tv [untitled] October 9, 2011 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT
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this week's top stories here now see that spirit of the arab spring has come to the u.s. so sacred trust is angry at wall street greed and economic depression occupying the streets of american cities but the authorities have been cracking down on the demonstrators despite all chanson support for revolutions overseas. twenty three people were killed and one hundred eighty injured as signs of christian protesters clashed with police in the streets of cairo a wide scale advance of rising tensions since the country's revolution between radical muslims and christians including at times on churches. also greek public and you continues at boiling point the absence government gas and ultimatum from the international monetary fund bringing in more sturdy cuts all states in total collapse. and
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a woman in the western media reported as being butchered by bashar assad's regime in syria appears on television saying she is alive and well forcing an embarrassing u. turn by leaving out that. cologne welcome because she's a weekly review i mean you know our and we start in the u.s. where you find all street protests have changed their slogan to a single word occupy as anti corporate run it spread to more citizen across the u.s. and angry protesters say they're fed up with growing unemployment and corporate greed but have come under attack from police wanted schools as well as some politicians as well as he's marrying a fortnight reports protesters say the spirit of the arab spring has come to. the collective voices of american dissent has manifested into a movement impossible to ignore. occupy wall street began in the world's financial
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capital but this week protests have blazed through dozens of cities nationwide. in the big apple up to fifteen thousand americans flooded lower manhattan labor unions transport workers teachers nurses and u.s. veterans standing shoulder to shoulder with young activists spearheading a fight against us wealth inequality and corporate greed young people right now in our society i just want to see a. more just society for young people coming up and all of the emergency right now are stepping over time this seems pretty revolutionary to me and this period of revolution is here and so i need to be a part of once you are not afraid to be arrested anymore the whole entire control of the police state disappears and when that happens there are credible possibilities that are open to us and certainly you can imagine a different world and you believe you can be an agent of change the occupy movement
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has gained such momentum even the president who promised change was forced to address the issue i think people are frustrated and. the protesters are. giving voice to a more broad based frustration about how our financial system works the american people understand that not everybody has been following the rules. that wall street is an example of that these days a lot of folks who are doing the right thing are a lot of folks who are doing the right thing or while the u.s. has encouraged and supported democratic uprising in the arab world the same events playing out of whom have been met with put tongs pepper spray and the arrests of nearly eight hundred peaceful protesters on the brooklyn bridge a scene that reminded some of egypt's to hear square we can follow. the lead of our
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brothers and sisters all over the world to be cared for spring in greece and spain and we can see that it did send a powerful message ordinary people are not going to stand for corporate greed anymore and that we're giving up we're doing something about it three weeks into the anti wall street demonstrations the new york city police department has pumped two million dollars into overtime pay fines some critics say are being used to repress freedom two miles from the chaos of the united nations even financier and billionaire george soros who weighed in on the populist uprising and surely i can understand their sentiments the decision to inject capital into the banks but to effectively relieve them of that bad this gave the banks. profits as they can thank you sympathize with them since grievances spearheaded so loud and large that mainstream media outlets
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have been left with no other choice but to cover the protests in a matter of weeks occupy wall street that's the only mobilized international expansion many believe this ongoing or that would be my point to make it last more about oh it's a very complex issue it's work for the majority of the people and it lets it to the markets from the very leader this that. three network i am artsy to your. and one former u.s. intelligence officer told me that washington needs to watch its back because if it doesn't listen to the people it could face attention brought into evidence. these are not stupid people they're very smart and they understand that at root this is about corruption in government and corruption on wall street and until you have electoral reform you cannot restore the integrity of the u.s. government so yes there is a common cause but it's
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a bottom up movement and so that common cause is being voiced in many different ways i think the united states right now is much more desperate and people realize we're at twenty two percent unemployment on our way to thirty percent we are at sixteen percent below the poverty line on our way to thirty percent there is no question in my mind that this is going to be a very dark winter in the united states and unless the government we store as its own integrity and starts paying attention to the public interest rather than to the special interests i believe that we will have a form of our evolution initially nonviolent but with the potential to become violent. and our correspondents in america have a very hard to the of the protests in new york and you can follow it or they see as it happens by supporting our twitter streams they are poxy on the scott column and also on c underscore america and you can find links our you tube trial where ati's
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leaves the counting of discusses the latest events with some celebrities also and one of her tweets she says people like coming to the big apple to protest from all over the states along with their families. also this hour the polish prime minister donald too is because already celebrating victory before the votes are counted as opposed to just his party's one parliamentary elections all these years later here on r.t. . classism pagers the big one for history textbooks influence with critics saying younger generations will end up not knowing enough about their own country's parts . first the egyptian military authorities are composed of five hour curfew on top of square and downtown cairo this follows violent clashes between christians and security forces that have left at least twenty three people dead two of them policemen what started as a peaceful six in terms of violence with nutri vehicle set on fire and over the hundred eighty protests is only seeing to it thousands of christians were demonstrating against the recent spate of attacks on their churches fearing that
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post revolution egypt could see ultra conservative islam is to rise to power witnesses claim the violence was instigated by provocateurs security forces eventually fired shots and tear gas to disperse the protesters and mark almond from bill clinton the president. shows egypt's status as a secular state is under threat. and it's alarming because the latest addition to. the violence between courts and the on. the pressure. is in cities like an exam and at the time when people were really expecting resolution this didn't get much attention then when the revolution came when it seemed at least in central cairo to be peaceful. and talented people who were. in the room.
