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tv   [untitled]    October 13, 2011 8:30am-9:00am EDT

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this is all to you live from moscow a recap of the top stories despite loyalists crowds in syria's capital activists sound the alarm over a new crackdowns saying clashes in the north of the country have left three people it's all as president assad has promised to establish a committee to draw up a new constitution and global pressure continues to grow. in the united states protesters determined to stamp out corporate greed take their grievances to the doors of the wealthy. big business of trying to buy elections despite having been
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beaten pepper sprayed and arrested determination is a new spirit. of. concern over japan's nuclear fallout to turn its back on nuclear power over the next eleven years some experts believe such plans are untenable i believe a push to swap the topic energy for greener alternatives could leave germany out of jobs and in the top. joint corporations getting richer at the expense of american taxpayers that's the core of the occupy wall street movement which is now well into its fifth week one new york hip hop artist has been with the protesters from the very beginning and shared with us the disappointment and frustration behind the ongoing outcry. occupy wall street has now entered its fourth week of demonstrations and this movement has now been used for this nation in forty five feet two hundred cities
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and over the past few weeks many well known names have thrown their support behind the movement in my current gas rubber after this and revolutionary immortal technique thank you for joining me thank you for having me on the program within the first few weeks you came down here to speak to the crowd from what i understand you were very bothered by the fact this movement was being marginalized right now what fourth week into a mainstream media is down here we see all the satellite trucks around why do you think they have begun to report about what is taking place here and throughout the country you know this is an old phrase in the media if it bleeds it leads you know the more shocking the more outrageous it is the more that they want coverage because they know that all the stations the smaller media outlets the blogging sites those sites that may not be necessarily mainstream media but that the attention of millions of viewers are starting to actually pay attention to what's
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going on here which one is which is one of the biggest expressions of democracy in the past few decades here in america and i think that when that is clear and present in front of everyone to see it becomes blatantly obvious to some of the larger. media senses that they're not even giving an ounce of coverage to it it makes them look even more biased than the already i think the tipping point might have been the arrest the mass arrests of here in the eight hundred peaceful protesters on the brooklyn bridge it took place i know you've been very outspoken about it and of the police brutality i think that very much the police brutality when it hit the when it hit the internet became viral because you saw a bunch of defenseless people that were simply expressing their freedom. to speak their mind in a public place then they were penned off when they were sprayed down they were obviously not in danger of harming any police officers and then all of a sudden you see white shirts coming out warm warthen and seemingly
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unable to be held responsible for anything that they do almost as if they're above the law and that is very exemplary of exactly what has continued to fuel the fire here at this protest the fact that people there on wall street people that are in government are refusing washing same as all of them but a lot of them are refusing to acknowledge their responsibility and what caused all this you know listen come from nowhere people didn't just decide to get up to be angry about nothing people who are seriously concerned about the direction that our democracy is going i want to ask you about something that new york city mayor michael michael bloomberg that about this demonstration he said that these protesters are trying to destroy the jobs of working people in new york city mayor michael bloomberg said that his demonstration is not productive do you think that this is. an illustration of disconnect what do you think about no i think that's a perfect illustration of a connect his connect to wall street bloomberg is what seventy five percent or
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about owner of bloomberg l.l.c. has a sixteen billion dollars stake or so down the wall street this is business school of course he feels threatened and he's been do whatever he can including making the police more and more confrontational to elicit the type of negative response that he wants from these protesters he wants to go them into violence he wants to make them argue amongst one another he wants to foreign issues of race religion sexual orientation whatever he possibly can him and people like him to exploit people that are coming here who just simply want to express themselves how is this anything but a democratic expression of freedom of speech and democracy is something very alien to that fraud mr blue. what should we do should we just we just completely ignore our god given right to assemble here and to question our government when our entire american we love america and we refuse to see it destroyed by the same people that have been corrupting it for the past countless number of years i believe that there
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are lots of people that are willing to put up mr obama's second term on the altar of the marquis if he's not willing to listen to the same group of people that were honestly trying to believe in the words he was saying when he claimed. that he was going to change things in this country which haven't changed too much angst well this is clearly going to become a part of the twenty tough election absent this is done so big it is spread so far and why us president barack obama did speak about this and said he understands the frustration of those taking part in documents on the street parties frustrating you know in two thousand eight hundred ready to go up in office obama was not the the great unifier he was the great pacifier. he came in here and said no it's going to be ok i'm going to take care of all this it's a care of all of it this is not hatred towards him this is not a general gration of him as a me but he knows the system he has to stand up for because he's tied to it to what
