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tv   [untitled]    October 3, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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we sat in the park. well. we never got to be safe get ready for freedom. for. fear.
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i'd sign for you said it i read it right take time to respond to my brilliant engaging viewer comments from facebook twitter and you tube because when you've got something to say i listen now first i want to respond to a viewer who comments on my interview with jeremy scahill on the u.s. killing of anwar lockett keep as they said on facebook i cannot believe that you are attacking the u.s. for ridding itself of a viable and real threat to the us and the west i want to tell you we received a number of comments from viewers questioning how we could possibly criticize the killing of anwar a lot so let me just take a little moment explain why. i have questions for the administration about the sas
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nation first of all are a lot he is the first known american citizen to be placed on a cia hit list that should not be taken lightly the administration has taken it upon themselves to assassinate an american citizen without any due process whatsoever and as jeremy scahill said i mean president obama is playing judge jury and executioner all by himself and perhaps something that the american people are wary of and they should be you know the administration has told us time and time again don is a dangerous man who plotted to kill americans but he's an imminent threat to the american people great show us the evidence and make that case the administration is simply refuse to do that they've used the state secrets privilege to keep all evidence against a lockie a secret they also refuse to show the american people the legal reasoning for why all of a sudden the president has the power to execute american citizens without due process so americans think it's fine this five because the government got a bad guy just ask yourself for a minute why won't they show the evidence of why he was so bad and what's to stop them from doing the same thing in the future because it doesn't matter who this was
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done to it's had a very dangerous president and it's trampled all over the constitution and that should be a concern for all americans and i want to sponsor a comment to wash my interview with our he correspondent lauren lyster or we discussed bank of america announcing a five dollars monthly checking fee on all debit card users banshee eight nine eight nine said on you tube i went to my local credit union two years ago and i will never look back they give me a debit card with no fees except for line i use other a.t.m. the big banks are making a fatal mistake they think we need them they are wrong now the new fee to be levied on millions of americans by bank of america government is a good thing but if you want to look at the silver lining if you will i think this is a great opportunity for americans to look at their options is there a local credit union who they could bank with is there a smaller bank would treat them more fairly you know i think it's high time that the american people stand up and the spirit of occupy wall street and the banks show that they need us more than we need that. finally i want to respond to
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a viewer had an interesting proposition for an experience t.f.t. nine three five three said on you tube i would give up all of my constitutional rights for one day in exchange for one night with a loan and now while i appreciate the call from it i would really encourage all of our viewers to keep it positive the right no matter what they're pretty important that's of my ranting today but i will be back later this week with more as usual. the last friday the reports came out that us muslim cleric anwar locky had been killed in a drone strike in yemen after the us government placed him on the sas nation list and without any due process whatsoever now the washington post is reporting that the justice department wrote a secret memorandum authorizing the legal targeting of the law and according to administration officials that leaked this story there was no dissent now lucky cases heard legal debate for a long time and the second it was announced that he'd been placed on an assassination list by president obama to a lawsuit brought by a lot of his father and the a.c.l.u.
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which the administration blocks using the state secrets privilege and on friday the line that we kept hearing repeated was that a lot he had a chief operational role in al qaeda in the arabian peninsula and he was behind several foiled terrorist attacks except no direct evidence has ever been given for that so now the administration has successfully assassinated a lot of the something that they're allegedly confident they had the legal justification to do then why is the memorandum any of the evidence in fact still a secret so much for the most transparent administration ever joining me from a studio in new york to discuss this horton contributing editor on legal and national security matters for harper's magazine scott i'm just wondering if you know if you're with me here personally i find it incredibly scary incredibly dangerous and now this president has been set that an american citizen can be assassinated without any due process but if the administration claims that they have the legal justification to do this then why are they still keeping it under wraps. but that's an excellent question let's go back to the two thousand and eight
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election remember barack obama and many other politicians who were close to him sharply criticized the bush administration for its continual process of having secret legal opinions issued in the justice department to justify the way it was conducting war and handling national intelligence gathering matters in fact that they took a categorical position that while you know for individual facts that the authors of these memos learned that might legitimately be something that would have to be classified but the law or the legal rationale the legal policies that were settled upon could not be secret this had to be they had to be published it had to be known and i think frankly most people who look at the assassination of our it's not that they have sympathy for him i think the attitude of most people is
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good riddance with respect to him but i think there's a lot of concern about the precedent that's been established here a lot of concern about what's the legal reasoning that stands behind this and why is the administration keeping it secret why couldn't a very thing where they're not actually in a play you a clip of an interesting exchange exchange here from a.b.c.'s jake tapper and of course carney white house spokesperson it seems to me like they also have been completely unaware or unprepared that they might have to answer questions about this please take a listen. can you show us for the american people or has a judge been shown. where you can take i'm just i'm not going to. go any further than what i've said about about the circumstances of his death and. the case against them which again you're winking and i think did you you said that
