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tv   [untitled]    October 3, 2011 1:01pm-1:31pm EDT

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r t coming to you live from moscow thanks for joining us now our top story protesters continue to gather on the streets of new york following saturday's brutal showdown on the brooklyn bridge that saw more than seven hundred people arrested the movement called occupy wall street as promising more marches against corporate greed and social inequality are caught up with some of those involved. a new season in a different nation the arab spring has become america's auto and on saturday new york's brooklyn bridge reminded many of a scene from egypt to here square. nearly eight hundred protesters were trapped cuffed arrested and jailed as thousands of activists continued their second week of occupy wall street demonstrations the grassroots movement is campaigning against social inequality and corporate
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influence over u.s. politics in the interim police conduct against peaceful protesters has come into question. just last week a new york city police officer attacked occupy wall street protesters with pepper spray prompting public outrage and an internal affairs investigation many didn't believe that there would be another dramatic confrontation this weekend after what happened last weekend after four women were pepper spray while they were corralled by the police after the n.y.p.d. used heavy handed tactics punching some protesters i think many people didn't expect that there would be something like that again this weekend so i have no reports of pepper spray being used there were thousands of people stopped and hundreds arrested arrested activists were charged with disorderly conduct and summons to appear in criminal court. by sunday hundreds appeared on wall street
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determined to continue their fight against corporate domination once you are not afraid to be arrested any more the whole enjoy or control of the police state disappears and when that happens there are time credible possibilities that are open to us and suddenly you can imagine a different world and you believe you can be an agent of change the group says it aims to raise national awareness and change on the. because economic disparity occupy wall street describes itself as a resistance movement inspired in part by counter we can file be other believe our brothers and sisters all over the world arab spring in greece and spain and we can see that it did send a powerful message ordinary people are not going to stand for corporate greed anymore and now we're getting up and we're doing something about it. and the reason these activists are doing something on wall street rather than washington is
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because they say you have to follow the money begin where the largest campaign contributions donations and lobby groups come from its corporate interests we were always for. you know maybe four years old. bush. before that his father the bush dynasty i mean corporate greed goes all the president i think this is where the the opportunity to be impulsive it starts. it is true that these demonstrators come here with a variety of different messages but what is uniting about what unifies them is a growing frustration over the u.s. economy social inequality and corporate influence on u.s. politics these protesters say if american leaders can't act it will be the american citizens that stand up for their rights reporting from wall street more important part see here on. our website r.t. dot com are interested in your opinion of the occupy wall street protesters and
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that so far the majority believe we're witnessing america's only arab spring about a quarter consider the protesters victims of police repression thirteen percent think they are a crowd agents and a minority feel they are nothing more than troublemakers log on to our tea dot com and have your say. well now don de bar and activists and journalists in new york joins me live via broadband to discuss this story mr barr so we're hearing the protesters are continuing their action we've heard that it is not just in new york but in other states as well does this have a chance of growing into a nationwide movement. any doing that if you go to occupy together dot org the website that lists the actions around the country you'll see that in boston san francisco los angeles other places they've already had on hundreds or thousands or even tens of thousands of people out in the streets this past weekend aside from what happened in new york and the most interesting part of it is that they're not just marching they're holding p.