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with the local christian community and it's a real big question is symbolically is egypt going to go from being a secular dictator ship to bring an islamic dictatorship that may will be many more people who would be happy to live islamic rule in that there are significant groups ten percent of organization christians but there are many security interest only and so would find themselves probably could be much less free when they had. asked if such an islamic group and its. syria has warned it will retaliate against any country that formally recognize the recently established opposition national council but a group is seeking international support for this six month long uprising against their side raising our first wave of violence has crept across the country with at least thirteen people reported killed the rebels how it is targeting armed terrorist groups not peaceful protesters the country has been in a state of chaos there's a large crowd has demanded president assad step down our legacy billions have been
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killed every kind of report about one of the casualty has major western media outlets into a surprising peter this week as r.t. as i have a better explains. she was hailed as a flower of syria the symbol of the suffering under president bush brutal regime at least that's what much of the western media said after the apparent butchering of zeinab al hosni we view pictures of what was done to zenit scores and they are simply too gruesome to arab several western media outlets were quick to report al gore's news gruesome death apparently the first woman killed in government custody but now it appears she's miraculously back from the dead even being interviewed on syrian t.v. . i came to the police station to see the truth and that's what i see to those line channels i'm now still alive not dead human rights groups like amnesty international jumped on the bandwagon to reporting our hosni was tortured murdered
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and mutilated it even claimed a mother found the body in a morgue last month all assertions is now being forced to backtrack on this we will endeavor to be more cautious and phrase things a little bit more nuanced the state broadcaster says the interviews to dispel what it labels found brick ations by foreign media to serve western interests in stories like this that have been used to prop up calls from the us britain and france for un sanctions to be slapped on syria but their foundations are now looking shaky than ever this footage religiously shows an armed sound civilians being targeted by gun toting rebels so perhaps not the peaceful opposition there from made out to be by the west that only seems to look one way this notion that the u.s. is now part of the pro-democracy receipt regime is ridiculous they are jumping on the barrel where again is an opportunity to create this deceptive appearance while
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at the same time there's a priority in the dictatorships that are aligned with them and the united nations and it's part of their empire russia and china vetoed a u.n. resolution for syria seeing through it as a potential cover for another libyan style intervention so they may not be any oil this time but there's always an ulterior motive our partners in the u.n. security council do not rule out a replay of the libyan scenario although they said more than once that they clearly understood syria is very different to libya russia will continue resisting in terms to legitimize unilateral sanctions through the u.n. security council that aim to overthrow political regimes the u.s. was not created for that purpose the vetoes are followed by security council walkout from america over remarks during the syrian envoy speech. but the u.s. promised to be back with another resolution and on down to more dramatic evidence to drive the point home on the bennett scene. and later in the program a report of how the ongoing the been fighting is affecting the lives of civilians
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there as interim government forces edged closer to a symbolic triumph in the battle for cannot conduct his home town of summer as well as cost but it's one of the human cost of the so-called liberation often goes unnoticed in the media. the u.s. led war in afghanistan and as decade two with the white house promising a complete pullout of troops by twenty fourteen report for the base of the country however which would just rather he opted. out of introductions have been taking place in poland with results expected late on monday as a call suggests that the pro e.u. party headed by prime minister is leading with around forty percent of the votes ahead of his opponent here also kaczynski is conservatives isolated to have thirty percent our correspondent look at that. we received the exit poll results suggest that the party of the current prime minister belittles the civic platform party has managed to gone up almost forty percent of the votes something about thirty nine
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percent of the votes with his main competitor the twin brother of the late polish president lech kaczynski and also his party the lone justice party has managed to draw on something about thirty percent of the vote this is certainly a victory for the macos he has not a single party can hold a majority in parliament he will have to form a coalition with other parties to be able to form the new government but certainly no asterisk of any doubts about the fact that's going to school be able to garner another a coalition and be able to take his government for a second spell in the power circles in poland and this in fact will become the first time since the communist regime and this is the communist times in poland that the party somebody has managed to stay at power for a second spell in a row and in fact this comes as little surprise to many political experts this result has been pretty much predictable because the polls have been very much happy
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with the way the government has been running the country for the last four years according to all the stories and opinion polls every have been with the fact that poll has managed to survive the global recession the era in the polish power circles signified the warm spell in the russian post away since in particular after this moulins tragedy when the country lost most of its political elite along with the country's president we've seen so much understanding between its country so much consensus and this many aspers credit mr mr both those for the strengthening ties between moscow and warsaw canon french he does have agreed on measures to save european banks that's amazing that lynn chancellor merkel and president sarkozy declared they were united in plans for recapitalize a. no interest in more cash into aging banks saying an iconic can be prosperous without stable and reliable financial institutions greek default has intensified
