tv [untitled] October 13, 2011 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT
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occupy wall street protesters aren't backing down instead the movement going nationwide with thousands of americans on their side this is just slightly brutal beat down by police in cities like new york and boston so as this movement rapidly spreads what makes some cities stand out in the rush. and the rage against wall street doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon party's been on the ground with the crowd and even bumped into rage against the machine guitarist homer rollo performing for the protesters he also stopped to do an interview and let us know what he thinks about this growing. and it's
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a case of sibling rivalry the tea party and the occupy wall street movement born out of the same ideals yet for some reason just can't seem to get along we'll explore the similarities and differences of the two with tea party founder carl dunnage or. various government one percent for the war which is why the world. perpetuates itself wait a minute that's not how it's supposed to go and the ninety nine percent aren't going to take this kind of corporate power anymore so as a political ties to big business fuels public anger the question many are now asking where is the government of the people by the people and for the people. it's thursday october thirteenth five pm in washington d.c. i'm christine for you're watching r.t. well a major day today in the movement to occupy wall street movement continues to spread
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around the country and grow take a look at this. this is a map all cities where the occupations are taking place as we speak and this weekend on saturday they're even expected to grow globally and what's being called the global day of action or protest are scheduled to take place around the world the call is for people of the world to meet on the streets to initiate global change one of the cities of course has gotten quite a bit of attention in recent days is boston when boston police and transit officers came into a park down tents and made arrests in just a few nights ago but let's take a look at this video again. protester cell as they were being peaceful and at the head of the national lawyers guild was among those arrested as were several medical personnel on the scene also on mungo's arrested a young woman named allies the heat earlier i spoke to allies or here's what she
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had to say about her story. we had been occupying a single section of a road kind of the green way up until monday night and on monday we moved to occupy the second section we've been expanding every day and we have hundreds of people coming by to join me live every day since we decided to privatise it out and we've been working with city officials and the entire process we've had a very friendly working relationship a child by. monday we were told by the boston police that we did on the second area both camps would be removed and people who did not move but the iraq at the conservatory therapies that controls the area there was kind of a green way had told us that we were trying to occupy the area we've been very respectful of their ground and their planting and have actually operator reimbursed them at their tiny damaged station. we were told if we didn't get by midnight that there would be arrests made and we did not vacate tons of people came and we were
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very people very careful singing chanting linking arms and chanting our ground and you were arrested and how long were you in jail i was detained for pacino most people were detained for bob long some people were actually held for longer because they were believed to be organizers of the loop and then what happened when you got out. we were arranged by tuesday and some of us well we were offered few options we could i don't hate it you know. and have the charges dropped was sort of like a parking. lot where we could plead not guilty and continue it to a trial where the criminal charge a lot well it's not like cut it and which did you choose i don't you know i was like. of course of course let me ask you this eliza you know there's
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a lot of stereotypes about boston police and you know having gone to college there a lot of those stereotypes don't seem to be too far off but i want to get your reaction to how the police are there i mean do you get the impression that the times they see this as sort of you know a night club brawl that needs to be broken up. there are very different reactions from get around. we were incredibly friendly incredibly supportive we hark you a lot of people who said all we have to meet that one of you know we're really watching and there were a lot of pop there's you were. with stones i was actually detained along with who's a member of peace who was dragged by her throat. even though she had been warned issues but it's a real you know we saw some of those pictures a lot of those veterans for peace numbers arrested holding their flags let me ask you that i know are a lot of questions from a lot of people still sort of trying to get their heads wrapped around this
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movement they say you know new york protesters are angry at wall street and washington they're angry at the way government is often swayed by wall street large corporations but what is keeping people motivated in boston what are you guys fighting for we are going to thinking that all of the occupy movements are fighting right now we proceed to act and i'm at the start of the jobs and i'm fair to at least ninety nine percent of america and america. of america controls a huge amount of our private thoughts and with my control i would love and i absolutely and from audible political influence as well influence on the economic conditions of iraq but the ninety five percent so we're calling i and everyone whether you're at the very top of. bottom of the ninety nine hundred five or anywhere and it's neat to stand out and peacefully and at what he and shoulders around lucia and you have that equality and actually not just analyze even pretty
