tv [untitled] October 6, 2011 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT
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to their bishop a man with the ironic name of sam mullet but i think there is another mastermind in this crime ring someone who needs a constant supply of human hair to maintain his public image the donald strikes again. next what's best for the country the buffett rule or the romney rule answer may depend on how many zeros you have in your bank account more on this admits a stalin fourteen percent income tax rate. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right.
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i think iraq is even going to well. we never got the book says they're going to keep you safe get ready because you're going to have freedom. welcome back to the big picture i'm sorry harben coming up in this half hour who should pay for job creation in america president obama the rest of the country think it's about time for the richest of the rich to start contributing their fair share so who could possibly disagree with that find out in just
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a month also what do apes know that we don't play in tides he can science and we learn something new about the federal reserve this week in my daily take i'll tell you what that is and why it leaves ninety nine percent of us screw. president obama faced off with reporters today as he once again urged congress to pass his american jobs act in particular he spoke to republicans who argue that the bill costs too much money and explain why it's necessary to make millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share to foot the bill. this jobs bill is only paid for by asking millionaires and billionaires to pay their fair share. and some see this is class warfare i see it as a simple choice we can either keep taxes as exactly as they are for millionaires
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and billionaires with loopholes that lead them to have lower tax rates in some cases then plumbers and teachers or we can put teachers and construction workers and veterans back on the job. it is deficit reduction plan which lays out a way to pay for the american jobs act president introduced the buffett rule which ensures that the wealthiest americans are forced to pay the same exact tax rates as the average middle class americans so the days working on a similar proposal were planned to charge the wealthy a five percent surtax on any income over one million dollars in order to recoup the costs of job creation republicans still think these pay fours are class warfare and i guess republican front runner for president mitt romney would know he's the richest guy in the race he's worth hundreds of millions of dollars and just so happens to pay less in taxes than most working stiffs in america and his plan for the economy cuts taxes even lower for millionaires and billionaires and since
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republicans in congress a pledge not to vote on the president's jobs plan or on his buffett rule it appears this will be an issue that hits the campaign trail so which path is better for america president obama's buffett rule that makes the rich pay their fair share or the romney rule which gives the rich another tax break for an answer i'm joined by brian darling on this human events director of government studies at the heritage foundation brian welcome back. good to see you should millionaires like rot in it romney just came out today mitt romney made some south of forty million dollars last year yeah and he earned it you know the paris hilton way to sit on his boat around for waiting for the dividend checks to show up you paid a total fourteen percent income tax all right why is that right well it's right because our tax code clearly needs to be fair to conservatives and liberals you just said it's right but it's wrong no it's right i mean i think our tax code to mess i mean i think our tax codes get some serious problems but the fact that wealthy people are making money i don't have a problem with it i decided i was making forty million dollars we talk about it's
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been fourteen percent income tax on right right that says oh or than i'm guessing you pay oh yeah definitely i pay a lot more than that i would like to pay a little during this period mitt romney should be paying at least the same income tax that you are he's making forty million bucks on. sure you're not obese sickly when you mean no offense and yet when you're making money off of your investments and you're paying a different rate of taxation than when it's coming in as income are you make all my money an income i don't have much in the form of and so i'm not making i'm paying a much higher tax rate than mitt romney and others who make their money through and so i so i think i get the logic here there is a particular type of income a particular type of person that is so favored in our society that we need to give them a lower tax rate why not neurosurgeons why not workers chalker workers and communities for these kids why don't we give them lower tax rates instead of investors why not people who are who are you know really putting their lives on the line or really
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working hard or you know e.r. docs why not e.m.t. is i mean if we're going to pick out a group in society and say these people are going to pay a maximum fifteen percent income tax and everybody else is going to pay thirty six percent why should that group be people who earn their living by using money rather than their minds of their bodies well maybe that there is an unfairness in the tax code if you want to treat that income well i mean if you want to treat is dinkum you'd have to do it in a manner where you cut taxes in other areas like this because the federal government doesn't need any more money we don't need to be had to be used and grow government any further it's already raised enough money ronald reagan ronald reagan your patron saint us raise the capital gains rate this this rate that millionaires and billionaires make used to be much lower than the income tax rate he raised all way up to one hundred percent of the income tax rate in one thousand nine hundred seventy it was in this camp roth will raise that was at least a six asia pacific right up to grab him and and you know it if
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ronald reagan did did it at ronald reagan said people earning their living with money should pay the same as as the the e.m.t. or the political pundit or the author or whatever. what's wrong with ronald reagan run i love it ronald reagan simplify the tax code and cut taxes for many americans brought those top tax rates down i know that ronald reagan jacked up the tax season any people like mitt romney he increased taxes and he cut taxes much like bill clinton bill clinton did the same thing you also bill clinton that's wrong we're doing. why don't we raise that fifteen percent top tax rate for the mitt romneys of the world they were always worth four hundred million dollars in a sporty million bucks this year from his investments his fourteen percent income tax why not have him pay the same income tax rate as his secretary like warren buffett thinks that is if you want to rewrite the tax code and do that i think conservatives would agree you'd have to do a revenue neutral manner so the federal government isn't just gaming the system so
