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tv   [untitled]    October 3, 2011 11:01pm-11:31pm EDT

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disaster as the town runs out of medical supplies food and water. and now we head to our washington studios to discuss the latest developments in the occupy wall street protests that's on the alyona show next here on r.t. . well can they loan a show where i get the real headlines with none of the mersey which we live in washington d.c. now and i are going to take another look at i'll keep my wall street over the weekend more than seven hundred people were arrested while marching on the brooklyn bridge but some claim that they were tricked by the police to get some perspective
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from somebody who was there that is off the wall street spreads throughout cities in the u.s. we have to start wondering how much is going to take to bring about any real change jane hamsher founder of firedoglake will give us her take then administration officials have admitted that the justice department wrote a secret memorandum legally justifying the killing of anwar on the law but if the obama administration is so confident that it had the legal power to assassinate one of its own citizens why don't they show it to us scott norton are going to hash it out and we're going to have all that and more future night clearing a dose of happy hour but first let's take a look at the mainstream media has decided to miss. now despite the fact that it's now in its third week the mainstream media is just finally catching on the occupy wall street and deciding that it's worthy of their coverage maybe maybe it's because they finally realize that americans are fed up with the corruption the greed in this country on wall street's overwhelming power over our government. or maybe it's because seven hundred people were arrested on
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the brooklyn bridge on saturday and those numbers they realize they just can't ignore. protests by the group occupy wall street have spread from new york city to at least three other major cities rallies against wall street getting more intense and going national in new york city this weekend police arrested over seven hundred people police arrested more than seven hundred protesters on saturday when they marched on the brooklyn bridge activists staged similar protests in l.a. chicago using social media sites to spread the word around by instead of backing down organizers say that this movement is reading across the country. now unfortunately we're still seeing a lot of condescending and mocking coverage from the protests from some media outlets out there especially fox news who also decided well they guess they can't ignore the protests entirely anymore so they sent out their producers to string together clips of those who are perhaps you know not the most eloquent speakers
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what do you guys want to bring attention to the pervasive influence of corporations having the political process we're trying to complement the demolition of capitalism i want to replace capitalism with a more just economic model or do you want to replace capitalism works. very well for the rich who are willing to share we can all live in prosperity. now i wouldn't really expect anything different from fox news but regardless there is a bit of a ray of hope here it definitely took a while but at least occupy wall street is getting some mainstream media coverage only they weren't always you know at least two weeks late to the game if only our supposedly most trusted name in news the fair and balanced or forward leaning networks were the first on the scene on these popular movements rather than just following in the footsteps of blogs alternative outlets the people who have been on top of this story since the beginning but unfortunately i don't really think that we're ever going to see that happen so today i'd like to highlight another mass movement it's going on in this country that deserves media attention and i probably
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won't get it until maybe a couple of weeks from now or maybe if the circumstances unfortunately were to become tragic and by that i mean the california prison hunger strike last week reported to you that this strike could resume after earlier in the year when six thousand protesters across the state refused food asked for their conditions to be more humane and especially for the practice of solitary confinement to come to an end and after the initial strike they began the pelican bay prison and some prisoners becoming incredibly weak saying that they were willing to die for this movement all they got were b.d.'s while calendars and they were allowed to participate in correspondence courses and it's a really sad and pathetic attempt to make amends by the california department of corrections and rehabilitation considering the california prisons are so overcrowded that the supreme court ruled last may that there are serious constitutional violations there and the approximately thirty seven thousand prisoners that have to be released or moved elsewhere so now this prison strike has resumed and according to prison hunger strike solidarity there are nearly twelve
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thousand prisoners involved now including california prisoners that are being housed in out of state prisons in arizona mississippi and oklahoma now they say the changes promised after the july hunger strike never materialized including of course their desire demands to change the practice of solitary confinement and gang validation this time around they also say that there will be performing rolling on hunger strike. so the prisoners can come off strike will be able to regain their strength that doesn't necessarily mean they'll be out of harm's way though the california department of corrections rehabilitations has already delivered memos to prisons threatening disciplinary actions if they participate that's something that can't be ignored we have the largest known incarceration system in the world more than half of those people are in the system for nonviolent offenses and using tactics that amount to torture or even depriving these individuals of basic humane treatment as is protected under our constitution that's wrong the worst of all these are the people that have no voice they can't even go out on the street and
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protest they need public support they need the media to call attention to what's going on but for now this is what the mainstream media is more than happy to miss. now this past weekend the occupy wall street protest in new york reached new heights thousands came out to demonstrate and attempt to cross the brooklyn bridge more than seven hundred people were arrested including a freelancer from the new york times on saturday but the reports here very some say that they were tricked by the police lured into walking out of the bridge rather than the sidewalk even being escorted only then to be trapped in orange netting corralled and arrested by the n.y.p.d. disputes those claims and has released a video of its own showing police using a bullhorn and warning the protesters.
