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tv   [untitled]    September 30, 2011 12:01pm-12:31pm EDT

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just after eight pm here in the russian capital you're watching r t now to our developing story nato troops in northern cos of o. have bulldoze a barricade that was set up by the serbs near the border area well that's after all journalists were forced away barbed wire brought in along with a promise to shoot to kill anyone trying to cross it off season mixing at a shop ski has sent this report. now the latest developments in the ongoing dispute at the border crossing between. serbia is that the case for troops have brought in bulldozers and demolished the serbian very kid this was the closest barricade to the border post between kosovo and the case for border fence have pushed men from the manmade barricade which was down close to the border crossing the quay for
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troops have set up a perimeter and they say that should anyone try to break it should try to penetrate into the zone into the border crossing they will shoot to kill and some of them are even pointing their weapons towards journalists towards the serbs who are stationed here this particular checkpoint was in the spotlight of the major violence on tuesday with more than eleven men injured in those clashes has now been removed or under control of the k. four forces. now eleven men still remain in hospitals with different wounds despite that the k. four forces and nato claimed that they used only rubber bullets and tear gas grenades to pacify the crowd most of the people injured have gunshot wounds we managed to speak to the doctors in the hospitals and they confirmed this information to us that surgeries were performed on these men to remove bullets from their bodies some say this may ask you late into a serious violence in particular the russian foreign ministry has already expressed
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deep concerns over the situation saying that it could destabilize the things in the already stressed region the melting pot which is in the balkans and indeed everyone is watching how. political analysts some extent of poverty in belgrade told us that nato peacekeepers are more likely to revive the war than bring peace. they've totally and openly stepped out of the un mandate and they're really really now just like during one nine hundred ninety nine during the bombing when there was the air force for the albanian separatists are now acting as their infantry so this is what we have so this is a clear breach of the u.n. charter and of the resolution twelve forty four all they're doing right now is that they're actually. destabilizing the situation they're actually bringing conflict. everything was reasonably peaceful until they gave the green light for albanian
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special police forces to forcibly take the administrative border back in july and ever since then they've been giving them full support so they're encouraging actually the government to reach to. headed by caution parcheesi wanted for various charges from organ trafficking to drug trafficking and they're encouraging him to more violence so they're not a peace factor at all they're total factor of war and destabilization. will be following this story as it develops and of course bring you the latest updates from . russia's president's been explaining why he's not seeking a second term richard got of stress that he and letting their putin have common goals and that pittance of huge popularity among russians will help achieve them should he return to the presidency next year well bit of outlined his reasons in an exclusive interview with russian are. the details from moscow.
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mostly spoke about the upcoming race for the presidential seat in explaining why he thinks prime minister putin is the best man for the job well first of all he said ratings show. is more loved in the country than. himself and he said that when it comes to achieving common goals there is no such thing as power struggle and it's up to the people of this country to decide who they want to see as their president regardless of what the thinks is best for the country himself in that respect he emphasized that all the speculations about the presidential election of two thousand and twelve being a sealed deal here in russia are absolutely irresponsible and unacceptable especially jump to the citizens to. just words it's the truth any politician could lose an election along with his or her political party in our country's history as well as other countries that's what's happened more than once anything can happen there's no predetermination let the citizens decide who has more authority people
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who decide. to highlight the key points are the by voting for a candidate or a party who by turning them down that's what democracy is about do you believe it or you feel about the recent discharge of the country's finance minister aleksey calling it a matter of political discipline just to remind you of shortly after presently have suggested blood human pushing the floor of the country's top job on the other side of the atlantic russian finance minister speaking at a press conference in washington has said that he does not want to remain at his post with the new government with you just pointed out that soon you must have been doing his job for way too long if you got so bored of it that he's making such irresponsible statements and making them abroad nonetheless he. with his professionalism and experience who should have no trouble whatsoever finding another job another way to serve his country. and we'll bring you that interview.