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they can steal more money from the private economy and waste it would be an issue of what is i mean meaning that the federal government has to take in the same percentage of revenues if they did in the last year but because the federal government doesn't need any more money race enough for you ok there's dollars have you noticed how many of our bridges are falling down i've noticed how much debt you have to have you noticed that we're buying a billion dollars a day with oil from overseas when you've got you know a third of the country the southwest of the country that's got so much sunlight it can power the entire nation. and you can't we're not there there's no way we could power that country right in one thousand nine hundred eighty two we didn't have an atomic bomb either and we said you know we're going to make this thing off you know we didn't we we did it we didn't you nine hundred sixty one when john kerry was sworn in we the idea for a man and one in ten years impossible we did it but are you telling me that we're just we're hopeless now we're just we're just so i think america has become solar energy is hopeless right now maybe in their views are so stupid we can't we can't make solar energy well it doesn't work so why would we waste billions and billions
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of dollars on a private enterprise that doesn't work it doesn't work you know the meaning one hundred sixty one either well first of all going to the moon i mean honestly when you think about going to the moon was that it was not a great investment for our future i mean i think a lot of good stuff came out like what i do. energized it energized a generation of scientists really excited but what didn't you know didn't want to go to the moon of explorers but we invent a lot of thinking it is a culture there's a whole whole realms of technology that came out of the space program and nasa would be glad to tell you about that it's on their website now it's about but the point is that it sounds to me like the argument you're making when you say that if we're going to do what ronald reagan did and raise mitt romney's tax rate up to the same level as the secretary's yeah that we'd therefore then have to have two cuts. we have to take his secretaries or cut the corporate tax or something else double taxation so you make sure that the government doesn't have more money you have one
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and a half trillion dollars where the roads and bridges that are from the power you know more than half of all the bridges in this country are rated dangerous i mean not by crazy liberals by you know the government itself by the by the bridge inspectors. we do need more revenue you know what we need to do is get rid of a part of the corporation for public broadcasting we can get rid of legal services corporation we can get rid of all the solar money that we're with if you do all of these things you might pay for two bridges you know that the obama administration spent or put out a loan guarantees for over six billion in projects in the last two weeks take that money if you want to put that into bridges but stop the spill in someone going you know what that automobile you know no dollars just in infrastructure right we need to raise or no we don't we need to do it right we don't hate israel or e.-x. isn't mitt romney reagan wouldn't support that idea reagan wouldn't graveyard for it of raising taxes by you praise no romney's taxes from from from from the fourteen percent of it but he also simplify the tax code and cut taxes on higher i
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end earners on their income tax i know and and produce to you know thirty years of deficit brian thank you thank you for the backlash under way in america against the top one percent of america if republicans like mitt romney want to campaign strictly on behalf of the top one percent already had knock yourself out. just when you thought you discover that we discovered all there is to discover about our bodies function scientists found a really fascinating new connection between the brain and the immune system into new studies researchers show that important immune cells called t. cells make the link between the brain and our entire body's immune system t. cells are t. lymphocytes belong to
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a group of white blood cells known as lymphocytes they play a central role in cell mediated immunity and unity of cellular level they can be distinguished from other lymphocytes cells like he sells a natural killer cells because of a special receptor that they have in their cells surfaces called t. cell receptor so the question is that t. stand for it radiation t. and t. cells stands for bias i was right about here since this is the principal organ responsible for the t. cells maturation of the body but these new studies show that the vegas nerve which is the biggest of the cranial nerves and stent stems in the brain down through or through the neck or actually the abdomen send signals to a subset of t. cells that produce the neurotransmitter chemical acetylcholine these t. cells and the neuro transmitters that they produce then help block or reduce inflammation in the body. the discovery of this connection between our t. cells and the activities of the vegas nurse suggested it may be possible to
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actually treat inflammation so well as autoimmune diseases the body attacking itself by targeting the brain and the way it's firing nerves that affect t. cells in the meantime there are simpler ways this research could be applied to medical treatments rheumatoid arthritis patients in europe for example are being studied right now in clinical trials for electrical stimulators are implanted in their vegas nerves and turned on to stimulate the circuit and suppress inflammation easing the pain and the debilitating information that so many rheumatoid arthritis patients suffer from on a daily basis and my personal theory ever notice how primates on thirty tests doing so both stimulates the bias where the t. cells come from and both the left and right vegas nerves which also stimulate the adrenal glands so those apes may be out of something immunity and a good boost in adrenaline. coming up the ninety nine percent have taken to the
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streets against the one percent but i'll tell you about another ninety nine percent that's getting screwed over by our two tiered economic system in my daily take. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right here in the us. i think the rock the plumbing the the one well. we never got the book says the keep you safe.
