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tv   [untitled]    October 2, 2011 12:01pm-12:31pm EDT

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injured. just after eight pm here in the russian capital if you're watching r t with the main news today as well as the week's top stories well we begin in new york where police are violently dispersive anti wall street a rally arresting more than seven hundred people after a dramatic showdown on brooklyn bridge thousands join the movement dubbed occupy wall street and protest against what they call corporate domination and inequality the rally started over two weeks ago and it's now gaining momentum with a similar protest selden in different parts of the country are does not mean a port naya will join us later from new york with the details. all right about to discuss the latest developments now well let's get some insight from jersey city from sara flounders from activist group it's actually. more and more
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people are joining the protests in new york as well as in other cities of the united states how far do you think this can go. well we're certainly hopeful it has grown every day it's really thousands now yesterday friday. i think more than ten thousand people there on friday sal's and there yesterday and then the police attack on the brooklyn bridge on on friday there was a protest about the police attacks the week before where hundreds were arrested people badly beaten. assaulted in all manner of ways by the police and caught on camera seen around the world yesterday's massive arrest on the brooklyn bridge the number of arrested is up to seven hundred overall talking about those arrests mean you were mentioning that there were the police brutality caught on video but also the n.y.p.d. had released a video showing that they were giving warning saying that if anyone had gone to the
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brooklyn bridge they would be charged with public disorder so they had given a warning what do you say to that they said that it was by choice of the activists were there. well the activists are all over lower manhattan many people were on their way home there is a major pedestrian walkway and also the roadway has been used many times in the past in marches and demonstrations so how do you assess the use of their actions i mean you're say that it's a bit too much ado debate is there any. it's actually too much this is really a police effort to shut down mass dissent here see u.s. government that claims to speak for democracy all over the world while dropping bombs on people in many many countries and here at home when people are involved in democratic protests and demonstrations against the domination of wall street representing really the interests of the vast majority of people the latest polls today's show that seventy five percent of the population is sympathetic to these
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protests. so shut it down all right that will be activist what they're saying is that they've drawn inspiration from to hear square revolution in cairo as well as others in the region so is this the beginning of an american spring do you think well we would certainly hope so it's desperately needed here in the u.s. which is a source the center of an empire that as it's threads its tentacles around the world how much of a comparison though can we draw for the arab spring and when you say you hope it will be an american spring is there a comparison at all the sense. well it's impossible to know because every struggle is different but we do know that there is a protest again tomorrow against these police tactics marching to city hall that there is a large labor demonstration projected for wednesday and there are many events and
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and you know in the coming days so this is very much a growing phenomenon right here all right how do you think washington will react to this then. well i think we saw what happened on the brooklyn bridge yesterday we saw what happened last saturday there's many efforts now to shut this down and yet the support for it is coming in from around the country new people are arriving packages supplies food. and so on being sent from all over the country and of course hundreds thousands of messages people watching that on live stream and so on ok thanks very much there sara flounders from the international action center thanks again all right well as i mentioned there earlier let's not cross the to war as correspondent port knight who's standing by in new york she's following the protests for us there marina violent scenes that we've been seeing in
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new york can you tell us more about the clashes and what exactly is going on there right now. quite violent as you mentioned right about now most of the protesters that were arrested from what we're being told more than seven hundred of them have been released or in the process of being released from prison from where they were being held i spoke with one of the protesters who said he wasn't sure if he could come on camera because he has to speak with his lawyer first all of these folks are being charged with disorderly conduct but as we could tell from the video and the images that were taken on saturday this was quite a clash a clash between thousands of americans that began their demonstration at a park by wall street and then walked onto the brooklyn bridge now according to some protesters they said that the police officers working for the new york city police department actually helped them get on the bridge or scored them or didn't stop them from getting onto the bridge and once thousands were on some protesters
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say that that's when the cops blocked off the bridge on both ends and began to use netting to sort of arrest many of the demonstrators the demonstrators were were handcuffed with these plastic ties behind their backs they were hauled off in paddy wagons or buses to to a prison a nearby jail and stayed overnight some for many many hours some were suffering from suspicious if injuries but at this point clearly this is this is a big clash one that america has not used to see but at the very least it shows that americans are gathering for many maybe many different economic reasons but the entire narrative is the fact that they are speaking out against the economic problems they believe that most of state revenues are being funneled to banks and corporations jobs are not being created people are losing their homes people are losing their jobs more than forty five million americans are on food
