tv [untitled] October 5, 2011 12:01pm-12:31pm EDT
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just after eight pm here in the russian capital you're watching r.t. now our top story police have fired tear gas of protesters gathered outside the greek parliament building while the country has ground to a halt with workers walking out of jobs in a twenty four hour public sector strike angry at the government's policy of cuts all flights in and out of greek airports are grounded while hospitals are relying on emergency staff well artists are firth is alive in athens for us sara you've been monitoring developments there we've seen another day of violent clashes between protesters and riot police what exactly have you been seeing. but we saw the scenes on the streets at this day square outside the main parliament building really escalating again as the tensions boiled dave with the angry protesters and the riot police clashing we saw a gas being fired we also saw some people needing medical attention the riot police moving on to syntagma square and trying to clear the protesters out of that area
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really so very aggressive scenes of the clashes between the two sides that we saw the police moving into the metro station chasing some of the protesters here on syntagma the metro workers on strike and actually intervening to push back the riot police but certainly a very very tense situation and as we said in the weeks leading up to this nationwide strike we've seen more and more of these a sturdy measures being passed and that's really raised the level of public anger here the beginning of the day the main labor parties in the country have led thousands of workers public sector workers on to the streets to protest against these measures. and again like we said we saw those scenes that escalating quite dramatically throughout the day and certainly the backdrop that we're seeing here is so we have a lot of sturdy protest regional workers are threatening sabotage somehow or euro zone now officials factoring this in how likely is greece to receive the next bailout tranche. well it's difficult to say at this point will most analysts have
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been telling me is that it's extremely unlikely that they won't get that money at some point they'll be receiving and the latest information we had and that was probably around midnight and really the goal posts really keep moving here and that's been a big part of the problem is amongst the public amongst the markets as well is people really losing trust in the eurozone leaders of the military to take the country out of this crisis and to put measures in place that are actually realistic and can be met now what we've seen over the last couple of weeks is the government passing more and more these are starting measures to try and keep the international lenders on side to try and prove to them that they're able to take these steps to try and plug the deficit in their budget the property tax that we saw passed last week and the announcement of possible job losses on top of people already in the country having had the salaries cut dramatically most people at about thirty
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percent of their salaries who are being cut then to have these extra taxes it is really raised the level of anger amongst the public here he said they simply can't manage that now we've seen this all say quite disconcertingly spreading throughout the years and from the sovereign debt quite is moving now into the banking sector as well and there are fears of a repeat of what we saw a couple of years back and you know once again we're hearing what people are saying is the steps in the measures that were put in place at that time after we saw the collapse of lehman brothers you know really what was achieved from that because we find ourselves back in the same situation certainly here in greece we seen scenes like this people dead violence erupting on the streets to take asked being used against a very angry population and still it seems no measures are being taken to stabilize that situation say that's really been part of the past the moving forward is going to be a big part of the challenge now is how to regain the trust we've already seen is really today being the. graded by midis and this data from media said that that
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happened as a result of a lack of trust in the year and saying governments really that sentiment could not be echoed any more clearly by the public here is others exactly how they feel they just lost trust in the usa leaders ability to get them out of this situation and is now really that we're going to see this moving from a financial crisis into a very severe economic recession possibly not just because the rest of the year is a countries as well all right again it's the the ripple effect there that people are looking out for thanks very much for bringing us up to date there reporting from. sorry for thank you. our euro zone leaders have given themselves until mid november to decide the next tranche of the greek bailout well it will arrive only if the country meets its deficit targets but tom must i guess and from s.c.b. merchant banking believes that athens is being prepared for default. there is no real point in keeping on with this bailout exercise and i think over the past one
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or two months that's become clear to the euro system and the i.m.f. as well so i think that the delay that we heard about earlier is a very significant event said there won't be any more bailout payments to greece by then we need another four or five weeks before the purple regimes fall for a big greek default can be in place obviously if it happens in controlled way it could be a very destructive event if there are no defensive perpetrations made in the in advance then it could cost the banks other governments quite dearly but i think that that is what will be the reason why this is going to happen right now but in four or five weeks he said they're now frantic preparations are under way to bolster the differences to make money available for bailing out banks and ring fencing the healthier governments of europe when this actually happens so when we lived problem i could see within the illusion is that every single interest i've made over the past year or two they all seem to believe that after the bailout
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there would be a default anyway so that's just throwing your money down a black hole better not do that and start dealing with reality instead. of russia and china have vetoed a u.n. security council resolution on a syria the european backdraft called in damascus to end its crackdown on protesters or face targeted measures but moscow and beijing said they're concerned it could pave the way to a libya style military intervention. reports now from new york russian ambassador to the united nations vitaly churkin said the draft was too one sided he described the resolution as a confrontational approach taken by the european delegation and against the peaceful settlement to the crisis now this draft resolution was proposed by france with the support of portugal the u.k. and germany but. one part of the text that many countries seem to disagree with was
