tv [untitled] October 12, 2011 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT
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well they're moving on up to the east side this as occupy wall street protesters take their fight from one side of town to the other making their voices loud in the neighborhoods of those in the crop one percent of the movement continues to grow in popularity what will be their next steps. are you really happy you. would have thought it would have happened earlier well it's no surprise people are angry with the state of the union unemployment that an all time low americans can't make ends meet and millions are in debt and losing their homes so why is anyone
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really shocked that these protests are taking place. we're trying to get for your ground from corporate media coverage of the protests that's exactly what you're saying so the mainstream media strikes out with reporting on the occupy wall street movement and alternative media steps to the plate. and the plot against iran pickens there's a lot of the u.s. claims to have boiled an alleged assassination attempt in the nation's capital but it's fear trumping facts and who will benefit from pushing this iran complex. it's wednesday october twelfth seven pm in washington d.c. i'm liz wahl and you're watching. occupy wall street protesters continue to demonstrate across the country in new york protesters are expanding from their wall
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street base to other areas of the big apple and one independent filmmaker has countered the essence of the protests on camera let's take a look. i mean. if you want to get arrested or killers. here's the response i knew. you. were. more than exercise their university called the iranian government by the international obligations. to respect the rights of its own people. joining us now is the filmmaker who produced that short film. thanks for joining us corey
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what inspired you to make this film. i would see everybody who filmed it earlier you said one filmmaker captured in the truth as i did not shoot a single frame of the entire video. what inspired me is the amount of people that are capturing every moment of this event. and that's that's what inspired me ok well so you are responsible maybe you didn't take all that video you're dead at it that video and you you got suppose some bya let images on a probably a thumb comments from our political leaders what were you trying to convey are revealed here audience the symmetry of it if you watch the film you know we talk about the symmetry and her part prosy. and i think our leaders are so quick to speak ill for the race of the egyptian people and the libyan people and the syrian
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people and that's really yet they haven't said a single thing for the rights of the american people i have no these are engaged this sense of a darker see so many people are saying that they're like why are they speaking up for us and. that's where the idea came from and to what extent would you compare the movement here to the movements that we're seeing in the middle east they are comparing us. yeah i think it's not a direct comparison in the sense egypt libya syria tunisia yemen. they have one demand and it's democracy it's not the same as the artist but wall street movement or now was the strength of their movement as they had their whole demand was one word democracy and so i think the difference still remains obviously is that the occupy wall street movement does not have that singular demand nor should it i initially thought that should have just one set of demands one leader making them a murder scene only kind speak got a shit really good point that they should still wait and grow and grow and grow and
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then you'll have more leverage that's a term banks love to use leverage are able you can leverage the movement was much bigger and you can make bigger stronger demands. ok well you said that that that that the movements are their friend in the middle east they're asking for democracy here they're asking for something else then why do you get suppose the method for our government leaders where. where and compared to the middle east why you make that comparison i mean you can if you watch the film you'll see there's some shots where for example in egypt the horses rode through the protesters and tried to suppress the protests the exact same thing happened at the g. twenty i shot for shot it was identical as well if you look at the suppression of journalists in egypt and syria shot for shot it is identical so this film does in comparing the demands with this film is doing is comparing the repression and you
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know one funny thing that i saw was that the boston police were you know moving people out of the perk and the reason why was that there was one hundred fifty thousand dollars worth shrubs installed in the park and when you think bookish roads were the first and then what's what's more important what trumps what and i think that's the comparison is these demands are becoming so ludicrous from our government for us not to speak out those were the first steps they used in egypt that's the first steps these governments use to suppress their people. corey what kind of response are you getting on this film that's been yelling pretty amazing. the you tube for some reason it is restricted the video so nobody can watch you know you yet on facebook. it's very you know strange that the truth should be restricted why do you think they had their depth put over in age restriction on
