tv [untitled] September 30, 2011 11:31pm-12:01am EDT
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what do you mean everything has been due to the people decide who they should present whose popularity is great this is what democracy is about. president medvedev says prudence popularity was the factor in backing him for president in two thousand and twelve particularly since if they stand for the same policies he was explaining his much publicized withdrawal from the race and during an interview with the russian media he is expected to take up the role of prime minister in a new government if putin returns to the presidency. and in terror in libya thousands are driven from their homes in the coastal city of syria as fighting intensifies between pro and anti kadafi forces showing no sign of letting up the city is suffering heavy shelling and a tank fire with nato warplanes flying overhead the red cross warns of the dire humanitarian in that situation on the ground. and coming up in about thirty minutes time my colleague marina joshie will be here with a full look at your news but right now it's time to go back to washington for part two of the alyona show and
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a report on the destiny of whistleblowers in the usa stay with us for that. i have time for tonight's tool time award and tonight goes to new york mayor michael bloomberg and the occupy wall street protest began in the city back on september seventeenth he set the protesters were welcome as long as they are respectful to other new yorkers and it appears that after two weeks of protests on wall street mayor bloomberg is changing his tune it just take a listen to his comments this morning when he was appearing on a weekly radio show but the protesters are protesting against people who make forty fifty thousand dollars a year and are struggling to make ends meet that's the bottom line those are the people that work on wall street in the finance sector and. all right somebody needs
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to explain to michael bloomberg what occupy wall street is really all about the protestors on the streets are not targeting the employees that are making forty to fifty thousand dollars a year the people on occupy wall street are not rising up against lower level employees in the financial sector they're protesting against a system of financial system which because of greed and a lack of regulations helped collapse the world economy three years ago they're protesting against the people who sent the economy into a deep recession with not been held accountable for their corrupt or inept business practices and it seems to me that it was either totally missed the entire point of this protest or these purposefully mis characterizing it listen as he defends wall street and big banks we need the banks if the banks don't go out and make loans we will not come out of our economic problems we will not have jobs and so anything we can do to responsibly help the banks do that encourage them to do that is what we need i think we spend much too much time
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in this country worrying about why we got into problems as opposed to how we go forward well so we always tend to blame the wrong people we blame the banks they were part of this but so was freddie macin fannie mae and congress. you know what you're correct mayor bloomberg wall street is not solely to blame but they were the driving force behind the collapse of the financial system their actions of cost millions of americans their jobs their homes and help start a global recession now in response u.s. taxpayers had to save their asses with a major bailout and to this day no major executives on wall street have faced charges for their actions leading up to the financial crisis quite the opposite corporate salaries and profits have rebounded above pre-recession levels yet unemployment for the american people still have as around nine point one percent of fish only and above sixteen percent for the use six and nearly one in six americans is now classified as poor and the protesters on wall street are just trying to draw
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a little bit of attention to this glaring injustice but mayor bloomberg won't stop defending the banks as if they are somehow the victims in this situation you know this is the second time this week the bloomberg has actually rushed to the poor banks defense well nobody has any confidence if you're a bank and you have money would you make a loan when people are talking about putting you in jail for what happened to the mortgage crisis three four years ago you hunker down personally i simply just cannot understand how america bloomberg continues to defend bankers and wall street against a group of peaceful protesters michael bloomberg take on the occupy wall street protests is misguided and elitist and that's why he's tonight's told time where. now let's talk about the protect ip act we've spoken about it many times on this show it's congress's way of telling to our way that they care while the r.a.s stop suing individual copyright infringers they have not stopped their efforts and
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lobbying congress to pass the protect ip act which would allow u.s. authorities and copyright holders the power to seize domains of blog webs block websites and censor search engines to prevent copyright infringement that is a truly scary thought for now a new industry survey out of sweden identified a program that's actually deterring it piracy without all the draconian laws of the claims are necessary to crack down on the evil practice and we know you've probably heard of pandora radio but there's a newer program that streams music called spotify it was founded in sweden and has just hit the u.s. recently so with spotify the user can stream music but unlike pandora you can actually search for the specific songs you want or an entire album you can also make playlists and share them with your friends and it's all perfectly legal with this program so now that you're familiar with outlook ation let's go back to the survey and sweet it a new industry study shows that over the past few years as the number of spotify customers increases the number of pirates has decreased by twenty five percent so