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that that called for syria to comply with the resolution within thirty days and if it if not complied then the council would quote consider its options including unspecified quote measures many council members including china russia brazil south africa interpreted these vague terms as leaving the door open to sanctions now of course russia's one is one of many countries that has been opposed to international sanctions against syria ambassador churkin says moscow believes the violence should be stopped through internal reforms and political dialogue not external sanctions or military intervention such as the case of libya you put in you see what you broke with the draft resolution which was not supposed to do was based on an entirely different philosophy the philosophy of
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confrontation we could not agree with its one sided accusations against damascus we believe the threat of implementing sanctions against the syrian government is unacceptable this approach contradicts the principle of a peaceful settlement of the crisis based on a common serious national dialogue should brazil india south africa and lebannon abstained from voting on the resolution but it was the united states that voiced extreme disappointment that the security council did not bolt of atlee adopt the resolution moving forward russia and china said that they will be working on a resolution to gather that they say will be more balanced in the case of syria now we do know that some council members wanted not only the syrian government condemned for the violence but also a condemnation against all the anti-government protesters that may have been inflaming the violence that has been breaking out over the course of six months but
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that is a measure that the europeans did not want included in this resolution. well let's get more on the situation around syria from jacob hornberger founder and president of the future freedom foundation joining us live from the u.s. and mr hornberger nato chief has been repeatedly saying that the alliance has no plans to intervene in syria and in fact the draft resolution it was presented was already a watered down version of why did russia and china though appear not to trust that i resorted to a veto. possibly because of the history that we have with these kind of things that they get a resolution appears to be limited in scope and then all of a sudden the next oh you know you got invasions and occupations and all sorts of things we we've gone down this road here in the united states with sanctions we've had a brutal embargo against the people of cuba i don't know sixty seventy years with
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the purpose of affecting regime change all that is done is brought misery to the cuban people as well as the desperation of rights of the american people to travel in trade we had sanctions against iraq that contributed to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of iraqi children and these things don't work they so little five dictatorships and it's time for the american people to start recognizing that all right and also looking at the conflict on the ground in syria we have seen that both sides of the conflict they have both been accused of violence and in doing so in presenting a resolution like this it is putting sanctions on one side of the conflict why though are western powers so eager to take such side. well because it's part of this old imperial mindset that if they can effect regime change and install one of their puppets then they they believe that it's all worth it it doesn't matter how many people they kill and we look at libya you know they go in there the old
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colonial powers you know harkening back to their house the on days of the m r france great britain and now the united states affecting a regime change and there is no price there's no upper limit on the number of people they're willing to kill to affect that regime change there's another important factor to consider here too and that's the hypocrisy that the u.s. government aligned itself in part of it so what the assad dictatorship you'll recall that that's where the cia renditioned made. the canadian citizen a rendition to syria for purposes of torture where was the u.s. government and trying to help the syrian people suffering tyranny when they were partnering with that dictator to torture this guy and we've seen this time and time again they used egypt the dictatorship there to torture people so there's a lot of hypocrisy here their quest is to put their people in charge in these in
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these regimes in order to expand their demand and control well mr holbrooke the us and there have been supporting resolutions in the arab world and we've seen it ongoing do you think this support is nurturing democracy if not now in the long run . it's hypocritical support they see the trend moving and in a certain direction and they they try to jump on that trend to make it look like oh we were spreading freedom and democracy don't forget that in egypt the us government has been one of the principal supporters of that dictatorship for decades there was a partnership with the free regime the two militaries were cooperating with each other for decades they used the mubarak dictatorship to torture people as part of their we didn't program they support the dictatorships in saudi arabia jordan bahrain yemen this is this notion that the u.n. has is now part of this pro-democracy regime is ridiculous they are jumping on that
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ban awakened is an opportunity to get in front of it and create this deceptive appearance while at the same time there's a porting the dictatorships that are aligned with them in the united nations and as part of their empire all right mr berger just a quick comment on a russia's position has been from the very start russia has repeatedly pushed for dialogue do you think that both sides are ready for that and is that realistic. i think this is really a matter for the syrian people to resolve this you know the u.s. ships should butt out the russian government should butt out the french the the brits you know these are difficult times and revolutions are very dangerous they're very costly in terms of time and life and destruction and it's a decision that the people of a country have to decide clearly there is a large segment that are sick and tired of this dictatorship in syria but that's something that they should be left to resolve gives them the dignity of achieving their own revolution their own changes without outside imperialist dominating
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influence thanks very much for your thoughts their intake of one burger founder and president of the future of freedom foundation thanks again. well you can find out more on all our stories on our web site that's our t.v. dot com and here are some of the other stories online for you right now for introduces chemical castration for you to counter the increasing number of sex crimes against underage victims can read about the whole story at our dot com. and just plain a silly one lucky pilot provides a spectacular air show what a festival in australia well flying straight into a very sweet find the full story online and for more videos you can visit our you tube channel. in the u.s. the occupy wall street movement is gaining support on a daily basis labor unions are joining the chorus of disapproval from l.a. to d.c. thousands upset with the state of the economy and the government's inability to turn things around are protesting for a third week as no one believed the reports they're determined to be heard.
