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tv   [untitled]    September 30, 2011 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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if you choose to be either extremely evil or to stupid. and your religious jew another jew and not a really sensitive. breaking news a story just how i shoot to kill policy using force along serbians border with cost of zero as if this being the recently a right to the barricades we choose that luke lights and information blackouts around the area that are approved it only seems. to me them a day that has the prothiaden budget approved would have stood for the same goals if running for the presidency. and hours the among russians makes him the better candidate. and the neverending story of all star wars and greeks brace themselves for your way of cots and higher taxes from the government of the debt ridden nation through and it's fixed for a new bailout money meds. and an attempt to reclaim the revolution
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gyptian long to get the gavel to tell us why at this time to protest against the rule of the minute she translates for bag of that takes his policy it's. a very warm welcome to you this is the life nato troops in northern costco how forced away all less from the area near the barricades that was set up by serbs it's now encircled with barbed wire in the lines offices promise to shoot to kill anyone trying to cross it and he spoke to us on the phone from the. i'm standing right now about seven hundred meters from the border between gaza and serbia the case for troops will set up a defensive line and they said that they will shoot to kill anyone who is trying to penetrate the line and trying to get close to the border crossings this morning in
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just a short while ago where more than one hundred k. four troops came over there going to their weapons at the serbs who are barricading the checkpoint and told them that this was the border zone and that they needed to leave the serbs actually pulled back about five hundred meters from where they stood and barricaded the bridge closer to the road which leads to the border and now basically it's the same very good which is a little more further away to be a full force is also pushed all the journalists away from the area and even the one of our colleagues crew left their car behind the case for line and they actually had to get permission to get the car back so the situation is very tense here and we certainly see some more developments here in the near future. or are we following the story as it develops and bring you the latest updates from the spot. russia's president and explaining why he's not seeking a second term to meet them in tibet and stressed that he put in
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a common goals in the regions his popularity among russians will help them achieve them but says should he return to the presidency next year but read of al blind his reasons in an extensive interview with russian media that's how and how does he tell from the. mostly spoke about the upcoming race for the presidential seats explaining why he thinks prime minister gordon is the best man for the job well first of all the region show. in the country. invaded himself. when it comes to achieving common goals there is no such thing as our struggle and it's up to the people of this country to decide who they want to see as their president regardless of what. things is best for the country himself and the respect he emphasized that all the speculations about the presidential election of two thousand and twelve being a seal deal here in washington are absolutely irresponsible and on acceptable.
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and just words it's the truth any politician can lose an election in his or her political party in our country's history as well as other countries. anything can happen predetermination let the citizens. it's our people who are citizens are able to highlight the key points for a candidate or a party or by turning them down that's what democracy is about do you believe in. the recent discharge of the country's finance minister aleksey calling it a matter of political discipline just to remind you of shortly after prison you have suggested. for. all the other side of the atlantic russian minister speaking at a press conference in washington. that he does not want to remain at his post with the new government really just pointed out that somebody must have been doing his job for way too long if he got so bored of it that he's making such irresponsible
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statements and making them abroad nonetheless he with his professionalism and experience moving should have no trouble whatsoever finding another job another way to serve his country i will be bringing you the full version of each union at four thirty pm g m t. international desk and scratches having trouble with his in key ministries in greece because angry work is rocky behind them in their latest. protest the delegation are in athens to decide whether greece is fit enough for another portion of the bailout the government's last challenge from a break now stage of the smart decision was suspended earlier a bit down the country's doing enough to reduce its enormous debt leaders have pushed through pension cuts and extra taxes to try and please their creditors but the public remains convinced that the relentless austerity policy is only making things worse sarah first reports from. greece has been the poster child of the euro
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paint a crisis with germany waiting to expand the bailout fund the country looks that's to get that much needed cash injection with the help come with some condition here in greece the people say the price they're being makes it pay them for the new high earning this. is the deadline day for the first to be hit with the greek government's new special tax it's one of the measures they kiss in place to try to secure the next tranche of money the country needs to avoid bankruptcy the extra tax which is what it does about another three percent of people. supposed to help the blocks of the massive deficit in the budget nothing more than a good salary cuts and rises in living costs people who are already at breaking points. the last two years almost everybody has lost at least thirty percent of his salary or. air a cost analysis from the opposition movement entitled we wait pay he tells me how
