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tv   [untitled]    October 9, 2011 9:01am-9:31am EDT

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live from moscow you're watching artsy with me and he said now we have the weekly for you this sunday a look back at the top stories and the wall street protests that kicked off in new york three weeks ago have now grown into a nationwide rally and golfing a growing number of u.s. cities every day demonstrators inspired by the arab spring demand an end to social inequality and corporate greed and as their calls for revolution get louder the authorities and media are finding them harder to ignore. reports. the collective voices of american dissent has manifested into a movement impossible to ignore occupy wall street began in the world's financial capital but this week protests have blease dozens of cities nationwide. in the big apple up to fifteen thousand americans flooded lower manhattan labor
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unions transport workers teachers nurses and u.s. veterans standing shoulder to shoulder with young activists spearheading a fight against us wealth inequality and corporate greed young people right now have no hope in our society i just want to see a fairer more just society for the young people coming up and all of the american people right now are suffering through these hard economic times this seems pretty revolutionary to me and in this period a revolution is here and so i need to be a part of it once you are not a breed to be arrested anymore the whole entire control of the police state disappears when that happens there are credible possibilities that are open to us and certainly you can imagine a different world if you believe you can be an agent of change the occupy movement has gained such momentum even the president who promised change was forced to address the issue i think people are frustrated and. the protesters
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or. giving voice to a more broad based frustration about how our financial system works but the american people understand that not everybody's been following the rules. that wall street is an example of that these days a lot of folks who are doing the right thing aren't well worded and a lot of folks who are doing the right thing are rewarded while the u.s. has encouraged and supported democratic uprisings in the arab world the same events playing out at home have been met with the tongs pepper spray and the arrests of nearly eight hundred peaceful protesters on the brooklyn bridge a scene that reminded some of egypt's two here square you can follow me lead over our brothers and sisters all over the world the hairspring in greece and spain and we can see that it did send a powerful message for dinner people are not going to stand for corporate greed
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anymore and that we're getting up and we're doing something about it three weeks into the anti wall street demonstrations the new york city police department has pumped two million dollars into overtime pay fines some critics say are being used to repress freedom two miles from the chaos of the united nations even financier and billionaire george soros weighed in on the populist uprising and surely i can understand this sentiment the decision not to inject capital into the banks but to effectively relieve them of the bed that gave the banks. profits as they say i can i can sympathize with. his grievances spearheaded so loud and large that mainstream media outlets have been left with no other choice but to cover the protests in a matter of weeks occupy wall street not only mobilized international attention
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many believe this ongoing of that would become a turning point in the us where a mass movement towards american politicians into working for the majority of the people in the collective demanding democracy from the very leaders that promoted bring up or die out r.t. new york. where former wall street executive richard ask our says protesters to protest their support is being driven by their bid to restore basic democratic values. this is actually for a political protest movement that's so young it's grown and gathered a surprising amount of support from surprising quarters in a very very short time for example you have several very major unions joining up with this group that's primarily young people and saying we're on the same side we support them they support guys i think what they're doing is reasserting
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a set of values you know everybody who wants a job should get a job businesspeople and their customers should deal with one another fairly and honestly crime screen including corporate crime should be punished and so on so if you think of it as the early stage of a movement where it's declaring its fundamental values and principles then i think it's actually although it's probably intuitive or accidental it's actually pretty smart of them not to get pinned down in saying we want a financial transactions tax or we want a blue ribbon investigation of wall street crime there really and this is why they've been able i think to start to get some attention. our correspondents are in the heart of events in lower manhattan keeping you updated on how the protests grow the company of is talking to demonstrators police reporters and this posting the latest pictures from the kampung line you can follow the action on our twitter feed at our tea party or com. and later in the program we'll look at how financial