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he is possible for these things on yes but again if you're going to be any evidence presented. you know i don't have anything for you on that. not see it all because you've been in prison on so you know how a president asserting that he has the right to kill one american citizen without due process and that he's not going to even explain why he thinks he has that right . is troublesome to some people. i wasn't aware of any of those things that you said actually happening and if and again i'm not going to address the circumstances of a lot he's down. right so i can say is thank you jake tapper for actually doing that but the how is he carney so incredibly unprepared how does he think of this is just going to slide over now and ask about it. it was jaw dropping isn't it that he's that he's was unaware of all these things as the lead story in the papers for three
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consecutive days hardly an insignificant matter but let's go back and look at the way the white house has been managing this question when the story first broke we saw unnamed figures in the white house on background telling people in the press that the president had decided to do this it was sort of a demonstration of how gutsy and bold the president was that he was willing even to target an american citizen and there was some description of the reasons why also on background about a lot of information and when people pressed to learn more about it and get the information presented in a way so they could be really cross-examined in question what you see immediately is the veil of state secrecy thrown up around it this is a state secret we can't tell you anything and they need that they'll even put around legal policy what is the legal power to see of this administration and let's cut to the quick what's the big question here this this band our he was not wearing
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a uniform and fighting in a war zone he was in yemen so the facts that characterize him as effectively enemy battling the united states and presenting a threat to the united states need to be put forward why is it that he presents such a threat and then secondly the u.s. has got to because he was not in a war zone or certainly not what's called a hot theatre the united states has really got to come forward and explain why is it that he couldn't simply be indicted arrested and brought to trial somewhere there may very well be good reasons why i couldn't do it maybe because of the collapse yemen but this needs to be explained because otherwise if the u.s. can do this in the russia could do it with the chechen terrorists and the england or austria trying they could do it with a weaker terrorist and turkey. or greece and so on and so on and we know of course iran and israel both are also working on drone systems right now so we're looking
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at what are the rules for this game going forward in any they need us can do in the other power that possesses drones can do and you know and i think that that's where it becomes much bigger than just anwar locky and the fact that he is a u.s. citizen you know calls into question u.s. drone strikes and drone wars waging all over the world in general no matter who it is that becomes the target but i want to play one more clip for you here this is former vice president dick cheney who was. on t.v. yesterday and on state of the you get and so he was discussing that he candy crowley made him finally admit that he thinks that obama's policies in his mind are a success when it comes to his counterterrorism policies but also that he wants him then to poet dies for things that he said during a congress speech take a look. if you get crazy united states out there saying we overreacted and eleven on our watch that's that's not good either like an apology would i
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think that would be enough for me that i think for the bush administration and that he misspoke when he gave that speech in cairo egypt. and i think the immediate reaction a lot of people have is to want to scoff at dick cheney and ask how he could possibly ask for an apology from somebody when the majority of us want an apology for the war in iraq for a one time a day for having torture on our record but by conducting many of these policies has obama opened the door to this even made people like dick cheney stronger. well i think you know it's opera the opportunistic dick cheney i think on this one you know even his even this party leader john mccain's calling him out for the nonsense of this claim but you know fair point there you know he can argue that as obama is pursuing in ninety five percent the policies of the bush cheney white house it's very very difficult for obama to criticize that white house but we also have to note there were important distinctions you know torture was
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a distinction the black site prisons were a distinction and there are a number of other tactics that were adopted during that period they're different but still the core of the policies we're seeing straight line continuity and adding of course extrajudicial killing on to the last i don't think really makes the case that much better for the obama administration i really do think that this is a huge scandal we'll see if they end up you know putting any of that legal just in case any of the evidence that they have out there for the public to see is god i want to thank you so much for joining us tonight great to be with you. that's not a concert i forget he says it's class warfare to raise taxes on the rich but most of the past but if we can start by how one not in our full time segment how that happy hour rick perry's hunting camp spells trouble for his white house bed plus a foot in the joint in china has a pretty interesting take back in the snow. let's
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not forget that we had an apartheid regime right here in the lead. i think to be the one to well. we never got the looks says the burger king from safely get ready because the air free to. get some extra see a story at the scene so for late sleep you think you understand it and then a glimpse something else here see some other part of it and realize that everything is ok. i'm charging bloggers a big fish. has
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put a picture of me when i was like nine years old i didn't tell the truth. i confess and i am a total get over and said i love rap and hip hop is a latin phrase. but it was kind of the kids today. i'm very aware of the world with its place.
