tv [untitled] October 5, 2011 11:31pm-12:01am EDT
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angry a few cuts in pay and pensions shut down airports and schools and. russia and china veto a u.n. resolution to enforce sanctions against syria with moscow and beijing instead urging talks between the country's warring factions moscow says that a machine damascus would support one side over the other and it could lead to to wider conflict footage has emerged showing some apparently pro-democracy demonstrators on the end engaged in fighting with government troops. and now it's time to go back to our washington studio for the second part of the show. all right it's time for you said it i read it take time to respond to my brilliant and engaging viewer comments from facebook twitter and you tube you've got something to say i listen now first autoresponder
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a viewer who watched our preview of the supreme court this term rather alpha said on you tube some very important cases coming up too bad the scotus is the most right wing it has been in generations now it's very true but this current supreme court is one of the most conservative that we've seen in a very long time we've seen decision after decision prove that from citizens united which you raised whatever remnants of campaign law used to exist the hudson v michigan which blew the fourth amendment to smithereens ruling the evidence could be used after it was found by detroit police officers who stormed a home without announcing themselves have a conservative justices now hold a majority of the court if you ask me that's a scary thing with so many important cases for your health and privacy set to come before the court in the coming months and keep in mind of course a supreme court is supposed to be about justice and not about partisanship and unfortunately it seems like that's a thing of the past and next i would respond a viewer who watched my interview with c. net declan mccullagh on the u.s. finally signing on the act which the obama administration originally claimed was
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a state secret until large parts of it were leaked make mac grasset on you tube every damn thing is a freakin states secret just a way to continuously keep normal business as usual away from the people our movement is happening at the right time sure it needed to be done years ago decades but any time is the right time stay strong remain peaceful and keep it up i think of this comment really hits the nail on the head the protesters at occupy wall street americans in general are sick and tired of all the major decisions pertaining to their lives being made behind closed doors especially from an administration who promised to be the most open and transparent in history president obama swore up and down to the american people that he would be different . and yet it's very clear that that is simply not the case and the obama administration has invoked the state secrets privilege time and time again to keep the american people in the dark and the fact of they try to use the state secrets description to shield a copyright document from the public is just absurd i think that everybody knows the act is not and never was an issue of national security it's an example of the u.s. government doing the bidding of corporate interests and that's exactly what those
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on occupy wall street are fighting against governments and corporations working in collusion to keep the american people down in the dark now lastly autoresponder a viewer who commented on our reporting of the occupy wall street protests that hume said on facebook your coverage of this event is unrivaled on all news channels or news programs thank you alona and r t well thank you danny we've been covering the occupy wall street protests from day one because of all the misinformation out there about the protests now being peddled by other media outlets it's important to set the record straight and we plan to continue doing just that now it's my ranting today but i will be back with more next week. now we hear about poll after poll revealing the decline of american public support for our wars in iraq and afghanistan and in fact a recent c.b.s. poll determined that two in three americans think that we should dramatically reduce the amount of u.s. troops in afghanistan with sixty two percent believing that that reduction should happen immediately but what has far less to what we've heard far less about is the
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opinion of those who have actually been fighting in our wars and putting their lives on the line a pew research poll conducted a study comparing the u.s. popular opinion and the opinions of military veterans and most shocking stat that jumped out at us was the lack of popularity amongst veterans when it comes to the current wars abroad the official ones at least only a third of veterans say that both wars in iraq and afghanistan have been worth fighting thirty three percent say that both wars are not worth the cost so only one out of every three soldiers actually say the wars have not been worth excuse me so one out of three soldiers said that the wars have not been worth the effort and i think personally that's very revealing but. what are their views on the overall u.s. mission with the war on terror when it comes to nation building fifty nine percent of post nine eleven veterans are on board with the military's efforts in afghanistan and iraq on the topic of unmanned aerial attacks in the u.s. military eighty six percent of post nine eleven veterans and veterans of previous era's think that drones are a good idea and the use of drones is also growing in popularity amongst the general
