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tv   [untitled]    September 30, 2011 7:01am-7:31am EDT

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the room was empty this is our see life from moscow president dmitri medvedev has been explaining his decision not to seek a second term saying regiment putin's popularity ratings among russians remain higher than it is he also outlined his view on what the upcoming election means for the country as he spoke to russia's mainstream media there's no novack of reports. mostly spoke about the upcoming race for the presidential seat in explaining why he thinks prime minister putin is the best man for the job well first of all he said show. is more loved in the country than. himself. when it comes to achieving common goals there's no such thing as power struggle and it's up to the people of this country to decide who they want to see as their president regardless of what. thinks is best for the country himself in that respect he
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emphasized that all the speculations about the presidential election of two thousand and twelve being a sealed deal here in russia are absolutely irresponsible and unacceptable especially jump to the citizens to. just words it's the truth any politician could lose an election along with his or her political party you know the country's history as well as other countries that's what's happened more than anything can happen there's no predetermination let the citizens decide who has more authority people who decide. to highlight the key points or the by voting for a candidate or a party by turning them down that's what democracy is about do you believe in. the recent discharge of the country's finance minister aleksey calling it a matter of political discipline just to remind you that shortly after present may have suggested. on the other side of the atlantic russian finance minister speaking at a press conference in washington has said that he does not want to remain at his
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post with the new government just remind that the question is not a problem and republic what a presidential republican such statements are absolutely unacceptable to you will be able to watch the entire interview with the russian president later in the day on r.t. . and still to come on the program the beginnings of a new monetary and disaster fold in libya. finding themselves catastrophic water food and supplies in the desert. now case and action by market panic unseen since the financial crash of two thousand and eight the german government scramble to approve a massive expansion of emergency bailout fund the new measures mean berlin now guarantees nomic contribution of two hundred eleven billion a year most analysts however agree that a move must be done to prevent
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a highly anticipated greek default from shattering the here is a e.u. negotiators will soon return to athens to we start. payments the government's last chance to evade a collapse and later this bar says asking for first reports the fuel for the greek government's relentless austerity engine may be quickly running out. greece has been the poster child of the euro saying that crisis with germany voting to expand the bailout fund the country looks that's to get that much needed cash injection that helps come with some conditions here in greece that people say the price they're being made to pay is simply too high burning that there is deadline day for the first to be hit with the greek government's new special tax it's one of the measures they put in place to try to secure the next tranche of money the country needs to avoid bankruptcy the extra tax which is due to doubts about another three percent from people. supposed to help plug some of the massive deficit in the
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budget to more than a year's salary cuts rises in living calls people here already at breaking point the last. third of the. bunch of. this from the opposition movement entitled to pay he tells me how the movement's expanded rapidly in recent months as more more. people hit that financial wall before of the people most of the people were not playing because they wanted to protest against the unjust situation no there are thousands and dozens of people who will not pay because in most people's desperation has become increasingly evident on the streets of greece the violence is repeatedly play can out between riot place and protest as she states even more clashes his parliament again feted in yet another austerity measure and the fall of any property tax very
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aware organizing all the various desirous to put greece on. just for political reasons. and critics do not need the i.m.f. many people in greece now question just here it is the thing control unfortunately today very a leaders in your resume are the bankers. is mr. bunker . shareholders being. called again and again and again are the. taxpayers in the eurozone despite germany having dated positively to expand the size and power of the european bailout fund already critics are questioning whether that will be enough insights now turn to the many challenges. still faces the problem will move from. other european countries
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then to german banks. even germany. being you know. will be affected if the problem will. find a solution not just for greece but for all the european union countries with past measures failing to have the facts as political leaders continue to struggle to convince the public the truth. still hangs in the balance but these protests. continue many people here the greece is a country now at risk of having not only a financial but a democratic deficit as well surf. outside the parliament building in athens. now the e.u. may be throwing billions at athens to prop up its economy and create the appearance
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of stability but the greek crisis has now going too big to be contained bounce according to. a sociology professor. i think that the big question facing us today is not whether we are going to default but how we are going to default i mean all the measures taking by this throwing up by the european union the is a b. and b. i.m.f. leads one way or the other to some sort of default some sort of moneths default but this is all this is going to be accompanied by newest even hans or or stare at the mess or some sort of social barbarism for example we had this summit meeting on july twenty first and there was all this hope that the new bailout package was on the way. come september and the blackmail starts from the part of the european union concerning the last payment of the previews bailout package it's bailout been accompanied by extremists terrorism is there's the demand for
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a complete state assets and then again more austerity more recession. devastation of the of the productive capacity of this country i mean this is a vicious circle something that this must stop i think that does a society as a country we have that science to default on our own our own terms which means the immediate stop of payments to the debts immediate exit of greece from the euro zone from the euro or and i b you can get the latest updates on developments on greece on the euro crisis just moments after they happen to on twitter stream twitter talk home flash. it's the way.
