tv [untitled] October 2, 2011 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT
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the. beasts in richmond writes that if you remove the sun from the stupid question . we scream stops on t.v. don't come. mass arrests and aggressive crackdown in new york as police and forcibly break up of protests by the occupy wall street movement which some say is reminiscent of the arab spring. while in the u.k. anger at budget cuts and forced redundancies brought more than thirty thousand people onto the streets of manchester demanding prime minister cameron's resignation. and in our review of the week's top stories president medvedev says the main consideration behind his choice to back of law give me a putin for president in two thousand and twelve is the prime minister's greater popularity. and in the besieged libyan town of syria the situation is critical
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people are dying because they lack vital medical supplies amid fierce fighting between pro and anti coffee factions. broadcasting live direct from central moscow this is r.t. glad to have you with us top stories anti at wall street protesters have vowed to continue their fight that's despite saturday's arrests of more than eight hundred demonstrators who are blocking parts of the brooklyn bridge the movement called occupy wall street is venting its anger at high unemployment rates at the two thousand and eight bank bailouts and social injustice and as artie's marina portnoy explains the action of police is likely to add more fuel to the fire. nearly eight hundred protesters were arrested saturday then released by the new york city police
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department and as you could see by the crowd from behind me these demonstrators are back on wall street continuing in their activism now it is this park here on wall street where the began their walk on saturday thousands of people eventually walked through lower manhattan to the brooklyn bridge and once they got on to the brooklyn bridge that's when the boss harassed were taking place chaos ensued police officers were using nets to catch people that were on the bridge the bridge was closed down on both sides according to the new york city police department those people were arrested for civil disobedience now the people that took part in the demonstration on saturday are members of occupy wall street a group that has come together to demonstrate against government backed bank bailouts and corporate influence on us politics occupy wall street's describes
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itself as a resistance movement that has been inspired by the arab spring they said the time has come for an american spring or an american auto they say that their movement is now capturing not only national attention but international expansion and they are receiving even more support when it comes to how the u.s. mainstream media is covering the story that's an interesting take take a look at the new york times on sunday they had the largest picture of syrian protesters here lots of stories about what's taking place in syria and yemen and when it comes to the new york city protesters being arrested just a small picture here on the bottom we should mention that also the new york times reporter who was on those that were arrested on saturday so has this movement continues growing and expanding there is a larger police presence down here on all three of these demonstrators that. well let's say they are determined to stay here and pioneer their message for the rest of the year and i mentioned also there will be union joining them later on in the
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week there have been scholars activists from liberty coming down near here to throw their support behind occupy wall street look for means i know is whether anybody in washington is listening and will they do something about what these people are saying or does miniport i reporting for us there from new york and a radio host and author stephen leatherman says that what started in the middle east and in europe has finally reached the u.s. the protests are a sign that americans are trying to take the power back to school we got across europe we are in greece and spain and italy in the u.k. it cordial in our own in other countries the arab spring did the s. and bloom but it certainly does for me in spain in committed to marry films alone last one's career but now this is the road to the issues wall street everybody
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knows that the bankers are bad guys who are too big to fail banks should resist these people keep coming out in seven hundred with just the rest it will be more in the streets they know a lot of things to rome but the core issue was the power of money whoever controls the power money and supremes power that controls everything controls war and peace controls everything going on in the corporate world the bakers of wall street the power of money in literally read the bill olmert sex runs the government j.p. morgan chase base of america they were only government this nasty stuff. sir flounders from activist group international action center says the u.s. is preaching democracy around the world while forgetting about the rights of its own citizens. this is really a police after to shut down mass the sense here see u.s.