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we don't want that now that is creating more pain where it's not very much more grabs and i think people are taking it. more than a thousand people in los angeles. chose to stand in solidarity with the occupy wall street movement. at city hall the very busy center of government in power and demonstrators worry that the one percent who control most of the nation's wealth have gained a stranglehold over the u.s. government alexander hamilton you know referred to the people he was so afraid of as the great peace and the great peace as a way people of all walks of life had turned out for this mass demonstration here in los angeles now a lot of the protesters here say they've gotten their inspiration from the demonstrators in new york and in athens and others are inspired by the revolution of egypt now there's still much debate about whether this is part of that revenue
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scenario movement here in america but one thing that people can agree on is that some drastic changes need to be made as to how this country runs from the east coast to the west coast and a growing number of places in between a collective anger is unifying people. in the windy city a group has been demonstrating outside the federal reserve bank in chicago for more than a week in boston a tent city in the heart of the financial district means occupiers can voice their discontent with corporate greed twenty four seven. that despite dozens of arrests demonstrators intent to show that democracy does not end at the ballot box families have also been marching in denver and san francisco demanding radical change from wahoo to olympia to almost to orlando according
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to the occupy together web site protests are being organize. in more than one hundred cities points that people are standing behind are worth a revelation i believe their time is up i think that i think the world is recognizing that doesn't work despite mainstream media down plain and even ridiculing the movement supporters at face the message will be understood you saw what happened in london they tried to make that out about a bunch of people that were just you know you know the bad apples that's humanity. something is wrong already bruised by soaring unemployment poverty and foreclosures the middle class are now being told to tighten their belts leading many americans to finally find their voices across in the beginning bigger it looks like the spreading throughout the country you know they had a arab spring and you know hopefully we have with us in los angeles.
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well wall street may be bogged down by economic and political issues but it's old school espionage causing concern elsewhere in the world still have for you this hour cross border spy games russia's air defense secrets are safe for another day after special forces capture an alleged chinese spy digging up details of what that system. let's look at some other news in brief this hour afghan intelligence officials have arrested six individuals charged with conspiring to assassinate president hamid karzai the group which has reportedly affiliated with al qaida managed to recruit a lot of car sized personal bodyguards for their operation extremists have killed several high profile figures in afghanistan in recent months the last of which being be a september twentieth assassination of former president were head of the. yemeni activists say at least eight people have been killed and over one hundred fifty injured in the past twenty four hours in the southern city of government forces
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shelled a residential areas while opposition what are tribesmen supporting the demand for president saleh to go join in the fire fight thousands continue to take to the streets across the country protesting his decades long regime how the uprising in myanmar started in february and has reportedly claimed the lives of over fifteen hundred people. the nobel prize in chemistry has gone to an israeli researcher for his discovery of crystals a complex structural form was previously thought to be impossible because the atoms were arranged in a manner contrary to the laws of nature seventy seventy year old daniel shechtman will receive around his one and a half million dollar award ceremony in december. and. now russia's federal security service has revealed it has been holding a suspected chinese spy the man identified as stood should the un the faces of charges of attempted espionage and trying to obtain information on the russians
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weapons this could not pass the details. say that this is a chinese man who worked here in russia as a translator for official chinese delegations and now he's accused of trying to bribe his way into getting access to secret technical documentation all of the three hundred air defense systems these federal security service says no case over to almost all order actually it's reported that he was arrested just around a year ago but it's not only know that the case has been passed over talk more about this story got into the media the moment there's been no official reaction either from the chinese authorities or from the foreign ministry here in moscow but it's interesting that russia used to explore the three hundred. there are different systems to china because she's actually sort of to produce them all and so. their production here in russia has been recently fully suspended with the more modern.