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meanwhile thousands of civilians are fleeing the city of sirte in libya on the masses fighting between gadhafi loyalists and the former rebel forces reaches an apex reports say makes the refugees are heading to the comparison safety of the desert you can behind their belongings and livelihoods well that critically short of water food or medicine and there's now a very real threat of any humanitarian disaster and i ching aid workers are rushing to the area they continued fighting is preventing access well earlier i paid to do with a spokeswoman for the international committee of the red cross who is trying to reach the refugees in a convoy through the desert. road and you know we are certain foremost so we are all we are own free and. are all of these people who are already very very are
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living in very very very you know them all know that there are going from regime you got from the people running out of. night running that are inside the front cover are you getting growing all over both her not only frequently and they have very difficult our own homes here have been trying since her past week to enter the city of israel we are prepared we have all the humanitarian assistance needed but for her our recruiting goals in africa this is good if you go out and do you will be able to go out we have a good while both but our time is not there is not for that and then on where we are we have in turn to find i will contact will be. well to sort of to be able to get into no fault of people who are less. decent how would the word go so to you following up closely on the situation and is providing. maybe
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a lot of comfort delivering how do you. find service of your quarter. then go for the conditions in which they are living. now egyptians are bracing themselves for the mass protests on friday hoping it will attract millions of people dissatisfied with the way their country's being run that post about a public anger is accompanied by threats from dozens of political policies to boycott the upcoming parliamentary election artisan isa now we've just cairo to find out more. that was what we knew that change had come to egypt a new chapter of freedom and democracy don't judge a book by its cover when reading post mubarak egypt it's between the lines where you'll find the new chapter hasn't been published edited or slightly revised we still have the supreme council of the on torsos those are all orders i cannot say
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that they have been. in any sense getting this country towards democracy barak may be gone but his policies are not the most new mubarak's case is ongoing at this tribe you know new figures from human rights watch claims more civilians have been forced to face military trial for the last six months some twelve thousand during the entire thirty year rule of mubarak average civilians are giving five to you know seven years in prison a lot of torture has occurred since skaf has come into power. actor doesn't clown around when it comes to the supreme council or scuff he has taken part in protests since day one and still has scars from being detained because the books are much worse he said very long they told me i had to stick it humbly for months after that i was shot for the struggle and beaten with
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a baton ahead least only because i'm well known now most of the last leave the country for thirty years according to know if i have to seek asylum at all to stay and fight for freedom like mubarak skaf gets the supported needs to rule egypt from abroad and the aid that we get from the us that one point five billion a year the easier to seize from from the usa and most of it entirely goes to the to the supreme court to the to the army you know the scout and while the westboro. history books will change for the better the arab spring is a massive opportunity to spread peace prosperity democracy egypt sions are left reading the writing on the wall in many areas it's the same as before don't go different from in some areas it's getting more worse and he's now a r t. well on our website we're asking what you think about the current situation
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in egypt and libya here are the results so far well of the majority only fifty percent of you believe that other countries benefited from the revolutions in egypt and india the most the second place goes to those who think it's too early to make any conclusions and fourteen percent of you seem to be quite happy with the new democratic look of the countries or the same amount think none of the revolutions have brought positive results will do visit our website r.t. dot com to have your say and as the world's attention remains fixed on the middle east with continuing violence in libya and palestine stated that at the u.n. are these people of l. and his crosstalk death to the organizations credibility under scrutiny for programs coming up in some ten minutes from now here's a preview. if we were to propose a hypothetical the tomorrow the united states or the united kingdom decide to go on a war and the united nations security council doesn't give that you know there's
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a russia or china or whoever vetoing that particular decision then they decide to step so the united nations and go to war regardless what can the united nations do in reality they can do. apologies for that slight technical error let's take a brief look now at some other world around the globe the yemeni ministry of defense announced its big u.s. goals terrorist mastermind lucky he was allegedly involved with a number of attacks on america including at the failed times square bombing last year on the fort hood shooting rampage in two thousand and nine. but. was said to be on the cia's pirate he told that his death follows a number of failed attempts on his mind on the west. and israel and president hugo chavez is denying rumors of a setback in his health he was referring to a report published in the u.s. newspaper that claimed chavez had been hospitalized again the president said he was
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taking steroids as recovers from chemotherapy after finishing his final round of treatment in cuba last week. a standoff continues in northern kossovo with local serbs reinforcing their barricades in an ongoing dispute over border crossings the situation also led to nato sending more troops to the region already for relations between serbia and kosovo plunged to new depths on tuesday after nato forces tried to dismantle barricades provoking violent clashes with our correspondent reports now from the region. the situation could be. nearest future because we went to the barricades barricades organized by the. last night and we saw that. there are barricades with. the road block these roads for. the cost of
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a police also we heard helicopters. flying into the region every. bringing fresh troops to the border crossings into. the situation. violent clashes at the border between. protecting the. almost. hospitals with different. who provoked this violence because. they were the ones who provoked. them. in hospitals here. who were delivered with injuries they are delivered with. and what's this whole situation
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driving around the city we've seen many pictures. for years and i've never seen so many serbian flags hanging around the. town as well as many. this is this basically reflects the situation could be escalating any minute. since july this year when the police decided to put checkpoints at the border crossings they decided to impose a trade embargo on the serbs living in. look at all the good supplies and the battle supplies these serbs the local serbs reacted furiously by putting man made barricades and ever since there have been clashes with the police with the k. four forces there has been lots of international reaction to that with washington accusing the cost of a service of provoking violence and the russian foreign ministry saying that it may
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seem that this is just a minor border crossing dispute but in fact it could destabilize the situation in the entire region. do join our culture vultures. next hour he continues his tour around russia's northwestern town of the world renowned for its fairy tales that. the history of the boat started in the eleventh century when a small settlement appeared once part of sweden and finland and now russia over the centuries the fusion of cultures and traditions has become only too apparent attractions and architectural monuments are closely connected with its history there are several museums on the grounds of the boscastle and one of them is a museum of torture the rather dark display features contraptions used to punish interrogate and execute people during the middle ages.
