tv [untitled] September 28, 2011 11:31pm-12:01am EDT
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fresh monitors on the dispute and. the security council comes to the trains as it would be palestinians but full statehood to the council's admissions committee the international community rigorously condemns the approval of new plans to build another thousand and seven homes in east jerusalem. right now let's go back to the i want to show from our washington studio. it's time for you said it i read it for take time to respond to my brilliant and engaging viewer comments from facebook twitter and you tube because when you've got something to say i listen now first i want to respond to a viewer who watched our segment on the forbes list of the four hundred wealthiest people in the united states and discovered that in the top twenty only one saw their net wealth decrease in the last year philip porter said on you tube let's see how often a republican actually says rich as opposed to job creator you know i really love
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this comma because this is always drove me crazy it's as if every republican has received a memo banning them from using the word rich period which probably isn't all that far from the truth but here they're just trying to straddle the fence pretend that they're on the side of average americans play the globules card when it suits them and then protect the word the rich by just using the word when they're talking about job creators the ones that are sitting on cash and not doing any hiring call them what they are rich isn't a bad word this is america where everybody thinks they can be richer member now i want to respond to a viewer who watched our interview on google's or privacy policies matthew gray back with said on facebook personally i'm ok with google knowing everything about me and sharing it with anybody i don't quite understand why people have this privacy fetish now matthew i respect your opinion and i thank you for watching i think there are probably a lot of other people out there who aren't concerned about their privacy same as you but i wouldn't consider me being uncomfortable with a private company knowing everything about me
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a privacy fetish i think that saying i think it's a normal concern we still have no real concept of how much google truly knows about us what they do with that information and who they share it with and that's more than troubling to many americans now finally i want to respond to a viewer who's been watching our coverage of the occupy wall street protests anon partitions that on you tube alone and you've gained so much respect for me for reporting on occupy wall street thanks all we thank you very much and please continue to watch we're going to continue covering the protests as long as it's going on for my ranting today but i'll be back with more next week. now comments by a traitor in europe sparked outrage across the world while being interviewed on the b.b.c. he claimed the goldman sachs rules the world and that another recession would bring him more money so the mainstream media seem shocked by the blunt talk but as artie's christine reports his comments echo the same statements that numerous guests have made right here on this network. the governments don't rule the world goldman sachs rules the world it was the comment heard around the world one that
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generated widespread reaction from papers and pundits alike we appreciate your candor however it doesn't help the rest of us does it but instead of talking about the comment itself most remediate least not to shoot the messenger alessio responding crisis forbes calls him a psychopath c.n. b. c. suggests it might be a hoax new york magazine wonders if it is a hoax or perhaps our worst nightmare well regardless of our intentions the bigger question has been largely ignored was he wrong about the power of goldman sachs and why was everyone so shocked after all right here at r t in our studios we've had several guests bonafide traders even former goldman sachs employees who have said the very same thing washington is not the biggest player in this the global bankers are the biggest players the global hedge fund managers that's where the action that is determining the outcome of this mass not the players in washington they have
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already ceded control to the global banking industry wall street has been pulling the strings in washington from the get go it is the largest sector of campaign contributions and that's to both parties but for the mainstream media who don't share views like these were studies honesty was unexpected for surviving thrive t.v.'s george hamon story when they asked him nice questions on b.b.c. he just let it all hang out and the actual truth came across. recently also sent shock waves around the world when he told the b.b.c. that most traders don't really care if and when the economy is fixed personally i've been dreaming of this one for three years i have a confession which is i go to bed every night i dream of another recession the b.b.c. interview has now gone viral if you could see the people around me jules have collectively drop what you've just saves for her. their jaws wouldn't have dropped they only read matt july two thousand and nine a rolling stone article the great american bubble machine in it he famously
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described goldman sachs as a quote great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money t.v. discussed with us recently how although people are unaware of it the big bank has profound power in society how much you're paying for gas how much you're paying for electricity how much you're paying for your credit cards. your mortgage how much you're paying in taxes and how much of your tax dollars are going to debt service. unlike the mainstream media few here would be shocked by rest on his comments oh my gosh that was for nearly two weeks these protesters have been out every day hoping to bring an end. or at least awareness to what many call a corrupt system do it was and still others have argued
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for years that the government's actions are dictated by the big banks the very special interest in on wall street the insurance industry these guys these are the people who are writing the laws that obama is asking they are keeping him in power they are the ones that have financed this campaign and the laws are being written for their benefit. as anger builds here perhaps better questions need to be asked here so that a different message is sent to decision makers here that the system that has been sustained and protected for decades might need to change in washington christine for our tea. now the good news for the independent trader alessio over stanny was that he got what he was seeking after appearing on the b.b.c. attention and lots of it how about everybody else how about the media that supposed to inform the public here rather than ignoring this man's words i think we take a closer look joining me to discuss that economic analyst consolingly or at and i want to thank you for joining us tonight now before we start breaking down at some
