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tv   [untitled]    October 10, 2011 10:01pm-10:31pm EDT

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international news live from moscow this is all he with me us about thanks for joining us twenty five people have died and more than three hundred have been hurt in the fierce clashes between captive christians and security forces and rioting in cairo religious tensions between muslims and christians in egypt have intensified since the fall of hosni mubarak in february that began as a peaceful rally calling for justice at that time and christian churches by muslim extremists quickly turned into the most violent episode there february's revolution military vehicles charged through crowds and plowed into people while troops fired rubber bullets and tear gas the army supreme council has called for a swift investigation to the violence the flash the clashes state media blame the christian protesters middle east noble sharon however this time the critical. this is a very cynical attempt by the defacto rulers of the country the military to portray
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a. minority of the population and religious minority has trouble makers when in fact all they're doing are trying to seek some justice and overturn institutionalized discrimination that's the. residue from them time of war barak and his policies so this is absolutely cynical kind of the way it's covered by the military council and its media let's look at what the background that we're looking at here in egypt because some people got carried away after mubarak stepped down and declared their evolution over in fact what we are facing is a popular uprising there was a poor aboard that by a military coup leaving pretty much a political and security vacuum in place and that's the context for what's happening in egypt and all the kind of sides involved from the emerging secular.
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these two of the more established parties to the military to the civil administration president administration don't seem to have enough authority to control the emergence to ation in egypt so that void within that vacuum anything is possible at the moment. following days of heavy fighting traditional government forces claim to have cornered on groups loyal to colonel gadhafi in the center of his home town of sirte where they have been putting up fierce persistence meanwhile the deposed leader himself is believed to be hiding in the desert to the south of the regime claims that resistance has been limited to two neighborhoods an area of about his place that meeting well of a protracted battle is still facing civilians to flee with many fearing possible future atrocities by a former rebels once they capture the city despite claims from interim government forces using only light arms tanks and pickup trucks with heavy weapons were also seen firing and productive positions investigative journalist simon aside told r.t.
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that assault on saturday is hurting civilians not ensuring that liberation. i think what's happening in sirte is really quite shocking i mean if you remove yourself from saying i support one side or support the other side what we're seeing is a full scale assault on. you know very densely populated area in which civilians are paying a very very heavy price now the reason why this is important is because the whole of a basis on which nato imposed a no fly zone at the beginning of this conflict was precisely to defend the civilians against a military attack so now we have if you like the allies of nato doing what their enemies were doing a few months ago and you have to begin to ask where is nato now why is nato not saying these are civilians under attack by a military force we have to stop we have to stop this attack and i think what we're beginning to see is if you like is that on a reemergence of the double standards what's happening in libya now is going to be
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a war crime the attack it is a war crime and i think it has to stop immediately has to be negotiation they have to be allowed to surrender but more importantly i think if they don't surrender then you put the city under siege allow the civilians to flee and they're not and they're not doing this. clashes continue in syria where opposition supporters out falling in the with steps of egyptian revolutionaries so don't tell website to find out how russia is trying to help find a way to end the conflict our reporter on the told the b.b.c. were in opposition in moscow at all to dot com. it's television all street about the movement of people who say their lives have been ruined by bankers big business and the government is spreading across the u.s. and beyond over a thousand people have taken to the streets of los angeles in solidarity with the occupy wall street absolutes in new york but i won't believe the story from the late.
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protesters took over a bank of america branch in los angeles and were willing to get arrested in order to send a clear message to wall street he was to say that if they get you know no money from the land and we. want to have a thousand people have taken to the streets of los angeles now this movement a group of people from occupy los angeles in solidarity with occupy wall street and we have here people who have just been foreclosed on plenty of police here in force in order to keep this crowd in check the anti-corporate mobilizations which started in new york are spreading and now some of the most affected by the nation's economic crisis are joining in rose goodell received an eviction notice after falling behind on her mortgage payments i was working and i was told that i was i have nothing to do you know what i am going on that i also know in my pay she
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believes that this type of political action will bring results they've been really governing a lot of what i might just take it and there has to be that and i think this that and that just the way from struggling homeowners to the unemployed people of all walks of life are becoming in bold and by the recent street demonstrations we had to go. some idea of due to the economy. that the basque javier side of me and used to work at an auto parts plant he's part of the four point five million people who have been unemployed for more than a year now this father of two is struggling to hold on to his home diverse groups have made up the mobilization in cities across america in recent weeks as more people become inspired to vent their frustration with our financial and. political institutions.