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government they claim to speak for democracy all over the world are dropping bombs on people and many many countries and here at home when people are involved in democratic protests and demonstrations against the domination of wall street representing really the interests of the vast majority of people the latest polls today's show that seventy five percent of the population is sympathetic to these protests. thousands have marched through the northern of british city of manchester in another protest at austerity cuts to public services and pensions the rally in opposition to the governing coalition and organized by trade unions coincided with of the ruling conservative party's conference in the city where he's at war and it was there. conservative cause a conference is started ten months is the moment that politicians and delegates started to arrive this happens overnight and that's made the fifty thousand people are turning out for this march through the streets of manchester to protest what
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the coalition government is doing and the way out and you've literally got booed full of people hey you got the older generation saying hands off of pensions you've got to sort of middle age generation who feel that their job see because as money to public services is slashed you've got the very very young who are worried that things like necessaries and provision so i took a shingle because and of course manchester have a population we've got a lot of students turned out much like in all the marches that we've seen across the country turned out to protest against the rising cost of education i spake to some of the people who are here to us and just why they could it was important to turn out today and here's what they told me i think a simple no we send a message to the. whole school in particular that the people on the roads cody's could stop already so this is. to put we should let the government know use it with
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jordi people post what you are usually those who should striking. the page and be sure that you can join the child schools that what in which you try and do the movie what bring this government down and bring in a government that doesn't offer working people now look at the finest thing you can see here around me are calling for a strike on this that if that maybe they calling for a general strike the public sector workers to town leave why should the government just exactly what it would be like if public sector workers didn't in fact show up for work in the morning see that's what they're planning to do a lot of the biggest unions in the country unison yes they have all turned out here today to say we will turn to the thank you today van but unless you promise that you won't make these deep cuts in public that's a fine. i think that you'll pick a date a little face meeting with prime minister david ignatius. the discontent in the u.k. is only now gathering pace about protests in a debt ridden greece have been going on for months economic doomsday moves closer
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for athens with a vital rescue payment was delayed and the country quickly running out of cash. plus the strive for statehood for the future of palestine is a clouded in intrigue with the shadow of an imminent u.s. a veto hanging over its bid of u.n. security council. the plan to reshuffle in the tandem has been the highlight of this week's headlines the sudden departure of the longest serving it now former finance minister also gave the russian press plenty to chew on in fact dimitri medvedev felt compelled to explain it to the media face to face the reason behind his decision not to run for a second term in office and as r.t.c. cut for the next much over reports the pre-election period in russia could hold even more surprises yet. but this week's headlines have been on hootin hootin advantage and use of the jumps more brought up the linux which russia hasn't seen for quite some time while some criticised others applauded the tandems deal and the
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kings of photo shop rolled out some of their best work yet with the general mood being that the deal had been done long ago but it was an exciting for just a few days until the first rich shuffles in the corridors of power began to move if you think your views on russia's economic agenda differ from mine as president and if you can resign should the movie about so we're just sort of my opinions do differ from yours but only take such a decision after a talk to the prime minister has been the most successful still you can talk to whoever you want including the prime minister is going to present and i make these decisions you have. the surprise right now between the president and putin's longtime ally i could see could rent left many questioning is there a split in the tandem apostleship the situation with mr goodrich is a matter of discipline in government service we are a presidential republic not
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a parliamentary mind it implements the president's policy if you don't agree you should step down meanwhile many read it not as a sign of a split of a new maturity and russia's democracy. is wrong as for mostly a wish for think all the part of the airport else these people probably remember the times for the whole world but there was a rift inside the point of view which ultimately was one of the reasons for the collapse of the u.s.s.r. i remember before coming to power we did gave an interview where he basically said russia will not survive another conflict inside buildings so from the very beginning he didn't believe that there was a serious rift the big news of putin yet again running for prime. didn't brought up so many questions that need treatment that you had to need talk t.v. hats to cross the t.'s and dotting the ice it's. nice to know that people trust me
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of president and that my approval rating is quite high in the current circumstances but i also know that prime minister putin undoubtedly remains the most popular politician in our country and his rating is even higher. the election campaign has just started. a simple question which one of our people reject or switching. what will happen to these decisions by these decisions and merely the party's recommendation in the vote of those people that's all the choice is made by the people showing us and these are not me the words you have saluting troops of any politician of any political fields who may lose an election but many questions are still in the air just like why would a politician like nixon had better give his approval rating is still so high in russia not seek reelection and look to move the face of the e.u. cabinet of ministers look like under him should he become pm immediately after the united russia congress many rejoiced in the fact of the country's top political is
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finally over and they can go about their usual business but this week has shown that when it comes to the chess game the process and politics there are many more moves to be made it for the final make up of the new government is no its to do that shilpa partied. for the full version of the interview with president medvedev you can always log on to our website or treat our car. the greek government says it's a budget deficit will be cut this year and next but it will still missed targets set by the e.u. and the international monetary fund. latest austerity measure is putting thirty thousand civil service staff on labor reserve by the end of the year and reducing their pay for movies to please you creditors to get them to hand over eight billion euro and installment needed to to avoid the nation going into bankruptcy next month international inspectors from the i.m.f.