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of the things that alessio said here was their take on the reaction of the media that this shock and awe that they showed in the immediate assumption that have to be a hoax. well i think that he's basically saying what everybody thinks and of course you know the issue that he goes to sleep every night wishing for a recession or praying for recession this is not new if anybody read michael lewis's first book liar's poker which came out in one thousand nine hundred eighty seven eve famously told the story of you know after the challenger explosion some traders at solomon brothers said we've got to go out and short nasa not course i was a terrible job or a tragedy but the point is valid traders don't really care about what's going on at the macroeconomic level they only care about the next five minutes because they're there to make money now and what this man was saying is absolutely accurate in one sense that traders don't care about the future on the other hand i think that he was overstating it in so far as the insights ruling the world goldman sachs is simply where the best people tend to congregate in this particular product that
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we're currently living in where it which is the financialization of our economy so they in a certain sense do this sort of simplistic but you know we got a lot of media attention good for him i think that what happened though is that at the time every thought that he was a bonafide trader and what he was saying was something that a mainstream media outlet such as b.b.c. was not used to listening to on the more fringe or second tier or non mainstream news organizations of which i consider myself a part of we talk about this all the time this is not news that the financial sector. is out to release through the american economy. but in the mainstream sector among the mainstream of those people who sort of tune into the news once in a while the which is the vast majority of people if you think about it unfortunately well for them it was a rather shocking revolution i think also the corporatization of news the fact that all these news organizations c.n.n.
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and fox news and all the rest of it are plugged into various operations that or pretty interests which dictate what they will support on i think it made things you know a slightly sticky for them and so i think about it was part of the effort to discredit this guy i don't think that anything he said was false i think that perhaps he overstated who he was and so far as the city was concerned he's not a natural trader with a bonafide no firm but what he said was accurate and true so that doesn't disqualify what he said i think that it's very much trying to kill the messenger yeah you're right you know just as christine story showed just now that there are a lot of people out there that have said similar things for a long time on this network on other alternative news outlets and they've just been ignored but ok so it's obvious that goldman sachs doesn't singlehandedly rule the world but do you believe in this entire premise that perhaps the banks are more powerful than a lot of our politicians when you look at the people that have moved from wall street to washington or in other revolving door that keeps going on and on and not
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of those people that are now in the obama administration you look at the fact that wall street has never been prosecuted for well you can call you know one of the biggest crimes of the century if not the biggest crime of the century thus far you look at the fact that you know when wall street lobbies for something legislation usually goes in their favor. yeah well my sense is that what has happened both at the political level and the popular level is that people have confused the best interests of the financial industry with the best interests of our society the old you know what's good for general motors is good for america fell so now but of course is not accurate what's good for the financial industry often is not is terrible for the general economy the two thousand and eight a crisis is a case in point the people in positions of leadership at that time and place send timothy geithner and bernanke if they when out to say the financial industry as opposed to saving a financial industry that is at the service of the society because the financial
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industry serves a rare emperor important role which is to our gate capital to media and worthwhile businesses now this is a lot of gold and i see no reason why we should try to interfere with this bill but the point becomes to see them as a means to an end which is to help capital be allocated to worthwhile businesses and not an end in itself which is basically enrich the banks years currently we are enriching the banks and i would go surprise to say that ever since the mid eighty's when not only the financial industry was deregulated but investment banks started to become a publicly traded companies and therefore the owners did not help their own assets on the line and i think that from that point forward we have had this. out of this that this is roulette wheel type financial industry where are the only thing that matters is the next train the next bet as opposed to the long term health of the site that we have to go back to what banking and the financial industry is all
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about it is to how society not be an end in itself we have to eliminate this fallacy that what's good for goldman sachs is good for america because that's not the case as matt taibbi has ever eloquently written and as everybody in the alternative media has pointed out we have to go back and understand that the financial in. he is a service to all of us in the society it is a service to you and to meet if we want to start a new business it is not an issue of them trading our stock of stocks and our companies so that they make a quick buck and we potentially are ruined because of it and i think that all these bailouts all of this this these obstacles that we're trying to reach of we're trying to lunge over in order to save the financial industry is mistaken certainly the politicians think that to save the financial industry save america that's wrong we have to change this mentality allowed to change a lot of people need to realize that here right now i want to thank you so much for joining us tonight. it's
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a pleasure being on thank you for. now still ahead he thinks the n.p.r. for most left wing propaganda and should be defunded of taxpayer dollars but he can't keep the network. time segment and then happy hour sarah palin thinks that being president schaffel her last as a hallmark card for just about every occasion putting those who just lost their jobs back and off the. very first verses of the bible that all human beings are created but sentimental came in god's image and it doesn't say just jews or god just. sixty to seventy percent of what i did as a combat soldier in the occupied territories was to do with deterrents doing what we call making our presence so you go out should some bozo they hear a knock on some doors run to the other corner and they don't know how religion the
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nationalism not just judaism have been a part of the problem they've been part of what leads to. bloodshed a few one. thousand four hundred people in a month and you want to expect that this will have no effect until the feet you have to be either extremely naive or extremely stupid you need to hear a religious jew calling another job and not the way they really did in. the.
