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tv   [untitled]    October 11, 2011 8:01am-8:31am EDT

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ex prime minister is jailed for seven yes yulia tymoshenko was found guilty of abuse of power while signing gas deals with russia two years ago alexey going to be following the events now joins us live from i just outside the courthouse where supporters have been involved in scuffles with police so obviously emotions running high when you are at this point how the crowd crowds reacting to the verdict. well now the simmering tension of several years several hours ago has calmed down the bit the crowd is slowly dispersing from the court area the police is diminishing its presence as well but just several hours ago as i mentioned there were tensions when these supporters of you tomasz ankara try to march through the streets of kiev and the police had to disperse them there was no real strong violence used against the crowd but still pushing and shoving and the atmosphere was very tense it could spark a major violence any moment just as some deputies of the ukrainian parliament had predicted earlier that this day would see some major violence now the reaction to
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the court ruling which sentence you like so much i'm going to seven years in prison with her property being confiscated and the damages of two hundred million u.s. dollars to be paid was rather calm the crowd here is saying that they must continue their fight for freedom and they will do it with no violent means but they will picket the court because the streets of kiev and other ukrainian cities in order to get the their position their stance heard and the u.s. much like was a verdict revised now. to herself has been saying that this case has been political through went through and she was very nervous inside the courtroom over shouting the judge screaming at the judge saying that his that her verdict came not from the judge but from president himself and much like its reaction was very furious indeed . that if i don't agree with the verdict ukraine is getting back to the. nine
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hundred thirty seven and the trial showed that the constitution and the administration of justice has been trampled under food we should protect ukraine against through tarion regime. it is unclear whether this is the end of the story whether you would be able to appeal against the verdict and whether some experts are not ruling out a possible amnesty decree from president got a call which itself because too much is on the line too much at stake here the case has been told by the e.u. and russia and clearly putting. the former prime minister behind bars could be a very big risk for the article which as many experts have been saying certainly we are following the situation and we'll be updating our viewers with all the latest analysis and all the latest details as we get it all right. there live outside the courthouse in kiev thank you. i will today about it has already received some critical replies from the european union officials are with calls for the e.u. to re think its relations with ukraine of more on the european reaction we can all
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cross live to watch these done your bushel standing by in brussels for. daniel so what are the comments coming from the e.u. concerning yulia timoshenko sentance. well there's been a whole stol reaction from the people in europe here the european union's from policy chief catherine ashton says that she's been following the verdict and that the european union may in fact reassess its whole relations with key of as a result of this verdict we've had the e.u. saying is deeply disappointed with the judge's decision and the e.u. commission i did there are serious consequences for by that relations and earlier today the european commission's that it hoped for review of this of this verdict on appeal and we've wanted to see changes in ukrainian law so this sort of case can't happen again the head of the european parliament regrets the verdict of tomasz ago and he's calling for a review of the case on appeal now ukraine wants to enter the european union has been discussing
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a free trade agreement and the ukraine president viktor to machine code is actually due here in brussels next week to discuss the first steps to joining the european union but the sound we're getting here from brussels is that this may be put on hold and in fact stopped if if this case is not reviewed let's now listen to an expert for more details on this case the european union has already made it clear that if you use this trial very good really it takes a great deal you this trial it doesn't like to see opposition politicians put in prison and i think there is every chance that the european union may take some strong measures such as freezing the talks with ukraine trying to there is no chance at all of ukraine joining the euro. so there were serious doubts about whether key of would actually go through with the ukraine would actually be able to join the european union but this verdict on yulia timoshenko really seems to put
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the entry of ukraine into the european union in the long grass all right artie's i don't know which way they're at live in brussels thank you. now i have more on the inside on this one are joined by our political analysts that you've got a lot here thank you for joining us on the program today to michigan has called in our supporters not to give up she wants them to continue the fight against what she says the or thora tarion regime but how do you think the situation can develop from here. you know first of all the interim member. has proved to be a tough political fighter as he has been a major player in the ukrainian political scene seen since his and actually her support held. back seven years ago or get into power so even being in jail even being jailed she remains a serious political player although of course being put behind bars significantly diminishes here political ability to fight and to maybe even return into politics
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when we do we did see certainly a lot of her supporters outside the courthouse today when the vote was announced so we saw pretty widespread scuffles with the police there you're saying that she still has a big backing although it could windell during the time she's in prison if i may officials from the european commission they say that they'll be another outcome of the case or they hope they'll be another outcome of the case following timashev whose decision to appeal the sentence to be changed you think. it's pretty hard to say i guess there's no hope of the sentence going to be changed. given the situation in the ukrainian politics because victory in the court which for a long has seen yulia timoshenko as he is major porn and and actually you do too much of the was the person who did lead him in the presidential election doing to all for one week that you should get became their presence of the whole story has nothing to do with economics or criminal situation of the sort is it is there some
