tv [untitled] October 7, 2011 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT
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provide a forum for people to speak for themselves anything less than that is a disservice to a democratic society and you are providing some of the very best of that media amy it's it's been great talking with you it's an honor to have you with us thank you so much thanks so much tom for what you do to watch this conversation again as well as other conversations with great minds go to our website conversations with great minds stuck on. are you ready to rumble when we come back our friday news well panel also got the big issues of the week get your scorecards read. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions comfortable breakthru it through to get it made who can you trust no one who is human view with the global machinery see where are we heading state controlled capitalism is called sasha's when nobody dares to ask we do our t.
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question more. it's friday so are you ready to rumble of time for this week's big picture rumble where i sit down with three expert political commentators to debate the week's top stories on our panel tonight kerry pickett editor the opinion page of the washington times and columnist for the washington times watercooler column eric berne strategic communications consultant bullfight strategies and former president
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of media matters for america and vince crawlin ace home page editor at the daily caller. let's get started here occupy wall street the occupy wall street movement has morphed transformed. spread across the country. to louisville which to our furry encouraged some like a johnny cash song the list goes on and on my any poor and six thousand people in portland oregon republicans are quite upset about this however this is what eric cantor had to sit. for one and increasingly concerned about the growing mobs occupy wall street and the other cities across the country. and believe it or not some in this town actually condone the pitting of americans against americans pitting of americans against americans let's see pitting unionized workers against non-unionized workers pitting public sector
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workers against private sector workers are actually the other way around getting people who depend on government programs against so-called job creators isn't eric cantor the guy who is really guilty of this the fourth ranking house democrat john larson spoke with me a couple days ago actually and he said that this represents an arab spring in america i mean if the rhetoric of those who are now running to take at least co-opt the movement and you mentioned i know earlier that there are different forces that are trying to co-opt this movement and make it their own but if john larson one of the most powerful democrats in the country comes out and says this is like the arab spring in america i think that might speak somewhat to cantor's point because in the arab spring you have the overthrow of government whereas the west we assume that a movement like this is of course coming out of peace he certainly isn't right i think the comparison to the arab spring are really about young people that are disenfranchised rising up there to have a voice without a dictatorship there's not shooting as i was but there's a lot of this is about what i think is really interesting is that eric cantor the house majority leader is condemning
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a peaceful protest on wall street when we had two years ago the tea party showing up for the capitol with our with guns and you know side with obama in the face and spitting on civil rights leader who were was one thing they were not spitting on civil rights they have absolutely no no no they did not. no no no they're not standing on so. i they will plead no no no no i actually said no no no no actually i actually did actually get to see the videotape and first of all you're referring to an old man who was speaking to him in a cleaver and maybe talking about spittle of an old man but emanuel cleaver was speaking to him and we all speak to old men sometimes and sometimes little compassion but there was a state again just the. here i mean there is there you are there. is this ok kerry is this a mob but how do you do that when it actually suspended him thinking i'm going to spit at you and actually you thing actually intentionally i meant to actually have been here every american looking at well everybody backing off you know to every
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american to watch them i just made him go that's exactly you know that's not the point every american watched the. piece that i want to see rather than waste time tough you may not mob mentality or that will cure that said the one second i thought is this whole occupy wall street movement is concerned there's huge poxy going on here they're saying oh these bank bailouts this whole you know it was absolutely horrible but then why is it that these occupy wall street movement people are getting. support from these unions who got auto bailouts i mean i didn't get any but a lot of other general motors yes and by the way the unions got the union members have to keep their job on the new york that's a bail out and i'll tell you you know we actually auto union actually did get bailouts and the audience are actually giving money to be on the way it was just look at you he raised the question i think i think you're a very was your the you raised the question what's going on what's just over there
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couple of very quick graphs there these people are calling themselves the ninety nine percenters here and you see they made ninety nine human beings you can photograph and i think was in the washington post today here executive pay has skyrocketed since the one nine hundred sixty s. i'm sure. you see you can see a little to the right of the green spot there is nine hundred eighty is when reagan . drops the top tax rate and all this other executive pay one number two one percent the top one percent own forty two percent of our entire financial wealth in the advice four and five percent that's ninety percent that's that's about. eighty percent of us only on seven percent of americans or the other you know the twenty percent own ninety three percent. next. one percent we're talking about the top one percent more on more than half of the nation's their stocks and bonds and number four the top one percent are sucking up wealth at a faster rate this is. sure. right up the place where it's and
