tv [untitled] October 6, 2011 1:00am-1:30am EDT
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technology from the realm of. the future. new york police get heavy handed with thousands of angry protesters demanding social economic reform in the u.s. . back from the dead the syrian woman reported as the first female victim of the government's pro-democracy crackdown turns up alive and well forcing several media into backtracking. agrees prime's to all the biggest twenty four hour nationwide strike in months twins a violent death that's dig deep while the passion is slowly running out. and in business russia's currency is over thirteen percent against the dollar since the
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beginning of september and that is likely to strengthen by the end of the journey for a full business bulletin in twenty minutes. nine am in moscow by mattress i good to have you with us here on r t our top story police in the u.s. have been a film beating back protesters at a mass demonstration in new york and the biggest event yet in the three week long rally dubbed the occupy wall street there's also reports pepper spray was used on crowds and police have confirmed they made dozens of arrests at the rally thousands have been taking part in sustained protests demanding social and economic change activists say they're fed up with breaking their backs to work while wall street bankers bonuses keep flowing archy's merino porton i has more from new york. twenty thousand demonstrators were out on the street but i want to be you may have
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actually broke out of the crowds part of the crowd here in lower manhattan. wall street surge has to barricades around the new york stock exchange and officers moved in to contain the protesters trying what we saw on the video because officers swatted protesters with the times story with mace pepper spray according to some reports even one local news reporter who is sprayed with pepper spray his camera man was hit with a big time things clearly getting violent down by wall street as this demonstration was carrying on all day long cops how they arrested dozens of protesters but the final tally is not yet known or t. has checked in with the new york city police department and they don't have a final tally yet now let's remind our viewers this is not the first clash between
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police officers and anti wall street protesters we saw last saturday nearly eight hundred of them were arrested in one day when i'd be working hard in a peaceful protest against corporate influence on u.s. politics against what they call corporate greed wall street greed the week before we what we also saw several anti wall street protesters that are part of this whole occupy wall street they were me synod face by a police officer police officers have used orange netting to how to get to these protesters that they say are acting disobedient civil disobedience is the term the police have used here in new york but before one of these clashes took place we should inform everyone that this demonstration that took place in new york was on the president it was the biggest one does far i occupy wall street that now it's because it doesn't who leader of unions joined occupy wall street we saw transport
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workers police and nurses we. teachers and students from universities in new york city and throughout the country all walked out of class at a certain time to join the movement that is being held in high new york by occupy wall street now this this movement we should remind our viewers is not just limited to new york it is caught on in cities throughout the country such as boston the los angeles chicago on gets just to name a few we know what is being planned and in washington d.c. in the next few days now this is this is clearly cheating enormous momentum but it's not just a group of activists these are the now fresh treated americans coming together we have grievances about the way the key west system is structured and it way the economy is in decline and not benefiting from the common gay marriage. or following
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the protests on new in new york on our website at r.t. dot com you can see the latest articles are constantly updated blog posts and for the latest videos rob you can always check out our tease you tube channel. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images in seeing from the streets of can you best. showing corporations rule today. in syria at least six people reported killed in latest clashes between protesters and security forces human rights groups continue sounding the alarm over multiple arrests and killings but one high profile victim made an amazing reappearance or he's ever been reports on the media's reaction at the expense of fact checking. she
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was hailed as the flower of syria the symbol of the suffering under president bashar assad's brutal regime at least that's what much of the western media said after the apparent butchering of zeinab al hosni we're viewed pictures of what was done to zainab scripts and they are simply too gruesome there are several western media outlets who are quick to report al gore's these gruesome death apparently the first woman killed in government custody but now it appears she's miraculously back from the dead even being interviewed on syrian t.v. . i came to the police station to say the truth that's what i see to those line channels i'm now on still alive not dead human rights groups like amnesty international jumped on the bandwagon to reporting out the was tortured murdered and mutilated it even claimed a mother found the body in a morgue last month all assertions is now being forced to backtrack on this we will
