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tv   [untitled]    September 30, 2011 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT

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the occupy wall street protests are gaining momentum this friday and we've been there since day one today here from yet another woman pepper sprayed by the face in the face by police plus what's up with the mainstream media saying protesters are overreacting to being pepper sprayed will also have this release of the british. move. and with that many people saying their country is not for sale so as greece takes a bailout is the price they're being made to pay simply too high a live report from out and week with our financial contributor to me treat christina. sex although it's all. it is good for you. and not
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only is it good for you apparently it's good for the economy to it's providing much needed jobs in america. and drone first asked later an american born cleric killed at the hands of the u.s. government so are mainstream headlines celebrating the death of our new enemy number one for the loss of justice rule of law and due process we'll speak with investigative journalist jeremy scahill. good evening it's friday september thirtieth it's eight pm here in washington d.c. i'm lauren lyster and you're watching our team starting off this hour as the economy continues to hit average people hard occupy wall street continues as activists efforts to fight back now the movement. appears to be gaining more steam
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getting support from a number of unions the new york transit workers voted to support the occupy wall street and were supposed to be joining the protests this evening the teamsters union declared support the united pilots union reportedly had members protesting in uniform now this could get interesting unions are a large part of the reason why we see so many people turn out to protest in europe for example our kids own anastasio charkha has been covering the protests since they began and tonight earlier she was out there and she shows us what's going on. as a dissipation for these crowds around social networking sites two weeks ago hundreds of people out of the twenty thousand signed up for these protests came out onto the streets this clip the financial district initially agreed on five released as well as a means to media the opportunity to marginalize this crowd as a fringe group of pieces out here until december and attention would be.
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there to continue fighting the system is only getting bigger this could be the skeleton of a religion or the beginning of one possibly but i don't think people in america overall are awake in a metaphorical sense way awake enough to actually start a revolution or change the way government is run as high profile activists and scholars started joining these crowds it became harder for the media to ignore these demonstrations and also became a card for most americans to not see if he's proud seriously as police brutality started for her last weekend over eighty some steps restore arrested several women were surrounded by police men and mace with pepper sprayed but these protesters say they're willing to say any price to get their voices heard a lot of people are on about the one percent you know and you know a fraction of the one percent that have all the money and really all about or if you think about it because would they say goes they influenced
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a lot of decisions which doesn't help anyone else but them. that's why everyone else is going through at the present together for a family or a bridge men are beginning to wonder if this becomes an issue of what america does in wisconsin or up seventy thousand people essentially for the capitol building because there are always a little noise it's not as though you can support that. two hundred m. to. come out on any of the protesters are here for a simple reason they still use and defraud. by this. wall street. financial meltdown that let's you know me one in six americans currently living in poverty bankers were killed on account and it was really a lot of people are right now they see the time for real change finally come bankers have to pay the price for shuttered economies these demonstrators are planning to be here and numbers
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a real peace with them for after all if he ever was boarded by the powers that be why not listen with similar force for change. the future. now earlier i spoke to someone who has occupied wall street herself protester julie lawler and maybe saw her because she was one of the people who with pepper sprayed by police it had video that we've been showing on this show now start things off i asked her a simple question why is she part of occupy wall street or that she said. i feel like. the mainstream americans haven't had their voice heard and i think that most people can agree that we have a reason to be angry and we haven't really had. a way to express that anger is. typical pot forms for having our voice heard are really working anymore because a wall street has so much power whether there's all the titian what are those