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public about sixty eight percent of them like the idea of using drones rather than soldiers now i guess those numbers are kind of surprising considering the growing amount of questions surrounding the legality and the civilian death tolls that are associated with the use of drones and i'm assuming here that for many americans of the government is going to wage war on their behalf they'd rather have fewer of their own men and women in harm's way you know perhaps the government should be paying more attention to those that they've actually sent to iraq and afghanistan to fight on behalf of this country well more than ninety percent of the veterans who were interviewed think of the military's help them grow and mature as an individual only a third of them think that their actual mission in the war stricken countries has been worth it that's more than a few veterans with some radical ideas now again these are the men and women who are actually in our military fighting for the us seeing what our wars actually look like when a third of the veterans think that our wars aren't worth the cost perhaps it's time for the politicians here in d.c. to stop bickering about what the next move should be listen to those that have actually been doing their bidding just let me say it again let's get out and let's
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end the wars. as a new video out there on the web it's raising a few questions is it really anonymous or is it a trick and we don't know yet what it promises is the take down the new york stock exchange web site called operation invade wall street. this is why we choose to declare our war against the new york stock exchange no longer stay silent as the population is being taken advantage of for the sake of profit we will show the world that we are true to our word on october tenth it shall be erased from the internet on october tenth expect a day that shall never ever be forgot. now if the video is real then what they're planning is another d.d. o. s. attacks actually the same tactics that anonymous used to briefly take down pay pal and mastercard but this raises a larger question here as to whether d.d. o. s. attacks are legal or not secretly there's a case in santa cruz california where a homeless man is being accused of setting up a d.d. o. s.
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on the city's website in protest of a camping law his attorney j. lederman is arguing that there is no such thing as a d.d. o. s. attack a d.d. o. s. is a protest it's a digital sit in it is no different than physically occupying a space it's not a crime it's speech now so far it seems like a number of indicators point to those arrests and sweeps against anonymous and law may also use the same defense strategy so do they have a legal point well joining me to discuss that is nico merely a lecturer in public policy at harvard kennedy school and the founder and president of echo ditto dot com because i want to thank you so much for joining us tonight and for starters any speculation here as to whether this is a real anonymous attack or not when it comes to the new york stock exchange i mean the interesting thing is that it's on monday which is columbus day which is a holiday that's just the website so it's i go to the strip trading. i mean it's impossible to say but it looks like fun one way or the other. all right through before we get into some of the legal questions here tell us again one more time
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we've done this many times on the show but what exactly goes into doing a d.d. o. s. attack how it works well actually every web site is. what web sites live on web servers that are a lot like the computers you and i use every day and they're a web page or web site is just a file on one of those computers just like you might have a microsoft word file in your my documents folder and every website is just a file in a folder on a computer somewhere and so in a distributed denial of service attack what happens is that people arrange for thousands hundreds of thousands maybe even millions of computers to request a web. site the files on the website all at once and most websites are not accustomed to having a single file requested by that many computers all at the exact same time most of us when we go to websites and we request we open them up we're requesting a file but in truth in point of fact there's not that many computers opening them
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all simultaneously and so a distributed denial of service attack is everybody asking for it at once it's almost like you're sitting at the dining room table and all ten people at the table all reach for the salt at once it's a very similar kind of orchestrated cord needed move ok so if we're talking about sitting let's get a legal portion of this right do you agree with this attorney here that this is a protected foreign speech this is just like doing a sit in physically you know whether there's definitely there's definitely are some some there's an appropriate comparison to be made between distributed denial of service attacks and sit ins and i think there's a clear parallel there are also denial of service attacks that are not that are not acts of protests that are criminal acts designed to break into a system to steal something but in there's also a kind of. service attack which is in fact very similar to
