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tv   [untitled]    October 11, 2011 11:01am-11:31am EDT

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from moscow with me rule research showing and straight to our breaking news for you this hour ukraine's ex prime minister is jailed for seven years yulia timoshenko was found guilty of abuse of power while signing gas deals with russia two years ago. he was following the events from just outside the courthouse where too much i can support has been having scuffles with police. at times it seemed that the tension would go over the top with the supporters of thousands of them trying to organize a march through the streets of kiev and being dispersed by the police with no real brutality but still some pushing and shoving and the situation was really explosive still several people were injured in the pushing and shoving with the police one woman was saw as she was taken to hospital having fallen from a stage or from a staircase or something like that inside the courtroom of course it was very tense as well while the judge was reading out the verdict. was over shouting the judge was screaming abusive words at him saying that this decision this verdict was not
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done in accordance with the criminal law but it was orchestrated by president viktor yanukovych indeed the reaction from the former prime minister when she learned that she's to spend seven years in prison have her property confiscated and to pay out almost two hundred million u.s. dollars and that was very much furious. with the retiring regime or its magic to me the trial showed that the constitution and justice had been trampled on dispute i urge you to begin the struggle it's a very difficult and important moment we have to protect ukraine against the authoritarian regime don't give up when or stand out the protesters several thousand of them will remain in the key of central street for another week at least to follow the developments and to see whether their leader would be set free or any any other development could happen to her while moscow has been saying all along that those deals back in two thousand and nine were signed in full accordance with international law and with the two countries legislation and that the reaction
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which we have already received from the russian foreign ministry is saying almost the same that the court which had the verdict delivered basically neglected the fact that russia believed that that the deals were signed a law fully and the the verdict itself has something over and so i russian. we have also received a reaction from russia's prime minister vladimir putin who is bewildered as to why this verdict. developed in this scenario. to be honest i can't quite understand why she got those seven years to machine who did not sign anything the contracts were signed between economic agents god's promise enough to go as they were signed fully in accordance with russian and ukrainian legislation as well as international rules and regulations i think it's dangerous and counterproductive to call into question the entire set of agreements that also been certainly very harsh reactions to the verdict coming from the european union but my colleague daniel
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bush will probably tell you more about that in a short while. reporting today's verdict has already received a critical response from european union officials with calls for the e.u. to think its relations with ukraine during a bushel reports from brussels there's been a whole stole reaction from the people in europe here the european union's from policy chief catherine ashton says that she's been following the verdict and that the european union says its whole relations with key of as a result of this verdict we've had the e.u. saying is deeply disappointed with the judge's decision the e.u. commission i did there are consequences for by that relations and earlier today the european commission said he hoped for a review of this of this verdict on appeal i mean we've wanted to see changes in ukrainian law so this sort of case contact and again the head of the european parliament regrets the the verdict and he's calling for a review of the case on appeal now ukraine wants to enter the european union has
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been discussing a free trade agreement and the ukraine president is actually due here in brussels next week to discuss the first steps to joining the european union with the sounds we're getting here from brussels is that this may be put on hold and in fact stopped if if this case is not reviewed let's now listen to an expert for more details on this case the european union has already made it clear that if you use this trial very dearly it takes a very dim view this trial doesn't like to see opposition politicians in prison and i think there is every chance that the european union may take some strong measures such as freezing the talks with ukraine trying to lead there is no chance at all of ukraine joining the so there were serious doubts about whether key of would actually go through with the ukraine would actually be able to join the european union but this verdict on yulia timoshenko really seems to put the entry of ukraine into the european union into the long grass. not eternal bush reporting
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well i just a bit earlier i spoke to a british army peon member of the european parliament's foreign affairs committee that richard howard told us that the e.u.'s response to the decision in the case will be a strong one there will be very strong reaction across europe there appears to be a politically motivated trial that does not meet international standards of independence and fairness cannot be something that is supported by us in the e.u. it's very clear to me that if you think back to two thousand and nine the cast stamps being cut off a huge energy problem in ukraine and in fact for the european union as well because of its nature as a transit country. clearly to all of us was doing a job on behalf of her country to try and actually of a crisis and so for her now to be found guilty of in some way. committing a crime by doing that will not be understood and will not be supported across the
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european union and it's why you ukraine has called this one very very wrong. and that you've got a whole cloth from the interlude of the world economy in international relations things that the verdict poses a threat to the previous gas contract between russia and ukraine and could potentially spark another gas war. i think that kira is preparing for changing those deals and guess agreement we know that economic situation in the ukraine is not very good and. ukraine gets from russia for transit to gas for piping gas. back in the soviet years is an important source of cash for the credit and budget but also we have to understand the situation of the market is changing russia is be building pipelines that crane and will be able to. create and. also write
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a few major projects from the south region. into europe and also the market all three q. flight gas i mean for all. from the persian gulf is also developing rapidly so in this case they. will not be able to guess agreements and pressure onto european costumers as a powerful lever. now it's time for you to get a ball with us here and i'll see your opinion is always valuable to us or particularly on this story right now on our website we're asking what you think about the team a shank a sentence what it means and let's have a look at the numbers right here on artsy half of you believe it's a clever ukrainian employed to avoid paying for russian gas about a third think the verdict is simply a politically motivated mockery the rest of us split between two options whether the sentence is just as well done or a fatal error closing ukraine's road to the e.u. do you take a chance to log on to r.t.