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this video well i think the you know by the going to the lines there is a shark that i regret putting the shark in the film though it's where one of the protesters was shot in the back of the verities pretty bloody that's all the half of the second you see it but it is graphic there enough but i think again the truth trumps censorship so in certain cases you have to just say ok that two second shot of a bloody head is more important for of youth to see that it is the fact that they might have nightmares i mean as if they're not seen stuff like that already on t.v. it's such a rag and corey ultimately what is the math of that that you want to get out with this film i want the leaders to see this film as much as i love the fact that the people are seeing this film i can't imagine how any leader especially clinton and obama could watch this film and not ask themselves a sensible question what about my people you know what
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a boat not the politicians not the congress but what about my people and that's what. i really hope that they can ask themselves because if they don't things could turn into egypt things could turn into syria because the people were only take so much that's that's the central message is you can always push them down for so long corey thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us that was film director cory all of me. now for many of the focus is shifting from why there probably pathing to what this protest means for america and a new poll tell that there are deep reports that have a favorable view of the protesters twenty three. in prison don't think so highly of them but an overwhelming majority of american people seventy nine percent agree with the message of the occupy wall street movement that message is that the big banks are benefiting from the bailout and the system while everyone else suffers so what the best most state of the economy and record unemployment why would anyone shocked that people are angry and that out of the state of the nation artie is
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adriana was that takes a look at that question. from coast to coast americans are taking it to the street. occupying wall street. and reaching against the war machine. to see the mainstream media's response garbage is everywhere these are en route to the people that you know. drugs are being sold. and of course we all know the police. response. was rather hoopla surrounding the news of late that was afraid you would be surprised not really when you think about the critical mass of frustration knowing really happy. by it would have happened earlier but we did have a point it's no secret the u.s. is going through tough times leader's job numbers show nine point one percent of
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americans are unemployed and that's not taking into account the other struggling to find jobs long term which pushes totals to one army sixteen per cent and with jobs few and far between young people are feeling the crunch as well with almost two million college graduates unemployed spend sixty five seventy thousand dollars and . he's not the only one you have a lot of kids graduating college can't find jobs that's what happened in cairo that's what happened in madrid you don't want those kinds of rights here we sure don't mean. bloomberg but with forty six point two million americans now living below the poverty line and one in every five hundred seventy homeowners being served with walking papers in the month of august alone you might be right in worrying as protests grow because all this sounds familiar we haven't really had something. you know geared towards this this
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particular subject since for. would you say that this reminds you that very much so. mine is. called must really good music you might have a point the household income gap has steadily been widening over the past forty years renowned economist joseph stiglitz puts it in simpler terms which happen in the last couple decades is twenty a quarter of old income goes to the upper one percent around forty percent you measure it all the wealth goes to the one percent financial turmoil and several unpopular wars make for a heavy brew of dissatisfaction in a country like iraq but the fact that americans across the country are taking to the streets and even protests could hardly come as a surprise reporting from washington in our downside of artsy. we've foreigns of
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occupy wall street protests some of the mainstream media channels in the us still refuse to take the demonstrations seriously are these honest takes a lot of our coverage. that is. the store going on tuesday look funny step one ignore step two ridicule step three undermine that's the approach some media outlets seem to be taking when it comes to occupy wall street the real big thing that this movement needs to do is to put its to appeal directly to the millions of people who are direct victims of what has happened since two thousand and eight this has been tough to do through mainstream media outlets it's a joke it's not a party and they're welcome to use it try to have burning right now in the media in america it's a joke they're not hippies were not trying to have an excuse to do body around these are working people people actually come from work come over here and
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volunteer their time showing up at the protest without the network's logo fox news has spearheaded operation undermine occupy wall street all you have to do is take a shower and they can get a job if they want to caught their coverage has seen a hit below the belt approach prevail they're going to. whatever you say and they're going to leave. and they're going to one will ever push their narrative. it's no secret that it's the corporations protested against here that oh the big t.v. networks in the u.s. people are standing up against corporations that actually run the media we need to levy a defined fascism is a collaboration of corporation a government welcome to america guys that's what this is this is bashers are going to find is little interest in substance or analysis has been shown like exploring why americans have been driven out onto the street. and i say well the name of the protest by wall street i think has something to do with it media coverage peaked