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typical platforms you're referring to. well such as voting and. so you don't think your vote counts. no well i mean you know it's. even obama. gets most of his money from wall street that's where all the money is and that's where most politicians get their money from and so even though some of them may have good ideas about how to fix our economy they're still getting. blocked so in some ways it's just ok so you think you're saying you're angry over wall street's power versus your power you have another reason you could possibly be angry you're one of the people who was pepper sprayed at a protest over the weekend and it was caught on video if we can play a little bit of doubt that the people can see it our viewers are watching it right
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now and you can't tell exactly what's going on but it didn't look like you ladies were posing any threat maybe you could just describe a little bit about why you were pepper sprayed there. no we weren't giving it we weren't doing anything to provoke the police and we certainly did not deserve it. the police started deploying these orange netting fences to try to block streets off and to i think separate us sickies and. everyone felt trapped they didn't know where to go it was very chaotic and confusing there was a lot of police brutality going on and there i watched a man with a camera get his face bashed into the fender of a car and i watched another police officer beside me grab this lady and drag her by the hair underneath the fence and everyone was screaming and it was just totally
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chaotic and. so why did they should how did i do. i don't know i didn't see it coming i didn't even know that any of them had pepper spray on it didn't seem like a situation to use pepper spray we were behind the fence and we were staying there everyone was confused as to why there was a fence around us in the first place but because we were on the sidewalk and we were on a public sidewalk. it was difficult to watch your fellow who would friends and be treated by the police in such a brutal way right and i want to play a little bit for you of how because fox news did a debate on this earlier this week and i want to play you what megan kelly said about the reaction of you and your friends to being pepper sprayed and i want to
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get your reaction to it i don't know i see these women screaming it's like they've been shot in the face well as i've never a proper spray to face but i was the argument that they've been that they're being overly dramatic and they're playing it up for the camera so making calabar was essentially alleging that you guys were playing it out for the cameras do you have a reaction to that you want to defend yourself. oh i felt the two girls that were on the floor screaming god the pepper spray six inches i mean right in their faces i was behind them i got a direct stream of it right in my eye and also on my skin on my face in the skin on my arms it hurts it feels like you've been slapped in the face with a hot out here and it is not pleasant and it gets in your lungs and it makes you choke and know it was a very scary frightening experience and it hurt i believe that. there are a lot of pictures too of afterwards my skin was really red my eyes were swollen my
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fiance also got hit with the pepper spray and the second incident that happened there are you think that there where you think that the reaction in that video was completely authentic. oh it was completely authentic i mean they're immediately started screaming i mean i couldn't imagine getting it right in the face. they got a lot more than i did and we're still came full very painful there you have it from the girl who was pepper sprayed herself protester julie lawler now taking on the economy the stock market today closed out its worst quarter worst quarter i know those three years amid fears over the global economy in the u.s. every day it seems new economic forecasters are coming out saying the country is headed to recession and in the eurozone a sovereign debt crisis threatens to bring down perhaps countries perhaps banks perhaps the euro greece is of course considered kind of the coaster child of the
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crisis but as the country waits to see if it will get its next bailout cash injection protesters on the street say the price being paid is simply too high to talk about how all of this ties together earlier i spoke to economics blogger and r.t. contributor dimitri kofi anan us and asked as greece continues to see people take to the streets to protest the latest austerity measures and tax hikes designed to help greece get a second round of bailout cash it's not second its next round of bailout cash i asked him if this is a good scenario even if greece does get the money here's what he said. are we going to get it but the situation has just gotten worse so. if they get the money the debt burden continues because they still run a primary deficit which means that they have to borrow money from across their creditors to pay back their creditors the interest on their debt which means that their growth and at the same time they're cutting the public sector which is a huge part of their economy which leads to contraction of their g.d.p. which makes the debt burden grow more and more relative to the g.d.p.
