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tv   [untitled]    October 6, 2011 2:31am-3:01am EDT

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as the former british ambassador to the stricken country explains how he sees all the events unfolding in the country. today i'm talking to basel eastwood's he's a former u.k. ambassador to syria he was serving in damascus between nine hundred ninety six and two thousand the situation's changed a lot since then and we're going to talk about what the situation on the ground is like now mr eastwood thank you very much for talking to us today now russia believes that asaad deserves at least some credit for trying to instigate some kind of reform do you agree well if he was seriously trying he tried to little too late and his efforts have been totally undermined by the. violence that has been used on the peaceful demonstrators so that for every. death it becomes that much more difficult to conceive of any solution which leaves him and his coterie in power so from here you don't think there's any way back for us that i think frankly. the
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best one can hope for is some sort of negotiated transition. might give him a way out. but it's very difficult to see how he can stay in power in the long run in the short run yes by increasing repression he can stay there. but in the the long run it's not a viable transition to him that i mean if assad does go is that a genuine opposition that could feasibly take control in any kind of facts that way that is the major problem the nature of the opposition is or the demonstrations is that they have been so largely spontaneous that there is no very coherent leadership and the various attempts to bring together a leadership behind a unified proposal for an alternative have so far failed but it's becoming clearer
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and clearer i think to the man in the street in. syria that they've got to have a good alternative proposition if regime change is to be. not only credible but to happen without massive bloodshed and destruction so that the pressure is on the various. aspects of the opposition to come together and form an alternative proposition so you think that the opposition in syria is less organized and cohesive than it is in libya it's much more complicated certainly. because whereas in libya you have an opposition that is has come together to fight a military campaign in syria you have an opposition. that is come together behind calls for peaceful demonstrations with the sole aim of
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now of removing the regime but that has not require the same sort of coordination that the opposition has had to acquire in in libya and what you think of me down from the outside sanctions specifically we've already seen a u.n. paste oil embargo case on syria with threats of further action if the situation doesn't praise what form do you think they sanctions could take in and who do you think they'll affect amazed depends what the sanctions are i would hope that the sanctions will be rather carefully targeted at particular individuals. and that's the course that has been followed so far except for the oil sanctions basically as the net is expanded to capture more of the the big businessmen who have worked alongside the regime and who have probably tacitly supported it in the past. so the tendency will be will be increasing pressure on
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them. to ditch the regime and find some other way of securing their interests and what about the ordinary man in the streets is there a way to avoid sanctions affecting hair the problem for the ordinary person is that the whole syrian economy is going to be more and more affected by the disruption and the insecurity and the total collapse of the tourism industry for example which is increasingly important in syria. so it is those things that are going to harm the ordinary man in the street rather than targeted sanctions how likely do you think it is that syria could tell into another libya type situation i sincerely hope that it won't what is remarkable so far is the extent to which the opposition has remained nonviolent there have been episodes of
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violence. which is understandable in a country well is quite a lot of weaponry around. and violence is being used against the people. but so far it is green largely nonviolent there are increasing calls amongst the opponents of the regime saying you know we've got to use violence i sincerely hope they will those calls will be resisted so i don't think it's going to turn into that sort of . civil war type confrontation i also think it's inconceivable that any outside powers would want to intervene militarily in a situation which is so complicated on the ground it's very difficult to see how any sort of outside intervention would help indeed it would probably hinder because it's the one thing that might bring all the syrians together in opposition to outside intervention so i just don't see that happening i think that's well realized amongst those who are most loud in condemnation of the syrian regime's
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activities how do you think it's healthy actuations going. payout for what kind of timeframe for example very good question and i have to say i don't know the answer . the short term i think the regime will probably survive. through increased repression and shown itself willing to do whatever it takes and so far there are no signs of the the core of the regime crumbling. but as the economy deteriorates as the. big business which has supported the regime seems that its future cannot live that way i think you're going to see more. defections from the regime and there will come a point i would think within months rather than years. when
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things quite rapidly fall apart. if the opposition can get its act together. then. firstly it may happen slightly more rapidly as people see that there is a return to earth and secondly when it does happen it may stand a better chance of being relatively peaceful roles and bloody chaos when we talk about opposition in syria what kind of people are we talking about what sorts of groups are involved it's very difficult because the the activists who have. led if that is the word the demonstrations on the streets are largely unknown people. with. tremendous courage. and determination but their political views more positive way as to what should happen to syria
