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tv   [untitled]    October 4, 2011 10:31pm-11:01pm EDT

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while residents of. revolutionary forces try to take the town from gadhafi loyalists. at midnight local time greek public sector workers began a strike grounding aircraft. and other services in protest against austerity measures they call barbaric. misses deficit targets prompting euro zone finance ministers to delay handing out bailout cash until at least mid november. lights the fires under those in the upper echelons who are to blame for the greek debt crisis the kaiser report is next. max kaiser this is the kaiser report as the world continues to employ financially station max cries are bailout saying currency wars are the two big beings for
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two thousand and eleven right here on kaiser report right that's right well the first headline then is just a number fifty point six yes this is an image from bloomberg dot com but it's referring to the number of years in percentage terms since eighteen hundred greece has been in default or rescheduling its debts and this is based on research from economist ken rogoff and carmen reinhart so fifty point six percent of the time since eighteen hundred greece has been in default or rescheduling debts that's a lot of fun to choose well max so do you think this is a f.s.f. therefore and yet another bailout for greece is going to do the job not at all the grace was played in this hall creation of the euro we know going back to the beginning they were seduced into hiding their debts goldman sachs was involved in
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that as part of this. drama this greek tragedy that's playing out now the greek people have been played like jumps once again throughout history this is the role that best suits them well ok so we're in another great depression and one of the things they're trying to prevent just like they tried to do it the first great depression and they're trying to basically defend the banks and save the banks at the expense of everybody else defaults are not an option and and yet greece will default we know that everybody knows that in fact according to bloomberg there's a fifty point six percent chance that they will default soon because they have been defaulting for fifty point six percent of the futures market right now is actually rising because of the demand for the global markets will increase once greece defaults good old you know get back to making rope sandals that a cheese olive oil and hosting big bachelor parties and bachelorette parties those
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fabulous islands let's get back to a greece does best party party party well instead of all of these bailouts one option always presented is that greece should just reintroduce the drachma drop out of the euro and we've presented that argument here several times from various analysts and vestment advisors but i want to turn to another investment adviser here who is advising her clients that in fact germany is about to introduce the do it to mark and that's something to look forward to in the next days and weeks she says who do so this is philip a mom gran and she says quote the germans will announce they are reintroducing the deutsche mark they have already ordered the new currency and asked that the printers hurry up so first max who is philip monogram she's on the board of daughter bank she's an advisor to u.b.s. and prudential and she was in the bush administration on the economic policy
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department she was also a member. or of the u.s. president's working group on financial markets who are now called the plunge protection team yes they're often known as the plunge protection team they come in and rescue markets that are falling they make sure that we doubt rises and presumably now the footsie in the cac and the dax and all of the markets around the world president well who is the first person on international television in the media in print on t.v. on radio to make this prediction to make this assertion that the deutsche mark would be brought back oh that would be me that's right i predicted this because i know the mind of the german and i know that the whole euro project was a trick bag to reunify germany under the umbrella of the euro and then when things went bad as they inevitably would have to do they can inject themselves in the euro and there it is the deutsche mark and a super power germany. for now she doesn't have any specific
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evidence for the fact that there actually are printing deutsche mark at the moment but she does look at various things happening regarding this crisis which indicates to her that they are about to print the deutsche mark and that is quotes from josef ackermann the the c.e.o. of deutsche bank and also vice chancellor rustler who told germany's wealth daily there should be quote no limits to thinking of possible scenarios of how to end the euro crisis and the same interview he also said one of those possibilities however is not a further bailout after this four hundred forty billion f.s.f. european financial stability fund i was the first and i hope those editors over there at wikipedia under the section predictions by max kaiser on the max kaiser entry will make this adjustment yep they're printing these bad boys and they're
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printing them up in size. the other point which. she says that she can see that they're printing to a to mark is you look at what the swiss central bank has done and the canadian central bank statements that they've issued so the swiss central bank we know for a fact has introduced a currency peg immediately after that the canadians also now is that all the bad things we thought might happen are now happening so we are going to maintain a highly defensive position so she says they're preparing for the inevitable introduction reintroduction of the deutsche mark and therefore the consequent collapse of the euro in value that's going to be the way which they get out of all these debts in the periphery european nations ladies and gentlemen ensuring the heavy weight ring the doing mark in the currency battle of the century it's got everything huge export market low unemployment they've got fantastic
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benefits for all of them got a surplus and their unemployment benefits and their health benefits soar plus she says i would expect a major on scheduled speech from the president of germany once it is decided to leave the euro you can expect a european bank holiday and then the devaluations will happen across europe across the euro zone those that remain in the euro and you're going to see therefore huge inflation there for all of the money all of the new liquidity is going to go into says gold diamonds agricultural assets energy prices and mind asset prices will rise default will reduce the debt burden and allows growth and inflation to return . sundowns look for now of course this is against the what others have said jim jim records who we've talked about believes there's going to be a return to some sort of gold standard jim rogers who she also mentions in her her analysis jim rogers thinks the euro will survive and be stronger than the u.s. dollar this is not what she sees while the record idea of return to the. gold
