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tv   [untitled]    October 6, 2011 1:01pm-1:31pm EDT

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battles have been used against thousands of occupy wall street protesters in new york people are angry with their government for favoring banks and corporations who are doing little to help them and they've been rallying all over the country now for the third week running out is more important as in new york for us we should be monitoring the situation with a very good evening to you we've now seen the response when we did the protest turning ugly take us through the build up to that if you would. it's something of a groundhog's day kevin because these protests are just getting uglier and uglier the most recent event that took place was when the protesters that were gathered down on wall street tried to push through barricades and the police that were there as you can see in the video started swinging but taunts at the protesters and also using pepper spray against all those that were closest to the police officers clearly not the clash taking place as occupy wall street demonstrations have entered its third week now this was the pinnacle of the war or just demonstration
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that has taken place thus far between ten and twenty thousand people bored down in lower manhattan to come out to speak out and support the activists of occupy wall street we saw more than thirty different unions and such transportation workers nurses teachers students not only in new york city but throughout the country walked out of school to take part in these demonstrations and what these people are saying is that they are sick of corporations and financial institutions and the u.s. politicians working hand in hand while the majority of americans are suffering under an economic crisis they don't like the way that corporations are influencing politics and they believe that their elected officials need to begin working for all americans not just the richest ones these demonstrations not just in new york city these rallies all across the country presumably some of the governments
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listening to the. that's right kevin they're not just taking place in new york we've seen them in boston l.a. chicago they are spreading and there is clearly a sign because u.s. president barack obama held a press conference at the white house and he addressed this issue this growing movement straight on it's a movement that he cannot even ignore he said that the u.s. economy needs. the financial institutions to help the economy grow he did criticize the republican led congress for not imposing more regulations but he did speak directly to the frustrations of americans here's what he had to say. i think people are frustrated and. you know that the protesters or. giving voice to a more broad based frustration about how our financial system works.
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you know what kevin though this is not just about the financial systems this is about as i mentioned corporate influence over u.s. politics and this includes us president barack obama himself when i spoke to many of the demonstrators out on the street they cited the campaign contributions that banks made to president obama when he was a candidate in two thousand and eight goldman sachs contributed one million dollars more than that j.p. morgan chase contributed to obama more than eight hundred thousand dollars to his campaign we should mention in two thousand and ten j.p. morgan chase made seventeen point four billion dollars in profits and made no taxes these demonstrators out on the streets know their numbers they have done their research they see how the campaign contributions and the corporate words are going hand in hand they know their numbers and they are holding everyone accountable and that includes the u.s. president so he needs to sort of at least pay attention to what they're saying
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because the the frustration is not solely to the financial institutions of the story really closely with. much. but earlier i spoke to former wall street executive rich sco he told me the all the wood so your movement is still really a truck to some good deal of attention. or a political protest movement that's so young it's not much more than two weeks old it's grown and gathered a surprising amount of support from surprising quarters in a very very short time for example you have several very major unions joining up with this group that's primarily young people and saying we're on the same side we support them they support us we're going to help them any way we can so this to have that kind of. working people's groups like unions expressing such solidarity with the student led movement so early in the process it really
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fascinating development and rather impressive actually i think what they're doing is reasserting a set of values if you think of it as the early stage of a movement where it's declaring its fundamental values and principles then i think it's actually although it's probably intuitive or accidental it's actually pretty smart of them not to get pinned down in saying we want a financial transactions tax or we want a blue ribbon investigation of wall street crime there really and this is why they've been able i think to start to get some attention but it's their full wall street executive richard asco giving his take on the protests across the u.s. . several people are reported dead in the latest clashes between anti-government protesters and security forces in syria human rights groups continue to sound the alarm of multiple arrests and killings but one high profile victims made an amazing reappearance bennett reports next to the media's quick reaction to
