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tv   [untitled]    October 8, 2011 12:01am-12:31am EDT

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aims of crushing al qaeda and bringing the taliban to its knees are no closer to completion and made an escalating nationwide insurgency this is already shaping up to me the deadliest in the conflict not only for coalition troops but for afghan civilians as well as jason mock reports from afghanistan. another day on afghanistan's southern battlefront and more casualties despite official claims that the war's being won two thousand and eleven is lining up to be the deadliest yet for u.s. forces fighting to tame the decade long taliban insurgency but things to improve medical capabilities casualties who would have perished in previous conflicts of surviving these two soldiers one patrol in a vehicle when a roadside bomb exploded beneath them it took less than half an hour for a medical crew to pick them up by helicopter and deliver them to the trauma ward at kandahar airfield one of the country's busiest their injuries are bad but not extreme i mean we will most likely stay on base until they've recovered more severe cases such as if you teams are flown to germany for treatment all right you guys we
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got this facility was built to save critically injured american troops fresh from the front lines but doctors here also treat afghan civilians caught in the war's crossfire with nowhere else to go for help nine year old wally was shot in the head by a stray bullet earlier this year when u.s. marines going to a firefight with the taliban his village in helmand province the bullet shattered part of his skull and would have killed him if not for emergency surgery in six months dr min park says he's treated more than a fair share of afghan bystanders mostly gunshot and bomb blast victims in this follow up operation he and his team are reconstructing the boy's forehead with a titanium miche that will restore his appearance so i started to work. on the picture. that is going on. also gratifying to make a difference but this is. all that very likely not your studies.
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yardsticks and michelle. in the recovery ward well his father the outcome of that says the world he sure it was a u.s. marine will admit his son and his group will for the first class treatment. which either watch out and come just happy that he's ok the shooting was a mistake so he's forgiven accident or not the enduring insurgency suggests that no amount of goodwill can compensate for civilian casualties that continue to climb each month in a war that grinds on to some workload. for. as the war drags on with fewer results it's becoming increasingly tough to justify the u.s. huge investment in the conflict that's the view of. a muslim chaplain at north carolina's duke university it is really a horrible and depressing. it is really it wasn't painful to witness the bleeding wound of time in society as a result of one war and destruction after another and it is it is it unfortunately
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after all these efforts and all this money and all these struggles holidayed a little the international community a local afghan government has achieved afghanistan today after ten years of us being there i think in many ways it is worse off not better off. in about ten minutes or his military analyst takes a look at why the u.s. despite its tremendous military superiority is struggling to contain the afghan insurgency. do it america lashed out. target. a ship the first u.s. mission. the mission to bring peace and stability to. iraq ten years ago as it only left in danger. there's a heavy police presence on patrol in new york as the occupy wall street movement
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against a bank greed enters its fourth week and gets a deeper foothold across the country. this sentiment has already spread to other countries other major cities including boston los angeles chicago and washington new york's mayor how strongly criticized the swelling on arrest against the power of wall street saying if the banks fail more people will lose their jobs the protests have already cost the city an approximate two million dollars and while most brushed off the demonstrators as anarchists are he's honest r.c. church going to discover it's a far more organized set up. these are entering these are the people you know. accused of being anarchist and disorganized the occupy wall street encampment is far from chaotic it is set up like a small village broken up into themed sections better organized than i thought it would be. they really have it set up so that there isn't a clear leader in the organization the way that it's being done but at the same
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time. every part seems to be handled by someone a medical area staffed by volunteers provides on the spot assistance or comfort area supply sweaters and blankets to keep demonstrators warm as the season gets chilly or while the donated sleeping bags pile up as the number of protesters grows bigger we just took the chinatown bus appeared from richmond virginia. the kitchen providing a traditional american breakfast bread bagels and peanut butter and jelly plant groups are used to filter water here we have breakfast at seven thirty in the morning people don't know breakfast foods bread cereal we have lunch. we have snacks continually continually throughout the day dinner at seven thirty a media center has been broadcasting a live stream from day one of the protests for already three weeks videos film during clashes with police are posted online from these laptops you've got people
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company running in here i mean you know adrenaline rush with cameras i got footage i got. processing footage getting it online and simultaneously having people tweet you know on facebook when i was social media using social media and to get it out get the message out of what's happening as quick as possible like feeds of the protests are being followed by supporters across the u.s. and the world of the viewership really goes a long as you keep a steady content you know provision information is also spread in more traditional ways the status board helps protesters keep up to date with occupation developments today is day twenty one of occupy wall street zero chance of rain the number of arrests to date at over eight hundred and thirty four. a library area let's protesters relax and educate themselves what literature fitting most tastes fiction nonfiction magazines we got a kid section we got c.d.'s we had d.v.d.'s a guy documentaries occupy wall street prides itself in being