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people's congresses or what they're calling general assemblies where they are sitting down and allowing everyone involved to help them assemble a list of demands which they then intend to make now historically when that happened i was just reading a piece that was published in moscow actually ninety four years ago this past july that begins if you drive nature out of the door she will rush back through a window and he your reporter marina was right that people have no confidence now and their economic structure and they're in horrible economic straits no confidence in the political structures i mean the polling data for congress is between fifteen and twenty percent positive their condition is such that sixty five percent were polled are saying that they have less than a thousand dollars in case of an emergency in terms of network and they have no health care this woman is being joined by unions this past weekend in new york city and coming up even the working families party in new york is planning this wednesday to join with the protesters and also student organizations around the
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country are starting to organize and both with the protesters in their city downtown and also on campuses this has the potential in the environment of where people are frightened and have no confidence in their structures of becoming explosive ok well as the second d.c. grow as what you're seeing you will also be seeing a lot more police on the ground and the internet for example is abuzz with with videos of what were violent scenes on wall street and the brooklyn bridge what do you make of the police response well the most important thing is what's going to be the. that it has and see before many of these people who are now hurting that were formerly middle class or believe they were middle class while they were spending borrowed money or starting to feel the wrong end of a billy club or seeing their kids feel the want of a billy club so what they saw before when minority kids were getting beat up on television or others as something alien to them they're going to internalize it
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very quickly and you're going to see a huge turnaround i think in the public's perception of where they stand in relation to the power structure as a direct consequence of the police beating people up who are making legitimate demands basically for the right to live in security ok and that it's a media coverage that you yourself you know you're a journalist all right after the show down on brooklyn bridge and there have been as some people have had them on the show as well claiming that the mainstream us media didn't seem to witness that i mean what is your take on that was media coverage commensurate with what exactly what was happening on the streets i'll say first of all thank god for or to come because the coverage here has been horrible to the extent that it has been covered at all it's been covered like a football game contest or as you know there is violence there and it's imputed to the protesters. the part that's useful to keep in mind however is that the media here have already spent their capital in terms of people believing what they have
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to say over the last ten years politically dealing with the rock and afghanistan and all of that and particularly since the economic collapse in two thousand and seven two thousand and eight what comes out of the box does not correspond to people's realities and so they have been looking at alternative media and they have a direct feed right now there's six thousand and sixty five hundred people around the world watching directly from the cameras in new york city what's going on there and the other places are doing the same thing so that maybe it doesn't really matter as much as it did and finally i'd like to say they had media in egypt to western media. included the use the same techniques and it didn't stop the people's revolution at all ok let's talk about that main street wall street being the main target of the protests and he could washington become the target i mean if we're talking about the financial crisis it was the government who did give a lifeline to beas bailouts of these banks and bankers do you think people would turn their attention there or why are they all over six this thursday they are turning their attention there's going to be
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a massive rally that's linked to all of these other rallies around the country taking place in washington beginning thursday and they say they're stay in there until they see a change ok well that thanks very much for your insight there don de bar activists and journalists talking to us live from new york city thank you thank you very much . all right well in a two hours artie's peter lavelle and his gas discuss who if anyone is influencing the decisions taken by governments well here's a preview for you. government. is not doing what its public wants doing what its interest groups want at the moment those interest groups are the labor unions and the more big corporations who plays well. are you when you say trade you really do need some actual steve go ahead steve. what an extraordinary thing. here let's remember one simple fact right in the united states today in the private sector that dominates our economy six point nine percent of workers are represented
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by a trade union ninety three and point one percent of our working class in the private sector has no union to explain government policy based on the union movement as probably any and powerless as this is a chance to see. now as the forces of libya's new rulers continue their siege of the two remaining gadhafi strongholds we spoke to an eyewitness a woman from tripoli who asked that we call her. was it bunny will lead a day ago while speaking in a low voice and fear for her life she said that former rebels care little about the well being of civilians. no one can wonder if you work with people who acted out. you aren't just because he fought in iraq exactly that if you want.