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a sit in i mean if you think about everybody going to a bank and sitting in the lobby of the bank it wants so that no other business can be transacted i mean you can definitely make the point in a distributed denial of service attack is very similar kind of activity everybody requesting the website that wants together it's almost as if we all sat in front of our computers and at the exact same time hit enter so would you say that while you know the details are still a little shady on this case in santa cruz as to whether the homeless guy actually. did the deed e.o.'s attack on the santa cruz web site when it comes to anonymous to little psych what they've done in taking down master card taking on paper do you think about qualifies as a protest as a sit in. only thing it could be you know if it's about political speeches about political purpose it's not about some kind of fiscal financial gain i definitely think that there is there's an argument to be made that that's a console a gentleman for most social protest you know i think there are probably some there
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are definitely some gray areas in the space but broadly speaking i think there's a clear or appropriate parallel where something that i thought was interesting there's a woman a mercedes paper who was one of the arrestees she's alleged to be you know hacker an anonymous and one of the things that she was saying is that you know president obama tells his supporters to overload the switchboards of congress that he wants them to call about something so he's allowed it and she thinks of that as a form of a d.d. o. s. attacks so why is not have been allowed to call for it and she isn't so she thinks that that's political persecution is great yeah i absolutely think that you know i'm not as a person but lots of advocacy groups in washington d.c. and around the country they want you to overwhelm the capitol switchboard to get it to get a shutdown and you know denial of service attack is that's exactly what a denial of service attack is except it's on a website and set of a switchboard i mean part of the problem here is i think people just assume websites are these infinite things out in the in the cloud in the ether and in fact
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there is some complexity and some significant constraints to these two web servers we do i think of this is something that we're going to start seeing more often of course over the last year or so you could say that have given has put on a much more public face so do you have any guesses as to where you think courts might go with this or is there any type of legal precedent that's already out there . it's hard to say i mean i think part of this comes down to what extent is a web side you know a public space i mean i think a big concern you know there are a number of concerns that are starting to get service to about our our digital lives we're all very comfortable on facebook and twitter and and on our i tunes and yet there are some significant political issues that are beginning to reveal themselves i mean for one a lot of the public space on the internet is actually privately owned and i think when the courts begin to look at some of these questions they're going to raise some fundamental issues about kind of the nature of public and private space as well as some interesting compelling issues about privacy and intent yet it seems
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like they're going to be looking at those issues that sooner rather than later which i guess is a good thing because thank you so much we can only hope thank you very much. a so to come tonight another u.s. government agency is caught spreading of long ago the wonder of art or tool time award tonight and ahead in happy hour sign of the times a thousand new street unveils a new four bobbitt classic chris christie is harassed about his weight but while female politicians get flack. for one boss wondering about that from. a very warm welcome to you this is your news today protesters on the wall street
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they have. leads in gippsland in the translucency good mood for example the status of the human experiment is exploding with. this and this rap music in which it goes to the movies allegedly trying to make sense of global economy and it's all changed things and us financial templates the research clambering to maintain our confidence in long kids and things you don't want to be seen trade imbalances recession look even the nation's close to collapsing of supplying loans will close homes. to fail so we pull a balance again sealevel i think is us question seven and smashed the ceiling just like the buses and in street the imam put sportspeople just programs increasing the total economy.
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a sector of our government who still doesn't understand that our wrong it is to spread islamophobia especially if you're an official government agency now remember just a few weeks ago when we told you about how wired uncovered an f.b.i. training course and essentially labeled all muslims as radical well sadly the justice department seems to be following in their footsteps danger and spencer ackerman got his hands on a power point presentation from two thousand and ten giving details of what was taught by an official within the d.o.j. now there are a few slides worth sharing for starters one of the slides called defining terrorism with a line across it saying what sets terrorist acts apart of the political motivations of their perpetrators of the slide carries a statement all say they are muslim all believe they are acting as followers of true islam and we should know that the slides go on to explain that there are muslims and then there are islamists but as you can tell of course of the d.o.j. a large portion of the muslim population also falls under the islamist category i.e. the people likely to be responsible for radical acts so perhaps this slide titled our values are threatened gives us real insight into the teachings of the d.o.j.