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a largely unknown. but i think you can assume that it will not be. sectarian it will. have a. a role in it for the muslim brotherhood. but the syrian muslim brotherhood are relatively modern minded and will be i think prepared to play along with coalition politics. it will i think. be a regime which. is how shall i put it. mainly concerned with its internal problems it is not going to be a regime which indulges in adventurism views of israel or anyone else. but it will be a regime that is finding its way under very difficult circumstances and you talked
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about big business supporting the regime in syria but we all say see support coming from the outside particularly from iran how do you think that will play out in such an unstable region well it's one of the things that i think has been spelt inspired e.g. the saudis to come out in criticism of the regime that. they many of the governments in the middle east are profoundly worried about iran and don't like the extent to which what is happening in syria might increase iranian influence but i have to say that. the iranian government itself does not like to be seen. as being the principal supporter of a secular regime that is using violence in this way and there have been signs of a ring in embarrassment. so. i don't know quite how this one's going to play out
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but i don't think it's a clear cut situation then leading emerging market economy personnel russia india china and south africa they all are pais they western approach to what's going on in the maidment do you think that the arab spring in general will result in division between the old and the new economic powerhouse that many of the states in the united nations representation us. feel i'm happy about the way in which. the resolution of the security council which authorized all necessary measures in relation to libya. was used by nato particularly from some of you. with american support as justification for. activity and support which has in fact led to regime change and i think a number of other governments feel that this is
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a worrying. precedent. but it does not mean to say that. in any way favor. either cut off its regime in libya or what. it is doing in syria. thank you very much not at all pleasure. wealthy british style. time to cut price. target. markets finance scandals find out what's really happening to the global economy
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with max cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report on r g. the close up team has been to the spitzbergen archipelago. for the world's northernmost dutch you of lenin presides over a ghost. town r.t. goes to penza a group of village volunteers rebuild a palace from ruins. where technological breakthroughs safe human rights. and where people are forced to stay for. the fans or region russia close up on the party. even the rocks of their skin trying to land a sacred. magic is the custom supply. whether it is a buddhist prayer. or a shamanistic ritual. on the crossroads of children
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a child's. safe is strong and spirit is hard.
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new york police got heavy handed with crowds of angry protesters demanding social and economic reform in the u.s. thousands gathered for the biggest rally of a three week long demonstration dubbed the occupy wall street. back from the dead syrian woman reporter who was the first female victim of the government's pro-democracy crackdown turns up alive and well it's for several media to backtrack after giving her supposed death saturation coverage. violence flares up during a twenty four hour nationwide strike in greece with police resorting to tear gas to disperse crowds and the latest protests come as workers grow increasingly angry with the biting off. more news coming your way in less than fifteen minutes sports up next with dmitri stay with us.
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hello there welcome to the school it's good to have a company with us again our top stories this hour. gearing up russia's football team prepares for a massive whick of action wins against iraq and will guarantee them a place at euro ten to twelve. on top of the western narrow victory for puts our lives and its man at the summit of the conference. and power of the end based top dance including public bridesmaids with les commission to try and save the time to eleven trying to twelve season. so it's a whole time for russia's footballers this week with euro trying to talk qualification repping object of a cots meant to take on soccer in june and on friday before a home clash with dora on tuesday or to magical if occasion will be made certain by winning those two games the dutchman just saying. that same players can quote drink
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as much as they want after wards that's in response to criticism leveled at some of the players reports of the doing just stats for what comp playoff in slovenia two years ago of the cot also saying he will quit his post should russia fail to make next summer's poland and ukraine finals. on to the us no way in the kontinental hockey league to now more score have gone top of the western conference following a narrow two one home victory over scott st petersburg the hosts opened the scoring madrid for the first period of time to the brilliance of their easily treated france and found the back of the net straight to the second period where the muscovites doubled their lead the captain to take it off the left to keep it no chance the peace process was shot from close range three minutes later the visitors had the chance of a massive. power play which will successfully convert to crowd tony had more fun too on the final score here in the russian experts to talk to.