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inevitably be a more cautious and trees things a little bit more nuanced the state broadcaster says the interview to dispel what it labels fan brick ations by foreign media to serve western interests and stories like this that have been used to prop up calls from the us britain and france for un sanctions to be slapped on syria but their foundations are now looking shakier than ever this footage allegedly shows unarmed civilians being targeted by gun toting rebels so perhaps not the peaceful opposition they're often made out to be by the west that only seems to look one way. this notion that the u.n. has is now part of this pro-democracy regime is ridiculous they are jumping on that bandwagon is an opportunity to get out front of it and create this deceptive appearance while at the same time they're supporting the dictatorships that are aligned with them and united nations and it's part of their empire russia and china
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vetoed a u.n. resolution for syria seeing through it as a potential cover for another libya install intervention so they may not be any oil this time but there's always an ulterior motive it's importance is as a geopolitical factor right next to israel a country which obviously america and britain and the other western powers strongly support so that would be the ulterior to a political motive the vetoes of followed by security council walkout from america over remarks during the syrian envoy speech but the u.s. promised to be back with another resolution and undoubtedly more dramatic evidence to drive the point home on the bennetts artsy london stay with us here on our team coming up one step closer to being part of the year where we track the palestinian bid for recognition at the u.n. where they've just been given a nod to join the bodies cultural. but first greece's latest twenty four hour nationwide strike turned violent with police firing tear gas tear gas and
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angry crowds of protesters the country all but ground to a halt as greeks made their feelings known about the extra cuts they face so a country can try and plug the massive three hundred fifty billion euro debt actually sarraf earth has more from others. angry enough enticement square once again bearing witness ok clashes between rightly here is a protest is that i've got. the right. and the tensions really my thing as a police meeting to clear the crowds and shocking things one point the police in chasing protests is into the metro station many others hit and kicked by they supposed to be keeping control of the message being sent by the government is one of repression and fear. scenes like this is raise serious questions about the level of force being used. to priors is
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a forty three year old journalist who's reported from many conflicts it was in his own country where he sustained his worst injury. i just remember thinking this is really happening the police took shelter in an enclosure. and one policeman who i think was the commander asked in a very very few pictures i told him i was a journalist but he gave an order and i had one of the flash bangs thrown at me these are some of the pictures i took. the place he taken shelter amplify the sound of the flash bang causing always take this injury which is cause. after the attack i won't call it an accident it was an attack on my life being like a small child. investigation was launched into the incident the progress has been slow a fabulous tells the countless cases against heavy handed police tactics. any kind of results we witness for ourselves the lack of the stimulation when the police lash out when journalists along with his camera to the ground the rise in
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the level of aggression seen by police and the more extreme groups the protest is causing serious concern with the government continuing to implement their intimation it's bittersweet cash tensions likes to keep escalating i think we are forced. to explain the performance. in the first reaction in. this country from your. experience. the impact of the financial crisis is being played out play by play well sometimes where there are now fears that the financial crisis turn into an economic recession bring entire usa just the greek people to many. in. greece's financial prowess this is being worsened by the admission it won't
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meet its budget targets economic analyst martin hannett he thinks the only way for the country to survive is to default and start fresh. if they default it may actually not be the thing and not just raise i would think pete earley falls it may also not be the same because then they are back and start again debt free they don't have to increase taxes they can give either they turn c.s. have lower taxes become more competitive again sort of bed that may actually be potentially the best solution on the other hand if they bear out everything you would sacrifice in their currency is that realty of the euro while the thing is the most likely possibly if the leaders for example in germany are managing to sell that was it was a public. bail and most likely prince and sacrifice kinds of stability in order to avoid this uncontrolled collapse which would be quite difficult for politicians to tell people your money in the bank is gone. well stay with us here on our he still