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i'm sorry is there some sort of a political motivation there because a lot of a lot of her supporters are in kiev were crying there were political motor. behind this verdict is that what you're suggesting here absolutely there's political motives behind it and it has nothing to do with economics or with. crime as you should understand it's not a european parliament the largest party has condemned today's verdict and what lies ahead you think for ukraine's relations with the year you know actually tries still new or between russia its large northern neighbor and european union and you have to know as russia pipes gas through the ukraine their relations between russia and ukraine. actually have developed in the context of those guess deals unpaid bills and different kind of conflicts in this way of all all this tries to maneuver between russia and european union and we have seen countless. wars where you reveal your human to my next point you talk about the countless gas wars it tends to come
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around this time of the year do you think now because of this we could see ukraine use this case to once again review its get agreements with russia could you see another gas war erupted between the two absolutely absolutely nothing that kiri is preparing for changing those deals and gas agreement we know that economic situation in the ukraine is not very good and. that ukraine gets from russia for transiting gas for piping gas to resupply appliance build back in the soviet years is an important source of cash flow for the aquarian budget but also we have to understand the situation of the market is changing russia is the building pipelines that bypass ukraine and will be able to pipe gas into europe avoiding trade and lower levels also write a few major projects of piping gas from the south of regions of eurasia into european union and also the market off liquefied gas coming from. from the
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persian gulf is also developing rapidly so in this case i think a key. be able. to do it at the cost of those as a powerful level it's. possible another gas war here between ukraine and russia as you suggest they're going to be reviewing the gas contracts with russia. which i have more time but thank you for coming on but we're going to be following this story all day here on c.n.n. do stay with us now coming up for you later this hour here fighting their way through libyan rebel troops pave the way through these home town of stuff some say civilians paying a true price of the of. the e.u. bailout deal hangs in the balance slovakia is unsure whether it wants. to offer a tailings. russia and
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china are boosting cooperation in a bid to balance out the economic and political dominance of western countries prime minister vladimir putin is in beijing to solidify diplomatic ties and overcome trade. is following the meeting point problem life thank you to a good to see so what do you expect to achieve from this visit we know they have a mutually beneficial partnership. well yes you know rivalry well it's important to mention that this was prime minister putin first visit since announcing his candidacy in the upcoming presidential elections and now some say it's a signal of change in focus for russia for many years the west took center stage in the country's political agenda but russia's china's rather growing economic progress has. been east and many analysts say that the strategic partnership between the world's biggest and fastest growing economies could shift the balance
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of power in the world both nations have supported each other throughout the years on various issues related to sovereignty security and development and they also have a similar political views which was proven just recently when they both vetoed the european draft the u.n. security council resolution condemning syria and hinson that it could face sanctions if it continues its crackdown on protesters and russia and china are also members of the group along with brazil india and south africa and you can see the uncertainty anomic on certain see in europe and they you want us has seriously undermined the dominance of their political stage and of course it has paved the way for a merger of powers like russia and china since that was all about strengthening that bond and figuring out how to make it even better. as you are suggesting the lot of the global economic shift does seem to be turning its back to the west a move more towards the east here and i know you as you were saying with the
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foreign policy between china and russia both very similar. ideologies but what about the crete papers say what about the deals that have already been signed what can you tell us about that. as well vladimir putin didn't come alone here he came with a huge delegation including russian the business tycoons who were always here looking to make deals with local businesses and the results of that was seven a billion dollars worth of agreements with so many headed by russia's the bank which also committed to a sad listen and investment fund and of course energy has always been a major priority and both premier said that they have finally resolved all there are disagreements and issues relating to oil oil of russia's oil supply but it's a slightly different picture when it comes to gas where talks have been a lie again and the premier said they're now in the final stages of negotiations but there hasn't been a resolution there yet another key focus today though was bilateral trade you know
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china has one by a cop in germany to become russia's number one trade partner and prime minister vladimir putin said he's confident that this year traits here and over could reach at least a seventy billion dollars with the overall goal of being two hundred billion dollars twenty twenty so a lot of high hopes and wishes. both premier said that there achievable and they have established plans that will make sure that they will become a reality looks like the other two big players looking to really further their relationship here at all known issues of economics on foreign policy as well. thank you well meantime our friends from the investment company holdings believes that the strengthening of the russian alliance can pave the way for a new axis of global economic influence. the u.s. and europe joined together is really dominating global politics and i think that china and russia can join to get to. wait and not let them dictate