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economy which makes it harder harder for them to pay back so you're seeing getting getting it there a lot of money actually makes their debt problem worse with the with the conditions that they put in place getting the money and then also cutting out started not liquidating the better not defaulting a part of that that makes it impossible because the debt is so big at this point that the interest payments are eating into capital investment and the uncertainty around the economy is making it so that investors don't want to invest in the economy they don't want to hire new workers so it's just a spiral for the economy a downward spiral so would it be fair to say that the more bailout money that greece gets the worse it gets for the country the more bailout money people the mormon bailout money and ultimately because they're not defaulting on the debt or they're not russian restructuring but that if they were getting money and they also devolve the grit they were getting money and also to stop it could they be rebuilding right and they had to fall down their throat so i'm saying the real issue is the fact that they have this huge debt overhang because it's got to the point that it's so large that it's eating into all all the capital is eating into
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any potential for investment because everything is focused on the debt and how to get the debt under control it's already too big and trying to address it the way that the i.m.f. and the e.u. have been trying to address along with the banks is is no solution ok so even at it in the short term solution where they get this next tranche of cash if these protests continue what happens next time well i personally think will be the next time i think this is going to be the last tranche and i don't think i think at this point the you or a lot of the people in europe are beginning to realize that at least greece and i think also i portugal and ireland. are into big trouble to simply continue to address the problems piecemeal the weather has been doing it i think that at this point they need to have a structured solution for greece for ireland from portugal i think spain also and then figure out what we're going to do with italy i don't know if that's a much bigger problem but i think that in late late this year early next year some sort of solution will need to be devised that incorporates greece ireland portugal spain perhaps in
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a total kind of restructuring package either that or greece is going to have to unilaterally default but unfortunately greek people don't have a government actually represents them so that's their biggest problem they don't have a debtor that's negotiating as a debtor with the creditors they have kind of a debtor that's negotiating with the creditors on that on their behalf against the greek people which is what agreed government's been doing is there a broader lesson for the euro zone is this what you're saying is essentially a lack of a voice by the teeth of its undemocratic is this a broader issue any girls on the test that's it right that i think so i mean we saw that in ireland too they elect a new government nothing changed for them and in the case of ireland it's a really egregious scenario because you have the banks that dumped the liabilities on the on the government not the government is bankrupt and it's going to the banks and saying help us meanwhile the you know so i think it's a it's a much broader crisis in the you also bring in the banking sector in europe and the threat of contagion there because they have exposure a lot of banks like paint the bird bus in in france and in brussels in belgium they
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have a lot of exposure to sovereign debt so if a country like greece let's say were to default which you think it's going to take adventure it's going to default one way or the other whether it's a structured default or unilateral default but if it was a euro unilateral default or in a way that was on structured kind of the way lehman happened in a way it was it happened because people aren't expecting it versus if it happens in a way that's planned right it happens in a way that shocks the market that would have an effect on bond yields for sovereign borrowers so would make people would probably drive a yield borrowing cost for countries like italy let's say for bradley why not suffering i decorate this summer. it would probably lower them from countries like germany let's say right and it would spike them for countries like italy could even send the marker for france it would have better fight on sovereign bonds and then the contagion effect is also because banks have their stand on their balance sheet then they have to write down this debt and then these banks have exposure to other banks and so that can be create a banking crisis not just a crisis and sovereign bets in the periphery so that's that's the effect that one
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small country can have and will find right so how does that contagion effect the united states well a lot of u.s. banks are supposed to on the hook to european banks through the credit default swap market so that in short a lot of this debt that's on the books of european banks that's one way that they're fact effectively a lot of a lot of these banks hedge their bets over the counter which means of a hedge them bilaterally with other banks so that's that's the real threat and the real risk of contagion when it comes to the u.s. banks or other banks it's how does this affect u.s. banks on on the derivative side and that is the big question and that was also you cannot god or an artsy contributor to meet you christine though from protesters angry to wall street to violent protests on main street a common concern is unemployment and with poverty at a record high in the united states a growing income gap and very few bright sign a very weak job market for many there seems not to be met opportunity except for
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maybe in one industry that may surprise you but it seems almost recession proof and is in high demand and archie's ramona lando explains. it's just glad that i am just some of the sights and sounds from the exotica convention in los angeles thousands of fans come here to meet their favorite porn stars and for the fun atmosphere but there's also some serious money talk going on here it is a great thing to rank it it is with unemployment doggedly stuck at over nine percent adventurous men and women are waiting for the job market to recover or for politicians to step up passes jobs bill and we can put people to work rebuilding america we've got a different approach. to free jobs of the printing process well washington continues to argue about how to create jobs these impatient americans
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are creating jobs in one of the few industries still going strong second only. because of the free jam was an unemployed mom and saw sex as a quick and fun way to make money online she's one of several people attending a seminar on own your own website if your competition. yet they still are they still think it's education it's a part of it is. making you comfortable you saw it with the band from toys to leather simplicity of sex remains a business which is recession proof and there are definitely more people making money off of it than you might expect was built in the street for the right b.m. the multinational giant has cut its u.s. workforce by nearly thirty thousand since two thousand and five but patty gainer is enjoying much better job security by throwing sex toy parties when they can come
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together and build a company as well gainers reliant on herself well not having to show much skin but even performers who go all the way share that entrepreneurial spirit not deny. considered mom and pop business man we live with lives on congress turn down the street from your house you got it you will it hurt you you know but look. at the way in any other nation but unlike other businesses this one is creating stimulus without relied on a below in los angeles. archie. all right coming up osama bin ladin and check anwar all a lot he sat down the us checklist of enemies we go it seems america is taking down its alleged adversaries with our respect for due process without the clarity of war and the countries there found so it begs the question is that.