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shirt and the top one percent the next next slide here this is this this right here is the top one percent right here this is of all the stocks and bonds in the united states and see this is the top one percent this is this is the bottom fifty percent this little tiny slice and then the next one here. this is the bottom ninety percent in terms of income gains and this is the top one percent this is nine hundred twenty three nine hundred twenty nine now notice the bottom ninety percent are doing just fine in the sixty's in the seventy's and then reagan came along and changed the tax sort of all of a sudden the really rich and here's where we are now and notice of this is identical to this i mean how how does that make any sense how much of that actually goes toward union pensions that look very little of that yet very very little really yes we don't think they're actually going to say i'm sorry about the way to the top one percent this is this it really does address this just shows you it's a proof that supplies are there does not work it has never worked the key to
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a healthy economy in this country is a is resting in people investing in the middle class investing in education investing in infrastructure the things that we did in the one nine hundred fifty s. late and sixty's that actually created sixty seventy years of economic prosperity that's been squandered by republicans and conservative fiscal policies over the last twenty years knocking about in the trade movement is made up of different organizations it's not yet clear what they exactly one and it's where he's headed in that way because the media has adopted this there's now it now seen as an answer to the tea party it's everything as well as hopefully van jones wants it to be an answer to the tea party and there's a lot of other organizations including media organizations shot in the other areas you want to look to see if i was going to replace the tea party because we would have eric cantor and you have you have you have a ron paul supporters and hardline obama. what is there out there mixed together right now i think that i think this is the tea party to i think the tea party was saying the same thing our second third of the one percent screwing us that you don't want straight people actually don't want the corporations to actually be people but the tea party think i mean they actually think that they actually want
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the occupy wall street if you watch don't want corporations actually be thought of as persons that that that's what they actually said in their demands and the tea party isn't about i corporate citizens and in the way that you know these organizations are a lot of the economy new jobs numbers released today show that our economy added one hundred three thousand jobs last month unemployment still nine point one percent. thirty four thousand government jobs were lost last month in twenty four states run by republicans we have consistently over the last three years seen jobs lost to a total of five hundred five hundred sixty thousand jobs i believe the most that in those twenty four states in twenty five states run by democrats were taxes have gone up spending has gone up unemployment has actually gone down jobs have been gained but the net net was has been over five hundred thousand government jobs without those losses in those states with those republican governors unemployment right now would be eight percent or below so it sure looks to me like the republicans are trying to set up a disastrous economy for two thousand and twelve that we've talked this before of
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course they are this is what the debt ceiling standoff was all about you know with something that you have the congress has passed and increase the debt ceiling you know i think something like seventy five times the substory a standard legislative procedure and necessary want to pay our bills but with that standoff in the end the resulting deal that constipate you probably the one point eight million jobs this year eric cantor has said just yesterday that he is not going to pass a bring a jobs bill to the floor that the president's trying to bring to the floor this republican i want to actually bring the good jobs bill to the floor you carry it over and it will be with us i'm going. next we have as i have since i sure as i know you're charged with looking over on the offended side he actually didn't put it. different because they're captured he actually didn't want to do it through through and through the. yesterday through the motions being suspended it was like it was a big ai you know on the part of mcconnell to be able to say look i want to bring this i want to bring this bill forward to the big but the clear point is that this
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bill doesn't represent and it is named a jobs bill it is it's a suppose i repeat supposed to be a piece of legislation but it clearly it's an election tool and everybody inside a lot in and out of everybody at this table does realize that it's an election holding you don't think about it i know you think that the government should play a role as the employer of last resort in the event of an economic as the employer of i actually i completely agree the government should do the employer up absolute last resort the idea is that if you know that we have a fifth of homes right of homeowners right now or within within ninety days of foreclosure you've got you've got more than half of homeowners are underwater you've got you've got people who are the majority i forget the exact statistic but the majority of people regardless of their income right now if they were lost their job they would be almost within six months tell me this is not a disaster it was only let me just as your personal because i mean you're saying you're condemning the person for putting the jobs bill for dinner in a recession in saying this is political should he not should he just do nothing this is another president he's