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dot com and have your say. with r.t. live from moscow now russia and china boosting cooperation in a bid to balance out the economic and political dominance of western countries prime minister vladimir putin is in beijing to solidify diplomatic ties and overcome trade hurdles in the cost of its following a landmark meeting for. it's important to mention that this was prime minister putin's first visit since announcing his candidacy in the upcoming presidential elections and some say it's a signal of change in focus for russia for many years the west censor stage in the country's political agenda china's growing economic progress has more in the east and many analysts say that the strategic partnership between the world's biggest and fastest growing economies could shift the balance of power in the world both nations have supported each other throughout the years on various issues related to
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the security and developments and they also have a similar political views which was proven just recently when they both vetoed the european draft the u.n. security council resolution condemning syria will vladimir putin didn't come alone here he came with a huge that legation including russian the business tycoons who were all here looking to make deals with local businesses and the results of that was seven a billion dollars worth of agreements with so many headed by russia's bank which also committed to a stab listen and investment thought and of course energy has always been a major priority and both premier said that they have finally resolved all there are disagreements and issues relating to oil oil of russia's oil supply but it's a slightly different picture when it comes to gas where talks have been a lie again and the premier said they're now in the final stages of negotiations but there hasn't been a resolution there yet another key focus today though was bilateral trade you know
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china has climbed by a cop in germany to become russia's number one trade partner and prime minister vladimir putin said he's confident that this year for the turnover could reach at least a seventy billion dollars with the overall goal being two hundred billion dollars by its wednesday twenty so a lot of high hopes. for. both premiers that they're achievable and they have a slab of plans that will make sure that they will become a reality. over there reporting from beijing i mean cyber francis loon from the investment company elin sienna holdings believes the strengthening of the sino russian alliance can pave the way for a new axis of global economic influence. the u.s. and europe joined together is really dominating global politics and i think china and russia can join to get to. wait. around the world of course in europe and you would not be happy if i don't think
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the brics we'll be a political power will most probably be a economic power because india is. no way cooperate with china. in. china and russia this for teaching interest and political interest there would not let. a staging post. so this is very important for both countries. let's get some more insight into this across briefly now to r.t. business desk where kareena is monitoring the numbers hello to you kareena so what's the significance of today's meeting in china from a business perspective well among other things we've just heard from our correspondent in beijing that russia and china have finally sorted out their long lasting oil transportation tariffs and it looks like all the claims that china has not paid the bills in full have been dropped and the debts will be settled we'll
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have more on that and how this is politics. you with r.t.e. you know a russian businessman dubbed by the us media as the motion to death is going on trial in new york accused of being an international arms dealer he was brought to the us from thailand after being detained in a sting operation by american agents and we're now joined by aussies gone a chicken who was following everything for us stateside good to see you guyon ok so if it already has a bit of an image perpetuated by the american mainstream media with concerns this could potentially influence the course decision is a possible you'll be receiving a fair trial. well we're exactly his trial begins with jury selection in the meantime a new york judge said should require jurors at the trial a victim to sign a pledge not to research the case on the internet or the media the campaign vilifying. has been so intense here that one might very well expect the jurors
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could be affected by the whole background provided by the media here he is often referred to as the merchant of death has faces charges of selling arms to a terrorist group and conspiring to kill american citizens if convicted he may face life in prison according to the u.s. he was one of the world's most active black market arms traders boots denies any wrongdoing and says he has engaged only in legal aircraft sales and shipping business u.s. allegations that bullets conspired to kill u.s. nationals are based in part on statements allegedly made to two undercover operatives during a bangkok meeting the conversations were recorded the undercover operatives posed as members of a rebel group from colombia which is that it made by the united states is a terrorist organization that's when he was arrested in two thousand and eight in thailand not going to. school political row between russia and the u.s. so what exactly has caused the former. well rory of the u.s.
