tv [untitled] September 27, 2011 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT
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hello i'm sorry they're washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture the instability among the global economic markets can be blamed on more than just the financial woes of greece but also stems from a mental disorder psychopath. thanks to his across the globe have gone mad trying to rip off the economy and one of the police officers seen pepper spraying innocent protesters in manhattan has been outed by a it was so even though the officer may have done wrong in his actions exposing him and his family to possible harm make it right.
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you need to know this markets around the world rallied today with the dow up one hundred forty six points but that's nonono calling concerns of a looming european debt crisis as the e.u. the european union and the international monetary fund desperately try to draft a rescue package to prevent greece from defaulting which could cause a global economic meltdown which is why in part heads around the world turned yesterday when the stock trader alessio. went on the b.b.c. and said this markets are rules right now but fear investors and the big money the smart money. funds the hedge funds big. situations
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they don't buy this rescue plan they basically they know the market is toast they know the stock market is finished the eurostar is a big concern but only care their movement money away safer then around had this warning for us and reveal who exactly is running the show in the global economy. i would say this to everybody who's watching this biz economic crisis it looks like a cancer if you just wait and wait thinking this is going to go away just like a cancer is going to grow and is going to lay what i would say to everybody is get prepared this is not a time right now to wishful thinking the government going to sort things out that governments don't rule the world goldman sachs rules the world goldman sachs does not care about this rescue package neither does the big funds so open sachs rules the world and according to restore any goldman sachs and other banks they're driving the world markets into the ground intentionally so isn't this evidence
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enough that we need to offer regulations on the banks and on these traders or have we officially given bankers the power to destroy us and are going to keep moving in that direction here to offer his take on this is matthew data to get a journalist author of the book subversion and matthew welcome to the program hey thanks for having me on so my classic question for you why do you hate banks i don't hate banks they do hate goldman sachs though in fact i wrote an article in the american spectator a few years ago because goldman sachs is he believes in big government that's how they get rich. and that's what they like to do they like to like many corporations they don't like the free market they want to use the power of government to enrich themselves so. it seems like an internal contradiction here because the for example when phil gramm swi fundi was on the board of enron he pushed through the commodity
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futures modernization act and gramm leach bliley made it possible for ken lay to make a few extra billion dollars and enron to do really really well and created c.d.o. as your creator to the possibility of slender lies debt obligations and mortgage. at least the second and third generation of those are the ones that want to nine hundred trillion dollars and all of that was celebrated as market deregulation as government and goldman sachs celebrated that as less government and that that's what they were lobbying for so what what is the more governments that there are using to get richer it seems to me that by getting government off their backs they've gotten rich ok we talk about goldman sachs are you talking about enjoying and financiers in general yeah well either one i don't seem that much difference between goldman and what you know what is wrong and more yes and this is something that tim carney as a reporter with the washington examiner has pointed out many times is that many
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corporations but most of the most of the big ones they don't believe in the free market they believe in asking government to pick winners and losers for example wal-mart supported an increase in the minimum wage not out of the goodness of their hearts because they wanted to help. low paid workers it's because they knew that they could drive their competition out of business by four thing up their business expenses that mom and pop enterprises wouldn't be able to compete with walmart which is a paid well above minimum wage it sounds like this is crony capitalism you know i don't disagree that they're using a lot nowadays you know sarah palin's brought it back into vogue and i actually did the op ed here one night saying i agree with her appeal as a first words well yeah but so do i in this case here's here's the question and i think this is really the larger question is is the economy you know we we create an economy this this this i i believe we agree on this that that.