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a political i think in some way thought eric cantor saying i refuse to bring this to the floor that i would this is the i would the majority leader of the house refused to bring a jobs bill to the floor in the middle of the biggest recession since the great depression republicans have consistently brought things to the floor that i'd like to get that get passed now here's the point the read this jobs bill represents a vehicle by which obama can organize and we've all heard this the truman style do nothing congress election campaign of congress is going to do enough and it's sure it's absolutely absolutely but here and we have just a little less than a minute this time he's here who i number of protests that new york i asked him about this job so i said do you think the strike was going to have actually helped me get jobs any number them said no i don't think so. and frankly i think it's really up in the air as to whether or not this tallied. have jobs is already in the body frankly i don't think it out so i'm going to do anything and i don't think a number of these protesters actually think it's think that actually as well now i think certainly i think there's a consensus that progress is anywhere that we need a whole hell of a lot more but even this very very modest step the republicans are saying no we
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won't do this in any case i'd like to move along at this is this is the values voters summit is happening this weekend and i find this particularly ironic that the values voters summit is all about you know it's basically the christian right is being put on by the american family association i believe it is and. why would they a do it on the weekend that is the high holy days of one of the major religions in this country. and b. why you know when there are so aggressive about basically backing the republican agenda why are they ignoring matthew twenty five you know the core of christianity these this is the this is the christian right that is meeting and you know there's only one place in the bible where jesus was confronted by his disciples and said how do we get into heaven and he said you know he said i was hungry and you gave me something to eat you know in the last days he's he's separating the sheep from the goats he says i was thirsty you gave me something to drink i was
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a stranger you invited me and i needed clothes you clothed me i was sick and you looked after me i was in prison you came to visit me and the disciples were freaked out they said hey wait a minute we never saw you on how are we going to get him and he said as you have done under the least of these your brother and you have done to me that is completely off the table at the values voter summit what you told us what you just vocalize actually doesn't body actually the majority of the people that attend this right over summit and you ask me are there i'm savoring of but you're suggesting that the demonstration apocryphally but the point of the theater is free what is healthy if you really going into the theological side of this when the moment you get to heaven it's what did your government course you to give your money you could to the government and by virtue of the fact that you had your ocracy in place to be able to distribute it and does that represent like your bra. any points for heaven or whatever it is that you want to i wouldn't think that they would answer that question in any in an affirmative you have individuals who would like to do what they with their money but they will he said if you want to make the usual christianity ology we're going to make this an issue of theology then clearly it
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really comes down to what's good for your soul and what do you do for yourself and what you do for your fellow man as an individual we talk about what's good for your soul there's the name values you know in the headlines this is this is classified as a hate group i mean these folks think the value voters the best buy's the hate. in the. liberal group liberal real roots that have led a liberal base was a very subjective to their own view also known as very. liberal executive group thank you very much because look this is these are statements from the american family association homosexual agenda represents a clear and present danger to every fundamental right given to us by our creator in the constitution you know you think that's the goal the hope you'll hear the same. age of consent when you come home in america we don't consider the bible to be. no i don't know some of the bible would you say but i consider this a group you know hey we were his agent because there is no we didn't say that there's no answer the question about about this organization i went to school my
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entire life and we do consider verses in the bible concerning faith when sexuality b.c. people i think are there any in the new testament i think we think of it like with the old testament i mean you know we didn't i mean i think that there are some through how david and what's the new ones in the old testament are right next to me i want to say you should be stoned for the if if if you talk back with you there it is that you can't just sequester the voter value something to some sort of irrelevancy this represents a major share of the american public who really do identify with values issues and a conservative what are the values goodness there is real by being very young very feel that he i mean this is just leave the feed the hungry i don't think that they want free soup kitchens or they want food stamps being given i think he'll say i don't want a national have held. system this is you see how this is going to be if it was just a oh christian i wouldn't be doing it on young people who are going through this is fundamentalist christian you know that's the beauty of the agave christian gathering and you very well know this tom ok i think he did all of those christian gathering and i don't think that the jews are any great i said you would not be i