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active you know tweeting about this is well keeping people up to speed with things happening on the ground there in boston i know that one of the things i read that you tweeted you said i really love the photos of the cops who are arresting us to protect the quote new plantings just standing around on said plan sigs good job tell us a little bit about sort of the aftermath what's happened since the arrest and then the other things you've been tweeting about that you want to make sure people know . unfortunately i have to be aroused all of the private property everything that went on was destroyed including american by. and we. decided early on that school supplies would have otherwise been donated even given by a while but the are. friendly on it see how amazing turned out really is falling it's been a huge amount of support i've been contacted by people from australia and ireland
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all across the world. who asked it off you cry all across the globe and we're really. going to stand up that it's neat and you know getting on track getting forward all right will keep it up and i we do have you keep us posted occupy boston protestor allies heath thank you. and we are keeping our eyes on occupy wall street in new york of course as well we have several crews on the ground there and i understand that the agenda for today is a full can't clean up session protesters have been asking for donations of brooms and other cleaning supplies that are going to clean zuccotti park where so many have been camped out for nearly four weeks now since new york michael bloomberg mayor michael bloomberg announcement that those campers will have to leave tomorrow morning so the park could be cleaned they're concerned that if they do leave they won't be allowed back in so they say they plan to clean now and then tomorrow when the crews come in they'll position themselves with brooms and mops and human chain around the park to nonviolently stand their ground now earlier today as you kind of
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park tamburello because horace from rage against the machine performs hard to produce a list accounting of also spoke to him asking him among other things to grade a president obama's performance thus far. my support for obama was very conditional begin with i never had hopes it would be beyond the sort of centrist democratic president that he is now. many people some of us. because he looked like a different president and he talked like a different president he would be a good a kind of president clearly has value but i'm not waiting around for him to change people like i was waiting around for him to change this is a movement from the bottom up it's movement has to be reckoned with and many people see the brownies letters or. what do you think about that i think that's i think that's. frankly small potatoes to the to the overall problem of the fact that the. country and the planet is owned and run by people who don't deserve to be doing made a profit they do in the name of privilege. they do it at the expense of human rights
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expensive environmental rights what you're seeing in the currently one thousand three hundred cities towns and hamlets across the world are being occupied his people across the spectrum do not feel represented by their corporate masters enough that represented by their government sponsored and i feel represented by the tea party democratic by the republican party having their voices be heard i think it's about time. i promise not to hurt me. or my attention or whatever and like. all the crimes are and the crimes are the fact that people can no longer afford to keep their homes that's a crime while the bankers who torpedoed the wall street melfi since that originally torpedoed the economy those unaccounted for those are huge economic crimes which cause death and destruction to the to the poor working class families united states all these people just like i lost a billion by saddam three billion back after my i see peace he said those are the
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kind of crowds but you can't if you're the president it's if you're the president i say you can't prosecute those pasties who depend on those people. to get in office to stay in office it was a quite interesting you sir i work for united states senator for two years under alan cranston from california. and while he was a very progressive person more progressive than obama i got to see witness firsthand but every day he was on the phone asking rich guys for money none of that money comes for free we're not the strength of occupy wall street occupy america is that we're not we're not baking and pleading for help without begging and pleading for some savior to wave a magic wand to if we cast our ballot for the boys every four years this is a bonus defining itself and figure out what it's going to do to change the world inspired by the arab spring inspired by greece and spain and get the u.k. but inspired by the feeling that all you need to do to change the world is get out your door in the morning stand up in your place in time people are angry and they're dissatisfied and they're not serviced by the mainstream political parties
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and are not service by you know the hate mongering of the right wing populist movements and this is a place where in your hometown tomorrow your high school you can start occupy libertyville illinois it's a place where people can gather to express their grievances and express their solidarity with one of like we feel like it right and we're to do something about it not sure exactly what that's going to be we've got a place to go stay together i mean it doesn't make. the media report until something out pepper sprayed in the media didn't report on it nationally until some other people got arrested it was happening the media was reporting on it and now you know the guy from agents and she's performing so he's reporting on it now too but it's happening whether or not he feels thinks they're occurring and they want to get out of here it never mind if one of them and you know mike mcqueary. yes. we had him. that my dad. like that's the people i don't know that it's necessary to overcome the media is skewed portrayal
