tv [untitled] September 28, 2011 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT
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video on demand. my old car. ownership street now in the palm of your. machine on the. breaking news here on our t.v. devon dugan stan aged son killed mostly civilians including a young girl marked for a car bomb explosion. in other news this hour the greek a nuisance tyson's a derrius crowds classroom police a very new house levy to pay towards the debt and all the president warns the blockade faces its biggest challenge and. we're not going to the greek people against the awaiting updates tomorrow in the lead to find out whether greece's gains get that much needed cash. they say brings in more troops to reinforce the contested border between serbia and breakaway constable after fresh violence de
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rails talks between the two sides. and the wave of global the ruble heads israel which is greenlit more said larry holmes these two resulin just as the un's most powerful body on a spine stated it too is that machinery. of i won't concede this is our see life from moscow let's head straight to our breaking news now that eight people including an eleven year old girl have been killed by a car bomb in russia's southern republican dogma star six second least than have been severely injured and a now in hospital an explosive was planted in a car park at a road crossing in the central never seen ski district a criminal investigation is underway but of course many more on this story. as we
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get it. now hard greeks will get a nasty surprise in their electricity girl the highly unpopular new property tax is being levied to help the government pay off its enormous debts that they had if there's a crucial vote in germany which could see the year resume rescue package increase full fall the hope of greece's debt written off sarah ferguson athens brassy. all eyes against be on berlin to see the outcome of that is very uncertain the moment exactly what's going to happen as he said the contributions from germany as well as other usa members would increase that basically if we know that there has been some problems especially amongst the german public is extremely unpopular and we've seen the greek prime minister choose happened on a visit just the other day with the german chancellor merkel that was seen as a meat try maybe garner a bit more support for greece and we heard some very positive rhetoric coming from
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the places the increase is part promising to deliver saying they think they can find their way out of the crisis it really is crucial that your is they need to still have made it clear whether or not they're going to be providing that next tranche of money the eight billion euros is to that that i think will go ahead because as we've seen from some of the other statements that have come out recently very much the opinion and the thought is the greece has to stay within the year within the eurozone where it's really we've heard that anyone could leave really and i could see the end of the entire union all together there's a lot of disappointment from the people here about the way the situation's played out i mentioned how the german public was feeling about having said the possibility of providing more contributions towards that bailout while here in greece to be honest the the feelings very similar they don't particularly like the idea the year is a new leaders coming to the rescue what they see is nice that is simply untenable for
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them because they want greece to ride out this crisis but the austerity measures that have been put in place that have been very very strict indeed the property tax you mentioned that was fated three last night by the parliament and we saw the situation here on some tightness to the square where the protesters clashed with riot police elated again at the very unhappy with this measure that property tax is going to even. more to the tax those are the people having to pay and the public has said that it's not even a case anymore of whether they want to take the fifty they have that money the situation here really is a extremely crucial points and even for now people are going to be looking at t. decisions i like to maurice to see exactly where the year is they need is it going to lead to whether they're going to be taking decisive action that it going to help people out of the situation saving thought all is a sense maybe on balance and the outcome of. the commission president is calling
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for close economic integration as a way to escape the crisis the british here and people from playing told us he was the union that caused the troubles in the first place you cannot tax your way of recession or just depression is simply isn't possible in the great winston churchill's quote on this trying to touch your way out of a recession is like trying to lift yourself up in a bucket by the handle they simply can't work and the soon as the politicians the bureaucrats and everybody else face the truth of this crisis the sooner we can start to get out of it the greek people are beginning to understand that they will be better off by defaulting are what we need to do the rest of the european union the eurozone and indeed the i.m.f. is to help in a stable controls faults know what we need to do is to get national governments democratically elected pact to running their own economy is the european union and part of the solution here the european union is part of the
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problem it's the european union and the eurozone which has created this terrible cataclysmic problem so new is not part of the solution mr berg so least of all. well that was british m.p. godfrey play with his assessment of what's to blame for the greek debt troubles. nato peacekeepers in kosovo have brought in more troops to the border crossing in the ethnic serb north a day after several people were hurt in clashes both sides blame each other for the balance which saw rubber bullets and tear gas by alliance forces anger rose in late july when catherine our priority is try to seize the brunt is to enforce the trade embargo cross their voice in nato told me earlier that the allies is now taking sides in what is essentially an internal conflict. it seems my new colleagues don't have a clue what the consequences of their involvement in the conflict could be instead of taking a neutral position in accordance with the un security council resolution they took
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the side of constable albania basically and you know what is blocking the only road of life between the cost of an serbs and serbia it's huge national peacekeepers who are involved in the civil conflict in the north of the region according to our sources there above the wounded people among the consequent serbs and those wounds are not from rubber bullets or from stones they're from real bullets fired at these people knew who refuses to answer the question it's another mistake that nato was making and provoked another conflict in the balkans. well that's the skull thing the developments in catherine balkans political experts and gals they care many thanks for joining us here r c so what effect do you think that more nato troops will have on the already strained situation there wage is there a chance of this descending into an all out conflict. well i think that more nato troops simply can do the nato tendency what we have here is the serbians the course of the soviets who survive in this area are the live needs inside