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distress is also driving people on to the streets of the greek capital and our two crew witnesses police violence in athens as anger among austerity hit greeks reaches boiling point. but history falls victim to political correctness in france with fears the younger generation might lose its sounds of national identity we look at what pages are being removed from textbooks and why. but first a fresh wave of violence has swept across syria this weekend with at least fourteen people killed in clashes between security forces and anti-government protesters some of the most severe scenes came at the funeral of a kurdish opposition leader in the north east of the country syrian authorities insist they are targeting armed terrorist groups not peaceful protesters they also claim the kurdish opposition leader was killed by militants because he was against foreign intervention in the country syria has been in
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a state of chaos since mid march following protests demanding president step down meanwhile the media break out the regime forced many into a surprising u. turn this week and sorties over bennett explained. she was hailed as the flower of syria the symbol of the suffering under president bashar assad's brutal regime at least that's what much of the western media said after the apparent butchering of zeinab holes in the pictures of what was done to xena corpse and they are simply too gruesome to air several western media outlets were quick to report child holes in these gruesome deaths apparently the first woman killed in government custody but now it appears she's miraculously back from the date even being interviewed on syrian t.v. . i came to the police station to see the truth this what i see to those line channels i'm now still alive not dead human rights groups like amnesty international jumped on the bandwagon to reporting out hosni was tortured murdered
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and mutilated it even claimed mother found the body in a morgue last month all assertions is now being forced to backtrack on this we will endeavor to be more cautious and phrase things a little bit more nuanced the state broadcaster says the interviews to dispel what it labels fabrications by foreign media to serve western interests in stories like this that have been used to prop up calls from the u.s. britain and france for un sanctions to be slapped on syria but their foundations are now looking shakier than ever this footage religiously shows unarmed sound civilians being targeted by gun toting rebels so perhaps not the peaceful opposition they're often made out to be by the west that only seems to look one way . this notion that the u.n. has is now part of this pro-democracy receipt regime is ridiculous they are jumping on that bandwagon is an opportunity to get out front of it and create this
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deceptive appearance while at the same time there's a porting the dictatorships that are aligned with them in the united nations and it's part of their empire russia and china vetoed a u.n. resolution for syria seeing through it as a potential cover for another libyan stahl intervention so they may not be any oil this time but there's always an ulterior motive our partners in the u.n. security council do not rule out a replay of the libyan scenario although they said more than once that they clearly understood syria is very different to libya russia will continue resisting attempts to legitimize unilateral sanctions through the u.n. security council that aimed to overthrow political regimes the u.s. was not created for that it was opposed to the vetoes of followed by security council war count from america over remarks during the syrian envoy speech but the u.s. promised to be back with another resolution and undoubtedly more dramatic evidence to drive the point home on the bennetts r.t.
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but care advisor to syria's president told r.t. the country's authorities fully embrace russia and china of course to end the bloodshed through dialogue with which the majority of laws that should have been passed are now adopted work to amend the constitution is underway the problem is that some states fund and arm terrorist groups operating in our towns and villages this makes ordinary people's lives very difficult and puts them in real danger the position of the western countries encourages these terrorist groups we share russia and china's view that it's impossible to move forward without dialogue the alternative is blood spilling civil war and into religious clashes. the full interview with dr siobhan is coming to you next hour in just ten minutes we report on how the ongoing finding in libya is affecting the lives of civilians there as revolutionary forces intensify their assault on gadhafi is hometown of spirits experts why the human cost of the so-called liberation is often going on noticed in
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the media. this week struggling european economy for dealt another blow by ratings agencies which downgraded italy and spain fears over the debt crisis were also intensified by the downgrade of several british and portuguese banks greece remains the centerpiece with the international creditors still not sure the country is doing enough to get another cash injection the i.m.f. envoy to the country has delivered an ultimatum round up the carts or face total collapse that's after athens admitted failing to reduce its deficit to the agreed level despite the relentless austerity drive that left the nation's economy in tatters and sarah first reports the needs of the people are taking second place to big bank. syntagma square once again bearing witness to clashes between what really here is prey to these. banks.
