tv [untitled] October 12, 2011 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT
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oh well they're moving on up to these days as occupy wall street protesters take their fight from one side of town to the other making their voices loud in the neighborhoods of those in the top one percent so as the movement continues to grow in popularity what will be their next steps. are you really happy and would have thought it would have happened earlier well it's no surprise people are angry with the state of the union employment at an all time low americans can't make ends meet and millions are in dad and losing their homes so why is anyone
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really shocked these protests are taking place. they're going to use we're not trying to shoot you or your ground yet from the corporate media coverage of the protests that's exactly what you think so the mainstream media strikes out with reporting on occupy wall street alternative media steps up to the plate. and e.u. create euro bond treasury or risk a european financial collapse and seriously george soros plus ninety five the best and brightest but is this really the best solution. that's wednesday oct twelfth aping out in washington d.c. i'm liz wall and you're watching our t.v. . oh occupy wall street protesters continue to demonstrate across the country in new york protesters are expanding from there whilst. base to other areas of the big
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apple from downtown to uptown are marching in the upper east side in case the billionaires aren't following what's happening protesters are taking a right so their doorsteps are right outside their gates in some cases yesterday occupy wall street launched the millionaires marched on their target list of tycoons concert conservative billionaire david koch there they are in front of his house in new york we spoke to one of the protesters there. proposing this we won. the state of the ocean in the old america to pay the taxes because. paying taxes like in this in your country and you before you get what you pay and if you're paying for your country you are you're going to. not going to we're not going to come out of here i mean you can i just we still poor people also on the target list rupert murdoch c.e.o. of news corps which of course is the parent company of fox news the network not so
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popular with occupy wall street protesters. here as fox is geraldo rivera being driven out by protesters as they repeatedly accuse the network he works for for lying well r.t. has been covering this story from the very beginning and as the movement grows in popularity the mainstream media has now caught on but only from the sidelines we're even seeing republican presidential candidates change their tune when it comes to the protests mitt romney at first called the protests dangerous class warfare now he is saying i worry about the ninety nine percent of america suddenly he sympathizes with them here's a look at his thoughts about the protester and the president presidential debate last night. the reason you're seeing coach is as you indicated to wall street across the country for middle income americans are having a hard time making ends meet. now it took a while for some to catch on but now that the protest has caught their attention
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the focus is shifting from why they're protesting to what's what this protest means for america and a new poll shows that thirty three percent have a favorable view of the protesters twenty seven percent don't think so highly of them but an overwhelming majority of the american people seventy nine percent agree with the message of the occupy wall street movement that message is that big banks are benefiting from the bailouts and the system while everyone else suffers but with the dismissal state of the economy and record unemployment why would anyone shocked that people are angry and that up with the state of the nation artie's seto takes a look at that question. from coast to coast americans are taking it to the streets. occupying wall street. and raging against the war machine that we've seen the mainstream media's response
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garbage is everywhere these are and ok see these are the people that you know. drugs are being sold. and of course we all know the police. response. was rather hoopla surrounding the news of late that that's a great if you would be surprised not really when you think about the critical mass of frustration you know i'm really happy and by it would have happened earlier but maybe to have a point it's no secret the u.s. is going through tough times latest job numbers show nine point one percent of americans are unemployed and that's not taking into account the other struggling to find jobs long term which pushes totals twenty army sixteen per cent and with jobs few and far between young people are feeling the crunch as well with almost two million college graduates unemployed spend sixty five seventy thousand dollars and
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. he's not the only one you have a lot of kids graduating college can't find jobs that's what happened in cairo that's what happened in madrid you don't want those kinds of riots here we sure don't mayor bloomberg but with forty six point two million americans now living below the poverty line and one in every five hundred seventy homeowners being served with walking papers in the month of august alone you might be right in worrying as protests grow because all this sounds familiar we haven't really had something to. you know geared towards this this particular subject. since. the sixty's would you say that this reminds you of that very much so yeah mine is. mice really did lose it he might have a point the household income gap has steadily been widening over the past forty years renowned economist joseph stiglitz puts it in simpler terms which happen in
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the last couple decades is twenty a quarter of all the income goes to the upper one percent around forty percent depending on your measure of the wealth goes to the one percent financial turmoil and several unpopular wars make for a heavy brew of dissatisfaction in a country like iraq for the first americans across the country taking to the streets and even protests could hardly come as a surprise reporting from washington in our ground said oh i see. and for more on this i spoke to kevin zeese organizer be october two thousand and eleven movement having been on the ground since the start i asked calvin to give me the latest from freedom plaza take a listen. well today we had a deal to rain but we had a few days of air for that so i think we know that well today we also had some really great event there was a wall street comes to washington conference on how investors can profit from