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fears about the sec so you to exposure to the country's massive debt and how to raise a problem was that greece last post cancer face total collapse these stock prices up to asses admitted failing to reduce the huge deficit to levels previously agreed in pledges of bailouts despite approving a deeply and cannot austerity program as often as correspondent. and we greet the needs of the electorate to satisfy the demands of. anger in our syntagma square once again varying witness ok clashes between riot police here is protesters. and the french is really been writing as the police moved in to clear the crowds some shocking scenes but one point the police seem chasing protesters into the next train station many others hit and kicks by they supposed to be keeping control of
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the block but the message being sent by the government is one of repression and fear. seems like there's a very serious questions about the level of force being used. prior is a forty three year old journalist who's reported from many conflict zones but it was in his own country where he sustained his worst injury. i just remember thinking this is really happening including us i took shelter in an enclosure just wasn't from one policeman who i think was a commander asked in a very rude way taking pictures i told him i was a journalist but he gave an order and i had one of the flash burns to me these are some pictures i took. the place he'd taken shelter amplify the sound of the flash bang causing always total darkness injury which is cause his job. after the attack i won't call it an accident it was an attack like a small hero. investigation was launched into the incident but progress has been slow
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a finalist tells the countless cases both against heavy handed police tactics and need to report any kind of results we witness for ourselves the lack of discrimination when the police lash out when journalists flung with his camera to the ground the rise in the level of aggression seen by the police and the more extreme groups of protesters is causing serious concern with the government continuing to implement severe austerity measures in a bid to receive further cash pensions look sets to keep escalating. and fast and. to explain. the first reaction. from the. president. of the. impact of the financial crisis has been played out play by play on some tightness where there are now fears that the
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financial crisis turn into an economic recession could bring the entire usa not just the greek people to their knees surface r.t. . and good investment advisor patrick young says that european leaders have been to slowing tightening the greek crisis leading the close economic disaster. the european union are trying to dig fiscal control of greece because they think that's the only way they can actually control the crisis essentially what is being fought at the moment is a battle for the sovereignty of greece the european union is too slow in going there's too little leadership and there is a pig headed intransigence particularly amongst the finance ministers but they're specially amongst the leaders of the european union asians in terms of understanding that they needed to move a lot faster on this crisis they still need to move much faster and ultimately china is rolling out because greece is leading the contagion that is going to kill
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the euro by the end of the year if we don't seem to unwrap production realistically that action means that greece needs to leave the euro because the problem is we cannot leave citizens of the european union just starve to death because it suits the troika of international lenders this week the u.s. led war in afghanistan past ten year mark with nato troops nowhere close to the freezing the taliban. country of twenty days and the reports evidence of the ground suggests there's no rush to. if the united states is drawing its troops from afghanistan why is its largest base getting bigger with us led forces over and tell about at least two thousand one bug a mere field is little more than a flight telling the correct world way since then the former soviet base in the plains north of the afghan capital has grown into a small city it's up to over twenty five thousand full time personnel fleets of
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military cargo aircraft and enough equals to cause traffic jams it's an expansion is no the way it is by scores of contractors u.s. military engineers are constructing new housing and storage facilities to make room for even more bidding war where after sending an extra thirty thousand troops to afghanistan last year president obama started bringing it home this summer but with afghan forces struggling to stand alone it's likely that less will even planned and bases like this one are going to shrink in time since. at least there are plenty of home comforts for soldiers staying on for tell a few long deployments they can shop for everything from flat screen t.v.'s to fine jewelry enjoy a cappuccino or grab some take advantage of franchise and if they're tired of working out of the gym and free to go to the salon for a haircut and massage although some officials have tried to limit such amenities calling them a distraction from the war the troops are happy to have to leave your steamy. your
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choice leave the line of thought that it is. the right. local afghan merchants are also glad to have the extra business both inside and outside the wire without the agreement a soldier's my business would be nothing we like having them here but not everyone agrees diddly taliban rocket attacks are on the rise and as the base becomes more and more crowded and threats of those living inside multiplies no matter how high it's walls become every rock it's a close call when you this can just get just what you quitman personnel it's all into one tight spot get close it's going to destroy something or someone. i'm a beautiful girl at times and. gismo clerk in borg. and he was sentiment is also growing in britain he wishes be a second largest military contributor to the war in afghanistan and london has travelled a square big crowds marks a target of us three where they declined to get out now message.