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why does this trend in sweden matter for us here in the us because spotify is becoming more popular here by the day so perhaps these figures could be a good indicator as to the future of pirated music here in america approves of people are just illegally downloading music out of spite they've just been waiting for a legal option with a greater music selection and they're actually willing to pay for it and while spotify is still a free service here in the u.s. swedish members do pay a small monthly fee so for those who are protesting piracy laws like the protect ip act this data certainly backs for costs but i do have one question and the number of illegal downloads continues to decrease and who is the ira going to hunt down next. now yesterday we told you the germany's parliament had approved an expansion of the european bailout fund is in markets making some people believe that we're one step closer to solving europe's debt crisis but most economists would agree that this bailout that's not going to be enough that real restructuring as need it
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so what do you know billionaire george soros has come up with his own plan and if he's entitled how to stop a second great depression soros lays out a three step plan first governments of the eurozone must agree in principle on a treaty creating a common treasury for the e.u. second until then main banks must be put under the european central bank in return for a temporary guarantee and permanent recapitalization and third the european central bank would enable countries like italy and spain to temporal or temporarily refinance themselves within limits and not a very low cost so soros argues these steps would calm markets give europe time to develop a growth strategy what is the right joining me from our studio in new york to discuss it is joe weisenthal deputy editor of the business insider want to thank you so much for joining us tonight and before we get into sorry for land i want to go back to this move yesterday by germany that made everybody throw their hands up think good are one step closer but you point out that there are still actually some real obstacles involved including slovakia tell us about that. it's come accrues
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you look the entire world has come to that everyone is sitting around in suspense what are wondering what the slovakian parliament is going to do but yeah there's a thing germany passed the expanded european financial stability fund yesterday i guess by the time the voters came there really wasn't much to spend people expected it but yeah now everyone's waiting on slovakia and today. a top leader said the votes still aren't there and they're not going to vote on it until right in the middle of october ally really cutting it close so yeah still very exciting it will be a real nail biter but really just speaks to how crazy everything is go when the world is. adding on like the way that you put that right at the end of the day so even if you know decided to step in. is that going to solve the problem i feel like you know most economists agree here that another bailout fund isn't what europe need thing to complete restructuring of the system yeah i completely agree with that and
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i think the george soros piece you mentioned is fairly spot on that this current simply giving asking greece to cut spending more and giving them more loans in order to complete keep rolling over their debt is not working the debt is getting worse there's no growth prospects there and suddenly more fundamentally the euro does not work for greece it can't devalue its currency it can't get competitive under the current regime and so something like what george soros says you know kind of permanent centralized treasury transfers between the rich countries to the poor ones those kinds of things would probably be necessary of course the problem is not obvious at all that there is the political will to do anything like this. on paper the sort of plan sounds pretty intriguing but in reality the idea of german taxpayers and french taxpayers and finnish taxpayers all paying into this centralized treasury of it every year will give money to the poor countries does
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not seem very likely and of course that's one of the points that soros makes that the ad of laying out his plan is that there has to be the political will in order to do that but i mean if we were to break it down piece by piece it might be unlikely but would that be a really good thing for the eurozone if they if they had one centralized treasury. i think it needs something like that to work i mean you could envision a scenario in which the euro stays together and you just can't accuse trudging along growth it's very mediocre and they continue to have these problems where countries aren't very competitive but you actually envision the euro becoming a economic block with a single currency that actually grows robustly at any point in the future something radical along the lines of the sheer treasury seems like it's going to be necessary now there have been rumors of course and i believe that you and i was talking about
