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tv   [untitled]    October 10, 2011 10:01am-10:31am EDT

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by from our headquarters in central moscow you're watching r t with me and he said now it's six pm here in the russian capital our top story religious tensions in egypt that intensified following the fall of mubarak have now grown into full scale riots over twenty people were killed and hundreds injured as clashes erupted between coptic christians and security forces in cairo what began as a peaceful rally calling for justice over attacks on christian churches by muslim extremists quickly turned into the most violent episodes in february's revolution military vehicles were clearly seen charging through crowds as you can see here in plowing into people the army infantry fired rubber bullets and tear gas it's still unclear who sparked the fatal fim the state owned media place blame with the christian protest the editor in chief of the country's only christian newspaper
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says the new regime is reluctant to address their concerns in fear of a majority islam make backlash. militant islam is free to churches and to at their property and to loot the combs. scape with what they do move by the is that is the goal the president of the just i'm sorry to say that what we are soon saying is that evolution is a set in the situation but on the same die and it's growing worse and worse because all islamist factions including those in the subset treat the reaction and the behavior of the government to the security of this in front of militant islamists is extremely reluctant to enforce the rule of law over. danger to sit. do these factions when they go among to his trade
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to confront. continuously used by these islamists to balloons if i may say to the strength of the region. it is blogger karl sorrow says blaming the coptic christians for the violence is hypocritical of the country's military rulers this is a very cynical attempt by the defacto rulers of the country the military to portray a. minority of the population and religious minority as troublemakers when in fact all they're doing are trying to seek some justice over institutionalized discrimination that's the. residue from them time of what barak and his policies so this is absolutely cynical kind of the way it's covered by the military council and
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its media let's look at what the background that we're looking at here in egypt because some people got carried away after mubarak stepped down and declared their evolution over in fact what we are facing is a popular uprising that was a poor aborted by a military coup leaving pretty much a political and security vacuum in place and that's the context for what's happening in egypt. all the kind of sides involved from the emerging secular parties to the more established parties to the military to the civil administration to administration don't seem to have enough authority to control the emergence to ation in egypt so that void within that vacuum anything is possible at the moment. we're always keen to know what you think about our stories today we're asking you why violence erupted in egypt just eight months after the uprising toppled the country's leaders but about forty percent of you are sure that will soon see
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a regime far worse than that of hosni mubarak well about a fifth a point to a sectarian rift as the main reason for the violence the role the rest of you are split between two options whether egypt's enemies from overseas or instigating the clashes or the february revolution is simply not over yet. for the first time ever a polish prime minister looks set to clinch a second term in office with more than ninety percent of the votes counted donald to specific platform party has a strong lead in sunday's parliamentary election two has presided over four years of economic growth and warming relations with russia are g.'s correspondent in eastern europe. is following the count. from what we've see so far there will be no surprise this as to who is going to win the election in poland the exit poll results which were published straight after the polling stations were closed on sunday night suggested that prime minister party the civic platform will garner
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around forty percent of the votes with their main competitors the party of the twin brother of the fall of the late polish president lech kaczynski it also will garner around thirty percent with all the votes counted so far these results seem to be proving rather accurate this will not be the straight victory for don't know if he will still have to form a coalition with other parties in order for his party to have the second spell of power in a role but few experts have any doubts that the prime minister would be able to form a coalition with several other parties and take a second spell at power in poland this in fact is could be proved to be a very historic move because since nine hundred eighty nine polls have been changing their government and the ruling party every single four years with every election this it'll be the first time since one thousand nine that the same party has been reelected and the same prime minister will state power for another four
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years this is not a surprise to many experts as there have been many surveys and many polls suggesting that poles have been very happy with their government with the way poland handled the global recession and this is probably one of the main factors why the poles have been voting for the prime minister spot even despite that the voter turnout has been rather low for traditionally politically active poland the era of power for the last four years have signified much improving relations between poland and russia in particular after the tragic smolensk crash which killed most of the country's political elite along with the country's president we are expecting that should he be confirmed as the country's prime minister for the second spell that we expect that he would not change his. foreign policy and the relations with russia will stay on the same level. still ahead in the program here on r t blame game america pakistan of terrorist fears that the u.s.
