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tv   [untitled]    September 27, 2011 11:31pm-12:01am EDT

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x. ray images of gunshot wounds on television. those are the headlines now it's time for the second part of the end of the show. time for show and tell on tonight's program last time we told you about the g.o.p. accusing president obama of engaging in class warfare after he posed the buffett rule so do you think obama is a class warrior or producer patrice and send you to find out what you have to say. we keep hearing allegations that obama is waging class warfare but what does that really mean anything with the word war and it can't be good for anyone on either side right unless of course you're on the side of republicans trying to stir up
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some votes you know i'm not sure anyone really believes putting up or i guess millionaires is a fair fight. so do americans look at the warfare label and see something real or the same old political warfare all joe said i think obama should be judged by what he does instead of what he said and based on what he does he is a warrior for the elite bena greets obama is definitely waging cause warfare on the poor who benefits from the wars bailouts fewer left less oversight and a super congress those super rich order said he says he's just playing to the polls that show large majorities favor higher taxes on the rich is just another campaign gimmick what's interesting is that none of your responses seem to take these allegations of class warfare against the wealthy too seriously no one said that this was a step toward socialism maybe it's because average americans realize that raising taxes on the wealthy doesn't amount to a declaration of war and
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a country of shrinking income and opportunity our tax code is one problem at a many calling it a war just distracts from. essential problem that our government doesn't seem willing or able to actually do what it takes to create more jobs. now as always thank you for your responses and here's our next question for you earlier in the show we spoke with radio host sam seder about the occupy wall street protests its expansion now across the country and embers might be small for now but activists and supporters claim that this is just the beginning so what do you think could this be the beginning of the american dream so to speak you can respond to us on facebook twitter and you tube and you know your response just might make it on air . now when it comes to the feds we know they'll do almost anything to catch a person of interest even if they have to do that unconstitutionally in the past we've told you about the f.b.i. placing g.p.s. trackers on the suspects vehicles out of warrant that's an issue that's making its way up through the courts as we speak but what about tracking you using your cell phone we've spoken with security and privacy researcher christoffersen going on
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about how companies like true position have created technology designed to track individuals based on their cell phone locations. joy they do is they draw a virtual firm around how. a military base you know any place of interest and to position software can allow the phone company to sport new devices whenever they enter the virtual perimeter. so sure position is a company that sells these tracking devices to other countries but now looks like similar types of technology are being used right here at home details are emerging about a tracking system used by the feds called sting ray similar to what they're going to scribe but this device acts as if it were a cell phone tower and it intercepts your phone signals using pings so the sting ray determines the strength of your cell phone signal through sonar technology so your cell phone constantly sends out a signal based on how long it takes for the receptor in this case the sting ray to receive that signal that your cell phone can easily be found or the location of it and the worst part here is that even if you're not using your phone to actually
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make a phone call the feds can still find out exactly where you are posting to sting ray device is made by a florida based company called hair. yes and up until recently the fed's use of devices like these have been kept very hush hush the wall street journal reported that during a federal case against an alleged hacker. the accused was curious as to how exactly law enforcement tracked him down and so in court the prosecution side to keep that information off the record and official from the f.b.i. explained that it's quote considered law enforcement sensitive since its public release could harm long foresman efforts by compromising future use of the equipment for the bads don't want to reveal how they operate surprise surprise so now we know how this works is this practice of tracking individuals without a warrant even legal and the feds obviously don't feel the need to use a warrant with this sting ray technology but in the past law enforcement said that this isn't considered wiretapping because it's not actually intercepting any sort of communication had on the cell phone just your location data and the feds used to
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have to get yourself in a location after obtaining a warrant and contacting your cell phone company with this technology they can bypass the warrants and the cell phone providers and just get all the information on their own so frankly none of this really sit very well with me after all of the g.p.s. trackers the feds put on their vehicles are going to have their day in court and this technology tracks are movements in a similar way why would the use of stingrays be any different. now debate over internet and on liberty it's nothing new but you could say that it's one that we're hearing more and more often especially as we see certain websites newspapers private companies social networks as we see them changing their rules insisting on users exposing their real names but in order to have a real discussion about the pros and cons of anonymity we have to be critical no matter what side you're on about the way that certain individuals build their case so tonight we'll look over to gail falcon paul over the washington times who this week penned an op ed called internet trolls and on n.b.c. and the first amendment now gail argues that anonymity should become a thing of the past but as the internet is mature and it has become