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what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions. made who can you trust no one who is you know with the global machinery see where we had a state controlled capitalism school sessions when nobody dares to ask we do our teen question more. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so silly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else hears you some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture. welcome back the u.s. government has reportedly killed alleged al qaida recruiter anwar all the lucky
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with a drone strike in yemen a last he was near the top of the u.s. terror list but here's the catch he's a u.s. citizen he was born in america he was never charged with a crime and was assassinated without due process which the obama administration says is a ok in fact just moments ago secretary of state leon panetta said this country is safer without him because he was trying to inspire people to terrorize and attack this country but whether a lot he was a bad guy or not we have another question what does this mean for the u.s. constitution and the rights supposed to be guaranteed by it to u.s. citizens well to talk about it earlier i spoke with jeremy scahill he's national security correspondent for the nation magazine and he's also author of this book blackwater the rise of the world's most powerful mercenary army i asked him simply what was the crime out a lot he was really guilty of here's what he said. i mean that's what the white
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house and others are not saying i mean there's there's been no indication that anwar locky was guilty of any documentable indict of all crime under u.s. law if that was the case why not indict him so what we know the concern that i would have about the. killing right off the bat is that we are setting a very dangerous precedent for killing our own citizens without anything resembling due process you know maybe the administration had evidence if they did then they should have brought forward a federal indictment against him but the fact is that it didn't do that and so that raises a whole slew of questions particularly we're talking about killing and targeting your own citizens when they're not on a declared battlefield i'm more locky was not killed in a gun battle with u.s. troops in afghanistan he wasn't killed in a gun battle with us national operations forces in iraq he was killed driving in a convoy in rural yemen in a in a targeted killing operation that congress was aware of that the white house was
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was organizing that was participated in by the u.s. military and the central intelligence agency and only a half a dozen members of congress have ever raised a peep about the threats against a u.s. citizen so so to me the court the key issue here is what crime was this u.s. citizen accused of and the answer is none he was not accused in a court of law in the court of public opinion and by u.s. officials mostly anonymous ones and in fact advocating as you mentioned it a president can now i thankfully kill fifth and without due process and not let if a about the united states it is the mark of an authoritarian state. well i mean i think when we start to talk about killing our own citizens you know a country that cannibalizes its own is you know is heading out a very dangerous path but let's remember that we should also step back from from the harping on the fact that he was a u.s. citizen and remember that assassination has become the name of the u.s. foreign policy game president obama has dramatically expanded these kinds of
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targeted killing operations with the joint special operations command and the cia in pakistan increasingly in somalia where i just was in yemen in afghanistan elsewhere around the world we're not just using drones or using tomahawk cruise missiles what i think is really dangerous here is that president obama has solidified as a bipartisan policy the idea that the entire world is a battlefield and that the u.s. has the right to go into any country allies or enemy and kill whomever it wants with very flimsy with a very flimsy stretch of a legal justification for doing so in some cases so you're more concerned with the expansion of land mean you have a war on terror and it's everywhere. well i think i mean i think that this was sort of you know donald rumsfeld's wet dream was having a world where you know the united states was able to pummel whoever it wanted whenever it wanted which regardless of what international law says about it regardless of what the home country says about it and i think that if you had had