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stamps and at this point you see a lot of do. americans old and young from different walks of life coming together with one message they're what they want the economy fixed we are seeing some dramatic pictures here what has been the reaction to the events and how was it being covered by the media over there. well what's interesting is the me and we can't deny the fact that the media in the us is covering it they are but how they're covering it is a different story for example i just want to show you the front page of the new york times from the sunday ok mind you one new york times reporter journalist was arrested in this protest that took place now here the biggest picture is of one protester in syria and right down here is a little picture of all the new york city protesters that were arrested on the brooklyn bridge so you could see the comparison why they decided to make that decision i have no clue but many critics do believe that the mainstream media are
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either trying to take credibility away from all these demonstrators or not give them ample coverage maybe make it a very short story and in the meantime though these protesters that that are part of what's called occupy wall street say they are determined to continue to continue demonstrating in continued camping out by wall street that's where they have been for the past two weeks now this incident that we saw erupt in new york on saturday was the most recent one but it's not the first one just last weekend we saw cops and demonstrators clashed down by wall street several women were maced in the face by a police officer others were arrested there was a confrontation physical confrontation between police officers and the demonstrators but this occupy wall street group isn't limited to new york city there are demonstrations now taking place in los angeles taking place in boston
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taking place in other cities throughout the country unions are now joining these activists scholars and actors actresses stars are putting their name behind this movement because at the end of the day they want to hold their government accountable they want to know why corporations are making profits or bringing in bonuses that exceed. and the previous year and why the common american that bailed out the banks in two thousand and eight is now suffering worse than they ever hop so this is a movement i believe is going to continue it's going to expand whether these confrontations get bigger we don't know but of course we will be following the story of keeping our viewers up to date. thank you very much for bringing us up to date on this developing story artie's medina portnoy a live there from new york all right now moving on the discontent to being seen in the u.s. indicates something's going a very wrong and the way the country's rules well that's a view of prominent author and professor noam chomsky has full interview is coming
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up in about twenty minutes time from now. treat. your spot over there. we'll write. about two thirds of the public the entire congress would be thrown into the system if it were. in the public knows. the popularity of the favorable rating for congress. president in the same bunch of course all of the. it's a very widespread sense that everything is going wrong that tells you that the system is just not functioning. well this week the headlines in russia have been dominated by the planned reshuffle in the putin medvedev tandem and a sudden departure of the finance minister well it prompted an unexpected interview
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from the president as he clarified his decision not to run for the office again result he got that in a garage over reports the pre-election period in russia may hold even more surprises. i think this week's headlines have been all that if putin putin meant that if the news of the drops was brought up polemic switch russia hasn't seen for quite some time well some criticized others applauded the tandems deal and the kings of photoshop rolled out some of their best work yet with the general mood being that the deal had been done long ago but it was an exciting for just a few days until the first rich shuffles in the corridors of power began to move if you think your views on russia's economic agenda differ from mine as president you can resign. with my opinions do differ from yours but only take such a decision after i've talked to the prime minister has most of you can talk to
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whoever you want including the prime minister but as long as i'm the president i make these decisions. the surprise route between the president and putin's longtime ally aleksey could read left many questioning is there and split in the tandem of solution the situation with mr cooder it is a matter of discipline in government service we are a presidential republic not a parliamentary one it implements the president's policies if you don't agree you should step down meanwhile many read it not as a sign of a split but of a new maturity in russia's democracy. most were mostly wishful thinking on the part i was of born else these people probably remember the times of the whole gorbachev when there was a rift inside the party bureau which ultimately was one of the reasons for the collapse of the u.s.s.r. and i remember before coming to power in interview where he basically said that russia will not survive another conflict inside the elites so from the very
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beginning i do believe that there was a serious rift the big news of putin yet again running for president brought up so many questions that nutriment bed of how to meet top t.v. hats to cross the t's and dot the i's. of course it's nice to know that people trust me as president and that my approval rating is quite high under current circumstances but i also know that prime minister putin undoubtedly remains the most popular politician in our country at this point and his rating is even higher . the election campaign has just started let's ask ourselves a simple question what if our people reject us with medvedev and putin what will happen to these decisions by the convention these decisions are merely the party's recommendation to vote for those people that's all the choices made by the people and these are not mere words you type saluki true any politician and any political force may lose an election but many questions are still in the air like why would
