tv [untitled] October 8, 2011 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT
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if you read the invasion of afghanistan in parts it's ten year anniversary with the taliban defeat nowhere in sight meanwhile the human cost of this rising faster than ever get the number of civilians killed this year alone approaching total coalition losses in a decade of fighting. while the nuns and their demands on the streets for the country's troops to leave afghanistan utterly reflecting the unpopularity of the u.k. of the period which has claimed almost four hundred british military lives. and over the by wall street protests against trends across the yard spreading to dozens of american citizen cities from richmond to los angeles and taking big brother so
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washington d.c. . new so rush on the around the world this is i see with me us for all our thanks for joining it's the u.s. led war in afghanistan has not passed a ten year mark widely dubbed as a decade of failure by critics its human cost keeps on climbing more than two thousand seven hundred foreign troops have died during the fighting a figure moved by the number of and given lives lost jason mortlock reports. another day in afghanistan something better and more casualties despite official claims that the war's be won two thousand and eleven is lining up to be diddley's yeah u.s. forces fighting to tame the decade long taliban insurgency but thanks to improved medical capabilities casualties and would have perished in previous conflicts are surviving these two soldiers one patrol in a vehicle when
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a roadside bomb exploded beneath them it took less than half an hour for made of a crew to pick them up by helicopter and deliver them to the trauma ward of kandahar airfield one of the country's busiest their injuries are bad but not extreme nummi will most likely stay on base until they've recovered more severe cases such as if you temples are flown to germany for treatment right yes. this facility was built to save critically injured american troops fresh from the front lines but doctors here also treat afghan civilians caught in the war's crossfire with nowhere else to go for help nine year old wally was shot in the head by a stray bullet earlier this year when u.s. marines get into a firefight with the taliban his village in helmand province the bullet shattered part of his skull and would have killed him if not for emergency surgery in six months dr main part says he's treated more than a fair share of afghan bystanders mostly gunshot and bomb blast victims in this follow up operation he and his team are reconstructing the boy's forehead with
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a titanium miche that will restore his appearance so i started what i was going on i also gratified to make a difference that this i would very likely not very hard studies to show. in the recovery ward well his father says that while he's sure it was a u.s. marine well it is son he's grateful for the first question his recent shot at what's that and i'm just checking that he's ok he's shooting my. as you speak so he's forgiven accident or not the enduring insurgency suggests that no amount of goodwill can compensate for civilian casualties that continue to climb each month in a war the crown's own. kin are convinced. and has the u.s. occupation out kind of time and as that second decade american forces that facing growing resistance on people is sick of never ending war american on it was that an
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attendant and to me shop us as the us its founding in the footsteps of the subject cheney and and should have led the country along a. thousand three we actually achieved our major military objectives i can thousands of what you've seen since then it's just essential you are dealing with a culture we don't fully understand following the same failed path the soviets followed in their occupation silly to actually try to secure the urban areas to basically modernize the culture and some hope that they would become a twenty first century society it's not our job to make. the lives of the afghan people better our job was to ensure the terrorist attacks cannot be mounted from there and that's what we did in zero three frankly everything since that has been a waste issue until we decide we're going to get serious this is really pakistan the afghan government knows that we know that at the mall and finally admitted within the last two weeks that the pakistani intelligence service has been helping the taliban but basically you have a pentagon which is committed to
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a field course and they are not only doubling down other tripling down on things that they know they cannot win it's time we believe if it were up to me i part of president obama i would declare victory that we actually did back in zero three and zero four and let it go with this is the deal you have to seek regional solutions this is not an american issue this is truly a pakistan afghan india iran issue and frankly should we work with those people who live there to find a passport. it pops in minutes will be bringing you more expert opinion on the i'm going story with our military analyst who is in kabul giving his view on why america is trying to contain the insurgency meanwhile on our website where asking what legacy you think the ten year afghanistan occupation has left and at the moment more than half of our viewers say the war has brought the us nothing but bloodshed and bankruptcy just over a quarter of you believe that years of occupation of turns of ghana's down into the world's biggest hereon hub in the six thing the operation was a stepping stone to an invasion of pakistan and while only three percent of record
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on the world is a safer place because of the war so these local want to have your say on the sheet . american. targets. still. need to see us. to be sure to bring peace and stability to the world. you know you don't have to be doing. the decade long war in afghanistan it's staring out more and more discontent in britain with the country's military contingent is second only to the us and the country the conflict has already brought so many british families claiming the lives of almost four hundred members of the armed services reflecting the unpopularity of the war in the u.k. absolutes have been joined by celebrities and politicians in a march in london calling for british troops to be brought home and she's i would