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the medium it's expanded rapidly in recent months but more and more people hit that financial wall before. most of the people were not playing because they wanted to protest against the unjust strays from no there are thousands and dozens of thousands of people who will not pay because of. people's desperation has become increasingly evident on the streets of greece but by this is repeatedly tracon out between riot place and protesters. even more clashes this parliament than fated yet another austerity measure in the fall of any property tax where organizing all of this. to put greece on. just for political reasons greece and critics do not need i.m.f. many people in greece now question just a few details i think control our fortunately today very early there's an euro zone
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are the bankers. he's mr. bunker's i'm not sure i'm not being. called again and again and again i have the. patch in the eurozone despite germany having baited positively to expand the size and power of the european bank. already critics are questioning whether that will be enough concise now turn to the many challenges you still face if the problem will move from. other european countries and then to german banks. germany. will be affected it will find it's not just greece but. with past measures failing to have the facts this political leaders continue to
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struggle to convince the public interest here is a still hangs in the balance with these protests a district austerity measures set to continue many people hit the greece is a country now at risk of having not only a financial but it got the classics deficit as well sir. the parliament building in athens now waiting at least three hundred billion euro and pool of debt the crisis that's right now impossible to contain is the only outcome allowed for holding to open space a theology professor. i think the big question facing us today is not whether we are going to default but how we are going to perform i mean all the measures taking by this throwing up by the european union there is to be. one way or the other to some sort of default some sort of
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month's default but this is all this is going to be accompanied by newest even a concert or still in the midst of some sort of source of god but is this is a vicious circle something this must or i think about the society as a country were. to default on our own terms which means the immediate stop of payment to the immediate exit of greece from the euro zone from the euro well coming up later this hour libya's if you take clout it. thousands of civilians flee from the fishes the placings from the national transitional council and exactly the way they said the city of sept no attention from the u.s. . on the shadow of an imminent u.s. veto who hangs over the palestinian state just bit at the u.n. security council as he gets a page and that's all that. thousands of egyptians are gathering in cairo's main square to take part in
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a mass protest named reclaim the revolution they feel let down by the transitional minutes accounts and want the current emergency rule to be lifted and it's also pressuring for more you connection something echoed by political parties threatening to boycott november's parliamentary election and he said now reports of young pianists that's driving people back to cairo the streets. we knew that change had come to egypt a new chapter of freedom and democracy don't judge a book by its cover when reading post mubarak egypt it's between the lines where you'll find the new chapter hasn't been published ended or slightly revised we still have the supreme council of the armed forces those. i cannot say that they have been. in any sense this country towards democracy where it may be gone but his policies are not the hosni mubarak's case is ongoing at this tribe you
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know new figures from human rights watch claims more civilians have been forced to face military trials the last six months some twelve thousand during the entire thirty year rule of mubarak average civilians are giving five to you know seven years in prison a lot of torture has occurred since staff has come into power. actor . doesn't clown around when it comes to the supreme council or staff he has taken part in protests since day one but i still have scars from being detained because too much worse he said very long they told me go ahead just stick it hardly for much of that so i shot for the study of d.c. with the back of the head released only because of well heard now most of last leave the country for thirty years according to you know if i have to i will seek
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asylum stay fight for freedom like mubarak's kaftans to support it needs to rule egypt from abroad the aid that we get from the u.s. that one point five billion a year the easier krissy is from from the usa. most of it entirely go through the to the supreme court to the to the army you know the scouts and while the west coast. history books will change for the better the arab spring is a massive opportunity to spread peace prosperity democracy egypt since our last reading the writing. in many areas it's in the same as before don't read different from yours it's getting more worse and he's now i r t. and while thousands of civilians are fleeing the city of sirte in libya is fighting between pro and anti gadhafi forces their wages from the international committee of
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the red cross says with the city critically short a water food or medicine the refugees have little choice but to head into the desert we've already left they are living here invest hundreds of thousands you don't know that they're going from asia you got from the people. i'm bringing in part of why are you caring for your own there is no no no no they have oh yes but that's also have here we have been trying to reach planters if you are really what our parents did not have did not work so. well there are a few places that you will hear about the humanitarian crisis in certain the remaining pockets of resistance in libya so got turned on from british civilians the police in libya told also because they're plainly not given enough media attention. makes one set up the media will teach you that your friends are your enemies and your enemies are your friends i think if empire learned from vietnam