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don't know. that tomorrow is that a disease whose don't even drink water they don't eat they fast for twenty four hour with yours this is the highest holy day of the year was difficult what you're saying about these these and these and by people who actually play stock in what goes on the value voters summit that conversation is that the only vehicle for which they can actually practice their christianity or their judaism is to do it through the government i think that most people would find it up sort of you like yourself where we will we will agree on that government and religion shouldn't shouldn't be mix of i'd like to move on afghanistan as amy goodman pointed out a little earlier today is the tenth anniversary of our invasion of afghanistan this is now the longest war in the history of the united states george washington didn't fight a war the still no president has fought a war this though i would say frankly that it's not a war there's a there's been no declaration of war and b. looks more like an occupation to me than a war occupations tend to go very very badly as as the soviet union found the same place so any of general mcchrystal came out and said today and this is astounding i
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remember in the last year the bush administration i was down in new york it was an off the record interview not authorized but it was going to kind of hit with mcchrystal and i said you know what when he was running the afghanistan program and i said you know what are you going to about afghanistan and he said i don't think we can kill our way out of this and i came back on the radio reported i couldn't i couldn't name him at the time i can now anyhow he said yesterday he said we didn't know enough and we still don't know enough most of us me included had a very superficial understanding the situation history and we had a for at least simplistic view of recent history the last fifty years and then he went on to say that george bush's decision to invade iraq as well really screwed this thing. so what are we going to do how do you know we're going to go from here george bush has opened the gates of hell for two nations and a lot of our so i thought i think you're absolutely right there was no need to invade iraq and it really diverted the resources that cost us billions of dollars
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we got really really throughout it we surveyed afghanistan and any offer to give us a lot. perhaps that's the case but i'll tell you this you know the president has set out a schedule for time one of the i like to see that celebrated because it's clear that there just is no path to victory here you know the russians you know had a very very similar frustrating experience of the you know in this region in the british before that of the brits before that and no one has ever sold us of kerry what does victory look like well unfortunately we have the president here who certainly promised to get us am i going to afghanistan or iraq he was a promise you know to add to the troops in afghanistan well he gets out of iraq but but unfortunately you know we're not out of iraq we're not out of afghanistan we're actually in libya still and frankly what we are so experiencing here is a president who doesn't know how to lead in either or in this week any of the nations that we are currently in right now how how how how is it the so how does
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the how to lead i mean he's the guy they've got a sort of we had we had eight years of george w. bush and fuel for five years of war under his administration that really produced nothing but record deficits and you know loss of american wives untold losses a rise in the middle east the stabilization of the eastern countries you know does every disastrous responses to my hearing through the three peaceniks here that you know we're all in agreement that it's time to stop unfortunately stop building building buildings in afghanistan is that then go to him and i can't stand a has had it's a major share of problems in its development but i would i will say that to give obama credit for carrying on the drone attacks were able to be credited to criticism there's actually it's. cross the board people about upping the drone attacks about upping his military involvement and you have to remember that george bush actually laid the infrastructural groundwork for obama to be where he is today i mean not just in any actual carrying out of the real americans working with the company he'll work with the actual use of these up these up these running. these
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most great strike done by the obama administration that type of activity couldn't happen were it not for the type of intelligence gathering this is in this in the capability has actually risen i feel like i was about to go to this is this is exactly the kind of just a revolver that we see from the right of you guys and i could. go on with actually going through. the way we can actually confirm this is not a rant or a very long time and all of a sudden he turned to be oh my gosh he's actually a bad guy or we have to we have to think about what media runs about it for a while maybe ten years of war really really was the only thing that he's a radical right away or they actually need he actually never was maybe. even we maybe we actually should have kept actually keep your eye on him for the entire time well either way i mean i think the it's clear that there is no real end game in afghanistan and i don't i don't know of anybody that's really been able to do
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you asking. the question over the you know while you have you have hundreds like the arab spring that have gone through their arab springs that as it's been called and there's this view that well democracy will take hold because the people will do it of their own accord let's hope so we have what we have to wrap. rapid fire just very very quick quick answer the republican state representative rich workman has introduced house bill forty sixty three legislation to repeal the florida law that bans the wharf tossing cation are familiar with this sport here are some highlights . workman thinks that this will. help lower florida skyhigh ten point seven unemployment rate so if this is the new republican jobs plan what will be the consequences of legalizing dwarf tossing on a national scale will it be a williams jr will have a new gig that's one down in the employment numbers or be we will have
