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tv   [untitled]    October 5, 2011 10:01pm-10:31pm EDT

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continuing to spread across the country after reaching their third week new york is currently hosting the biggest rally attracting thousands of people protesters are angered by social injustice and corporate greed that they blame for pushing the country into financial meltdown or brings us more from new york. the grassroots campaign against wall street and economic inequality in the u.s. has gained enormous momentum on wednesday a dozen labor groups and students joined the occupy wall street protesters as thousands marched through lower manhattan demanding accountability from their elected officials we saw our teachers we saw the transport workers students as i mentioned nurses all flooding out onto the street to join forces with activists that are campaigning against corporate influence over u.s. politics and the wealth disparity in america now this group says that the middle
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class has suffered the biggest burden of the u.s. economic crisis while the wealthiest have only gotten richer while the corporations have benefited from bigger profits and paid the least amount of taxes we did see thousands gather nearby several locations in wall street and the crowd was chanting several things such as this is cairo this is tunisia enough with the government back to wall street bailouts some person took the microphone and said that this is a movement in the u.s. taking place that is also taking place all over the world and all people should be united against corporate greed so those that were in the crowd clearly voicing their discontent with the way the u.s. system is working most of them saying the majority of them all of them saying that
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the system in the u.s. is then a fitting the richest while the majority of americans or living paycheck to paycheck now we do know that occupy wall street is now into its third week of demonstrations in previous weeks we have seen hundred. of people get arrested by police officers we saw at least one incident of police brutality against a protester but as far as we know so far the demonstration the largest one to take place here in new york and wednesday that demonstration seemed to be going along quite peacefully some of the protesters even asking the police officers to join them saying we are fighting for your pensions. as the momentum gains movement gains momentum politicians will pay more and more attention to it despite the fact that for now there are more to your to listen to their corporate sponsors that's according to know me prince author of the book black tuesday. well so far they're
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listening to the company in the lobby as in the banks that support them they are you know critical at this particular juncture to campaigns they are currently listening to where their money is flowing from it but i think the bigger and if this movement grows bigger and if it continues and grows into the election season and then they will start to listen a little more to view the protesters by the mainstream media sort of some fringe group of people that are affected is is not a true portrayal of what's going on here in america and so the fact that the mainstream media is sort of denigrating this is truly not understanding in a lot of people the mainstream media you know also have been compromised by the type of political infrastructure and wall street supremacy that we have so they're really kind of shooting themselves in the foot. journalist mike because the reasons why people took to the streets in the u.s. are not dissimilar to those that the arab spring. there's a number of comparisons between the two and the protests in the middle east you had
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people protesting for a number of reasons. what happened in those protests were they were driven largely by social media and by organizers involved for years which is what has happened here so they're driven largely by social media and then institutional actors like. you know unions and other groups joining you know you could be the beginning of real change or could also just be a false start. the key is i think in a lot of ways is is this just going to be a public statement or are we going to really start taking on corporate power in specific ways. and coming up later in the day we ask max kaiser if he can give us his take on who really started the arab spring and the occupy wall street movements . yeah we start of the global insurrection against banker occupation it takes many names now revolutions in cairo occupy wall street but it started right here on this show the global action against banker occupation states ever tell us more max in fact today is occupy kaiser before i am occupying this set today to occupy i mean
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we're are the handcuffs now let's move on to occupy wall street jase p. morgan chase recently donated an unprecedented four point six million dollars to the new york city police foundation and will enable the new york city police department to strengthen security in the big apple well he's just buying more leg breakers and head crackers to go down there and beat up protesters and children. you know athens angry protesters have been clashing with police who gave of who have fired tear gas at them thousands have been gathering outside the greek parliament furious at the level of spending cuts and twenty four hour public sector strike brought the country to a halt greek airports were closed and hospitals are relying on emergency staff. reports from athens. we saw the stings on the streets of athens day on syntagma square outside the main parliament building we ask. the tensions pull david with
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the angry protesters and the riot police clashing we saw at a gas being fired we also saw some people needing medical attention the riot police moving on to syntagma square and trying to clear the protesters out of that area really since very aggressive scenes of the clashes between the two sides that we saw the police moving into the metro station chasing some of the protesters here on syntagma at the match a worker on strike and actually intervening to push back the riot place certainly a very very tense situation we see more of these are starting measures being passed not really raise the level of public anger head out the beginning of the day the main labor party is in the country had let thousands of work is public sector workers on to the streets to protest against these measures and again like we said we saw they stay in the escalating quite dramatically throughout the day people are really losing trust in the eurozone leaders ability to take the country out of this
