tv [untitled] September 28, 2011 1:30am-2:00am EDT
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this is all secret chuckle the headlines at half past the hour. thousands of greeks uniting angry protest over the government's passes another round of austerity measures in a veto of the new economic disaster it comes out of the greek prime minister held talks with the german chancellor in an attempt to restore confidence that athens is on the right track. major peacekeepers in kosovo how dangerous seven serbs inclosures a border area the airline says that he used rubber bullets but a local news agency has released pictures of x. rays are showing gunshot wounds. on the international community's land these are
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all decision to build new settlements on occupied territory ability and say the israeli move the rules out any chance of bilateral instal. offensive follow in the footsteps of two israeli arabs have its advantages trouble for peace in the middle east and find the apparent international apathy towards the illegal occupation of palestinian state. if you break into stone salt on the story of the education. we're here to tell you it's an occupation. if the palestinians will be afraid of the idea for us all the time is a rare will be afraid of the us.
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so what do you do together this year and make your presence felt. i would say sixty to seventy percent of what i did as a combat soldier knighted by territories listen to what the turds as you know doing what we call making our presence felt. we go out. should somebody so they are not concerned doors run to the other corner in another house. just to let the palestinians feel that we control the city we are the bosses we know what's going on we are everywhere all the time. when you just charge you understand. this is the way to. to occupy civil society civilians. not talking about.
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guarding the borders of israel i joined the army and went you know to protect my country starting about protecting five hundred settlers. inside a palestinian city. in hebron well inside the west bank lives hundred and fifty thousand palestinians and five hundred israeli settlers nowhere else is the hatred between palestinians and israelis more palpable than here the settlers have taken over central parts of her. hindered from moving freely. checkpoints military installations concrete blocks and israeli soldiers are all new press. in hebron one finds the most extreme and aggressive israeli settlers there is
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no palestine everything if israel. arabs get out. of. the settler children are protected by israeli soldiers in paris often do cause their young. the patriarch abraham is said to be buried in have probably the city it is one of the places in judaism. the closest one must realize that hebron historically has always been a jewish city the king david founded his kingdom here in hebron you. want
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a foot for our forefathers abraham isaac and jacob and their wives are all birds here in hebron peace so it has been a jewish place for thousands of years. was . the. last of this little book no committee for the stone to be this state is a jewish state nicholas and we are here to stay because four thousand years ago promised this lambs to the jewish family live would. we have a divine right to this land neither through war nor violence but as a gift from god's. love. you're a trader. may your name be forgotten was. was
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. a low there we are from jerusalem today. the former soldier in hebron informs journalists diplomats and others about the situation in hebron if someone is willing to listen someone is willing to syria i don't have the right not to take the reason why i wake up in the morning and i go to sleep at night and then the next morning i wake up and still do what i do is because i don't have another option because if i'm not part of the solution i'm part of the problem. i can do it in a different way and do it in a different place israel is my home this is where i live. i just don't see for myself and. you. will get. you there's no look at what
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did the you hold the show you are traitor. you are a terrorist jewish blood is on your hands. you should be ashamed of your criminal lives or. the dog in the publishing. you look at this boy would you be happy if something happened to leave you murder. when i was a soldier and when i served in hebron we used to say cynically but that's a sign that we are ready then we understood that something is wrong in this reality we used to say that in israel people shouldn't get the right to vote before they visit him. once you understand her once you confront her bone confronted with the most important question in that is would choose the land of israel. whether it was important is equality the marquess the rights or lend and the settlers are afraid
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that people face the state of israel above them as from. now on up. now you are with the europeans who also sponsor hamas. soldier family i am on. the. unfortunately. throughout history religion and nationalism and not just judaism have been a part of the problem they've been part of what leads to. bloodshed. and. the count was from my point of view just a creation of god's name. the judaism that i grew up with. teaches me something different judaism has to be
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part of the solution. when i first spent time here. and started to realize that the vast majority of the just use of this country understands judaism in a way so different from what i learned from my rabbis and my teachers my parents my family. you know there were times there are times that won't maybe i'm the crazy one but then you go back to the sources and you see what's there. and. now it is true of course that if you look in the bible you cannot escape the fact that god. promises the entire land of israel including the west bank the occupied territories to the jewish people in perpetuity but that same good local theology makes it very clear you see that in the bible is it in the prophets and it's hard itself that how
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much of that land we will be living at any given point in history will expand or contract our moral behavior and so there may be a paradox here at the very acts that are necessary to continue the occupation of the wherry whens and make as morally unfit. to be their. busier is human life is more holy so if you can prevent bloodshed by territorial compromise as painful as it is to give up part of. the places those locate your history as the gods promise to to the place where keynes of prophets walks human life. with hands down trumps it's so much more important.