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counterproductive even damaging mostly to those that are hit with false accusations or name calling attacks she also brings it back to people like thomas payne and benjamin franklin who she says have the guts to share their treasonous ideas in person so if you're willing to stand up and render a public opinion she thinks that you should reveal your identity and she concludes it all by saying that the first amendment guarantees the freedom of speech but not i don't embody the where she right or she wrong or discuss this with me is julian sanchez a research fellow at the cato institute joined thanks so much for being here tonight so ok let's start with this claim here that the freedom of speech of the first amendment guarantees the freedom of speech but not to be a true embiid is that really have anything to do with what we're talking about here no one no you know this is a weirdly doubly wrong claim i mean one the first time doesn't control what private newspapers make their policies on their website so you know they don't have to allow any comments they don't have to live free speech or anonymity according to the law but also the supreme court has repeatedly held that part of the freedom of
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speech is a freedom of anonymous speech which means for example the government cannot require a controversial political organization and doubly c.p. is the case where a supreme court ruled on this to disclose its membership that states and localities can't make it illegal to distribute anonymous pamphlets or political literature so so yes just not true right to speak anonymously is party. freedom of speech now obviously a newspaper doesn't have to be the first amendment the government is has to be the first amendment is paper doesn't but i think it's important to recognize that when you if you talked about the importance of real names to creating more civil online conversations right this is the kind of thing that is very easy to say from a position of privilege so if you're a straight white says gendered middle class. citizen of a democracy who has pretty much mainstream views then yeah it might seem like you know the biggest problem on the internet is people saying mean things in this government forms you know if you are not in that position if you're
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a survivor of domestic abuse if you're in a country that does not respect freedom of speech as strongly if you have views that your neighbors might want to ras you for or you know or even say you fired for you know then maybe trolls aren't the biggest problem that you're worried about ok so it's a little bit of an elitist argument is there a saying here right doesn't dr and perhaps political dissidents or people that like you said have been abused that might need some time before you know to try to express these views without some kind of fear that there might be retribution there that someone might come after them but you know one of the things i wondered if she argues that as the internet has matured that you know only when the internet was brand new and then when it was ok now the internet is so mature that we just can't handle this anymore but it kind of the opposite as the internet is mature and have we come up with new ways to perhaps filter through get rid of the trolls or the you know the more civil discourse if that's what you want to call it to to rise above and be at the top of the list yes absolutely i mean in a way i want to say first that anonymity in the pseudonymity in
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a way are ways of recapturing a kind of practical segmentation or compartmentalization of social spheres we really already enjoy in the real world without recognizing that you know i go out even in a public place and speak with my friends or my family or acquaintances from church or other groups where again even if i'm in public i expect that i can keep those parts of my life the types of. parts of my personality that i express in those situations separate from each other and the fact that is not true on the internet unless you use different identities literally in each case mean that you you need a pseudonym to recover something we already enjoy but yeah it's already true we just have to accept at the same time just realize that the real world and internet world are different but i mean in a way i think it's a way of trying to make the real world the internet in the sense more like the real world in the sense but it's also true i think as you say that what we've evolved over time because of this need are a lot of ways to serve the functions of public accountability without necessarily having people exposed the problem on the upside of anonymity are the same which is
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that they tend to deter speech that the majority or people who hold power find distasteful or offensive and the question is can you find a way to limit some kinds of offensive or disruptive speech without accountability in the sense of having to expose yourself not just to having your speech frowned upon in that forum but to repercussions in the rest of your life and you know we see this all the time you know people use pseudonyms on e-bay and they're taking people's money you know partly that's because you know e-bay can track you down if you cheat people but it's also because they have systems of reputation of the same kind websites like slashdot uses and if you build up reputation over time for your pseudonym you could even have look i mean if you really think real names are that important the internet makes it easy to not have to choose between pseudonyms and real names you can allow people when they look at a comment form to only see comments from people who have signed in using facebook or some other service with their real name you know there are so many sophisticated ways to filter stuff that i you know i read obvious like we're going to read