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now it. has advanced into the china open court finals without playing tel third round match that's after today's opponents who tours are had to retire reportedly due to stomach while maria kirilenko please keep playing of course the russian has already taken the open at sixty one the latest court in the second is in the quarter just started later today and that takes on dominica spoke of and current world number one person of his downscale will try to overcome. on the way to the last eight. in the men's game the only russian representative michele usually is resting today as he's already through to the last eight but there are some players yet to qualify for the quarterfinals spend his foreign policy there and myself were not always in action. he took six four
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and he's five four up in the second set. of china you know the second round match is called march through takes on farther from the no three to lee and finally in the late clash of the day south african kevin anderson world went on spain. america's national basketball association labor dispute between owners and players shows no signs of resolving anytime soon the league canceling the rest of their pre-season games with a proposed november start now a serious doubt boston celtics star paul pace attending those negotiations who was joined by a march to the mile and a host of other stars derek fisher one of the more vocal plays representatives but their reporters were all awaiting the arrival of face high profile lakers teammate kobe bryant the. rumored to be working extensively to side with polonium in italy no common ground between those big names and as yet that. today world be
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you know announcing the. cancellation of the rest of the exhibition season by monday we will have no choice but the chance of the first two weeks of the season. that's where we are we. gauge the more. you know into discussions to see if we get close you know where the remains to be a very large gap between. you know the n.b.a. and b.p.a. and today was not today. former n.b.a. star killen ale who spent nineteen seasons in the best basketball league in the world expressed his regrets concerning crowd lockout situation the big shock we were tied last season it's unfair. to the sport. we used to boast we would do it because the moment. you know
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grier. was to run. you know i was a part of the market and. we. were. there were more. we were going to be you know we'd do a burka. to formula one now where with the best of all but securing this season's crown the man who sits second in the standings has guaranteed his long term future with current team mclaren thirty one year old jenson button who one former one in two thousand and nine commits saying he's driving through to by signing what's the team called a multi-year contract to drive its current agreement will set to expire at the end of the season button is back in place yes he would have to win all five remaining races with the full struct so not scoring a single point so it's really now all about trying to tolle and beyond for the
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bridge. over to golf now where tiger woods is going to make another return to the sports he'll take part in a p.g.a. tournament in california remember woods hasn't played since missing the cut at the twenty seven p.g.a. championship earlier this year but the former world number one says he had a lot of time to practice during its absence it's always easy to come back from a layoff when you're you know what to do. it's very simple. i've done it before and there are bunch of times but i'm implementing in new golf swing. in order to do that you have to get the reps in and i haven't gotten the reps in. thousands of balls to do that and weren't feels natural. but of done that now which is good. russian professional golf on the river of china latte's of the latest events in south korea they swear can't respond and consenting but top of has been finding out
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about her colorful life during training here in moscow. might even is arguably one of the biggest commercial attractions in women's golf since you turned professional in two thousand and six did you do any five year old muscular remains the first and only russian plane full time on the lead european tour following an impressive amateur career that included victories in the russian austrian lithium and slovenian championships my fair share was tough because i got it i got on tour and i was the only russian player and i was the all the girls are half of them are english british and. i was quite kind of tough to get myself like good mates and you know in the end of the day they're playing the germans showed great improvement in her second year on the tour with her career best finished tied for fifth way since being and boss of the korea little round of sixty six in dubai as a result finished fifty fifth in the tour rankings in two thousand and eight still
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have based policing so far and despite having some injury problems she's still ambitious and has lots of goals to achieve with her new coach definitely i'll play for another five years because of my back i don't know how well my bout will give me a chance to play golf but there we set out some goals when i went to the eighty and hopefully get to win down there with a major i can go. professional golfer who spend most of their time travelling from one tournament to another which can be the hardest part of the job however well in search of success some ladies european tour and many funny stories have a reason they're said to make area i don't mind to say a kid is a chipotle and i put my pajamas on i want. to throw came back and i wrote was. it growing in size so he had to go because it was going a way out so i went outside and all the guys are like oh uncle we go through with this now. despite bringing mourners to results over the last two years the chairman
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stays optimistic and focused on golf however the one seventy six stalled brunette directs a lot of attention not only with her performances on the freeways but obviously also because of her appearance i'm not trying to attract more attention i'm trying to bring something more in goal and that the girls who are low play female thirdly here. is again better and better now so only attractive girls beautiful girls getting into golf their jauntily isn't in a sport which is widely considered to be a hobby for wealthy people in her homeland and there is still a long way to go before being accepted as a mainstream sport in russia but with the likes of virtue and become true couldn't ask for a better ambassador to lead the way concern about above. ok or today contrast with more sports news from around the globe for where there is less.
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our hero. we hear it because our. time is this the end belongs to our. will if they are still going to be thinking. and going chosen people will not believe that god is real estate they look at this that is just for you guys and this guy is. going to want to be this is
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a. different market than. we'll. bring you the latest in science and technology from the realms of. the future are covered.
3:00 am
new york police got heavy handed on thousands of angry protesters demanding social and economic reform in the u.s. . back from the dead the syrian woman reported as the first female victim of the government's pro-democracy crackdown turns up alive and well forcing several media into backtracking. greece brians to a halt the biggest twenty four hour nationwide strike in months turned violent as the cuts begin deep while the cash is slowly running out. and in business russian markets jumped at the opening following strong gains in asia and wall street. adding over two percent this hour join me for more on that in our business bulletin twenty minutes.


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