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i did start replied still time of war against night because the republican lawmakers across the board and i know about a lot of people but please just give me a minute to explain the last month president obama released his deficit reduction plan which included the buffett rule which involves raising taxes on millionaires and closing tax loopholes and the money raised would be used to create jobs here in the u.s. by investing in things like infrastructure social services education what we need and the plan was deemed the buffett rule because billionaire investor warren buffett says that he pays a lower tax rate on his secretary and he realizes that that is just not right but g.o.p. lawmakers they were outraged they could not believe that obama wanted to tax the rich and make them pay their fair share in taxes so the g.o.p. lined up their talking points and hit the cable news channels with one simple message. i don't think. it's leadership looks like the president
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wants to move down the class warfare path class warfare will simply divide this country more and when you take one area of the economy and say we're going to tax those people because most people are not those people that's class warfare. yes obama is engaging in class warfare because he wants millionaires and billionaires to pay their fair share of taxes now keep in mind over the last few decades with the help of the g.o.p. the richer the us have been getting richer while the middle and lower classes have all been getting squeezed as a night a new slash old voice is joining the debate on class warfare this leader thinks the class warfare is going on here in the united states and this man spoke out about the injustice of the rich not paying their fair share in taxes back in the one nine hundred eighty s. take a look we're going to close the i'm going to. the ocean for the week will be their fish. series the rumors but. they show. you. the straight percentage ministry's.
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that's right former republican president ronald reagan popular class who are receiving place when he was in office twenty five years ago and he told a crowd in georgia that the rich should be paying more i just wonder what current members of the g.o.p. think about reagan's view on taxes after all they call him the greatest president ever he has a cult following most republicans just a few weeks ago she would be candidates running for president for two thousand and twelve took part in a bait at the ronald reagan library and everybody on the stage invoked his name numerous times ronald reagan flew this plane i served during the reagan campaign with people like jack kemp and ronald reagan ronald reagan ronald reagan's ronald reagan ronald reagan president reagan president reagan didn't reagan ronald reagan i was president reagan and president reagan were here president reagan were in the reagan library ronald reagan ronald reagan ronald reagan president reagan stand in the reagan tradition under ronald reagan. ronald reagan so what does it say when
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ronald reagan has to be the voice of reason when it comes to taxing the rich and sort of calling his plan to tax the rich the buffett rule maybe obama should have just called it the reagan rule it really shows you how far of the right the g.o.p. has moved in the last twenty years if their cult leader reagan one of the wealthy to pay their fair share in taxes who wasn't considered some sort of radical socialist pollution position these days maybe it's because it comes from a democrat i don't way the republicans intransigence on taxes is truly dangerous are becoming a society that is completely unequal and that's something that even ronald reagan knew and that's why we're giving g.o.p. lawmakers and it's tools i'm war.
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ok guys it's time for happy hour and joining me tonight is our hugh fraser jenny churchill and david pac-man the host of the david paquin show thanks for joining me guys david nice to have you in studio usually it's just over skype always always happy to have you know people in studio here with us so let's talk about rick perry and a little problem that just just may be kind of a big problem when it comes to his campaigning. the washington post is reporting at one point kerry and his family we still hunting camp in his home state but by the name would. know this is a big deal and they're claiming that when rick perry's bothered by the ranch they change the name immediately but in fact that really isn't true i think if they held on to the name even into his term as governor his first term and that's i mean that's just kind of a big deal right yeah i mean now you can sit here and i quickly talk about it while saying the n word over and over again without saying the n. word because that's awkward or we can't pronounce it that's why we had to let don
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lemon. it's funny because there are certain things if you just have to explain them away it's a problem like when michele bachmann twice had to clarify she's actually not for slavery like she's really sure slavery was bad. whatever so there are certain things that just talking about i mean it is good right it wasn't michelle i said it was arguing that it was i glad because was better for the nuclear family which is a total crap that's right kids were more likely to have both parents around if they were sleeves apparently so i guess if they were an auction off in different places that never happened maybe it is a different thing is going to disappear or is this really going to you know crush the rick perry campaign i'm afraid when it comes to his base they're not really going to care well i think this was definitely ridiculous and they sort of changed the name the second that it came to the president. and if they didn't that's a shame however i don't think that this necessarily reflects on his policies i don't think that it necessarily for sure means that he's a racist and going to k.k.k. meetings doesn't mean that for sure i agree and the thing is just maybe it's going
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to run his supporters are going to support him anyway right and he's done things that in terms of affecting people if he were elected are much bigger the deal than having the rock with this with this on it but again it's just yet another thing that he has to explain which just doesn't really make sense it's like the gaffe where he just couldn't get the word jumble from before he read yet for the fourth quarter we're going to not you cannot search the internet but it's not that i go i think it's just one of those things that these days you know if you want to be a politician in the future you have to think about what pictures you put up on facebook rick perry already the governor think about you know the name of your ranch if it happens to include derogatory terms let's move on to the next big this is just really cracking me up so first of all maybe maybe trying to just has a thing for obama because earlier this year kentucky fried chicken they used in one of the commercials to come up. i am not only for. a world not only for your home or you or your stomach.