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in full right here on r t in about twenty five it's time. now thousands of egyptians have gathered in cairo's main square to take part in a mass protest named reclaim the revolution they feel left down by the transitional military council and want the current emergency rule to be lifted activists are also pressuring for more open election laws something echoed by political parties threatening to boycott november's problem mentary election parties are the somali reports on the and happiness that's driving people back to cairo streets. we knew that change would come to egypt a new chapter of freedom and democracy don't judge a book by its cover when reading post mubarak egypt it's between the lines where you'll find the new chapter hasn't been published and it did were slightly revised we still have the supreme council of the on por says those. who have
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been. in any sense gearing this country towards democracy barak may be gone but his policies are not that hosni mubarak's case is ongoing at this tribe you know new figures from human rights watch claims more civilian courts face military trials six months some twelve thousand during the entire thirty year rule of mubarak average civilians are giving five to you know seven years in prison a lot of torture has occurred since the staff has come into power. actor doesn't clown around when it comes to the supreme council or skaf he has taken part in protests since day one and still has scars from being detained because the marks were much worse he said very long they told people they had to stick it humbly for right after that i was shot for the struggle and beaten with.
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it's on the head least only because of. now most of us leave the country for thirty years according to law if i have to seek asylum but all stay and fight for freedom like mubarak skaf gets the support it needs to rule egypt from a brand that we get from the us that one point five billion a year the easier to seize from from the usa. most of it entirely goes to the supreme court to the army you know the scouts and well the west coast history books will change for the better the arab spring is a massive opportunity to spread peace prosperity democracy egypt sions are left reading the writing on the wall in many him or if. it's the same as before don't want different from in some areas it's getting more worse and he's now a r t cairo. well meanwhile thousands of civilians are trying to flee the
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city of sirte in libya where fierce fighting between the pro and anti gadhafi forces continues along friday former rebels launched a barrage of rockets at the colonel's home city now debate a sucker from the international committee of the red cross says that where the city critically short of water food and medicine refugees have little choice but to head into the desert. people who are already very are living in a mission because you know them all know that they're going from regime you got from the people getting out of. nine journeyings that are in charge these are you getting growing old there is no no no no they have ownership of our historical hands here we have been trying since last week to enter the city of what our time did not did not success well we have been talking to witnesses on the ground there and later in the program we will be bringing you more insight into what's happening
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on the ground there in sergt. all right well right now let's talk about greece our international debt inspectors are having trouble miss it in key ministries in greece because angry workers are occupying them and their. protests there's only geisha and are in athens to decide whether greece has spent enough for another portion of the bailout the government's last chance to evade a collapse in. the recession was suspended earlier over doubts that the country is doing enough to reduce its enormous debt leaders have pushed through pension cuts and extra taxes to try and please their creditors but the public remains convinced that the relentless assertive policy is only making things worse artists are furthest ports now from athens. greece has been the poster child of the euro crisis with germany baiting to expand the bailout fund the country looks that's to get that much needed cash injection help come with some conditions here in greece the people say that the price they're being made to pay if simply too high burning that
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. is deadline day for the first to be hit with the greek government's new special tax it's one of the measures they put in place to try to secure the next tranche of money the country needs to avoid bankruptcy the extra tax which is about another three percent from people. supposed to help plug some of the massive deficit in the budget but after more than a year's salary cuts rises in living costs the people here already at breaking point the last two years almost everybody has. heard of the. era cost analysis from the opposition movement entitled we won't pay he tells me how the movements expanded rapidly in recent months as more and more people hit the financial reform. because we want.