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a president mccain in the white house instead of a president obama i think you would have had ludicrous ridiculous policies that would have been rife with opportunity for blowback you know mccain may have been much much worse on a foreign policy level in terms of large scale military deployments but to me the concern is that president obama has made it acceptable for many liberals who otherwise would have been protesting it or objecting to it so if my concern is going forward we've now set a precedent where democrats and republicans both embrace the idea that the united states has a right to any country that wants whenever it wants or to assassinate people around the world even its own citizens with no indictment and nothing even vaguely resembling due process figure thing that obama has made run now the white dream come true. i'm saying that president obama has continued policies and intensified policies that would have been widely protested and objected to including by congressional democrats if you had
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a republican in power this is exactly what president clinton did with his domestic agenda in the one nine hundred ninety s. where he pushed through the precursor to the patriot act the anti-terrorism effective death penalty act were his policies and. his crime bill were very much in line with with the republican agenda and what you do that is that you move the country a little bit further to the right when you have democrats embrace these policies and go off to the races with them and that's my concern is that this is taking our country in a in a far more dangerous direction than if it was just republicans doing it it's interesting and i do want to get back a little bit to a lot because i think it's interesting this is day the white house and the cia are calling hand to chief of external operations for al qaida and the raid in pencil and they used to call him a militant cleric and only more recently have they said he is increasingly in an operational role for a q a p has the white house exaggerated this man's role. well
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i mean first of all neither you nor i have access to the intelligence that president obama is looking at so but what i do know is that the use of that term the chief of external operations i don't know anyone that's ever heard of lockie referred to in that way and it clearly was an attempt by the white house to give our lucky more of a military significance so that they could justify him as a military target but to directly answer your question i think there's been tremendous exaggeration on the role importance of anwar a lucky guy he was at best mid-level management of a.q. a.p. the greatest threat that he posed the united states were his online videos encouraging young english speaking muslims to they would join a jihad against the united states and you know that's that was despicable what he was doing was despicable you some could say it was hate speech or inciting violence but we have a way of dealing with people that engage in those kinds of activities particularly when they're u.s. citizens you don't just go to sesame. and less or the u.s.
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government apparently that was jeremy scahill national security correspondent for the nation magazine and author of blackwater the rise of the world's most powerful mercenary army and state into r.t. next week because we had a very packed full amazing lineup it's the bull versus the bad news there's occupy wall street protesters continue to march on america's financial institutions demanding a refund from the people who caused the economic crisis in the first place so they believe so is this the spark that will ignite an american revolution we will continue our coverage of the protests her around the country plus ten years after the u.s. began its war on terror in afghanistan how much more can the people afghanistan the u.s. is funneled billions of dollars to bring stability to the region but the drug train may derail plans the u.s. has for the country as production of opiates continues to grow and that or how much money the u.s. through. those out the tracks and forget green technology what if i told you there
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was a nuclear reactor that couldn't meltdown created cheap energy and burned old weapons stockpiles is this a pipe dream or could this new source of energy be the hammer of korean and how soon it could be could it be coming to an energy grid near you those are just a few of the stories we've got lined up for you next week along with of course more news and in-depth interviews so keep that channel right here to our t. but that's going to do it for now for more on the stories we covered go to our t. dot com slash usa check out our you tube page it's you to dot com slash r t america you can see an interview i did earlier that didn't air on this show but it is incredibly worth watching peter van buren is an employee at the state department who believes he's being targeted investigated and could lose his job because of a new book that he has out on his experience in the civilian surge in iraq.


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