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and the tensions really been rising as the police moved in to clear the crowds some shocking seeing one point the police seem chasing protests as into the metro station many of those hit kicks by they supposed to be keeping control. but the message being sent by the government is when it's repression and fear. scenes like this it raise serious questions about the level of fools being used. to pry as is a forty three year old journalist who's reported for many conflicts but it was in his own country where he sustained his was. i just remember thinking is this really happening in the us i took shelter in an enclosure just arsenal and one policeman who i think was the commander asked in a very rude we are talking pictures i told him i was a journalist but he gave an order and i had one of the flash bangs thrown at me these are some of the pictures i took not the place he taken shelter at the fight
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the sound of the flash bang causing always takes. after the attack i won't call it an accident it was an attack like a small health. an investigation was launched into the incident the progress has been slow a fireman a list tells us the countless cases against heavy handed police tactics to have any kind of results we witness for ourselves the lack of discrimination when the police lash out one journalist along with his camera to the ground the rise in the level of aggression seen by police and the more extreme groups of protesters is causing serious concern with the government continuing to implement surveyor stare into measures in a bid to see if the cash tensions looks set to keep escalating i think we are. in the easy to explain it's a form of psychological you know the first reaction. from
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europe when we have been experienced. the impact of the financial crisis is being played out play by play well sometimes in the square there are now fears that the financial crisis ten into an economic recession could bring entire usa just to bring people to their knees. greek people are suffering because of mistakes made by politicians in athens only escape wise outside the eurozone so as member of the european parliament paul not all. basically the money is going to pay off debt but the problem is they're not reducing the debt and it's it's unsustainable you should never have been allowed to get into the euro in the first place they broke so many rules their own rules to get greece in because this was all about politics it wasn't about economics and i
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feel very very sore for the greek people the only way that the greek people who get back on their feet again is to come out of the order altogether and look it won't be the end of the world for greece argentina was the last major countries to fall to in two thousand and one between two thousand and one and two thousand and six argentina's economy grew by sixty percent that is the answer to greece if you poll the polls that these people are being made to suffer because of ideological decisions that were taken many miles away in brussels ten years ago. coming up later today crushing the crisis robert foster explores the plunging global economy in an unprecedented way joined us to listen in to his recession wrap in a brand new show here on r t here's a preview of what's in store for you at six hundred g.m.t. . well seems to come to us global financial day if it's an interesting call to read we invested so much in this enterprise would make the solution might be demise of real economy is something much broader its g.d.p. measured not by our ability to hold but our capacity to read learn to no no place
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in nature is the sort of enough for me in on this planet pandora. this week the u.s. led war in afghanistan passed its ten year mark with nato troops still no closer to victory over the taliban the chorus of criticism over the occupation gets louder with the latest failure stamp coming from a former german general who planned his nation's role in the operation a decade ago they don't plan on a full withdrawal from the country by the end of twenty fourteen but as jason reports the evidence on the ground shows there is no rush tell me. if the united states is drawing its troops from afghanistan why is its large a space getting bigger were you asleep forces over in the taliban late two thousand and one bugbear field is little more than a flight to correct runway since then the former soviet base in the plains north of the afghan capital has grown into
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a small city but still do over twenty five thousand full time personnel fleets of military cargo aircraft and enough equals to cause traffic jams in the expansion is no way it is by scores of contractors u.s. military engineers are constructing new housing and storage facilities to make room for even more million workers were after sending an extra thirty thousand troops to afghanistan last year president obama started bringing them home this summer but with afghan forces struggling to stand alone it's likely that less will leave than planned and bases like this one aren't going to shrink anytime soon. at least there are plenty of home comforts for soldiers staying on for tough deployments we can shop for everything from one screen t.v.'s to fine jewelry enjoy a cappuccino. the grab some take on the new pizza hut franchise and if they're tired of working out of the gym they're free to go to the salon for a haircut and sausage although some officials have tried to limit such amenities calling them a distraction from the war the troops are happy to have them and these are
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streamlined. you always see that the last of them have a taste of the right. local afghan merchants are also glad to have the extra business both inside and outside the water without a group of the soldiers my business would be nothing we like having them here but not everyone agrees diddly taliban rocket attacks are on the run and as the base becomes more and more crowded the threat to those living inside multiplies no matter how high its walls become every rock it's a close call when you're this can just get this much equipment personnel because all that into one tight spot it close it's going to destroy something or someone easy as it may be to forget at times this is still a war zone jason month look in barbara for. the white house official has suggested the cia and special forces could stay in afghanistan long after the troops have left and according to brian becker of the pro peace answer coalition there's no way
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the u.s. what about in a region that's so strategically important. if the u.s. military were to leave afghanistan altogether or if it were to leave iraq altogether those governments would become independent determining governments free of foreign interference or foreign occupation that's what would happen they would form their own natural alliances with their neighbors the united states does not want that this is the great prize this is a geo strategic we in resource rich part of the world united states is there for the long term and i think that's the real goal is to put firmly afghanistan and the surrounding countries into an american sphere i think the karzai government really is an extension of american power which has a masquerade the fiction of a nato cover but really it's an american power. or it's probably cannot survive without outside support after all the outsiders the occupiers put him into power i don't think he has any real legitimacy or credibility for his people. antiwar