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a new sponsorship opportunity the tiger woods scandal didn't quite turn the reputation of or c news well hack into the phones of top tier dwarf tossing competitors and in the ensuing scandal fox sports will lose its exclusive broadcast rights to the national worth tossing league. i think it represented from probably stick to what most of the platform is once again smaller government lower taxes. i do the doorsill. the the answer i think clearly see fox news and i got to say tom i work for a city councilman of houston who are just passed away and they are folks they have rights and i think it's indicative of. the edge of the public and or substantially or the movement and they do have rights they have rights to employment and actually hank williams jr i think would probably be the preferable solution here i think hank is obviously looking for a job and the idea is that it's not an all encompassing job solution it's a little job solution that's what it is my answer is the sarah palin sit on one
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point six million bucks or sell it sarah pac she doesn't want to do with she spend anything she wants because the way the pac was constructed she's going to follow in george bush's footsteps you know buying the texas rangers and she's going to buy a dwarf tossing team so. we'll see anyway and kerry. never married here it was a little deserved thank you all thanks so much for that was that after the break what do your of tossing and minimum wage jobs have in common with the republican party so you might be able to take. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politic. since who makes decisions to break through get through to people made who can you trust no one who is in view with a global mission would see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called sanctions when nobody dares to
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a little homework assignment for folks. go ask the republicans what their jobs plan is if they're opposed to the american jobs act and have a scored have it assessed by the same independent economists that it's a start our jobs have those economists evaluate what over the next two years the republican jobs plan would do. well we got an answer that question this week from florida their republican state representative rich workman introduced house bill forty sixty three legislation to repeal the law that bans dwarf tossing in florida workman thinks it will help lower the sunshine state's crippling ten point seven percent unemployment rate as he said to me it's an archaic kind of big brother law that says we don't like that activity well there's nothing immoral or illegal about that activity all we really did by passing that law is take away some employment from submittal people mind you this is the same republican florida florida
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republican party they refused to take federal high speed rail money that obama offered them which would have created tens of thousands of legitimate jobs and florida instead they want to create a few dozen new jobs for door thought tossers and toss these out for eric cantor and the tea party to seize on this idea and push for a tax credit for sword swallowers and federally subsidized job training for snake handlers under the republican job creation plan instead of a nation of manufacturers we can be a nation of carney yes but stepping away from the absurd for a moment here is texas governor rick perry's miracle of creation in texas and by miracle i mean minimum wage jobs as his own wife bragged. here eighteen hundred people in texas every. month i'm not going to carry here all ha ha ha it's ok to judge. everything on the right stuff and that's what he's going to.
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write americans are hungry for minimum wage jobs they're hungry to be janitors and dishwashers just like dwarfs are hungry to get tossed around and the simple fact the fact is the republicans aren't really all that interested in creating good paying jobs for the majority of americans that's why they're against the president's american jobs act because it would put millions of people to work rebuilding the nation's crumbling infrastructure that's why they're against clean technology it would put millions of scientists and engineers to work building the energy grid of the future that's why they're against unions and tariffs that would put millions of manufacturers back to work and that's why they're against government spending it employs teachers firefighters cops and mailmen you know those professions that our kids grow up wanting to be want to work in when they grow up instead republican policies mean our kids can aspire to work for barnum and bailey walking behind elephants with a shovel the america we once had a nation of manufacturers scientists and teachers is quickly becoming
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a thing of the past replaced by the republican vision of a nation of burger flippers janitors and worth tossers out exactly the line if you want when you're trying to compete in a global economy but the line up will have unless we kick these republican bums out of office and i know just the way to do that. every as the old saying goes if you can't beat em you might as well join. that's the big picture for more information on that for more information on the stories we covered and visit our website the tom hartman icon free speech dot org and. also check out our two you tube channels the links it's amanpour dot com this entire show is also available as a free video podcast and i tunes it will free thom hartmann i phone and i pad app in the app store you can send us feedback at twitter time underscoring the facebook atomic arbonne underscore hartman applauds message boards and telephone comment line it's time for the doc and no forget them ocracy be.
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