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people's health problems how they can profit from health care and we went over to the marriott hotel just a few blocks from here and one of our leaders margaret flowers and position got into the conference and after the first panel got up in shame for trying to profit from people's illness. the mistake of thinking of health care as an investment what is really a human right to get was from out of health care we have the insurances the other health care and even some that's run through funding by the government and need to be like an improved and expanded medicare for all outside we had if you're so protesters shouting shame on wall street they can hear us inside we were told they were just below us in their car mr here is making our clients and that was just one of many examples yours of the march today with the half of justice for the editors janitors who work in buildings or the square footage is eight dollars per square foot you don't get that much pavement in a day so we see the injustice in the economic system we're trying to highlight it
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really to the forefront now going to we've seen protests before you know anti-war protest during the bye sheria or the bush era how the how of this but i can see area has an issue with his ranch larry the if this one's different or is a democrat it is different i mean this is an encampment we're here to long for and we were very pleased this week was a major development for us was that the park service offered us to stay for four months they said you know if you want to stay here we'll give you a permit provided we even asked for it we gave such a good media coverage such a good support from the public here people are so feeling the insecurity they want something like this they want to have somewhere they can come and find their political voice because right now people are excluded from parks they don't get a chance to speak. were kept off the media the corporate media not r.t. of course were kept out of the halls of congress and testified before committees only hear from lobbyist in elections is dominated by money so none of the newer
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normal tools work and so this is a new tool we learned from egypt and tunisia and madison wisconsin and now it's come to new york and washington d.c. and dozens and dozens of other countries around the country we see the occupations everywhere people are fed up they want to see corporate rule and power shifted to the people that were supposed to be a country by and for the people not of the corporations and we're seeing we're seeing. consist in number of people at famous but it is spreading to different areas across the country do you expect this movement to grow and even more people and drove to town and support this process that's what's happening around the world where this kind of thing has started so it's one of these a story with fifty people or two hundred people in the ground thousands and tens of thousands were in the thousands that will now we hope to go tens of thousands of people if they hear our message and so we're trying to do that we're trying to do is what the constitution says we the people in order to form a more perfect union we are doing our patriotic duty to try to improve this country
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it's way off track on many issues we want to end the corporatism and militarism it's time to end american empire and focus our resources at home and rebuild our economy so people get back to work and people will all prosper from an expanding economy carol we're going to hear more from you in a little bit we pour into the occupy wall street protests some of the mainstream media channels in the last filter do you see a demonstration seriously are these anastasio chair going to take some blacks out their coverage. but how does. the store going on tuesday look funny step one ignore step two ridicule step three undermine that's the approach some media outlets seem to be taking when it comes to occupy wall street the real big thing that this movement needs to do is to is to appeal directly to the millions of people who are direct victims of what has happened since two thousand and eight this has been tough to do through mainstream media outlets it's just it's kind of
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a party you know they're going to get used to trying to have earning a living right here in the media in america. they're not hippies were not trying to have an excuse to just party around these are working people people actually come from work come over here and volunteer their time showing up at the protest without the networks logo fox news has spearheaded operation undermine occupy wall street all you have to do is take a shower and they get a job if they want the college their coverage has seen a hit below the belt approach prevail they're going to chop whatever you say and they're going to leave. and they're going to one whatever push they're now. it's no secret that it's the corporations protested against here that oh the big t.v. networks in the u.s. people are standing up against corporations that actually run the media but believe me a different fascism is a collaboration a corporation a government welcome to america guys that's what this is bash is about it's a party of little interest in substance or analysis has been shown like exploring
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why americans have been driven out onto the street. and i say well the names of protests by wall street i think well she has something to do with media coverage peaked when arrests started taking place after the clashes. there is an immediate media interest and that's one of the major never seem to get taken this year as we want to work. protesters here is really. they don't know what they're talking about it's really based on me and its roots of american politics some of the bigger networks prefer to keep their distance from the demonstrators and see the satellite truck separated from the protests by street and barricades here on standby it's an option this is a traditional site for the protests the future and i was actually talking and listening to the people inside the crowds but mostly the independent and foreign
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media the action it's really funny you know every day at around four thirty in the afternoon. t.v. trucks start arriving from every different channel it's like one black bird. and they're all here to do what used to be called. silly. for their six o'clock broadcast. the off wall street movement has been protesting for over three weeks but reporting on america's mainstream network screens on what it's really all about is yes to. the situation archie. ok i want to bring you back into the conversation here here you don't look like a very happy to me no i mean why do you think there is there's an effort sudan are great the types of people that are coming out so be proud sas i mean we just saw that report in the mainstream media. the message you know what you're about and
