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tv   [untitled]    October 10, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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but can they learn a show or get the real headlines with none of them or see where you live in washington d.c. now it's not going to continue our coverage of occupy wall street movement spreading across the u.s. they've now got the attention of the media and of politicians so what are they going to do with it when the october twentieth eleven organizers are going to join us to talk about the next steps and turning occupying into legislative action also the longer occupy wall street goes on the more we see the right wing attack it a lot of people drawing comparisons to the one nine hundred sixty s. so what is that say about the g.o.p. and its picking and choosing of populism then is minority report the movie becoming
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real life and internal document from the department homeland security has emerged revealing more details on its crime predicting program seen as declan mccullagh is going to give us all the dirt on how all that for you tonight and more putting it doesn't happy hour but first take a look at the mainstream media has decided to me. now when i started getting the mainstream media channels this morning to take a look at what they were devoting their precious resources and airtime to there is one story that really stuck out to me and i'm obviously going to give you my reasons in just a minute but first take a look at this clip think for yourself if you can pinpoint just what's so wrong with it. and the u.s. military is working to track down the source of a computer virus that infected a group of computers with top secret information american air force pilots from half a world away are able to control drones that are not only surveilling but actually attacking targets a virus has infected the computer systems that operate the military's unmanned
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drone aircraft used on missions in afghanistan and elsewhere those computers control the unmanned drones that the military uses to spy on and attack terror targets a broad. that's right ladies and gentlemen our drone controlling computers are sick and m.s.n. b.c. is really really concerned about them those poor little computers i wonder if they have their mommy to take care of them i also really start thinking sky i hope we have something going to stay in the movies right now my point here is that i just find it so interesting the m s n b c decided to make this top news and devote so much time to it especially considering the big nor use of drones the rest of the time unless it's to say something positive yes the fact we have drone technology is cool but it's what we do with those drones that needs a good look at that not the people of pakistan yemen or somalia how they feel about that the family members friends neighbors of innocent civilians who get caught in the crosshairs and killed by drone strikes it's also not just our military that
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uses drones it's also the cia the cia in fact doesn't even talk about a thrown program they like to pretend like no one knows that it exists but hello people we had a drone just kill an american citizen without any due process whatsoever the other week and when the media was reporting that story was there even a touch of skepticism of analysis any kind of deep thought process that involves asking serious question about the legality of our use of drones around the world treating the planet and other sovereign countries like our personal battlefields and us to other mainstream media channels they don't even report on this virus today they went on pretending the drones don't exist unless they take out the bad guy and i say be feely says acknowledging that. they're not perfect but only because of a computer virus and not because of the fact that we now have made a killing as easy as it is in the video games some guy sits at a desk thousands of miles away and pushes a button these are the discussions that need to be aired publicly should have a forum where legal experts should be put to the top story to talk about how our
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drone technology is fundamentally changing the way the war is conducted and the new moral and ethical questions that are raised because of it but any of that in the mainstream media yeah right that's what they choose to miss. the occupy wall street movement is still going strong the largest numbers in new york and protests in cities across the u.s. gaining steam as so many outlets are reporting that there are over four hundred demonstrations going on in support of this occupy movement all around the country but the bigger the movement gets the more hate we see directed towards it coming from both politicians and the media mostly on the right republican lawmakers who wrote the coattails of the tea party and praised the movement as a way to take back america feel pursuit of reason that this type of populism is different not only is it different it's straight up bad for the country.