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a peaceful grassroots democratic movement without leaders there are just different decisions made by different groups if there's a if there is to be some decision that's going to supposedly speak on bart on behalf of everyone here but now we need to have been at the evening general assembly and need to be consensus on by everyone here all of the many cooks in this kitchen are here to cook up one thing a revolution of change in america. r.t.e. . our correspondent in new york or keeping across the ongoing protests in lower manhattan you can follow what they see as it happens on our twitter streams there at r t underscore at twitter and also r t underscore america and one of reporter lucy kavanagh tweets she says the protesters are concerned that major political groups are trying to take over and capitalize on the movement you can also watch footage of what's happening on our channel and coming up right here in a few minutes. i mean thirty five but then by while down by one percent of the
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population if you're going to be that wealthy you should have to pay a tax to be that way out there. as the voices of discontent grow louder on wall street r.t. tries to get to the bottom of what the movement is actually fighting for also. why this estimates of cultural waiting is hard to overstate r.t. had to send for russia to a place that triggered the talent of some of russia of its greatest writers. but first british banks have been dealt another body blow twelve have had their credit score cut by rating agency moody's leading firms including lloyds and r.b.s. were downgraded after indications that the british government is now less inclined to bail them out if they got into trouble this caused confidence in financials to slump and those with large savings were encouraged to move their cash elsewhere in case of a collapse the bank of england also sees more trouble to come its pumped seventy five billion pounds into britain's teetering economy one leading british economist
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tells r.t. injecting more cash could cause you can more harm. we already have inflation of around about five percent in the united kingdom which compared to recent is hallie putting more money into the economy actually increasing that inflation is supposed to be the bank of england's central key toss to actually keep inflation under control so when a health percent or less consume is the reasoning throwing of a seventy five billion pounds into the economy is actually a distraction from the u.k. government needs which is a very aggressive and radical growth strategy one that i think you lack at the moment what we've got to get out while you from in the united kingdom and actually right across the western world more generally is this all we do that every single bank is culpable because if they get into trouble look times. and one of the key things that the u.k. government is struggling with is how do we allow it by to go through the wall when
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to fail without actually describing the wider economy another. these downgrades of actually reflect the fact that we are beginning to move away from what was a hopeless and helpless situation which basically every bank you that if you crash then the time when the government would come to the right so is a grim warning but in the same lie as you would wish to have only statoil from your old doctor about your state of health i think it is a welcome warning it seems there are a few countries are scaping public anger at the prospect of more pain to pay for a national debt that's returned to new york to find out whether the occupy wall street campaigners think they'll win the fight against the power of the banks. i'm here at occupy wall street this week let's talk about that i think what we're really protesting is you know the failure of the system to respond to you know
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a kind of higher calling for you know our country you know we can be subjected to. you know one percent of the one percent those are the real bad guys you know who make over five million ten million dollars a year for doing that well i do feel that the country is in a very serious serious situation but it just the united states or is it a global issue it's a global issue but the united states says that the center of of all of the most important issues right now that we're getting from spain to bonds would be to spain where we have people from other colleges. and one of the hes it really is all of us are doing. i mean thirty five percent of our wealth by one percent of the population if you're going to be that wealthy you should have to pay a tax to be that wealthy it's only fair do you think that's going to happen through movements like this you know we're now as badly as we're out here trying during the
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sixty's there were riots in newark and l.a. because of poverty inequality racism etc i mean people rioting and burn their old cities down as soon as that happened within a year there were all kinds of government programs to help people out because they got people really afraid that was going to spread all over the country we're trying to make sure that doesn't happen by having a peaceful revolution of some justice and some some enforcement of the regulations we already have on the books that would be a good start the thing that's going to happen. i have to believe so yeah i have to be i believe so how is this going to achieve that. this is just like the genesis of a bigger movements it's been going on for a couple weeks and every day gets larger and larger so. i think eventually it'll bring results though i think i think there's a large amount of discontent with what's going on in this country and i think that this is it makes it so people can identify and be like no other people are feeling this way as well so i mean it and this in the point i think that this is this is