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makes the momentum actually that the u.s. to step aside from the occupation and fight from the visual what do people need to do when we start forcing the money and we start bleeding them down that's when they get the mess that's when they get it through their heads oh my god no they've discovered the magic way to deal with us all the problem here be is that i see a lot of potential i see potential that needs to be harnessed i see people that i understand the reason they have an elected leaders but i think that there should be more spokespeople that go out and have the actual cool message of this group that realize that the corruption that has existed in this system would be. i look at this nation they see republicans completely in the hands of corporations democrats pandering to them nonstop we see them also involved now to the president as part of expanding war was expanding occupations not standing up for human rights you know
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being blind about several global issues that are important to people here because they reflect on our democracy what we do outside of america defines our democracy here i've seen a lot of people online think just that this movement if they were to take some action should go so far as to either pull their money out of banks or stop using credit cards that's not i'm not promoting any ideas here while asking this question but it is something that has been suggested do you think that the second ideas about benefit the for job using credit card i think even though we have to have a cohesive strategy to pull this together i think that there's a lot of real brainstorming that needs to happen because if we make one move we need to be focused on what moves will be made against us you know this is a chess game just like the united states chess game in the middle east where they're willing to give up a few points but what they really want to pieces they're willing to trade a few lame duck presidents because what they really want is the main characters of
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the bill you know they're willing to trade the foreign bengali he's right the other guy used to be a player mubarak became a poor one of they want. the bishop gadhafi gone. now they want to clean iran out of this secure chess game and don't think that they're not playing that here. we have to not only be focused on what the next move but what the reaction to what their reaction to our next moves we have to think ahead of the game which is the eyes that there should be more brainstorming sessions here and i'm not so sure they should always be in public because i think honestly that we're not the only ones watching this would be a fool to think that there aren't people involved here. around this area that aren't sleeper cells or agents that's not me being paranoid that's just the truth you know the first person the first black person to ever work for the secret service agency was agent eight hundred his job was to infiltrate the movement of
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marcus garvey if they were thinking like that back then but i wouldn't they be thinking like that and i think what's most important is that we don't get frustrated or angry or upset or lack the patience to be able to deal with this move there was a there was a sign out here that said you know police offices you're one bounced check away from being out here with the rest of us to look at a lot of people think they're angry they're screaming at cops but you're going to stand there just working class individuals whose their boss the mayor the mayor is get money with wall street he's literally. he's closer to wall street than america is this you know to me. that's that's his home those are his people when they die you pours out a little liquor for them so when he says something to the police commissioner the police commissioner says something to the white shirts and the white shirts kick downs of the soldiers it's similar to what we see in the most brutal parts of the occupation of iraq and afghanistan the most brutal parts of that war soldiers held
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accountable for terrible things that happened within the confines of the war but no officers no generals nobody that implemented these policies nobody that said hey you know what take him into the back and cut his hands off and so he tells me what i want to hear or reprint so she can't stand it so she gives us the information that we want but that's only attributed to the contractors to the soldiers not to the upper levels not to the cia memos not to the people that wrote which is why when i look at cops this is a certain amount of cynicism that i have when people say oh they're all evil the wicked no they're not evil the wicked the people that are innocently following orders and if they don't follow orders they lose their job like the sign said their one bounced check for being right here with the rest. of us to and i think that's also a big difference between this movement and between the arab spring as the difference is that in the arab spring there was a concentrated force of security forces whether it be military or national guard i decided to join with the move because those were the people they were literally