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a dramatic story at the expense of checking the facts. she was hailed as the flower of syria the symbol of the suffering under president bashar assad's brutal regime at least that's what much of the western media said after the apparent butchering of zeinab we viewed pictures of what was done to xen apps corpse and they are simply too gruesome to air several western media outlets were quick to report al gore's knees gruesome death apparently the first woman killed in government custody but now it appears she's miraculously back from the dead even being interviewed on syrian t.v. . i came to the police station to see the truth this what i see to those line channels i'm now still alive not dead human rights groups like amnesty international jumped on the bandwagon to reporting out hosni was tortured murdered and mutilated it even claimed mother found the body in a morgue last month all assertions is now being forced to backtrack on this we will
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endeavor to be more cautious and phrase things a little bit more nuanced the state broadcaster says the interviews to dispel what it labels fabrications by foreign media to serve western interests in stories like this that have been used to prop up calls from the u.s. britain and france for un sanctions to be slapped on syria but their foundations are now looking shaky or the never this footage religiously shows an almond a sad civilians being targeted by gun toting rebels so perhaps not the peaceful opposition there have been made out to be by the west that only seems to look one way this notion that the us has is now part of this pro-democracy regime is ridiculous they are jumping on that bandwagon is an opportunity to get out front of it and create this deceptive appearance while at the same time there's a porting the dictatorships that are aligned with them in the united nations and
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it's part of their empire russia and china vetoed a u.n. resolution for syria seeing through it as a potential cover for another libyan intervention say may not be any oil this time but there's always an ulterior motive it's important as a geopolitical factor right next to israel a country which obviously america and britain and the other western powers strongly support so that would be the altering into a political motive for vetoes of followed by security council war council america over remarks during the syrian envoy speech but the u.s. promised to be back with another resolution and undoubtedly more dramatic evidence to drive the point home. on the bennetts. london. ahead this hour on the program an exercise a day nobody keeps the doctor way of but also help sure work better apparently at least that's what authorities in russia's present region say instructed all state workers to do a work there and then in their offices you will find out more about that simply
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working. as concern grows that the euro zone's falling deeper into recession finance chiefs are how plans to safeguard the region's banks now put it out to the receive forty billion euros of emergency loans from the european central bank and will continue to get as much money as they need for at least the next year there's doubt that the next bailout installment for greece will actually go ahead in the fallout from the country's resulting default could lead to a severe blow to europe's banking sector in greece itself from ages twenty for a nationwide strike to turn violent is police fired tear gas and angry crowds of interest or protest is the government imposing more cuts on its people they're trying to cut that massive debt of some three hundred fifty billion euros the country ground to a halt as workers walked out in a general strike leaving flights grounded in hospital for my non-emergency staff r.t. surface witnessed the greek capital as it boiled over. anger in athens syntagma
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square once again bearing witness to the clashes between riot police here is protesting was that i don't want to take that back you. mean that you know that that's a larry. and the pensions really be my thing as a police meetin to clear the crowd some shocking thing one point the police seem chasing protests is into the station many others hit kicks by they supposed to be keeping control of the message being sent by the government is one of repression and fear. seems like this is a very serious questions about the level of force being used the name. prior's is a forty three year old journalist who's reported from many conflicts but it was in his own country where he sustained his worst injury. i just remember thinking is this really happening including us i took shelter in an enclosure just off syntagma and one policeman who i think was a commander asked in a very rude. taking pictures i told him i was
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a journalist but he gave an order and i had one of the flash bangs thrown at me these are some pictures i took. the place he'd taken shelter amplified the sound of the flash bang causing always take. an injury which is. after the attack i won't call it an accident it was an attack like a small. an investigation was launched into the incident the progress has been slow a finalist tells us the countless cases against heavy handed police tactics and you see that any kind of results we witness for ourselves the lack of discrimination when the police lash out when journalists flung with his camera to the ground the rise in the level of aggression seen by the police and the more extreme groups of protesters is causing serious concern. with the government continuing to implement severe austerity measures in a bid to see further cash tensions looks set to keep escalating i think.