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standard is still in play under this deutsche mark reintroduction because the other countries will have to respond because it's is a currency war the other countries are simply not going to beg and salute the deutsche mark and everyone is going to reference the dutch mark there's going to be a mad scramble and ultimately the records and the game is still in play this is just another chapter toward that end the play were everyone eventually decides that look let's stop world war three the currency war let's go back to gold another point she refers to max is this headline here from september ninth trish a loser this is cool at prospect of deutsche marks revival in germany so this is from bloomberg september ninth as i said trish a sixty eight lost his cool yesterday with a reporter who asked whether germany should abandon the euro and return to the market he said quote i would like very much to hear the congratulations for an
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institution which has delivered price stability in germany for over thirteen years he said and an uncharacteristically raised voice it's not by chance we have delivered price stability he said we do our job it's not an easy job notice he didn't say no. you have to read between the lines to answer number this is a fantastic story that you are breaking for international audience truly remarkable reporting i am gobsmacked. well in fact this is philip among she's the daughter by the way i looked up because i want to make sure she wasn't a yes woman you know you never know these days everybody is a hoax she's the daughter of harold mahlum grande who was a well known trade negotiator who served in the ministrations of john f. kennedy lyndon b. johnson richard nixon and gerald ford and when i looked him up i also found that he's been in the news about another european wide issue arising in the very same week these last few weeks and that's the tobin tax now all the governments of
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europe have are now agreed that they want to tobin tax which is a tax on financial transactions the only one outside of this is the u.k. of course because they have the city of london and they don't want to financial transaction tax well from september twenty seventh her father harold was quoted in the f.t. in an article titled long term investors would benefit from tobin tax and harold monger refers to the fact that so much trading is now high frequency trading and so long term investors are disadvantaged he says because he argues that big financial institutions that operate f.t. platforms try to bully up flagging markets by well timed surge of buying of exchange traded funds triggering automatic buy responses from algorithmic trading models across the market if true this must create an upward market bias that will over time skew asset values well there's. a bias is triggered by
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a program trading in stop water or isn't so stop orders and buy stop water them cascading of orders and quote stuffing and all this stuff could be minimised with the introduction of a tobin tax a tax on track. actions of fear on all transactions and let me tell you something stacey herbert as a former broker on wall street myself i can tell you that if they imposed a transaction fee and all these transactions and never told any broker or any banker they would never notice it's completely a non issue you know it reminds me of this club i go to in london the ground club i've been going there for years and i've looked at this little card of the table and i've never read that card suddenly last year for the first time in years i read that card it said that every single meal i eat there they add one pound of tax or surcharge that they used to feed the poor i never noticed that surcharge in years
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and years and years the same thing with every trainer and banker in the world if you give them a tobin tax transaction fee and never tell them about it they'll never notice well and the reason why i frequency trading what they do is they trick pension funds big giant funds that manage our money and the little guys money they trick them into buying basically at an inflated price so i would have this one final headline here max class war fifty two percent say us isn't divided economically poll finds so this is the pew research center for the people and press and the washington post and they did a poll where they found that just under half forty eight percent of americans said that if they were forced to choose they would call themselves among the haves while only thirty four percent said they are among the have nots well this is exactly what you find in the bowery or in the gutter of any major city you know the people who are living in the street in the gutter alcoholics gamble all accts generates
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they really believe that they're getting over on the system and this is the average american they're degenerate they are alcoholic they are they have no health care they're living in the street like bombs but when you talk to me about it they're like yeah america great. well i don't believe that they're living like bums i think they're living on debt and they don't understand that that system is ending and we've just covered this if the deutsche mark is introduced the euro collapses the dollar there's going to be chaos and the whole system where they can think that they're part of the haves just because they have a credit card on which they could put their health care on which they could put their bar tab on which they could put these issues that you know they think they're living like grand life because they're able to afford a car they think they are able to afford health care they think they're able to afford a house they think but then fact it's just on a credit card that based on a currency system that is about to collapse point taken say sarah thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you max that's going to do it for this app but
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stay there because we've got much more coming your way. i welcome back to the kaiser report imax guys are time now to go to london to talk with steve wall city spokesman for the u.k. independence party steve wallace welcome to the kaiser report thank you maxim thank