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crisis and to put measures in place that are actually realistic and can be met now we've seen over the last couple of weeks is the government passing more and more of these are starting measures to try and keep the international lenders on side to try and prove to them that they're able to take these steps to try and plug the deficit in their budget the property tax that we saw passed last week and the announcement of possible job losses on top of people who already in the country having had the salaries cut dramatically most people at about thirty percent of the salaries who are being cut then to have these extra taxes it is really raised the level of anger amongst the public here he said they simply can't manage that now we've seen this all say quite disconcertingly spreading throughout the year is and from the sovereign debt crisis meeting now into the banking sector. there is well and there are fears of a repeat of what we saw a couple of years back and you know once again we're hearing what people are saying is the steps in the measures that were put in place at that time after we saw the
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collapse of lehman brothers you know really what was a key for that because we find ourselves back in the same situation certainly here in greece we've already seen it's really being downgraded by midis and this david for midi said that that happened as a result of a lack of trust in the year are you saying governments really that sentiment could not be echoed any more clearly by the public here is others exactly how they feel they just lost trust in the u.s. any disability to get them out of this situation and is now really that we're going to see this meeting for the financial crisis into very severe economic recession possibly not just because he's from and that the rest of the year is saying countries as well euro zone leaders have given themselves until mid november to decide on the next tranche of the greek bailout if it will only arrive if the country meets its deficit targets but thomas five percent from as he be much banking believes athens is being prepared for the fall. there is no real point in
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keeping on with this bailout exercise and i think over the past one or two months that's become clear to the euro system and the i.m.f. as well so i think that the delay that we heard earlier is a very significant event said there won't be any more bailout payments to greece by then we need another four or five weeks before the perpetrations for the creek to fall can be in place obviously if it happens in an uncontrolled way it could be a very destructive event if there are no defensive perpetrations made in the in advance then that could cause the banks other problem and quite dearly but i think that they said what would be the reason why this is going to happen right now but in four or five weeks he said they are now frantic perpetrations on the way to post to the differences to make money available for paying out banks and ring fencing the healthier column and save europe when this actually happens so when we live problem i could see within the illusion is that every single interest rate over the past year or two they all seem to believe that after the bailout there would be
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a default anyway so i mean that's just throwing your money down a black hole better not do that and start dealing with reality instead. russia and china have vetoed a u.n. security council resolution on syria new european back to draft called on damascus to end its crackdown on protesters or face targeted measures moscow and beijing are concerned the mandate could pave the way for a libya style military intervention instead moscow wants the u.n. to take action to push all sides towards dialogue russia believes the syrians should resolve the crisis themselves without external involvement or international pressure the veto by permanent members has split the security council but moscow is convinced its action is justified to be over explains. it's a rare rare case that russia has used its power of veto since nine hundred eighty four it's been seven times only that russia turned to its last resort if you will
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and in case of syria russia felt it was necessary to be told that resolution to stop that scenario and yet another arab state similar to what happened to leave it up to the u.n. mandate to protect civilians the resolution on libya was cost in march with russia abstaining from the vote but that monday it was quickly picked up by nato which sided with and to gadhafi forces helping them to topple the tunnel and russia believes that in case of v.b. at the un mandate was misused and this is why it has vowed not to let that happen again just as china russia as well the told me the only two permanent members of the u.n. security council who are actively trying to negotiate at these full solution to the crisis russia in particular has hosted representatives so full of president bashar al assad the numbers of the opposition trying to notch them into the dialogue and russia things that when you have two armed sides in a conflict what you need to do is to bring them both under the same tent while the
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whole issue all this resolution on the syria came up after a an estimated over two thousand five hundred protesters have been killed in violent crackdowns to assad forces since march this year at vishal damascus claims that it's only fighting sabbah tours who've been killing their security offices and hundreds r.t.d. has obtained a b.t.o. footage which allegedly shows that those that anti assad protesters are actually carrying weapons and using those weapons fire and we could not see a very fly these small bulk phone footage these are indeed tend to president assad protested they do not look like the traders only call on the president to step down . so what russia is saying that it is a conflict where it's all because that violence has been carried out on both sides so if you only support one harmed side in that conflict you sending out biased