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may now lose a major ally in the so-called war on terror. thanks for saying chances are very high to me p.f.c. over there in the cave unless you're a shelter or at least discover some traces of things so let's go there. we set out on a quest to find the legendary daddy in the mysterious mountainous forests of siberia . russia could soon come to the rescue of debt ridden e.u. economies the helping hand was extended by a presidential aide however the details of the plan will be discussed only after europe comes up with a clear and crisis strategy artie's time barton reports. this news comes from the presidential economic aide who said there have been meetings recently focusing primarily on spain in those meetings raised the possibility of russia being able to buy some of spain's debt and so provide extra help for the debt
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crisis he also said that of the brics countries brazil russia india china and south africa could try and help economically with the use economic woes but there is a big but it relies on the e.u. coming up with a clear plan to try and contain the debt crisis that is currently sweeping across the eurozone we all know about the problems in greece italy and spain as credit ratings have recently been downgraded again raising fears of major debt problems there so russia says it's true it's too early at the moment to talk about any concrete plans to stop buying up spanish debt we want to see a unanimous first. grazer mays the epicenter of the debt crisis with international creditors still want sure about handing athens another cash injection well in meantime a new survey suggests the debt burden is literally killing greeks pushing them to drug dependence and even suicide and the economic crunch is likely to take its toll
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on citizens of other european states as artie's daniel bussell expects. a new motion in the european parliament to claim the homelessness can be ended in the e.u. by twenty fifteen but those on the front line helping people living on the streets say this is fantasy with the numbers without a roof over their heads with the e.u. itself about to stop a scheme providing free meals things are expected to get even worse. the european union's ending its food aid program which feeds millions every year yet more people than ever a coming through our doors. protesters are angry that spending cuts target the poor but they're also furious saying they're being loyd to with elections next april the sarkozy administration claims poverty on his watch has dropped below fourteen percent charities on the ground see the
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real figures hoyer and roy's inforced claim mean that one in seven french people now live below the poverty line with states will stare at the moon is being blamed for this soup kitchen else like paris social work to save the shocked by how many now call this their only meal the most common reason given is government cuts to social spending with job seekers being squeezed out of social security the face of europe's homeless is getting even younger would sell you we've got many young able bodied people coming to us for the first time with the end of e.u. funding we just can't feed them anymore. it. pulls multi even good economics the promise of treating health and crime problems linked with the streets full way will tip was saved by. france's four main charities a warning of a humanitarian crisis as homeless numbers spiral out of control in the power of the
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world meanwhile e.u. chiefs congratulate themselves the homelessness is coming to an end don't you bush you all to head to our web site r.t. dot com for more on all our top stories also online right now the american auto inspired by the arab spring wall street campaigners striving to curb corporations abuse of power refuse to leave their accounts of the wave of discontent spreading across the country. and ground to air the new york city mayor gives his police force a new weapon to fire at suspicious aircraft as part of a fresh as part of fresh anti terror measures to find out more details on our website dot com. a virus has infiltrated u.s.
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military computer systems responsible for drone operations in afghanistan and other international conflict zones so far all attempts by the military to remove the bug have been unsuccessful for more insight into the issue and what dangers this virus poses let's talk to surrogate novick of who's the head of research the research center. mr noble cause what can this virus actually do to american drones can it interfere with their operations or is it simply recording information about their tasks. you know this is what we can say about this incident this is stuff in law the target of attack this is like a simple trojan would be not work of this military military and so the problem is we don't want to say that this is like a target that specific attack for a u.s. military this is like a simple. but it was in fact. using
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distributing remote devices remote hard drives removable devices whatever but definitely it's not that serious like the like a lot of us makers are trying to make it where does this virus come from could it have been put in the program intentionally. you know this is like him our which distributes you things like executable like a removeable. drives or hard drives or smartphones whatever so the the it is like like imagine the whole network the infrastructure the huge network of different different different computers and the any person and you employ this huge network like you do to military or any anybody else comes with the word remove all hard drive of the device into a good. computer and hard drive was in fact that by any kind of trade journal or
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a warm or any other mail were. distributing inside the nothing so this is not a specific target for u.s. military but this is like a simple very common very generic. trojan which we see a lot of in the. what happens if the virus cannot be removed especially considering all attempts to do so have failed so far. yeah that's that's a difficult question what would recommend. some of the for example in you know for summers of trying to do conflict the network it's quite important firstly to switch off. source like channel like internet or. not words so like. the cables from a every computer and then starting watching every machine so first it will batching your software is the most important thing without any connection from old site
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after porches are writhing in these infecting every machine. you have a chance to. i don't know to not to prove a gave the epidemic that's important thing and if you're using such kind of for removal devices like use be sticks or removable hard drives it's important to cancel two years of for be it for any you use this kind of devices that's important thing right again over government head of the research center at thanks for your and. thank you very much thank you by the way. pakistan have arrested a dozen al qaeda links suspects that follows increasing pressure from the us which accuse the country of sheltering terrorists and while officially the to see eye to eye on many issues some in washington are ready to support action against islam but that's going to count now reports. the drums of war beating loud and clear
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washington calls pakistan a safe haven for terrorists we cannot have nice coming across the border attacking our forces attacking afghanistan afghanistan he said and then disappearing back into a safe haven. economy network for one acts as a veritable arm of pakistan's internal services intelligence agency pakistan is furious over the accusations calling them unsubstantiated and saying that washington came very close to losing a major ally in its war on terror if you talk about links i'm quite sure c.e.o. it says things of many terrorist organizations around the world which by which we mean intelligence things over the last ten years pakistan has repeatedly compromised its own sovereignty to help the americans in their operations the us while chasing down suspected terrorists has been bombing pakistan with drones on a regular basis the strikes have killed thousands of civilians use of going to x.
