tv [untitled] September 30, 2011 8:00am-8:30am EDT
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you need that image that is says it's too soon huge popularity that means he's the best presidential candidate as the outlines the reasons he's stepping aside in north seeking a second. and information blackouts around the disputed jack boy's oldest border with kosovo where journalists all balled from recently erecting barricades bounce amid reports there's an order to shoot anyone coming close. to the never ending story of all steroids the greeks are brace themselves for yet more targets and higher taxes as the government of the japanese nation tries to breathe its bid for a new bailout money that's. on the attempt to reclaim the revolution
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addictions once again gather on saudia square this time to protest against the rule of the military which replaced mubarak but retain this policy. very well welcome to you this is all see a live from moscow all top story now russia's president and explaining why he's not seeking a second term and that i'm a bit of stress that he found bloody murder putin have common goals in that putin's huge popularity among russians to help achieve that should he returned to the presidency next year may develop outlined his reasons in an extensive interview with russian media and how they are not about how could you tell us now from. these we just spoke about the upcoming race for the presidential seats in russia
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explaining why he thinks prime minister gordon is the best now. for the job well first of all the ratings show. in the country than we did it himself. when it comes to achieving common goals there's no such thing as power struggle it's up to the people of this country to decide who they want to see as their president regardless of what. is best for the country himself and the respect he emphasized that all speculations about the presidential election of two thousand and twelve being a seal deal here in washington are absolutely irresponsible and unacceptable especially. just words it's the truth any politician can lose an election. in our country's history as well as other countries. anything can happen predetermination. he said. it's our people who decide. to
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highlight the key points for a candidate or a party or by turning them down that's what democracy is about to give you the video about the recent discharge of the country's finance minister aleksey calling it a matter of political discipline just to remind you of shortly after present you have suggested. for. all the other side of the atlantic russian finance minister speaking at a press conference in washington has said that he does not want to remain at his post with the new government maybe just pointed out that soon must have been doing his job for way too long if he got so bored of it that he's making such irresponsible statements and making them abroad nonetheless he with his professionalism and experience we should have no trouble whatsoever finding another job another way to serve his country. and we'll be bringing you the full version of the interview of course in a four person g.m.t.
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. over the whole thing i. so full away. from the area near the barricades that was set up it's now encircled with columns y. and here lies offices that promise to shoot to kill anyone trying to course to cross a well known and if he had a chance he joins me live now on the on the phone from the region and they say how do you see what's going on in the area. certainly i'm reading right now about seven hundred meters from the border between crossroads and closer to the cage which was created just recently and we saw of my own questions on tuesday and have been for the last several days here but this morning in just a short while ago or more than one hundred k. for troops came over they're going to their weapons at christmas we're barricaded in the checkpoint and still the record was good water going and that they needed to leave there were no fights no wire and whatsoever and the serbs actually pulled
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back about five hundred meters from where they still were and barricaded a good bridge there are closer to the road here which leads to the border you know basically it's the same very statement a little more further away but it seems come from now to say for forces are in full control of the area watching us repeated firms which are standing here. it would be a pretty flat and smooth and we could see some more tension to be great for of course it also pushed all the journalists away from the area and even though one of our colleagues crew left their car behind the case for lying and they actually executed permission to get their car so the situation is very tense here and we certainly see some more development three hundred years future and i say if they see peacekeepers are indeed trying to dismantle the barricades what consequence is capering. well it's hard to say we're going to be pretty it will actually be to flounce or because this is not jolie barricade around the region we have seen about
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six first they're really not made checkpoints under search of the local service on the way to the border so or basically it's just. they lost a little battle but they've not lost the war i think they will still continue holding their barricades all the way in order to force their will do well to block the retreat for troops and because police from st pete served our country very the third quarter in order. all right and they say many things about the next say yes just be there on the phone in northern cos ok. well coming up later this hour libby is a future kyle did in uncertainty thousands of libyans leave from the basis fighting between the national transitional council and you doubt the loyalists in the city of sept no attention from the man. on the shadow of an imminent u.s. veto hangs over the palestinian statehood bid is the u.n. security council as a yes vote looks all but certain. international that inspections are