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you for inviting me to the show i'm really looking forward to being on the right steve all for your party ukip is calling for greece to return to the drachma talk about this well greece has to return to the drachma because it's in their best interest it's in the interest of their people and it's also alternately in the interests of the european union and it's people that are suffering at the moment as we know we have levels of unemployment for the youth around eighteen nineteen percent there's millions of people play throughout the country there's lots of people losing their businesses there is a real sense that the a stereotype that the greeks are giving to them is actually hurting badly and the reason that it's hurting and having no effect for a positive future for them is because the trends within the economic prison of the european union if they were able to escape the ohms of the road so when the commissioners who want to keep hold of them and their assets they will be able to take control of their economic leavers and help themselves get out of this debt
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crisis ok stave off let's talk about the ripple effect sierra because the folks who are not against the haircut or the write off for the return of the drachmas chorus are saying that the bond market would collapse the greek banks would collapse ripple effect throughout the euro zone what do you say to this i think that would be some times ahead for europe if. by the way if we don't take that and allow greece to escape from this economic prison then we'll see a long period of time where the european people have to pay for this massive debt and we can talk about the f.s.f. and it's extended i'm sure we'll go into that in greater detail but if we do allow them there would certainly be some form of ripple effect but would that necessarily be as bad as the doomsayers of christine lagarde and the i.m.f. and the european union i'm not so sure it was what we're doing is when we heering them say europe will collapse into a mess they are trying to scare us into not doing something that we should be
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allowing greece to do which is give them their freedom there's no doubt and i'm sure you hear this all the time that baroness ashton and her team of diplomats are wandering around washington threatening that if the bailouts don't occur then we will have nine hundred thirty style unemployment and recession throughout europe they'll be doomed to be gloom to be the rise of the far right dot i don't believe will happen this is them trying to protect their jobs and that they're also trying to protect this creation of a country called the united states of europe the ripple effect through there but don't believe it to be as bad as they are trying to paint stave off can people point to iceland and say that well you know they basically defaulted they took their medicine two years later they're now growing how is that inaccurate comparison and if so why aren't more people making an issue of this and making that comparison that is a perfect example as is also looking back to the days of argentina and brazil when they defaulted as well they were given the opportunity to take hold of their economic leaders and let's look at the positive things that could happen for greece
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we know that they are indebted on a debt crisis with their bonds if they were able to say we're out of sight of the european union they could take hold of their interest rates they could look at their currency they could take haircuts on the bonds of sixty maybe even seventy percent they could devalue their currency at thirty giving themselves some leeway to fifty percent this would encourage other businesses to come to greece. certainly would encourage those who were tourists from the u.k. going to greece if you've ever seen the prices in the holiday resorts in greece at the moment but also look at the very important positive factors of the greece economy greece's assets and some of those assets that aren't coming out into the public domain although oil and gas reserves we have received reports that only a few years ago seven scandinavian companies were offering around two hundred fifty billion for the for the for the gas assets that are outside creates except for those assets that could be used to help greece in the future rebuild its country
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but only if greece was able to get hold of its own economic powers it can do it whilst it's trapped within the european union let's talk about the u.k. for a second because the u.k. did not join the euro and people are saying that they're insulated from the euro crisis however the banks in the u.k. own much of this toxic debt from continental europe and so one of the ripple effects and how do they get into the u.k. and what is david cameron doing about it if anything a seat telling the people in britain accurately what's going on here david cameron certainly isn't giving the people of britain the truth about the indebtedness that britain is connected to the european union when you're looking at this bailout we're having to pump billions into the i.m.f. to support this this is money that could be used to help the banks that would have to face some of the detrimental effects of greece greece defaulting we could use them to shore up the capital and increase the one requirements of those banks in
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addition by being a member of the european union we spend around fifty five million pounds a day to the european union that money could also be repatriated back to preserve the economy of the united kingdom once we're going through the bad times david cameron doesn't want to let the public know that we are contributing to these bailouts through other spoke of the means such as the i.m.f. and he doesn't want. so as to know the true effect of what would happen if greece was to bail out all the opportunities for greece because to do so would in danger of this project of being in the european union think that the crisis is unwinding in real time and leaders appear to be paralyzed every talking shop leads to another talking shop they seem to their policy seems to just let this train wreck happen and then pick up the pieces afterward there is no proactive policy whatsoever and i'm sure that the pivotal country here is germany. let me ask
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you about germany for a second because on one hand they have benefited by the cheap euro in terms of their export market and as the first or second biggest exporter in the world on the other hand if there is a huge consolidation due to a collapsed i'll most likely be run through berlin and they so they really are playing two sides of the the aisle here is germany how do you see germany in all this as a kind of hapless bystander to a calamity that no one saw coming or are they more behind the scenes orchestrating something here well i'm not sure that we could be safely certain that anyone's orchestrating this behind i mean i think you have to turn around to go to horst koehler who was the foreman german finance minister in one thousand nine hundred two and he said that the southern countries would not be bailed out by the northern countries this is not what the euro was a bounce but actually that is what the people of germany believed they never believed that their home all the taxes would be used to bail out any country that