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saying well these are the people that i'm being told by my government and i have to go to war with other countries to protect and yet now i'm being told to attack and kill the same people at some point everybody has to question what they're doing and why they're even here what they're doing in their job if they're being expressive their democracy and a greater question what do they ever really do to be considered an american. if you fall out of a pool in new york or new jersey or kansas that's why you're an american if you want to stand up for you kumin rights in your civil rights if you have a question of government and trying to infringe on your civil liberties would you ever try to reform a government that's done nothing but leech this country dry stealing from people constantly. if people come here from the opposition people love consistently been a part of taking advantage of the people that are here and upset at what we're doing because it exposes what they've been doing this whole time which exposes the
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corruption behind closed doors then we know we're on the right and i'm telling people right now that i'm going to continue to come back down here to this movement i was here when i started out i won't be here when it finishes because it's never going to finish because we can never stop reforming our democracy the moment that we stop reforming our democracy it ceases to be a democracy at the moment that the revolution stops that means the revolution has been betrayed we're here to stay and we're not going anywhere. the easy leeches and discoveries to be easy. communicate with the want to. test yourself and become free
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to. see what nature can give you an aussie. the longest the game host to history. she was trying to school and play to. put spring the traps they laid for him. we have the surge walks around the. always from the always missing. one shot turns to. the global drug industry's gold father became the most wanted trophy of
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the world's pouncey hunters. to grace hunt parties. the headlines on our t.v. and despite loyalist crowds in syria's capital activists sound the alarm of a new crackdown saying clashes in the north of the country have left three people that it's all as president assad has promised to establish a committee to draw up a new constitution and it sounds plausible pressure continues to mount. in the u.s. protesters determined to stamp out corporate greed to take their grievances to the doors of the wealthy that she was a big business and try. by election i just why having been beaten and sprayed and arrested determination is the only spreading. concern over japan's nuclear fallout plans to turn its back on nuclear power over the next eleven years
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some experts believe such plans are untenable and say a push for a swap atomic energy for green alternatives could leave germany out of jobs and in the. right let's get the latest from the world of sports with me. over there welcome to the sports are two thanks for joining us this hour let's take a quick look at what's making the headlines around the globe. sounding off russian football man is addicted we call it states the elks club versus country conundrum is affecting his teams you're trying to break. longer servicing the russian domestic football game is currently in the process of switching to the european league system with around the world over the big. birthday
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but there are a secular cases tona could present himself with the best possible good by winning this season's championships on something. so many scandal is arising in russia with automatic call of a geisha beg for euro trying to trial the country's football team are now looking to fill their build up time with friendly games but according to the card russian club sides are already feeling twitchy about handing over their stars for international duty. so hopefully the owners are happy as well sometimes i have some doubts about it because we can play two from the next game in the world is some progress from some owners so i don't understand that was the way they think because i think the thing about it was well because it's very important so we are willing to think about the clubs well so we only play one one game and hopefully don't they are pretty against visitors he wanted to play a much tougher opposition friends you've been playing recently against the likes of
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iran qatar no disrespect of em but the opposition we face of year is really much tougher so in brazil we know. already but we still get the call from asians more so i can say overall to medicine knows no zero point. now the card had stated last week that if russia didn't make it to poland and ukraine he would step down as national team coach but with a tame top in qualifying group bay his head until next summer at least and that country's the billionaire in place or that it was. a drug card is a truck level specialist he's a very consistent prismatic can go into third person and to make it even better he's a winner he still runs out in july next year but he has an option to be extended and i can't see any need to change that. no eight other you're trying to troll uprising teams have found out their player fate in crop of two euro cup semifinal
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against croatia a bit of this lee hoping for a better draw request between good sittings men and the chargers has to be an intriguing ending to the qualifying campaign. and turn based on it will play against ireland eleventh in the world. cup quarter there and how and after failing to overcome in group h. meanwhile another seeded side the czech republic will face montenegro the first leg pictures of the close will take place on the eleven and twelve while the return legs will be played on the fifteenth. to the domestic game now where the final steps have been taken to move the russian premier league club and in line with the rest of europe this season from trying to troll on words will kick off in autumn with the final match is taking place in late spring richard but portland has more on what this will mean for the club's. that there is no me the money for the