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bet it was a big rally. this huge protest in the center in the center of london has magical sentiment in the public magination here in britain is nearly full from people very angry hey that we're there in the first place obviously the period of time of the cuts people stirred has risen through all this money in n.z. really hard think content to a seemingly unwinnable war in another life hundred million as a nation in development aid to the ngos and say well no it's no reaching it's the wrong people is it going to see you know you really having much of an effect in the . thousand troops that are being killed in. a us university brown university her g. thousand other people i mean you know in this case. civilians insurgents too. soon to talk more about this is joan hearing from an emoji charity woman want to like is very much for speaking so. that you know this is only human rights situation
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cheering on in afghanistan when he says better or worse and i will say nice again but i think in the last five years in particular we've seen a terrible problem in human rights this is the poorest escalated it's failed to bring any extra stability to you see many more children being to drive to their rights and being killed crayton escalation of violence in pakistan as well as in afghanistan because there's another thousand people who died in russia as well so it's no kidding that's in any way hearing much much good the new president also has also come forward and address the fact that there is rampant eruption in afghanistan and in the process of getting paid to the people who really need it but he's playing the only international community to really sit where nigeria russia will go with the training and knowledge of the see exactly corruption within the whole of the afghan government and the key thing here is about getting the foreign troops out people in afghanistan to come out in britain well now you know here is seventy four percent of all people now cruising around and that's what we're saying
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to the government in the early trips and even starting with all of the problems. because the. people in the streets of london have been demanding and that is not only to the afghan conference but also to nato presence in the bia and among the high profile faces of a precious was weak links found of journalist songs we're told all see the libyan intervention was simply about the us and europe taking of a country the lesson fully being is that there are only two superpowers in the world worth speaking why one those are the united states and europe pleased to see. gotten together to take over the country the regional justification in the bully boy no fly zone over libya has been completely of use it shows that there is no effective. donations it's. a listen to us every time that a small mandate is given. military and intelligence powers. that be it is
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a slippery slope that leads to the takeover of countries must understand. meanwhile the needy a revolutionary forces have launched one of the biggest assaults yet a moment to dive his hometown of sirte and they have already seized a major highway that opens the way to attacking a key base of the colonel's loyalists the interim government claims to control most of the city now but it's still facing fierce resistance from fighters loyal to the ousted leader and a busy interim administration say said all is crucial to fully declaring liberation and changing connections but german from the start of the war coalition by shelling said for that reason nato demonstrates a very selective approach to protecting civilians. the whole idea of the bombing was that it was meant to protect the civilians in gaza now why does he want to anybody's side up to the idea that you have main killing civilians in another city or town. and that's exactly what's happening. in terms very selective about
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what civilians it supports it doesn't support those civilians remark was it really does the support of want and of course we know that this. was about regimes like wants to get rid of gadhafi if they could just to stop this. if. they don't care about. so the world is terrible killings and so i'm sure. really this is a response well this is a big. event in the middle east have become an inspiration overseas as in the us the occupy wall street complain and say they're using arab spring revolutionary tactics to achieve their goals and corporate protests in new york around to their fourth week and have already spread to dozens of cities hitting the capital washington d.c. organizers claim will be in a thousand american cities by the end of the month as according to
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a post on their website and as the movement picks up steam the slogan occupy wall street has been changed to occupy together protest. say the greed of just one percent of the u.s. population care of the country into financial chaos in the us place while salahi's does camping out in my house you know i like a big group is highly organized that's all she's in a specific chicken i describe it. these are. people you know. accused of being anarchists and disorganized the occupy wall street encounter meant it's far from chaotic it is a small village open up into the in sections way better organized than i thought it would be. they really have it set up so that there isn't a clear leader in the organization and the way that it's being done but at the same guy. every part seems to be handled by someone a medical area staffed by volunteers provides on the spike assistance comfort area