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kind of time for tonight's tools on awards night goes to bill o'reilly and the fox news host is not a fan of n.p.r. he's attacked national public radio numerous times over the last year and luckily we have the clips to remind you of it and you know you say it's not only organization i mean that's why we're going to we should point out we're just now you're not going to recover from this you know i'm going to say it's unfair and you also that's a good thing because you work for fox news and then p.r. doesn't like this organization it offends their far left sensibilities as you may know an undercover tape showing n.p.r. fundraisers spouting anti republican stuff led to the resignation of n.p.r. boss vivian schiller the woman who fired juan williams but the left wing press played the story down. at the trough of the taxpayer coming to an end. now from listening to those rants that you would think a bill o'reilly thinks n.p.r. is the anti-christ remember one williams was fired from the radio station after
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expressing his views on muslims while appearing on the o'reilly factor right after the williams firing and p.r. exactly caught trashing the tea party in an undercover sting and it turns out that was a setup on the tapes have been doctored but that did not stop bill o'reilly from calling for all taxpayer funding to n.p.r. to be cut but a funny thing happened this week between below and n.p.r. he appears it appears of the two have kissed and made up. and now bill o'reilly of fox news has put out a book called killing lincoln o'reilly in his co-author martin to guard examine the plot against the president at the end of the civil war in april of one thousand nine hundred sixty five and they also reconstruct the final days of lincoln's life bill o'reilly welcome to the program thank you see they appreciate you see bill o'reilly actually put is this a busy day for n.p.r. side to appear on one of their programs this week to his new book killing link it is not something now during the discussion the n.p.r. anchor asked bill about media coverage of the lincoln presidency and his response quickly turned into a rant about the current state of media here in the us and i should warn you
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there's a lot of hypocrisy coming your way in the media is a bunch of guttersnipes and you know what can i tell you i mean look i mean the media been doing it for thirty five years i know the media as well as anybody in the world knows it and they're always going to be people who try to make money by slamming other people and by you know creating all kinds of stuff that doesn't really get us anywhere do you think you add to that sometimes you know i try not to do it personally i think that we bring a robust debate to the nation every night i think we try to stay away from the personal stuff we try to back up our opinions with facts so you know me going to choose me of anything you want but you know i'm trying to do the right thing. wow this man's ego is i think it's bigger than the state of texas he has made his living by slamming people organizations every night including n.p.r. but i guess that doesn't matter because he's just trying to do the right thing and then he turns it into one of the organizations that he's ripped on his show just so
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he can make money to promote his book and make some more money so i guess that your taxpayer dollars funding n.p.r. that's totally fine if they're going to help bill sell his new book that's called being a blatant hypocrite and for the rant for that reason we are giving bill o'reilly tonight's tool time award or maybe tonight will be our pinhead tool time winner. it's time for happy hour and joining me tonight is netizen money heard on the hill reporter for roll call an ethnic morris santoro reporter and blogger for talking points memo thanks for joining me guys let me have this combo on ok this is what we know that the country is really really screwed by the same time i guess it's a sign of the country because someone is always going to profit off of someone else's sadness i'm already getting to you are going to get all that it's no big. deal when our market recently rolled out a new line of layoff greeting cards
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a specific section for job loss and recession humor offering words of support and encouragement. of recession humor i was there is no use making money off of the fact that a dear friend just lost a job why don't you spend five dollars on a little piece of paper to give them rather than i don't know sending an email for free calling them that's a good thing i mean i send an e-card situation. coming up there alright yeah i don't know that you can make a funny on the whole mark isn't that isn't funny enough to pull it off i don't think says me and humor i would do anyway no such a thing existed it's like it's one of the meanest music i mean home or chords already are so impersonal begin with somebody else wrote it somebody else picked it out so mr and by the way you lost your job here's something that the least i can possibly do literally the least i can do for you what i want you to really has like a persian cat on it it's like who can i you know cough up a hairball on and that just doesn't seem to me interview like really feeling the pain need it was like getting back for you it's like this is going to cause like i
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will send the soft kid to buy i don't get that it's more like you know walk in with all they don't want to lose their jobs i think give somebody a kitten they will be all right. i have a job it's their right something even more stupid take a look at what's there and said recently. as to whether i should throw my name in the hat for the g.o.p. nomination or not for two thousand and twelve is a title worth it does a title shackle a person are they someone like me maverick you know i do go rogue i call it like i see it. someone like me who's a maverick you know and this woman just absolutely drives me crazy and so she's claiming that she's not going to run for president because it would shackle her of course which i claim or you would be i'm going to tell her term as governor and as i guess she felt so shackled because she could go on a bus tours and try to make as much money as she could i think she shackle very very low public support i mean on the way over here i read