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to know. four zones and dozens of people. because in most people's desperation has become increasingly evident on the streets of greece the violence is repeatedly pray can out between riot place protest is. even more clashes parliament again feted in yet another austerity measure in the fall of any property tax where organizing all the various desirous to put greece on. just for the calendar is wrong and critics do not need the i.m.f. many people in greece now question just here it is the thing control unfortunately very very a leaders in your resume are the bankers. from european central bank. shareholders are not being. called
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again and again and again are the. taxpayers in the euro zone despite germany having dated positively to expand the size and power of the year pin bad fund already critics are questioning whether that will be enough insights now turn to the many challenges the usa still faces the problem will move from greece and will start talking to other european countries then the german banks. even germany. the european you know. will be affected you will find a solution not just for greece but for all the european union countries with past measures failing to have the facts and as political leaders continue to struggle to convince the public the future of the eurozone still hangs in the balance but these protests. continue many people have the greece is
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a country now at risk of having not only a financial but a democratic deficit as well sir. outside the parliament building in athens. all right well let's try and get a handle on how this might pan out in the coming days pavel's with a researcher an analyst with the open europe organization. so the bailout policy it hasn't yet delivered the decisive blow to tackling europe's debt has it but what is your analysis on why the euro zone members are just so committed to it. well the problem is that so many of the current. leaders and decision makers the same people who came up with the policies in the first place. to do with the eurozone so in times of crisis great doubt because we are in on charter territory let's remember here they fall back on the default suppositions and which are more centralization. of the same policies that of us to this point i think they have too much invested in both politically and economically because remember that banks in the eurozone
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countries are holding a lot of greek that so i think they just feel if they might as well go down this road no one really knows where we're going to end up right you were mentioning earlier that it is the same people that have brought the eurozone together so if back then it was political will that brought the eurozone together do you think that political will will be here will to keep get it out of this quagmire the problem that it's in. i think is a fundamental difference because when the eurozone was being established it was sold to the people especially in in germany on the basis that that they would be no bailouts. that the northern states wouldn't be bailing out the southern members and now that they're now the cutters are the bag i think will be very difficult to to bring together the necessary political will to keep it together and we saw we saw signs of in yesterday's debate in the. merkel did
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did get the majority that she needed but. persuading members of her own coalition proved to be very very difficult let's talk about the actual bailout fund i mean even the expanded one isn't enough to help greece i mean you're backing up two hundred eleven billion euro debt it seems like a drop in the ocean especially when greece's debt alone is around two hundred three hundred fifty billion will it even help at all. you know you can be right to say that this isn't enough really the problem is that the markets know this greece is and greece has an effect a funding gap of between one hundred twenty and one hundred sixty billion euros in addition to the funds that it's already receiving under the first bailout package and the markets know this and they consider the greek default to be inevitable ok greece is now facing an ultimatum it's basically markets or cash injection do you
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think that they will actually go that far considering earlier you mentioned that their banks are exposed to a lot of greece's debt if it does go under is so is that an empty threat. to territory and it would be a very brave take a very brave person to speculate as to exactly how this might pan out i think we are really testing the limits of the current system to destruction we saw earlier the protests in athens because clearly unhappy with the austerity measures being imposed which is the property tax and also in. countries like germany and finland and even in. slovakia we're seeing a lot of discontent with with the measures and remember these are just the measures agreed to back in july to boost the effective capacity of the bailout fund you know we haven't even really got to the stage where these national parliaments are going to consider the bailout packages are two trillion euros which is what's estimated
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that is needed to contain a greek default ok just very very quickly now talking about germany how far do you think it can go before it undermines its own credit worthiness. but we saw with the downgrade of of us earlier this year that nothing is sacred and certainly germany's aaa rating although it's not in danger at the moment there is there is the limit to how much stress it could take and as i said earlier the german public i don't think the german public would allow it to get to the point where for example we would. had plans to leverage the funds through the e.c.b. i think for the germans are definitely a step too far right thanks very much for your analysis there pavel's with research or an analyst maybe open your organization thank you. will go back to a story we're covering earlier we're going to get insight from the situation in syria in libya where there is currently a humanitarian situation unfolding and we're joined live by sword the sooty from
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the international red cross in tripoli. in the city but what information do you have for us about what's going on in syria i mean we've been hearing from some witnesses is the situation as dire as those reports. this are you can you hear me. i think we're having a bit of a promise mr let's try this again can you hear me. all right i think she is not hearing us at the moment we'll try to bring her back later on in the program while especially missions committee of the u.n. security council is to hold its first meeting over the palestinian push for statehood well that's after nine members of the council promised to back a bit well at this stage analysts believe america will try to stall process to avoid vetoing the resolution among the international bodies indorsing the bit is the european parliament which called the palestinian quest for statehood a quote legitimate target meanwhile israel has yet again come under fire from much
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of the world community after approving more settlements on occupied palestinian territory seeking arafat's fishel told r.t. that unconditional us support and aid rebate a major factor behind israel's behavior. the americans have on the israelis to stop. talks which we did broke the direct talks which we did they have decided to end the freeze of settlements and what they're called the moratorium on this issue has totally bush the whole talks into total collapse even by companies that has said that the jewish settlements in the but as you know there is are an obstacle to peace they are not legitimate and so on we ask them today the european union the united states israel is announcing the southern months and what are you going to do about it so i think this is the question for the international community there israel is a very every day violating beside the months by violating international legitimacy
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violating all. related to united nations the question is what is it that their international community is doing about it we hope that the international community does not go into new to deal with israel as a spoiled kid door of the of washington some european capitals palestinians are putting high hopes on the u.n. security council while in peter lavelle's cross-talk later his gasp with the organizations credibility under scrutiny. if we were to propose a hypothetical the tomorrow the united states or the united kingdom decide to go on a war and the united nations security council doesn't give that you know there's a russia or china or whoever vetoing that particular decision then they decide to step so the united nations and go to war regardless what the united nations do in reality they can do absolutely nothing and that is where the problem is.
