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tv   [untitled]    October 13, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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welcome to the big.
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welcome to capital like our. award i thought to go florida state representative brad drake grabs a member of the g.o.p. loves to emphasize his tough on crime credentials and of law for guns just take a look at one of his past campaign commercials he's the only true conservative the state representative indorsed by the paternal police for his commitment to public service and seeks a lifelong conservative group is a strong supporter of our second amendment. and brad is not kidding about being tough on criminals he this week he introduced
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a bill that would do away with lethal injection in the state of florida and replace it with the electric chair and the firing squad brad says we still have old sparky and if that doesn't suit the criminal then we'll provide them with a forty five caliber lead cocktail instead he went on to say there should be anything controversial about a forty five caliber bullet if we were up to me if we would just throw them off the sunshine skyway bridge and be done with it now when asked about his proposed law seen in cruel brad had to say it frankly my dear i don't give a damn i'm so tired of being humane to inhumane people you know i just honestly don't even know what to say this man other than the fact that he clearly is sick and is not it to be in office and i asked for his reference to old sparky but florida the electric chair the primary source of killing inmates are nine hundred twenty four until two thousand more than two hundred inmates died in that chair well sparky was retired after several inmates caught fire during their execution it's something i think most sane people can understand is very clearly
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a form of cruel and unusual punishment but i wonder brad drake's new bill the electric chair would be the primary source of executions in the state but a prisoner of the option of dying by firing squad as well he just might be thinking as a civilized nation the us would never allow firing squads but you would be wrong now we reported to you in the past utah executed inmate last year by firing squad the state of utah is the only state that still uses the firing squad forty nine year old convicted double murderer ronnie arder was pronounced dead at twelve twenty am local time that's standard mountain time here in the state of utah just about four minutes ago. five individuals thirty caliber rifles. now we must say the in that case the man who was executed that was his choice to be executed by firing squad but when asked graduates so the idea to bring back the electric chair and firing squad came from voters that he spoke with at
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a waffle house that's right ladies and gentlemen brad craig is his advice on how to carry out the death penalty from patrons at a greasy restaurant chain mostly now mostly along interstates it's just a sad state of affairs an elected official actually speaks publicly let alone introduces legislation that takes us back toward barbaric dates the first six comments is archaic idea of bringing back firing squad of the electric chair right school time award goes to florida state representative brad trait. and now talk about the protect ip act something we've spoken about at length on the show in the past a bill designed to stop any attempt of copyright in its tracks any website domain or individual who's engaging in any form of copyright infringement even linking to a form of copyright infringement could be fees or shut down and this calls not only on law enforcement but also individual internet service providers to search for anybody who is illegally sharing music movies or any other pirated materials so for months now we've discussed how this broadly expands the government's abilities when
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it comes to censoring pieces of the web and it gives the attorney general or even those who have had their copyrighted material pirated the ability to go after the infringers themselves but all the while we've expressed our concern over the protect ip act yes chamber of commerce has been rallying behind this bill maybe rallying is an understatement it's more like fear mongering and releasing videos like this what other business would it be ok for you to lose fifty percent of your product and not receive income for what worries me is that there's a hole in the system but i think that one of the places where the system is broken is where the artist for getting paid for the work that they're doing and open it up and the check was for oh about eight hours and i just stopped for a moment i thought i learned how much the check would have been had everyone purchased the d.v.d.'s. so clearly those types of ads appeal to actors musicians writers anyone else in the entire entertainment industry i can't say i'm surprised after all this bill was basically written as
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a favor to hollywood and use it in history but i digress now it turns out that a lot of tech companies out there teamed up with the chamber of commerce over the years but ever since the protect ip act has become one of the chamber of commerce's focal points are changing their minds it's just been announced that yahoo is parting ways it with the chamber and while they did it quietly rumor has it the final straw was over the extremist videos and statements dealing with the protect ip at yahoo joins a growing number of groups have decided to leave the chamber of commerce mostly because of their pay to play model meaning whoever throws them own them the most money will become one of the c o c the major lobbying efforts apple exelon p.g.d. of also quit the chamber over their political positions and we should note that local chapters of chambers like the san francisco c.s.c. have broken ties as well so with major company after major company leaving organization one can only hope the departures will encourage the government to stop listening to this glorified lobbying group as a single voice for the business of america and rather a knowledge of what it is
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a pay to play operation with a nice title. now just a few weeks ago the entire country watched as the last attempts to put off the execution of troy davis failed and a man whose guilt was in doubt was put to death by the state of georgia after thousands of people around the country staged protest sign petitions and even lawmakers and foreign leaders joined in opposition i wonder if i case might change minds about capital punishment here in america so let's take a look at the latest gallup results or latest results of a gallup poll that was conducted shortly after davis' execution sixty one percent of americans now approve of using the death penalty but that's get around from sixty four percent last year over the last seventeen years we've seen a nineteen percentage point drop after approval shot up to an all time high of eighty percent in one thousand nine hundred four and these latest results show that the death penalty support has fallen to a thirty nine year low so they try davis how can you try to toots and could support keep dropping when people hear about the case of hank skinner and discuss this with me is mike riggs associate editor at reason magazine and reason dot com mike thanks