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your take my take is a segment of the show where we give you the opportunity to have your questions comments criticisms and opinions heard here on the big picture our first comments and i came to us via the viewer rant whine a term my grandfather was an immigrant from italy came over mostly to take care of the family roster. pretty usually for a creative cation time or a first time i found out how high taxes were first may i ask her why she wrote problems it's the way our country keeps everything and parents and all those rich
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people keep all their money or not put it on with more that's why a car should be protected so the man of the fourth grade education was able to realize that and figure that. paul thank you for reminding us all that once you get past the political jargon and flashy soundbites this is really a very basic issue our country's out of balance and that any qualities created a generation and now feels robbed of its future but the only way to bring about change and to preserve the ideals that this country was founded on and that your grandfather understood so well is to get out there and make your voice for it starts with truly grassroots movements like for example occupy wall street i cock by d.c. occupy boston and the other ninety nine percent protests sweeping the nation but it ends with getting involved in your local state and federal elections infiltrating our political parties and becoming the change we want is trying to put the needs of ordinary people way ahead of the greed of the four hundred american all of ours who control more wealth for the bottom one hundred fifty million of us combined our
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next comment is from the carbon page on facebook now that the occupy wall street protests and gain momentum the mainstream media has started paying attention they also haven't hesitated to criticize and ridicule approach esther's for seemingly not not having a clear cut agenda. i think if you put every single left when cause into a blender and hit power this is the sludge you get they are some of the most uninformed people if you listen to her really unbelievable i like the one guy says were affecting things i think the only things affecting his traffic so what do you want protesters it seems like people want a messiah leader just like they did when they are known to grok obama but if you don't know what's wrong no one can fix it for you time line so brian in response was going to impose on facebook that it's a good thing that the mode is focusing on a variety of issues and it hasn't relied on one visible leader. he wrote it ninety
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nine are protesting everything that's going on there are no leaders there is no one issue all of the issues are involved in this but if we focus on one issue they could put a leader in charge criticize him abuse him and make him a media star so they can dissolve the movement it happened with gloria steinem michael moore and way too many in the peace movement the civil rights movement so i think really if we just put one issue out there it will dissolve into the dustbin again one hundred thousand problems we have are the issue wars cuts spending taxes money in politics g.m. owes wall street greed and so on no more we're fed up well you know i agree with the sentiment bryan generally speaking but for your call that there not be any more michael moore's or brian or gloria steinem's you know been there done that respectfully you're wrong there is steinem and michael moore were both tremendous agents of change who are in fact so were martin luther king and bobby kennedy i've
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always found it fascinating some people think that if a movement has no public face and no public leader it will be more effective but have you ever heard of frederick douglass or susan b. anthony or f.d.r. now on the other hand please name for me any movement that actually produced real change in america that either didn't organically select for itself or wasn't brought into the forefront by a few people who either volunteered for or were forced into the limelight rosa parks worked for over a decade and nonviolent resistance training it's before she was before she stepped into that light so well it's really really important that we don't fetishizing leaders to profile figures after all it is people to. it's equally true that your anarchist ideal has never really worked and never will even anarch anarchist revolutions end up with leaders and often they're the ones who produce the worst
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results re read your history the french revolution please that's it for your take my takes and i if you like your comments and questions heard on this side of the big picture listen up we want to know your to send us your comments by visiting the thom hartmann facebook page but twitter at tom underscore apartment or in the champ room on the message boards or through the blog at tom hartman dot com you can also leave a message general rant line at by three sixty three zero six agree disagree sound on it's all the remember that your comments may be used on the year. ninety nine er's are just the rich one percent average person or exit the rich one percent against the other ninety nine percent average person of us there also the room one percent of super rich corporations eating the launch of the other ninety nine percent of small businesses in america here's how it works the small business administration defines a small business as
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a firm that employs fewer than five hundred people frankly doesn't sound very small all the comparative transactional but amos like general electric which employs three hundred thousand people or mcdonald's which employs one and a half million people or wal-mart which employs two point one million people five hundred is pretty small these small businesses make up more than ninety nine percent of all the businesses in america the giant transnational corporations fewer than one percent of american companies and when it comes to job creation these ninety nine percent of the small businesses employ more than half of the workers in america and have employed sixty five percent of all new workers over the last two decades. so if there was such a thing as job creators they're the bosses of mom and pop shops in your local restaurants and not on wall street when our economy went into full meltdown mode in two thousand and eight and two thousand and nine the fed opened up
