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tv   [untitled]    October 12, 2011 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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u.s. charges to arrange for allegedly plotting to kill the saudi arabian ambassador to washington as part of a major terror attack tehran says it's a joke. building a competitive union moscow and beijing looking for suit moralizer want to be used as photoshop puts things in focus. a mass in israel strive a long awaited prisoner swap deal that will see jewish soldier gilad shalit freed in exchange for over a thousand palestinians. a seventy year sentence for ukraine's former prime minister for alleged abuse of power linked to gas contracts with russia's far public outrage and harsh criticism from moscow the u.s. and the e.u.
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. this is r.t. coming to you live from moscow marina josh welcome to the program radians hiring mexicans to assassinate the saudi ambassador in america that he tells of a complicated plot the u.s. government says it has uncovered officials in washington say to rein agents tried to hire members of a mexican drug cartel to carry out via tag allegations to iran dismissed as a comedy show he's going to shoot down has the latest from the u.s. capitol. the u.s. attorney general explicitly said that the u.s. will be holding the uranian government accountable for the plots to kill the ambassador of saudi arabia to the united states also the u.s. is accusing iran of conspiring to stage two bombings at the israeli embassy in washington and at the embassy of saudi arabia also in washington and here's how the
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u.s. department of justice came up with those accusations the f.b.i. and was drug enforcement agency have arrested a new war and u.s. citizen his name monster or are you are u.s. investigators say the man tried to plot the assassination of the saudi ambassador to the united states and for that according to the americans this iranian man turns to members of a mexican drug cartel who turns out to be undercover f.b.i. operative turney general said the man comes past in the plot and said he was directed by high ranking iranian officials firmly denies the allegations saying it is a comedy show fabricated by america saudi arabia on the other hand took the allegations seriously and thanks to u.s. authorities for thwarting the alleged assassination attempt of bear ambassador fear mongering against iran has been going on for many years now let me remind you that
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the state department has list that you ran as a state sponsor of terror it seems now war mongering has reached a tipping point basically the questions asked in the u.s. media now come down to this one will the u.s. retaliate or not as if everyone saw it coming and now here it is what they are not bringing up is possible motives behind accusations like that whether those accusations make any sense at all to lie with the government of iran want to kill the saudi ambassador in washington would be rainy and actually which is taking into consideration the fallout i heard actually work on american mainstream channels beating the drums of war saying things like we need to step up activities to undermine the government of ukraine of course we need to step up cooperate. in with saudi arabia and israel speaking of cooperation with saudi arabia the us has brokered the largest arms deal with saudi arabia in its history worth sixty billion dollars the u.s. would justify its enormous contribution need to further militarization of the
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region as for iran's some experts believe that undermining the government if you read has been a long time coveted goal of the united states it's not clear how this incident will play out but it definitely makes the drums of war beat louder here in washington. reporting there and michael sure a former cia intelligence officer says there are a lot of holes in the allegations against this apparent iranian backed plot. one of the biggest problems in the united states for for telling what the terrorist threat is in our country is that the f.b.i. runs these sting operations and then claims great credit for breaking up a plot that wouldn't have existed except that they lured somebody into doing it my initial reaction is if the iranians wanted to kill a saudi ambassador right do it in the united states when it would cause a war between the united states and iran who wouldn't try and do it in cambodia do it in saudi arabia but i did hear i think what you need you to keep in mind is that
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the saudis want the iranians destroyed the israelis want the iranians destroyed the congress of the united states is owned by israel and so the congress wants iran destroyed and this is an opportunity for them to push for war and so i think we have to be very careful until we find out exactly who is behind this by the iranians are as much a threat to the united states as my shoes are to the united states but what we don't need is any kind of a conflict with the iranians because what that will do is pretty much all islamic world down on top of us so i have for you the program no desire to be a hero tiny sliver of saudi plans to increase its bailout fund and willing to dig into its own pocket to bail out in that country. and the latest final hurdle for the serviette and its campaign for a lawn desired membership but recognizing possible could be hired on belgrade
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points to. pushing through and. boosting cooperation with the aim of balancing out economic and political dominance of the west russia's prime minister is on a visit to china where an important agreement on the price of oil is already in place artie's moreno cossar of a has more. that's oh prime minister putin had more of an economic flavor rather than a political one he met with the local governments of specials including the trying to prosper and the prime minister and they all talked about the importance of increasing by lateral trade as well as the gulf and other carriers of interests like aviation and technology that's important to mention that this was prime minister putin's first visit since announcing his candidacy in the upcoming presidential elections and some say it's a signal of a change in focus for russia for many years the west of course dominated the country's political agenda and now it seems with china's economic progress moscow