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and european central bank are now in athens to decide whether greece should get that money but authorities say first reports the public long ago. will save the country's crippled economy. greece has been the poster child of the year. with germany baiting to expand the parallel country look that's to get that much needed cash injection to help come with some conditions here in greece the people say that the price they are being made to pay them to a new high earning that. is deadline day for the first be hit with the greek government's nice special tax it's one of the measures they kiss in place to try to secure the next tranche of money the country needs to avoid bankruptcy the extra tax which is ducks about another three percent for people's annual income is a place to help plug some of the massive deficit in the budget after more than a year's salary cuts rises in living costs the people here are already at breaking
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point the last two years almost everybody has least thirty percent of his salary of. control people's desperation has become increasingly evident on the streets of greece but violence is repeatedly breaking out between via place and protesters. even more clashes is parliament again feted in yet another measure in the fall of any property tax many people in greece now question just who it is i think control our fortunes. very early are the bankers. it's mr. european central bank bankers are not being shared folders are not being. called. again and again are the super pacs in europe despite germany having data positively to expand the size and power of the year to
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fund already critics are questioning whether that will be enough insights now turn to the many challenges the usa in still faces a problem who will move from start patching crowther european countries then to general. germany. you know. will be affected you will find a solution could be not just for grecian but for all the european union countries with past measures failing to have the thanks to its political leaders continue to struggle to convince the public each year is a still hangs in the balance but these protests take the strength that continue many people have the greece is a country now at risk of having more than your financial and the democratic deficit as well. r.t. outside the parliament building in athens. egypt's ruling military council has
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agreed to amend the country's election law giving in to the demands of protesters political groups also have threatened to boycott upcoming polls fearing the current rules could allow supporters of x. president mubarak to return to power in november's problem and real life since the decision it comes just days after a massive protest shocked egypt's capital thousands gathered in cairo's main square in a rally to reclaim of the revolution many feel let down by the transitional military council which has so far failed to implement promised a democratic reform parties and it's now we went to cairo to see what else is driving people back onto the streets. we knew that change had come to egypt a new chapter of freedom and democracy to tutor book by its cover when reading post mubarak egypt it's between the lines where you find the new chapter hasn't been published and it were slightly revised we still have this one called sort of the
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armed forces of those rulers. have been. in any sense this country towards democracy where it may be gone but his policies are not that hosni mubarak's case is ongoing at this tribe you know new figures from human rights watch claims more civilians have been forced face military trials last six months some twelve thousand and during the entire thirty year rule of mubarak average civilians are giving five to you know seven years in prison a lot of torture has occurred since skaf has come into power. actor. doesn't clown around when it comes to the supreme council or scaf he has taken part in protests since day one and still has scars from being detained because look so much worse he said very long they told people the hatred stickit
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holy for months after that all shot for the study of peace or with the pats on the head over released only because of world load and now must now to leave the country for thirty years according to law if i have to i will seek asylum stay fight for freedom like mubarak scatter cancer support it needs to rule egypt from abroad the aid that we get from the u.s. that one point five billion a year the easier to seize from from the usa. and most of it in part because of the supreme court to the to the army you know the staff and well the why. history books will change for the better the arab spring is a massive opportunity disparate peace prosperity democracy egypt since our last reading the writing on the wall in many areas it's the same as before.
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and the getting more worse and he's now a r t congress. thousands of people remain trapped in the besieged the libyan city of syria is fighting between the forces loyal to national transitional council and khadafi remaining troops continues its plunging of the city deeper into a humanitarian crisis people are fleeing the town driven from their homes by fierce fighting and a lack of essential aid agencies to save those injured and trapped are in desperate need of medical help with people dying in the main hospital because of oxygen and fuel shortages and if i were activist brian becker says this shows nato is mission in libya is doing a little to protect civilians. clearly they're not protecting civilians when there are mean cities that are considered to be pro could offie when they're killing people not because they've done something wrong but because their own political beliefs are contrary to what nato wants in terms of the kind of government they want for libya so i think that they need to be brought to justice i think though
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unless there's a very strong international movement for human rights in this instance i think it's unlikely they will be brought to court but the goal of the nato powers is that carry out regime change so that the government is gone once and forever and that there will be a new government that will not necessarily be more democratic or more humane but will be an ally or i would say in fact a proxy a client perhaps a puppet of western powers in this country that has the largest oil reserves in all of africa the ninth largest oil reserves in the world. but brief look at some other international headlines for you right now. two thirty soldiers have been killed after yemeni warplanes bombed the positions of the country's own army it's not clear if the attack was a mistake the government has denied the incident however reports claimed the troops had joined the rebellion against yemen's president ali abdullah saleh the bombing
