tv [untitled] October 8, 2011 11:00am-11:30am EDT
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great. comfort to. the elite. so different but the. moscow. the war dragging on for a decade of u.s. led invasion of afghanistan because of the tide near market with the taliban defeat nowhere in sight as a human quality that lies in front sir whenever. you are in the u.k. i'm not is i'm not saying protesters calling for a speeding troop withdrawal i gather in london to mark the afghan war as the tenth anniversary and. as a corporate sentiment spreads fast across the us the occupy wall street movement it is science for lack of organising something that moves in far too chaotic and is in it for the long haul. plus argues close up to him visits
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a land once bridge with brander's banks were prominent russian poets and princes made their homes leads the people who now struggle to preserve what remains of that odd constant. words in our lives from the russian capital i'm going east now with our top story the u.s. led war in afghanistan has now passed the ten year mark it's been widely dumped a decade of failure with nato troops no closer to victory over the taliban the human cost though keeps on rising both among the soldiers and afghan civilians are demands an end to the endless war and the violence it brings down on that jason mattera reports. another day on afghanistan so the. more casualties displayed official claims that the war is being one two thousand
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a little misleading it to be the deadliest year for u.s. forces fighting to achieve a decade long taliban insurgency for things to improve medical capabilities casualties would have perished in previous conflicts and she was one of these two soldiers one patrolling vehicle one the road side bomb exploded beneath. it took less than half an hour for metal but crew to pick them up by helicopter and deliver them to the trauma ward of kandahar airfield one of the country's busiest their injuries are bad but the extreme me will most likely stay on base until they've recovered more severe cases such as it pretends or flown to germany for treatment right yes. this was still it was built to save critically injured american troops fresh from the front lines but doctors here also treat afghan civilians caught in the crossfire with nowhere else to go for help nine year old will leave was shot in the head by a stray bullet earlier this year when u.s. marines got into a firefight with the taleban his village in helmand province the board shattered part of his school and would have killed him if not for emergency surgery in six
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months dr miller park says he's treated more than a fair share of afghan bystanders mostly gunshot bomb blast victims in this follow up operation he and his team are reconstructing the boy's forehead with a titanium mesh that were stores appearance i work i think it's one art i also gratified i think it prints i wish i would very likely not. guards i shall be in the recovery ward well he's called the editor of the says that while he sure it was a u.s. marine will admit his son he's grateful for the first class treatment of his mission which added whatsoever i'm just happy that he's ok the shooting was a mistake so he's forgiven accident or not the enduring insurgency suggests that no amount of good will can compensate for civilian casualties that continue to climb
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each month in a war the grindstone chasing work log in came north to understand for our team. after drug production has increased dramatically since the foreign intervention begat the comfort of the world's largest source of opium all sorts of us after the us secretary of state says american forces that turning a blind eye to the problem because they fear more resistance. who benefits from this is who benefits from it in mexico and colombia and other places in spiegel who are heavily invested in the drug trade and i don't just necessarily mean those who are taking it there is a connection and that connection is very simple it is that the troops don't want to attack those people who are raising drugs not in any blatant overwhelming comprehensive way because that just adds to the enemy list that they have to fight they are fighting all manner of taliban now different groups of taliban they're fighting people who are just pashtun and want them out of the country who may have been
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a prize taliban they don't want to add to that enemies list all the people who are raising drugs in afghanistan and making a profit from their well are to use military analysts in afghanistan he's asking why america is struggling to contain the insurgency despite its huge military superiority that's coming up for you in about fifteen minutes on our website we're asking you what legacy a ten year afghan occupation. which is over half of you so far say the war has brought the us nothing but blood sat bankruptcy or think those years have just made up jonathan the world's biggest her when just under a fifth of you believe the occupation has cleared the way for an american invasion of the stamp only three percent think the war has made the world a safer place others are sure dot com on your say on a plan. to drill the american.