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new russian premier league champion is crowned however this won't be the case miss c.m. in fact the winner won't be confirmed till may of next year as the country's footballing calendar is undergoing a radical change to prevent in line with the rest of europe. the old format often put russian clubs competing in europe and disadvantage as once they reach the latter stages of the champions league all the europa league this season was yet to start. however the remainder of the continents were already halfway through their campaigns and we're in a much better position because it will help us immensely move into the new calendar the clubs found it difficult previously to compete with the top clubs around europe in the latter stages of the european competition this is however things should now be a lot easier for us and has to be put on a level playing field the clubs will carry on playing until the end of the current championship in mid november and every team will replace thirty games however then
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there will be a split two games taking place in november and remaining twelve for march until may two thousand and twelve after a four month winter break confused well if you take a look at the current table and of the clubs remaining the same positions of the end of the season the top eight so that's the need to angie a plate of a home and away and fight it out to see who is eventually crowned champion and who qualifies for europe. however at the other end that's close no doubt charm i did they would play each other twice with two teams relegated to the first division in the season they've been she finishes them a little but it will be really hard for the clubs at the start as he will have to play a lot of league games as well as trying to fit in european competitions as well but in the end it will be worth it because you'll be on a similar calendar to those clubs playing in the majority of europe who have been concerned about the new calendar putting the clubs a disadvantage give me unpredictability of russians were the conditions however
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these fears should prove to be unfounded a new championship will cover pretty much seem be the currently used because the winter break and on the contrary by the alternate two thousand and twelve rusher will join the rest of europe and playing in a season finishes in which a bump if you don't see. one of football's highest paid players is now facing a breach of contract match the city striker has had been suspended after allegedly refusing to come off the bench during his side's loss to buy a mini in the champions league last month the twenty seven year old claims confusion on the sidelines that to the incidents and fears no need to apologize to manager roberto mancini tells his advisor also said the players statements following that match where mr slater time previously stated he wanted to live the club last year has since been courted by his former team corinthians before city
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turned down a fifty four million years dollar base for the forwards in the meantime the team expects back on training on thursday. in turn as david ferrer of spain has booked his place in the season ending a.t.p. world tour finals in london that stuff so rich in the quarter finals of the shanghai masters their big competitor in the last sixteen he can play play squandered the open a back claiming only one game there to lose it one six in the second. they spent it saved three match points to seal it sent five and level not forcing a decider in the final third said farah finally found his game to win it six two of the match. joining him in the last eight of the tournament andy roddick who beat another suspended nickel and margrove the american only two sets to send his opponent packing six three six four and it. to the world avengers now where cases stoner is looking to complete his fifth successive.
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home in their thrilling grand prix on sunday many clinches second world championships prior to the race stoner let himself take a rest and enjoy the trout fishing ahead of the weekend's action headed for two pairs a forty point lead over defending series champion jorge lorenzo of spain the other men who can prevent that australia from winning this season title. to score ten points and more than this and it will seal this year's championships still at turns twenty six on the racing day at phillip island so a victory there would be the best present for host birthday. you know it's you know the grand prix always look forward to come back. you know i think most people enjoyed it. as a little bit more straight a little bit more things to do but in general you know we're. going to be a first time here with no wonder. we do. for years have been pretty successful and
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attract a lot of fun we're going to have to wait and see with the weather as usual formula one judge mclaren will have to wait another year at least to see its drivers lift civil wear that stuff to suppress unfertile secured his second straight sprung with red bull last weekend. where the champ byrne says the man was his nearest travel season. i never thought i could win a championship i thought he made two mistakes. but he did and this year he has driven superbly he hasn't really made mistakes and he's been super fast ever we've got. he's obviously had a great crowd to meet with. but he's still the best of us because we think so yeah he's he's difficult to beat when you win you don't quite have the performance but. you know i think we're we're a very strong team and if anyone can fight back it's definitely. ok up to date now
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more sports news from around the globe. on. a very warm welcome to you this is your news today protesters on the wall street. ladies and gents a good chance the chance is to get the status of the huge experiment. with
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the weakest you'll probably miss rap music awards it knows the bacillus the trial sensibly coming in the song changelings us financial temples the release of link to maintain our confidence in markets and. wants to be seen trade imbalances risk the nation's close to collapsing the subprime loans close. to fail simple a business again feeling like thing is us crash seven and. seeing flames is like all the clubs in athens greece behind me i'm just programs increase the total economy.
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