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was said to have been followed by an attack from al-qaeda linked militants who killed more officers at the base. france and the u.k. have warned of their citizens not to travel to the volatile kenya somalia border it follows that the kidnapping of a wheelchair bound french woman by somali militants near the popular resort of lamu on saturday who were men who has reportedly been transferred to a somalia after a sea rescue failed to get her back to three weeks ago a british woman was abducted from a nearby resort and her husband was killed in an attack by somali pirates. two police officers have been killed in a car blast in russia's republic of dagestan. earlier reports suggested a suicide bomber rammed into a moving a police vehicle but now authorities say a bomb went off in a vehicle parked at the side of the road as the police car was passing by investigators are working at the scene of the incident and of course we'll bring you more information as it becomes available. violence flared up again this week
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around kosovo's northern border as nato led troops attempted to dismantle a serbian roadblock several serbs were wounded amid claims k. four officers were using live rounds we'll call serbs have a barricade in the road to disputed checkpoints after albanians seized them with help from k. four when she's alexia cesky has the story from kosovo. in some parts of the world this walking road would probably be part of an extreme safari called impossible it is now quite. everything is july's border dispute many lives have been dependent on this godforsaken grable road through the mountains now this is the only way that belgrade can use to deliver food and petrol for the tens of thousands of serbs living in northern kosovo the course of the serbs have been very caging the road since july in response to the police checkpoints which enforce the trade embargo between belgrade and the meter fits on tuesday the situation turned critical again
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clashes between the barricading serbs and the k for troops led to multiple injuries on both sides k. four blamed the cause of the serbs for starting the violence but dangerous alexander the beach a father of two saw it differently than the service. we were standing by the barricade when the soldiers started shouting and shooting at us i didn't know what they were shooting with so i got scared and started running away and i was hit on the shoulder and it turned out to be a perforating wound of my lung nato forces also claimed they used only rubber bullets and tear gas against a protesting mob this was quickly rejected by doctors in meter of its fuelling speculation as to who restarted its own forty seven men and heavy condition gunshot wounds fractures and bruises all those wounds were caused by a regular bullet which we extract from there by nato troops we can set up a perimeter for their weapons and journalists and issued
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a shoot to kill order for anyone trying to penetrate it they've told me and openly step out of their un mandate and they're really really now just like thirty nine hundred ninety nine during the bombing when there was the force for the albanian separatist turn out there infantry belgrade has reacted with indignation and halted negotiations with. until the dispute is resolved meanwhile the gate for refuses to comment on their actions and goes to the border barricades. is open now but to serve trucks blokey a breach just metres away from the destroyed road block suggests this battle is far from over better is like this one are scattered all across northern across civil war and they pretty much reflect the mood of the local serbs it seems they would never give in and accept the fact that they're living in a self-proclaimed state and in this book canyon melting board nobody knows where this standoff go and. prove or become yet another frozen territorial
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dispute let's see or sense the artsy reports in from kosovo. and you can always find more stories comments and videos on our website r.t. dot com here's some of what we have for you online tonight. america's use of a collective punishment strips palestinians of two hundred million dollars the american congress blocked aid in response to attempts to have palestine recognized at the u.n. plus. preparing for another great flood noah's ark sails again thanks to a dutch family who promised free seats on board in case of an emergency. the u.n. security council started considering the palestinians that bid for statehood on friday it was officially submitted by the palestinian leader mahmoud abbas last week a total of nine out of fifteen votes in the security council are needed to push the application through the u.s. already said it will use its veto power to block the process but even if washington
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that blocks the bit the palestinians could still get an elevated legal status in the u.n. general assembly where they have a majority of support palestinian leader mahmoud abbas has told r.t. arabic he is concerned that the u.s. will pressure u.n. security council members to vote against the bid the full interview is coming up at four am g.m.t. here on r.g.p. . we knew in advance and we were officially notified that washington will use its veto journey in the voting and it's clear that the u.s. as the dominant world power wants to extend its support to israel but what concerns us most is that the u.s. wants to force all the countries that took part in the general assembly because more like in particular the members of the un security council to vote against palestinian membership in the un this is a key concern for us all the member states of the security council have the right to use or as i would put it misuse their right to be said of course such
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it was created to serve public interests to inform and to entertain. to me these days there's nothing easier than opening a new media outlets but there is nothing harder than revoking its license in case of corruption on. one charge but. the san antonio ways and from. the probably going to be can involve in a community where you have one large corporation controlling the daily newspaper radio stations television stations the cable outlet you told me that that sounds like a marcy the public opinion versus f.c.c. broadcast blues on our chief culture is that so much of allaah the people at area will dance it all right to make the for the life and soul of social democracy in the west an ideal once deemed to be part of the very foundation of democratic values.
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