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may be looking east both countries have supported each other throughout the years on various issues and also have similar political views and we saw that just recently when both countries vetoed the european draft of un security council resolution condemning syria and of course both countries are also members of the bridge group along with brazil india and south africa and the economic uncertainty in europe and the us has seriously undermined the dominance of the global political agenda of europe and the us paving the way for emerging economies like russia and china naturally prime minister putin said that the role of the greeks were to become more important on the international scene. i think it strange feeling existing institutions i mean global financial institutions such as the international monetary fund or the world bank and you we agree that the role of the brics countries in these organizations must be enhanced given the country's economy
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he wasn't here alone he was here with a huge delegation including russian a businessman you are all here looking for make business deals with local companies and they did that so all that they got here was seven a billion dollars worth of agreements including wants to set up an investment fund but also trade as i mentioned earlier was a. you promise or vladimir putin said that that they expect to trade turned over to reach at least seventy billion dollars this year with the overall goal being two hundred billion dollars by twenty twenty china is already of russia's number one trade partners and they're now working so it's watching years and making their relationship even stronger and developing their ties were in a consummate reporting there from china now for more on this coming together of russia and china we can cross live now to michael ross get from the national university of singapore michael thanks very much for being here with us and the program well as our correspondent has just reported the talks have been pretty
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packed there so in your opinion of what has been achieved and what's the significance of what has been achieved there. but i think the real story is that prime minister it is known is not very setting the stage for his presidency for next year but basically he is there to solidify his idea of the union that he has. in mind for four years to go on for the next decade so basically . in the last two decades. russian relations of all over time and it has the relationship has progress from peaceful coexistence and early one nine hundred ninety s. the strategic partnership in the in two thousand and three now what they have is what they called comprehensive strategic partnership and corporation so the relationship has progressively improved over time as the countries realize the importance of each other both economically and politically. well it's interesting
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though that china is the first place the prime minister of jordan went to visit after he announced that he will be running for the presidency again in many acts where it's actually have seen significance of that fact so how do you interpret this i mean do you think that it's sort of means a shift of foreign policy east words. and i think it's going to putting not just impression that he is basically already managing and the most vital relationship and you know russian foreign policy in the next decade which will be which will be focused on china and remember. you know problems that we think is. you know this his visit me who supports a lot of popularity back home because of these elections and he needs a chinese investment to develop the russian far east so for him it's a very important mission at the right time just before the elections and it's also
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very important for would you cower because you know if we can tolerate turmoil expiring next year and he needs to solidify his legacy is political legacy and by signing a long term energy supply deal with the russians he may be able to do that. oh was another interesting fact is the goal of china and russia are members of the brics bloc so building up partnership to balance out the dominance of the west is one of the stated aims and of this visit in your opinion how realistic is that go. well basically both china and russia are capitalizing on the fact that the west is sort of stalling and is facing a lot of problems so they see as an opportunity to increase their geopolitical influence and but much over the world depend on how it plays out in the future i think what is a really important is that both countries have a lot of domestic issues a lot of domestic problems that they need to solve so the domestic agenda is
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actually more important. than the geopolitical the regional focus so i think it will depend on how much they agree on issues for example in the shanghai cooperation organization russia wants to bring in the on board in chinese on the on the really liking the so and there are other issues for example russian military assistance to be and then and others so there will be a lot of you know it so that the idea is that the both countries are not really. understanding pragmatically that they are important to each other but at the same time to have a face in complex and complicated issues that will have to be resolved down the line or russia and china been enjoying a strengthening partnership lately for the past two years as you say so what kind of reaction do you think to a russian chinese joint impatiens are we likely to see from the last. well i think the worst of course watching are chinese trying he's on
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a russian relationship closely especially prime minister putin will go back to the most likely people go back to his presidency next year and all the plans you know the policies will be. sure to work toward you know the different aspects of what global agenda particularly you know north asian security issues so a lot of it is to be seen but as i mentioned prime minister putin is there not only to solidify his presidency next year but basically to get the chinese on board and basically try to strengthen the relationship with the chinese for his big idea of the eurasian union that will define his presidency for the next decade all right michael roscoe from the national university of singapore thanks very much indeed for sharing your views with us here and on our team i joined his chinese visit russia's prime minister widely reported and gave an interview to the state
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broadcaster outlining the priority for the two nations put in so that a motion for a technological breakthrough in the aviation aircraft building are some of the areas where he wants to see the hardest working together you can read the full interview on our t.v. dot com. also online for you american police argues devorah tally that the occupy boston protests to the ad now war veterans were injured by officers and up to one hundred people arrested. hamas officials have agreed to a prisoner swap deal with israel that secures the release of over a thousand palestinians in exchange for jewish soldier gilad shalit has been held in captivity in gaza for five years and is often used by israel as justification of its blockade of the strip archy's policy reports on a deal palestinians are claiming as their success. i must finish the bureau chief pilot michel speaking from damascus and he called this a national id cheeseman for the palestinian people he expressed regret that not