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housing trouble visiting key ministries in greece and because angry workers occupying them in their latest anti austerity protests the delegation are in athens to decide whether greece is fit enough for another portion of bailout companies mass chance to evade collapse later this month the decision was suspended earlier downs of the country's doing enough to reduce its enormous debt as leaders have pushed through pension cuts and extra taxes to try and please their credit says but the public remains convinced of the relentless austerity policies and making things worse off since her first reports from athens. greece has been the poster child of the year i think tech writers with germany waiting to expand the bailout fund a country like france to get the much needed cash injection to help come with some conditions here in greece the people say the prices are being made to pay them for a new high earning the fellow is deadline day for the first to be hit with
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a quick government's lease special tax it's one of the measures they put in place to try to secure the next tranche of money the country needs to for bankruptcy the extra tax which is due to doubts about another week concern for people's on your income is supposed to help block some of the massive deficit in the budget nothing more than a year's salary cuts and rises in living costs the people here are already at breaking points the last two years almost everybody has lost at least thirty per cent of his salary over. eric cost analysis from the opposition movement entitled we won't pay he tells me how the movements expanded rapidly in recent months as more and more people hit that financial wall before. most of the people who were offering because they wanted to protest against the no unjust situation
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know there are thousands and thousands and thousands of people who will pay because . people's desperation has become increasingly evident on the streets of greece but violence is repeatedly tracon out between riot place and protesters. even more clashes parliament again feted in yet another austerity measure in the fall of any property tax. or organizing. to put on. just for political reasons and greeks. many people in greece now question just commuters i think control our fortunes. very early in euro zone are the bankers. it's mr. bunker. shareholders are not being. called again and again
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and again. in the euro zone despite germany having baited positively to expand the size and power of the year. already critics are questioning whether that will be enough concise now turn to the many challenges you still face the problem will move from. other european countries to germany. even germany. you know. you don't find a solution could be not just for greece but. with past measures failing to have the facts as political leaders continue to struggle to convince the public interest here is a still hangs in the balance of these protests a district. to continue many people. greece is a country now at risk of having more than your financial the democratic deficit as
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well. outside the parliament building in athens. have a constant updates on what's happening in greece and across the usa search for r.c. on the score com and it all right but it all in context. china. it's. the. hundreds of egyptians are gathering in cairo's main square to take part in a mass protest manger we claim the revolution they feel let down by the
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transitional military council and want the current emergency rule to be lifted and it's also a pressuring a far more open election was something echoed by political parties threatened to boycott november's parliamentary election anything now reports now of this tribe from people back on to cairo streets. we knew that change would come to egypt a new chapter of freedom and democracy don't judge a book by its cover when reading the post mubarak egypt it's between the lines where you'll find the new chapter hasn't been published edited or slightly revised we still have the supreme council of the armed forces those rulers i cannot say. in any sense you think this country towards democracy barak may be gone but his policies are not what hosni mubarak's case is ongoing at this tribe you know new
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figures from human rights watch claims more civilians forced to face military trials the last six months some twelve thousand during the entire thirty year rule of mubarak albert civilians are giving to you know seven years in prison a lot of torture has occurred since. staff has come into power. actor. doesn't clown around when it comes to the supreme council or scoff he has taken part in protests since day one and still has scars from being detained because the books were much worse he said very long i told people they had to stick it humbly for a night after that i shot for the struggle peter with the back of my head i was released only because of well now must not leave the country for thirty years according to law if i have to i will seek asylum but all stay and fight for freedom like mubarak's staff gets the support it needs to rule egypt from abroad. that we
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get from the us that one point five billion a year the easier to see is from from the usa. most of it entirely go through the to the supreme court to the to the army you know the scout and while the west coast history books will change for the better the arab spring is a massive opportunity to spread peace prosperity democracy egypt sions are left reading the writing on the wall in many areas it's the same as before then when professor from some areas is getting more worst and he's now a r t congress meanwhile pounds of civilians are fleeing the city of sirte in libya as falling between pro and anti kidnapping forces that range. from the international commission for red cross says with the city a critically short of food water and medicine the refugees have little choice but