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let's cut quickly look at some other world headlines this hour a car bomb has blown up at the funeral and the central iraqi city of hillah at least fifteen people were killed in the blast with dozens of others injured he lie is a route for pilgrims who visit holy sites in the south of iraq violence in the country has declined since its peak five years ago but the attacks continue. yemen's ministry of defense says it has killed the u.s. foreign terrorist mastermind anwar a lackey he was allegedly involved in a number of attacks on america including the failed christmas day bombing in new york in two thousand and nine allo lackies that was said to be on the cia's priority target list and his death follows a number of failed assassination attempts by the u.s. army. filipino maid has won a landmark case in hong kong allowing her to apply for permanent residency if not
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sin question hong kong's immigration policy which excludes four inmates from applying for residency even though other foreigners can do so after seven hears the rules accused of being discriminatory but politicians argue it will put a strain on housing and social services the government said it would appeal the ruling. along the way russia's president explains in detail why he doesn't want another term the top will get the business news first with yulia. hello and a very warm welcome to the business update growing fears of the global recession are making investors pull their cash out of risk emerging markets russia is no exception with economists saying sixty billion dollars could flee the country this year this is also adding pressure on the ruble it's lost twelve percent against the u.s. dollar since the beginning of september how with the chris with the from troika dollar
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believes the rebels recover is not far away. my sense is what we're seeing seeing from europe now is more of an effort at least to fix the problem for now the u.s. fed has already said it will do what's necessary to try and sustain growth in u.s. economy so i think we're pretty much at the bottom of the weakness in the ruble right no i would believe i would expect to see the ruble recover some of its losses over the next couple of months and i would expect to. today with absolutely predicated no greek default and u.s. fed taking action to try and stimulate growth and economy in the ideal currency if you like for russia is probably around twenty eight or so against the dollar debts you know that's a good position for the ruble to be parked as it were in order to attract those long term capital without attracting too much spare could of capital. and it's time to take a look at the markets the european stocks ended riders trading session in the red
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following the week started fears of a global slowdown hurting sentiment concerns over chinese growth cited is the reason for the drop in luxury goods group prices focus standard chatters was also suffering and still the mind of the top. and here in russia both horses were also in the red at the close the r.t.s. for the r.t.s. it was the biggest quarterly drop in almost three years it lost more than thirty percent last sixteen percent sure in the same period let's take a look at some of the individual share moves in the my six energy stocks along with more than three percent financial spall so under pressure with dropping almost six percent on monday for much prettier reps of the day straight for us. well we're finishing the under september and it's been one of the worst. months actually the worst quarter since two thousand and eight for the russian market it's been
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a really really bad week and the problem for russia has been that despite. what's been a relatively decent domestic case domestic story for russia it's getting hit by uncertainty over what's going to happen in europe is greece going to default and also what's happening in the u.s. what's the u.s. growth profile so russia's called an early tough place right now and the market selling off very very aggressively and one of the big issues has been for russia that it had a very strong rally in the first quarter of this year a lot of liquidity came into the russian market because the oil prices rising and those a lot of liquidity generated by q e two about trade is completely reversed right now we've seen extremely aggressive and flows from russia since may and it's continued aggressively through september. that's all the business news from all small stores check all websites archie dot com slash business.
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we'll. bring you the latest in science and technology from the realms of russia. we've got the future covered.
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wealthy british style. crisis money. market. scandals find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines in two cars a report on our.
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welcome back you're watching live from moscow and our developing story this hour nato reportedly bulldoze a serbian road walk at the border with north kossovo follows news that a shoot to kill policy was in force near the disputed checkpoint as i grew they are reached new heights. greeks are bracing themselves for yet more costs higher taxes and the latest round of a sturdy measures blistery by the government it's part of a bid to prove the nation is for another slice of the bailout cake the decision was suspended earlier over the country is doing enough to reduce its enormous debt. i mean she has said he ever did her putin would have stood for the same goal is it running.


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