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tv   [untitled]    September 28, 2011 1:31pm-2:01pm EDT

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as powerful as palestine states in the gym membership to its admission commission which will consider on friday. on next day on r.t. the first part of all special report we follow in the footsteps of two is radioactive if you continue to struggle for peace in the middle east by challenging the views of busybodies themselves that's next. ah. la. i come here because i live in jerusalem and i am in shock and then the rage stepped out then what is happening here. no democracy without freedom to demonstrate. that is not
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a very clear line between religion and nationalism. to see this as a little person together they can be a very volatile and dangerous mix of fight here is the worst possible combination of nationalism a little none of it. a backing up in the eyes of internal go back to germany you know we don't know what to do we're not a jew religious jew calling another jew and not the way they really are that i'm not that and we're. not like this is my. son this is my land go back to america criminal.
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in one thousand six to seven israel conquered the west bank. and arab east jerusalem. and still today the palestinians live under military control. this is a film for israelis who want an end to more than forty years of israeli occupation breaking the silence is a group of ex israeli soldiers who served during the second intifada in the occupied territories and today we work to try to expose the reality of occupation back home. we call a break in a science because you have to understand that what's going on in the occupied territories is like one of the biggest taboos in israel. people just don't talk
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about it you don't come back home and say money is here to tell us things we feel this that it just doesn't come over. that people back home people here in israel have no clue of what's going on there it's like there's there's a secret agreement between society and military. we know there is going on there but please don't bring it about you know we want to live our life without. without knowing what it takes to have a peaceful life. or here just to talk about what we did. because we feel this is the this is one of the most important pieces from the puzzle that is missing and the discussion and debate here in this area. we try to talk about the small stories that make the big problem
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to make the big picture try to talk about what does it mean occupation how does a cloak on a daily basis. how do you do it as an occupier forty years of occupation according to the u.n. there are today more than five hundred checkpoints and obstacles in the west bank where these trailers soldiers control and hinder palestinians the biggest checkpoint is located between ramallah and east jerusalem on occupied land. the checkpoint is called.
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the i had group of israeli women and here they are lies that nobody knows what's going on so we decided to create a group that's going to the checkpoints. observe in the reports that's why the observing eye is part of our local even our. bad says that we are all postal occupation. our presence here is a clear statement that really opposed to occupation it's a statement for the army for the police for the border police for anybody and for the palestinians to know that there are people actively opposing the occupation. with the audience that this will dialysis she needs dialysis three times a week do you understand it's three times a week there is nothing to do if the boys sick has got to shards of that hospital
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it's every time the same problem with getting a child to hospital it can't go on like this. why do they do this. they're doing it on purpose they won't let anyone in so. everybody here is ill and those that aren't soon will be here yes it's true. only if you look really. remarkable. and you can see how the they asked all the time finding all the ways how to control what's going on more and more so this kalandia checkpoint sees something like four thousand people it was the built for less thing one thousand people so first of all this. tremendous stress in terms
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of people who go to work every single day and have to stand here for. it's making it difficult for palestinians who live in this area so-called to. its goals. to work or to go through to hospitals. to go to pray. to visit sick or relatives to go through. the checkpoint to be able to go to the office which.
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in addition to checkpoints some obstacles israel has built so-called settlements in the west bank and in east jerusalem. according to the u.n. there are today more than half a million israelis living on occupied land the settlements are all the legal according to the national mall. palestinian farmers can access less and less of their land as the settlements expand frequently there's violence when soldiers are sutlers stop the farmers from cultivating their land. rabbi eric asher helps the palestinian the former sit in front of you all have to leave i am asking you we do not have time for this the red line please leave is it and go if we're ever going to get here everything here is
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a closed military zone where here there how many meters from here everywhere not able not even to tell you but if you think. and then we believe that the one of the most basic commandments in judaism what we read in the very first verses of the bible is that all human beings are created but sentimental came in god's image and it doesn't say just jews or non jews or just rich or poor and it's very it's a point of saying both men and women if we really believe that if you are trying to internalize it. then we have to honor and protect the human rights of every human being including palestinian. eric asher months into protection of the bible is a rare in israel. the palestinian all of trees are standing on biblical land and on biblical hills this land is got slammed promised to the jewish people according to the settlers. yesterday they came when i got back here at four
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pm they came and stole the letter i waste all the black covers like those. they stole the. gun. they still cutters and knives in the old lives over there did you see the all of it is a trip to. the settlers do this yes the sudras store and did this i have been away for three days they stole everything they did. they stole covers and tools and did this with the all of us. so when you came back everything was gone. yes they are thieves how to me they were. here. for several years rabbi eric sherman was protected by palestinian farmers when they were being harassed or attacked by
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really jewish said he saw. the city go through. the fields and it's you sure. that's what you're doing giving me the finger but what it was lifting his hands to fight back at all of them said i do not want it i'll get four hundred on the rest of now the rest i'm now. the other night and i am giving the finger to the jew should have his hand cut off oh now it's gone completely crazy. coming here to guard the arabs one of. the. our but i've heard soldiers say well the high court is there we're here our presence here is what's essential not only sometimes some as we actually are as human shields. physically to stand between palestinian people threatening them and sometimes it's important we're here. to keep the army out is to make sure they're doing what they're supposed to be doing. the settlers are protected by israeli
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soldiers and the soldiers themselves are sometimes sutlers. there's a set up here to meet you did you up and comes down and when anyone tries to work or he tries to stop them but this time bradley said the army. the strategy for the sutler's is to take over hill off the hill of the west bank. they do it by building small outposts and then expanding downhill closer to the palestinian farmers. legally they can't cross this line and. i would also like to see this document to his nation they came up with this line one year ago. they tried the same trick last year but in the end the farmers worked
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here. if you don't like it take your questions to the coordination office. simply this attempt to. slowly slowly take over another doom here another doom here from their point of view this is redeeming the land of israel and they'll do it by any means possible. piece by piece. we're trying in some way to help how things have gone and even get some of the lands back. we always go by the accuser the palestinian the army wants control they want no palestinian to go anywhere without a permit i can't you have to make the choice is the best way to hold on to your lives and we back you whatever you do. and i would that he if treated me if they mean ok. look at.