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had been trying to get him extradited for two years russians believe they managed to. do it by putting unprecedented political pressure on the government and judicial authorities of thailand what makes the case political is the underlined implication of the u.s. accusations essentially that victimhood was able to pull it off because of his government connections actually books lawyers and some intelligence experts claim that the reason the u.s. so wanted to have in custody is his allegedly extensive knowledge of the russian military and intelligence operations well yes he served in the soviet army but it's really unclear to what extent her book is really knowledgeable in all those matters again a lot of hearsay around this man about who he was and what he did here in the united states you constantly hear things like the quintessential war profiteer referring to the good but some argue that you know victor good to know victor borge could
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compete with the united states in war profiteering after all is the u.s. that sells more than half of all weapons worldwide including to places where political situation is far from stable. or gone into account right there i live in washington thank you. because more details now of the victim talked to an investigative journalist named daniel a student joining us on the program today. mr a student a thank you for coming on you've dug up a lot of information on your website related to the case so what are some of the more controversial findings that you can tell us about. well good good i'm sort of from madrid well basically the united states government is going to have a very very hard time proving that they were a bit as guilty and is going to a very difficult time making the label of merchant of death stick in the court of law once the real. attorneys and people working under to build the fence will take over and i don't mean this in particular case because as i said two years ago i think bitterroots case this one he's being tried right now is going to be lost
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unfortunately because he doesn't have the people the right people detaining him but once that case is lost in the appeals case he's definitely going to win the case because there's a tremendous amount of evidence especially in the in the appeals court case in thailand which basically shows that the trouble is not a merchant of death that absolutely nothing to do with arms trade and. certainly wasn't selling or trying to sell anything to the far terrorists because had that been the case the united states government would have found the missiles the shoulder terror cells which would allegedly were selling by the united states government had made absolutely no effort whatsoever to locate this weapons for a very simple reason there's a big if i may if i may you mentioned you mentioned the u.s. government's role and here there are some to say the whole case was was drawn up again spewed by intelligence circles within the united states i mean if there's any credence to these allegations what would be the motivation. well again you know bill is the plan as i said many many times on the russia today the end game is russia if you can actually destroy his credibility if you paid russia in the same corner with the with libya with iran with iraq with venezuela cuba north korea you
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could basically destroy their credibility on the international stage and this is exactly what is being done to suggest political game russia is the end game again there are two powers in the world or china and russia as you just said a few minutes ago in the in the previous two to our interview and but china is a military power it's not an it it's an economic power it's not a military power and it's the russian government or the russia as a nation it's the only military power in the world and actually stand up to nato to the united states government all the secret societies and private organizations who are dead set on controlling the world so until you can actually destroy russia as a nation. state you will not going to have your one world government one world company ltd call it whatever you want so all these situations where russia is actively trying to be embarrassed by by the united states government is just part of this of this game plan and again detroit is just another element another key part of this operation against russia all the secret bases being built right now in afghanistan there are over seventy secret bases being built in afghanistan whose only objective still attack the southern flank of russia in the case of war so
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again victor boot is just a pawn in this geopolitical game and unfortunately this particular case if i just jump in here and remain a focus on the u.s. is linked him to terrorism i mean could that be seen as a rather convenient method to put him on trial with very few rights well you know you don't have to believe the trouble you have to believe what he is telling the truth of what he's lying again the lies and truths in a court of law it really is not an issue it's verifiable evidence and unfortunately for the united states government there is very little verifiable evidence they will be able to present most of it is hearsay most of it he should say it's he said she said about things which no one has ever seen and this is something that again unfortunately the bull team representing him right now was and i was not in the position to deal with because they're simply not up to scratch but we're going to bring in the a.t.m. one the court one the case goes to the appeal court and that's when we're going to win the case if i may jump in here i'm very very low on time yes or no on so we'll get a fair trial no he's not going to get a fair trial obviously he's not going to get a trial he's in the united states. the evidence the us how can we get
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a fair trial where the united states government has done everything in their power to bring him to the united states after two years in thailand and now they put him up on trial in the united states only to have women embarrass the united states i don't think it's going to happen investigative journalist daniel a student thank you thank you. you with us you live from moscow now some reports of accused boston police of beating up wolverine's taking part in a peaceful occupy boston protest offices moved in off the demonstrators expanded their footprint in the center of the city now the movement that started in new york is quickly spreading all look across the country with people objecting to big banks being bailed out at the expense of average americans. as the latest. what we know about the situation in boston thus far is about a fifty to one hundred protesters that have been arrested there's bakshi been such a mass a buzz word for where this movement in boston that there were two separate tampa areas where of protesters were demonstrating one of them got raided by the police