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a secret lending window and dished out trillions of dollars to keep banks on wall street afloat but they didn't just lend to banking giants on wall street bilin to that top one percent of mega corporations exclusively as the new york times reported the fed's efforts to stave off a financial crisis reach far beyond wall street touching manufacturers like general electric and detroit automakers and harley davidson general electric mcdonald's caterpillar of arisan even foreign corporations like toyotas got handouts courtesy of the fed and banks to the scalp these transnational giants are doing just fine profits are up and their c.e.o.'s are laughing all the way to the bank but someone forgot to tell there that someone threw out about the small businesses you know the ones that make up ninety nine percent of all businesses in america and employ more americans than the big corporations the fed didn't give them a penny and today small businesses are in big trouble senator bernie sanders was
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wondering what the heck this is all about so we asked fed chairman ben bernanke he that question on tuesday during a senate hearing on the point just crisis situation no why aren't you doing the small business what you did for the large financial institutions where we are addressing unemployment and i just discussed in my testimony the aggressive steps we're taking to ease monetary policy which is our main tool for us right there to provide low interest loans to small businesses in the same way you provided the large financial institutions around the world i don't think that's our role and i'm sure we don't have the authority to do that. there you have it the fed doesn't give loans to small businesses but does give loans to massive corporations this is a symptom of a form of government goes of rioting of names plutocracy aristocracy oligarchy it's the form of government that our nation's founders fought to overthrow for example the largest stockholders in the east india company in the seven hundred
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seventy s. whose t. was thrown in the harbor in boston in seven hundred seventy three because parliament gave that company a massive tax cut yes it was a tax cut that provoked a corporate tax cut to provoke the boston tea party the largest stockholders in that company are members of the royal family and members of parliament the united kingdom was an oligarchy with a monarchy a form of government that had for almost a thousand years we threw them out of our country and built a solid middle class and strong businesses at the core of that little ones until reagan stuck in force in the sherman antitrust act in one thousand nine hundred two and cut the top top tax rate on millionaires and billionaires from seventy four percent of the twenty eight percent the explosion of mergers and acquisitions in the early one nine hundred eighty s. the m. and a mania the so-called reagan revolution was the beginning of the rise of the modern all of our lives in america reagan in perfect reverse robin hood manner and
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again a systematic looting of both the middle class and the commons all that infrastructure all the people the pieces of our nation we stopped building schools in the reagan era and never picked it up again but we did serve building the fortunes of just a very very few thousand rich people on the forbes four hundred richest individuals was first measured one thousand nine hundred two their combined wealth was ninety one billion dollars today it's one point five trillion. that's a sixteen hundred percent increase and instead of paying seventy four percent income tax the forbes four hundred richest individuals in america average they on average they pay eighteen percent federal income tax is the top federal tax rate for billionaires and people like paris hilton who make their money sitting around the rather poor waiting for the dividend check is far lower than average working
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americans when the bush crash happened in two thousand both the american middle class and the small businesses they own were in trouble and so were some of the our growers and bush and bernanke he decided to exclusively bail out the occupants and so today we have thousands of people in the streets representing the bottom ninety nine percent of america saying they no longer want the fruits of their labors to go to support a system of oligarchy and now even the president is calling out the other groups saying that they should at least pay for their secretaries and janitors pay taxes frankly if you want to really undo the oligarchy we need to go a whole huge step further break up the big banks the big media giants and big pharma giants big health care giants right across the board you know virtually every major industry in america is now dominated by a handful of giant companies we need to break them all back
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a lot less president who did this was jimmy carter breaking up a t.n.t. and as to the massive wealth of sucked out of us and our nation over the last thirty years simple remedy roll back the reagan tax cuts. as the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we covered visit our website so tom hartman dot com free speech dot org. also check out our two you tube channels or alone such an r.v. dot com this entire show is also available as a free video podcast on i tunes and we have a free tell hartman i phone an i pad app at the store he sent us feedback at twitter a time underscore our facebook account underscore our blogs message boards and telephone comment via thom hartmann dot com and don't forget the mark receive begins with you find in your local city where there's an occupy movement show up participate encourage them help about bring some pizza bring a sleeping bag be part of a change your it will see the more. down
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