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something for like this from gail do you think that she doesn't really understand what she's talking about i think you're going to talk about and i also think that civility is a red herring that was actually going on here and there are a lot of companies including google and facebook but also you know some of these newspapers they're looking for ways to monetize their readers and it's a lawyer to do that if you can tie together using a single identity all the different kinds of activities peep. and gauging across the internet and also in their real lives where again marketers have sort of huge databases on us so if you're trying to pitch to advertisers having someone's real name and being able to tie that to all their online activity makes you a much more lucrative partner for advertisers than if you're just you know talking to you know wiseguy three twenty seven. ok so at the end of the day perhaps for some people this is more about money than this this philosophical beautiful idea of being still you know able to regain or i guess maintain our anonymity it's a distinct possibility i want think it's a debate over going to hear a lot more about the route that the next years thanks so much for joining us
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tonight. now still to come you know that obama's plotting to take away their guns that conspiracy theory is coming up and i still find work and unhappy are you trying to find out of your son is gay well there's an app for that plus a rogue trader tells us what life is really like in the financial world that it's in the. very first verses of the bible that all human beings are created but sentimental came in god's image and it doesn't say just jews or non jews. sixty to seventy percent of what i did as a combat soldier in the occupied territories was to do with deterrents doing what we call making our presence so you go out should some bozo they hear a knock on some doors run to the other corner and they don't know how religion and nationalism not just judaism have been
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a part of the problem they've been part of what leads to. bloodshed a few one. thousand four hundred people in a month and you want to expect that this will have no effect until a few you have to be either extremely naive or extremely stupid. to hear a religious jew calling another jew and not a really sensitive. issue is that so much a lot of people at area will signal. to the western liberal interventionism is it ever justified for such a. military interventions within the confines of international law is there a case where. the official placation. called time from the top story. on the.
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mission now when. i did sign for tonight still time awards night the n.r.a. is that wayne la pierre and wayne executive vice president of the n.r.a. it's very scared of president obama he thinks that obama is secretly plotting to take away everyone's guns here in the u.s. and before the emails and online comments start pouring in yes i'm going to defend president obama on this one were very critical of this president's policies on the show those that deserve critique but wayne la pierre is rhetoric on obama and guns totally misses the target now wayne was speaking at an event in florida when he began speaking about obama's record they'll say gun owners will say they
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left him alone the president will give another little talk about how he respects the rights of sportsmen and women while in private he makes fun of good americans who quote cling to their guns or religion but in public the president will remind us he's put off calls from his own party to renew the old clinton gun ban he hasn't pushed for new gun control laws. now part of a way in is saying is actually true to this may to the dismay of many democrats obama has been largely absent from the gun debate since being elected in two thousand and eight even after the tragic shooting of congresswoman gabby giffords and eighteen other people in tucson and this january now the president hasn't waddled into the gun control debate despite all of that in fact he has done just the opposite why well because obama has said over and over again that he supports gun rights and personally i think that he knows it's simply not smart politics but
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that's not stopping that are even trying to fire up their core audience by fear mongering that obama really is coming for their guns after all we're moving closer to an election so why not try and fart fears among gun owners that obama and the democrats are common it's all part it's all part of a massive conspiracy to deceive voters and hide its true intentions to destroy the second amendment in our country. by wait a second there wayne your logic this isn't making any sense here because obama hasn't done anything to touch your guns then that can't just be his policy it must be a massive conspiracy really that's what you got you want to make sure the people hate and fear this president so much that you start making up conspiracy theories just because what you originally predicted didn't turn out to be true as you may recall right before obama was sworn in and are a help create a gun buying spree across the us you were scared that obama's going to take away the guns limit the ammo sales so they began buying ammo in bulk and in turn profits