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so much for being here tonight course so i mean what do you say about this gallup all one hand you think great or i think great support for the death penalty is it thirty nine year low at the same time fifty one percent of people still support the death penalty it's a lot that's way more than half if this were a ballot initiative or constitutional amendment. the people who are ok with the death penalty i think would win but i also that's not the only trend we're seeing the sort of decrease in support we're also seeing you know you mentioned the year one thousand nine hundred four as being a high watermark was also high watermark for executions post the reince even of the death penalty got the supreme court there over three hundred people seem to suggest throw in one thousand nine hundred for this year early in two thousand and ten it was just over one hundred so i think maybe one reason we're seeing sort of support increase is because you know we know now there's no quantity it would take of evidence for using it doesn't deter crime it's incredibly expensive and prosecutors
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don't see the need to use it as much as they did so. dozens present and of course you point out troy davis i mean that was huge that was huge i mean this is a guy who's executed despite all these questions and discrepancies in his case well that's what i'm wondering you know because if you look at these gallagher results they show that over the last seventy five years i mean it's really been a bit of a roller coaster when it comes to support or opposition to the death penalty and i'm just wondering why this is such an issue that is you know so fluid for people you would think that this is something that you make your decision and you stand your ground but at the same you know we really seen it slow and is it because of high profile cases maybe our emotions just up right now because of terry davis i think it's one of those issues that the more and i again i don't know if people are thinking about it more although cases like troy davis make me assume that people are thinking about it more but i think as people think about it more they realize that it's like very difficult to have a solid position on capital punishment for instance if your idea of if the reason you support is because this is going to turn people from committing murder well
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when you start to think about capital punishment learn about it you realize that's actually not the case when you learn for instance as the i'll talk about two thousand. there a bottom of their list of things that they thought helped them do their job being able to have in capital punishment as an option did nothing for them i mean two percent one force in officials thought that that was helpful for their job so the story here is this it's like this like for instance in florida which is execute if you want people since receiving the death penalty in the one hundred seventy s. i spent twenty five. yeah going viral off a bridge right they've spent twenty four million dollars per inmate and they've executed fifty one so when you start hearing all this stuff i think it really comes out for most people a moral argument i mean arguably people who are on death row or if they're guilty they're sort of the worst of our society there are people who really brutal crimes against other people the most brutal crimes and so when you think i really does come down to this thing will do i believe that it's the state's position to
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exercise vengeance and there's no clear answer the. so i mean if you look at the thickness text you really differ is here by effect by your political affiliation him by region it's mostly republican males in the south that there are in favor if you like of the gallacher salt but you know you bring up the case that the point that some people think that these are the guiltiest of the guilty and they're horrible people but guilt can be and doubt and said ok a lot about ray davis and tell us more about the case of hank skinner here's a man it's said to be executed on november ninth in texas ok so hank skinner was convicted in the ninety's of acts of murdering his girlfriend and her two grown sons and there was a lot of evidence that i mean this is the center of sort of being one of the witnesses as in the case of three davis retracted her testimony she initially claimed that he came to her house and came to her house soap and blood and media after the murder and admitted to doing it. but he says he didn't do that because he was so high on coding as
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a drunken i'll call that he could barely move his attorneys and have a blood test that they say that he was basically incapacitated this witness retracted her testimony so all the circumstantial evidence is totally in question in addition to that there's all this physical evidence there are hairs that were found at the crime scene there are just all the stuff that we tested for d.n.a. that the state of texas is refusing to do so this is definitely one of those cases i mean troy davis all the eyewitness testimony about the way i witness testimony was retracted or refuted this case it's not you know when it starts to me is in question it's the actual nuts and bolts of the evidence against him i think it just seems a ludicrous to me right if you have so much d.n.a. evidence to work with be it hairs or pieces of clothing carpet whatnot then how could you possibly not test it on mention there be some kind of a law that forces you to test all day every day there should i think part of having a right to a fair and speedy trial as technology improves is to is for the state to invest
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everything it can in improving. that you're guilty and i think that also means i mean one way to think about what's happening in texas right now is that a possibly innocent man is not being given every benefit of the doubt all the tests necessary another way to look at is the state of texas is not doing due diligence i mean they're going to execute a man who they have not proven beyond a shadow of a doubt is guilty and what's their excuse me the saying that it's too expensive or something because you know he almost got executed before and right and you know justice scalia had to step in and put a stay on execution and so a year later why is nothing changed why is it you and i haven't thrown out and have to i think i think cost is a straw man argument i mean i know prosecutors and that's what i'm still using that's right exactly because the the appeals process on death row i mean again it's millions of dollars in some states like florida tens of millions of dollars per prisoner for the appeal process plus the cost of the execution itself so that argument is bogus it's a bogus argument that i mean the d.n.a.