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it's easy to explain it from. the first reaction. from europe. has been experienced in july. first of the. impact of the financial crisis is being played out play by play well some tightness where there are now fears that the financial crisis turned into an economic recession could bring the entire usa just the greek people to their knees. start talk to. an economic analyst and the author of the book the currency crash michael very good evening thanks for being on r.t. euro zone leaders are giving themselves then as we just heard another deadline this time until mid november to decide on the next bailout tranche for greece putting it off yet again but the same time wearing the banks have been giving this massive cash injection to the tune of forty billion euros to prop them up against any
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potential greek fallout what should prime minister pop and read into these messages coming through do you think. first and foremost. is much more pressure put upon greece in the future i don't think that they let go bankrupt. but in the meantime there will be lots of pressure on and this will also escalate the violence that we see already there because of thirty never is unearthing on the other hand we have also to take account of what is the e.c.b. today did today look to the steps that we can only see the e.c.b. is committing suicide our central bank is committing suicide on the one hand helping banks with billions and billions junk bonds billiton billions i mean where does this lead to it's one of the last confidence of the nail the last nail of the coffin of what's going on and of course had the do you think you do you think she
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thinks is going to benefit from all this and recapitalizing europe's banks. i mean it's always difficult to tell what happens if you really let. go some banks bankrupt the banks are now on the actu in order already and i think what they discussed today in. between. is to keep germany more or less as a hostage we have to stick on the euro we have to stick on the we cannot leave it must stick together and give all our money until the system completely breaks. now yes the international monetary fund the i.m.f. came out to say that europe stronger economy should avoid drastic budget cuts because they start stifle growth but at the same cut that to mental to countries like greece as well. i mean this is a contradiction where we are living making more debts means more growth more debt is more growth at the moment we are actually on will start to limit we can't go on
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making more debt it means that the growth process is stopping on the other hand of course germany and some other countries have a little bit more room to go and if we make now also authority in germany if we don't make war debts then of course this bill have a very bad impact on the whole european union and on the euro zone as such and it could also be a difficult thing for the world economy and for the money system and so the fear is that everything will collapse and that we have a certain domino effect going out from the from the point that germany may be pulling out of the euro will not make more anything it's not give more any more money to anybody else it's a scary prospect putting for their particular course for countries like italy and one despite all this talk of rescuing. moody's only just this week declared italy three steps closer to that proverbial abbess how scared should other eurozone countries be if italy does go under as well at some point in the near future. we
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cannot discuss if it really is going. and that means the end of the euro if the euro is going and it means the end of the financial system as we know it so there is no discussion what moody's did is totally ridiculous and you can only consider it as a kind of currency war between the united states and the european countries of course they want to weaken the storm of course they want a dollar here going to. circumstances you have to understand what the rating agencies are doing we all know that we have difficulties so it's totally helpless and totally senseless to downgrade italy now but it is of course if you see. an interesting point. it's all about it michael ross economics analyst north of the book the currency crash thanks for joining us from berlin. thank you well world news in brief millions around the world are mourning the death of apple's
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co-founding junior steve jobs the man of course the iconic mac the ipod the i phone the i pad he died peacefully age fifty six years old after a long time spent battling pancreatic cancer he led out alter its position as the world's biggest computer and presided over an empire that revolutionized computing mobile phones and even listening to music the sad news sparked the biggest online reaction for years reaching ten thousand tweets a second. the nobel prize for literature has gone to a swedish poet thomas was praised by the cademy for his condensed translucent images which gave a fresh access to reality is surreal books explore the use of terror of life and they've been translated into more than sixty languages the role of a true master will receive the award at a ceremony in december. the death toll from drenching rains of about a thailand for months now risen to two hundred thirty seven millions of people in
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twenty eight thai provinces have been displaced by endless flooding overfilled down to give way and water logged the country's central region more rain expected to hit the recovery nation in the coming days. you're looking for more news look no further than our website r.t. dot com of course all live for you right now cover the stories you may be interested in we talked to the king of talk shows that's larry king of course to discuss the highlights of his career including his exclusive interviews with. ads the russian resort of sochi prepares to host the twenty fourteen winter olympic games not long ago now an army of volunteers and interpreters gathered in a city well ahead of the event. to take in more of russia now to close up and today run a health kick. this is where we're going on the map was focusing on six hundred kilometers from moscow to the pens the region is famous for its natural beauty and strong cultural
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traditions the capital also called panzer was founded in the seventeenth century as a small fortress on a narrow strip of riverbank today the city said the shining example of healthy safe and happy lives but if you go abroad know when to learn the secrets of their success. almost every day the government is telling us that we should eat more fruit and vegetables drink less exercise more of course many people ignore these recommendations in fact working for the government will be very frustrating always telling people to do stuff but having no way of enforcing it now what would happen if you could actually make people follow through and be more healthy well officials are no longer have to wonder because and turns out that's exactly what the government has done. getting healthier whether they like it or not every weekday morning attorney and the turmoil in state institutions across plans and begins a familiar announcement. cheerful voice recites what are by now
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familiar exercises of the governor's instructions no one is allowed to slack off. some go beyond what's required. all this this has returned me to my use and my use to me we love our governors initiatives. officials in this district have been told to leave the company car in the carriage and get on their bikes now all government business has to form from the saddle. the head of the local administration says initiative has not only improved health but brought officials closer to the people. i asked the governor can we have one more. hard to help us with our gc's he said you can have three two scooters under by so the tree officials can observe people see who is up to what who is leaving rubbish outside for example. some critics have said the government's compulsory initiatives
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reminiscent of those in soviet times violate people's rights but a sportsman for the motor bike rider denies the accusations and my abusing human rights but the only way i am abusing human rights is by not giving people the opportunity to do even more physical exercise. as the clock strikes ten. the police are out in force. looking for bad children the governor has imposed a curfew for unsupervised under sixteen so. as not i think it is a waste of police time tell those children when they're arrested and returned to their homes we haven't seen them out on the streets again and this day there are no violators at all as the patrol wraps up with. the citizens of pens they can sleep well. safe in the knowledge that with. their healthier more prepared and
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their streets are increasingly free. and we continue to explore russian a few minutes to as we take you on a guided tour through the ancient religions of siberia interesting program coming up first since the business news in this very quick break.