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official explains that there is a war going on a civilizational jihad if you will and this war has been going on since the beginning of islam and this job is being waged in the us by anyone who threatens america's core values and the purpose of engaging in the civilisational jihad is to replace american judeo christian and western values with those of his law kind of judge mental to say the least but you know as you can imagine when ackerman asked the d.o.j. for a. i meant they simply replied with the department is today instructed all u.s. attorneys offices to review all training materials and presentations provided by the justice department personnel to ensure that any material presented is consistent with department standards goals and instructions blah blah blah blah the d.o.j. is only making these reviews happen because they got caught now if you remember the f.b.i. trying to get rid of similar media attention by swearing up and down that those classes weren't being taught me more time to find out just a few days later it wasn't really the case and lo and behold now the d.o.j. is doing the exact same thing and we should note ackerman is reporting that similar
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anti islam courses are spreading within the military so i'm really surprised that there is evidence of anti islam classes being taught in other sections of our government no not really but encouraging and teaching methods to members of the u.s. government the basically label of majority of muslims as extremist is downright wrong so for playing a part in trying to brainwash americans into hating muslims and then being just so embarrassed because they got caught the o.j. is tonight's tool time when. ok it's time for happy hour and joining me tonight is r t correspondent christine for is out and that is money heard on the hill reporter for roll call and the ladies think you are joining me ok so sarah palin had a massive huge announcement today that she gave. it a radio interview she's not running for president not like we didn't already know
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that because all she wants is money but let's just remind ourselves why she said last time that she didn't want to be president. just to whether i should throw my name in the hat for the g.o.p. nomination or not for two thousand and twelve is a title worth it it does a title shackle a person are they someone like me who's maverick you know i do go rogue and i call it like i see it. someone like me who's you know maverick so she didn't want to get the. presidency but the funny thing about this is so roger ailes was also giving an interview he's on the media round lately and he was defending himself against saying that he has a political bias and his defense for why he doesn't have a little bias was. he hired sarah palin because she was hot and got ratings were his exact words which which have just cracks me up i mean that isn't really that
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doesn't explain every other person on your channel that still has a political bias but i guess sarah palin you know is hot gets very mentioned every rule she's she's i don't know i think i mean i am not a person that would normally defend roger ailes but i think the majority of people who make decisions about who to put on air on all the mainstream media in this country that would be a reason why they're attractive. people are you know you don't say they're like she's hot and that's what i mean and that's why she knows she's not by as but the funny thing about this is you know we haven't heard sarah palin say of people about where our trail said but when newsweek put her on the cover a little while ago and she was wearing some little teeny shorts that. she got angry at newsweek she called it sexist i guess it's not sexist but roger ailes says it well newsweek's part of the lame stream media ok well i'm even going she had a lot on her mind today to be fair she had this whole announcement that she was
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gearing up for on the facebook. but she's already she had already increased criteria and that is a lot for her and i don't think it was longer well ok so we were just speaking about women having to be attractive obviously if you want to be on t.v. but take a listen to what rush limbaugh was going off on because of course there's been a lot of speculation as to chris christie too fat to run for president and rush limbaugh had a few comments on that. the truth and the fact of the matter is that female politicians go to every aspect of their appearance. they get it you would never have stories about how some female politicians like there are stories about christie being fat you wouldn't have those stories when you last time you saw story of bunny flick being fat you don't have of but all the stories that christie being fat filling in for the players really have the stamina we have the energy we have no you don't have those questions there's plenty of lard ass women in politics.