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some lessons i don't let the media have free access they definitely learn the lessons from the two thousand and three war of aggression against iraq that's make sure there's no critical media that the media is on so i don't think that they learned a lesson that makes all the media doesn't oppose the war make sure there's no prisoner control the things like abu ghraib prison the controversies and make sure none of the kind of factual humanitarian full out like you watch happened in libya through the media so i think this is the situation we face with and the struggle is really on the media front my sources on the ground and i cross check my sources on the ground in libya tell me that money will lead it's still a strong resistance against the pro nato forces and nato itself and also my my my sources on the ground mention that a very important border town between sunnis in libya and algeria has been captured by gadhafi as a resistance a town called that and also adama salaf out between the algerian and libyan border is also surrounded by gadhafi as resistance against nato so really what we have in libya is a situation i came to afghanistan but the difference being is that gadhafi is
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arguably a lot more popular than the taliban's national resistance is that was in afghanistan . as usual we always want to hear your opinions on the stories for compering on our website were asking what do you think about the current situation in egypt and libya and here are the results so far off of that they've responded to our poll believe it other countries which are benefiting from both. think it's too early to draw any conclusions the remains are split between two options either being happy with a new democratic libya or feeling none of the resolutions of bold positive results is that. the hard it will say. a special admissions committee of the un security council is to hold its first meeting of the palestinian push for statehood after nine members of the council promised to back the bed well at this stage analysts believe america will try to stall the process to avoid vetoing the
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resolution among the international bodies dorsenne that it is the european parliament which called the palestinian quest for statehood aided just minutes target meanwhile israel has yet again come under fire from much of the world community after approving all settlements on occupied palestinian territory a senior partner after a short told r.t. that unconditional u.s. support and aid remain a major factor behind israel's behavior. the americans have asked their israelis to start. dogs which we did grow though to dogs which we did be indicted dogs which we did and then israelis have decided to end the freeze of settlements and what they're called they're going to go to you on this issue has totally pushed the horten talks and. even back on. the jewish settlements in the recruiters are an obstacle to be used the art of not legitimate and so on we asked them to do the european union you know for the israel is announcing be several months what are you
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going to do about it so i think this is the question for them promotional community their israel is every every day value. besides the months by evaluating international legitimacy violating all resolutions the united nations the question is what is it that their international community is doing about it we hope that the international community does not continue to deal with israel as a spoiled kid of the. european capitals the palestinians are putting high hopes on the u.n. security council. data his guest actions credibility on the scrutiny. if we were to propose a hypothetical that tomorrow the united states or the united kingdom the side to go on a war and the united nations security council doesn't give that you know there's a russia or china or whoever vetoing that particular decision and then they decide to step so the united nations and go to war regardless what the united nations do
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in reality they can do absolutely nothing and that is where the problem is. the. top story now breaking nato peacekeepers in kosovo are threatening that they'll shoot to kill anyone who tries to pass the trouble on the border with serbia all journalists have been expelled from the area. he is nearby and has just sent me this report. now the latest developments in the ongoing dispute at the border crossing over and serbia is that the case for the fourth. man from the man made buried here which was done close to the border crossing and around a hundred of them are in there with guns and said that the beezus this is the
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border area and other people need to lead now several hundred serbs which were very getting very good in this particular sport have moved away from that and ok for is having a full control of this area here it is unclear whether they will actually destroy the very thing but for now it seems that this particular barricade this particular checkpoint which was in the spotlight of the major parlance on tuesday with more than eleven men injured in those classes has now been removed or under control of the k. four forces. now eleven men still remain in hospitals with different wounds despite that they pay for forces and nato claims that they used only rubber bullets. gas grenades to pacify the crowd most of the people injured have shot wounds we managed to speak to the doctors in the hospitals they confirmed this information to us that surgeries were performed on these mounds to remove bullets from their bodies some say this may ask elate into
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a serious violence would be taken to the russian foreign ministry has already expressed deep concerns over the situation saying that it could destabilize the things in the already stressed region the melting ports which is in the balkans and indeed everyone is watching how. some of the world headlines this hour yemen's ministry of defense says it's killed by a u.s. born terrorist mastermind. for the number of attacks on america including the failed christmas day bombing in two thousand and nine. he was said to be on the cia's priority target list and his death follows a number of failed assassination attempts by the u.s. army. in the majors won a landmark case in hong kong allowing her to apply for permanent residency it puts into question hong kong's immigration policy which excludes foreign maids from applying for residency even though all the foreigners can do so after seven years
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the rules accused of being discriminatory politicians argue a strain on housing and social services the government said it would appeal the ruling. twenty four hours a day seven days a week how well besides their feet you would update on all of our latest stories and much more including the ones that without a hitch a russian rocket saw them to the skies in the i can all call pleasure in carrying a major telecommunications act like plants. police officers that attacked by and little not in brussels after he demanded the amount of light for me i have failed for full coverage of this story is available at r.t. dot com.