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remember. where you're going through. your policy there are. increasingly concerned about the growing mobs occupying wall street and the other cities across that country. and believe it or not some in this town actually condone the pitting of americans against americans. i don't forget g.o.p. candidate mitt romney also called this dangerous class warfare and we've also shown you numerous examples of media mockery perhaps the worst coming from c.n.n.'s erin burnett but then again there's always fox news and think that this grassroots movement is a worthy of all the coverage that it's finally getting just as you see this demonstration and it's getting a lot of coverage that need more than it deserves in the mainstream media but it is an interesting development around the country and i think we're talking about what
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you can make of what's going on here they hate corporations they hate capitalism and in the end ultimately they want state isn't over for the market so they really don't like freedom. and now at this point and even descending into campaign of infiltration a reporter working for the american spectator wrote that he had become a part of the october twenty second movement here in d.c. so he could mock them and he said that he helped instigate a clash with police in front of the air and space museum earlier this week and. now i guess it makes sense of those in power would hear a protest fear any kind of change but if the other partisans out there realize what they're doing trying to discuss it is james the bottom line and reform school on
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p.t.v. came to thank you so much for joining us and i and just played a number of clips there for starters i mean what's your take on all of the negativity the the dirty hippies we hate them and they hate america and they even hate freedom. well there's some of that when you're going to have a protest that center of gravity is to the left of center you're going to attract a certain element that can easily be criticized and i think recently criticized as you know crazy dirty hippie scum but let's be serious here the republicans on this on the right are making a mistake if they view this crowd the wall street crowd as exclusively that sort of person they're good people on the right of center and thank you folks the manhattan institute like the cultural and it's like josh farrow they've taken a serious look at what's going on here their position is nuanced there's a lot more than meets the eye especially if you look at the way the mainstream media is covering it and you know folks at reason and elsewhere have said it's on the ground journalistically and they've done some good reporting so you know i think that given the fringe element that's at work here it's easy to to to cast the
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entire movement in that way but it's not exactly accurate and there's more than meets the eye but don't republicans can't they just look like gigantic hypocrites here i mean right these are same the same people both lawmakers and media personalities that we saw celebrating at the tea party and that was considered patriotism and yet here just because it may not call it what they believe it's no longer patriotic it's somehow demoralizing to ruin the country i disagree with that i'd say the tea party is a different structure and a whole different concept behind it an occupy wall street because i mean you can look at the names you know you've got you've got the occupation. button word there as justifying the movement first the tea party which of course is you know declined by something much different the boston tea party in the early stages the american founding so. you get a bunch of teen. rode in the water we had to really see how that's so much worse
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than the idea of occupying it well i'd say that the occupy wall street thing right now it does look a lot like a mob action culture says it looks like i'm up i say yeah but you know it's a it's sort of all mob and no lynch you've got a big mob of. well there the thing that's important to me to distinguish here is that you know these are folks who are out the street not because of the fierce urgency of what should we do right now but what can we do right now and i think that's where it diverges from what was going on conceptually in the can you can process the tea party where people really were taking to the streets she said lead right not. to say what she and we do right now what kind of change change we can write this not much of what you get if you want what wall street and again i think this is reflective of sort of real life conditions among the typical older educated . aging young person who seems to have no prospects is this attitude of look at all these things that we what are we capable of doing well we can at least come
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together in the street and then once you get there the next question is then what can i think what you're seeing right now is there isn't much money answer and things are starting to head in a not so media friendly direction we know in the meantime everything has been peaceful of course they haven't clashes with police but so you mention of course the story of the death of hating on a cop car there's a picture out there of a protester with the with the pants down you know right up against the cop car and this is what really bothers me and gets me i wonder if you agree with me here i mean at the end of the day the occupy wall street movement the emotions here the frustrations are something that everyone can get behind right it's the fact that we feel like there isn't really a lot of equality in our system when it comes to influencing the political system there's too much money involved and it's only those that have the most money that can actually influence politics at all and so the whole thing as the whole thing is broken democrats and republicans it's both sides and so then why do people resort to covering i don't support can be deafening on a cop car but i also don't think by any means but this defines that entire movement