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now some people have even disputed that the full release video which we didn't show you was edited so what actually happened we'll get some perspective from somebody who was there joining me to discuss it is anthony de rosa social media editor at reuters and i want to thank you so much for joining us tonight before we. the chaos in the bridge in what may or may not have happened you know what if you really make the numbers that came out this weekend would you say that it's thousands tens of thousands of people. well i can give you the perspective of what happened after the bridge incident i was there that night i was in at the bridge incident when it occurred but the numbers were quite large that night park the people of seemed to be very motivated when i was there they were all huddled together for what they call general assembly which is this time when everyone comes together and listens to people stand up one of the time and speak about what their grievances are and
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where they like to see the movement go and people are saying that they're very disorganized they don't really have a focus caused by what the general assemblies are meant to do is for them to come together and figure out exactly what they want to take this what they want to do and it's seeming to start to go along the lines of getting the money out of out of government to to try and get the lobbyists out of the picture but now from those people that you spoke to you know they had been there during the day what was their reaction or how did they recount what actually did go down on the bridge because like i said there's been a lot of conflicting reports about this the n.y.p.d. is releasing their own videos and it's hard to really tell which was which. yes some of the protesters where owning the fact that they took the bridge others were saying that they were lured there so even the protesters aren't along the same lines as to what the motivation was i think it was such a large number of people that it's tough to really say that all the one all the people that one on the bridge knew what they were doing it was so it was a sort of
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a mob at some point if you look at some of the videos it seems that the police were and front and they were telling the people right up front that they would be arrested if they got on the bridge but then after a while people weren't able to get those instructions and people were being told inside the bridge because there was a mass of people behind them and they had nowhere else to go. and plus the pedestrian side was beginning to get congested and it was easier passage to go on to the bridge rather than go on to the pedestrian side of the bridge now why did they choose to march across the brooklyn bridge since something that was planned out ahead of time or just a spontaneous reaction. there's been a series of these marches since they've been there over the two weeks and they're basically trying to get more people to notice to get them involved and this was another one of those that was loosely organized everything there is kind of done spaces they have these committees that they set up and one of the committees is for
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organization and the organization committee will try to gather up folks to go and do different things and the march to the bridge was one of them and then afterwards when folks were arrested they were then trying to organize people to go and greet the people who were going to be released from jail just as a show of solidarity to show them that they were with them and that the fact that they got arrested wasn't in vain well you know these were the largest numbers that we've seen come out since the protests started so seems like whoever was deciding to loosely organized a gathering on the bridge or to march across the brooklyn bridge you know did a good job there from what you observe because that's one of the main critiques that we've heard about this movement that's far is that they lack organization and they lack leadership does it seem like they still know what they're doing to. well i don't know that they they do seem to be evolving a message a focus of what they want to put across but they are organized in the sense that they have these committees set up they're trying to build some structure around the
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group that's there they have folks that there is a medic group they have a comfort group to make sure that everyone there has been closing as we get into the winter months they have a communications group with all the technology to get the messages in and out of the area where they are they have some lawyers that are there and it's it's much more diverse in terms. age demographic a lot of people have portrayed them as these young hippies trust the fairy ends but i was there and i sort of my own eyes on saturday and again today and the group there is very diverse it's not the stereotypical way they've been portrayed in a lot of media outlets yeah i'm happy you pointed that out because definitely a lot of what we hear of course are derogatory names being thrown out them calling them hippies and those people say that really these are only the young people that disaffected youth if that's what you want to call it now you know what were their reactions to you about the fact that now there are occupy los angeles san francisco boston chicago this really is spreading across the united states that this you know
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invigorate them give them reenergize them i guess you could say. it does and they're well aware of it the communications group is working with them to coordinate and trying to keep them apprised is has a group is how the group is growing in these different locations they're using social media as a social media editor at reuters you know monitoring all these things that are going on in different locations trying to stay on top of the story and find out where it's going. finding out how many people are gathering in these different locations it doesn't seem like it's reached the same level as it has here in new york but we're starting to see more and more activity in places like chicago and los angeles and over time you know the movements only about two weeks old going into its third week now so we may start to see those numbers increase in those other locations are and i want to thank you so much for filling us in with some of the details and it's definitely something that we'll continue to cover here. thank you. now still to come tonight yes supreme court begins
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a new term today so tonight we'll get a look at several issues of the high court is going to rule on in the coming months and will continue our coverage of occupy wall street ahead we'll ask protestors really headed what jane hamsher founder of firedoglake dot com. wealthy british study done some time to. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kaiser reports.