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them and. they acknowledge this was his land and now they said we don't want you to work here today though because it's dangerous someone could come and shoot you. there's a good chance that we will win here and maybe it'll be easier to finish if there's no attention here on another day as it was. in the west bank israel has built a barrier a wall made out of fences and concrete it is part of israel's defense it protects settlements and it ties them closer to israel. the barrier or the wall is mainly built on occupied land in breach of international
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law according to the international court of justice. for the palestinians in the west bank the wall results in further land loss to israeli settlers. but there are israelis helping the palestinians to resist the construction of the wall what we're doing here right now is trying to tap into was denied trying to stop your construction a good reason to more from what we're standing at the top of the wall right now there's about you about four or five kilometers into the west bank i'll try to fix rather interesting recognized border the international court of justice in the hague has ruled that dish tactic to the construction of fish barrier give ego if you will continue continued building it right now in a village called nataline twenty five hundred dunam about to be confiscated from the village. it was probably one of the top story short.
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he. i. know. jonathan polak has participated and direct actions on demonstrations for many years several times a week just so he has been arrested and physically injured by israeli soldiers i i i i. cut i think i was the guy.
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was like oh my god i don't know but you know it's a very big part of my life and. you know and they asked to go for a fighting i live here and. you know my life pretty much revolves around political activism so obviously the political situation affects my life and my future and it's. just. to keep working killed here due to military violence and always you can hear it can keep up if you get the feeling that i. was. i did i just never be god if you just come decided to ditch confession instead mr shouted never delish me on meet me x. too deep to mr shoes to dish up right and i just it was a military uprighting with military tools. and if it should two people are already being killed here.
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i. think that any. demonstrations against the wall also turn violent they quickly erupt with stone throwing and gunfire. it is mostly the protesters who are seriously injured sometimes protesters get killed. i believe the it's my duty as an israeli what's happening here you can keep the email account and it's being done in in our name. whether we agree with it or not a moral obligation is to come here and stand we do people actually enough to state if you oppose something your government is doing when such crimes are being
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committed i expect people and i think it's our duty to come here and give you a gift it. might be good just. because you didn't want them there are soldiers over there you'll be surrounded by your move boys come to the east do not go west. boys get back here. are we going away just go straight round. this yeah and. that. our way out of rocks. is everything quiet here.
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right. now assuming. i did. i failed i thought i would just note it ok i must have mixed up with someone else. what organization are you from. checkpoint want so you don't want any more checkpoints. with no but less checkpoints stamp of us there not enough this stage we are
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against checkpoints and we are here so what about the checkpoints if. you look at who are a checkpoint it costed millions so you want something respectable to let everybody in who are a checkpoint cost fifteen million is out of our pockets and then they closed it the girl does no matter here we have the entrance to the notary or it should be at the entrance on israel's border. so write a letter and notice checkpoints we have already done that let it have a nice day we need people like you to keep camp with tell him to get in line one by one closer to the wall.
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that it didn't line up one by one. stick close to the wall. heard. a. little. bit of it. and. i've been coming to kalandia for seven years so when it comes to ramadan it's important for me to know what's going on so although it's not even my shift on i decided to come and have a look the problem is that when you meet the individual people with the individual problems your heart just breaks you know that for some stupid reason that you didn't bring your origin or birth certificate for your sixteen year old daughter but only a photo copy. it's crazy you know it's not only crazy it's very painful to think
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that there are so many rules and that if you don't fit into the category then nothing out. of the story to tell the real put it up women are going to people of course will be able to pray just go over there and they will check everything in the computer model of women with computers you wouldn't want to put to us trying their damndest you know to get into jerusalem because it's such a holy place of its own for the army and they are sort of his behavior since they did know when to treat them as naughty people. not obeying the rules in a way ignoring the rules ramadan karim. kawar just that's what they are. entitled. and i remember they're looking at us now the whole world has been watching us all our lives. i you from jerusalem to the city yes i'm from jerusalem are you do you have
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a permit no ma i you know clady you know she's forty five years old you cannot see. i have said you have opponent she says i don't need i went over and over and over the woman you know you're not an old woman but maybe she's forty five years old. ok you're forty five years old it had that you know life must have been hard for her. we're not allowed to go and pray but nothing prevents us from praying. when did i mention i'm going to be like i hate moving next to the wall all of you are that why. do you mean why i stayed moved one by one go back i did walk from one of the top.
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was thought. was. oh. i was i was. was was. was .
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the greek new set my sense of fear is crowns clashed with police a very new alice levy today to the desk while the president warns the blockade faces the biggest challenge of. the way hailing syntagma square which last night was the scene of clashes between riot police and the protest is as great people united in their opposition as the government's new will stare if he manages . major new troops bringing in more serene full stick untested would have between a quake also very often fresh modern steel rails tools between the two sides. and a wave of global disapproval and it's israel which has really made more settle into these jerusalem just in the u.s. based powerful body as well as sign stated to his admission.


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