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without a government you can't have an economy because you can have a court system to enforce that you can't have jails too and always have a rule of law that's right and you have to have a stable currency out that there are systems that are necessary for an economy they have to set it sets the rules of the road we exactly we the people establish the marketplace so the question is is the marketplace established so that the benefit of it the primary benefit of it derives to we the people the average working person or is the marketplace established so that the primary benefit of it accrues to the very wealthy and powerful people who by and large come to dominate know the marketplace you can really philosophical i mean they go on because i think that the democrats are taking their former position and the republicans the latter ok well people interact in the market market participants act for their own in their own self interest in you know if you go back to adam smith and the wealth of nations that's that's the idea behind it the problem with the wealth of nations was
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a call for government regulation of its. effect in these theory of moral sentiments was an explicit well that you get that's like polling that's like calling alexander you have to put it in context calling that's like some radical libertarian ron paul . borders call alexander hamilton a fascist because he believed that the federal government should it was a summit world. but that he did that because he believed in it you know he believed in more government than people at that time were you sure well so you don't you have to take i think you have to take that in context but to get to this issue of regulating banks and right you know rolling back. gramley while and bringing back stiegel for example and these sorts of things are are you in favor of reregulating the banks they're pretty regulated already with the flynn with the new dog frank billy let me show you a graphic that we're going to this is this is the history of the united states and
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i believe we'll have it on this monitor here these are bank panics not depressions but bank panics major bank failures and it's behind us as well as over here and the first major one of one thousand nine hundred thirty seven eight hundred forty seven eight hundred fifty seven that really kicked off the civil war eight hundred seventy three eight hundred eighty four eight hundred ninety eight hundred ninety six eight hundred ninety seven thousand nine hundred twenty nine the super eleven thousand banks crash and then there's that one period from one nine hundred twenty nine until two thousand and eight where there were no bank panics. and the reason why is because it is that what you're going to say because franklin roosevelt put in place glass steagall i could rate your argument for you tom well you know in the minute we have left tell me why we shouldn't go back to the glass steagall act so that we have another fifty years or sixty or seventy years of stability i don't know enough about i'm not an expert on the stiegel act but i do know that right now everything in the financial world is very heavily regulated and in argument can be
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made that it's to have legally stiegel said was if you're a gambling bank an investment bank you can't do commercial banking you can have checking accounts and savings accounts if you're a trade account savings. you know a regular bank bank right you can't do gamble you're right it seems to me like common sense we should bring it back i wish i knew more about that steve i don't want to you know i know i know it's fun to talk for pundits to talk about stuff they know nothing of but i try not to be one of them but i think there's too much regulation in general specifically what should be done i'm not totally sure why are you and being honorable about that matthew thank you robert but to really understand was driving markets we need to understand a dimension of psychology called psycho athey psychopaths are sometimes referred to as sociopaths basically lack empathy and this is the defining characteristic of people who are psychopaths they view other people as objects to move around on a chessboard and they think that the only human being in the entire universe of
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actually experiences my emotions is they themselves that one person was like about themselves and the. people who could profit off millions of people being thrown out of their homes for example example by and large if if they could sleep at night with a psychopath if they dreamed about it at night they'd be a definable psychopath for example take a look at this clip from the same or traitor. i'm a trader i don't really care about that kind of stuff i go with what if i see an opportunity to make money i go with that so for most traders it's not about is that we don't really care down much how to in the face the how to fix the economy how to fix the whole situation our job is to make money from it and personally i've been dreaming of this one for three years the thirty's depression the depression in the thirty's wasn't just about the market crash there were some people who are prepared to make money from that crash and i think anybody can do that it isn't just for
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some people in the elite and he but he can actually make money it's an opportunity when the market crashes when the euro and excitements crash if you know what to do . if you the right plan to set up you can you can make a lot of money from this you get this if a lot of people lose their homes if a lot of people are in bread lines if a lot of people are starving if the voices are happening because of the stresses of people being thrown out of their out of their jobs if chala views is exploding because of the stress of life in a great depression if all that happens argue he can make some money come on this is this is this is the reagan revolution on steroids and that and that's frankly the problem with it here's here's a couple of quotes this this first one is from an article in the financial times titled alfred hitchcock's the bankers the financial times the financial times is
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like the magazine of the wealthy powerful bankers talking to themselves quote the characteristics that make for good trading and investment bankers are pretty much the same as those that define psychopaths surely only someone with a serious personality disorder could have thought it was a good idea to sell highly risky financial instruments like a c.d.o. squared to a naive investor who clearly did not understand the risk. you get it these guys are psychopaths university of st galen study talked about psychopaths and they said traders behaved more egotistically and were more willing to take risks than a group of psychopaths who took the same test these were actual psychopaths but they drew out of a prison population people who had been diagnosed as psychopaths and what do they find that the banks toure's the traders the guys who like the guys who were saying oh boy oh boy let's crash the economy and make some bucks they were more mentally
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ill now traditionally what we do in society is we build rules into place to limit the damage of psychopaths whether it's outlawing date rape or whether it's outlawing banks is bringing down an economy we need to go back to having those rules in place like we had from one nine hundred thirty five until two thousand that prevent psychopaths from turning banks into instruments of mass economic destruction. it's time for our daily pull your chance to tell us what you think here's the day's question is investor alyssa al assad responding right about goldman sachs ruling the world your choices are yes the banks there's no out of big money off recessions and depressions or no this is an illustration will impose regulations on wall street and push back on the banks toure's going to tell us what you think the poll
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will be open until tomorrow morning. well you know the failure to negotiate on capitol hill already reveals these stubborn side of the republican party but the reason crowd reactions of the g.o.p. debates show the hurt was side of supporters so which is worse the guys in office are the ones who vote for. mike drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through it through to get made who can you trust no one who is your view with the global machinery to see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called satchels when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question more.