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allowed themselves to get into subsist on children and they didn't also believe that we were going to have a country called the united states of europe so what you're seeing in germany is the realisation that for many of them like many of those in the united kingdom in the rest of europe have been fooled by a political class who have one agenda if you take some of the polls that happened over the weekend as we as you can prove read and i've seen have been published forty eight percent of g. and snow would start supporting the euro skeptic poesy only one of those believes they should get out of the european union but you have to watch yourself why are they doing that they don't want to see the danger of the bailouts affecting their country they don't want to see their lifestyles effective in the same way they know that if they can't put if they put debt upon debts to build more debt which is affectively what this new bailouts from the f.s.f. is it's a country default scheme it's a launch ponzi scheme of debt derivatives they don't want to be part of that because they know alternately it will be germany that is on the line their lives
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are on the line and their businesses and unemployment could rise they've seen it before they don't want it to happen again all right you talked about this ponzi scheme and of course the global center of the financial ponzi scheme is london they've got the weakest regulatory environment the most has funds the most corrupt bankers and they're the ones are who are really making a market in fraud most prominently throughout the world and they have a stake in perpetuating this global ponzi scheme and fraud otherwise the entire city of london goes away more or less they go back to being a utility bank making simple loans and no more flashy christmas bonuses or champagne parties anymore is david cameron basically just completely in the pocket of the bank stars at this point and there's no hope for any accountability at all the city of london well i don't think that david cameron can be seen to be a supporter of the banks in the united kingdom or indeed the financial services industry as a whole but i was going in your second because during the recent looting episodes
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in the u.k. cameron's out there castigating the looters well at the same time he is painting and aggrandizing all of the looting bankers he seems to be talking out of both sides of his mouth i mean either he believes in the looting as a business model for his country or he's against looting yes to pick one of the other ukip i would imagine as a position of what ukip position. well you kids position on the financial services in industry in the u.k. is very clear we must support one of the most important industries but let's get some some facts on this not everybody in the financial services industry in the united kingdom all the rich bankers there are one point one million people employed in this industry in places like chester and leeds in edinburgh going down to cardiff these people are not ending the million pounds a year they're actually earnings say for salaries of around twenty to twenty five thousand peak pounds these are the people they're going to get affected when europe
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introduces a financial transaction tax we don't think about them what happens here in the u.k. is we focus on ourselves and about a thousand to two thousand seriously wealthy people many of them employed by banks some of them who have indeed done bad things if we look at the you know the extent of the o.b.s. for example but that can't be applied to the whole of the industry as a whole so you could be supporting them whilst at the same time we don't support those who could make blatant fraud who go out and commit serious crime and that's why when you look at the offenses that were occurred by the looters in the streets around the around the country you can't allow that sort of looting to happen without it with the purpose is that they were intended it wasn't about a political statement they were simply out to try and steal from shelves or on the road or are poorly or get the banking license and have more of it almost tax or barclays right just basically boost the g.d.p. of the u.k. because it's a country of belt banking fraud but let me jump you a tweet i got from the max keiser twitter account this is from mr canning who asks
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where does steve see sterling going as a bank of england with more quantitative easing while the euro hopefully takes possibly takes a nosedive so how does the bank of england's quantitative easing program affect the pal and going forward as you see it well i think really what's going to happen is more not necessarily what quantity of easing does to the pound it's really what's going to happen in the united states the dollar i suspect the. whatever quantity of easing we try and do in the united kingdom isn't really going to have a great effect we will see the potential of inflationary issues going down in the future and we must be deeply concerned about that but really we're caught between other so it's is really what's going to be coming out of the united states and what's happening in europe we're trying our best but we're still cool within this economic trap and this danger that faces us from europe all right steve all of that's all the time we have thanks so much for being on the kaiser report has been my pleasure thank you very much and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy herbert our thank my guests steve wolf
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if you want to send me an e-mail please do so at kaiser report it r t t v are you it's all next on this is max kaiser saying buy off. running.
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pretty soon you will be drunk. not to pass today was based on an entirely different philosophy from the philosophy of confrontation russia and china voted against the draft u.n. security council resolution on syria saying that sanctions could lead to a libya style military intervention moscow and beijing announced a new resolution should safeguard syrian sovereignty and allow time for internal reforms the russian ambassador to the u.n. says moscow is not supporting president assad but wants to bring an end to the violence through talks u.s. it says it's outraged at the outcome of the vote. now we headed to our washington studio for analysis and debate on the occupy wall street movement that's on the alyona show next right here on our team.


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