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there's still uncertainty about whether these protests will cause direct change or whether other self interests will try to capitalize on the popularity but it appears that the financial state of the nation has helped motivate americans to take democracy to the streets. this is. los angeles ramon good window art. and there have been ballots today in washington d.c. author and activist david swanson who was among those demonstrating in the u.s. capitol told me that congressman should get ready for more protests we got here to washington on october sixth and congress left town and they get back on tuesday and so tuesday morning is when we really begin to bring our grievances to our government so we're just getting ready to get started and we have no intention of
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going anywhere anytime soon when we marched through the streets of this city and i've heard stories from other cities people who join in the march we shout where the ninety nine percent and so are you and they cheer and they join in and we applaud them people honk their horns not in anger at the traffic jam but in solidarity we're beginning to realize that it's not our personal problems in our household but that everybody shares these problems when c.n.n. demands our leader i'm reminded of the u.s. army demanding a chief from american indians who didn't have one we don't need that we don't need that imposed on us we're working to avoid having a leader people who saw a politician like barack obama as a leader are very disillusioned right now and that's good they've got it right we don't need a leader we need an agenda and we have. aussies correspondents will make sure you can get all the latest details around the clock and to follow what they're seeing right as it happens check out out twitter streams that are underscore calm and also
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aussie underscore america in one of the latest tweets and he's losing confidence says people are marching in the direction of the bail is but one voice wall street chanting a retake on the streets was a find out the latest on the protests as party underscore called. russia is ready to give a helping hand to the debt stricken eurozone according to presidential aide arkady to a call bitch and he also said moscow is ready in principle to considering buying spanish dad bonds but only one eurozone leaders develop a concrete and clear strategy to exit the crisis after which the brics group of nations could also help if required and an e.u. economic crisis summit has been delayed by a week to allow more time for strategy to we worked out o.t. as tom barton has the details. well this news comes from the presidential economic aide who said there have been meetings recently focusing primarily on spain in those meetings a raise the possibility of russia being able to buy some of spain's debt and so
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provide extra help for the e.u.'s debt crisis he also said that of the brics countries brazil russia india china and south africa could try and help economically with the u.s economic woes but there is a big but it relies on the e.u. coming up with a clear plan to try and contain the debt crisis that is currently sweeping across the eurozone we all know about the problems in greece italy and spain as credit ratings have recently been downgraded again raising fears of major debt problems there so russia says it's too it's too early at the moment to talk about any concrete plans to start buying up spanish debt we want to see a unanimous plan first. greece remains epicenter of the debt crisis that international creditors still finalizing talks on whether to hand athens another cash injection as a lifeline bailout dr richard wellings from the institute of economic affairs says
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that quick fixes such as a bailout will only make the situation was and make ordinary citizens pay for the crisis. eventually if the balance current going up and up is lighter in the mind even the most powerful economies in europe such as france and germany so basically i don't think this is the answer politicians and bureaucrats make their main priority is to avoid taking the blame so what they're doing is taking the can down the road i do think german public opinion is hardly and of course german taxpayers or german so that the people who the real victims of these these quick fixes when the european central bank prints money to to make an official buy a license in italy as it has and of course people will savings in your eyes they're the ones that suffer from but. the problem is that german taxpayers are going to be on the whole not just greece but potentially all the other southern european countries so really the only long term solution is an orderly dissolution of the eurozone probably starting with greece. meanwhile another failed european bank is
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being bailed out with dexia bank getting four billion euros from the belgian government which is to take it out of france and luxembourg to join the brussels government in providing guarantees of ninety billion euros to write the bank's liabilities the european central bank refuses to allow any banks fail in the eurozone it stands forcing taxpayers to pick up the bill for institutions which are insolvent france and belgium became part owners of the bank in two thousand and eight providing it with more than fifty billion euros of a bailout that more international news in brief right now. after a year of stalemate there are increasing hopes of resumption of israeli palestinian talks responding to international calls to meet in the coming days a senior israeli official said that the country is ready to be flexible as long as its security is a tact listing the leader mahmoud abbas said in colombia that he was willing to restart talks with israel at any moment towards