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of the i mean all the tempest it seems to be more i follow i follow and it seems to be a more. accurate and well rounded representation now that was three weeks ago and he had shot at last week and i'm a passion and i can't miss my flight from the sixty's around how. you think it's. going to have been a little bit of. late on yeah worried should people be. they should be surprised if it occurs but if they. don't took. a break from thinking we're going to separate the plate might be fun and might be right. but. it definitely was a. little political i reflect what it. is because gandhi said person ignore you and they laugh at you but they do it. that was rage against the machine guitarist tom morello taking questions from people including our very own lucy calf and off was that on the ground for us they
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a night really bring us the latest in pictures and interviews from occupy wall street lucy is also a master tweeter but so many updates throughout every day about what she is seeing and hearing at occupy wall street if you want to keep an eye on it you should definitely follow her on twitter at lucy catherine off. and with this group of people loud and angry making demands it didn't take long before the comparisons began between the occupiers and the tea party we've been comparing and contrasting for a few days now on r.t. and thought bill maher made some interesting points the other night on the rachel maddow show check this out the tea party movement let's remember star is sort of started out as protesting some of the same things met with the bailouts of the banks they didn't like the big banks it just shows how easily the people in the tea party could be herded to something else they were sort of on the same page as these folks but then they started to watch fox news and they know what they were really upset about was things like obamacare and taxing the job creators and somehow they
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weren't up on the wrong side of the issue again. also important to remember though that the tea party did get co-opted by fox news the koch brothers and the various message machines as that happened and also grew in power and strength and pretty clearly helped shape the outcome of the two thousand and ten election where republicans swept into the majority of the house of representatives and changed the direction of the national debate so the connection we think is fair and we want to go a little deeper now busted that earlier i spoke to one of the original founders of the tea party karl denninger he is also the founder of the market ticker website so to start off i asked him about something posted on our website libertarian pete bloom wrote that occupy wall street is basically all the things that were in the original tea party but ignored by what he called a republican. here's karl's take on that bold statement take a listen i think there to some degree accurate one of the things that we had
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originally was actually perri back in two thousand and eight were two protests one that was held on wall street the original protest against the bailout of bear stearns and then a second one that was held in washington d.c. that we called the toilet bowl protest because it featured a toilet bowl in which people could deposit their collateral for the federal reserve and those were very small bets there were thirty forty fifty people there we hold out a lot of those you know a lot of signs and in and out some theaters of flyers of course stickers and d.v.d.'s and things like this and then everybody went home and the problem with protests and the political process is that it's very easy no matter how big the protest is to it for the politicians to simply wait until the people go home and then they can ignore you well occupy wall street was a little different and back in two thousand and eight i wrote that when we will actually see changes when the people call they set up camp and they refused to go whole that appears to be happening now and there is of course you're going to
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expect people to try to co-opt what's going on but that is a very dangerous process because the authorities look at this. try to make up their minds or to do you have two basic outcomes one is that we see some justice here and to some extent that probably doesn't involve prosecution the statute of limitations has been intentionally run on some of these things but not all and the other is the other real change really needs to happen is we need to be examining who promised who what and what can actually be to whimper because a big part of what's being groped about here that i've seen within the occupy wall street movement are things where the only real solution is for people to go bankrupt but that has to happen in poll sites the student who takes on seventy thousand dollars in debt studying history probably wasn't all that smart to do that but somebody made him a seventy thousand dollar loan and a solution to that is for him to declare bankruptcy and have that debt be able to be discharged which are currently cannot but the person who made the loan also