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supply sweaters mboya and gets to keep demonstrators warm as the season gets chilly or while the don't need it sleeping bags pileup as the number of protesters grows bigger we're just at the chinatown bus or if you're from richmond virginia. the kitchen providing a traditional american breakfast bread bagels and peanut butter and jelly plant groups are used to filter water here we have breakfast at seven thirty in the morning people going to breakfast foods great cereals we have lunch. we have snacks considering you have continually throughout the day there's a dinner at seven thirty a media center has been broadcasting a live stream from day one of the protests for already three weeks videos film during clashes with police are posted online from these laptops you've got people coming and running in here i mean you know adrenaline rush with cameras i got footage i got footage you know process and footage getting it online and simultaneously having people tweet you know in facebook when our social media using
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social media and to get the message out of what's happening as quick as possible why feeds the protests. followed by supporters across the u.s. and the world the viewership really goes a long as you keep a steady content you know provision information is also spread in more traditional ways the status report helps protesters keep up to date with occupation developments this is day twenty one of occupy wall street zero chance of rain the number of arrests to date at over eight hundred thirty four. a library area lets protesters relax and educate themselves with literature fitting most tastes fiction nonfiction magazines related searches and we've got c.d.'s d.v.d.'s guy drug documentaries ok my wall street prides itself in being a peaceful grassroots democratic movement without leaders there are just different decisions made by different groups if there's a if there is to be some decision that's going to supposedly speak on bart on behalf of everyone here and now we need to happen at evening general assembly and
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we need to be consensus on by everyone here all of the many cooks in the kitchen are here to cook up one thing a revolution of change in america and archie new york and our resident reporter in this whole thing as has been asking on the wall street campaign is what's driving them and how they believe they can change the world and stop the rule of the rich. and here at occupy wall street this week let's talk about that i think what we're really protesting is you know the failure of the systems or respond to you know a kind of higher calling for you know our country you know we can't be subjected to . you know one percent of the one percent those the real bad guys you know who make over five million ten million dollars a year for doing that well i do feel that the country is in a very serious serious situation but it just the united states or is it
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a global issue it's a global issue but the united states says that the center of the of all of the most important issues right now that we're going to piece a second from spain to the piece of spain we have people from other cultures i just saw in one of the he's at rallies they say all of you guys are doing. i mean thirty five or ten up i well by one percent of the population if you're going to be that wealthy you should have to pay a tax to be that wealthy i found the fact you think it's going to happen through movements like best you know now it's bad we're out here trying during the sixty's there were riots in newark and l.a. because of poverty inequality racism etc i mean people riot and burn their old cities down as soon as that happened within a year there were all kinds of government programs to help people out because they got people really afraid i was going to spread all over the country we're trying to
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make sure that doesn't happen by having a peaceful revolution some justice and some some enforcement of the regulations we already had on the books that would be a good start eating up going to happen. i have to believe so yeah i believe so how is this going to achieve that. with this is just like the genesis of a bigger movements it's been going on for a couple weeks and every day gets larger and larger so. i think eventually it'll bring results i think there's a large amount of discontent with what's going on in this country and i think this is it's because people can identify if you like a lot of people are feeling this way as well so i mean only a sense of a rallying point i think that this is this is going to draw attention is also going to draw people in whether or not you agree with their math but the bottom line is these people are getting the word out. and you can head to our twitter feed to get more and i'm going to corporate
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protests around the u.s. and our correspondents in america across the latest travel as they see. you know one of her tweets says zuccotti park in new york is now packed with protesters as almost two thousand demonstrators have gathered there so follow us on twitter as our underscore calls to get all the updates on this story. and let's now return to our top story the tenth anniversary of the are going will be march this weekend washington is trying to manage ties with one of its main allies in the war pakistan relations have recently been hit by a mutual accusations and political differences on military on this again reports now from afghanistan. this is the commanding heights that dominates this sweeping view of was the area of kabul the afghan capital. right behind me the reason there are three weeks ago was under the twenty hour with siege by the heart going to network let's take a closer look at what went wrong the war on terror first after al qaeda central
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rater boito that pashtun tribal belt along the afghan pakistani border state department filed a request with pakistan for cooperation against osama bin laden going to slam about brazenly ignored but diplomatic requests from washington d.c. with their middle finger behind their back. could and should have saved the day by activating their formidable human intelligence network you know guinness thing to conduct their clandestine body snatching mission and to bring osama bin laden to justice but they just blew it looking back at operation enduring freedom the question is not what went wrong with this mission is what's preventing the w. bush administration to look at all other options and for starters to make sure that