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any don't believe blood. pressure to believe it. or you can get through to him. if you don't think you can not. because. acting. for me. to care about thirty two point three. zero we also spoke to a man who escaped from bani walid to the capital tripoli three days ago and he hit us only to be identified as and he said nato is now bombing indiscriminately. they were very very very good at their need to not copying something i did begin to go out bombing only their military but right now they are not true isn't it between the military and civilian people covering you know from food and water but there
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i think the water in the day when i did come to talking to come back but the food we've been missing in food they are doing or people are being one being cute i one of my members it was you know one or two legs they didn't get up on d.v.d. and. well still ahead for you this hour with the palestinian statehood bid at the u.n. is really about r.t. asked about behind it mahmoud abbas and he says he's challenging the existence of israeli settlements not the whole of israel. or greece has admitted it's still not able to deal with its deficit the key demand of its international creditors well that's even taking into account mass layoffs announced on sunday and a new round of austerity cuts which still need parliament's approval artists are for a look set just where this now puts the battle nation. well greece now default that's the million dollar question or to be more exact the four hundred fifty billion a year a question. that greece now is about could never be paid let's be
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seduced you think about greece could never pay four hundred fifty billion euros of government there you need to be if you would or or i don't know what to believe something the government is running out of options they can keep trying to impose the state austerity measures that would likely lead to more of the violent clashes the same between riot police and protesters and the last weeks and months or they can instead choose to default the year is a need as of insisted that default is not an option they're concerned that work least a decent it could spark a financial meltdown in the usa but there's now a growing recognition that behind closed doors other options are being considered a group called the from here of the cards has been on the cards and off for a year and a half or two have been on the cards because when you have a dead holder of the exorbitant size but we have here in greece it is impossible to
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imagine that the state here we can be a means by which you can reduce it so the default was always going to happen as a full speculation rumbles on it's become clear that there are fundamental flaws in the usa and operation i think europe citizens have the right to know what the causes are at the moment they are being deflected from the real causes and they are being asked to blame little greece little greece however idiotic it may have proved in the past is and never was incapable of spearheading a global financial crisis see just who is to blame for what we are experiencing in greece today it is a financial. using new kind of war it is in the. financial crimes for the past eighteen months the greek government has cut wages raise taxes
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just pensions and in return received billions of euros in bailout funds now as they await the next eight billion cash injection many are left wondering if it's all been worth it. when we first. want to. know it is over fifty. one. so in just two years after all of this for the people. of the. protests in strike action now an almost daily occurrence greek government faces a huge crisis of confidence amongst its electorate financially in the red politically in the dark greece's population leasing their patients if greece does
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the folk the future of the eurozone looks extremely uncertain indeed many people here feel but not to the say is to risk their country sinking deeper into financial and economic ruin. athens britain may not be part of the euro zone but its economy is suffering all the same while gone too far to dot com and find the latest from manchester where an angry crowd of thousands came out of protest to say costs are not cancer. russia has launched another go on us navigation satellite into orbit bringing the total number to twenty four well that means it now has the same global coverage as the widely used g.p.s. system archies peter all over has the details. well this is the twenty fourth subtle eye that's been launched as part of the glue in us system twenty four the number the minimum number the glowing us needs to be able to provide full global
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coverage now we will see four more cloner satellites launched throughout the rest of the next year and not of the required amount which they set out to provide the best service to customers they'll be looking to use this now it's been a long old road for blowing us from its first development back in the eighty's as a as a development project by the u.s.s.r. it was then taken over by russia and they've been trying to get it up to speed to make it a valid rival to g.p.s. system produced in the united states now it has been a rocky road as well just there last december three grown our satellites plummeted out of the sky into the pacific ocean now the twenty four satellites are in orbit the specialists say that glow and us can provide precise coverage up to six meters on the ground now take this for example with the g.p.s. technologies they can place you accurately within seven meters the target for gload
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us now is to convince consumers and convince manufacturers of products that need global positioning technologies that glowed us is the one for them and that they should move away from g.p.s. . well if you're eager to discover more on trips into the final frontier log on to the special section dedicated to space exploration on our website we've also got plenty of spectacular footage shot at you tube dot com slash. from the final missions of the now we're tired american the space shuttle fleet to mysterious but as. your first stop. is due. to.