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target. still. seems to a small. mission to bring peace and stability to. the music is it only enough to. well a nigger about the afghan war is now. which has the second largest number of troops deployed in the country hundreds of soldiers have been killed in the conflict and antiwar activists celebrities and politicians are gathering in london protesting over a point of war are things that are bad it is there for us and joins us live now ivor what can you tell us about the death of war sentiment expressed there on safaga square on this ten year anniversary among people of. all events here village three just in the last five minutes wound down and the british protesters now making their way there marching to number ten downing street to take their
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protests to the prime minister but before that just moments ago the square was full of protesters old and young. showing that the antiwar sentiment in the british public's imagination and minds is still very much at the forefront and there are two thousand people gathered on the square here and the event was really given a catalyst in the middle about an hour or so ago following the surprise appearance of julian assange on she addressed the crowd ahead of his extradition appeal trial later this month here in london. and addressed them a. really hard line seen in the anger of the crowds here after time and time again he said that after the british government has lied to the british public and misled them first to afghanistan second it was iraq and now it's libya and he said the real main point of his speech was that there was also really began with lies and that's what they're based on and after his speech he actually speaks to r.t.
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about the situation in libya and the importance for the media to tell the truth here's what he had to say. there are only two superpowers in the world worth speaking about why one of those are the united states and europe don't normally a superpower you speak about. twenty minutes of united states government would be a lesson to us every toy that a small mandate is given. military or intelligence powers in war. it is a slippery slope that leads to the takeover of countries was organised. so the and she was sentiment really has been brought back to the surface with this ten year anniversary of their going to stand operation on a poll last week by i.t.v. in may one of the main british broadcasters showed that over seventy percent of the british public thought that this war was unwinnable i'll talk more about this is a high profile activist lauren booth journalist antiscience very much to her
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speaking to r.t. so why is the government still in britain still in this unwinnable war eve we've committed ten years of our troops and political narrative to oppressing some of the poorest people on the planet it would be like rewriting a whole novel this government cannot go down an avenue and then take us out by saying actually we were wrong we've had three hundred eighty soldiers die and tens of thousands of afghanis die by the troops led by america it's impossible for the government to extract themselves easily from this unfortunately apart from the course of human life and obviously the massive financial cost what is this done for britain's image on the international stage if you say well let's not skip over the financial cost because eighteen billion eight hundred billion pounds sterling in the last ten years is what's been spent and the coverage government is asking people here say pay cuts to the to say if you work in civic life you won't have any pensions so that's unacceptable but as for britain's world view the government's
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consecutively. consecutive government still refuse to accept that their actions in afghanistan and in iraq and around the will will affect how people see us and yet seven seven the bombings here in london be that the bombers said it was a direct response to the murders in afghanistan so of course britain now is known as a terrorist state and frankly our government should be no is that the antiwar protest movement here today is the sentiment is very assiduous amongst the british public was achieved in terms of changing anything i don't see a defeat here i mean tony blair wanted to stay on a bit longer he was forced to answer at least the kelly inquiry. nothing came of it yet but we don't know the future the hague may may be recalling some of our politicians so that people here. reflecting an awakening in the british public we will not have more of our money going into afghanistan we don't want it and we
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certainly don't want the government to make moves on iran and this conservative government is making this out. that's all your time for with thanks very much for speaking to r c i think that's all we have time for here in trial the square the protests have now moved on off the poor hours of her public speeches by some high profile campaigns including. two thousand people also attended the demonstration the largest antiwar demonstration in the last few years now marching to downing street to take their protest to prime minister david cameron right are i ever been at live from one thanks a lot for that. oh ivor and the rest of our london bureau is keeping you updated on the outside afghan protest you can follow the latest on our twitter feed our to underscore com one of the recent three quotes award winning war correspondent correspondent i should say john pilger who says the war in afghanistan was a fraud as was the war in iraq and the top on libya forget also you can see the
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latest put in all those protests on our you tube channel. on our choosing to tell. you. they are compliant wall street movement has spread to dozens of american cities including the capital boston jim that's an answer a corporate protest in new york i'm sure their fourth week the city's mayor recently lashed out at demonstrators saying their actions are hurting the economy and protesters however insists it's the greed of just one percent of the u.s.