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more palestinian prisoners were being released as part of this deal not throughout this evening tuesday there has been an emergency cabinet meeting in jerusalem that has now finished with the israeli government giving its knowledge to this prisoner deal what we do understand is that something one thousand palestinian prisoners will be released for this one israeli soldier gilad shalit the details as we have been suggest that some three hundred and fifty prisoners will be released in the initial stage that will be taken to egypt this is a bill that was brokered by egypt and is happening on egypt and soil at that stage another one hundred and fifty prisoners will be released i mean finally when returns to israel the final number of prisoners will be released among them marwan barghouti now he is the leader of one of the factions of the fact that he has fired in life seen from says on him and tel aviv in the posse there was no way that he would be included in this deal the fact that he is does point to the israeli prime
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minister binyamin netanyahu changing course and that is some of the analysis that he needs this deal so much more than does hamas in terms of changing the criteria of the deal now the lucha it was kidnapped back in june two thousand and six it was a cross border raid women issues from gaza took him across he has not been heard of since there was very little communication in fact it was anyone watching incidences when the israelis were actually notified that he was still alive the latest information we have is that this deal will see gilad coming back to israel possibly as soon as the beginning of next month it has been quite some time that israelis and palestinians have not been holding any kind of direct negotiations it wasn't so long ago that the palestinians the care of a state is all did not accept this at the request of the mideast quartet the two sides agreed to resume peace talks and those peace talks. movies you know at the end of next week in jordan so soupy there is not a lot more pressure on these rabies to recognize the palestinian statehood in light
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of this deal going forward one of the problems of for israel has been that it doesn't want to create an incentive to the kidnappings and there is an element among israeli society who feel that this deal is really too high a price to pay. for all of their reporting their jailing obvious crane's for a prime minister has sparked outrage on the streets of kiev and a flood of criticism from russia the u.s. and the e.u. . was given a seven year sentence for abusing her powers while signing gas contracts with russia she also have to pay two hundred million dollars in damages to ukraine state gas company let's cross now live to kiev worley your chef has got the latest who are us so lots of protests on the streets of ukraine capital yesterday as we've seen but what are we seeing today. well the situation is still pretty much tense because several hundred protesters supporters of the country's former prime
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minister lost still stationed in their in their towns down here on this city's main street on the main street of kiev and i reckon they're planning to stay here for at least another week despite that their leader has been jailed for seven years and there have been no indications so far that she would appeal against the verdict and that she could be released any time soon with a presidential pardon on any other possibility like that the supporters of the other povich who are also stationed here at the main street of key in front of the court building for three months they have removed their ten towns and now of course it is a lot quieter than last three months still of the simmering tensions on tuesday. the gradient capital of course there were thousands and thousands of people here the biggest protests we've seen so far in the last three months now it's a lot calmer but we can all say for sure whether this this is just another quiet
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before the storm and whether we'll see any more protests anytime soon maybe the protesters are just simply taking a break but for now the situation is calmer when it's time that these people who are here behind me on. the court they will be taking their fights into the appeal court if the former prime minister decides to appeal against a verdict made on tuesday to contain the past few hours the reaction of helm has been quite vocal but what has been their international reaction to the verdict. the international reaction has been furious. regardless of where you look which part of the world everyone have been very disappointed with the verdict the united states washington said that had to be released the european union different parts of it also expressed their concerns and indignation over the verdict sentencing the country's former prime minister to seven years in prison and confiscating all of
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her property russia also reacted furiously to this decision saying that those gas deals which were signed back in two thousand and nine were completely legitimate they stressed that once again and saying that the decision by the chance in fact neglected russia's concerns over the legitimacy of these all of these gas deals in two thousand and nine and also the russian foreign ministry stated that the decision by the purchase court is in fact has or has in fact some anti russian pretext in it so definitely the reaction has been furious from all over the world we have now finds itself in a very very difficult situation when to stand out according to the european union that a possible agreement on the association of the european union and ukraine would now be canceled and some even say that. the invitation to mr young president of ukraine to attend a meeting in brussels in the nearest future could be even counseled so of course