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a stalemate and allowing for them to exist at two neighboring state a major obstacle however remains over. israel's refusal to freeze the building of new jersey settlements a keep it in demand. the u. mediating kosovo said dialogue was set to meet kosovo representatives after holding talks with officials in belgrade robert cooper is helping to raise human exchange between the sides that had a grant to halt following a violent incident because about seven border last month at least eleven people were wounded after ethnic serbs clashed with nato peacekeepers who are trying to disperse protesters against kosovo's attempts to take over two border crossings. mexico's west coast nervously awaits their wives all on land of hurricane with torrential rain and here's a winds of over two hundred kilometers per hour because to say a large beach resort a barrier day another dad could be hit with many hotel residents fleeing for safety
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checks in authorities have declared a hurricane warning alone one hundred sixty kilometers of coast with a tropical storm alert in paul's farther south the u.s. national hurricane center in miami says job will strengthen to a category two or the four if it's low. right now and found and founded rising fear and curiosity in equal measure evidence of the existence of big food remains elusive however the hunt for the yet it shows no sign of ending as autism or if you notion of took part in a siberian expedition to track down the legend. the yeti also known as big food snowman hole sus quote has been exciting scientists and enthusiasts from all the world for more than a century but explorers have never had enough evidence to determine that this apparently gigantic creature is more than just a big legend these beautiful mountainous forests in russia siberia are among the few places on earth thought to be roamed by yetis and this is where the scientists
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from around the globe have come for the largest expedition of its kind since the nineteenth fifties to set out what's never been done before to finally catch the creature. but first we go to get blessing from baselines indigenous inhabitants and the list their spiritual support. shaman and dashed doesn't have any doubts i'm not sure i can tell you that but yes he does exist encouraged we continue our journey the path goes through impassable tiger fake it in the hunt for the evidence every minor detail becomes important ranch is twisted like this is believed to be a key clue to the his existence the scientists say it could not have been done by enemies as they don't have hair and or fingers to do and humans cannot do it this
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way either as they are just not strong enough to do for we go into the forest to more so cold markers we come across to the guards in the middle of a virgin tiger forest are also high interest the participants of the expedition are saying it's not just wind falling trees the branches they say could have been put in this way deliberately by someone and the other stroke of luck we meet a local who says he saw a tall man like harry creature a nearby explorer saying. there's a very high to me yet over there in the cave in mr shelter or at least discover some traces of these critters so let's go there. and sure enough the clues emerge there is what seems to be needed in the told me feel like you believe this is just for the pretty certainly not a bad the scientists agree while remaining cautious of jumping to conclusions but
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this is a beautiful surface for the future for tracking and there's only one interesting mind you i'm certain of that you were right there. to the right. bigfoot playing hopscotch sure would like to see a left foot. best the left one has never been discovered and celebrations are put on hold these are the real thing or they're convenient props to make a very new story but i wouldn't be quick to determine which of those two alternatives is the truth without further. the study that'll take a while could provide cost iran proof of the yet is existence but there are plenty here who want to be held in their breath that. even if you bring them snow men dead or alive the skeptics will say that's a pathology or a mutation i think this could be explained by an impotent including financial in-between soviet get him excited. them bitches expedition seems to have those
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involved going in circles and so it seems that until concrete evidence is found the discovery of big food remains a big feet. reported from siberia. in just a few moments his interview with a savage deputy prime minister it said gives the view from belgrade and they just kate bush has written ok about it again and kosovo.
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is but in the us there but thank you for joining us today mr dutch h. how do the recent events in the north of course of our characterize the plans of course a month or a tease to return the so-called independence of the region. so to the latest events in the north of serbia show two facts first that that push dina is about to set up customs around what they think is the independent state of kosovo on the other hand they show that there are international unions and a whole number of states that approve pristine is intentions we're facing a situation here when international forces deployed in kosovo in fact serve pristine is needs rather than maintain a neutral position this is why serbia opposes this attempt to introduce a customs and administrative line on the border with serbia serbia is all for
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dialogue and for negotiations i think that kosovo is only making matters worse by addressing other states when i've said many times that serbia is all for a peaceful resolution of the arguments around kosovo so. also has to take care of its people living in calls about what nobody can expect or demand of serbia for any goal even to join the e.u. the state that it is not interested in or that it has no interests in kosovo this is why i said be a demanded a session of the un security council a demand backed by russia but the security council was unable to take a decision it was jus to the resistance of western states who think that the cost of a case is closed kosovo proclaimed its independence unilaterally those countries agreed with its in now what they think there's nothing more to talk about well i think there is there is still room for negotiation and old resolutions must be fanned.