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to head into the death. these people who are already fast they are making investments i understand that you no longer wanting to grab their i came from a friend you got from the people i'm going to help. i'm sure and got their insights so it's the fall supply is getting growing old they voltron all have to be and they have a just so that's still to live here they have been trying since the last week for emphasis if you thought i was a time does not did not start. now there are a few places that you'll hear about the humanitarian crisis instead and the remaining pockets of resistance in libya on times and from british civilians to peace in libya told us that life isn't given enough need your attention. the market makes one set up the media will teach you that your friends are your enemies your enemies or your friends i think if empire learned from vietnam some lessons i don't let the media have free access they definitely on the lessons from the two thousand
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and three war of aggression against iraq that's make sure that there's no critical media that the media's own side also that they learned the lesson about and make sure the media doesn't oppose the war make sure there's no prisoner controlled things like abu ghraib or prison the controversies to make sure none of the counterfactual humanitarian food out unlike iraq happened in libya through the media so i think this is the situation we face with and the struggle is really on the media front my sources on the ground and i cross check my sources on the ground in libya tell me that money will leave is still a strong resistance against the pro nato forces and nato itself and also might might my sources on the ground mention that a very important border town between two news in libya and algeria has been captured by gadhafi as resistance a town called got and also could the army itself out between the algerian and libyan border is also surrounded by gadhafi is resistance against nato so really what we have in libya is a situation i came to afghanistan but the difference being is that gadhafi is arguably a lot more popular than the taliban's national resistance is and was in afghanistan
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. but as usual we always like to hate your opinion on things on our website while asking what you think about the current situation in egypt and libya and here with the results safe harbor for the things he responded to our poll believe in our country which is benefiting of most well of our faith seem ready to draw any conclusions they were named alfred between two options either the democratic all feeling none of the revolution support positive results that are to dot com to have a girl say. now twenty four hours a day is seven days a week read sites that you get updates on all of our latest stories adults or looting a little bit outdated. a russian rockets falls into the skies from the baikonur cosmodrome carrying a major telecommunications satellite find out more from r.t. dot com well it's. a small city in russian far east of the sun living in
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fear after a print of polar bears moves into the neighborhood people were at times when this is claimed one person it would be on the life for the richest a way i read all about it and watch the footage. our special admissions committee of the un security council is to hold its first musing over palestinian push for statehood house after nine members of the council promised a bank but there's well at this stage analyst need america will try to stall the process to avoid vetoing the resolution among the international bodies and the bed is the european parliament which calls the palestinian quest a state is a legitimate target meanwhile israel has yet again come under fire from much of the
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world community after approving was subtle words on occupied palestinian territory a senior official told us you that unconditionally us the force of eight remain the major factor behind israel's behavior. the americans have. a list of proximity talks which we did that it works which we did be indicted for talks which we did and there israelis have decided to be a freeze on settlements and what they're called the moratorium on this issue has pushed the horten talks into total collapse even by countries that has said that jewish settlements in the palestinian territories are an obstacle to be used they are not legitimate and so on we asked them to do european union the united. states israel is announcing the southern months and what are you going to do about it so i think this is the question for the international community the israel is a breeze every day violating beside three months by evaluating international
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legitimacy violating all resolutions that is related to united nations the question is what is it that the international community is doing about it we hope that the international community does not continue to deal with israel as a spoiled kid of the washington and some european capitals. well the palestinians are getting high hopes on the u.n. security council while the people of els cross-talk later his guest puts the organizations credibility under scrutiny. if we posed a hypothetical that's a more the united states or the united kingdom besides a go on the wall and the united nations security council doesn't give that you know there's a russia or china or whoever vetoing that it's a good decision and then they decide to step so the united nations and go to war regardless what the united nations do in reality they can do absolutely nothing and that is where the problem is.