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sentiment is growing in britain which has the second largest number of troops in afghanistan in london's trafalgar square big crowds mark the decade of war with a defiant get out now message our correspondent was there you can watch his reports at r.t. dot com. well fierce fighting for gadhafi as hometown of syria continues in libya where revolutionary forces claim they've seized parts of convention center which is the main base of the courage of the colonel's loyalists for over two days now libya's in terms have been waging one of the biggest assaults yet on the most important remaining stronghold of the ousted leader revolutionary forces claim they control most of the town that's been under siege for three weeks now libya's interim
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leaders say failure to take is the only thing keeping them from formally declare liberation and scheduling elections but author and journalist option retards the says pursuing this aim cannot justify atrocities often ignored by mainstream media . this is what nato are involved in an action which is obviously contrary to the u.n. resolution which is supposedly mandated to go in and overthrow the government of gadhafi we're getting reports of electric torture electric shock torture being used by these revolutionaries who exactly other people that are fighting nato because they may not like it are free they may not like the nature of troops it's very interesting that the most advanced arsenal in the world of nato is six months on and they still haven't won the country this is all about the idea that these great powers as of old can divide up the resources and the future of the libyan people why they're quiet about it the media kind of got bored after the initial explosions
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and the so-called attacks that they don't even reporting the bombing of hospitals in. then we've got more stories available for you on our website log on to argue dot com for more details here's a quick look at what's available for you right now an unexpected act steals the show at euro two thousand and twelve opening ceremony in the ukrainian capital after a controversial feminist group gate crashed the event that r.t. dot com for you. and a call friend of creativity looking at this it's easy to join the people of ghana in their belief that death is just a step into another life the works of an african craftsman will be on display in moscow later this month. no two napoleon school textbooks are being revised in france to avoid insulting minority pupils opponents of the move war and political correctness is running amok through french society threatening to purse the country of its past and not only through its classrooms parties daniel
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bushell explains. twenty pages on the history of black slavery and just six on the time of napoleon shown here sitting on a toilet france's new history school books are inbreeding parents and teachers who cool it's political correctness gone mad this author's bestseller on the banned because of front of boylan's ahead. if we doing teacher and minorities the history of their adopted country they don't feel french we are already seeing riots in our streets the crusades the called insulting to muslims the sun king louis the fourteenth to imperial and the pony and smoked as the colonel gadhafi of his day focus is now on the previously little known king can kumu thought of thirteenth century west africa. the purge even extends to reuters studied rumbled world including les miserables all to victor hugo france is already breaking up things
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professor casale because it's young people have no sense of identity parents are concerned we have to study even the worth pages of our history because you can't understand what happened or politics now in france if you don't understand the history. they want to understand and to avoid properly legal action seen as the only way to stop the removal of national history of all of our schools now give ten percent of their share deal to the medieval african moline point i've studied it and what exactly is it contribution to world development. thousands of signed a petition of the french revolution lessons were replaced by the african kingdom of more than once upon which many say they've never heard of the ministry of education refused to be interviewed but gave us this statement. we're changing the school
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curriculum to reflect globalization monomer past being taught because it's important to have a view on the world cultures such as egypt joining and india the new european parliament reports back to compulsory school lessons on the benefits of the e.u. from quote a very young age critics want kids are learning less and less about their own country states which stop teaching their polls they say consigned themselves to history. the new bush or r.t. paris. a short break now here on our team and i'll be back with a recap of our weekly top stories stay with us.
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a very warm welcome to you this is your news today protesters on holds true today as. leaders and gentlemen your chance to choose to set a good mood for example the status of the human experiment is it succeeding or will . we put your programs in this rap music or to expose the movies allegedly trying to make sense of global economy and its arcane twins and us financial templates each of the research scrambling to maintain our confidence in markets and thinking
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on the primitive points to be easing trade imbalances recession to keep the nations close to collapsing a subprime loan foreclosed homes people. to fail switchblade banks again feel level i think if the us crash and imminent smash the ceiling team feels it's like ultimate in a transition up in streaks the i.m.f. impulse puts me on just programs increase that to an economist. ok. wealthy british style rolls. to. find out what's really happening to the global economy. headlines tune in to.
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observe nature and discover. communicate with. three. can give you. more news today. in these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. today.
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here is our to you live from moscow this week's top stories the american spring spreads across the country with demonstrators demanding an end to social inequality and corporations abuse of power over the u.s. government to stop an arms against the protesters despite washington support of revolutions overseas. this week the u.s. led war in afghanistan passed its ten year mark with victory over the taliban and the pullout of foreign troops still a long way from reality. police and demonstrators clashed on the streets of athens after the ultimatum to the country to make cuts or face collapse that's after greece admitted failing to reduce its deficits of the agreed level despite a relentless austerity drive. and the woman promoted by west.


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