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and so we see so many people again picking apart on these little stories to try to just paint it as bad rather than finding what's good. well i think that's that's mostly right if there is one way that i think it's legitimate to paint in broad strokes criticism of the wall street movement if it counts as a movement is you know the big catch phrase that's going around us we are the ninety nine percent well if you think that equality is the issue what you really want to say is we are like the ninety nine point nine nine nine percent because the real super elite right the real culture rich that's running around the globe living in its own parallel universe is a tiny nice handful of human beings it's not the one percent it's not this relatively large class of rich people and you know folks on the left keep trying to get americans to believe that the rich are this very large group of people you know if there's a family of two with say god forbid three or four or five kids trying to put them through school they're both wage earners if they're making two hundred thousand
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dollars net income or two hundred fifty thousand dollars gross you know numbers like that lash is trying to say hey those people are rich well and i think that have been afforded takes not in people in her kind of they're living in poverty where there is about a family of four that makes maybe twenty two twenty three thousand dollars a year i would say two hundred thousand dollars is pretty rich. well again relatively speaking more absolute yes but when you're sure when you are doing what i think is legitimate occult science warfare saying these people count as the rich because they're the richest foreign court according to my metric which i invented to fit my my you then when you're going about finding the rich that way we are talking about the rich based on income instead of by net worth which is a whole nother issue then yes you are demagogue and yes you are missing the point i think the point is when you look at where the real divide is in terms of who's got all the money right he's making the real. decisions and it isn't you can tie your
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sliver of the human population in what you do in the ninety nine percent it's a lot smaller i will maybe they have a little bit of their math to get out but you know math or have not figured out but i think that way you're not understanding and where you're wrong is this is something where everybody can get behind it and it's not about pinpointing the rich it's not class warfare it's saying that this democracy is a representing all of us anymore and there are a lot of people that are getting away with certain crimes that are never held accountable for it because they live in this elite bubble where they become literally untouchable james i want to thank you so much for joining us tonight if you. our coverage of occupy wall street continues in just a few minutes the crowd gathered the media's paying attention look next to the movement of that just in the. last number given that we had an apartheid regime right.
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i think proclamations readable and funny well. we're never government says they're going to keep you safe get ready because your freedom. to get up such a story and it seems so silly is that you understand it and they need some something else here's some other part of it and realize that everything is all you don't know i'm sorry blog is a big fish. see . if
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we just put a picture of the meat when i was like nine years old i like to tell the truth. it says and i am a total get of french that i love driving because he is a latin phrase. that he was kind of yesterday. i'm very proud of the role that al jazeera has played. now part of the anger that we're seeing in the occupy wall street protests and in this country in general to the fact that money rules washington legislation is often tailored to suit the highest bidder those important looking at our upcoming
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elections next year and trying to figure out who the big money is coming from and of course who it's going to be for years political action committees have been formed and identified as groups specifically designed to help individuals or groups attain an elected position somebody wants to make a donation to in fact it was limited to no more than five thousand dollars a year however when the supreme court ruled on the citizens united case that monetary limit was lifted and corporations individuals even unions were allowed to give from their treasuries to giant super pacs so that when the rules really changed for political donations and the center for responsive politics determine that for the first half of two thousand and eleven about eighty percent of the existing super pac donations come from just fifty eight donors and it goes to show that a few key people out there are using their money to make sure the person that they want can select it as of now republican groups of race seventeen point six million dollars meanwhile the democrats have raised seven point six million little bit lopsided quite frankly now just in elliott of salon dot com is taking the time to
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investigate who to keep an eye on as we get closer to election day starting with the conservative side which is bringing in the most money we have american crossroads all roads an advisor to this red tinted super pac and it's staffed by former officials from the r n c and the chamber of commerce just to show how significant of a role this back play is a lot of people consider the warm core of the r. and c. itself specially when it comes to controlling the message that sent to americans what is that message oh usually it's something along the lines of obama doesn't know how to handle the economy check out one of the political ads. he seemed to understand us when you wanted to raise taxes in the middle of a recession. the president proposes tax increases one trillion dollars. this isn't obama's and you still. i personally don't believe we'll that was interesting to. see if you continue your ministration you disappointed in your response so who's throwing their money behind