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pakistan will be treated as a reliable ally not after but before the nine eleven did strike the united states. that was also his mission and i said getting to shop with his assessment on afghanistan and world news and of this hour above has over time to and crashed in west java in indonesia killing four foreign terrorists and injuring eleven was carrying business from the netherlands belgium an angel as the brakes failed when it was going downhill and comes just a month after a similar crash on the island killed nineteen people. speech on state television the president of yemen has announced he is to step down in the coming days antigovernment protesters have been demanding and thence to ali abdullah saleh says your three year rules the nine months now the rest has turned lies the country and led to over a thousand people being killed according to official estimates violence in yemen has escalated since the recent resign from saudi arabia where he was treated after
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an assassination attempt reentry. six people have had a lucky escape surviving a plane crash in australia a small aircraft with find skydivers and a pilot on board crashed into a creek surrounded by trees it was preparing to land near melbourne the pilot suffered broken legs and had to become free by the police to work winch to safety by helicopter while passenger was also injured but a number of remarkably escaped unhurt after the accident. sixty thousand seaters stadium where the euro twenty twelve sort of final will be played has been officially opened in kiev popstar should clear a headline this spectacular story really involving two thousand artists at the venue which cost almost heart a billion dollars to build not all went to plan however with fireworks that is some of the roofs on fire at a local terminus broaches groups of them and caused some fireworks of their own staging a topless protest over the groom in prostitution they believe the football tournament
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will. happen next is time for this month's russia closer. and this time depends the region is the destination just a bit more than six hundred kilometers southeast of moscow the area lying between the russian capital and the mighty walgren weaver is known for its ground state that have inspired some of russia's most prominent writers including the hand government of ego of god never explains some of the region's science which have aroused the passions of russians men of letters in the past and face an uncertain future. a tale of two states that hardly a modest country see that in saurus times survive in farming and small scale
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manufacturing it happened to be the childhood home one of britain's most legendary figures mikhail a child prodigy a fiery tempered soldier womanizer and finally a greater amount a poet a novelist he died in a jewel age of twenty seven while little of his work was composed here and there and it's buried in the family more psyllium no two hundred people look after the estate as in the nineteenth century but a family has become the main employer of projects and religious. direct descendants of the serbs and worked here dress up a. job. some get to play the heiress across for the benefit of tourists as their numbers are growing because no need for the state to turn a profit. probably as good as one the poured himself was living. in the area just as important.
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care funding. one of russia's ground palaces well not anymore in its heyday in the nineteenth century iraq in all the self-sufficient cultural center for the benefit of the garment prince alexander curriculum in soviet times served in the warehouse and the hope for dementia sufferers before falling into disrepair needed a government or any private investors who put in the millions of dollars needed to rebuild their. stay on the one hand you can't turn all of these the states into museums and the lifestyle they supported has gone on the other if the situation continues as it is they will simply disappear and that is a fact i think you know you have the villages of could have decided to fly there never trouble going from house to house to collect donations and relying entirely on volunteers to restore the state building by building starting with
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a cemetery chapel but. we're not professional restorers we've got little money for materials we only do what we can and we don't want people to savages who do not understand where we live our ancestors. they face a daunting task what if they don't for a bill that no one else will. live. and the region. and coming up later in the program a brand new show on this channel robert robert forster now three part how to fix the global economy. i feel a little slicing is us crashes imminent coming smash the foot ceiling of fourteen trillion despite protests and clashes in athens street the i.m.f. and post strikes me on just programs in greece where he actually told me quote to me and from language from the greek economy of meaning household management well how all the managing phoebe's abound but in practice anyone actually know what the hell's even happening. doesn't use
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will if they are still going to be thinking. of gold chosen people will not believe that god is a real estate agent so they look at the stars just for you guys and this guy is as we. undergo going to be a this is a. different might not than the. problem you. can imagine them up happening. back now to. baghdad. it was created to serve the public interests to inform and to entertain. these days there's nothing easier than opening up
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a new media outlets but there is nothing harder than revoking its license in case of corruption. problem you can involve in a community where you have one large corporation controlling the daily newspapers radio stations television stations the cable out what can you tell me that that sounds like a model citizen public opinion versus f.c.c. broadcast blues kumar she. just says. it's.
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