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a nato and greater albania sandwich so the south you've got the organ removals of live human beings a. cross these are sharpening their knives getting rid of the remaining serbians who happened to be here in this area and now the german nato troops have cut off these surviving serbians by blocking their lifeline to the north in order to allow for a final solution to take place of this of this is your final solution where we've really been before because even in the so-called war we had not nato german troops but nazi german troops who again were allies of the great albanian project to ethnically cleanse all the serbs from kosovo and the only reason these are left here in kosovo is because this part of course a lot was only joined on to kosovo in one nine hundred fifty six so it wasn't subject to the pogroms of the past but it looks like it could be subject to a program now and it is a very bleak picture that you're pacing now on the plight of the serbs in this area
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but do you think that there's a chance that this kid escalate into an all out conflict this particular border dispute missing. in the short term no serbia is to weaken it has a government which does not believe in governing this part of territory or at least pays only lip service to the idea so there's an internal serbian problem and there's an external nato problem in the long there will be an all out conflict if this goes so that goes to the greater albania project as well because it will mean that all of course a lot will have been kidnapped taken away from serbia and by the great. project creators and they're watching from sponsors and indeed their sponsors and that will be an unacceptable solution for the region long term it will not be allowed to stand in the shorts it does so now there are mixed reports from both sides. what's your understanding as to what actually happened last night. well those who
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started there are those who try to support a war on serbia as united nations recognize sovereign territory now those were you lex and cave for the unit in union rule of law or mission impossible in the course of war un force allegedly the problem is that these two organizations although they're supposed to be under the united nations umbrella and status neutral in other words not taking sides on the issue of independence are doing anything but secretly of the commands of their governments in washington and berlin and they're trying to create the situation which we've got now therefore they began it not even their brains themselves this time it was the nato rulers who began this operation as a result of which six soldiers were seriously injured five in intensive care one with a collapsed lung and various injuries their lives are no longer are not by any means saved and this is what nato has contributed to peace the potential murder of
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civilians who have criminal court will will have a look at least since these national criminal court claims to be very interested in the way of civilians are treated i hope that they won't make an exception for western powers in the way they treat civilians and case are pretty entangling damning indictment rather than on the role of the you lead think a fall in the region you've previously said because if there is and i quote a fake state getting the serbians why do you think the international bodies nato included as you perceive it to be really focusing on one side. because they've decided who they want to sponsor they want to sponsor the greater albanian project through which they see their own interest they see have still the biggest military base in the world having a permanent presence in the heart of europe strategically located completing that encircled of russia which was always one of the serious aspects of their game plan that's what they're about they're about controlling the flow of oil controlling the
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security of energy supplies through this part of the region they're about control nato is about control territory and control of resources that's why they can stay on the side of those whose country it was not so they will reward the all good stealers and the great albanians terrorists with a country because then the albanian maffia owed them big time that's the nato plan ok passionate response there and messianic many thanks for your views vulcans to school ex-pat market i think there are many bank. ok let's head back to our breaking news now they salah eight people including an eleven year old girl have been killed by a car bomb in russia's southern republic of got to stan six have also been severely injured and there are now only hospital see the niece and now is following developments for us as close to her now knees and what details do we have about what happened well it has officially been confirmed that eight people were killed in this blast seven of them civilians an eleven year old girl we're just hearing
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from law enforcers in the area that we entire family was killed in fact we were driving by this parked car word fact the explosives were planted and set off automatically and in their car was a husband his wife and their three daughters so that's the latest we're hearing six police officers were injured one of those victims who is dead is a police officer in fact and obviously a criminal investigation hans belongs to her resume not possible i as an official act of terror yet but certainly officers and investigators will be looking into that because of course the congress is know for its volatility and terrorism is still a very major threat there in fact just last week we saw double blow outs in the capital of dagestan hotspur law and sixty one people were injured there were no deaths all but it's certainly something that officials there the whole country is still very much to do with the threat of terror but this so far again i want to i just wonder why does not been confirmed or classified as an option trail when as
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you said he said the situation in decades don is quite volatile how is security forces dealing with it is good isn't it's not just out of the entire region really and this is something that moscow very much understands and in fact we're hearing just recently from the prosecutor general's office that they believe that law enforcers there and leaders there are not doing enough fissile enough job of dealing with terrorism and our first to prevent situations that we've seen. for the past year just recently. last week in the hospital are we getting this hasn't been classified as not to terror but certainly that is going to be looked into and this is this is one of france's i think it's fair to say top issues the issue of terrorism is terrorism that comes out of the caucuses we've been seeing a lot of activity lately just to in dagestan itself ok at least in many found that out they use a nice analogy there. now the u.n.