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this group want to check out some of crossroads because funders jerry parent cio has generated two million dollars to the group and here's something interesting perenchio is the c.e.o. of univision robert rawling a billionaire out of dallas who inherited a family oil and has given a million dollars to crossroads this year and yet another texan bob perry has also been a major contributor to crossroads in fact perry has already given five hundred thousand dollars we should also know that he's a good friend of karl rove's probably good indicators through why is a major player for this group or rove has found a solid way to utilize money and spread the conservative message i urge you of course not to forget about the koch brothers their pacs some reported back now reporting on a division between these two funding powerhouses so that's going to be interesting to watch let's take a closer look at another conservative political action committee restore our future might as well be called the we love mitt romney group was formed by several former aides of the g.o.p. presidential candidate and they easily weighed in that gray area as to not get too close to romney's official campaign and like i said they are one hundred percent
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behind romney so they could be sending out messages that explain how america needs a president that can run this country the way a business is handled well blah blah blah blah all the stuff that romney says on a daily basis who's throwing their money behind restore our future remember back in august when a very mysterious donation was made to mitt romney. records obtained by n.b.c. news reveal the million dollar donation by w. span l.l.c. formed back in march by an attorney in boston who specializes in his state tax planning for quote high net worth individuals on july twelfth that same attorney cameron casey dissolved the company which made the donation to restore our future mitt romney's so-called super pac. that questionable donation came from ed a con rat a former executive at romney's old for a paul as your leap is of be f.-f. at another former executive who knows romney and he's also donated a million dollars another million dollar donation comes from utah skincare company co-founder steve lunt who we should note is
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a fellow mormon so as you can imagine are of messages basically whatever message romney is promoting and while they don't buy ads they do have this very simplistic website for you to send your donations to look conservative super pacs are the only ones that are bringing in the seven digit donations for example priorities usa action is the liberal answer to american crossroads founded by former white house administration member bill burton out of former aide to rahm emanuel sean sweeney so picture this group as being the backers for obama for the two thousand and twelve election their message is going to reflect anything that obama campaigned on especially an effort to appeal the devoted democratic voters in the elderly age group think medicare and medicaid so let's take a look at some of their key funders for starters there's dream works animation c.e.o. jeffrey katzenberg he's already given two million dollars for priorities usa and he's been an outspoken critic of extremism from the right wingers in d.c. another hoover a liberal fred a chanter has donated five hundred thousand to priorities usa but it's not just individuals supporting the democratic party the service employees international
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union is also doing five hundred thousand dollars they spent sixty million to help obama take over the oval office in two thousand and eight so i suspect of this donation just the beginning of donations coming from the unions so what is priorities usa vote that's pretty simple i talk to republicans we are america we know right from wrong and we know the president obama for the economy. at its worst the republicans have proposed their konami performs a good return of a plan that would essentially end medicare for future retirees. while giving huge tax breaks to big oil in the world. america this is a tear down the middle. well now they've got a gist of the pacs that are focusing on the presidential election and we just give you one more look at something instead of catered to senate races majority caucus founded this year by former aides of harry aides of harry reid and their main goal is to is actually tea party at this point they're funded by the same service
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employees international union but they've only spent two hundred fifty thousand on that heard so far over majority pac received a major donation from steve being with shangri-la detainment and the mount of two hundred fifty thousand dollars since they're devoted to senate races are going to find them producing material material to back people like claire mccaskill and kent conrad and concentrating on spreading their message on a statewide level but now do you have a preview of the major players that are pulling the strings in these upcoming elections might just give you a better gist of who's really in charge or going to be. well it's now been more than three weeks since occupy wall street began in new york and it seems like the movement is only growing york mayor michael bloomberg said today if the occupiers can stay in zuccotti park indefinitely a lot of people those feeling that he's just waiting for the cold weather to roll it now the. thousand eleven movement is still in freedom plaza despite the fact that their permit expired last night at ten pm they've now to go she added a four month a stench in there and they've got the media's attention now you have the attention
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of the lawmakers what are they going to do with it i love point you have to stop occupy and perhaps start infiltrate here to discuss this with me is maria all line one of the organizers for october twenty seventh and former maryland green party gubernatorial candidate rethink its thank you so much for joining us tonight and i thank you so i'm right there right just got this information right before the show that you have your permit extended for four more months to stay in freedom plaza yes the national park service did offer to extend a permit we are able to keep all of our community tables you know legal etc they did ask us if we would accommodate groups who have already have permits into that for months so that we could share freedom as a with them which we are more than happy to do this is a major victory for us not to be under-estimated the police do not negotiate in this manner with activist groups but i think they're getting the idea that we are the ninety nine percent and they can no longer allow us to be ignored and they can no longer participate in