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when arrests started taking place after the clashes. there is a media media interest and that's one of the major never seem to be taken this was because they don't want to work the scene openly mock protesters here is thirty. if you catered for the drug addicts potential criminals and they don't know what they're talking about frankly it's really based in the end of his roots of american politics some of the bigger networks prefer to keep their distance from the demonstrators t.v. satellite trucks separated from the protests by street and barricades here on standby in case an option happens this is the traditional site of the protests a few journalists are actually talking and listening to the people inside the crowds with mostly the independent and foreign media in the action it's really funny you know every day at around four thirty in the afternoon. t.v. trucks start arriving from every different channel it's like when one black bird
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lands they all land and they're all here to do what used to be called still wars silly by promote for their six o'clock broadcast. the occupy wall street movement has been protesting for over three weeks but reporting on america's mainstream network screens on what it's really all about his yet to catch up on the situation r.t. new york. and for more on this i spoke to kevin zeese organizer of the october two thousand and eleven movement having been on the ground from the start i asked kevin to give me the latest from freedom. well today we had a deal to rain but we had a few days repair for that so i think we held it well but today we also had some really great then there was a wall street comes to washington conference on how investors can profit from people's health problems how they can profit from health care and we went over to the marriott hotel just a few blocks from here and one of our leaders margaret flowers
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a position got into the conference and after the first panel got up and shaming them for trying to profit from people on this they the mistake of thinking of health care as an investment when it is really human rights was from out of health care we get the insurance it is the other health care and even some that's run through funding by the government and need to be like an approved an expanded medicare for all outside we had fifty or so protesters shouting shame on wall street they can hear us inside we were told they were just the lowest in their karmas can hear us making our points and that was just one of many examples you also didn't mark so they would be happy just as for you and there's janitors who work in buildings with square footage is eight dollars per square foot they don't get that much paid day so we see the injustice in the economic system we're trying to highlight it and read it to the forefront as having we've seen protests but still are you know anti-war protests out there english area where the bush era how
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and how. area has initiated by as rand say the best one different or is it different and is there going to be this is an encampment we're here for the long haul and we were very pleased this week was a major development for us was that the park service offered us to stay for four months so that you know if you want to stay here we'll give you a permit want to even ask for it when we get such a good media coverage such good support from the public here people are so feeling economically insecure they want something because they want to have somewhere they can come in and try and their political voice because right now people are excluded from our place and don't get a chance to speak. kept off the media the corporate media not arty of course were kept out of the halls of congress and testify before committees only hear from lobbyist and election is dominated by money so none of the new or normal tools work and so this is a new tool we learned from egypt in tunisia madison wisconsin and now it's come to new york and washington d.c. and dozens and dozens of other countries around the country patients everywhere
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people are fed up they want to see an end to corporate rule and power shifted to the people that's who we're supposed to be a country by and for the people not of the corporations and we're seeing we're seeing. consistent number of people at famous but it is spreading to different areas across the country do you expect this movement to grow and even more people are and euro. and support this process well that's what's happening around the world where this kind of thing is started so if some of these a story with fifty people or two hundred people on the grounds of thousands and tens of thousands were in the thousands level now we hope to tens of thousands we think that people as a here are message and so we're trying to do that we're trying to do is what the constitution says we the people in order to form a more perfect union we are doing our patriotic duty to try to improve this country it's way off track on many issues we want to see an end to corporatism and militarism it's time to end american empire and focus our resources at home and
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rebuild our economy so he will get back to work and people will all prosper from the expanding economy and i was kevin zeese organizer of the october two thousand and eleven still ahead here on our at the iran and the trouble there is as the u.s. soil an alleged terror plot out of the country but out there is one of our hours of mainstream media reporting and now it seems some of the pieces to the puzzle are missing that was the u.s. creating lot as a pretext for war. is what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians to make decisions to break through. who can you trust no one will if you deal with a global mission received where we had it state controlled capitalism school sessions when nobody dares to ask what we do our t. question more.
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like. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through it's already been made who can you trust. no one will is you are you with that noble mission to receive where we had a state controlled capitalism is called sessions when nobody dares to ask we do our t.v. question more.