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what you saw what i call the corporate media. six corporations united states producing all the news in the country except person smaller outlets it's the corporate media and they want to hear the message the message is and corporate rule and concentrate corporate power they are concentrated power they don't want to understand that message and so we're going to keep saying that what we did and i think we got actually pretty good coverage in washington d.c. we've been very lucky local news has been good washington post had no expectations for. as i do agree good even politico today which is a very corporate outlet had a process of positive stories about us and our strategy was to make everybody the media we first off reached out independently look at october two thousand levon dot org you can see on the media page we have listed scores of media outlets in the pan outlets and we say in the beginning of that page on the media page we say everyone who comes in media you have to come prepared to use your social networks your blogs e-mail list your organization affiliate with your facebook pages to get the message
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out and you to use your i phone as a t.v. studio network take your i post you can live stream every one of that with an i phone to my stream and so we have articles teach people how to do that so we did that norah said let the corporate media know that they did not cover us they covered us forcefully they be hundreds of thousands of people knowing the truth and their credibility undermined i think it's work we're getting actually pretty fair coverage in washington d.c. at least the core of me of course fox news which is a lot of those calls were fox news clips they're probably still nationally the worst of the local fox news as pretty as pretty fairly and so we're pretty pleased in the coverage and we just keep pushing our message and getting more people involved letting people know they have power in this country is a real sense in this country of powerlessness and big money and concentrated wealth that's where the power is but the truth is we do have the power we have to understand it and realize it we also have to have confidence that we the people can do a better job in the economic and critically light to have sent us off the cliff and have us untangle the work that mars around the world so we have conference that we can do this job and you know speaking of social media played
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a big brawl and the arab spring in the middle east and you just imagine it's playing a role here and that movement and how important do you think social media is with that occupy wall street movement critical i think we're at a critical moment in our history with regard to media we've gone to greater and greater concentration of media but now with the technology available we're seeing a democratized media when he leaks was part of that because that made a pass for any individual who works in a big. this government to anonymously leak information there's also the brother leaking obviously local leaks for example the one that you can leak information without being known so you become a news source without being identified but then the social media outlets have allowed every person to become a media outlet if you look at five hundred people on freedom plaza and you say to them each of you has the ability to be the media you have the social media if we act with intention together these five hundred people can reach hundreds of thousands of people we have that capacity if we start to act with intention and the
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market can become more powerful than it commercially and i think that's where we're at this time it was when i was about to happen and you know kevin some of the republican presidential candidates at first they really not this occupy wall street movement but in the turn of events we're seeing some of them change their tune and mitt romney for example i mentioned earlier he at first said it was class warfare and it was dangerous but now he's saying that he sympathizes with that. we're also seeing john huntsman now and also show some support i would say doris the move when exactly but showing some some thought for that they are sympathizing with this message why do you think that there is a change of heart all of a sudden i suspect with mitt romney's probably polling and focus groups he probably tested these issues in the waters and realizes that a lot of americans even republicans conservatives agree with the anger at the state of the economy and the corruption the deep corruption of the u.s.
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government at all levels and that's the corruption of people like romney people who come from wall street that's who is corrupted our economy and and our government so he had better cover his front on that and he is be careful and not go too far but he's been doing our biggest fear in fact is the embrace of the current politicians democrats or republicans we don't we are independent of both parties we see both political parties as part of the problem they're both corrupted by big business present donations. obama is going around the country holding a fundraiser there course thirty eight thousand five hundred dollars to get into that's a higher cost than the individual median income americans so if you are a median income earner you can take all the money you earned in a year and get into an obama fundraiser so both parties are out of touch and we're talking about obama's for the board inadequate solutions to every problem we face always these corporate solutions and has half measures that don't solve the problem and you can learn this yes we've done it we want to see really transformational
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change and of empire and or rule and shift the power of the people in a real participatory democracy that's what we're seeing great kevin thank you so much for keeping us updated on the latest on this event that was kevin zeese organizer of the october two thousand and eleven. and as we've proven our city of keeping up to the minute with what's going on in the occupy wall street movement if you're looking for more information when we're not on the air you can follow my colleague our intrepid producer lizzie countenance is in the midst of all the action in new york here's the latest now shot at that she saw. mayor bloomberg visiting the city earlier tonight again if you like to keep up with the latest like sounds of occupy wall street all lucy on twitter because i'm not. still ahead here on our it's a it's not just the american economy that sinking europe is walking a tight rope too and now investor george soros and ninety five others are calling for the creation of
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it we just put a picture of me when i was like nine years old and just you know lived through. the end of the session i am a total get a sense that i was ok i've been getting out is that i'm pretty sure. that it was kind of a yesterday. i'm very proud of the all the belgian she has it's place. the globe. what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through it it through. who can you trust no one. you would be able machinery to where are we cutting state controlled capitalism is called.