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going to draw attention is also going to draw people in whether or not you agree with their math or the bottom line is these people are getting the word and. it's not only the u.s. where fist shaking out the financial fallout it's going on thousands of students have marched through italy's capital protesting against education cuts through paint and flares at banks and tried to block railway lines were eventually dispersed by police demonstrators say the event marks the new wave of what's been called the hot autumn which last year saw several thousand people clash with police italy recently signed off on forty five billion euros of cuts to tackle its debt. hundreds of radical muslims have protested across pakistan against a death sentence being handed to the killer of a new job governor one of the officials only guards shot him dead because earlier this year because of his remarks on pakistan the blasphemy law the assassin's lawyer is appealing the sentence emphasizing that death penalties are rarely
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carried out in pakistan in recent years. pakistan's role in securing a coalition victory in afghanistan has been overlooked for years although today the part is played out it's playing is getting more recognition that washington and islamabad rarely see eye to eye with political joe sting pushing relations to a new low as artie's military analyst explores what it might take to guarantee pakistan's support. this is the commanding height that dominates this sweeping view was the area of kabul the afghan capital. right behind me of the reason that three weeks ago was. by the ha going to network right after nine eleven the united states government made to fateful decision to authorize the military invasion into afghanistan their mission was called operation enduring freedom ten years later it still goes on we've no end in sight
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let's take a closer look at what went wrong we have the global war on terror first after al qaeda central rate deployed to the pashtun tribal belt along the afghan pakistani border the state department filed a request with pakistan for cooperation against osama bin ladden going to slam about brazenly ignored the diplomatic request from washington d.c. we have the middle finger a behind their back the cia could and should have saved the day by activating their formidable human intelligence network in afghanistan to conduct a clown dan stein body snatching mission and to bring osama bin laden to justice they just blew it looking back at operation enduring freedom the question is not what went wrong with this mission the question is what's preventing that w.
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bush administration to step back and look at all other available options at their disposal and for starters to make sure that pakistan. will be treated. as a reliable ally of the united states not after before the nine eleven struck the united states. it's time to delve deeper into the world's biggest country and take in more of russia close up. around six hundred kilometers southeast of moscow's a relatively small region that punches above its weight culturally it's the pens a region that mark is stamped tall cross the area with grand estates that inspired some of russia's greatest writers including mikhail lermontov of but as r.t.
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zero groden explains some places that i've roused writers passions have a past in the past have a shaky future. a tale of two states that a family a modest country see that in sorest times survived on farming and small scale manufacturing that happened to be the childhood home one of russia's most legendary figures mikhail adamant of a child prodigy a fiery camp and soldier womanizer and finally a great romantic poet the novelist he died and it to an age of twenty seven while little of his work was composed here they're meant of it's buried in the family more still am. the government has recognized the historical significance of this place where just so lucky for the past few years we have been allowed to flourish. but now two hundred people look after the estate as in the nineteenth century but a family has become the main employer for adjacent villages yet the. direct
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descendants of the serbs who work here dress up as the ancestors for their job. some get to play the heiress across for the benefit of tourists as the numbers are growing there is no need for this state to turn a profit. family and as good a state as one the poet himself was living here but the ground houses in the area which are just as important architecturally but which are not getting the care and funding. one of russia's grand palaces well not anymore in its heyday in the nineteenth century reckon it was a self-sufficient cultural center for the benefit of the diamond prince alexander correction in soviet times it served as a warehouse and the home for dementia sufferers before falling into disrepair need of the government nor any private investors will put in the millions of dollars
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needed to rebuild it. now where the still stay on the one hand you can turn all of these the states into museums and the lifestyle they supported has gone on the other if the situation continues as it is they will simply disappear and that is a fact i think you have yet the villages of crack america have decided to fight there never to be going from house to house to collect donations underlying entirely in volunteers they have to restore the state building by building starting with a cemetery chapel but. we are not professional restorers we have little money for materials we only do what we can but we do not want to be thought of savages who do not understand where we live we want to honor our ancestors could. they face a daunting task but if they don't for build it no one else will. you go faulty that is the region. coming up something completely different a rapper robert foster raises the question of how to fix the global economy in his
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own unique way. i found a flaw in the model god perceived is the critical function structure of the arms of the world. ladies and gentlemen you're shooting into the juice you said to get we're examining the status of the human experiment is it succeeding or will it have to be aborted we pursue a prognosis in this rapid news or did you know the globe was allegedly trying to