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the website with twenty four seven live streaming news towns what to do about the ongoing financial hardship unlimited free high quality videos for download. and stories you never find on mainstream news. coming to the center of the political. cosimo on our two dogs just that. iran is coming under fire in the u.s. after charges that factions of the iranian government plotted to assassinate the saudi arabian ambassador to the u.s. right here in washington d.c. obama's have national security aides now say the administration a lobby for
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a new international sanctions against the country a lot of the really behind the alleged terror plot earlier pepe escobar correspondent for the times and i asked him who was stance of benefit from these are alleged attacks here's his response first of all the holes of cells because they are being painted as. the israeli lobby of course because now they can come back or older once again destroy iran these are existential threat and something has to be done then does the military complex they're rooting for a war neal colmes republican candidate say everybody in the u.s. gets it there are no one preoccupations and so foreign policy is the round actually because it's another convenient. drug them is this fast and furious plot in rattled but eric holder doesn't make sense and that's the most important point came it you know the american people know once the whole suspecting world to believe
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that the general of the i.r.g.c. which is a very complex and very sophisticated operation into iran which is more important in their armed forces they have intelligence operations all over the world they're going to subcontract it not your style killing to a field corpus christi texas seals men with no record of their checks and he's going to call back so that it pulls me as a member of this that this mexican drug cartel and those that you know i can give you one point five million dollars you're going to hit the ambassador and his favorite restaurant in washington. can provide you with tones of welcome if you want to do business with michael jackson their own as well so you know this in a script conference in hollywood this is a lot of the garbage immediately the problem is being paddled by the attorney general did it states. as fast and furious plopping your guests
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describe it seems like a really bald plot. appen right here in washington d.c. doesn't seem like a wise choice supplying a crack on an onion one would think that they were being iran's bastard. when barak on this kind of plot and if i kind of think i carried him govern when they're both quoted as econet a very good question because if they wouldn't if she were targets an ambassador he's going to be replaced by another ambassador the foreign policy of the country you're targeting is not going to change because if you shift your pen a message there is in a real and funny relish the if they wanted to kill a saudi ambassador they could do it in the middle east series and they have iranian agents all over the middle east it could be to sell the image and less of the iraq or a little would be very easy for them to do why would the blood to mount to such a sophisticated operation all american soil knowing that if every single u.s.
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is intercepted by american intelligence told calls emails this guy had a record of their checks on top of it he went to iran and came back with everybody had there's that even though he has the will nationality which is his case are you going to be question over and over again so in the it doesn't make sense at all what if it's possible it of course we still have enough elements for it's just that this guy is a patsy he was either by the f.b.i. agents gave built this story after that in other incriminated a patsy and there's also the possibility that this is a black ops operation. course we still don't have enough elements to judge it but the problem is follow the money in folder it says profits coming back to your first question. the house of south so they can those verdict tension from the effect they are the mecca of the counter-revolution the arab spring they smash the arab spring
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in the persian gulf they're going to get. illions of dollars one hundred twenty billions of dollars in the long run of arms supplied by the us but they are creating the impression that everything that happens in terms of their obscene a person go to is an iranian plot so these are the earl of course are coming back to israel lobby because they need to go back to iran is that is they should threaten or need to do something before the next elections otherwise the next republican president will do now the us has been careful in saying that that's was an attack supported by factions of the iranian government is it possible to know how high up if i lack plot made. note it because they don't know it according to the documents that were leaked the official f.b.i. documents if you read the documents there is no evidence whatsoever that this plan
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was approved by any level of the iranian double that we are even talking about the presidency or a palace a county there's no evidence at all but at the ecus a time holder is saying that we're going to hold iran responsible how come if they cannot prove where this comes from poor again eyes this blog what kind of a real a relation this guy live it does you really an american who has lived his so-called relatives in iran how high up is this so-called general of the i r g c in the cool source and if this could be maybe the real faction of the of the quds force of the ira to see who else trying to do some let's say drug business on the side dealing with mexican cartels nobody knows about this because there's no evidence now that they're a sponsor that the us. the us and for that they're asking for nations around the
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world to crack down on iran secretary of state hillary clam and collingwood are caught up hearth of international condemnation of iran are they have justify fafsa be paid and response for the accidental right sarah plot. look at when they say international community is this unusual suspect nato countries russia and china always are not going to do anything about it this us americans wall there as well which are very close relationships and a relationship with iran wald but those countries in southeast asia in east asia as well because there's nothing proving and there's deep suspicion even a realm the arab street and ship this could be us cold cocked a plot to discredit iran. and that was added times correspondent pascal viral that does it for now for more on the stories we have heard by now i think our consul asked us and check out our you tube a it gets you to.
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