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that's the way the news is our headline shortly before that let's get a business update with you. alone a very warm welcome to the business update growing fears of the global recession are making investors pull their cash out a risky emerging markets russia is no exception with economists saying sixty billion dollars could flee the country this year this is also adding pressure on the ruble it's lost twelve percent against the dollar since the beginning of september and how well the curse we've got from troika dollar believes the rubles recovery is not far away. my sense is that what we're seeing seeing from europe now is more of an effort at least to fix the problem for now and the us fed has already said that it will do what's necessary to try and stay in both the us economy so i think we're pretty much at the bottom of the weakness in the ruble right now i would believe i would expect to see the ruble recover some of its losses over the
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next couple of months and i would expect it to end the year stronger than it is today but that's absolutely predicated on no greek default and u.s. feds taking action to try and stimulate growth in that economy in the ideal currency if you like for russia is probably around twenty eight or so against the dollar that's you know that's a good position for the ruble to be parked as it were in order to attract those long term capital without attracting too much that could have capital. and russia's economic policy will continue more lets on the course set by alex accoutrement speaking exclusively to business archie deputy finance minister sergei is that chuck explains the government's thinking in the wake of the shock sucking of his boss here was a mistake you look as well but it really won't well onu chief the first deputy prime minister. agrees with experience minister cameron on the keys years he says the parameters of the state budget for next year could develop and the crude will
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remain in use and that he will not let the ministry agree to any obligations. you must take a look at the markets now oil prices are lower there's a light switch is trading at eighty dollars per barrel while brant blind is at a ground one hundred two dollars a barrel and european stocks are trading lower the footsie is of want to help. the taxes and bought three percent car makers and rugs for farmers leading the false shares and corporate crooks dropped three point six percent in london minus the technology stocks are all losing ground here. and in russia stocks have read in midday trading session it's the biggest quarterly trots of noise that's in about three years concerns that the globe the specialist faltering is hurting the country's commodities producers let's look at something divisional share moves on my sets energy stocks are in the red with gas from across net losing more than three percent each financials also under pressure was dropping over five percent.
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and in all the news russia's top search engine younger it's has a ten percent stake in its american drive all start up blackout the fifteen million dollars deal is considered as another company's foreigners french and the u.s. market and trade coincides with reports the company continues to lose position in its home market to google. russian markets have had a generally positive week amid optimism europe is sorting out its debt problems took a stroll such erosive capital believes investors should take a closer look at oil and banking stocks for a good bet. companies are really good bet right now given that there are they should have a double benefit from their margins from oh such a a weak ruble there are other export revenues are denominated in dollars which means that they should have an exceptionally good quarter of this for the other also for i think quite cheap after the recent sell off also russian banks i think is
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something else that's worth looking at and buy again because there are other point keep their trading at a very little multiples against against they've been hit harder than most stocks in the recent so off and so it's also something i would do look at specially if there's some resolution coming out of the e.u. ministers meeting early next week that's all the business news for not more stories check our web site r.t. dot com slash business.
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i am this nature and discover is abusing. the. communication with the wyoming. test yourself and become free. to. see what nature can give you on the. line motion would be soon which bryson if you want to bounce comes from funds to christians. who for instance on t.v.
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don't come. in two thousand and ten especially konami zone for industrial production was established in russia some are region with a total area of six hundred sixty six as. its investors are granted exclusive tax and customs benefits which includes a five year extent. for property land and transport taxes as well as an income tax reduction to fifteen point five percent. the special economic zone operates as a fleet customs which enables manufacturers to market their products in russia free of encouraging teams to some our region is currently witnessing a sewage infrastructure construction the some are region special economic zone promise is exceptional.


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