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would be so much brighter if you knew about song from fines to christian. stunts on t.v. don't come. good evening in a warm welcome to business let in a person assess out the economic priorities of the likely next government in a keynote speech to an investment forum and moscow the prime minister reassured investors the country would maintain a strict budget discipline and would continue with the process of liberalization a corresponding medical service at the forum for business out. russia is a tough sell right now for investors especially after what we've seen happen with the markets according to the latest reports russia saw an eighteen percent increase in foreign direct investment which amounts to thirty five billion dollars now
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having said that since the beginning of this year we have seen the a billion dollars in the country and blood in europe was in the use this opportunity to pitch to investors and lay out this economic policy by overseeing this. strategy is the state should reduce its direct presence in the economy therefore we will gradually withdraw from the capitalist state gratian by privatizing states belonging to the state we will appoint independent professionals to the beads of directors of companies with state ownership part of the prime ministers liberalize ation plan includes allowing foreigners to buy up to twenty five percent in some resource companies without having to deal with lots of red tape as well as the liberalization of gas exports you know some analysts believe that the differences between what prime minister vladimir putin the suggestion and the current administration is not that different that actually the differences are
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in the details he reiterated but there is a show digitalisation and muckrake anomic stability remain is the key priorities for for the government for the next several years the only thing is that it probably will be slightly more challenging for the next administration to be serious this is goals because this call policies now quite constrained with the budget deficit and russia's face and the challenges from the slowing growth so the global economy but amir peretz a ritz are right so that the government was not expecting a second wave on the crisis although it recognizes that the risks had increased and . and why don't you reassure investors that if worse came to worse russia would be able to cope. and i was moving across the reporting and now it's the markets the world is up yet again after
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a strong session on wednesday lights leaders putting on more than two dollars per barrel brant is at almost one hundred four dollars. u.s. stocks positive as u.s. jobless claims rose less than expected last week and despite european central bank president john to a tree shape speaking of increased downside risks to the region european stocks in turn have also seen a very strong second in a row with a session on thursday the european central bank is offering new emergency loans to banks to help steady the financial system therefore banks were the main leaders and the russia finally bounced back after four sessions of harsh losses r.t.s. is up four percent at the close my six more than four percent if you look at some of the individual the share movements on the my six world logically gazprom has other energy shares was trading up five point three percent of the clothes that are . eleven percent the company said that while its one of its major shareholders your dad says it stopped negotiating the sale of its forty percent stake in the company
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and banking stocks were also jumping on the bandwagon of financial stocks going up massively and i continued that concludes this edition of the business news on. the headlines.
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moved. to. tears and. if. if. he.
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hello this is r.t. from moscow is kevin and i were top stories for you when you were police get tough on the thousands of occupy wall street activists furious that their taxes are being used to prop up corporate america protesters are staged the biggest rally in three weeks of to being joined now by. the syrian woman seen as the symbol of the regime's brutality against its own people reappears and alive and well after reportedly being beheaded it's for several media and backtracking after giving her suppose it's a death such a ration coverage. and eurozone finance chiefs look to help out banks that may suffer a blow from greece's burgeoning debt crisis meanwhile in athens violent protests erupted against ever toughening austerity measures. through spiritual song.


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