tv [untitled] October 6, 2011 9:01am-9:30am EDT
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it's five pm in moscow this is r t coming to you live now i with our top story this hour pepper spray and batons have been used against thousands of occupy wall street protesters in new york people are angry with their government for favoring banks and corporations while doing little to help them and they've been rallying all over the country for a third week running has the details about ten to twenty thousand demonstrators were out on this street but from what we're being told may have actually broke out when the crowds part of the crowds that formed in lower manhattan via wall street surge has to barricades around the new york stock exchange and officers moved in to contain the protesters from what we saw on the video officers swatted protesters with the times sprayed them with mace
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pepper spray according to some reports even one local news reporter who is sprayed with pepper spray his camera man was hit with a big time things clearly getting violent down by wall street as this demonstration was carrying on all day long cops have arrested dozens of protesters but the final tally is not yet known our t. has checked in with the new york city police department and they don't have a final tally yet now let's remind our viewers this is not the first clash between police officers and thai wall street protesters who saw it last saturday nearly eight hundred of them were arrested in one day when they were taking part in a peaceful protest against corporate influence on u.s. politics against what they call corporate greed wall street greed the week before we. we also saw several anti wall street protesters that are part of this group
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called occupy wall street they were me stood in the face by a police officer police officers have used orange netting to how to get to these protesters that they say are acting. disobedient civil disobedience is the term the police have used here in new york but before these clashes took place we should inform everyone that this demonstration that took place in new york was on precedented it was the biggest one does far bob i occupy wall street that now it's because of a dozen who labor unions joined occupy wall street we saw transport workers we saw nurses we saw teachers students from universities in new york city and throughout the country all walked out of class at a certain time to join the movement that is being held in high in new york by occupy wall street now this this movement we should remind our viewers is not just
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limited to new york it is caught on in cities throughout the country such as boston los angeles chicago this is this is clearly gaining and norma's momentum it's not just a group of activists these are now frustrated americans coming together with grievances about the way the u.s. system is structured and the way the economy is in decline and not benefiting from the common day american. parties are in a porn i are reporting there on the mass protest in new york and across the u.s. stephen leatherman radio host author and blogger told me the rally is will people on until money and power return to public hands. and force the power of the political was they go mate bloomberg sent them world oil because they want to go they said they were not because the mayor. bloomberg is. you know someone is
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special privileges taken away from me and the people so very courageously keep it up they they take heart from one p.c. going out of across the world and they're still going to go and do a mass is in new york gets to be the biggest protest by tens of thousands of people came out of the streets of new york who were so i mean it would come out three weeks after just maybe just in those big numbers across america did in the nineteenth sixty's it was civil rights reform it did early on for labor it was labor law maybe you can do it you know they get excited workforce these people one it won't be easy it will be without a commitment it won't ever happen. the core issue of money power in america is going to go back to. nothing will go down there. but our website our t. dot com we're asking viewers what the outcome of those u.s.
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rallies will be so far the majority is sure they'll be a lot of noise but very little action a quarter of think the anger will boil over and provoke clashes with the national guard a fifth of the voters see it as deep and for president obama's hopes for a second term in office and only fifteen percent believe it will actually lead to reforms we're going to know what you think log on and have your say at our team dot com. in other news several people are reported dead in the latest clashes between anti-government protesters and security forces in syria human rights groups continue to sound the alarm over multiple arrests and killings but one high profile victim has made an amazing reappearance bennett reports on the media's quickfire reaction to a dramatic story at the expense of checking facts. she was hailed as the flower of syria the symbol of the suffering under president bashar assad's brutal regime at
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least that's what much of the western media said after the apparent butchering of zeinab al hosni we have you pictures of what was done to xena corpses and they are simply too gruesome to air several western media outlets were quick to report al gore's in these gruesome deaths apparently the first woman killed in government custody now it appears she's miraculously back from the dead even being interviewed on syrian t.v. . i came to the police station to say the truth and that's what i say to those line channels i'm now still alive not dead human rights groups like amnesty international jumped on the bandwagon to reporting out hosni was tortured murdered and mutilated it even claimed to a mother found the body in a morgue last month all assertions is now being forced to backtrack on this we will endeavor to be more cautious and phrase things a little bit more nuanced the state broadcaster says the interviews to dispel what
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it labels fabrications by foreign media to serve western interests in stories like this that have been used to prop up calls from the us britain and france for un sanctions to be slapped on syria but their foundations are now looking shakier than ever this footage allegedly shows unarmed civilians being targeted by gun toting rebels so perhaps not the peaceful opposition there have been made out to be by the west that only seems to look one way. this notion that the u.n. has is now part of this pro-democracy receipt regime is ridiculous they are jumping on that bandwagon is an opportunity to get in front of it and create this deceptive appearance while at the same time there's a porting the dictatorships that are aligned with them in the united nations and it's part of their empire russia and china vetoed a u.n. resolution for syria seeing through it as a potential cover for another libyan style intervention say may not be any oil this
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time but there's always an ulterior motive it's important to use as a geopolitical factor right next to israel a country which obviously america and britain and the other western powers strongly support so that would be the altar into a political motive the vetoes of followed by security council war count from america over remarks during the syrian envoy speech but the u.s. promised to be back with another resolution and undoubtedly more dramatic evidence to drive the point home either bennett r.t. london. russia and china vetoed a u.n. resolution on syria over concerns the mandate could pave the way for a libya style military intervention when moscow said nato has actions in that did not save civilians but caused more casualties instead so far president of the arab lawyers association says the people's lives were never at the heart of nato campaign. you have to remember that the resolution of the u.n.