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around the world of course you wrote and you would not be happy i don't think the brits will be a political power we will most probably be a economic power because india is china so there is no way india can cooperate with china and their hand in. china and russia canpotex this for teaching interest in political interest and would not lead. to mount a staging post i've got to start so this is very important for both countries now a quarter past the hour here in moscow you're watching our t.v. and if you want to catch up with our news stories just go to our t. dot com for more a quick look now at oh some of the items waiting for you one line the inventor of the iconic a k forty seven wins a case in
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a swiss court after the name of its famous kalashnikov rifle comes under attack from a drinks company. in the siberian search for the secret sasquatch expedition that's out wilds of russia to find out if bigfoot really does exist. this is r.t. now some reports have accused boston police of beating up war veterans taking part in a peaceful occupy boston protest offices moved in after demonstrators expanded their footprint in the center of the city now the movement that started in new york is quickly spreading all across the country with people objecting to big banks being bailed out at the expense of average americans. fast more. what we know about the
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situation in boston thus far is about a fifty to one hundred protesters have been arrested there is actually been such a mass a buzz word or for this movement in boston that there were two separate campus areas where a protesters were demonstrating one of them got raided by the police as we heard reports about oh you saw officers actually breaking down the tents confiscating property the most so i guess egregious act that we had witnessed was an actual physical confrontation between some former veterans of the vietnam war at least one of the gentleman that we heard about was seventy four years old there is a video of him getting actually violently beaten down by the police so very very unusual situation is something that was actually very closely watched here in downtown new york city where of course the original so-called occupy wall street protest began that a push our team has been covering since september seventeenth now these events
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these protests are spreading throughout the country there's a lot more support for it and of course it's not so much about the protests as the underlying economic situation that's needing to to the conditions that are encouraging people to take their streets they are tired of with they call a corruption of wall street corruption in washington and they feel like the economic system no longer represents them and many of the people that i've spoken to here really just don't feel like it's it's a democracy it's that it's that kind of country that they thought that they originally were living in people are trying to take a stand for what they feel is right. reporting right on as people across the u.s. express their frustration kaiser report is getting to the root of the relentless financial crisis i know a quick preview for you of what's coming up later in the day. those are this is accounts from old ladies sitting on fortunes and every single month they get their
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statement and they get out their magnifying glass and they try to figure out if the bank stole money from them this month but they're very good at doing it so they can pick it up and the other pension accounts or their teachers or their firemen remember all these public workers accounts they're being vilified because they want to living wage meanwhile their pensions are being destroyed by bank of new york and other banks so they're getting really gang bang from both directions. about twenty minutes past the hour here in moscow business is minutes away but for now troops of libya's interim government fighting their way across the coastal town of sort of claiming they have taken several key positions of khadafi loyalists overnight the revolutionary forces have also involved in the town of bani walid a senior members of the doctors regime are reportedly still hiding but as investigative journalist simon soft told us here about see its civilians he will ultimately paying the price for the interim rule is ok so. i think what's happening
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in sirte is really quite shocking i mean if you remove yourself from saying i support one side or support the other side what we see is a full scale assault on. you know very densely populated area in which civilians are paying a very very heavy price now the reason why this is important is because the whole basis on which nato imposed a no fly zone at the beginning of the conflict was precisely to defend civilian military attacks and now we have if you like the allies of nato doing what their enemies were doing a few months ago and you have to begin to ask yourself well where is nato now. why is nato not saying these are civilians under attack by a military force we have to stop we have to stop this attack and i think what we're beginning to see is if you like is that on a reemergence of the double standards what's happening in libya now is going to be a war crime if it is
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a war crime and i think that has to stop immediately has to be negotiation they have to be allowed to surrender but more importantly i think if they don't surrender then you put the city under siege and allow the civilians to flee and they're not and they're not doing that. clashes carry on in syria where protesters are following in the footsteps of libya's rebel fighters if you. don't find out how . much we report on the syrian opposition. online. the eurozone has thought on its mind today slovakia the last country to ratify a new bailout plan to rescue heavily indebted european nations the agreement is hanging by a thread as one of the book's poorest countries appears in doubt over whether to pass the costly package. following the story. greece might of being smack bang at the center of attention recently because the euro is