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a child throws a stone at a soldier and it's justified. when you wage a war against a civilian population within our it is incredibly stupid to believe that the violence is not going to. go back at you at some point i'm not going to tell you that it's that it's right or legitimate or or morrow to move to blow up a bus with civilians but if you want to. bomb gaza and kill a thousand four hundred people in. in in a month and you want to expect that this will have no effect until a few. you have to be either extremely naive or it's to be stupid. sometimes in some cases you choose unjust means because they're the only means that
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you have i'm not in that situation i can tell you i do not support suicide. but i'm not in the position where i have luckily i'm not in decision where i have to make that choice in my position i make my choice and it's just or it's the civilian insurrection. against israeli or oppression violence differently it does have an effect. i mean i think you'd have to be very naive to claim that you exist in a very violent situation where a lot of very extreme violence is they reacted towards you and your environment and the people you care about and to say that it doesn't affect you. and we see everyone's afraid to die and is afraid to get hurt but. being part of
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something of a struggle worth dying for is something worth living for. get out of here. there is one very sensitive issue for israeli peace activists family discussion about the occupation. rarely if ever are outsiders allowed to know about son sort of political discussions within the family. my mother in. law has their activities which i'm in favor of i mean i don't think that muslim which is a bad. urbanisation they're there to try and hold the road looks to be more humane. a. and as a political statement to oppose occupation it's a stroll in our pants. and
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i think you can always been blamed and. you know because i was so close to thieves by the palestinian people exactly like we perceive come out i was said let's say never will leave. and say the situation was easy i said that when i look at my son and i imagine him when he's eighty i don't think the situation in the small place a parent is going to be there without any human rights you know they can live there that's something but then they can be that from us is country no rights no no get out of here there's a jihad against it. december two thousand and eight israel attacks the gaza strip one thousand four hundred palestinians and thirteen israelis are killed most of the casualties are see below us.
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breaking the silence has interviewed several israeli soldiers giving testimony about abuse and excessive use of force and i. can't deny this is the testimony of one two three four five hundred people. one after the other this is not it's not. using palestinians on a daily basis looting destruction of trucks you know the front property killing whatever comes up in the testimonies. you can come from a different world in and started describe stories as we're crimes as. i know one thing. that this is what we've done what's wrong. with the. testimonies adult excessive use of force are met with silence and denied in israel
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. i don't think silence is an israeli disease silence is a human sickness and there were not the you know when you don't look good you don't confront and there. oh you prefer your life the roads. supporters of this war you're killing children. shame on you shame on you. nobody shouts nobody kreiss we refuse to be murderers here all traders here all traders shame on you shame on you these really attack on gaza according to these really press was supported by ninety percent of these raymond's. jonathan polak participates in several demonstrations against the gaza war.
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oppressing the population is a war crime and people are dying. traitors traitors. just yet roads. i. respect on the palestinian flag. i think you have to understand that. this disownment of israel said it does exist or there fascist extreme right and it's growing and strengthening but. really is a democracy for jews in israel it's being limited more and more with time but for. as we speak no there really is a democracy for jews in if but it's not really
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a democracy it's in the congress. because if you're jewish you have certain time credits rights and if you're not sure you are these these rights are much less and if you're. a resident of. the ok territories. you're under a completely different legal system. i'm not. really rightwing extremists and nationalists from the organization to sue are demonstrating against jonathan polak and other activists during a demonstration against the war. members into to encourage soldiers to shoot anti-war protesters at.
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the moment guys use live ammunition give them one of the heads. go to hell get out of here. to protest against the highlands of. the anarchists are bold israeli and international activists he called himself. to say it is nothing to do we need to go. back to. the patient is a very bad word i mean of course they use this word because it's a it's a very extreme terminology we're not occupants we're not your friends. nobody.
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i. look at. the current fear as we speak there are i'm facing six indictments and i've faced the more before i don't know if i love a little bit i fear i get acquitted or i get convicted i dare say for you i spend some time i'm sure. but it's part of the once part of reality. you want to do with home you know where anything that's understandable. but if you want to get out and i think. for one to live. you have to get out and do something about what you see and the world around you. are then here and now this
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is what we have. my concern is whether something is moral or. whether something fits within my my moral grounds or whether something is right or wrong. and i think we'll have a very important thing to understand for us. as a people who have done very very bad things don't have horns they look like they look like you you know i fired every night dozens of grenades into neighbors of people with i used palestinians as human shields i've you know all the things i can tell you and then you will be shouting at me it's me and we're sitting now in the same room.
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you know if you want to go to jail every israeli soldier would because the palestinians who are my generation should go to jail and anyone who are blind west right marching. because we are this is the level of the different ways and this and yet. no one was there came out clear. no want to serve there has cleared its. way.
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were. warm. or. culture is that so much ally people at muriel will balance it all for him to take the first western liberal interventionism is it ever justified for such military interventions within the confines of international law is there a case where. the nature and discover is buzy. the communicate with the want to. test yourself and become free to. see what nature can give you.
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