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a process that really allows us to be ignored we're here we're not going away what do you so see you're going to stay for four months and i'm sure what happens if everybody keeps camping out for four months you know and of course winter is coming if this one's going to be hard line or not but you know what at what point do you have to just say that camping out occupy wall street isn't enough how do you actually bring about some type of change who you know i don't think you are you see analogy of when the wealthy landowners and the seven hundred sixty s. here got together and decided that they had grievances that they wanted to address they didn't know where that was. going to lead and they didn't really exactly know how they were going to achieve what they wanted to achieve they only knew that they had grievances that had that they had to deal with and that they needed fundamental change i use the same analogy for us we know what our grievances are we know what kind of changes we want to see we need to see fundamental changes to our economic and political systems we need to really democratize all of these systems and of course all the issues that we're working on we have fifteen core issues and all of
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those issues fall out from that there are other issues as well that other people will be bringing up but we're going to work on them we're going to propose what we're going to see using evidence based solutions that have been ignored by the politicians because after all they're serving their corporate masters and the one percent of the wealthy elites in this country so tell me a little bit of what you want to see do you want to see the citizens united decision go away to get some of the money out of politics you want legislation you want a new law to be passed or do you think you have to work outside of the current political system i think right now i mean i'm a long time activist the people that if we were organized we're trying to live in movement people who are organized occupy wall street occupy d.c. and all these other occupations this hasn't happened in a vacuum this is happened because people understand that the system doesn't work for us they voted they've lobbied all of the things that we've all done protested wrist aggress whatever it is these things no longer work anymore so i think most
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people do feel that you have to or we're going to have to work outside of the system you know we don't think that you can go to congress and ask them to pass a bill done with that that is no longer an option congress is not able to function so how in the world would they be able to pass a bill that we feel is necessary like single payer medicare for all you know one of our organizers stock market flowers was cut out of that completely at the beginning of the obama. legislation legislative process on health care back in zero nine so you know you don't. have a response of congress you don't have a response of government so for now we are most definitely working outside of the system i think the question is do we want to get rid of the system and replace it with something else or do we believe that it can be radically transformed i don't think we have a question the answer to that question yet you have your own personal answer and i know that you're holding general assemblies at their meetings right you try to find answers but personally what do you think do we need a massive formation of the system
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a revolution maybe i mean how do you actually change the system it's very it's very it runs deep it does run deep and look i've been a candidate for office several times in maryland and in baltimore city i have done a lot of work on utility regulation i've worked on kind of things are ok i don't think the system can be reformed for me personally and i'm not speaking for my brothers and sisters in freedom plaza and freedom square but i don't think the system can be reformed i think that it has to be done away with and that something else must be put in its place i mean let's talk about economics is there anything that you could see that you think should be put in place i mean do you see a better system you know i see. a better economic system i am no longer in favor of capitalism now it took me quite a long time i'm in my fifty's late fifty's took me a long time to get there took me a long time to say that capitalism is inherently the wrong system it's inherently
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unfair i think that what you saw in this country from the end of world war two up until around the early to mid seventy's was actually an anomaly the rise of the middle class the strength of unions that was an anomaly in this country's history this country has always catered to the interests of the wealthy to the interests of corporations it has happened again the middle class is done we are all but destroyed the poor are increasing in numbers and they were ignored they are marginalized and have no voice so i i really believe that the system the capitalism . must be replaced i don't think it can be real or there isn't communism you know no you know i don't like to the isms ok because there's there's such flashpoints for so many people and when you talk about socialism people think you mean communism and of course communism is vastly different karl marx is communism is a vastly different from what you saw in russia and you know in the other countries but no i'm not advocating that i think that the people themselves need to come up i think with what they feel is going to work for them in their communities having
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been an activist locally in baltimore in maryland i know that community based economics work or owned companies you can start with that and go from there i don't think capitalism can be regulated heavily enough to make it a fair system for the majority of people so that's just one example armory i have to wrap it up unfortunately but i want to thank you so much for joining us tonight you know the secret some people would argue that part of the reason we don't have demands the occupy wall street movement doesn't have to man at the moment is because they elect people to come up with the solutions they're just here to tell them that they're angry but you know it seems like there's a lot of questions to be answered as to your answers as to where this is going how it's going to end well and we'll see thank you. now we return we have our monday edition of yours that i read it and i'm predicting crime before it happens army homeland security is develop a program called future attribute screening technology or that i have that called up program where it.


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