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i prefer it now it's another world headlines this hour and yemen the ministry of defense it's still a u.s. born terrorist mastermind and while our case he was allegedly involved in a number of attacks on america including at the failed christmas day bombing in new york in two thousand and nine allo larky was said to be on the cia's priority target list and his death follows a number of failed assassination attempts by the u.s. army. a filipino maid has won a landmark case in hong kong allowing her to apply for permanent residency it puts into question hong kong's immigration policy which excludes foreign maids from apply for residency even though other foreigners can do so after seven years the rules accused of being discriminatory that politicians argue with a strain on housing and social services the government said it would appeal the
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ruling. powers the news this hour here on r.t. of business now with the media don't go away. hello to very well welcome to the business update growing fears of a global recession are making investors pull their cash out of risk emerging markets russia is no exception with economists saying sixty billion dollars could flee the country this year this is also adding pressure on the ruble it's lost twelve percent against the dollar since the beginning of september well to set some much crisper the from twenty dollars is here with me in the studio thanks for joining us chris so what's driving capital outflow domestic global and it's very much globally based there is a global risk right now on the back of the threat of euro zone debt default which is the plunge that region into a severe recession and even without that we're seeing evidence of slowing growth in
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the u.s. and china we had some numbers today which indicated slowing growth there as well so there's a general concern that the world is slipping back towards recession and the back of that investors are playing it safe they're avoiding anything in the risk category and that includes pretty much old emerging market equities and currencies speaking about russia to run for president next year sure investors understand the capital outflow well first of all it puts some certainty on an uncertain situation so you know. markets hate uncertainty so we now have at least certainty as to what's going on but i think the more important issue will be you know exactly what sort of government. that you are putin forms next year and what will be the priorities of government and there has been a lot of concern in the media and western media particularly that we were going to revert back to the sort of priorities and style of government we had previously i
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don't believe that's the case i don't think you know in any rate that's even possible it's quite clear to russia can no longer rely on ever rising oil revenues . to drive growth there needs to be a new economic model people understand the government understands that and putin has said as a many times as well so are we yet to see exactly who will be in this government or chip it will be and what would be the priorities and that will then tell us what sort of best market we can we can expect how well the resignation of the darling and for foreign investors i mean alexy could really affect russia's budget policy and its macro well again it all remains to be seen frankly and it's part of mention this change that we see is absolutely necessary anywhere and we believe it is coming so it's not just going to be about one person in one particular job it's going to be about you know the blend we get in government what will be the priorities of government and what will they you know what policies the economic policies that they will pursue you know frankly it's an impossible question to
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answer we do know for sure that alexey who was the right guy for the job over the last ten twelve years he's left the country in very good financial shape we have a very good balance sheet and we're in an excellent position to both withstand a slowdown in the global economy and to pursue growth initiatives from from here so he's definitely done an excellent job and left russia in a good position to go forward it really depends on what the whole package is going to be after we see the next governor and what's all this going to do with the will can we make any predictions. you have to tell me what you think is going to happen in greece you have to tell me what you think is going to happen in the us growth in chinese growth and therefore what the impact will be risk phobia as it were and then you can start talking about where the ruble will be because it's all going to be driven as has been the case driven by external events my sense is that what we're seeing seeing from europe now is more of an effort at least to fix the
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problem for now i think we might come back to this problem in terms of debt default next year but it looks like we might find some solution temporarily. and the us fed has already said that it will do what's necessary to try and sustain growth in the u.s. economy so i think we're pretty much at the bottom of the weakness in the ruble right now i would believe i would expect to see the ruble recover some of its losses over the next couple of months and i would expect it to end the year stronger than it is today but that's absolutely predicated on no greek default and u.s. feds taking action to try and stimulate growth in the article chris a weaker ruble e-stop but for russia given the certainty all the global economy it's a real quandary for most emerging markets not just for russia under one hand you do you don't want too strong a currency as was the case in two thousand and seven and part two thousand and eight because it attracts a speck of capital inflow which drives up you know equity markets real estate markets and it's and drives up inflation so you know there was
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a real concern that russia was attracting too much speculate on that that time and your hand you don't want the currency to go too far the other direction because obviously you know a week we bought. the tracks from the you know long term investment attractions of the country and you therefore do not get the sort of investors to you need to build up the economy long term in which it's an agriculture industry or technology so it's always a tight balancing act in the ideal currency if you like for russia is probably around twenty eight or so against the dollar that's you know that's a good position for the ruble to be parked as it were in order to attract those long term capital without attracting too much back and of capital but you know it's it's a difficult targets to reach especially with so many global events actually dictating the order of play chris with the chief strategist a troika darling thank you very much for your analysis and we still have time to
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the quick check on the markets prices the lower the so light sweet is trading at eighty one dollars a barrel while brightest hovering at one hundred three dollars. european stocks are trading lower the footsie is over one and a half percent down while the german that says two and a half a cent in the right comic is not sure firms region the falls chosen but brokerage trumped the weak point six percent in london mine isn't acknowledges stocks up only losing ground shares and u.k. chip designer arm holding down three point four percent and german carmaker b.m.w. fell through such. as here in russia stop saw in the red in midday trading session it's the biggest quarterly trucks more than my sixteen almost three years concerns about the global expansion is faltering as part of the country's commodities produces. so we have time for now it join us for another business update in less than want to get lost or is an analysis from a web site r.t.l. com slash business.
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