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even the real. secret. is the life. whether it is a buddhist prayer. or a shamanistic which. crossroads of religion. faith is strong and spirit is. well today the supreme court begins its new term and there are a lot of really important cases on the docket one stealing all the headlines of course obama's health care law which the d.o.j. is called on the supreme court to review now granted that is going to be an attention grabber but there are plenty more cases that you really should be watching closely take for example warrantless g.p.s. surveillance not something we discuss at length here on the show law enforcement strivings u.p.s. devices onto a suspicious persons vehicle to track their every. all without a warrant from
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a judge now it's a clear violation of the fourth amendment it's very disturbing to look at who's getting this treatment from police earlier this year i spoke with yasser the man who found one of these trackers on his car and he thought that he was being targeted solely because of his muslim heritage makes me feel like they're treating me like a terrorist or criminal and there are giving me my rights as an american citizen i was born and raised here so i feel different star a nice feeling. activists have also come forward similar stories about finding these truckers on their vehicles warrantless surveillance has already been disputed of lower courts but there's been so many conflicting outcomes the highest justices agreed to hear the issue of the case will be front and center of the supreme court is united states versus jones in that specific case jones is being tracked over an extended period of time when the u.s. appeals court heard this case they drop this conviction because of surveillance was unwarranted as case is going to be a trifecta of privacy technology issues and whether or not the justices will choose to uphold the constitution and its application in
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a new digital era now another case he should be watching on the skoda stock it is f.c.c. versus fox as a case that takes on the government's decency rules for broadcast networks c back in two thousand and six a second appeals court heard a case against the fox network for allowing quote fleeting expletives to be aired. in two thousand and two the renowned actress and singer cher responded to her critics in a television show by saying. and in two thousand and three and the cole ritchie who is a an actress commented on her own television show which is all that which is entitled the simple life. by saying that it was hardly all that simple because anybody know how hard it is to get hard it is to get. out of the product purse. and now the appeals court in new york city ruled that the f.c.c. regulations on foul language were unconstitutionally vague and had
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a chilling effect on the first amendment right of free speech to the broadcasters argue the decency rules enact their during the george w. bush administration are too difficult to enforce because of the perplexing language used in the regulations take for example their definition of indecency they defined as language or material that in context depicts or describes in terms patently offensive as measured by contemporary community standards for the broadcast medium sexual or excretory organs or activities so will the supreme court hold the government's expanded ban against expletives are they going to side of fox news and free speech now the last much watched must watch case on the list here is perry versus new hampshire this brings to question the use of eyewitness testimony in criminal investigations and the issue was originally went to scott it's back in one thousand nine hundred seven but since then thousands of studies have been done concluding that human memory simply unreliable now the american psychological association wrote a brief research shows that juries tend to over believe eyewitness testimony so the
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argument is now heading back to the supreme court justices and the issue is whether or not the due process clause of the fourteenth amendment would require courts to reject eyewitness testimony under problematic circumstances you know if you think about it perhaps this could have come in handy for recently executed georgia inmate troy davis if you remember he was. convicted of killing an off duty police officer however no physical evidence linked him to the murder just eyewitness testimony which was recanted by seven of the ninety witnesses now was the question if the supreme court visited this issue sooner would the outcome of troy davis' case have been different now these are just a few of the cases on this go to stock it and many more are making their way towards d.c. like gay marriage and doma and arizona's anti immigration law so looks like it's going to be quite a term for the justices on first street here in washington. all the occupy wall street movement is now sprung up in cities across the u.s. including los angeles san francisco chicago boston and columbus ohio and can the protests are being planned for later this month in toronto anonymous the hacktivist
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collective continues to show its support calling this artillery or square. our own team first. rather should be used. for. people or with. everyone every. year there. are other public spaces. now the numbers may still be small outside of new york the anonymous video claims the occupy wall street is already in thirty u.s. cities so this point seems clear these protesters can no longer be ignored but how much more as they couldn't take to see a real change come because of what they're doing join me to discuss it is jane hamsher founder of firedoglake dot com jane i want to thank you so much for joining