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needs to eat the seventy thousand dollar loss in what we have done in this country over the last three four years is forced the homeowner to actively declare bankruptcy they lose their house to get foreclosed on it or on the street but the bank doesn't have to suffer the loss of making below that it was no defective at the time and that's where the justice and pride is my thick for a little while longer without kind of a comparison between the tea party and occupy lothian with nothing other than point in our own similarities between the two movements. that. here we have on the both of them are a joke and an aberration and a bunch of weirdos at first they both are angry at the elites they're both concerned about jobs the economy they're both repulsed by wall street bailouts disenchanted by the death of the american dream both people in both movements feel left out of the system the tea party of course angry at governments occupy wall streeters angry at corporate america we've had you on the show before and you know
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you've told us so many how in so many ways despite gaining power at the tea party was hijacked what's your advice for the occupiers down there right now. don't let it happen that's i mean it's a very you know it sounds quaint in its own simple it's not one of the things that the occupy movement seems to have going for it used to oppose not turned around and issued a sort of formal dimia this is a good thing not a bad thing everybody's looking for a sort of demeans the problem is as soon as you pipe up with well list of four or five things and you've got to keep it simple and short then somebody is going to say well we gave you seventy percent of it. and the fact is that's exactly the sort of thing that happened with the tea party we were told that it was you know we were going to get what we wanted essentially through the elections well one of the things we wanted was an end to government deficit spending it as you can see that didn't happen so you know there's this there's this movement within government to
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say oh well you know we could throw you a cold or two it's kind of like placating it all out of every little go outside well well go as far as a lot of those tea party members that were elected into office and i slept in in two thousand and ten it seems like they were a lot of the ones voting against this deficit spending just didn't have enough of them i guess you could say important also to talk about the differences between the two groups even members of the original tea party wanted the last government and last government regulation most of those down there on wall street believe big banks should be more heavily regulated and also be held accountable for things like for example the mortgage meltdown. according to another prominent tea party member there are almost no similarities i want to play this for you car and get your reaction i just think there's a distinction here these people are not like tea partiers are not law abiding citizens they're camping in a park or camping isn't allowed they're breaking the laws on the brooklyn bridge that's not tea party behavior that's not america loving behavior. so karl what
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about this charge that the occupy wall street protesters are breaking on america loving fifth and i seem to remember this thing called the first amendment and the last time i checked the constitution including the first amendment of which it is a part of takes priority over people saying you can't wave signs beach. i understand it there are think that you know this this whole thing with the brooklyn bridge blocking a group is wrong but there is plenty of controversy over exactly who go to who would be blocking what richard whether or not it was a spontaneous act or with the police actually shepherded of people out of the bridge and then turn around and block them in and arrest the well you know if a police officer says walk this direction and you do it and then he turns around slaps and cops on you i'm not quite so sure that that's your fault certainly a lot of controversy about that day in brooklyn last week let's talk to you about how both groups are being and have been received by the american people i want to says new poll numbers compiled by time magazine's new national poll and show that the occupy wall street movement has
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a fifty four percent favorable rating by the american helen tea party rating i think and percent i wanted to these figures karl doesn't surprise me we have a basic problem here in this country in the the acts that took place over the last thirty years with regards to national debt within the system generally whether it be in education housing all of the poor and medical care for that matter all of these things are very complicated and difficult for the general public to understand and people in the media and people on wall street like it that way because if you don't understand it then you know you don't get what happened but the american people know that they've gotten hosed it lost their jobs they've seen them offshore to china it lost their houses they saw a huge run up in home prices that are collapsed you seems to stock market crashes down the space of ten years and maybe we're in the middle starting a third one and people are saying you know what i. i know that i've got. this but i
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don't know what. i just know what happens if you get all came from new york in washington d.c. one of my favorite signs down there is this screw us and we multiply. you know one of the major issues for those taking place in these protests and in occupy wall street is that cozy relationship between some of these big corporations and washington i guess you could say the politics of power in which so much of policy is determined by lobbyists and money and what our correspondents and it is you can explore this a little further so i want to play her report and karl if you don't mind sticking around we can talk about it on the taylor. investing in politics has proved to be good business in america just a few million dollars in contributions and some lobbying can bring your company billions in bailout loan guarantees tax refunds another stimulus all of the expense of the every american taxpayer exposed in the election system in it's in the ongoing lobbying and sort of influence industry these are powerful powerful