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just in maine we heard reports about of police officers actually breaking down the tents confiscating property the most i guess egregious act that we had witnessed was an actual physical confrontation between some of former veterans of the vietnam war at least one of the gentleman that we heard about was seventy four years old there is a video of him getting actually violently beaten down by the police. very very unusual situation is something that was actually very closely watched here in downtown new york city where of course the original so-called occupy wall street protests began that a person or tea has been covering since september seventeenth now these events these protests are spreading throughout the country there's a lot more support for it and of course it's not so much about the protests as the underlying economic situation that's leading to to the conditions that are encouraging people to take their streets they are tired of with they call
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a russian and watch washington and they feel like the economic system no longer represents them and many of the people that i've spoken to here really just don't feel like it's it's a democracy and that it's the kind of country that they thought that they originally were living in people are trying to take a stand for what they feel is right. when i was a teaser lucic a final reporting right most people across the us expressed their frustration. card to reporters getting to the root of the relentless financial crisis here if i was a preview of what's coming your way in less than ten minutes time. those are the accounts from old ladies sitting on fortunes and every single month they get their statement and they get out there magnifying glass and they try to figure out of the bank stole money from them this month but they're very good at doing it so they can pick it up or other pension accounts or their teachers or their firemen remember all these public workers accounts they're being vilified because they want to
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living wage meanwhile their pensions are being destroyed by bank of new york and other banks. now at the cause reporters coming up after kareena does the business and that's coming your way right. welcome to our business we start with our top stories russia and china are creating a joint investment fund worth up to four billion dollars and he has to be sealed in the course of prime minister's visit to beijing the start up will be jointly run by the russian direct investment fund and the china investment corporation it has already allocated one min of one billion dollars to the project at least seventy percent of the funds money is expected to be vested in russia and a former c.i.s. countries. and further effort to boost trade beijing has decided to cancel exchange fees between the u.n.
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and the ruble however despite increased trade volumes jacob now the chief economist from morgan stanley believes full convert ability for the yuan is still somewhere else. this two big reasons why full u.n. convert ability is maybe five years away the first is that currently there were un is undervalued if it was traded at its free market price it would probably appreciate by twenty to thirty percent and you can see that in the peak current account surplus is that china runs they've started to let the one appreciate again after a couple of years when they held it for us and during the crisis so in the last two months the un has appreciated against the dollar whereas the ruble and most other emerging market currencies are fallen sharply so it intil it gets to a fair market value i don't think you'll see it for free traded and the other reason why they move slowly is they're concerned about control and if the external
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value of the un is set by the market by the decisions of central banks to buy you one or not then they will lose a measure of control. russia and china have finally sorted out their long lasting rout over all transportation tariffs that's according to the deputy prime minister igor sachin chinese c n p c underpaid russia's transnet around twenty five million dollars oil supplies claiming the transportation fees too high earlier transair threatened to go to court if chinese parties didn't pay their bills and fall deputy prime minister give such a says all the things are now dropped and the debt will be settled however another energy deal along discussed gas supplies remain unsolved the two countries cannot agree on pricing. guess is not possible. unless the build liquefied cation planned which is not the case so far they don't have a substantial interest in gas because gas is not the kind of commodity they can
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store the need to consume it in the for the consumer they want to be been wise just the way ukraine was for example the for gas for them is not the goal commodity but it will be a solution is one of their favorite stuff. and let's take a look at the markets oil prices are heading down after monday's rally light sweet is trading at eighty four dollars per barrel well brant is at one hundred and eight dollars per barrel stocks in the u.s. are mixed this hour investors awaiting a vote in slovakia on increasing the size and abilities of the europe's bailout fund commodity producers and technology companies are rebounding alcoa u.s. biggest bellamy and producer is leading on the dow climbing two and a half percent ahead of its quarterly results and european stock markets are trading mixed bag stocks among the better performers in europe though trading was choppy shares of french lender societe generale those one and
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a half percent and at least unique credit gains three and a half. years rosello where markets closed in the red after several consecutive sessions of growth let's have a look at some individual shamrocks on the minus six all mages among the main retreat is woodrow snapshotting more than four and a half percent banking stocks were also under pressure woods backhoes and two percent that suffered reported net profit for the first nine months more than doubled to eight billion dollars. and staying with spare bank it has confirmed its considering buying debt is bank that's the turkish arm of the troubled belgian french financial group dexia the head of hair when graf says talks haven't started yet. that's all i have food this hour but i'll be back in less then in about forty five minutes with more business. will.
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breaking. two years in jail for abuse of power. between. going east. cooperation. for the president. taking a peaceful. report.


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