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in crisis rumbles on another member states of being off to vote on the european stability fund we take a look at how these other countries ok playing with the pressure all eyes are on slovak here today to see if politicians who vote positively on the european stability fund to aid ailing countries like greece as the last member state to vote slovakia's decision is crucial but take a look at this t.v. ad for a populist beer it announces to want to borrow from everyone that is greek not wanting to lend to grace that is slovak a tongue in cheek has captured the mood of the people here perfectly. here is not a rich country we need money for our health care system homeless for our elderly. as the second poorest country in the year is a slave vaccine a reason why they should help fill out the richer nations they view as having spent more than they could afford and political dissent is met there is uncertainty about
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whether the leading coalition party will be able to get the votes they need for the bailout funds to go ahead the approval of all seventeen countries that use the single currency is needed. doesn't want to look like a member of. your race or not. so i see there's a strong pressure from from other european countries and. probably too weak to resist or if it doesn't prefer the plan slovakia be expected to contribute about seven point seven billion year a to the pot which would taste about four hundred forty billion euro but with year easing countries like spain and italy making increasingly unstable many critics are saying that even this will not be enough but it's a dead end every so often. it's the final solution to the problem and they say it will take these marches but this will be the end of it is
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like to the end of the tunnel that will come out and what we see is an endless. austerity. depression. leading to more measures depression and people realize now that you've got to break out that despite facing an outpouring of public discontent germany managed to post the measures at the end of last month but instead of i care many have remained strictly it pays to boosting the fund the taxpayer is paying a penny i hope the. situation is not sustainable in greece they will say no amounts to be pledged are so huge that it really doesn't make sense and they see that it doesn't make sense to plug them and i think it's like politicians we all see that there are also other alternatives let's look at the czech republic they don't have euro they are doing quite well they don't need the. common currency and the same time that they don't have to pledge money and so on
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loans to other countries the decision of the small member state today could have a big impact on the plans to the bad out fund because the debt crisis continues to be felt in the richest member states to the poorest is no global concern about just where this is going to and surf. athens want to recap our top stories coming your way in just a few minutes here after the business news with carrie. they are welcome to business here in r.t. i would go straight to our top story this hour russia and china are creating a joint investment fund worth up to four billion dollars the deal will be sealed during prime minister putin visit to beijing the star will be jointly run by the russian direct investment fund and that china investment corporation each has already allocated one billion dollars to the project at least seventy percent of the funds money is expected to be invested in russia and the former cia countries.
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in further effort to boost trade beijing has decided to cancel exchange fees between yuan and the ruble however despite the increased trade volumes jacob nell chief economist from morgan stanley believes for converting good ether the un is still somewhere else there's two big reasons why fool you one convert ability is maybe five years away the first is that currently the one you are on is valued if it was traded at its free market price it would probably appreciate by twenty to thirty percent and you can see that in the big current account surplus is that china runs they've started to let the one appreciate again or for a couple of years where they held it for during the crisis so the last three months but you were on his appreciation against the dollar whereas the ruble and most of the emerging market currencies have fallen sharply so it intil it gets to a fair market value i don't think you'll see it for free traded and the other
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reason why they're going to move slowly is they're concerned about control and if the external value of the yuan is set by the market by the decisions of central banks to boy you won or not then they will lose a measure of control. and staying with the subject russia and china have finally sorted out their long lasting row over all transportation tariffs that's according to deputy prime minister. chinese. pedrosa is transmitted through around twenty five million dollars oil supplies claiming that transportation ceased to high earlier transnet threatened to go to course if chinese partners didn't pay the bills in full prime minister says all the claims are now dropped and the debt will be set. now as have a look at the markets oil prices are heading down after monday's rally light sweet is trading at eighty almost eighty five dollars a barrel while brand is at one hundred and eight dollars per barrel and stocks in
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europe are trading lower on tuesday as investors await a decision on expanding the european rescue fund by slovakia the last eurozone country to vote on the plan. and here's a russia markets are correcting after several consecutive sessions of growth and let's have a look at some individual travels on the line six all majors among the main retreats this hour with two point seven percent banking stocks are also under pressure would spare banco losing points seventy eight percent and that's after a reported net profit that's after it reported a net profit for the first nine months more than doubled to eight billion dollars and megamind a metro you raised earlier gains and is trading in the red with its net profit has quadrupled in the first half of the year in the dollars. so we update our how for you but remember you can always log on to our website www dot com business for more.
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he. says.
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welcome back you're about to launch from moscow i'll breaking news for you. seventy eight years in jail for abuse of power. contracts with russia. in clashes between yulia timoshenko supporters who gathered outside the courtroom what's. going east of moscow and beijing. china becomes the first country of lot of visits. for the presidency. russia's prime minister is calling the already signed deals worth over seven billion dollars. the. protests in a fierce response from the police reportedly. taking part in a peaceful rally a movement.


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