tv [untitled] October 12, 2011 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT
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for. such. a ride so i for you said it i read it right take time to respond to my brilliance and engaging viewer comments on facebook twitter and you tube because when you've got something to say i listen to first i'll respond of your who watched our coverage of the occupy wall street movement and see dickinson's that on facebook two party system has failed us for too long political as well as economic reform should be the main factors in the occupy wall street campaign. now we've obviously
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spoken about the failures of the two party system many many times on this show we talk about the systems tendency to shut up ascent to clear anything outside the mainstream is dangerous and fringe and the two party system which is run by big money donors also does an excellent job and making sure that fresh ideas and people are few and far between the nation's capital that's part of what occupy wall street hopes to address some of the occupy wall street movement seeks to fight back against the growing economic inequality in america and also knowledge is that our political system is very much to blame for the economic hardships facing millions of americans and an overwhelming a majority of americans actually agree rational approval is an all time low just twelve percent happy with the current congress so all people take to the streets to express their frustrations i think that it's pretty clear that our viewers right in order for something to really change in this country are going to have to address not only the economic system our system of government as well because at this point through a pretty hard to distinguish an exxon or spine of your goulash my fireside friday on bradley manning's five hundred days of confinement delayed nine disease on you
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to put on you alone and to mention that many people have forgot about him living in such a terrible condition for that last five hundred days without charge by his own country now while most of the media has either ignored the plight of bradley manning or declared him to be a traitor we here on the show will continue to shine a light on bradley manning and the obama administration's war and whistleblowers manning's treatment is something that all americans should care about because it's a symbol it's a symbol of the u.s. justice system or lack there of a more importantly it's a symbol of the lengths that the military's going to go to to silence those who speak out and finally i respond to a kind of viewer who tweeted us make war news except ilona show love your show caught a couple episodes this morning keep up the good work oh mr rick warren thank you so much for watching but we're going to keep doing what we're doing as of my rantings today and i will back with more as usual next week. at an era where technology is central to our way of life like a computer virus. so you know most people are pretty familiar with but most people
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outside of d.c. really contemplate the possibility of a computer virus striking the military was exactly what happened when danger room exclusively reported a virus that in fact in the cockpits of u.s. predator and reaper drones was detected by the host based security system and while they don't know if it was put on the drones on purpose they do think the virus is benign that's probably not the biggest threat to the man devices and if you ask me i think the drones themselves what we do with them are the real issue here but specialist of confront the virus has infiltrated the nicholas of hide and classified machines at the creech air force base in nevada and once the mainstream media read this report they started buzzing about the sickness american air force pilots from half a world away are able to control drones that are not only surveilling but actually attacking targets a virus has infected the computer systems that operate the military's unmanned drone aircraft used on missions in afghanistan and elsewhere those computers control the unmanned drones that the military uses to fly on and attack terror
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targets in broad. are it's a big question now aside from why is the mainstream media ever asked about why we think it's legal to use drones all over the world is how did this happen you think the u.s. military would have the best of the best when it comes to a strong cyber security system where you danger room that's not necessarily the case the security flaws are fairly common many reaper and predator drones don't encrypt video transmitted to american troops on the ground and unlike most companies the military cyber security division doesn't have a quarter per se making it more difficult to examine and determine exactly what happened and how but here here comes the icing on the cake in this story these see it turns out a bit air for cyber security specialist didn't even know about this virus though they found out about it just like the rest of us did by reading that danger room article and an answer and name sources scuse me within the air force operations said it was not highlighted when you're on. came out it was like what is this and
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yeah that's actually a direct quote so i gave kidding me the part of the nevada didn't think to war there's a period where a virus attack or killing machines talk about a communication breakdown the military is making it clear these drones are the future of our military just like a few statistics here according to the washington post runs of hit pakistan over two hundred and thirty times hundred fifty drones are responsible for being the military in the sky in iraq and afghanistan and let's not forget a drone strike responsible for the recent death of anwar locky in gambit and those jobs are just during president obama's term alone and it's not just putting a little faith in these machines it's clear that these really are america's weapon the choice for the future for better or for worse but the fact that there is such a huge communication breakdown here doesn't really make me feel all that good about our future endeavors so perhaps dangerous given the air force a wake up call to get our twenty first century stay on top of the threats to their drones. now the rhetoric surrounding the alleged terror plot to assassinate the
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saudi ambassador to the u.s. is heating up even f.b.i. director robert mueller described as a hollywood style script story goes like this a fifty six year old american citizen and used car salesmen who also hold an iranian passport working with them being funded by elements within the iranian regime trying to hire hit men from this that has mexican drug cartel to carry out an attack in washington d.c. and kill the saudi ambassador to the u.s. it turns out he was speaking to the da da informant in that he was arrested in september but only yesterday the justice department announced the allegedly foiled plot charges against two men and this was in a small announcement the u.s. brought out the big wigs from attorney general eric holder to secretary of state hillary clinton and even vice president joe biden who said this today. you know the whole world and the moral the provision of the arena action so that whatever action o'malley is taken whether it's an additional sanctions some of which we've already taken and nothing has been taken off the table that the world is united.