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tests will cost two thousand dollars his attorneys are willing to pay for it his legal team is going to pay for it they still aren't going ahead with it just yet and i and i think part of it is that the incentive if you're a district attorney or a prosecutor and you're publicly elected for instance or publicly elected judge i mean you you want on your resume that i took this really horrible person and i killed them you know i mean that makes people feel safe right you think there's any chance that this case like i said november ninth right so the clock is ticking down against us execution date could this be another troy davis like a slave trade it was ignored for a long time but then it became very high profile you had politicians you had leaders from around the world you know people petitioning protesting all around the country and i think it could be you know troy davis is basically had a huge vocal group of supporters for a very long time in over twenty years i'm not sure in this case that that that support is there that grassroots support is there i'm also a little bit concerned that there may be issue fatigue on this because troy davis
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wasn't spared and he was executed there may be a sense of emotion. on moral exhaustion on the part of people who are opposed go. well that's unfortunate mike and i thank you so much for joining us that you know if any new details do come out in the next couple weeks that hank skinner others have to follow thanks so much. i thought i'd show and tell is coming up next and i'm happy out banning eating while driving plus authority says president obama thank you again for all your. insight only military mechanisms to do the work of how to bring justice work. i have every right to know what my government should do if you want to know why i pay taxes. but i would characterize obama as a charismatic version of american exceptionalism.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so silly you think you understand it and then a glimpse something else you hear sees some other part of it and realize that everything is ok if you don't. charge the big picture. let's not forget that we had an apartheid regime right. i think it needed one well. we never got the book says there are keep you safe get ready because your freedom.
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all right it's time for show and tell on tonight's program now last time we spoke the journal of david sirota and we discussed the washington disconnect with occupy wall street movement as even the president's senior adviser david plouffe said that
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obama is on the side of the protesters even though they're very much protesting against the system that he's a part of so should i get officials even get involved or should they let the protesters speak for themselves but a producer for treason essentially to find out what you have to say. remember the old saying if you can't beat em join em well that's exactly the root of republicans had taken with the tea party and now it seems some democrats are considering a take with occupy wall street you have president obama john podesta in another key democrats touching on things that tie the protestors of the democratic party but demands for tax changes but do any of the protesters really buy it considering the democratic party is part of the system that they're fighting or do they see it as an attempt by washington to manipulate the situation and frame it in light of twenty twelve election well james said stay out they have done enough greg suggested they endorse it but then again they never will because they are the one percent victor said stay out since they don't have a clue about reality only people who have lost their jobs in homes fully understand
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the situation. on twitter d.s. pirates told us if they become involved it will end up like the tea party a good cause hijacked by politicians an interesting point i mean the tea party began as a movement outside the two party system but the status quo sound no way to regrow their independence a lot of the lies and dissolve the groups lamented by using political clout in p.r. to hold them into the system and once again it seems like the big political parties will be taking calculated steps to see if they can pull some of the wind out of this independent movement. now as always we thank you for your responses and here's our next question for you at home during the show we spoke with ever harrison about democrats and republicans coming together to fast breathe free trade agreement last night what do you think these types of free trade agreements help or hurt the u.s. economy you can respond with on facebook twitter and you tube and you know his response just making.