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was in fact only confined to a no fly zones to imposing a no fly zones it was there to protect civilians at the end of the day we end up with nato actually going to a lot against the people of libya obviously the dictatorship which prevails there is no reason to because war on the people off libya by nato i think the usa britain france and the western powers are hiding now behind nato so that no one can point a finger but the figures of the casualties caused by nato bombing is really mounting two weeks ago and the human rights council in geneva the commission which was asked to investigate the situation in libya came with a report saying that they have discussed with nato but nato has confirmed to though call it that they have not had any targeting against civilians i think nato is continuing its war against the libyan people albeit that they got rid of the
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dictatorship but we seem to be heading to the same exercise they have done in iraq and i think russia was right in taking the position that he syria because we don't want a repeat performance whereby the un took the position in iraq and then took the position in libya and now they were heading for syria. well there's plenty ahead for you this hour and exercise a day not only keeps the doctor away but also helps you work better at least that's what authorities say in russia's penza region dave instructed all state workers to do p.t. right there in their offices more on the back coming up in our brush up close up series. but first as concerns grow that the euro zone is falling deeper into recession finance chiefs are hammering out plans to safeguard the region's banks commission president. said there were plans to
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recapitalize them there's doubt that the next installment for greece will actually go ahead and the fallout from the country's resulting default severe blow to europe's banking sector well in greece itself the latest twenty four hour nationwide strike turned violent as police fired tear gas on angry crowds of anti austerity protesters the government is imposing more cuts on its people trying to cap amassing debt of some three hundred fifty billion euros country grown to a halt as workers walked out in a general strike leaving flights grounded and hospitals in line on the staff are sisera firth witness the greek capital as it boiled over. syntagma square once again bearing witness clashes between what really here is very tense days so you go. back about a week. you know. i'm going tensions really be my thing
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as a police moved in to clear the crowds some shocking seeing this one point the police seem chasing protests is into the metro station many of the hit kicks by they supposed to be keeping control. but the message being sent by the government is going to repression and fear. scenes like this is raise serious questions about the level of fools being used. prior's is a forty three year old journalist who's reported from many conflicts but it was in his own country where he sustained his worst. i just remember thinking is this really happening chris i took shelter in an enclosure just talking and one policeman who i think was a commander in a very rude. pictures i told him i was a journalist but he gave an order and i had one of the flash bangs thrown at me these are some pictures i took. the place he'd taken shelter the fight the sound of the flash bang causing always takes. injury which. after
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that i won't call it an accident it was. like a small. investigation was launched into the incident the progress has been slow. tells us the countless cases against heavy handed police tactics to have any kind of results we witness for ourselves the lack of discrimination when the police lash out one journalist along with his camera to the ground the rise in the level of aggression seen by the police and the more extreme groups of protesters is causing serious concern with the government continuing to implement severe austerity measures in a bid to receive cash pensions like sets to keep escalating i think. the first reaction is.