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us tonight and at this point seeing you know the massive numbers that we saw come out in new york over the weekend the fact that this is now spreading to boston los angeles san francisco chicago is there any question your mind that this movement is growing. i don't think there's anybody in question anybody's mind that it's growing on thursday we also see the beginning of the october two thousand and eleven demonstrations the occupation of freedom square here in washington d.c. so it's going to be brought right to the doors of the larger elected officials at the at the nation's capitol well you know i'm happy that you mention that because we have we're i october sixth we're going to have people here in washington d.c. at the same time van jones is here right now is another progressive conference going on so how do you get it to the point where all these groups can really unify well i don't think you want them unified in fact i think one of the silliest things to happen in the past few days is the move on van jones attempt to co-opt the energy is the anger at the banks on behalf of the democratic party i'm sorry but
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when you had control of the federal government for the majority of the past three years it's really kind of rival to suggest that this is all the republicans fault and that somehow you're entitled to co-opt this energy you know until some serious self reflection happens on the part of democratic leaders about why we're in this state and why they haven't done any more about it i don't think that scheduling their own competing protests the day before rather than trying to help the actual protesters out who have brought this to the national attention is either legitimate or morally justifiable. all right so you think of their kids co-opting you know riding a wave on their momentum on that case if we go do you think that they should be completely separate do you think that the protesters that are part of occupy wall street should denounce van jones and denounce a move on dot org well i think that they should denounce democratic politicians like donna edwards standing up there like she wasn't part of the congress that has basically sat there and rubber stamped everything the president wanted to do it's
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extremely wall street friendly i mean it really is insidious if you think about it that there are people out there who are protesting wall street and the bankers ownership of the government genuine outrage and at the time that that after they sit in for ten days and they start to get national media attention here comes the democrats saying oh wow this is our tea party no it's not actually it's independent and the october two thousand and eleven people have been very clear about that that it's what's necessary as an independent movement we tried it by hitching our wagon to the democratic party and what we got was the obama administration and three years of neo liberal policy i'm sorry move on if you know if they want to start a party for the democratic party that's great but the reason that nobody is enthusiastic about the democratic party is because they've been acting like the democratic party is shouldn't try and hijack justifiable outrage that was that is a direct result of the democratic party's reactions so in that case how do we get to the point from where occupy wall street protests are just expanding to where we see them more cities the media's finally paying attention i guess you could call
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that step one and success and change the how to get to the point where some actual change is involved and you know what will that change in legislation try to you know get a constitutional amendment to overturn citizens united to block all campaign donations what's going to look like well i think the october two thousand limit people have actually been very good at saying that those that that their demands are very clear they want an end to corporatism and militarism and the way they wanted that manifested is and change to that can you know to die by separating you know campaign contributions elections and money by you know providing health care for all by. stopping the capitulation to corporate demands people can go to their web site in october two thousand and eleven dot org we're going to be covering it their whole occupation of freedom square and they don't intend to leave until they've got their you know their government to respond in some way and these people are seasoned organizers kevin zeese dr margaret plowers of p.h.p. even doing this for a long time they did the bradley manning protests and so i think that what we're going to see is an escalation in both the sort of savvy that goes into the protest
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as well as the media messaging and i think that we're going to see growing numbers of people getting attached to them and i don't think that the democratic party should be throwing a cold wet blanket over the protests with all of their baggage and discouraging people from taking part in them because that really is what the democratic party says to people these days so i guess you could say that it isn't surprising at the democrat democratic party would try to latch on at this point because they need some kind of own fund there wishing that they had on there and wishing they had their own tea party now at the same time we keep hearing this i just played the clip from anonymous but you know a lot of you for calling this the american springer i guess at this point it's the american father saying that our tahrir square do you think of that you know a good thing to compare it to that's a proper comparison but i don't think you can say that it's as big as tahrir square but the outrage is coming from the exact same factors demanding austerity while increasing income disparity more and more money being taken and basically passed up