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when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so silly you think you understand it and then you blame something else here's some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't. charge for is a big issue. see. now the us certainly isn't the only country in economic turmoil grief now with on the brink of collapse howard because economic catastrophe tied together and how will economic collapse there effect there are already a troubled economy here for some answers earlier i spoke to economic blogger in r.t. contributor the need to call up enough. so the most common thing to have an income is a debt so the u.s.
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and europe are both drowning under a mountain of debt banks don't want to take write downs they don't want to liquidate they don't want to be leveraged there because they're afraid if they do that that's going to cause a chain reaction of bankruptcies so i think that's that's sort of the problem they're both facing right you know in slovakia one of the european union nations is not doesn't seem to be so concerned about the problems in glorious the country so all the expansion of the bailout fund to rescue the euro zone why aren't they on board well one of their the minority leader from one of the parties had came out recently did an interview with their spiegel i think it was he talked about how the country basically did not believe or he did not believe that the e.u. could solve the problem of too much that by adding more debt and he made the other arguing which is that's like is one of the poorer countries in the eurozone and that although they can sympathize with what greece is going through and what some of the other countries are going through not about the sacrifice his country's
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national interests are on the altar of of the eurozone and of the european technocrat dream right you know and that the failure of slovakia slovakia to be a part of a united response to the seventeen member states of the european union not acting together. is this some this is something that troubles billionaire investor george soros he and dozens of other business leaders are urging the eurozone leaders to take swift action he said all seventeen countries must act together and order to save the euro zone and he says if that doesn't happen he warned that this will lead to the collapse of the global financial system is this is this do me gloomy consequences negative all well you know george has been sort of been talking about this for a long time and i agree with and the. it's important to note that he's been talking about this at least since one thousand nine hundred eight when you had the
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financial crisis in ninety seven and you would have broken ninety eight about the specific fact that the global financial system could not continue the way it was architected because capital flows have become global but economies are still national i think that we are at that point now where he is correct he thought it would happen earlier but i think where they are now he's been pushing this for europe and for the globe more generally the idea ok you've got all these different national economies capital is international but labor is still somewhat national there are all these different constraints we need to unify regions read unify globes create common currencies common fiscal treasuries and that's what he's advocating for europe and he thinks that's the only solution that is the solution for the european union if you want a centralized government and a centralized banking system but it's not a solution if what you want is more freedom and more national autonomy so that's that's the thing people have this what they want they want more autonomy or they want a greater kind of super state ok right and you know here in the u.s. i mean why should we care what happened over there in europe what happens to the
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euro zone and for the euro and if they do you relax what kind of confines possible leave the scene here as well as for us warned that there is a lead in this global meltdown well there's a practical side of if a collapse would happen immediately there's the banking crisis for example there's counter party risk that the european banks have with other other american back to the derivatives market there may not necessarily be direct exposure but the whole idea of counterparty risk is you may have a deal with one bank or they have a deal with another bank and that bank has exposed another bank and there's a quick contagion effect so that could cause a collapse in the banking system or some sort of freeze again in capital markets like we saw in two thousand and eight and that could result in similar sorts of contractions in g.d.p. and things like that that we saw back with the original financial crisis but in terms of philosophically i think the debate that's going on in europe. the debate that happened in some ways in the u.s. did different times of the articles of confederation in one thousand thirteen you
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had different ways like that and it's really just during periods of crisis do we want to idea kate for a solution of more control more centralization or do we want to create the centralization because the for example and in the technology space there is when you build a system you want failsafes you don't want to have one event trigger a meltdown of the entire system although you get more efficiency with more centralization you also get greater instability in the long term or more you know volatility whatever in the long term the system is more prone to breaking apart when it breaks the whole system breaks that's the problem centralization so i think there's an interesting philosophical debate being had in europe right now and there are people that want to have people that want to have more surprises and i don't soros and their people like with nigel farage in the u.k. the united kingdom a different party over in brussels and he wants he wants more national economy. dimitri thank you for your thoughts on that i'm going to ask you more of a light hearted question we have a new show coming up on our t.v.
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with lauren lyster tell us a little bit about that so your show is called capital account with lauren lyster i'm producing the show lawrence hosting it and. it's it's basically find its economic show we have some light hearted fun stuff as well as some really great guests coming out in our first few weeks so i'm really excited about it we're working on it for the past few weeks and i think people should definitely going to grade one is because they're here if it isn't one thousand dollars over an extra going today for thirty there should be air shows while the show airs live i read something to look forward to you know well that was at canonical blogger at our a team contributor and we take a look at. all that doesn't for now for more on the stories we covered go to ours you dot com slash usa and check out our youth to page if youtube dot com slash r c america there you can catch my interview with the independent filmmaker oriole divvy he made a short film called i am not moving about the occupy wall street protests and.
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