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four hundred and five hundred air defense systems to replace. the skin of their reporting on the arrest of a suspected chinese spy russia. now the british prime minister has called for a can do optimism during an actual time for the country's economy while speaking to his conservative party david cameron said the threat to the world economy is a serious today as it was in two thousand and eight when global recession loomed asher dresner who's a political speech writer thinks the prime minister was trying to divert public attention from the real issues this morning he got himself into hot water by releasing an earlier draft of the speech which actually asked people to spend as opposed to the draft that he gave in which he said that people were already reducing credit card bills and that early draft didn't go down well firstly people don't like the idea of a rich prime minister telling them to tighten their belts secondly economists have
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pointed out that if people save money that's not going to help their economy going and all in all it's not clear that tactic is going to win him any friends with the public one tactic that i saw running through the speech was an attempt to draw attention towards peripheral things his government is doing he can't talk about the n.h.s. because his plans are in disarray you can't talk about the economy it's tanking we've just had bad figures out today instead he talked about gay marriage building homes adoption things which are important to some people but which most people don't think are central to the political debate that's the news this hour it's now time for a look at the latest business. thanks to the russian markets closed in the red adding to three sessions of heavy losses that despite stronger crude prices have
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a significant bounce back in europe russia has taken a big hit during the latest market turmoil as investors pull their cash out of riskier locations but analysts say if the double dip recession is avoided emerging markets will outperform the global in the seas emerging markets in general are much stronger fiscally they have much stronger growth that is expected in europe in the u.s. and corporations in emerging markets such as russia and elsewhere are also much stronger so you know i think that once for now investors are simply wrapped up on the concern that we could get a catastrophe if we can avoid the catastrophe which now looks more likely then i think once we settle down we will see more money coming back to emerging markets faster than developed markets. for their latest market twists many investors scratching their heads over where to put their money just announced a from merrill lynch suggests infrastructure projects still offer the prospect of
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some stability. when you look at a lot of infrastructure projects the attraction of them is they may be emerging markets but ultimately they are the gateway to global trade whether it's passenger traffic all freight traffic and i think a lot of investors see that as a little chilly i'm involved use of these projects so when we've probably all companies they tend to be gateways to to global trade and therefore best to say i've invested in domestic infrastructure but i'm also best are going to globalization and the opening of that market to new investors new companies overseas so it's an interesting way to play an emerging market but also to risk it by investing in a company that providing infrastructure to support both involves an export trade. move to the markets now and while is the trading this hour in the black the first day and for after a pause that u.s. gasoline stockpiles dropped five million barrels last week and on a positive macroeconomic data will talk about that in just a second so the futures for light sweet crude are up almost four dollars this brant is at one hundred two dollars thirteen cents per barrel. move to stock markets u.s.
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stocks are up after an index on non-manufacturing to fit in september came in better than predicted also automatic days of processing reported u.s. companies added ninety one thousand jobs in september that was better than expected and that's ahead of a crucial jobless report due out this friday in europe markets balanced way up as investors awaits that the data on the labor market and services sector banks stocks some of the biggest again is among the major movers deutscher bank up seven point four percent of frankfurt people climbed eight and a half percent in paris in just one session. but it's a different picture here in moscow a pretty gloomy end of wednesday session non-theists down point six percent my six point two percent despite all these positive factors such as growing more of the european markets if we look at some of the main movers on the russian markets
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energy shares a mixed. from down one percent growth now up to one point two percent banks also not really catching that bandwagon of growth from financial shares across to grow boards burbank up just point four percent here's andrea background from gas from. the russian market is not as good as european markets although without any particular reason for this fundamentally is obviously a very very cheap pickups only greece a few other countries actually more cheap than the russia and russia is the real deal liquid market emerging markets but it's still going to depend on the neuer and everything but in any way in any event it's award it's a risky emerging market are certain people just want to play we even have the asset is really attractive and cheap right time back in around fifty five hundred time come up next on r.t. the headlines with tesla. the
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welcome back this is our live from moscow and here's a recap of our top stories police fired tear gas of demonstrators in the south that says the nation is brought to a standstill by a nationwide strike state services have been paralyzed after thousands of civil servants walked off their jobs in protest at new social club it's. russia and china blocking the u.n. resolution against syria which had the european backing moscow says the targeting of damascus is based on confrontation not the push for peace. thousands across the u.s. a voice of corporate money and its influence on the government at a time of soaring unemployment labor unions joined the chorus of disapproval. of the north caucuses remains russia's most volatile region.
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