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to an oligarchy class i mean it well and then it followed right now in united states is worse than it was in the middle ages so you know i think there are very very real reasons why this is happening in egypt and they're the same as they are in the united states it would have to grow incrementally but i think we're seeing growth seven hundred people arrested on the brooklyn bridge in new york over this weekend that's an awful lot of people i mean more and more people every day as you say are taking part in it so we're seeing in the nascent stages but i think that it is growing i think that there are no solutions at the federal level and october sixth marks not only the anniversary of the war in. and starting at the beginning of the new two thousand and twelve budget and poverty homelessness increase if you're going to see more people really upset of what the impact of that means and joining these protests i want to thank you so much for joining us and of course we'll be sure to cover that and i'll probably go down to october sixth to freedom plaza myself or liberty plaza excuse me thanks we'll see there. now to talk about the koch brothers how they've been conducting illegal business deals with iran
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a new investigation from markets magazine has been looking into the koch brothers and their joint venture companies which have been engaging in some shady deals dealing with iran is just one of them seem bloomberg reports the one of the koch brothers subsidiaries located in europe glitch has taken part in improper payments to win contracts for businesses in africa and the middle east now according to bloomberg piece the payments to in contracts could very well violate u.s. laws according to the foreign corrupt practices act from one thousand nine hundred seven which makes it illegal for companies and their subsidiaries to pay bribes to government officials of state owned companies now perhaps the more flashy headline here coakley it should also been selling millions of dollars of equipment to iran their business deals with iran could wary very well violate the trade ban that's been in place in the u.s. ever since one thousand nine hundred five when president bill clinton declared trade with iran as a threat to national security now bloomberg markets magazine a term of the koch empire went through its foreign subsidiaries to make all business deals in the run up until two thousand and seven an internal records show
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that glitch sent products to iran at least two separate occasions to help them build a methanol plant belonging to a unit of iran's state owned petrochemical company and records of also show the koch industries of work to make sure that no u.s. based employees were involved in the petrochemical sales to iran so whether or not they actually violated the trade ban that's still yet to be seen and this investigation also uncovered another interesting little tidbit several former coke employees have made statements on the coke method a business ideology that was passed down by management instructing employees. on how to steal and cheat now is just a preview of the findings of the investigation bloomberg has yet to release all the information that they've uncovered an attorney for the koch brothers has already responded to the allegations mark colvin cites the fact that no u.s. based employees had anything to do with the dealings with iran and in fact goes on to point out other companies really says engage in similar practices with iran through their own subsidiaries companies like g.e. hewlett packard and construction company caterpillar so did koch industries violate
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the law i think it's too soon to tell at this point but it'll be interesting to see how the government views it copes actions in the full report is revealed and if they go after any of the other companies if the koch attorney is right. now we were turns nine we have our monday edition of you said it i read it and then more fallout over the killing of us born muslim cleric anwar locking gustus secret memo written by the justice department that allegedly gave them legal justification to take a lot is life that can still. broadcasting
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live coverage from our studios in a central moscow this is our let's get right. no end to the anti the wall street rallies as momentum behind the protests builds just by chance arrests and allegations police used excessive force amid calls for an american spring more than seven hundred demonstrators were arrested on that saturday after marching on to the brooklyn bridge at the state of the economy financial. corruption and corporate political influence sparked the leaks along the protests. it's all to play for the chelsea f.c. owner or. his. his fellow russian tycoon boris berezovsky sues him in a london court for five and a half billion dollars for alleged imitation results he claims he was intimidated into selling shares in the oil company for less at the.


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