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this that french banks may have run to the mid east looking for cash at one point and then today at work but if they actually said something interesting he said that european banks had come to him looking for a capital so it's not scary that there are individuals in these days that there are you know entire banks from sovereign nations that are running to an individual to bail them out. yeah i mean the thing both with warren buffett is that he has you know he's seen as having so much credibility that when he invests in a bank gives not just about the cash that they get from him but the his sheen and so the idea that there must be ok because warren buffett is investing in them so i do is it's not surprising that you know the various possibly french banks have asked him for their endorsement but you know i mean this is becoming you know this is no longer just a you know this started off as greece and european leaders are basically dithered for over two years and now it's infected other countries and infected the banking
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system and it doesn't really feel like they're that close to solving anything the close to anything like the soros plan that would actually do the trick well i guess they figure you know buffett decided to step in and put five billion dollars in the bank of america why would need to do it for us too but of course you know part of the thing here is that you and i have spoken about before is that europe's crisis is not an isolated crisis and we showed a graph here on the show yesterday actually that shows you know just how the g.d.p. and the the economies between europe and the u.s. have been correlating over the last ten years or how correlated they are how intertwined they are and so let's look at a prediction that we heard today that comic cycle research group has predicted that we're going into a double dip recession and basically that there is nothing that we can do to stop it when this group says that we have to listen. yes because
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actually group has a pretty good track record actually last summer of the was if you remember there are a lot of the same fears the market was last year and people talk about a double dip and they're actually insisted that there was no double dip coming and they were correct and they don't you know they don't chicken little's it seems as they put it they don't make these kind of calls lightly lightly. it was interesting hearing what their chief said which is basically you have all these leading indicators all negative and they're spreading some more and more indicators that they follow have turned negative so we pretty interesting to see what happens because the funny thing is not all the data is that bad there was some good economic data today q two g.d.p. was actually revised higher q three g.d.p. is actually expected to be higher than q two g.d.p. was so it's actually the economy some numbers aren't bad bad so there's a pretty good test of them it should be interesting and well i can't wait to see which way i hope that their prediction is wrong but it seems like playing that way
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thanks so much for joining us tonight. thank you. and we have next we have friday happy hour three hundred pound elephant in the g.o.p. presidential race and we're talking about chris christie's weight really think you last thing i do for it only here's the thing i think. it was created to serve public interests to inform and to entertain. these days there's nothing easier than opening a new media outlet but there is nothing then revoking its license in case of corruption. when just. saying. this is going to involve
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really you believe just science and technology from. the future covered. to tonight's fireside with your host cops. it's now been almost two weeks since occupy wall street begat a movement to take this country back to have the ninety nine percent join together to tell the one percent the runs the country but they won't take any more of the corruption of the great but they won't sit idly by while their country is co-opted and turned into a good talker see how this began with about two thousand people on september seventeenth and originally those numbers dwindle to less than two hundred who actually stayed in zuccotti park and continued the occupation by the mainstream media at first they completely ignored the movement then then the media turned its
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eye towards it only when police and protesters clashed only when a few celebrities made an appearance and then we saw a wave of condescension and this date a very obvious distaste for populism populism and for the hippies as they chose to label those protesters now my mind some of the most disappointing attacks came from the left and the very people that you would think would support this cause after all. there's nothing to misunderstand about the anger that these people are feeling it's been going on for years it's been a rug in our faces for the last three years financially that gets away with the crime of the century brings down the global economy not only doesn't get prosecuted but stays on top the same executives sitting at the helm transferring to our government in washington sitting in the white house meeting with the president even advising him you know it's not like congress is doing any better they depend on the large campaign donations that come in from the largest banks in this country so why would they dare question their financier's the ones that keep them in power that's what your government is doing ladies and gentleman while more than fifteen million