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for the gun industry shot up now as we all know obama did no such thing he didn't take away anyone's guns all those fears were completely unfounded so obama loses either way he can't even bring up the debate over gun laws because then you scream that is going to take the guns away but then when he doesn't touch anyone's guns it's all a conspiracy it's all part of civil larger sinister plan you know for some people the president simply can't do anything right it doesn't matter what his policies actually are they're just they're just wrong and scary and that's it so if it is baseless attack on obama's record on guns we're going to have told time award to the n r a's wayne la pierre. all right time for happy hour and joining me tonight is r t producer jenny churchill and alex sites wall assistant editor for think progress dot org system
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editors that a new you get a new title i let me title you next no saying of course they know it is will explain to us what an assistant editor means. number two in command they're just barely out of the rat ok good to know well we broke the news here on the election from. ok let's take a look at this everybody was going crazy over this soundbite of this rogue trader that appeared on the b.b.c. and i'll explain the story afterwards but they went crazy over what he had to say. they don't by this rescue plan. basically they know the market is toast they know the stock market is finished the euro as far as they're concerned they don't really care they're moving the money away to safer personally i've been dreaming of this one for three years i have a confession which is i go to bed every night i dream of another recession i dream of another moment like this. ok so he is supposedly speaking you know very candidly for all stockbrokers out there and how they actually think about the world
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but this start of the controversy because the first some people are saying that perhaps it was all a spoof it was just a yes man they were playing some kind of prank then people are saying that if you actually did say this is outrageous but if you think about it it probably is how the majority of these doctors think but it turns out the ending was kind of lame. this is a guy who says that he was just doing it for the attention. at the end of the day he was just seeking attention so he decided to go for it i actually didn't know that update but that was what i was going to say because i checked out his website and it was strange everything seemed to be like contact me put me on television and you know he's writing things like the top ten stockbroker clues from the world cup . it was all it was all a sham but i mean there is something really interesting about it because it's not like oh he's the first person in the world that said that goldman sachs rules the world or the bankers rule the world but normally those people are you know pushed over to the fringes and there's some kind of crazies or there are super leftists
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and so here the idea that actual stockbroker was going to say this and you know just speak the truth i think really shocked a lot of people but i think there's actually a lot of stock traders who have similar views that don't really get in the public view very often this was an independent trader doesn't work for goldman sachs and work for the big banks there's a lot of people actually out there and i was kind of discipline around there's like bunch of blogs of these kind of an arco anti-capitalist traders who make a lot of money in the capitalist system but don't really believe in the whole thing so in a way this guy was a robot i think he did speak the truth and he mean i think there's other people who share his views yeah he definitely harps on some points there that that make a lot of sense that for some people out there it's just about the money it doesn't matter with the economy is like how people are living all over the world just makes the money for the markets or for well anyway it's just been it's been really interesting to monitor the way that this story has unfolded and just how crazy people really went about it here's one that this is just funny ok so there's
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a store in ocala florida it's an ice cream store and so they thought it would be really fun really nice to hire somebody have them dress up as an ice cream cone stand outside and bring the customers in turns out that the customers have been staying away because they mistake this for a k.k.k. . head dreissiger so he was actually scaring everyone away that koreas. it's funny . i think it's definitely funny i mean on one hand i'm like it's terrible that this poor little ice cream store is having you know customers but i'd rather have this kind of positive people really hate the k.k.k. that much that they won't even you know drive down the street but usually cannot hear oh progress progress but usually don't come with sprinkles and a giant cone on the bottom like pink and yellow. people who are making this confusion where he was holding a sign in front of the cone part and also they were driving by so it was kind of
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fast i mean this is the exact reason that i've never been a ghost for halloween i mean you just don't know what you're going to get into it gets messy and also i think that we should say this actually is probably a good thing because it was keeping fat americans from eating ice cream. ok well you know if the end of the day there's no such thing as bad publicity so now everybody knows about this little tiny ice cream shop i'll call a florida and they're taking a case ice cream cone just put a cherry on top next to them and clear the confusion exactly just just make it more obvious ok now ok let's talk about sheriff joe arpaio you actually wrote about this mr assistant out of there i think progress today sheriff joe arpaio we know him because he you know has been very vocal in arizona especially with the immigration legislation that they had there what did he try to claim to the everybody that comes in the bans are all everyone everyone is like a drug dealer and a rape is the might be coming across and that's why it's ok to check everyone's documents at all times and so he was actually interviewed and asked kind of