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a new fox news poll right with her she was on t.v. and she's not even in the poll i mean she hasn't declared yet but like herman cain's third unlike michele bachmann is way down. the her came out with sarah palin she just doesn't have the support she doesn't really matter whether she can be shackled or unshackled she just kind of shackled to her past right now i don't think she can really run even if she wants to i mean if it would be the maverick he thing would be at this point to run ok but so wearing the fleet these days is that like a populist thing or it's always like i mean i hold this it's probably the last years of time where there's like you know the presidency you have to wear pants for my relief yes well i mean but to her hair looked basically like you know i say really i mean it's still there she looks a little homemade and stuff i don't know i mean i wouldn't want to be president is i mean. i would be shackled and i completely agree but you also are in a media whore who just you know tries to always say what do you mean if you have this it is a bad run for president you know just to get attention from everybody else. anyway
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i'm really depressed about this i don't want to show it to me play this clip i can remember but we have played this this new ad from ford for you before but we're going to show it again so you can remember. i'm kristen's. we're going to. and on into the interview. was it buying american important to you i was going to buy another car that was bailed out by a government. i was going to buy from manufacturer that standing on their own win lose or draw that's what america's about is taking the chance to succeed in understanding when you fail that you've got to pick yourself up and then go back to work for it is that company for me. all right so that was a big thing for it obviously and i personally love it i think it's really funny i don't buy it for one second that was just like off the cuff and that when i scripted witchboard tried to claim but apparently now they're pulling the ad of the original rumor was that it was because of white house pressure the white house is
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now denying that it was because of white house pressure somebody forwarding it to forty nine white house pressure as well they've got a good update for me so i wonder what's what's behind all of this you know some people are saying they're hypocrites because they they took some federal loans not exactly being bailed out or you look the other one is trees are very tied into the federal government there's a lot of subsidies that come your way the tax credit for credit cards you buy there are tax credits for kind of cars you make there's federal r. and d. dollars there is of course defense contractors all the money that goes into that so you know they're made to take the buyout necessarily the actual auto industry bailout but they took plenty of federal money and they get plenty more don't they advocate for the bail am i remembering wrong that's where it went and i. find they are being hypocrites but you know it was it was a good joke while it lasts a good little thing or i'm guessing it's the kind of guy that would send one of those recession cards though you know i mean i'm going to truck and everybody else you know you know they're trying to ruin america here's our. let's move on our last
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story and i think maybe my favorite star is when a leader of iran is a pretty notorious truth or here is an example of a recent statement he made at the u.n. some segments within the u.s. government orchestrated the to reverse the declining american economy and its grips on the middle east in order to save the zionist regime. yes a majority of the american people as well as most nations on politicians around the world are going with this. ok so this is why i love this story really quick you know aside from the fear of iran having nuclear weapons at some point we have a lot of war hawks in this country that also hate iran because they think that iran funds terrorism but now in the latest issue of inspire which is the al qaeda magazine there's a writer that basically is railing on. and you know telling him to stop being a truth or because al qaeda really really wants the credit for nine eleven i mean i worked really hard and i are you going to take their phone i'm already it was
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a lot of work maybe it's not a laughing matter but it's well i mean if you're i mean i think the funniest part that they have that magazine there's some angry guy and then use on deadline and then you are going to your magazine i would think about that if they laid out. a clear no that said guys that on the ground well as i do but you know the other thing about iran i read today that there are people ships off our coast if you heard this that's right it's going to get out that this is more of the. i think we can agree that. pretty entertaining yes always always always always good for a laugh fire is adding a little more humor into the mix right you guys thanks for joining me tonight directed at that's it for tonight shall thanks for tuning in to make sure the come back tomorrow wall street journal columnist kelly evans can be on a talk about the latest press conference in the meantime don't forget to be from atlanta feel our show on facebook and follow us on twitter if you missed any of the night's show or any other night if you know we have to look into the last we want to show and coming up next he's to the.
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