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that's where the news this hour here on our team has got a business update right now with. our welcome to the business here in r.t. thanks for joining me russia's economic policy will continue more or less on the course they couldn't speaking to business r.t. deputy finance minister sergei star trak explains the government's thinking in the wake of the stock sacking of the shock sacking sorry of his boss. butyl was amused if you look at the pollutants we won't slow chief the first deputy prime minister. agrees with experience used a crude review on the key issues he says the parameters of the state budget for next year which would develop and will remain and that he would not let the ministry agree to any more. let's take a look at how the markets are doing now oil prices are. trading at eighty two dollars a barrel while brand land is that around one hundred three dollars
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a barrel and european stocks are trading lower as well the footsies over one and a half percent down and the dax is losing two point eight percent carmakers and luxury firms are leading the falls and burberry group dropped over three and a half percent of london miners and technology stocks are also losing ground shares in u.k. chip designer arm holdings down three point four percent and chairman comicon b.m.w. is losing four percent here in russia stocks are in the red in midday trading session it's the biggest quarterly drop for the maya six in almost three years concerns of the global expansion is faltering is hurting the country's commodities producers now let's have a look at some individual shambles on the march texas our energy stocks are in the red with cast from losing two and a half percent and rosneft down over three percent financials are also under pressure with the spare bank dropping four and a half percent. and russia's top search engine yandex has bought
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a ten percent stake in its american rival start a black zero the fifteen million dollars deal is considered as another step in the company's foreign expansion and u.s. market entry coincides with reports that the company continues to lose position in its home market to google. russian markets have had generally positive week optimism in europe as sorting out its debt problems douglas. capital believes that investors should take a closer look at oil and banking stocks for a good bet. oil companies are really good bet right now given that there are a nation have a double benefit from their margins from such a a weak ruble there are other export revenues are denominated in dollars which means that they should have an exceptionally good quarter this quarter the they're also i think quite cheap after the recent sell off also russian banks i think is something
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else is worth looking at in a bargain because there are other quite cheap they're trading at a very little multiples against against book they've been hit harder than most stocks in the recent sell off and so it's also something i would look at specially if there's some resolution coming out of the e.u. ministers meeting early next week. and that's all from me and this edition of all business news by julie have a clink will be with you next hour with more business stories here or you can always check our website at www dot com thanks so much.
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very first verses of the bible to all human beings are created but sentimental came in god's image and it doesn't say just jews or non jews. sixty to seventy percent of what i did as a combat soldier in the occupied territories was to do with deterrents doing what we call making our presence felt to go out should some bozo they hear a knock on some doors run to the other corner invade another house religion and nationalism not just judaism have been a part of the problem they've been part of what leads to. bloodshed if you want to bomb guys and kill. a thousand four hundred people in a month and you want to expect that this will have no effect until
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a few you have to be either extremely naive or extremely stupid we don't need to hear a religious jew calling another joke and not the way they really didn't. question was that so much different and there's a huge musician on the mark with the united nations the global body in search of a mission often derided as a competent. and ineffective feel when it is also accused of. sleep. sleep. sleep sleep. sleep. sleep.
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if. i am. the nature and discover its beauty. and. leap a communicate with the. test yourself and become free and. see what nature can give you the. wealthy british scientists. and. market
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why not succumb to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max cause or for a no holds barred the global financial headlines. is a report on. the influence of. bringing you the latest in science and technology meet. from around russia. we dumped the huge earth covered. me please eat eat eat. eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat. eat. some.
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twenty years ago the largest country in the world. to places of the. us how did you try. to teach began a journey. where did it take the. well
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our. presidential candidate. refused to run a second. brace themselves to get to the riot at the special times deadline later today on the heels of a german parliament vote to drastically expand the power. and subs refuse to dismantle the barricades over possible pool. or treat the area. next to the debate takes office people discuss the case of the use raw.


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