a lot of the coverage is based on the protesters their interactions their clashes with the cops less so than the message yeah i mean you know in many ways this is sort of something that's very difficult for the corporate media to cover because the jones have a singular message as of yet i mean they're they're organizing and they're developing a process in which to present one but i mean let's be honest if they had specific demands they would be ignored anyway and i think the real message that's coming out of this park is that there are a lot of people who are really upset with what's going on in this country in terms of the financial industry in terms of the accountability for them in terms of money in this country having an inordinate amount of political power and these people are
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expressing that they've had enough and so for a lot of these people that i spoke to this the process of our governance is what is really at the heart of the matter and that doesn't make for a very. a good person iker in so i think the media is has a has trouble both grasping what's going on there because there is no ready made prepackaged message for them and frankly i think they also they just discount the relevance of hundreds of people sleeping out and thousands of people protest and i wonder if it's because the media is just too connected with those people that are so far removed but i guess you could say the general population is because we do see a lot of populist anger right now towards washington towards wall street and get the same time i'm going to play you a clip here new york mayor michael bloomberg on meet the press this weekend we got a totally different perspective and he by the way originally started out by saying that new york would be open to these protesters they have the freedom of speech but
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then when it comes to actual policy making wall street pay listen to what he had to say. well because nobody has any confidence if you're a bank and you have money would you make a loan when people are talking about putting you in jail for what happened for the mortgage crisis three four years ago you hunker down. i can argue with great care yeah that student i mean it really is stunning i mean i don't know what they did it first of all but what banker responds to a business environment by what people are saying about them i mean it's just it's ludicrous the child knows it's not the way that business works the reason why the banks aren't alone in money is because a we don't have enough aggregate demand in the country either sitting on atomic cash because they expect things to get worse and they think that's going to be helpful and and look they're they're going out there are we still see the same type of mortgage fraud that has been taking place
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we still see the robo signing so you know michael bloomberg is really just carrying water for the talker seen in this country and to a large extent that's what people are protesting down in what they call the liberty square it and. they may not be as. studied and researched and know what they're naming necessarily but they know there's a real problem and i think bloomberg there are you know unwittingly described i mean the notion that these institutions which caused the financial meltdown are their feelings are hurt and that's why they're not loaning money is ludicrous. yeah their feelings are hurt they have this fake sense of fear as to possible prosecution which is i don't know where that's coming from because washington definitely isn't pushing in that direction and you know one of the things too is that we've seen this thread through other cities across the wrath of our cities are now trying to join in this occupy wall street movement with more protests going on here and there i wonder if that i've heard is that you know maybe they got too big
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with this protest maybe they should have started small started local or somewhere where they could actually have disrupted the happenings rather than just automatically going to last three or let's face it you just get carted off in a park what do you think about that well look you know. we went out there to check out the scene last friday and there were more people here on tuesday than there were on friday and certainly i'm not convinced that you can you can actually write the the real analysis of what's happening yes i think it is growing and. you know listen c.n.n. and c.n.n. dot com last week had a story that they were following and they were covering a whole bunch of tea partiers who will meet and this is not a joke we're meeting in a denny's in florida to come up with their own super committee now i'm sorry if a bunch of tea partiers are organizing in
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a jan eats presumably not to stay over night probably just for the birthday or whatever it is maybe lunch warrants coverage then certainly what's going on down there does you know when i spoke to these people there was not one of that suggested they were going to leave and so i'm fairly convinced that we're just at the beginning and it's not nothing yet. well i'm not but a lot of people you know are trying to say to including michael moore including chris hedges walking down and participated this weekend or going to see a lot of people here in washington october sixth now last thing you know we saw a lot of. violence without one cop this weekend who pepper sprayed a group of women that were corralled and i know it doesn't represent all of the n.y.p.d. but this happens to be want to cop it's had civil rights lawsuits there has been you know the target of them before in the past so how does that one seed reflect on the entire force out there after this weekend well you know i don't know i don't more important than just that it's one individual it was
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a supervisor in from everything that i've been hearing. the the the the cops on the street the blue guys wearing the blue shirt the women wearing the blue shirt to me while i was down there broadcasting this afternoon we saw a couple cops and were just walking through taking pictures of the people they wanted to get a glimpse of the susan sarandon they were talking to the protesters the protesters have pretty good relations with a lot of these cough because you got to remember you know a lot of these cops their houses in foreclosure in new york state around the country cops is pensions are under pressure and so i think you know a lot of this was coming more from supervisors and shame so i don't i don't know how this reflects on the n.y.p.d. as a whole but clearly. the message needs to be sent out in the mid-level management of the police department and you can control yourselves because the people seen that video it's fairly clear that there was no provocation for using. our
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examiner thank you so much for joining us tonight. my pleasure. now only returns night we have our tuesday to fill intel and then on line and on into the show reports to reveal our real names are on line for topic in just a moment if you're in sanchez research fellow at the institute i went. into it only when there were three mechanisms to do the work of how to bring justice or accountability. i have every right to know what my government should
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do if you want to know why i pay taxes. but i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so sleep you think you understand it and then a glimpse something else here see some other part of it and realize that everything is ok. i'm trying hard look at the big picture. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right here in the us. i think the beautiful and wonderful.


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