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americans are unemployed while more than forty six million live in poverty we're seeing profits on wall street soar we're seeing bonuses that are larger than ever and we've seen a media that's been complacent and let it all slide it's a downright outrage so it's about time that americans stood up showed their anger i don't mean riot i don't mean get violent i mean do exactly what those with occupy wall street are doing they're taking advantage of their constitutional rights to free speech to the freedom of assembly they're peacefully demonstrating and joining together and you know there are a lot of people out there who would just love to see this movement fail but the more days the go by the stronger it's becoming they complain that it was unorganized that there was no leadership well guess what now unions are getting behind the movement now people in cities all across the u.s. are also choosing to occupy musicians are showing their support as well i for one think that it's a beautiful thing i hope that it continues i hope it thrives i hope it succeeds that clearly no change is going to come overnight well it's at least show those who
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run this country that we're awake and we're cognizant of what's going on and we are very much present that's a real hope and change looks like so i for one just want you to know that i support occupy wall street. happy hour and joining me tonight is our two producer jenny churchill and angie sarlin reporter for talking points memo thanks for joining us happy friday. ok so there's been a lot of rumors lately about chris christie will he run will he run and i think it's mostly media created but you know there's a lot of people like him but chris christie has one gigantic problem and it's something that is kind of been with him since even before or since before he became governor when he was still running take a look at this all that. if you drove the only one way street causing an accident
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and putting the victim in a trouble center would you get away without a ticket chris christie did if you were caught speeding in an unregistered car would you get away without points chris christie did in both cases christie threw his weight around as u.s. attorney and got off easy if you didn't pay your taxes christie there always wait around ok so chris christie is back i mean it just is he's a big guy but apparently this is like the top of the tel and i think there have been three big job ads written by henry blodgett eugene robinson michael kinsley just in the past like day or two everyone is discussing whether or not chris christie could really be president because he's fat issue or nonissue what he did say i don't understand how people get so indignant over this where you could sure we live in a country where the highest paid baseball pitcher we're talking your professional athlete here is. what i think is three hundred pounds so the idea that you can't be president while you're overweight i mean it's just absurd actually as you say you know you feel you think that if you could be president is that what you just said
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i'm saying if you could be a professional athlete you unclear here you. know i mean i agree with you actually i think it's crazy if we have a country full of fat people who can relate to fat people better than a fat person nobody likes a skinny person being like lose weight you're fat well i but it's interesting though because you could say that sure the country has an obesity epidemic going on so he'll be able to relate more but at the same time. i'm there aren't really any overweight politicians you could say chris christie stands out in that sense so he's pretty rare for the most part politicians are fairly attractive and pretty fit it's funny with mike huckabee he made it one of his big selling points in two thousand and eight when he was running no look i lost all this weight i run marathons right now is a big part of his brand and the fact that he gained a lot of that weight back was one of the reasons people thought he was going to run for president well enough with gary johnson for example you know he does marathons and he's a total outlay there's a new profile and i just like the others way i would never vote for someone who runs marathons i think that people who run marathons are violence assessing people
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so i would never never vote for someone who runs marathons i would however vote for someone who loves pizza ok chris christie you've got to vote jenny churchill. let's move on to our next story you know marriage marriage is tough there are there you know there are shows on t.v. called marriage ref to try to help people sort out. just you know what i love what do you love about me. do you make me laugh. more bass you do not live down here i'm very have you got to you have to come down here it would be a little cleaner i would be much nicer. i would be nice. and sexually. all these so mexico mexico city lawmakers are actually trying to think of a way perhaps to to save people from having to deal with that you know once you realize that your marriage isn't going so well and have to deal with the costs the
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pain in the ass of divorce they're going to start putting out temporary marriage licenses the shortest one being for two years i really like that idea i think that's us a check out for a while i didn't know newt gingrich was a politician down there too. that's very interesting. but this and practice i guess own length till death do us part they're going to have to you know. no matter there i honestly think that this is something that's being pushed by super conservatives because they can't have sex until marriage therefore they're like well i don't really want to actually marry you i just wanna have sex the do the two year thing and then but that just force is also a horrible thing isn't it not good to your divorce in mexico it's really different not real just like the marriage. all right i mean i learned some i exactly. as well one of the reasons that you might want to get divorced this story just cracks me up so badly we have a video that's going to play in the background so christine having is the wife of a liberal liberal democrat m.p.