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will start it up. if. he. only been now and he is fighting continues and cannot adapt his hometown of sirte interim government forces claim they've seized the main base of loyalists and the ousted leader convention center and hospital as one of the biggest yet with only beds natural position a council saying only declare liberation of the country and start moving toward democracy while the city's captured thousands have been a feeling of violence that they have been many seven is casualties and asia times correspondent i've asked about believes that in focusing on the battle mainstream media is ignoring the height because the only coverage that they actually see in western mainstream media corporate media is about the advances of the so-called
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true revolutionary forces this is not a resolution this is a civil war which was kind of dull to close by to me took hours in the us so in terms of this is really about to lucius it is a city but there are more than a hundred thousand living in the city if the gentiles are all that's not twenty thousand they're still in the disability population still there if you were gone by nato made a bomb at least half of the city including what they said was scattering installations all across town this is the cluster vol the suit piece responsibility to protect was theoretically the research or maybe those who made each area an intervention in libya so if the good guys are being attacked like other fish forces are to be up lax but if the bad guys are ensconced in seriously sure is it's hard to be does not apply so in terms of a proper sit you know this beats anything else in the market to pounce
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noncontroversial chance as a history text but it's used in schools there have been subjected to a revision as with critics at political correctness and the new has gone live. has been. what's left of center of the docket as a stream. twenty pages on the history of black slavery and just six on the time of napoleon shown here sitting on the toilet france's new history school books are in region parents and teachers who call it political correctness gone mad this author's bestseller on the banned because of front of boylan's ahead. if we didn't teach our own minorities the history of their adopted country they don't feel french we are already seeing riots in our streets the crusades the called insulting to muslims the thunking louis the fourteenth to imperial and napoleon's walked as the colonel gadhafi of his day focus is now on
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the previously little known king came kumu thought of thirteenth century with africa. the purge even extends to grow it is the world including les miserables all the victor hugo france is already breaking up thanks professor casale because it's young people have no sense of identity parents are concerned but we have this dead even the worth of our history because you can't understand that what happened for politics now in france you cannot understand the history. you want to understand and to avoid properly legal action seen as the only way to stop the removal of national history. schools now give ten percent of their share the old to the medieval african moline point i studied it and what exactly is it contribution to world development. thousands of signed the petition of the french revolution lessons were replaced by the african kingdom of modern multiple which many say
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they've never heard of the ministry of education refused to be interviewed but gave us this statement. we're changing the school curriculum to reflect a globalised nation not a matter past being taught because it's important to have a view on other world cultures such as egypt china and india the new european parliament reports back to compulsory school lessons on the benefits of the e.u. from quote a very young age critics want kids are learning less and less about their own country states which stop teaching their polls they say consign them selves to history. then you will sure altie paris. there was r.c.s. ahead for you this hour our interview with a political and cross advisor of the syrian president before the top about five hundred of the top stories.
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until some of your champions the case is going to get boring to the status of the human experiment to get it splitting with us if we pursue a prognosis of this rap music what it knows obviously trying to make sense of the economy and it's on changelings us financial template these are the resist rambling to maintain our confidence in markets and taking on the critics wants to be seen trade imbalances recession few missions close to collapse the a subprime loan foreclosed homes. to fail so we played this again feelable i think is us crash and imminent smashed it seems to me is it likely got it from the clutches in athens greece the i.m.f. the world strikes me on just programs in greece. that's one economist. oh. we'll.
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