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the impact of the financial crisis is being played out play by. the square there are now fears that the financial crisis turned into an economic recession could bring the entire usa not just the greek people to their knees. euro zone leaders have left greece hanging it now has to wait for rescue until at least mid november but he believes athens would be better off if it did default then start afresh. if they default it may actually not be that seeing and not just greece i would think if you did it falls it may also not be the same because then they are off the back and start again debt free they don't have to increase taxes they can devalue their currency is have lower taxes become more competitive again so. that may actually be potentially the best solution on the other hand if they're
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bad at everything you would sacrifice in the currency stability of the euro the world we think is the most likely cause or believe if the leaders for example in germany are managing to sell that was it was a public. day then most likely to print and sacrifice kanzius the ability in order to avoid this uncontrolled collapse breach rates would be quite difficult for politicians to tear if you put your money in the bank it's gone. that was economic analyst martin headachy with his view on how cash strapped eurozone countries should react to the debt crisis. but washington is threatening to leave your nest go without american cash as the world's education and heritage group moves a step closer to allowing palestine to join the u.s. is currently giving tens of millions of dollars to you know can't legally fund any un body that admits a non un member state the cultural group has agreed to put the palestinian bid to
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its members for approval by the end of the month is a key diplomatic victory for the palestinians at the u.n. ahead of the vote on its statehood however there is still fierce opposition from washington which says a legitimate state can only be achieved through direct talks with israel palestinian leader mahmoud abbas applied to the security council for full u.n. membership in september. millions around the world mourns the death of apple's co-founding genius steve jobs the man behind the iconic mac i pod i phone and i pad he died peacefully aged fifty six after spending years battling pancreatic cancer he let out to his position as the world's biggest computer firm and presided over an empire that revolutionize computing mobile phones and even listening to music while the sad news sparked the biggest online reaction for years reaching ten thousand tweets a second. the nobel prize for literature has gone to his swedish poet
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thomas trunk strong was praised by the academy for his condensed translucent images which give fresh access to reality surreal books exploring the inner worlds have been translated into almost fifty languages the eighty year old literary master will receive the award at a ceremony in december. and the former governor. of alaska sarah palin says she will not run for u.s. president addressing her announcement to supporters helen said she wants to devote more time to her family during an interview with right wing shock jock mark eleven sarah palin said she felt that running would assure president barack obama's reelection. russia's help to provide security and revive the up causing an economy that's dominated talks in moscow between the country's leaders to meet alexander on focused on the challenges facing the caucasus republic which is still
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recovering from its long struggle for independence from georgia. following the meeting during the meeting of course a very wide variety of issues was discussed ranging anywhere from socio economic to matters of border control and cooperation between the two countries but as you have mentioned most important issue of course it was the issue of security mosco stood by so in the one nine hundred ninety s. war between a president in georgia in two thousand a toll in georgia is attack on south the state yet because it was here for all of that it may be next that's when russia recognized pass' independence and just to see the president read it was ratified in agreement to establish military bases both in south pacific and in the. russian peacekeeping forces have already been stationed in the are both republics but beginning with this very difficult shall disagree and bases will be stationed in both are probably explore the next forty eight nine years so the number of papers the number of memorandums and agreements
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between russian and i wasn't presidents in the kremlin today just goes to show. how close it and moscow will continue on the course of full cooperation in the future as well. well for more exclusive stories and coverage don't forget to visit our site dot com here's what's online for you right now party talks to the king of talk shows that's larry king live of course to discuss the highlights of his career including his award winning interview with wife. and as the russian resort city of sochi prepares to host the twenty fourteen winter olympic games an army of volunteers and interpreters gathers to begin to play their part in the city well ahead of. time now to take in more of russia close up and today we're on kick.