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now other republican lawmakers have gone even further declaring this an act of war the state department issued a travel warning for american citizens abroad so how far could the u.s. actually go with this and how much skepticism should we have to begin with with this plot or any of my study in new york is all the current national security or four different think progress or i want to thank so much thank you so much for joining us tonight and first i just want to get your take on this entire situation here i mean it very much could be a real plot but do you think that there's a little bit to be skeptical about. thanks for having me on yeah i don't i don't think we have all the details of this the emplacement was it was only twenty pages it was fairly short and a lot of it was based on this informant who is somebody who started cooperating with the american authorities after they were arrested for for likely a drug crime and the of the details are really sketchy and what doesn't and the as
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you say that's not to say there is no plot but we're really doesn't make sense is that it really doesn't fit the character in the usual modus operandi of iranian intelligence and special forces units and so yeah it's a it's a bit puzzling what's going on and i hope we get some more details. and saying that it doesn't really fit the way they usually do business the fact that they had some use card salesmen and he was transferring large amounts of money to american banks under f.b.i. control it just seems a little bit sloppy but i think the other thing that we really have to ask here is why would this be in iran's benefit they haven't attacked the united states on u.s. soil you know nothing has happened post nine eleven why they want to do this now in washington d.c. . yes but they they've never struck an attack in the u.s. as you say and and you know the saudi animosity towards iran was really laid bare by the wiki leaks revelations late last year but that was only really the specific
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some levels in a few quotes we all know that the saudis have really been itching to get the u.s. to to attack iran because of its nuclear program because the saudis are very much afraid of iranian hydroponic interest so that rivalry is nothing new either and then the iranians have killed people other places in the world have assassination plots but most of the time they were against radical and other iranian dissidents who were being based abroad and causing trouble for the regime at home and that's never been the case like this where they've actually as explicitly gone after foreign nationals doing their diplomatic service and especially tight security a place like the u.s. and so it just doesn't make sense on a lot of levels so what do you think of the style in which you know this plot was really unveiled to us because one of these things could be something that gets passed by and you know goes over below the radar but we had attorney general eric holder come out and you have a press conference we've already had the vice president weigh in we've had secretary of state hillary clinton way and i mean they really did bring out all the
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big wigs and so it makes it seem like now they have to have some kind of a big response. yeah i think it's i think that's right that they might have bitten off a little more they can chew because there's not really so much you can do as far as international sanctions the u.s. is still beholden to the international bodies and getting the express support there and they've had some problems with that especially after the resolution on the no fly zone in libya got extended the russians and chinese in those sorts of countries have become really wary of of security council resolutions led by the u.s. and then there and then yeah they really hyped up this this release and brought out the big guns and i think more than anything it's probably just the you know as i said if this is a real plot then there can be no doubt about the fact that it's a good thing that the obama administration prevented it from being carried out especially on american soil but at the same time i think there definitely is
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a political element to this where it seems pretty clear that the administration is going to run on what has actually been a really successful national security and counterterrorist ratatouille so why not. pop up these announcements even if it's a little bit more difficult to follow through you know those those news stories don't end up you know about the polls hold on page one so it's a little bit you know it's sort of a win win for them well i'll tell you why maybe you should be getting these things mean you know for starters we've covered many stories on this show where these could be possible cases of entrapment at the same time because now we have republican lawmakers and you wrote about this yourself today saying that this is a declaration of war and we've already we see this all the time right with john mccain which on both with lindsey graham saying bon bon bon away and you know i think that the american public does often gave into their emotions and we saw the same thing with iraq only result of a war based on lies and weapons of mass destruction so i really would like to see
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some truth here you know rather than just blowing steam up there abouts. right i mean if this is concocted which i have no evidence to suspect it is but if it is i think it really is a travesty in that sense that. there's no doubt that this is a further deterioration you know further down into the depths of the u.s. the runaway ship over the past three decades and and i think that it really has given a lot of thought or to washington's war hawks which would lead him to push sometimes explicitly for military strikes we had a major mainstream conservative think tank in washington the heritage foundation my colleague eli clifton wrote about it they they called for a proportional military response against iranian targets today and so you have everything from those calls to the calls of people like i think some of our mark kirk from illinois who while he said that we shouldn't react militarily to this he did use it as a means to try and promote his new iran sanctions against iran which are aimed at
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the central bank with the explicit purpose that the sanctions are designed to cripple and collapse iran's currency and bring economic hardship on to ordinary iranians and he said today use as an interview last night about it on the radio i just read about this something progress today he was asked if these sanctions targeting iran and take food off the plates of ordinary iranians and he said he thinks it's ok to take food off the plates of ordinary iranians that. they whose governments planned bombings on u.s. soil and so i think that there's no doubt that this is pushing forward efforts of people that really want to her ordinary iranians who are already embattled enough under their own government as well as potentially pushing the u.s. closer to a confrontation from iran which. experts universally agree will be a pretty disastrous scenario but they say that when i have that and it's not something that we need and you know i definitely think there needs to be some
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careful treading here i want to thank you so much for joining us tonight thanks very much for having me on it's a pleasure. so the county's an unpopular governor now is filling out for students who want the full article least when are told i'm cycling and happy our police bust their mobiles first class class which i bought when strange take on the nine nine nine plan problems months. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right. i think iraq is either one. or never government says they're keeping safe get ready because of her freedom.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for like sleep is if you understand it and then a glimpse something else hears you some of the part of it and realize that everything is ok you don't i'm sorry welcome to the big picture. see. you just put a picture of me when i was like nine years old i just took a look further. my confession i am a total get a friend that i love driving him nuts is a latin phrase. but it was kind of the just today.