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here's a question for you who or what is more in conflict with traditional american values of fairness and civility republican politicians or the republican base so far republican audiences have cheered executions they cheered for the death of uninsured americans they booed american soldiers and they cheered for americans who lost their jobs but more importantly not one candidate when confronted by these
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sadistic crowd reactions as pushback at least at the time none of them had. political courage to do what's right so why is that tommy christopher is a media correspondent house reporter a media ites. he joins me now tommy welcome and thanks for having tom great to have you here with us republican candidates seem to be and dream to a a fool for engineer instead of frankly leading even that fringe into a larger more rain mainstream i mean it's like i'm i'm i'm yearning for richard nixon it's a it was it was a rational guy while most of the republicans on stage last week spock's so-called news debates claimed they didn't hear the audience we were a few and santorum so that. gary johnson was was there and he actually had this to say well here's a look. the booing that occurred last night at the event is not the republican party that i belong to it it
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happened it's a group of individuals that booed i was chomping at the bit to be able to respond so that if i had one regret from last evening it's that i didn't stand up and say you know you're booing a u.s. servicemen who is denied being able to express his sexual preference that's not right so this raises two questions number one this guy was on the stage and rick santorum has already said he didn't respond to the boos because they were . right so apparently gary johnson is calling rick santorum a liar and b. you know what goes on if you were gary johnson it bears repeating was standing right next to santorum was like they were in different spots on the stage and they were right next to each other. and you know i don't know maybe carrie johnson got some kind of super sensitive hearing. or forgot to turn on his hearing aid i don't
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know. so here is actually another example of this really none of the candidates gave a stronger review because gary johnson and again this this is about executions as. your state has executed two hundred thirty four death row inmates more than any other governor in modern times have you. your thoughts on that. yeah well that was very shocking and you know i think there were as far as the death penalty goes. there's a real disconnect in this country among not just republicans but put people in general between knowing you know a majority of people sixty percent know that we execute innocent people who are sure of it and yet sixty nine percent still support capital punishment i'm not sure how that math works. yeah and the other thing that baffles me is i'll bet probably ninety five percent would have identified themselves as pro-life now and there and they're in they're applauding executions yeah you know i think you know fox be
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getting a lot of praise for it to be a question and i think that was an opportunity. for for them to follow up and say when i was in a fox with c.n.n. wherever was it should have followed up with perry and said well you know what about that fellow who was put to death who said burn his family and friends x. were in doubt and you know they should have thought about that because perry switched around and said you know if you commit a crime you kill but the question was do you stay awake at night worrying about the innocent people. in fact has. ever been asked that question on the campaign trail about cameron todd willingham i think that was an area where i don't know it's almost like there's a conspiracy of silence and it's quite remarkable here's ron paul was asked the question by c.n.n. you know what if a guy is dying he's in a calm he's thirty years old he's uninsured what do you do. this why do you think you have to. thank you. are you saying
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society should just let him die. yeah just let it die it's comically bad the way these people react on this stuff and yeah i you know i again i think that the impulse there is you know. conservatism is a lot about you know if somebody gets something they always feel it's at their own expense you know they don't see the way you know a society that takes care of itself that we you know we sort of ernie's benefits you know we we earn you know a certain safety net because you know the companies that are can flourish in our system you know if they don't provide health care you know the seating that steps in and helps people out. but the thing that blows my mind is that i mean you think back to like the sixty four convention. rockefeller got up and gave a speech asking for moderation get booed barry goldwater gave a got up and gave a speech and he got cheered for saying you know extremism in little to no support
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of liberty is no vice. but he was not talking about killing people he was talking about liberty you know and he didn't mean it the ron paul since i don't believe it just seems like you know i can't imagine richard nixon having tolerated this will rattle reagan even for that the common thread between all these things is the compassionate conservatism at least as far as these debates audiences are concerned is dead because one of the telling moment i'm not sure if you have was was when rick perry got booed for actually showing compassion for the children of illegal immigrants you know the one good thing he said the whole debate and half of the audience booed him and. it was funny because he said you know if you if you you know you don't have a heart if you don't believe in this and then it began to tap i said well and also to be a drain on society so there's something in it for you to screw people you know anybody pretty could recover we've you excuse is basically say and still we have you know
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some substantial portion is look at different numbers twenty thirty fifty sixty percent of the republican base they still think even the barack obama was born in the united states and this is. these are believes if hundred seconds here a quick response yeah there is look there are there is a segment of people who are just never going to accept this guy no matter what he does was it something that if he said vote for republicans republicans be against that and and that's really the situation we're in right now and it's tough and makes it tough because there are powerful minority. i mean christopher thanks so much for being with us next round. in other news on last night's show we talked about the new york police department's brutal crackdown on occupy wall street demonstrators over the weekend one of the most disturbing examples of this police brutality was when a group of women were proper sprayed by a police officer seemingly without provocation take