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message to one side in these case to opposition forces a message of strong support which will only fuel more tension inside the country edmund ghareeb who is a middle east expert from the american university in washington says russia and china's call for further dialogue in syria is the right course for the country and the wider region. the regime has recently been saying it is willing to implement. reforms it wants to make changes it wants to talk. to the opposition although there are some who question and are suspicious of some of the statements of the regime in syria nevertheless. they have been saying that they do they are willing to undergo reforms and they want to see changes sanctions are going to be very costly for the not sort of the regime as much as for the people of syria that it is the people of syria who are going to end up paying
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a very heavy price. for for the sanctions there are however some elements of opposition some of them have reflected this perspective in istanbul and other places who believe that they cannot communicate with the regime they cannot enter into a dialogue with that and therefore they need foreign protection because they say the regime is continuing to oppress them and so that's why i think this position that was adopted by russia and china is seeking to open a new way and to prevent using this issue of protection for regime change or other interests still ahead for you this hour out of touch with. the british prime minister david cameron tells his party to have can do optimism but we hear from analysts who say says that he has nothing to be happy about. it piece of russia in the heart of new york st petersburg's renowned a marine ski
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theatre group is opening a new season in carnegie hall. this is the second time the orchestra has been invited to perform in the home which is celebrating its one hundred twentieth anniversary the orchestra is starting a series of five concerts expected to perform a number of works by celebrated right. from composers the director of the orchestra says that their presence in new york shows the marines he's a global. brush it remains country music and money is key he's maybe the most active institution in not only russia maybe even globally we perform roughly seven hundred fifty times a year in about thirty countries every year collectively opera. company orchestra a lot of people chorus alone all of this wonderful groups moving of course
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don't want to be. russia but globally and all of them built considerable names and i'm quite happy to see how many young singers young and able to join and grow quickly that's the best news for me every season so this is a scene that i look at where another four or five wonderful singers who proved to be were for doing something very important on stage dancers the same you know because of the young musicians and that's how you see a future cemented that success. dot com never runs it dr interesting videos news and blogs here's what we've got for you right now. a blitz operation by russian special services keeps the country's air defenses under lock and key and uncovers the chinese spied digging for secrets and. the king of interviews iconic american talk show host larry king finds himself on the receiving end of the
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questions as he gives an interview to r.t. watch it now only online at r.t. dot com. the british prime minister has called for a can do optimism during an anxious time for the country's economy speaking to his conservative party conference and david cameron said the threat to the world economy is as serious today as it was in two thousand and eight when global recession loomed gavin hayes who's a general secretary of left wing a pressure group campus says that the priorities of the speech were all wrong. i don't think britain is in a position to be optimistic and we are very very disappointed with the prime minister's speech today i think people all across britain would be quickly coming to realize that this is an out of touch prime minister and that we have a seeing nothing do nothing government firstly on the economy because we're very worried about the economy and the prime minister's lack of a plan b.
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for the economy you know the government was warned a year ago that they really did run the risk of a double dip recession if they cut public spending as hard and as far as they have to in order to pay off the deficit in his speech today he failed to lose any plan b. for the u.k. economy secondly he also talked about the need for people to pay off their credit card debts here on this also seems entirely out of touch with the british people as ninian's of people struggle to make ends meet every month struggling to pay fuel bills put food on the table and clothe their kids but we heard absolutely nothing again in david cameron's speech about the need to reform the banking system and sort of cracked down on britain's big banks so i would have liked to
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have seen much more of a focus on making sure those at the top pay their fair share. some other world news in brief this hour. face the co-founder and former c.e.o. of apple steve jobs has died at the age of fifty six after a long battle with cancer jobs that led apple through its most successful period in pioneering the i pad i pod and i phone apple was so successful that at one point before the u.s. debt ceiling deal this year the company had more cash something in the united states has an impact was also felt across the film and music industry is after he helped established the pixar animation company and the introduction of i tunes he was married and had three children. afghan intelligence officials have arrested six individuals charged with conspiring to assassinate president hamid karzai the group
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which is reportedly affiliated with al qaeda managed to recruit one of cars i personal bodyguards for their operation extremists have killed several high profile figures in afghanistan in recent months the last of which. being the september twentieth assassination of the former afghan president. and that's how the news looks tonight now the north caucuses remains russia's most volatile region with terror attacks happening almost daily corruption and a poor quality of life are often blamed for causing violence talks to the president's special envoy to the north caucuses about how the situation in the region is being improved.