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i got a fan for happy hour and joining me tonight is archie producer jenny churchill and my grades so c. editor i reasoned magazine and reason dot com thanks for joining you guys for any of that really going to happy hour at your i not in the monitor the height difference. i'm sure to anybody giants little person that i hope against i'm like in between or something you know you come out of the normal i love i love the purple combination you guys have going on. but ok let's take a look at these clip it comes from the onion but. take a look. ok we've got breaking news now with poll data is showing the president obama's popularity is skyrocketing after punching it doesn't break around millner in the mouth of people hours ago when this is a call the banker did nothing to provoke a punch which was captured by photographer during a white house meet and greet it's like
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a little mr moneybags has given obama instant credibility among voters who previously been critical of his reluctance to share some wall street but this best . i love the last line is the best bit of the funny thing about this as i was thinking about it is that yes as much living americans would like to see wall street bankers be prosecuted and you know a little justice. i think a punch in the face with probably really you know like the emotional swell up and i would be enough for some people oh yeah and then when i invent american i use their real like i can imagine them both being behind stage obama's ok i'm really sorry to do that but you know it's for the sake of appearances are you still going to get two million in campaign donations from your bank great people or the guess is it was a movie you know what i loved about this was it reminded me of the movies where you're watching and the bank robbers become the guys you're rooting for so in this like obama who we're not rooting for right now punches someone else and therefore becomes a good guy even though he's not a good guy yeah a montage of plays right after that when he was starting exercising and like just
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arguing with people who are not going to lie down anymore and just but larry summers maybe that's what they're going for it with you know with like weird sounding thoughts boiled by iran that worked with you know used car salesmen mexican drug cartels the little who you are anyway. ok for those of you who have never been to a rave let me just give you a little taste of what one looks like as the big one. right now in. the carnival butt. anyway so in los angeles there's a are in california democratic and we won fiona ma trying to ban it ok for a fifteen year old girl died at the electric bass the carnival apparently from an ecstasy overdose probably because that's what it really does when they go to raves
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you want to act and see and so she tried to ban it rave music basically she introduced legislation that would have made conducting an event that includes music can last more than three one half hours and missed a meter fence with a ten thousand dollars penalty then she found out this little bit most first impulse was to be a brave soul to go but that approach ran into some problems with found out later on that constitutionally you can not be a type of music. we found out later on how long did that take you are exactly three weeks on that legislation going all the i's crossing or they just forgot to check it was leaving you already do you think were involved in this process of actually writing the legislation you know i just heard they really have you got people on board to be involved nobody was like sorry ban it. unconstitutional now i'm i'm all for i'm with her man that you know the greater sort of room i live i went to a concert recently just like you and i went to
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a concert recently and i had reese's spills in the bottom of my purse and made him tea out every single one because they were like no you have to see is make or i want to just reese's pieces and tell you it was terrible the search matter really there candy there were at the end you should not have their freedom of speech and expression obviously well she then tried i think to suggest that state agencies prohibit people from bringing. gloves and a pacifier. to so everybody is going to see all the examples there are going to be are you going to come on your i mean ecstasy just makes me want to put something in their mouth i actually think pacifiers probably a better option than other things you might find a way ansley where you put a rose and i make sure. you know some fire ok speaking of putting things in your mouth look at one chicago suburbs try to do. right before you hit the road you might want to think before you take a. village either chewing out
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a possible ban and eating while driving. is absurd ok so obviously the silent killer fast i mean clearly you know there is a problem with people being distracted while driving and statistically you're so that like eighty percent of the time that's the reason for car accidents and so we've seen a lot of states now you know make it illegal to be on your phone while driving or texting and driving but i guess texting while driving is actually dangerous you know i still do it all the time when i was a teenager and i should not it was just not that could cause a fire was illegal but look at. eating while driving i'm sorry i think you probably eat without getting distracted i'm actually all for all these crazy restrictions or for the free market solution which if i'm a runner is are you are higher is higher insurance rates for people who want to engage in risky behavior and then we are if you're really going to. be running
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while driving we do retroactively punish people for driving poorly blow what if you want to drive like faster than the posted speed limit or you want to ride put on make up and you do chili cheese dog like i'm just you know like my gosh you know i get a pass or maybe you should drive faster than the speed limit i would totally get it right here because as a foreign journalist i don't think you know this material so not relevant stupid but i'm really upset because heinz just came out this cool new containers that you can dip your fries and that's why you drive while you try it's very rare any place where them on the go out there is an assault on the eating mcdonald's fries and it's just it's ok so this latest or next story last henri sorry currently mind blowing sex can actually be mind blowing and scientists have found that it can actually wipe away your memories the fifty four year old woman arrives in a hospital here in d.c. in a state of. she just had sex her husband and she immediately was all recollection of the previous twenty four hours turns out it's
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a rare condition called transit global amnesia and it's temporary but it's really severe you can lose your whole memory you know what i was just thinking up today that where i was this excuse you know when other people were in college and a home and they were blacked out later on for hooking up with the person and now people have a study proves they do it sorry you know this is just my mind i raised my hand all the stranger banged me too hard i was unable to get the assignment look i was be doing something wrong because this isn't happening to me and frankly i'm a little disappointed well you know you were a frat boy go and oh i want to go over the. place where i did this obviously it's like look i don't mean to be crude what literally being somebody is pretty. you know i was never for you because we're out of time i think we were offended jenny's sensibilities. are you guys thanks for joining me tonight that they put in a show thanks for turning is make sure to come back tomorrow we'll be live from new
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york with the latest on our wall street and the impending showdown between the protesters and my t.v. you don't want to miss that meantime family launched on facebook on twitter if you miss anything if you do that i'm finally going to jail and coming up next is the. the longest big game hunting history. he was trying to store. data. but sprung the traps they made for. him up on the radio we have the search walks around the area. always from the always missing. one shot trying to take. the drug industry's godfather became the most want to trophy the world's bounty hunters. escobar to grace hunt on
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a car chase. wealthy british style. is not out of. market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy which might stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report on our cheek. more news today violence is once again flared up the phone and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets.


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