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security council is considering the palestinian the ministrations membership if a state he did not would have asked officially submitted a united nations application last week israel and the united states strongly oppose the idea of more nights following consultations for a new. post says takes no longer than thirty five days to standing committee will assess and review the application for palestinian un membership and statehood the standing committee will hold its first meeting on friday the application that the palestinian leader mahmoud abbas handed in calls for recognition palestinian state in the west bank gaza strip and east jerusalem as its capital so far there is about six security council members on the record that have thrown their support behind the palestinian bid a total of nine out of the fifteen countries need to support the application and
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there has to be no vetoes none of the veto wielding members of the security council should cast a veto as we know the united states a staunch ally of israel has vowed to veto any and bid for u.n. membership if that house to israel is very much opposed to this the u.s. president barack obama said the only way that there can be independent palestinian state is if the palestinians and the israelis get back to the negotiation table and discuss middle east peace plan that comes to fruition so at this point some critics say that the palestinian campaign for your ownership is doomed to fail but the palestinians are very appreciative it's thirty council is moving so quickly and at the very least this is bringing to it bringing attention to a problem that has lasted for decades and has not yet been solved there has been condemnation coming from the international community against israel's plan to expand its settlements russia has said it's deeply concerned that the plan in hopes
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that it would be revised the united states and european union also voiced criticism of this plan some critics say that this settlement expansion is actually a violation of international law and if anything israel's actions can be seen as. provoking and already sensitive circumstance hoping to reach. ultimate peace agreements in any sort of a way minister of israel benjamin netanyahu says that israel has the right to build people in israel some say her view this settlement expansion as a gift for the jewish new year by the palestinian authority say that israel clearly with this move is serious about peace whatsoever and we can imagine that a lot of diplomatic negotiations will continue taking place to make sure that maybe israel will will take its plan and expanding settlements because if those
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settlements do experiment the palestinian president said there will be no kind of business as usual in no were direct talks with the israelis. to discuss the palestinian bid for statehood are now joined live by. the palestinian envoy to the u.n. ambassador mansel many thanks for joining us here on r.t. now the membership bid has been redirected to the u.n. admissions committee for consideration on friday are you satisfied with the way things are going so far. yes we have a great crew for the. secretary general of the united nation will move our application within an hour or so his office through the president of the security council and also we are grateful that the president of the security council on the members of the consul acted very quickly in dealing with our application and today in an official open meeting they have about the two things one they did our
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application for the agenda of admission. agenda of the security council unanimously and secondly they decided to. appropriate publicly to meet on friday will begin the process of the bill a variation. i think my understanding that the meeting on friday of the appropriate commuting composed of the fifteen members of the security council would be a rest of the eleven and would begin the substantive discussion on our application now we so we are grateful for the fact that. i was just want to say ambassador that we saw a mock celebration from the palestinian people themselves when president about the message their requests last week but how hopeful all they do you think of the result that they want. well let me just say that.