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we're taking you six hundred kilometers from moscow today to the pens a region famous for its natural beauty and strong cultural traditions the capital also called panzer was founded in the seventeenth century as a small fortress on a narrow strip of riverbank made the city sets a shining example of healthy safe and happy lives. went to learn the secrets of their success. almost every day the government is telling us that we should eat more fruits and vegetables drink less exercise more of course many people ignore these recommendations in fact working for the government will be very frustrating all the starving people to do stuff with having no way over to foresee that you know what would happen if you could actually make people follow through be more healthy well officials overall no longer have to wonder because and that's exactly what the government has done. getting healthier whether they like it or not every
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weekday morning at ten am the tannoy in state institutions across plans are begins a familiar announcement. the non-o. most mature full voice recites what are by now familiar exercises of the governor's instructions no one is allowed to slack off. some go beyond what's required. all this this has returned to my youth and my youth to me we love our governors initiatives but. officials in this district have been told to leave the company car and the garridge and get on their bikes now all government business is before him from the saddle. the head of the local administration says the initiative has not only improved health but brought officials closer to the people. i asked the governor can we have one more car to help us with their duties he said you can have
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three to scooters under by so the tree officials can observe people see who is up to what who is leaving rubbish outside for example. some critics have said the government's compulsory initiatives reminiscent of those in soviet times violate people's rights but a sports metaphor motorbike rider denies the accusations and my abusing human rights but the only way i am abusing human rights is by not giving people the opportunity to do even more physical exercise. as the clock strikes ten. the police are out in force. looking for bad children the governor has imposed a curfew for unsupervised under sixteen so. as not i think it is a waste of police time tell those children with arrest said and return to their homes we haven't seen them out on the streets again. and in this state there are no
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violators at all as the youth patrol wraps up its final round the citizens of pens they can sleep well applause safe in the knowledge that the passing day health care printed words and their streets are increasingly free of. up next here on r t it's the business update with dimitri. thanks a nice i'm not i'm a person that sets out the economic priorities of what's likely to be the next government in a keynote speech to an investment forum in moscow the prime minister reassured investors the country would maintain strict budget discipline and would continue with the process of liberalization of course by many in the course of the forum with more low to you marina so what were the main points prime minister putin highlighted in the speech. for prime minister vladimir putin started off by saying
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that russia is of course a three year learning is still the aftereffects of the financial crisis and that he understands that risks worldwide are growing by the country but it's compared to handle another crisis if the course comes to that and he then went on to lay out the policy for the government to liberalize a share in the economy we've. got a new. strategy is the state should gradually reduce its direct presence in the economy therefore we will gradually withdraw from state corporations through privatization and we'll appoint independent professionals to the boards of companies state to ship. well now to discuss this further i'm joined by chief economist sabri to be capital alexander i have to first thank you very much for joining us now to tell us that the prime minister laid out his economic policy priorities for the next few years do you detect any differences between this administration and the prime minister's recommendations. they're pushing this is
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correct women should. retire rated but there is a show and digitalisation and muckraking on mixed ability to remain is the key priority is for for the government for the up to the next several years the only thing is that it probably will be slightly more challenging for the. the next administration to peace here is this is goals because this school policies no quite constrained pleased with the budget deficit and russia a space and a challenger sarah from the slower growth so for the global economy the prime minister also gave a high priority to the considered liberalized nation of the russian economy especially when it comes to part of its isolation are the market conditions going to hold it up do you. think it might be quite a challenge and then they get in the view when those they minister for the economy mention this explicitly that you for market conditions remain turbulent and advisors their investment banks that can sell the minister for the cornmeal
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encroaches ation decide it's not the right moment now and it's better to wait for another window if unfortunately i think our yes there can be some shifts in the schedule. all vladimir putin says he doesn't think that there will be another crisis you're a chief economist do you share that assessment i would actually share the opinion that you crave for i did see a good five there because the piece here had of the central bank mentioned is that the world is approaching in a new stage their assessment of girls perspectives. we should be preparing not for in their profile you would turn as have found themselves an aid but for you for slower growth for several years but we see that money is still from leaving the country a lot of capital flight what do you think that will stop will it stop and how will elections the run up to the elections maybe have to do with that. actually if you
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look at there to sell to the third quarter number it's outflows russia. i mean that increasing for in rushing around in foreign knesset's which is russian when you leave in the country it actually moderated what resulted in largely kept a low flow is that warren by russia. corporation was close to serial many and kept american samoa difficult and russian companies come in. externally as much as they as they used to so you feel unsafe for external conditions remain difficult for the probably continue to see kept well flowing. by that xander is different our chief economist at the city capitals thank you very much for joining us no more so most of the opinions here have been positive but quite realistic and we'll see how russia will try to overcome the challenges but one thing is for sure and that is
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that economists here i'd like to talk more investment to strengthen the bad domestic markets. all right money and of course there are thank you so much and of course many thanks to your guest that it's on the beach in europe and recently capital. that's all we have time for in this edition of the business news on i'll see the headlines the next.
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at five thirty pm moscow time these are the top stories on our team new york police get tough on thousands of occupy wall street activists furious their taxes are be used to prop up corporate america protesters have staged their biggest rally in three weeks after being joined by unions. a syrian woman seen as the symbol of the regime brutality against own people reappears alive and well after reportedly being beheaded is for several media into backtracking after giving her supposing death saturation coverage. and eurozone finance chiefs look to help out banks that may suffer a blow from greece's versioning debt crisis meanwhile in athens violent protests erupted.
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