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plenty of the lard ass women are all is there you with that already there are actually plenty of lard ass women in politics number one and number two i think that if a large ass larger woman was running for president that yes we would hear all kinds of talk like that when governor christie was running for governor that wasn't so much that didn't come up as much in conversation his weight anything but when you're talking about anyone being the president of the united states the one person to represent this country around the world i disagree i mean i think that man or woman that would come up i'm probably with you there i agree i mean i think politics is one of those few professions but. your appearance is pretty much about all we've got you so you write for the hill i mean are there a lot of heavy like out front high profile. do you think i actually know there aren't that many there's a few and i'm not going to name names but for the most part. is wrong for the most part rush limbaugh is wrong but i mean i wouldn't say that they're super there's
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some people who are incredibly fit and make that time and there's other people i mean it's normal that's the truth of the matter i think the one thing that was annoying about the christie thing was how much emphasis by everyone and not just just being totally overplayed it was and after giving so much flak to perry for being racist the fact that all of us were going after christie for being overweight and the nothing else to talk about you want to like because he's not running for president i would say but in the i don't know you know i think that like you know obviously appearance is very important or definitely a large part when you're running for. political office but i do think that people are a little more wary when it comes to maybe criticizing when you know like i feel like that would be as acceptable as women about a whole bunch of late i mean i mean you've got to be very high ground there in talking about who we are about as big ass and get away with it because they know what they're going to get. well let's move on to really bad times take
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a look. meet the newest muppet on the block her name is merely life story it seems a world away from the normally happy times on the street. when you don't even know whether you're going to have a next meal or not. they can prepare young. said his mother said little kids of the other day were talking about other hallmark cards that are saying sorry that you lost your job now we have this muppet talking about you know going hungry and it's really really depressing but at the same time you know i think sesame street in that case is a little more realistic than our mainstream media is because they're actually talking about the fact that one in four children now don't know where their next meal is coming from this is reality it's a little sad to put it on you know your kids' favorite i mean i show me straight has always i as a kid i remember learning a lot of important life lessons from those beautiful muppets on sesame street and i think this is nice that they're doing this i think it's important i think they've
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done it to deal with things like death like racism. and it is sad and it is a sign of the times but they also have i had one guy living in the garbage can and that wasn't enough now they knew. she was in there they were out to live in the garbage can one question does she ever get food on sesame street like to they eventually eat her i don't like what she's brand new i don't know i don't know that i don't think the story line is you know this is something she has to sometimes worry about ok last story real quick just just listen. to me. i'm speaking for the start for a grand up there that is going on and there's a nice hard boiled story there's a man who's fifty who said that learning cling on actually helped him find a way of working with his dislike and he in fact now after spending twelve years
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learning the alien dialect and being made cheap linguist on his cd teaching others how to speak in this kind of thing that i love that it's a good twelve years to to learn it but you know cling on people every day star trek they have cling on immersion camp so you should know that they have a cling on institute as we do oh yeah i have friends that wanted to go to the immersion camp in high school i mean and yeah i know it was very interesting that i had a strange language for star trek you people would help somebody with there's a lot of dyslexia maybe we're onto something maybe that's going to lead scientists somewhere in terms of studying the backwards parts of the brain but very interesting that it is the language of dr spock playing on saving the day are appropriate so much for joining me tonight. night's show thanks for tuning in thanks for the come back tomorrow i'll be covering the occupation in the feed from the freedom plaza and talking to kevin zeese organizer of october two thousand and eleven and chris hedges in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the a lot of show on facebook and follow us on twitter you missed any of tonight's or
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any other nights you know it's catch you tube dot com slash the i want to show and coming up next is the. wealthy british soil it's time to. go to. market why not. why not what's really happening to the global economy with mike's concert run over. baard look at the global financial headlines tune in to conjure reports. are. we here because i.
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breaking news on our team new york police get heavy handed with thousands of angry protesters demanding social and economic reform in the united states. back from the dead the syrian woman reported as the first female victim of the government's pro-democracy crackdown turns up alive and well forcing several media into backtracking. greece grinds to a halt the biggest twenty four hour general strike in months turned violent as they dig deep while the cash is slowly running out. eight am in moscow good to have you with us here.
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