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businesses their whole business model is around using influence to break the rules of the game in their favor so far u.s. corporations have been successful in ensuring that the loss introduced to regulate last week after the financial meltdown of two thousand and eight don't function those measures were effectively scuppered by u.s. lawmakers the corporations were also successful in keeping their tax cuts intact and finding loopholes for getting billions of dollars in refunds the us government over one percent for the one percent by the one percent perpetuates itself passes rules that allows the banks to get the regulator to restrict our democracy three years after washington gave almost a trillion dollars of taxpayers' money to bail out corporate giants unemployment in the countries over nine percent the national debt is well past the tipping point and the congress is looking to cut essential social programs. thousands of
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americans to the streets to ask where is their bailout how could i live in a country there were so hundred nine filing people where does arrest us to go one of these bankers are the people would cause this to upset just because it was not hard in the meantime goldman sachs one of the main architects of the current crisis is richer than ever it is a now seventeen billion dollars in bonuses alone for its stance when asked about the impunity enjoyed by the corporations president obama said a lot of that stuff wasn't necessarily illegal it was just. immoral and many agree it pretty much stays that way but not only do the lawmakers come under fire for accepting generous contributions from corporations and then acting to return the favor but the president himself was accused of bias and whom is known a number of occasions one of the most recent scandals involves a solar energy company saloon bridge which went bankrupt and cost taxpayers almost
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six hundred million dollars that's the amount of the government approving loan guarantees despite receiving persistent warnings about the company's financial stability the deal was pushed through by a foundation which in turn was a major donor to president obama's election campaign since last year corporations have been allowed to funnel as much money as they want into political campaigns now they don't even have to disclose the amounts they spend their time trying to violations the serious new law effectively gives the corporations even more influence in washington leaving many americans in fear that their voice might no longer count or drop all these people onto the streets of washington and other cities in the us is the understanding that their government and their legislators represent the interests of the top one percent as they call them the very wealthy corporations that can afford influence in washington to skew the system in their favor. going to check on our team lost in d.c.
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. all right carl i want to get your reaction to this and have you talk about what's next that clearly americans are frustrated but how does real change happen you know tea parties with i think would argue with that it already did happen at the ballot box in two thousand and what do you think. i would take exception to a couple of things first is president obama so these things may have been moral what they were against the law that's not true filing one hundred thousand faults perjured affidavits in courts across the country is a crime are selling things to people that you know are garbage and telling them that they're perfectly good debt instruments to use a crime these two things in particular standing alone are things that have been admitted to in a second in particular was admitted to under oath in front of the financial crisis inquiry commission it's a part of the public record these are not the only things that could be investigated and prosecuted should somebody choose to do so but when you have
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a system that is essential you a revolving door you have corruption that is not illegal per se and yet it is a serious problem for example in boston former treasury secretary twice went to washington to get the leverage limits removed from investment banks the first time he was turned away the second time he got what he asked for in every one of the firms that failed bear stearns and lehman brothers being two that were formally under that restriction had more than double the leverage that was formerly equal at the time they blew up so these restrictions that have been taken off of these institutions by the theory people who don't go to washington are a big part of the reason that we're in this mess and they drove right up in house prices because without the ability to run at leverage you could have never financed these this but when the first rights are on the time in one sense or last the money advice would you give the occupy wall street protesters based on you know the
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perspective the you have as the original founder of the tea party no longer i thought they had with it your advice very quickly well i wouldn't say i am one of the people to start the tea party i would say i'm the founder. but i would say stay on message which is that the corruption is not a singular apparent you. it's focus in one place you have to get the money out of politics which is very difficult to do but at the same time you can't silence of people's voice and so you're going after things for example it says if you're going to decision it's very quiet about it you need to stay in the you know a larger view rather than focusing on the individual things because you can get seriously hurt there are these people are professional so they don't have a cable system. karl denninger one of the original tea party founders also founder of the website market taker thanks so much for joining us and that is going to do it for now my for more on the stories we covered at a party dot com slash usa or whatever you tube page youtube dot com slash art.
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