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the arab league says it will compensate palestinians after the u.s. cut its payments america froze two hundred million dollars in response to palestine statehood bid at the un officials say though that they won't follow suit the stated application was submitted to the un last week and is now being considered palestinian leader mahmoud abbas told r.t. advocate the bill should not be seen as something that questions israel's right to exist the full interview is coming up next hour but here's a preview. we do not want to challenge the legitimacy of the state of israel israel is a valid state and we have recognized the arab peace initiative had been adopted fifty seven arab and islamic states would have followed suit and recognized israel that means that we support the existence of the state of israel and do not want to
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challenge its legitimacy or seek its own solution the only thing that we want to challenge the legitimacy of the policy of legitimacy of israeli settlement activities this. let's take a brief look at some other international headlines now a massive fire is raging at a u.s. chemical plant outside dallas in a texas there is believed to be eighty thousand gallons of potentially hazardous liquid stored out the plot the blaze is spreading quickly putting surrounding areas in danger residents and students at a nearby elementary school were told to stay inside as possibly dangerous gases could be released. the nobel prize for medicine has been awarded to a canadian born scientist three days after he died the nobel committee only found out ralph steinman had passed away from cancer after the announcement was made it
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was not given posts you mostly on the voting committee is now checking its regulations steinman was awarded to two others for research into the human immune system. amanda knox is launching a tearful appeal in the court against her conviction for killing her british roommate well the court will give its ruling within the next few hours expectations are high that knox will walk free from the court after d.n.a. evidence of a case was challenged knox and codefendant rough outside message over convicted of murdering at meredith kercher in two thousand and nine but they've always insisted they're innocent. i'll be back shortly with a recap of the headlines but first the business news with kareena. so welcome to our business this hour the recent spike in economic uncertainty has resulted in a heavy selloff in the russian market fear of risk has been hitting it even harder than other emerging markets chris we've heard from troika dollar believes that
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stooge to structural weakness in the country's economy. we have a relatively weak domestic economic base compared to other big emerging markets are just we are much more vulnerable to a global recession because of the potential weakness in the oil price and the price and demand for other commodities and is second reason why we see more volatility is because russia doesn't have a strong enough domestic capital base. you know because we don't yet have you know extensive structured pension funds and unstructured sitting schemes as is the case in most other markets we are very reliant on foreign capital flows to a much greater extent than the other emerging markets so when there is any reason for investors to be nervous about global events they will take their money out of emerging markets and we do not have the substitution of domestic money which countries like brazil india and china do have. to take a look at the markets now european stocks ended lower on monday with banks leading
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losses on reports greece will not meet its deficit targets this year banking stocks among the biggest fallers on concerns about their exposure to weak government debt in the u.k. shares in barclays fell four point seven percent of world bank of scotland last five percent germany commerzbank fell seven and a half percent the bank lost three percent and russian stocks and monday's trading session deep in the red after the biggest quarterly decline since two thousand and eight when all the sense of concerns a shrinking global economy could hurt the country's commodities producers a report by emerging power for you fund research says the funds investing in russian stocks i've seen almost triple in one week now let's take a look at some individual shareholders on the line six most energy majors fell with gazprom last losing over one percent the company has announced that it plans to start gas deliveries to europe by the north stream pipeline on the back of a financial as were also under pressure with the country's biggest lenders
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a bad bank finishing over two and a half percent in the red and drug maker farm standard it raised in a gay. the company says it could take over one or two of its rivals by the end of the year market analysts are unanimous down more trade fearing the eurozone crisis . continued concerns about the european debt problems nothing has been resolved and obviously ministers we've history in mind of non-delivery from european authorities were quite bearish on today's meeting. you'll find us ministers expecting nothing to really come about from the from that meeting or there's a pretty subdued. stocks down anywhere between two and five percent across the board in russia that's all the business for now for more stories check our web site r t dot com slash business.
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all. cultures that so much of allaah the people at the area will balance it all for a difference of a life in smoke out of social democracy in the west an idea once deemed to be part of the very foundation of democratic values. even the rocks of this ancient land a sacred. magic is the essence of life. whether
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it is a buddhist prayer. or a shamanistic ritual. on the crossroads of two religions. faith is strong and spirit is hard. it was created to serve public interests to inform and to entertain. these days there's nothing easier than opening a new media outlet but there is nothing harder than revoking its license in case of corruption. when just the. san antonio ways can try to be the problem. you can involve in a community where you have one large corporation. owning the building newspaper radio stations television stations the cable outlet can you tell me that that
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sounds like a microsecond public opinion versus f.c.c. broadcast blues on r g wealthy british style. that's not on. markets why not scandal. find out what's really happening to the global economy with max kaiser for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report on r g. s.
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the machine would be soo much brighter than a few new movements from phones to permission. stunts on t.v. dot com. and
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r t a large from moscow and these are the headlines before school break up of a rally at arrests and don't stop at the wall street protest gathering steam in the u.s. people frustrated over the state of the economy and corporate influence in politics say it's time now for an american spring. disturbing reports from the two besieged gadhafi stronghold where witnesses say libya's revolutionary forces are attacking civilian homes rather neatly in their bid to take the cities that. aid agencies say syria to anybody will be a doctor plunging into a humanitarian crisis. and resubmitted will deal with this deficit in time to meet headline said deadline set by e.u. creditors despite multiple rounds of a steady cuts already implemented by the government as well as massive layoffs announced on sunday.


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