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to come keeping fit officially your report from russia's pens arena where the governor is keep fit monterey's keeping the population a healthy dialogue plus. brushes leading orchestra heads to new york to perform at the opening of carnegie hall is out of her series season. wealthy british style. sometimes. market trying to. get in the wind on what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger or a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report. for
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. the. soon which bryson if you move from funds to the french in these. stunts on t.v. don't come. closer staying with us here on our t.v. fifteen minutes past the hour in moscow palestinians have made it more erodes into the u.n. a step closer toward joining you know the united nations heritage group unesco they can now submit a bid for approval by the end of the month. to try to get their monuments listed as world heritage site but it was given a green light despite opposition from the united states it's a key diplomatic victory for palestinians out the world. body and comes ahead of
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the whole for its full statehood palestinian leader mahmoud abbas applied to the security council for a full u.n. membership in september it's now working its way through the process. clearing out of some other stories making headlines across the globe the iconic co-founder of apple computers steve jobs has died after an eight year battle with pancreatic cancer he led apple to becoming the world's biggest computer firm and presided over an empire that revolutionized computing mobile communications and even how we listen to music jobs who was fifty six only stepped down from apple a few weeks ago leaving the company with a bigger pile of cash than the u.s. government currently has a hold on the back of hearing products from the i pod to the i phone. mass graves containing around nine hundred bodies were discovered by authorities in the libyan capital believed to be the victims of clashes between the former rebels and gadhafi loyalists in tripoli the new government fighters are now pushing towards the center of serve the colonel's hometown and one of his final strongholds
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the conflict has taken more than thirty thousand lives since it started in february . the afghan intelligence agency has arrested six men with conspiring to assassinate president hamid karzai the group which is being linked to al qaida had recruited one of bodyguards for the operation they confessed to training to use guns rockets and suicide attacks and targeting top government officials last month former. void of former president burhanuddin rabbani was killed by a suicide bomber pretending to be a taliban peace negotiator. time now to take in more of russia close up and today war on a health kick. where in the pens are region i mean east european plane although most of its territory lies on the wall the highlands capitals also called paths it was founded as
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a small fortress in the seventeenth century was growing ever since to leave the city striving to be one of the healthiest and savior stone in russia by order of the governor of arkansas want to find out why. almost every day the government is telling us that we should eat more fruits and vegetables drink less exercise more of course many people ignore these recommendations in fact working for the government will be very frustrating always telling people to do stuff but having no way of enforcing it now what would happen if you could actually make people follow through and be more healthy well officials are no longer have to wonder because in penza that's exactly what the government has done is introduced a new ambitious and not a good post free program forcing people to be healthier now for the results even report getting healthier whether they like it or not every weekday morning at ten am the turmoil in state institutions across begins a familiar amount spent. cheerful voice research also by now
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familiar exercises of the government's instructions no one is allowed to slack off . some go beyond what's required. so this is this has returned my youth and my youth to me we love our governors initiative. officials in this district have been told to leave the company car in a carriage and get on their bikes now all government business has been formed from the saddle. the head of the local administration says initiative has not only improved health but brought officials closer to the people with little i asked the governor can you have one more card to help us with their gc's he said you can have three two scooters under by then so the tree officials can observe people see who is up to what who is leaving rubbish outside for example. some critics have
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said the government's compulsory initiatives reminiscent of those in saudia times violate people's rights but a sportsman for the motor bike rider denies the accusations of my abusing human rights but the only way i am abusing human rights is by not giving people the opportunity to do even more physical exercise. as the clock strikes them. the police are out in force. looking for bad children the governor has imposed a curfew for unsupervised under sixteen it's. not i think it is a waste of police time target those children with arrested and returned to their homes we haven't seen them out on the streets again and on this day there are no violators at all as they. can sleep well. safe in the knowledge that with a passing day they're healthier. and the streets are increasingly free.