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population that drove the country into financial chaos in the first place and despite being branded as anarchist by many of those camping out in lower manhattan well organized and have a clear agenda as artie's in the future cannot discover. these or any people that you know. or the queues of being kissed and disorganized but i'll keep my wall street encounter is far from chaotic it is sort of like a small village broken up into the in sections way better organized than i thought it would be. they really have it set up so that there isn't. clear the. organization and the way that it's gotten but at the same guy. every part seems to be handled by someone a medical area staffed by volunteers provides on the spot assistance comfort area supply sweaters and boy gets to keep demonstrators warm as the season gets chilly or while the don't need it sleeping bags pileup as the number of protesters grows
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bigger we start to chinatown most of you from richmond virginia. kitchen providing a traditional american breakfast bread bagels and peanut butter and jelly plant foods are used to filter water here we have breakfast at seven thirty in the morning people don't know what fish foods great cereals we have. we have snacks continually throughout the day we should dinner at seven thirty the media center has been broadcasting a live stream from day one of the protests for already three weeks videos film during clashes with police are posted online from these laptops you've got people company running in here i mean panicky you know adrenaline rush with cameras i got footage i got footage you know processing footage getting it online and simultaneously having people tweet you know on facebook when i was social media using social media to. give a message out of what's happening as quick as possible like feeds of the protests
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are being followed by supporters across the u.s. and the world the viewership really goes up as you keep a steady content you know provision information is also spread in more traditional ways the status report helps protesters keep up to keep the documentation developments as they try to one of occupy wall street zero chance of rain the number of arrests to date at over eight hundred thirty for. a library area let's protesters relax and educate themselves with literature fitting most tastes fiction nonfiction. section we got c.d.'s. documentaries ok so i was. prides itself in being a peaceful grassroots democratic movement without leaders there are just different decisions made by different groups if there's a if there is to be some decision that's going to supposedly speak on bart on behalf of everyone here but now we need to have been a. general assembly and need to be consensus on by everyone here all of the many cooks in the kitchen i'm here to cook up one thing
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a revolution of change in america as they see churkin our party and what. we've got more reaction from the streets of new york in this week's edition of the resident. ants in wall street time painters and they think will win their fight against corporate power. i'm here. this week let's talk about that i think what really protesting is you know the failure of the systems or respond to you know a kind of higher calling for you know our country you know we can't be subjected to . you know one percent of the one percent those are the real bad guys you know who make over five million dollars a year for doing that well i do feel that the country is in a very serious serious situation but it just the united states or is it a global issue it's a global issue but the united states said it's at the center of the of all of the
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most important issues right now that we're going to spain to once the people of spain we have people from other cultures i just been one of the he said well yes they say all of us are doing. i mean thirty five right that by well by one percent of the population if you're going to be that wealthy you should have to pay a tax to be that wealthy it's only fair thing that's going to happen through movements like this you know who knows we're out here trying during the sixty's there were riots in newark and l.a. because of poverty inequality racism etc so i mean people rioting and burn their own cities down as soon as that happened within a year there were all kinds of government programs to help people out because they got people really afraid i was going to spread all over the country we're trying to make sure that doesn't happen by having a peaceful revolution of some justice and some some enforcement of the regulations
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we already have on the books that would be a good start eating up going to happen. i have to believe so yeah i have to be i believe so how is this going to achieve that. this is just like the genesis of a bigger movements it's been going on for a couple weeks and every day gets larger and larger so. i think eventually it'll bring results but i think i think there's a large amount of discontent with what's going on in this country and i think that this is it's big so people can identify me like no other people are feeling this way as well so i mean it and the sense of a rallying point i think that this is this is going to draw attention is also going to draw people in whether or not you agree with their methods and the bottom line is these people are getting the word out. across the atlantic things are looking too good for the economy either the u.k. banking system has been rocked the credit ratings of twelve financial institutions have been downgraded leading ratings agency moody's says the downgrades were due to
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doubts over the u.k. government's interest support the move is likely to drive up current costs to make it difficult for businesses to get loans but a leading british economist mark little was told r.t. the downgrade is a reality check that the u.k. needed long ago. we already have inflation of around about five percent in the united kingdom which compared to recent years is he's hardly putting more money into the economy risks actually increasing that inflation is supposed to be the kind of england's central key task to actually keep inflation under control two and a half percent or less my concern is that quantitative easing throwing another suddenly billion pounds into the economy is actually a distraction from what the u.k. government needs which is a very aggressive and radical strategies one that i think they lack at the moment what we've got to get away from in the united kingdom and actually right across the western world more generally is this idea that every single bank is because if they
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get into trouble the taxpayer will close call them out and one of the key things that the u.k. government is struggling with is how do we allow our pain to go through the wall we're going to fail without actually destroying the wider economy and i think that these these downgrades. actually reflect the fact that we are beginning to move away from what was a hopeless and helpless situation in which basically every bank you really crashed then the time when the government would come to their rights it was a grim warning put in the sun by which you would wish to have an almost a toy notice from your doctor about your state of health i think it is a welcome warning. coming up next hour a new show here on r.g.p. as robert koester delves into the murkier depths of the debt stricken global economy here's a quick look at what to expect of his unique style this rendition of a recession. will seem to come to us global off going to leave any it's an
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interesting claim to be investing much in this enterprise with mr bush in my new units my region my real economy is something much more to its g.d.p. measured not by our ability to hoard our capacity to read learn to do not please me just a lot of adults remain on this planet ooc. returning to our top story this hour the tenth anniversary of the afghan war being marked this weekend washington is trying to mend ties with one of its main allies in the war pakistan relations have recently been hit by mutual accusations and political differences arches military analyst reports now from kabul. this is the commanding height that dominates this sweeping view of was the area of kabul the afghan capital. right behind me the reason that three weeks ago was on the twenty hour
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with siege by the hug and a network let's take a closer look at what went wrong we had the global war on terror first after al qaeda central radio boito the pashtun tribal belt along the afghan pakistani border the state department filed a request with that pakistan for cooperation against osama bin ladden going to slam about brazenly ignored the diplomatic request from washington d.c. with their middle finger a behind their back the cia could and should have saved the day by activating their formidable human intelligence network in afghanistan to conduct a clone pastime body snatching mission and to bring some of the london to justice but they just blew it looking back at operation enduring freedom the question is not what went wrong with this mission the question is what's preventing the w.