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a look at the of. well the natori is activist group known as anonymous did not let this violent reaction by the police go on funnest yesterday the group published a picture of this officer identified as anthony billowed not her but on a i'm not sure exactly how he pronounces it along with his phone number his address his past legal troubles and disturbingly the names of his family members those was accompanied by a message reading you know who the innocent women were now they will have a chance to know who you are before you commit atrocities against innocent people think twice we are watching expect us now certainly the actions of the police over
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the weekend against demonstrators raise a lot of questions about the tactics used by law enforcement and the troubling consequences of the rise of this relatively paranoid national security state america is publishing the names of family members of one rogue cop appropriate for more on this i'm joined by joshua holland senior writer and editor at alter net dot org joshua welcome back to the program. thanks for having me tom you write in your article that actually. about this you write about the environment in which these anti heroic nerds operate speaking of activist in in and you did not mean that as a slam on them can you elaborate. yes well you know i mean i think that this is outing a cop's family was divisive even among the protesters and a lot of people thought that that was inappropriate bringing his family members and
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i look at the other side of this which is that you know the n.y.p.d. is among a number of large and very difficult to hold account institutions so you know i think that the environment in which this is happening really reflects a lack of accountability for the banks and for you know government agencies run amok and you know we see citizen stepping into the fray in the absence of real mechanisms to hold these increasingly powerful institutions accountable for their actions here we have a police officer who has been previously q-tip civil rights violations against protesters during the two thousand and four g.o.p. convention in new york he was still sent into this very tense situation and from the video at least it seems like his reaction was extreme and an abuse of power now the n.y.p.d. came out right afterwards and said that they had reviewed the video and said that and you couldn't get it with an appropriate use of pepper spray so here you see
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this group of citizen activists stepping in and saying wait a second everybody who watched that video can say can see very plainly that it was not an appropriate use of pepper spray and it's increasing it's a sign of kind of it's increasingly hostile reaction to dissent and we're going to do something about it is that the ideal situation i don't think it is but you know base him to be the only ones out there taking these issues very seriously yeah and the context of the mill you with within which activist is working and and and reacting you're pointing out the you know we we have five percent of world's population twenty five percent of the world's prisoners. we have more people in jail than any other country you mentioned. illinois man was recently sentence for seventy five years for recording police officers he alleged were harassing him and this tennessee woman who was a threat threatened and these kinds of things and yet you also write about how
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there's virtually no accountability for people who have power or great wealth in our society who break the laws and how the supreme court has actually virtually enshrined this. i think about a big part of it and you know we have a very ingrained sense of fairness and i think that that and the ideological spectrum people understand these double standards and they react to it another example was the anonymous hacker arrested in california last week he was reportedly a homeless man who he had participated in some attacks on the santa cruz county government which had passed some anti camping laws which is a one of a series of laws ordinances being passed in communities across the country to prevent tent cities from popping up to deal with the homeless here is that encroachments arguably an encroachment on civil liberties that absolutely nobody
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seems to be incensed about and it seems like he took matters into his own hands at the end of the day should in your opinion should anonymous have leaked. the personal information about this guy's life or just limit it to his name photo and perhaps office phone number and badge number. well i would certainly side with many activists who think that that was an appropriate you have a leaderless movement these are you know people there's no hierarchy here so there's no real decision making sure yeah i think that whatever one of the many you know one of the many nerds of anonymous decides it's a good idea they do it so you know i would not say that that that's an appropriate thing but i would go back to the context and say it's really inappropriate for a police officer who's been accused of these types of things in the past to be deployed in that situation before his case has has been litigated josh we just have a half a minute left what's the state of the protests on wall street and the spread of
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this across the united states. well. it's not isolated to wall street occupy chicago started recently the anonymous collective is calling for a so-called day of rage in the end of this month so i think that we're seeing a a real a real the beginnings of a real movement even if some criticism about its messaging is valid i think you're right joshua thanks so much for being with us and thanks for having me tom i'll have more on the occupy wall street demonstrations in tonight's daily take. coming up our infant mortality rate in america is unthinkable high so how do we succeed achieve success and wealth but failure in keeping babies alive. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through it through.
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