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we've got more of russia for you to discover on our web site check out our team dot com and see what else is on the line for you right now. the king of talk shows american larry king talks with r.t. about one of his final primetime interviews with russia's prime minister vladimir putin. and why so you could see the world's longest running said on the simpsons drawing to a close. we were at the forefront of russian classical music for two centuries and now st petersburg orchestra is opening the jubilee season for new york's carnegie hall.
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it's the second time the musicians have been invited there this time they'll be performing at the opening of the one hundred twentieth anniversary season the program under the baton of the earn scheme maestro gallery each has a number of works by celebrated russian composers artistic director says the visit to new york demonstrates the marines the stature as a leading global musical institution. russia remains country music and where his game is maybe the most active institution in not only russia maybe even globally will perform roughly seven hundred fifty times a year you know about thirty countries every year collectively what polygamy orchestra a little even chorus of well all of this wonderful groups that are moving of course
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bogglingly. throat russia but globally and all of them built considerable me and sent him quite happy to see how many young singers young able to join and grow quickly it's the best use of them every season so this is a similar looking as if we have another four or five wonderful singers who proved that we were for doing something very important that was the age dancers the same in the office of the young musicians that that's how you see a future cemented and success. and coming up soon spotlight focuses on the part global financial worries but first let's get the latest on the business news with korea. hello welcome to business update this hour russia's currency has lost more than thirteen percent against the dollar since the beginning of september but the economic ministry says it's likely to strengthen towards the end of the year
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recovering to thirty roubles on the greenback and one factor undermining the currency is the high weight of capital outflow standing after fifty billion dollars for the first nine months and already exceeds official predictions for the whole year. and this year's russian crop harvest is on course to increase by more than half the nineteen million tonne result follows the poor numbers in two thousand and ten after the real the record drought but prime minister vladimir putin says there's still room for growth. according to the current jewish community this year's crop harvest would be a range of nine hundred five million. sixty million of that would be wheat which is eighteen million tons more than from the two thousand and ten harvest it means that russia will provide its demand with a significant margin create misses for the reserves for mixed year and restore his position on global markets was mistreated that was measured taking
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a look at the markets now oil is trading near four day high as after investors bet that lower crude stockpiles in the u.s. indicate that fuel to may queen of the world's largest economy brant is trading at one hundred eighty two dollars a barrel wild wild as up at almost eighty dollars a barrel japanese stocks john tal thursday on the back of overnight gains in the u.s. tech exporters and financials among the leading sony's are three point two percent computer memory for help you know again six point eight percent and tech from about rose five. along the financials they were holding is three point eight percent higher and i was securing this is the stuff that's stocks job shop as well with big banks are rising four point four percent. we're still around an hour away from moscow's opening bell in the russian markets close in the red on wednesday despite gains in europe the r.t.s. lost over half a percent. it's just down just
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a. temporary bounce is a side of the bear market here looks set to continue to sum it up for some time at least that's the opinion of an fabletown off the bat. the bad news already happened turned around when you burn your sins away if you took out and probably. haven't said this in the markets will be available to oil at least until the end of the year at least in hewlett's official with recent in the particular case will be more clear and it seems to be more becoming clearer before midnight remember all in all the russian market is becoming more attractive every single day yeah which is good it's the bad news is that before the good play for east will come back which will happen one day i call it won't matter much before two thousand and eight it was half full glass and now it's half empty watson everybody trying to read the news on that in a bad way never to be up to date from now the back door it. the
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close of this group to the spitzbergen archipelago. for the world's northernmost dutch you of lenin presides over a ghost. town archie goes to pens a group of village volunteers rebuild the palace from ruins. where technological breakthroughs safe place a place where people are forced to. look for the pens original russian close up on the margins. please. please. just sleep.
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just so. our dear. we hear it because i appreciate outs that's. the god's promise them this milind along so i. will if they are still going to be thinking that. i'm gone chosen people will live them up believe that god is a real estate agent say ok this stuff is just for you guys in disguise as we'll. go on over here this is our land this is my panel.
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