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bush administration to look at all other options and for starters to make sure that pakistan will be treated as a reliable ally not after but before the nine eleven did strike the united states. let's take a look at some world news in brief for you this hour the president of yemen has announced he's to start down in the coming days in a speech on state television anti-government protesters have intermarried ing it and through. the late thirty three year rule for nine months now the rest has paralyzed the country and led to over a thousand people being killed according to official estimates islands in yemen has been rated since they returned recently from saudi arabia where he was treated after an attempt on his life in june. a bus has crashed into a cliff on indonesia's java island killing four people and injuring
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a dozen others three dutch tourists were among the dead an investigation is underway but early reports suggest there were poor road conditions and that the glass was overloaded it comes a month after a similar crash but one thousand people dead. thousands of students have marched through it leaves capital protesting against education cuts through paint and flares a banks and trying to block railway lines but were eventually dispersed by police demonstrators say the event marks a new wave of what's been called off which last year saw several thousand people clash with police it will be recently signed off for your five billion euros of cuts to tackle its debt. now it's time to discover more of the world's biggest country in our post series on russia. so we're traveling to the pens or region around six hundred kilometers south east
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of moscow grand estates there have inspired some of russia's greatest writers including ramon has. explained some of the places which have roused writers passions in the past face an uncertain future. a tale of two states. this country see that and sorry stein's survived in farming and small scale manufacturing it happened to be the childhood home one of russia's most legendary figures mikhail eleventh of a child prodigy a firey tempered soldier womanizer and finally a greater amount a poet a novelist he died in a jewel age of twenty seven while little of his work was composed here there is buried in the family more psyllium now two hundred people look after the estate as in a nineteenth century family has become the main employer for adjacent villages. starring
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the servants of the service and worked here dress up and ounces for their job so we get to play the heiress across for the benefit of tourists well because their numbers are growing there's no need for this state to turn a profit. well the amount of power money how maybe in as good a state as one the poet himself was living here are the ground houses in the area which are just as important architecturally which are not getting the same care and funding. one of russia's ground palaces well not anymore in its heyday in the nineteenth century reckon it was the self-sufficient cultural center for the benefit of the garment prince alexander correction in soviet times it served as a warehouse and the hope for dementia sufferers before falling into disrepair needed a government or any private investors who put in the millions of dollars needed to rebuild it. now on the one hand you can turn all of these estates into museums and
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the lifestyle they supported has gone on the other if the situation continues as it is they will simply disappear and that is a fact you know you have the villages of curricular decided to fight in never trouble going from house to house to collect donations and rely entirely on volunteers who have vowed to restore the state building by building starting with a cemetery chapel. we are not professional restorers we could little money for materials we only do what we can but we don't want to be thought of as savages who do not understand where we live we want one or our ancestors. they face a daunting task but if they don't for a bill that no one else will. you are of no party the region. for example very short break here on arts and i'll be back with a recap of our top stories this saturday segment us.
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in the united kingdom and she's available insists the house bill and the forty one who took the old away from the hotel because until such time the millstones who took some of the old country house holiday in the full details of goldman's homes the regrets the creamy the chose to feel the multitude the child the local the rubens hotel.
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