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make sense of the global economy and its arcane joins us financial temple the seeds of the research is scrambling to maintain our confidence in markets and banking off to derivatives wants to be seen trade imbalances recession looks to be the nation's close to collapsing in some time alone foreclosed homes of people texas trying to bail out to fail aaa banks again field level slicing is a u.s. crash seems imminent coming smashed the debt ceiling of fourteen trillion despite protests and clashes in athens greece the i.m.f. imposed structural young just programs in greece when in fact the total economy and for the language from the greek economy of meaning household management well how are we managing theories abound but in practice does anyone actually know what the hell is even happening to retain some sanity we take a step across to texas with our first guest welcome to news dr paul economy what's your diagnosis of it all well we've dropped the ball i'm a physician politician this is pathological see the global economy is chronically ailing believe me the course we plodded is terminally fabre headed towards credit
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card greatest with deep depression and trauma across what is there. cure. capitalism plans and the market will take care of the brand but first we need a maneuver see a good god proclaimed freedom with our economy was inflated totally told we can go overseas and off the gold standard of our body is a worthless commodity is the biggest fraud in the history of humanity this must be dealt on the capitalist system is it just or not the p.c. theory like communism. you see this is a capitalist of the god of free markets is a bad smits religion has been murdered by fiscal havens while we now have just the cabal of corporate jets with state business lucratively mostly just exemplified by the system of the same truth there we don't need to hold more to pay their debt campaigning to. thank wrong now for another fine mind a long line frequency is the director behind some guys on the line live documentary filmmaker pizza shops and thank you robert for allowing me to speak this moment but
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before right the liver might be prognosis we need a sweet open mind to keep us focused. that's better now as to these fighters that are if you will in a system that sickly inherently flawed the whole monetary paradigm is the single cause the economy isn't broken it doesn't need fixing this is exactly its intended conclusion money is an interest and. all economy has been set up to see you so you don't agree with congressman wrong that we need a physical solution to it but along for the allusion to these debts can be served by using money which creates more debt is frankly absurd it's a way of maintaining division in slavery to what we could attain abundance of all the scarcity we need to create jobs live within our means cutting wasteful health care and welfare schemes it seems this is just another socialist vision this movement is choose such customs socialism he is a real it is
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a just rhetoric would you really send the fed and the fed that's not quite the opposition what to do. salit. evolution is true it's just there we. believe. scripture that says the real bible has been for some kind of. time to be invisible ok thank you for your seats contributions a brief attempts to alleviate all confusion you both inspired and led. did like to use the time do you have a practical solution i believe. i introduced. profit. center piece of the project. we need
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a resource based economy futuristic. type of the. valentino two thousand. shot is it would be safe. to progress and. aphrodite. customers should. use this is the buyers you're seeing rational intelligent. let's not make analysis if you live in atlanta. homo sapiens.
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the solution depopulation initiation. suit for no who will so. it's a story last global economy under attack from our grab a genocidal utopia robot. still stood strong. with my cold bought forty five carrots. carry for the capital crimes go capitalist. you were wrong for me. is the solution no just a demonstration of my love for them should follow his love just sitting on ron paul and i approve these messages with you is that your bias a bit of time to share a thought before we end for the night on the local economy it does seem incredible will the household even be its moral uncertainty is the only stock that's always been rising and now we're losing confidence but is it surprising has it know when
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to gamble from the first seed we planted to margin calls a bigger piece of the footsie one hundred twelve seems to come to us global go to sing off financial day of reckoning it's an interesting question to read we invested too much in this enterprise would miss the solution mind units maybe demise for a real economy is something much broader its g.d.p. measured not by our ability to hoard but our capacity to read learn to no no place in nature the would have enough for being on this planet arc pandora.
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in two thousand and ten especially economic zone for industrial production it was established in russia's somalia region with a total area of six hundred sixty effect as. its investors are granted exclusive tax and customs benefits which includes a five exemption from property land and transport taxes as well as an income tax reduction to fifteen point five percent. dismissal economics operates as a free customs zone which enables manufacturers to market their products in russia free of includes duties the somare is currently witnessing a sewage infrastructure construction the somalia region special economic zone promises exceptional of the cheated seas for developing fuel business in russia will come to the somalia region for more information. invest in somalia.
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a thirty. second decade with an escalating insurgency and spiraling civilian casualties leaving the coalition struggling for a winning strategy. the occupy wall street movement builds nationwide and despite being dismissed as proving to be organized for the long haul . a dozen leading british lenders to a credit score dropped after the u.k. government says. if you get into trouble again. the best of european fight are third ages as we take you through moscow's pushkin museum as your guide.


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