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i'm very proud of the world without sincere in its place. i did start tonight school time award and tonight goes for florida governor rick scott to the republican just took office this year but he's not very well liked by florida residents who go to the mid office he clearly has a thirty seven percent approval rating and that's the highest of his governorship and just a few months in office he had the honor of tossing the first page of the gang the spring training game and he didn't really get a very well welcome from flirting floridians.
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the old. out now besides being booed scotus based criticism after criticism for his handling of state issues it was a wall during a weekend of major wildfires across the state in june turns out he was at a secret retreat with the koch brothers also signed into law a bill that required all welfare recipients to pass a drug test and that's actually cost the state money because virtually no in seeking help was on drugs but they had to pay for the testing now rick scott is also slash major funding for education and solar. rick scott has just announced his new budget in florida it takes more than one point seven billion dollars out of the public schools and instead of putting that money back into the budget the budget gives it away in corporate and property tax breaks so k. through twelve education gets absolutely this aerated in the state of florida. that's right more tax cuts for corporations but since he's dismantled k.
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through twelve programs or appears that rick scott is now going after higher education as well steve this week he's aside the state shouldn't be spending money on all those liberal arts degrees he said this is quote i got accused of not liking anthropologists the other day but think about it how many were jobs do you think there are for anthropologists in the state now rick went on to say do you want to use your tax dollars to educate more people who can't get jobs in anthropology i know i want to make sure that we spend our dollars where people can get jobs when they get out now it's got a little further the discussion saying that the who wants to shift more funding to colleges that offer degrees in science technology engineering and math he wants to create a new silicon valley in florida so rick scott is basically things screw you to students who are liberal arts degrees he wants to colleges to offer free market friendly majors basically rick scott doesn't like liberal arts classes and agrees because they educate people on social issues but guess what they also give you critical thinking skills analytical skills things that might come in handy in the
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workplace but you know i guess it goes majors don't fit in with his tea party conservative viewpoints do we need science technology engineering math majors as well of course we do we don't just cut liberal arts out how dare a college offer insight into the world how dare they teach our youth to think outside of the box be creative when newsflash governor scott one of the things that supposed to make america special that we allow our children to explore new ideas new ways of thinking you know that little girl of the every politician throws around even if they shouldn't liberal arts degrees they help encourage that so there is opposition to thinking out. the box we're giving florida governor republican governor tonight's bull's-eye will work. hi guys time for happy hour and joining me this evening is our king correspondent christine for example and evan mcmorris santoro reporter and blogger for talking
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points memo thanks for join me guys oh all right so we said we wouldn't do to debate staff during happy hour because very good budget debates earlier on of the show but were so bach that you know what we call are the series is the gift that keeps on giving so we have to play a little clip of what she thinks about herman cain's nine nine nine plan. when you take the nine nine nine plan and you turn it upside down i think the devil's in the details. i know i just love that one so he can see critics you know you're so right she's the gift that keeps on giving but michele bachmann is also somebody who realize who realizes that she's not really making her face known anymore the interviews have stopped she's not out there as much so she has to come up with these clever little phrases to make sure that she gets on this show and as many others as possible i think you i think it was a cute gesture it's a little strange to talk about the devil at a republican party is throwing her as a bad experiences especially
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a jesus loving god fearing woman to do that but i think she's desperate but i guess that's all she has left right is the conservative social crowd and it was just you know a lot about the devil but about you know christianity i think there's ample of how we know these candidates read what goes on twitter because on twitter throughout this whole nine nine nine plan it's been so many job for six spiritual group literally someone and for her they follow the tweets this is what we're learning about this campaign between all of us we have been i don't know if you know this but earlier this week we learned that apparently the rick perry campaign watches the a lot of show because they put into their new ad attacking mitt romney welcome your security that's a great step for graduation which really kind of cracks me up because we're i don't know why they would be watching our show. ok let's move on also do something so we've been doing a lot of occupy wall street coverage we've seen the people as well that we're on wall street sipping champagne overlooking the people and so now here's another clip