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mystical ponding thank you so much for being with us today thank you president medvedev said that one of the key problems many countries including brusha face today is interesting tension and criminality many russians associate the root of these problems with the kook phase you were entrusted to supervise what can we do about it. so it works i strongly object to your putting it this way that the caucus is the epicenter of the ethnic crime unfortunately and it has repeatedly been stressed crime has no national identity i would support those of the opinion that the criminal group in question is of no particular ethnic origin. in august a high ranking french delegation visited the north caucuses and announced their decision to invest considerable funds in developing two isn't that good this result
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in building a cluster of tourist resort for disconnected from the rest of the region where misery and lawlessness still persist are you saying that there will be a zone where law and order will be installed and chaos and misery everywhere outside that zone i'm asking if this scenario was possible you know piers of course not it i want you to understand that we are not reinventing the wheel here we are not inventing constructions that have never been heard of it is perfectly obvious that unless the local population is integrated into the tourism cluster development process all our attempts to build ski lifts and five star hotels will inevitably fall flat if we disenfranchise the indigenous population the local population must be involved in all of these developments how do we do that because first of all we must gather what i call the starship troopers that's up to ten thousand young people who will be employed in the tourism and service sector these people must be local and. i live in the areas where these mountain skiing clusters will be developed second from any residential areas located around those skiing posters
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we're going to select young people teach them and do our best to help them set up small and medium businesses sometimes with the help of the state they may open small hotels for tourists we want people to be able to make money if people feel involved and integrated in this process i see no problems at all austria had an experience a while back austria's vice chancellor said at a conference that there were also explosions in austria while infrastructure was being built the local population he said was also terribly upset until authorities managed to involve locals in what was going on before that project had incurred a great difficulty i can go from this to flip on and you said the piece through so many in business people and even state officials pay terrorists to ensure their safety and that that money later of used to finance terrorist attacks can be done about dot when even state officials and civilians have to pay terrorists. first of all i would say it has to do with
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a certain lack of trust the business people have in the ability of federal authorities to protect them from criminal extortion networks recently active in the caucasus this situation however is changing now and we are working actively to explain to people that aiding and abetting terrorism is a crime just as destructive as terrorism itself and that any money given to terrorists can be seen as a crime equal to carrying out a terrorist attack today we have many cases of local citizens and business people cooperating with law enforcement the results are improving gradually but again this is a long process i've talked to several leaders of north caucuses republics and their opinions differ some of them say negotiations with terrorists are necessary while i do think that there is no talking to terrorists do you think authorities must negotiate with terrorists. i believe there's nothing to negotiate with terrorists but we should talk and negotiate with parents of those children who have left for the. woods and haven't committed any crimes yet if there's a chance to bring them back from the woods with the help of our religious leaders
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or their parents and families elders' councils and any other social institutions we should be doing our utmost to take it and we should encourage those who report to us and inform on these people those who are willing to lay down their arms and start living a peaceful life we should consolidate our efforts but once they take a gun and commit a crime there's nothing to talk to them about. how many terrorists operate throughout the north caucuses today. we like giving numbers but it's actually very difficult to make a difference between bandits and terrorists the overall number that i usually give to media agencies for both small groups of five to six members and large groups of twenty to thirty is up to one thousand people in all the north caucasus republics the women we're aware of these gang leaders and we've been working thoroughly on their cases i will form and they funded from within the concho or by other country . was that the. recent analysis shows the abroad domestic funding ratio is about
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ten to ninety the latter being russia they don't need to support of international organizations and other worldwide terror networks such as al-qaeda the money they extort from business representatives can fund them this actually means that it's not so much terrorism as banditry at the same time i want to stress again that there is indeed a funding inflow for western foundations charities and human rights organizations these funds are used among other things to finance radical religious literature and a number of branded leaders who exploit children for profits in the caucasus mystical upon him thank you very much for this interview. that closer to has been to the spitzbergen archipelago. where the world's northernmost actually presides over a ghost. town r.t. goes to pains a group of village volunteers. from roots. where
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technological breakthroughs save lives. people are forced to. close so.
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broadcasting live from moscow this is the. i pod. i. join forces with student. demonstrations are multiplying across the u.s. against the banks that are blamed for leading the country into financial crisis. the demonstrations get out of control on a day of national strikes that paralyzed the country. public. schools. russia china vetoed a u.n. resolution to enforce sanctions against syria with moscow and beijing instead.


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