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is not against our sovereignty it's also counterproductive it's the people of the two want to been friends in this by dickins terrorism after the latest threats from washington fearing an even tougher assault thousands of pakistanis angrily rallied to say enough is enough for these people the us is a hostile power it's china that they see is a friend in the americans in this one instance have hen and it over a major hearts and minds victory to the chinese in pakistan in spring china officially notified washington that any attack on pakistan will be seen as an act of aggression against beijing the pakistani prime minister praised his country's relations with china calling them quote higher than mountains deeper than oceans stronger than steel and sweeter than honey washington on the other hand seems to have mastered the art of alienating friends with pakistan. taking america's accusations that they support terrorists as
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a way to shift the blame for the failure of u.s. policies on pakistan but the blame game may blow up into full scale aggression the experts believe that we need to elevate our response they will have a lot of bipartisan support on capitol hill u.s. lawmakers have already signaled that if there is the will for tough action against pakistan they'll support it and when washington says the words safe haven for terrorists that's what you expect tough action and if it does happen pakistan could be the new afghanistan but with china as a friend and nuclear bombs at hand sounds like a deadly combination for the united states i'm going to check out reporting from washington our team. well next hour our g.'s cross talk to bait focuses on what interest the u.s. is pursuing in pakistan. there's a bushel there for we try to get out we try to punish the people who attacked the united states we've done some most of that and there's a lot of arguing for getting out very quickly certainly obama much of the right
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ministry of the republicans want to get out about going to very quickly how many terrorists do you have to kill before you finally say enough's enough i mean the government there been no constraints on the number of people that have been able to be killed ten years of this no constraints drone attacks assassinations of bombings killing of wedding parties at some point isn't it time to say enough enough. unsound and unfounded arousing fear and curiosity in equal measure if evidence of the existence of big foot remains elusive over the hunt for the yeti shows no sign of ending as our notion of took part in a siberian expedition to track down the legend. the yeti also known as big food hall sus court has been exciting scientists and enthusiastic from all the world for more than a century but explorers have never had enough evidence to determine that this
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apparently gigantic creature is more than just a big legend these beautiful mountainous forests in russia siberia are among the few places on earth thought to be roamed by yetis and this is where the scientists from around the globe have come for the largest expedition of its kind since the nineteenth fifties to set out what's never been done before to finally catch the creature. but first we go to get blessing from this lions indigenous inhabitants and the least their spiritual support. shaman a dashed doesn't have any doubts i'm not sure i can tell you that but yes he does exist. encouraged we continue our journey the path goes through impossible tiger fake it in the hunt for the evidence every minor detail becomes important ranch is
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twisted like this is believed to be a key clue to the his existence the scientists say it could not have been done by enema lls as they don't have heads of fingers to do and humans cannot do it this way either as they are just not strong enough the deeper we go into the forest the most so-called markers we come across to the gods in the middle of the virgin tiger forest are also high interest the participants of these expedition are saying it's not just wind falling trees the branches they say could have been put in this way deliberately by someone and now the stroke of luck we meet a local who says he saw a tall man like harry creature nearby explore say chances are very high to meet the yeti over there in the cave and measure a shelter or at least discover some traces of this creature so let's go there. and sure enough the clues emerge there is what seems to be. a toe in the field
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back even suggesting but pretty certainly not a bad the scientists agree while remaining cautious of jumping to conclusions but this is a surface book in which we're tracking it and there's only one interesting line here and certainly if you were right there. on the right. foot playing hopscotch she would like to see a left foot. best the left one has never been discovered and celebrations are put on hold these are the real thing or they're convenient props to make a very good story but i wouldn't be quick to determine which of those two alternatives is true without further. study that will take a while could provide. cost iran proof of the yet is existence but there are plenty here who want to be held in their breath that. even if you bring them snow men dead