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a politician like nutriment verdi of whose approval rating is still so high in russia not seek reelection and what will the face of the new cabinet of ministers look like under him should he become pm immediately after the united russia congress many rejoiced in the fact that the country's top political coup is is finally over and they can go about their usual business but this week has shown that when it comes to the chess game will prosper and politics there are many more moves to be made before the final makeup of the new govern. munt is no it's to do that children r t. o if you want to see the interview president vetted gave to the russian media and if all you have to do is log on right now to our website that's r t v dot com. now on tuesday red and greece tightened its belt even further to please its creditors the country's government approved
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a new property tax and the move received an angry response from greeks who are already burdened by austerity measures meanwhile the decision on another portion of the e.u. rescue package is still being delayed international inspectors are in athens assessing whether greece this serves a cash injection the last chance for the country to avoid a default but as artists are firth reports the public remains convinced that the relentless stern policy is only making things worse. greece has been the poster child of the year crisis with germany baiting to expand the bailout fund the country looks that's to get that much needed cash injection the help come with some conditions and here in greece the people say that the price they're being made to pay if simply too high burning that. is deadline day for the first to be hit with the greek government's new special tax it's one of the measures they put in place to try to secure the next tranche of money the country needs to avoid
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bankruptcy the extra tax which is about another three percent from people's annual income is supposed to help plug some of the massive deficit in the budget but after more than a year's salary cuts rises in living costs the people here are already at breaking point the last two years almost everybody has. heard of the grocery bill is over or. people's desperation has become increasingly evident on the streets of greece the violence is repeatedly breaking out between riot police protesters. even more clashes is parliament again feted in yet another all star team asia and the fold of any property tax they are organizing or this desirous to put goodies on there are a mess just for political reasons and critics do not need the i.m.f. many people in greece now question just here it is the thing control unfortunately
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very very a leaders in your resume are the bankers. from european central bank bank. shareholders are being. called again and again and again are the. taxpayers in the euro zone despite germany having dated positively to expand the size and power of the year pin band fund already critics are questioning whether that will be enough insights now turn to the many challenges the usa still faces the problem will move from greece and will start talking to other european countries and then the german banks. show even germany. more skilled people in the european you know. will be affected you will find the solution could be not just for greece but for all the european
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union countries with past measures failing to have the facts in its political leaders continue to struggle to convince the public the future of the euro is a still hangs in the balance but these protests over strict austerity measures set to continue many people hit the greece is a country now at risk of having not only a financial but it democratic deficit as well surface r.t. outside the parliament building in athens egypt's ruling military council has given in to the demands of protesters and political parties and agreed to make changes to the election law there were fears current rules could enable supporters of ousted president mubarak to come back to power and of the parliamentary elections while the decision comes after friday's massive protests thousands thrall to here square in an attempt to reclaim the revolution demanding the transfer of power to civilian rule and to emergency law artes and he said i went to cairo to see what else is
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driving people back onto the streets. we knew that. change had come to egypt a new chapter of freedom and democracy don't judge a book by its cover when reading post mubarak egypt it's between the lines where you'll find the new chapter hasn't been published ended or slightly revised we still have the supreme council of the on poor souls of those who. cannot say that they have been. in any sense gearing this country towards democracy barak may be gone but his policies are not the hosni mubarak's case is ongoing at this tribe you know new figures from human rights watch claims more civilians have been forced to face military trial for six months some twelve thousand during the entire thirty year rule of mubarak average civilians are giving five to you know seven years in
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prison a lot of torture has occurred since staff has come into power. actor doesn't clown around when it comes to the supreme council or scuff he has taken part in protests since day one and still has scars from being detained because the marks are much worse he said very long they told people they had to stick it hold me from it after that i was shot for the struggle and beaten with bats on the head least only because i'm well known now most of the last leave the country for thirty years according to law if i have to seek asylum but all stay and fight for freedom like mubarak skaf gets the supported needs to rule egypt from abroad and the aid that we get from the u.s. that one point five billion a year the easier to seize from from the usa. and most of it entirely goes to the
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supreme court to the to the army you know the scout and while the west coast history books will change for the better the arab spring. is a massive opportunity to spread peace prosperity democracy egypt sions are left reading the writing on the wall in many areas it's the same as before don't want to run in some areas it's getting more worst and he's now a r t congress. the libyan city of sirte to sponging deeper into the humanitarian crisis the battle for one of gadhafi few remaining strongholds shows no signs of abating on saturday revolutionary forces claim they completely surrounded the colonel's hometown and his loyalist forces were being slowly forced out meanwhile thousands are fleeing the besieged town that driven from their homes by fierce fighting and a lot of vital supplies agency save those injured trapped are in desperate need of medical help with people dying in the main hospital because of oxygen and fuel