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the ukrainian leadership now finds itself in a very difficult situation and experts are predicting some possible steps from the president about which even possibly a presidential pardon to. ukraine's former prime minister certainly following all the developments and will bring the latest information as we get it well be looking forward to that certainly i think thanks very much indeed for keeping us up to date live here had he reporting there from kiev. serbia has long been looking to follow in the footsteps of nations live slovakia by joining the e.u. and it will move a step closer when the european commission puts forward serbia as a candidate for membership later on wednesday a one big compromise still lies ahead recognizing possible as a sovereign state r.t. sarah for reports. starting a new life together and in doing so you're going to want to ensure you change in your partner wisely so when you can trust or have your best interests at heart. we
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love each other and we love our country too we wouldn't give up on each other and we won't give up on our land you know here's a ceremony in kosovo it is a time when the territories divides once again the focus of international attention is couple social and economic. this is our territory that's not going to change. that marriage is very similar to the partnerships that serbian open seas that's if the membership. for richer for poorer in sickness and in health you're going to have to stand by your choice as many countries and they're learning the hard way many marriages the reality is often far from picture perfect times the union could be filled with uneasy compromises and the biggest hurdle insert is the tension the membership just how. close of a question if it came down to it and he has to say also relies on the recognizing
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what with response i think we have a long way to go and we will certainly do everything we can to avoid such a you know question to be put in front of serbia cannot give up on its constitution and on its territory in serbia in the same time is not willing to give up only to european integration so it sounds really. unresolved so he has already done much to its potential suitor killing many of the great here is that by the he can see to be an option the rest of the final war crimes suspect wanted by the hague in connection with the yugoslav wars in the one nine hundred ninety eight many civilly in the country. it's now firmly on the right track lisa a visit from the leaders have been seen as a positive step i like. to cease in the action because they could be the deal
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breaker there's a much more reserved about the ease to intentions so he has got many many more hoops to jump over before he can get anywhere close to membership and as is often the case sometimes these unions little nuisance of any particular love the city gives up on and so you integrations is you know jeopardy to become isolated once again and we know how we view those with your eyes only when your eyes only if you cannot fight. for your legitimate national interest despite that is this that it will never recognize an independent kosovo reality grazie you aspirations are going to make it very difficult for the government to make any decisive action when it comes to cost of service. so i think look at some other stories from around the world a series of bomb attacks targeting iraqi security forces have robbed baghdad
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killing fourteen people and injuring another sixty officials say there were at least three explosions with suicide bombers targeting local police stations tax came just days after iraq asked for more and five thousand u.s. military trainers to stay on past the formal it was droll date of december thirty first. u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton says she's planning to leave politics next year for a more private life she says she'll leave the state department after barack obama's first term saying she believes it will be elected for a second clinton has been in the political spotlight since ninety nine three when she became america's first lady before being elected senator for new york in two thousand and one she now says she has no desire to stay in the public high. it is up here on our badly headline shortly before that it will take a look at what's happening in the world of business where you are.
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how long do very well welcome to your business update russia and china are close to a gas deal it's been on the cause for many months with both sides haggling over the price talking to the chinese music on mr putin explained a solution as had been found it washington chinese companies will find a mutually beneficial solution we are aware of the needs of china china is aware of opportunities and reserves a very big unable to meet the demands of our chinese friends. in september the countries agreed on a new deal to the supply of almost seventy billion cubic meters of gas over thirty years how will they still haven't managed to sign a final agreement as china says the price is too high. also to look at both figures oil prices are heading down the sol that soft lawmakers voted against an overhaul of europe has a lot of problems under the u.s. this plan of what president obama's half
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a trillion dollar plan to create jobs and robot task of its global world a month before costs weak economic outlook industrialized nations. come to european markets saw as you know office live here rejected the plan to expand the eurozone rescue fund late tuesday this sunday most financial stocks lower all across the continent puts it is dropping a quarter of the science and the tax is losing over the whole thing sounds. and rational they are just in the minds it's all back into positive territory of both gaining around one percent that's out let's look at some of the individual share moves in the minds of roussel has surged more than three percent that soft of the world's biggest aluminum producer of course one point seven billion dollar loan from china to fund a smelter in siberia urals to make zero is also lower the russian daily better misreports than mine i'm a new government approval for its program citing the letter from the russian and she trusts regulation of russia's grain and sugar producer is down more than one
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percent on the news the country's government may tax grain exports once they reach twenty four million metric tons will be here. so we'll have time for not small stories check our web site that's archie dot com slash business.
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the longest big game hunting history. he was trying to stall and they just. put sprung the traps they laid for him and mark on the radio we have the the search walks around the area here while we wait for the dog was missing. one shot trying to take. out the global drug industry's godfather became the most wanted trophy in the world county hunters. kudlow escobar to grace hunt an artist. wealthy british style. last night. at cardiff. marc.


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