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are you that clearly was an obama impersonator of. hong kong kentucky fried chicken that was using him but now there's a new thing it's in beijing and a restaurant is actually calling itself obama fried chicken and he looks suspiciously just like colonel sand where the exact same. try and everything this is really cracked me up but there could be something political behind this so apparently this could be a response to the us filing a complaint with the world trade organization about chinese tariffs on american chicken exports because they are having to pay so much more money for american chickens i think that's i honestly think that is absolutely ridiculous to think that this restaurant was like oh we're paying more for a chicken let's call it a. guideline for any second now i think they're capitalizing because they want to use obama's image they want to also use colonel sanders image
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and he makes them and it just becomes awkward really kind of we also know that you're really good at you know copying things like the fake. apple stores that they have all over the place something i think would be an interesting study to actually ask the average would do a poll in china how many people actually know between know about the recent stereotype in the u.s. about african-americans and fried chicken and actually see i think it be lower than than any of us think i do think it was or they just think that americans like fried chicken i know i don't know i'm torn on that because it's such an obvious thing to us so it's hard for me to even imagine that they wouldn't know that it's i think you would be lucky to get one in five. or whatever really whatever maybe the person who owns the store knows that person or that i guess that's the one that matters right because that's where the implication that's. what i. ever i like fried chicken fried chicken kentucky fried chicken i was going to be sitting in marietta . so this is i guess kind of obvious but the u.n.
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has said that by twenty forty newspapers are disappearing are all going to be replaced by digital versions and this was the un intellectual property agency's chief we said in an interview but he says that in the us they'll actually be gone by twenty seventeen that's not are for me i think that by twenty seventeen we're going to have a new york times or you know washington post people decide to still pick up there with their you know hands be able to feel and get the smudge all over their fingers i think all of the sunday new york times but i actually think it's possible that the monday through friday it could be gone pretty soon and how many people roughly our age do you know that read a newspaper regularly i read one if i pick one up at the airport with i'm traveling maybe otherwise i'm online looking at the paper you know but here in d.c. today there's kind of a resurgence administrator because you've got all these free papers that they hand out when you get on the metro so i think that's kind of the need for people are we all have and i mean i would. say for that's made you know by the whole is running
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a whole way just because you can get willing to screw it was you know just because you can get something for free from someone on the street doesn't mean it's a sustainable business model i think you know i completely agree but can we please just note seriously the important part about this why is the u.n. doing a study about newspapers and whether or not they're going to be around if it's a waste of their time people have been saying that spur five years is like that's what i'm telling you if it was have been down easily here's where it was actual property is a big deal they're just measuring progress ok all through our last story here. what are they called again i just forgot they're called g.p.s. navigation i thought they could bring you closer to the future take a look at a garmin at.
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that is ridiculous by the way but now we're going to switch over to i.b.m. and apparently they have a couple ideas to do things basically to earn fees by monitoring driving i pivoting and so one thing is they're going to have navigators take drivers down certain routes that are more retail heavy where there are stores but if the stores actually decide to pay a fee for it or by charging bad drivers a toll thing what do you think about. i'm not surprised at all by this i'm surprised it hasn't happened already i think if there is public interest were played here and the g.p.s. would actually redirect you for example if it's midnight and it's a high drunk driving accident area it would redirect you away from that instead of directing you towards jack in the box or what are you going to sign is just hard if you're shopping i was going to say maybe first if they could you know get the bypass and get all button but david had to go home now there is an army to put their good players on our weaknesses and people like me they can't help it stops perfectly good i got a record of you guys thanks so much for joining us thanks that's
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a very nice show thanks for joining in making a comeback tomorrow they have a day in from firedoglake and be on the show i mean it's from a fan of you want to share on facebook follow us on twitter if you miss anything a calling me to ask a lot of sales and coming up next to me. which i'm robin here broadcasting live from washington d.c. coming up today on the big picture.
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