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john had me and his weekly she broke into a house a woman's home a woman that had been having an affair with her husband and she stole a kitten and then she told the court that she had no recollection of stealing the cat. i tried my best to return the cat when it dawned on me that i had it then when she was found guilty of stealing the. lease he was just stealing it he was going to do something with the cat i'd be a little more worried not really you go over the lack outrageous you know like i did you know she's so we can't she could have like a left in a closet somewhere. like get rich i don't even know it was she doing drugs and if i mean i don't know what you're going to have been on drugs or maybe or maybe drunk i don't know there are those details have been revealed yet probably never well but what was she what she claims she was going to the house for she went to drop her husband's possessions office what she was saying so she drops a model pick one of the trade fair trade ok settle.
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i like first watch this clip and i'll explain it. the south great recession thanks to me as you see we're not in the department of justice if you follow my lead came here i come but the perception. is that. clicking here. oh so that's a fun little rabbit somebody created but you know this is the debate right now especially while we're in a recession is what kind of economic theory you can subscribe to can see an economic theory or hyatt who is basically you know the father of law say fair economics here and so it turns out something that was reported in the nation charles koch actually lured him to come in the united states by sending him a government pamphlet to help them take advantage of america's federal retirement insurance and health care programs isn't that odd i mean does anything that the
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koch brothers do or have done in the last thirty years shock you at this point like could they really do anything where you are like what the koch brothers did why why do you know when there's hypocrisy and then there's like really really bad hypocrisy and it's like come on the guy that is going to come over and teach everyone his economic theories and tell them that they don't need the government is going to be lured by looking at government pamphlets absurd it's funny because a lot of conservatism conservatives are leveling a similar critique of liberals right now being like oh if you want higher taxes nothing stopping you from descending into check yourself to the government and you know you just do it like that so there's not a lot of difference here being well you know i hate social security but you know as long as it's there i know what i want fair taxes i want the people that aren't paying taxes to pay their fair share i don't think that necessarily means that i need to pay for that no exactly it's similar logic. all right whatever thanks richard you guys got to wrap it up but have the friday have a great weekend that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in and make you come
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back on monday radio host david patton is going to joining us right here in the studio when we signed up for his weekly fantasy our show on facebook and follow us on twitter if you missed any of tonight's or any other night you can always catch telling you to slash the lower show or replace the interviews as well as the show in its entirety and coming up next. very first verses of the bible that all human beings are created but sentimental came in god's image and it doesn't say just jews or dodgers. sixty to seventy percent of what i did as a combat soldier in the occupied territories was to do with the turds doing what we call making our presence felt to go out should some bozo they hear a knock on some doors run to the other corner invade another house religion the nationalism not to students whom have been
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a part of the problem they've been part of what leads to. bloodshed if you want to bomb gaza and kill. a thousand four hundred people in a month and you want to expect that this will have no effect until a feat you have to be either extremely naive or extremely stupid you don't need to be a fuel religious jew calling another joe and not the way they really are that amount . of nature and discover is. the key communicate with the wild and. test yourself and become free. see what nature can give you.
12:00 am
more violence erupts in northern casillas nato troops adopt a shoot to kill policy towards for task demonstrating against the seizure of a dispute a chap points. with all eyes on the upcoming presidential poll in russia will take a look at the press which is digested. the president's latest on his son's. one off get off is last wrong stands on the brink of a humanitarian catastrophe with civilians being driven out of their homes by fierce fighting the file supplies.
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