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or alive the skeptics will say that's a pathology or a mutation i think this could be explained by an impotent including financial in between soviet get him excited. them bush is expected to have those involved go in in circles and so we see that until concrete evidence is found the discovery of big food remains a big feat. reporting from siberia this is next year in our tea with curry. hello and welcome to our business up at the south thanks for joining me as i've been reporting moscow could contribute to a european debt bailout package this would involve buying up the bonds of troubled
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nation the us laugh list of all the explains why it's in russia's interest to help out. an opportunity to have a. contribution in the stabilization of world finances world economy and especially such a strategic partner as the european union i think there may be also the mercantile interests. relatively high yields some of these bonds it's also one of the ways for russia to for their diversify its reserves because even though the share of the euro within the reserves has gone up in the past several years there is scope for that to continue to unfold given the importance of the euro zone for. overall. that's a look at the markets know all this high as investors bet that fuel demand may increase pledge by european leaders to contain the region's sovereign debt crisis
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light sweet is trading at eighty four dollars a barrel and brant is at one hundred seven dollars per barrel this hour u.s. stocks are rising sharply following gains in europe that's after french and german leaders pledged to devise a plan by early november to support you a paean banks and debt strapped sovereigns the dow jones industrial average rose one hundred seventy six points or one point six percent it's actually trading over two percent at the moment and the nasdaq is up over two and a half percent stocks in europe posting modest gains out to germany and france to present a comprehensive plan to deal with the debt crisis and we kept allies the banks sector and here in moscow six and the r.t.s. the gaining in evening training session the r.t.s. jumped over three percent while the my six is up one point eight percent now let's have a look at some individual shambles in the mindsets this hour ross now says rebound the earlier law says and it's now trading over two per cent nearly two percent in
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the black telecom is also higher the company's close to buying mosco internet provider court t.v. for thirty seven million dollars and truck maker come on is up supported by stronger first half results its net profit rose to two point seven million dollars against twelve million that close last year. swindlers prefer cards to catch up to seventy nine million dollars may disappear from people's plastic and russia by the end of the year the has this account. in the first half of this year russian banks have lost seventy percent more money from illegal credit and debit card operations then in the same period last year and this number is actually very alarming considering that the overall number of operations has increased by just thirty seven percent first those have already stolen over a billion rubles for private bank accounts and the forecast is just to one point four billion more before the end of the year experts say most people here fall victim of skimming
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a method used by criminals to kep today the problem of the medic stripe on the back of a plastic card russian legislation lax measures to effectively fight this stop a crime the maximum punishment for scammers here is two years in prison although often they manage to get away industry experts point out another reason and that is the bank's attempts to save up on transaction safety special keyboard protectors can cost up to fifty dollars per a.t.m. this indeed could make operating a.t.m. chains more expensive the banks very soon might have to reconsider their safety policy as with every faucet hundred ninety dollars per cash machine for a year but the damage to suffer from skimming might soon exceed the cost of additional safety measures. that's all the business is for no but you can always find most stories just log on to our website r.t. dot com slash lists.
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will. remain the latest sign screen technology from the realms. we've gone through to jerk covered. well she's available in hotels for course students want to denote a little old toto keep a publicist it is congress photo east west nova told. fort. bragg assume they say a sloviansk gun in soldier's historical hotels of its culture in the city. schools most. men do as a good up until the strength for this to become the hutto. are
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to you live from moscow these are top stories the deadliest riots since the objection revolution flare up in cairo as religious tensions lead to thousands of deaths and clashes between the country's christians and security forces violence erupted at a peaceful rally against the nazis on christian churches by muslim extremists. poland's prime minister donald looks set to get a second term in office with his party leading in sunday's parliamentary election first term was characterized by warming relations with russia. and russia says along with other brics countries that it's ready to help the debt burden the e.u. find a way out of financial turmoil that's is growing poverty in european countries spirals out of control few to cuts in social.


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