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from some of these we are the one percent take a look. and getting a bunch of of ridiculous people here together with no real game is is is is frankly idiotic we worked hard to get where we are and it seems like a lot of people are down here whining that they don't have the wealth that we have and this is america this is capitalism. it's like this approach is it's un-american . all right so i am feeling a bad joke looks good just. a little because you have to actually say that it's hard to do that you greg think there's something had to be said on the show every single day except they just get some young hot guy to say it and like that it's normal well that's my thing is that watching this guy who says well i should be happy to have my nice apartment and my second apartment this guy held long hair he doesn't look like a guy and i could be totally off base here he doesn't look like a guy that actually works on wall street i think it's probably a joke even if it's not you're right if he's repeating what it sounds like bigotry
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against her legs i mean you will come along hear me very well i understand this is america california where the people with long hair are usually the people that are real estate agents and part time surfers you know they're just they're really that your bigotry i'll be out of my richer friends have sort of i mean there's less fear of them you know because i you know i try to keep it less stress in my life exactly exam i mean hang on to it well looks can be deceiving you know looks can be deceiving because i look at it and i think americans like oh first of all there's that i need to do it. but you know i just think that some of them are like psychopaths telling people to write or know or maybe they really are just spending their wealth it's true or they're here but i'll tell you they're here they're wealth and they're. ok. so this story about a mobile strip club. this is the little. boy who was. my early years.
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oh my goodness so the good lounge was part of your store and now you're in detroit and going to live play the bear is basically police have to look at it they realize that it operated illegally as a strip club for reveling but. it's too bad it wasn't your idea because i think it's a good one i think it's an entrepreneur only idea that we haven't seen yet really i mean i'm working on a story right now about the food trucks in d.c. these are there's eighty of them right now everything you want mac and cheese cupcakes grilled cheese anything but the food trucks have to follow the rules in terms of health standards they get checked out by the health department on almost a weekly basis so i think that if mobile strip club wants to function just make sure they got where you are did exactly what america guys can go the strip club they can go to. their office they don't have to tell their watch they'll never find out something very good i mean i thought about this the way i felt about that
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underground bunker which keep the food truck and the trickle truck separate but just keep those two things separate i think yes yes one hundred percent ok only to most but if you're only in for both trucks yes let them pass the inductions don't let them exist ok last story that we have here this is just one of you i called it karma whatever taylor. they detected a strong odor of alcohol coming from the vehicle they asked him to step out when he did you see he was unsteady or he speeds almost they were down several times and had slurred speech as well as watery in blood shot eyes he told officers he had two drinks and did agree to a field sobriety tests now while searching his issue the officers say they found a loaded smith and wesson b.s. special handgun which queen the tribe receipts have a similar council. all right so this is representative curry a lawmaker in tennessee and he was one of the main people that was pushing for this
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legislation for you to be allowed to have your guns in your bars you're going to do that maybe then don't get arrested for getting a d. you lie. on you because then you're taking a look like everyone's going to go around driving drunk and shooting up the town well you know they say you know for authors you know great what you know the same thing goes for making laws i mean this guy obviously knows a lot about drinking and carrying a gun so that's the kind of law that he writes i mean i think this may i think it makes sense to me. i don't know what to say i mean. guns in bars i guess everyone's going to have their own opinion but it does go to show that this is somebody who loves his gun and loves drinking. and i love my god. i love america for being with us with a with a stripper but that's it right there i got to wrap it up but they did so much for joining me tonight i think at night so thanks for tuning in make sure the come back tomorrow might read some reason is going to join us for happy hour on the side of it from a fan of the a lot of show on facebook out of all of us on twitter if you missed any of
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tonight's or any other night you know stash elocution stuff on flash heal our phil you'll find interviews as well as the show in its entirety and coming up next is the. reason you believe something and stand certainly from the realms. down since you never. download the official we can show you on the phone the i pod touch from the i choose our. lunch on sheesh life on the go. video on demand oxys mind the old costs and r.s.s. feeds now in the palm of your. question on the
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