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and if it would a decisive serbin stance leads to another surge of violence against serbian population of course of all ultimately increasing the flow of serbian refugees from kosovo is course but with. over two hundred thousand moved to serbia from kosovo fleeing nato air raids and the subsequent deployment of nato and k. four forces at the moment there are some two hundred thousand serbs there and it's crucial for serbia it is a key national interest that they stay in kosovo of course serbia has its red lines that it will never allow pristina to cross for example to use force against its people that which would spur a new wave of conflict and lead to more ethnic cleansing and more refugees serbia has made it known to the international community that his patients cannot be tried with attacks against serbia and the kosovo serbs according to the security council said be in place and the serbian army may not be stationed in kosovo on the other
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hand serves a constantly being oppressed which may lead to a new wave of ethnic cleansing that's it is very important that peace remains and sincere dialogue continues we need to find a way out of the situation where on the one hand there are countries. that acknowledge the one sided proclamation of independence and on the other hand there is serbia which does not recognize the push diena an initiative with full force most nato and e.u. countries have recognized kosovo's independence to what extent can the nato peacekeeping forces and the u. delegated mission be impartial and objective in a situation like this but. it is a delicate and well justified question when you lex was sent to kosovo it guaranteed the european union guaranteed as well that it would be neutral but the mission's recent actions have proved that the reality is from from neutral when the president of ulick's announces the mission's intention to observe the laws of
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kosovo it testifies to their breaching of the neutrality status obligations my experience suggests and i've been in politics for twenty years already the partiality of big european states is evident they are biased and pursue double standards in their politics unfortunately this is the reality we have to face we have to counter this sad reality or find ways out of the situation of course the plans of hashem touchy are actually built around k four and ulick's therefore if serbia opposes tetchy that means it opposes k four and you lex and has to wage war with the rest of the world once again they are trying to prove that serbia is opposed to the international community all in all i think you're right to say that it is true that we would like for a new lex to fulfill their mission in a more neutral and discreet way. again one of the preconditions of serving as accession to the e.u. was the arrest and extradition of general right can lodge to the hague tribunal
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what does serbia think of the legal proceedings how is the trial going is serbia satisfied with it but. i think the e.u. has already forgotten about the hague tribunal and the conditions it set for serbia that it should detain let it to end to the union and now kosovo. has become a central issue in the ground to put pressure on serbia can always be found serbia has handed forty six people over to the hague tribunal all were convicted by it we think the tribunal has based its every decision on the assumption that all serbs are to blame for the problems of acts yugoslavia and most trials that have taken place lately serbs were in the dog it was necessary that my country found that age this is true but it's also necessary that we prove his innocence in court this should be done in the best interest of the state because such cases have started to cast a shadow over the reputation of the country everyone who committed military crimes should be held responsible but this responsibility cannot be collective it cannot
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be assumed by a whole nation the whole country we have the example of croatia where national heroes generals of the croatian army were convicted and you see that the albanians as seldom among those who have to face punishment for the military crimes they committed against the serbian population the hague tribunal did not want to hear cases of organ trafficking involving albanians who abuse serbs it's time to ask the question what global picture was the hague tribunal striving to draw of itself and of the states of the world the tribunal is perceived as highly partial and discriminatory in serbia at least by common citizens but despite all this serbia has met the commitments it made. thank you for the interview mr dutch h. but thank you.
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the longest big game hunting history. he was trying to store. data. but sprung the traps they laid for him. on the radio. the surge blocks around the. always from the always missing. one shot trying to take. out the global drug industry's godfather became the most wanted to trophy the world's coyote hunters. who by the grace hunt are to.
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a very warm welcome to you this is your news today protesters on holds true today at. least in canceling the chance to set a good mood for example the status of the human experiment it's sprinkled with. this in this rap music in which it goes to the movies literally trying to make sense of global economy and it's all changed things as financial template for the
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research plan to maintain confidence in markets and thinking on the primitives points to be seen trade imbalances risks cheapie nations close to collapsing in some foreclosed homes people expect to fail so we play banks again feel a little like saying is the us crashing timonen smashed seeing things clearly just . the buses in st the i remember were just programs in. pretty sure three. hundred three. three. three. two three. golds three bloggers all in video for your media project a free meal gondar teeth dot com. this
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is the headline. twenty five dead three hundred injured egypt's military rulers ordered an investigation into the death as riots in cairo as the revolution and fierce clashes between christians and security forces. as european leaders work against the clock to try to save you from economic disaster russia says it could help. the economy by buying up dead but only brothel produces it how to exit the. craze the pressure has gathered pace across the u.s. and spread to other countries. that these police are going to avoid time takes to make ground but of bread.


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