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the process of submitting the creation for the mission it became an extensive effort that spanned over the years of building the institutions of a state and was ready to govern ourselves. by having institutions. and state and also we convinced more than majority of the members of the general assembly to palestine before we began this process so therefore it makes a lot of sense that as a result of all these things. united nations should legislate this reality allowing palestine to assume its natural his story legal place among the community of nations as a full member however we are aware of the fact that there is a powerful member of the security council that is not approving of this process and they have the capability of obstructing our efforts for joining the community of
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nations but not in the security council to give a positive commendation but we are continuing with this effort and we hope that we will prevail and. our natural place to join the community of nations as a full member for mr ambassador i want to pick you up on what you just said that what will your next move if the u.s. exercises. as promised and blocks it. well we have other options we have many of our friends in fact. ten zone and dozens of countries and states who are very supportive and friendly and have been advising us to also go to the general assembly which we made and through that process to be able to. visit lucian that would contain among other
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things the commission of the state of palestine on the borders of nine hundred sixty seven. exerting pressure by the general assembly on the security council to vote favorably on the application of palestine for admission and thirdly. to an observer state state pending the palestine as a full member in the united nations so we have options we resorted to all our efforts in the security council does not create positive become a nation that we need to allow the general assembly to approve that recommendation and therefore to become a full member of the united nations considering only. what mr ambassador if i could just ask you about the recent development that israel's announcement that it will expand settlements in the west bank
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a giving you the doubt that your neighbors actually want peace what do you think of the israelis timing on this. i think this illegal action israeli government the occupying power of responding to the international community and to the quartet which have been asked to provide. under international law. which called for the freeze of settlements the fact that announcing these days this illegal. step is an indication that they are not interested in honoring what is proposing or the international community or ovide in what their obligation on international law and therefore they are not interested in negotiating peace they say they want to negotiate peace without conditions they are imposing all these conditions and their
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actions speaks louder. announcement of their desire to negotiate peace and author riyad mansour palestinian envoy to the un many thanks. there's a new attempt by the un's top body in formulating a response to syria but european countries and russia remain divided on sanctions here to nations do draft scales to call for tougher restrictions on syria suggesting that further sanctions are only implemented if the violence doesn't stop immediately russia remains that resolution its stance that further sanctions won't work and that the warring sides could enter talks while the crackdown in syria continues with the army supported by tanks and helicopters now having strong the key rebels a few of us than. the u.n. has also heard iran get a stark warning from france use them boys threaten the military strike if to round continues its nuclear development and that's why the french envoy said some
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countries won't accept iran having a nuclear bomb and would make a preventive strike would you tell us what do you make of the french delegate shooting for the head read the details and vote online and tell us what will happen next all that salty dot com. just to remind you now of our breaking news this hour eight people including an eleven year old girl have been killed when a car bomb went off in russia's southern republic of dagestan source's their family that was passing by in another vehicle were among those who lost their lives six policemen were also the severely injured and in our hospital it out and when and explosive was remotely detonated and a car park has road crossing in the central district a criminal investigation is underway will bring you more on this story as we get it . here with r.t. headlines very soon right now let's get
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a business update we can. hello and a very warm welcome to the program russian markets are struggling to retain the gains they enjoyed at the start of the week they managed to avoid fallout from the resignation a fine it's been a starlix a good trend but europe's debt crisis is weighing on the markets although russian is this is trying to peek into positive territory plamann manasse from renesas asset managers explain what is driving the world. the reason the amount of the corruption before both of these people cross is because of being from markets in the world people from well you markets of control is being quite cheap and you know when the global markets are in turmoil the russians in the form of the other reason that you can look for growth in scope of the russian market is to grow to believe we can the problem will be worse and when people review money and still suffer disproportionately there is a fruit fly through of christians go up it was rushed into the form of you know
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from those who were in the last decade most of the better market trophies. recently russia all the communities in the world you propose goes up more than anything goes on more than any in the. us have a look at those numbers while it's heading for the biggest course a decline since two thousand and two two thousand and eight sorry about some speculation that fuel tomorrow will drop as if you asked economy slows and europe's debt crisis is just because you must sentiment the job which is trading at eighty two dollars a barrel while branch is hovering at one hundred five dollars. struck soft following this hour raising early gains while the dow is edging cent while the nasdaq is losing point eight percent this hour european stocks closing the road on brian states japanese debts last point nine percent while the footsie is about what and a half percent dollar that soft posting its biggest one day percentage gain in sixteen
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months as investors reconsidered its the stations that euro zone policymakers would act aggressively to resort the debt crisis shazahn many groups on the footsie have plunged nineteen percent talk to the world's biggest a list attached fund manager reported large all flows. one point to the russian markets were flat to notice you got the under wednesday's trading session let's have a look at some of the individual share moves in the month six most energy may just ended in the red with gas from over one percent down precious metal mine of color matched almost one point three percent. after an earlier rally on our first half results the company's net profit rose seventy seven percent to one hundred fifty one million dollars and the rules to nickel is the main do you know of the day its shares soared eight percent company jumped after it started except in bits for its four billion dollars buyback program and its it was because streisand three weeks if your private critique of dilute reps out there straight. to the
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market is quite interesting after today's rally. thinking right now what was it was it like just technical grounds on the downward trend toward easy to turn the wrong point. in the major question that's why we actually don't see much of a teacher to be sure it will open up. again concerns regarding the recently but it's not a really kind of fulfilling their plaza etc just came to the market every market goes down the beat but again i repeat gives it all done on very kind of low volumes . that's all we have time for no more stores no website or to dot com slash business. and.
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