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a loaded question but answer that is just just ridiculous. why are you a racist against latinos. but i'm not going to get into my personal why you should . go to. my show to show should. visit to you know you know what i am. what do your grand kids in your daughters have to do with that and the best way to defend yourself against a vicious attack like that is just say i'm not a racist i don't want to get into my personal somebody i know racism is something i do at home if somebody asks you why you're racist in your response is not i am not a racist you might be a racist and you know. i mean the shocking thing to me is not that he's like sort of admitting that he's a racist because we all kind of could have guessed that anyway but just how easy it was for him to answer this like maybe we should just ask politicians really obvious
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loaded questions more often like that character in austin powers you just ask him three times you'll need to sheriff joe one time and he's like oh that's my personal life well also i just want to know i mean does anyone know what his grandchildren and daughter in laws look like are they let you know is that what he was saying is he like his daughter in law is actually but you know poke a i was trying to understand that but he's going to explain that he's just going to ramble or any of that he's like i'm not a racist because my daughter in law is partially latino is what he was saying but he didn't trying to say i'm totally legit that's like saying like i have a black friends i'm totally not a racist it's the exact same argument there. but i do like your idea about just kind of asking politicians you know interview john mccain why are you a warmonger why do you want to fight everybody bomb everyone all over this planet and i wonder what he would say to that do you think it's having a liar liar moment like his kid wished on a birthday cake that he couldn't tell a lie and it was just like how do i get around this i can't say i'm racist. but i
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can say the racism that i do at home ok let's move on to a new. for the i phone it's for moms to find out i'm assuming it's from mom's or at least the ads when they put out the pictures and stuff it's definitely a woman looking really can. be is my son gay and so there's an app to ask if your son is gay and there's a whole test and there are a lot of questions out there but we decided to pick just a few of them like does he like to dress up nicely does he pay close attention to his outfits and brand names also does he like team sports then does he like diva singers does he spend time getting ready before being seen in public and he was born did you wish that you would be a girl. i think that was my favorite but this is ridiculous ok so if you like team sports and you automatically aren't gay but if you like diva singers that i'm sure
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that you are i mean i could have written better questions than this. what is that supposed to mean what is that going to be about all gay people don't like teams but i because you're you have to assume what the obvious answer would be like what point you know it would give on this as well i think the obvious thing to say here is if you have to ask an app on your phone if your son is gay maybe there's a conversation you need to have with your son what it is or bring logic in like you did it up like are you a good mother oh you bought this. you're right yeah if you have to ask a question to go ahead and ask your yourself or you know i think of this does put a little bit of blame on the mom here because before he was born to do you wish to have another thing i'm really confused about are they saying that if you wish badly enough that your unborn fetus is a girl and it turns out to be a boy that it will be a feminine boy you know i think that it's. going to try to dress it up and you know i don't know maybe resent your child because they're not a girl and you can wish away they gave them you know. also i think we should note
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that obviously the exact opposite answers for all those questions mean that you're a lesbian clearly. but just so you know. ok we're going to leave her right there thanks for joining me tonight you guys as if a night so thanks for coming in and makes me come back tomorrow and experience the young turks going back on the show and i mean signed up for it to become a fan of the letter show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of the knife's or any other nights you can raise cash on the you tube dot com slash ilana show where you'll find the interviews as well as the show in the entirety we have next is for me it's.
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just so. oh. oh.
12:00 am
thousands of greeks unite and i group prize has got to the government tosses another round of austerity measures in. center of that looming economic disaster. border disorder nato forces in kosovo clashed with us as a local news agency reports live rounds have been fired. and the international community decision to build new settlements on occupied territory which the palestinians say rules on peace talks called for at the yuan. and a very warm welcome to all of us here in moscow this is the with me today thanks for joining us greece has been engulfed by angry protests after the government passed the most unpopular round of austerity measures even exchange for rescue loans and you.


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