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shortages antiwar activists brian becker says nato has declared mission to protect civilians is now more questionable than ever. clearly they're not protecting civilians when they're bombing cities that are considered to be pro khadafi when they're killing people not because they've done something wrong but because their own political beliefs are contrary to what nato wants in terms of the kind of government they want for libya so i think that they need to be brought to justice i think though unless there's a very strong international movement for human rights in this instance i think it's unlikely they will be brought to court but the goal of the nato powers is to carry out regime change so that the khadafy government is gone once and for ever and that there will be a new government that will not necessarily be more democratic or more humane but will be an ally or i would say in fact a proxy a client perhaps
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a puppet of western powers in this country that has the largest oil reserves in all of africa the ninth largest oil reserves in the world. syria is another country still suffering internal conflict but this week western countries did drop calls for immediate sanctions on the syrian regime it follows criticism from russia which says. the only way forward but we cannot support the projects that is being pushed through by western countries and it is among other things to do with the libyan experience foreign minister sergey lavrov criticized proposed sanctions saying they lacked strategic perspective a recap of how things unfolded at the united nations on our website r.t. dot com. violence flared up again this week around cos of those northern border as nato troops attempted to dismantle a serbian roadblock several serbs were wounded amid claims the alliance led forces were using live rounds a local serbs have barricaded the road to disputed checkpoints that albanian sees
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earlier with the help of k. four troops artie's execute a chef he has the story from casa. in some parts of the world to this work he wrote would probably be part of an extreme safari impossible it is now a point. ever since july is border dispute many lives have been dependent on this godforsaken gravel road through the mountains now this is the only way that belgrade can use to deliver food in petrol to the tens of thousands of serbs living in northern kosovo the course of the serbs have been very caging the road since july in response to the cost of the police checkpoints which enforced a trade embargo between belgrade and the meeting of itself on tuesday the situation turned critical again clashes between the barricading serbs and the k. four troops led to multiple injuries on both sides ok for blame the consular service for starting the violence but injured aleksandr regularly reach a father of two saw it differently. we were standing by the barricade when the
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soldiers started shouting and shooting at us i didn't know what they were shooting with. so i got scared and started running away and i was hit on the shoulder and it turned out to be a perforating wound of my lung nato forces also claimed they used only rubber bullets into a gas against a protesting mobile this was quickly rejected by doctors. fueling speculation as to who started the it's. seven men in heavy condition gunshot wounds fractures and bruises all those wounds were caused by regular bullets which we extracted from their bodies nato troops and we can be set up at the limits to their weapons and journalists and issued. for anyone trying to penetrate it they've totally and openly stepped out of their u.i. mandate and there really really now just like during one nine hundred ninety nine during the bombing when there was the air force for the albanian separatists. there
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infantry belgrade has reacted with indignation and halted negotiations with kosovo until the dispute is resolved meanwhile refuses to comment on their actions and bulldozed their border barricades the border is open now to syria trucks blocking a breach just meters away from the destroyed suggest this battle is far from over better is like this one are scattered all across northern of course civil war and they pretty much reflect the mood of the local serbs it seems they would never give in and accept the fact that they're living in a self-proclaimed state and in this book canyon melting pot nobody knows where this standoff go. or become yet another frozen territorial dispute let's. see reporting from kosovo. of course alexei is very in constant updates on this developing story. you can head to our twitter feed to get the latest from him. and one of the streets he says that there are reports.
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of killed a servant wounded his son making the first. a crime like this in seven years it's. all right well that's all for now but i'll be back with a recap of our top stories at just a few minutes. wealthy
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british style it's time to be right on. target. markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy in the car is a report on our. world. bringing you the latest in science and technology from the ground floor. we've got the huge earth covered.
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in watching r t live from moscow here's a recap of the main stories and the week's top stories the arab spring echoes of america u.s. police use force to disperse wall street protesters arrested more than seven hundred people taking part in a rally that's gaining momentum across the country. and also in this week's top stories president medvedev explains his decision not to run for a second term side to let him put his greater popularity at home his comments come in a surprise interview that stirred up debate about the country's political future. adar humanitarian situation in the besieged libyan town of sarath where people are dying from a lack of vital supplies of it all glowing something experts say makes nato's mission to protect civilians more cost.


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