tv [untitled] October 14, 2011 5:01am-5:31am EDT
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it is one pm and the russian capital you are with r.t.l. marina josh army defectors have reportedly crossed over to fight alongside opposition forces in northern syria but the government insists the armed gangs threatening the public not revolutionaries and the u.n. human rights office has raised the tally of those killed during the seven months of rising to over three thousand test as more. about one hundred eighty kilometers north of the mass this is a city of unrest on the site of five days of recent deadly clashes between security forces and protesters in which at least thirty died it's close of the cities of homs and hama where most anti assad protests have been taking place evidence of fighting in oliver stone is plain to see there was an air of suspicion the tense mood only broken by children now smiling but only two weeks ago these youngsters
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were witness to violence in their home town like this eleven year old we heard very heavy fire we heard airplanes but didn't see them it sounded like they were flying high we were really afraid and we were crying the whole time. the child was one of the few to talk most understand locals mean that we're hesitant to say anything about what happened telling us they didn't want to get into trouble. the areas governor gives his explanation why the military are right there were groups of people who had their own demands they had these demands for a little while and then it all escalated when they armed themselves we saw the situation had become a threat to the people and that's why we decided an intervention should take place in. the end so i would say it's reality for you here was the son of god from any of us this place right there it's a place but basically i'm workmates you see here so this
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was a safe place safe from harm us here at this time but opposition activists insist that these were not on gas or terrorists but army defectors so far the government has said little on the subject of decisions from the military i think it's a kind of a strategy by the government and that weakening the morag of the. divorces so if they talk about the friction. it. would be more of the friction so. all was well with this kind of. but under the circumstances the most affected by the violence. is a roots. in syria. we're going to live from moscow still have a sour twenty one years of stagnation little known self plane republic of transistor
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in eastern europe or mains frozen in poverty in africa conflict matter believe it's leader is to blame. and the latest polls in the us suggest anti-corporate protests sweeping across the country have the support of more than fifty percent of the population still there are accusations that politicians and the mainstream media are ignoring the movement it all started in new york a month ago and occupy wall street activists who have been camped out there ever since are refusing to be moved has the details. on wall street all the demonstrators hundreds of them that have been camping out there and sleeping there for weeks are pulling out their brooms their moms even toothbrushes to clean the every square inch of our the park but the. reason why the demonstrators are doing this is because new york city mayor michael bloomberg paid
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a visit to the park personally on wednesday evening walk through and told all the the protesters that they would have to temporarily leave the park on friday so that it could be cleaned up now the protesters believe that this is an effort city officials are making to remove them from the grounds that they have been camping out so they decided to take the initiative and clean the park on their own now of course the occupy wall street movement has been referring to themselves and the majority of americans as the ninety nine percent they believe that one percent of americans the richest that lives in the u.s. basically hold the vast amount of money and that the disparity between rich and poor is growing deeper and deeper some facts were compiled by a variety of different organizations and those statistics include the fact that the top one percent. forty percent of america's wealth now this
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disparity of courting to reports is worse than it's been in the past twenty five years at its worst level a second point is that the top one percent take home twenty five percent of america's national income and the third point is that the top one percent owns half of the country's stocks bonds and mutual funds this is just a little reef synopsis of what you in the morning to make about corporate greed possibly or were they off about. economic disparities within the united states. the end of big business movements now preparing to go international protests are due to take place in canada the u.k. and are even spreading to asia. explains why people in india are preparing to join the occupy together club that energy that's happening in new york city and across
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the united states is definitely spread here to asia and actually the youth movement here has mobilized on facebook and on twitter and they are planning an actual occupy type a soul hong kong by jakarta even if lama vod so the movement in asia is growing there's a lot of support for a here in india. and there are a lot of similarities between the goals and the mass ijaz of the people in the united states and here in india we saw a massive anti-corruption movement here in india recently that was fronted by i'm not worth thousands of young people showed up to support his fast against the government so many of those people are said to come out to this movement as well and many people compare that corruption movement here in india to the arab spring
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and now people are saying it's a very it has very close ties to what's going on on occupy wall street people here are a little bit suspicious of the multinational companies the corporations that they're talking about over in the united states specifically american companies you see it happen a lot here a while and guess economy might be growing the rich in india are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer and it's the foreign corporations that are really benefiting from india's young workforce. appreciate it reporting there from new delhi well more countries are joining the protest against fat cats and now we are closely following all the latest developments on our web site r t dot com and our you tube channel so you can go online any time you like to get more coverage.
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more news today violence flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. a giant corporation today. you're watching live from moscow moscow is preparing at ci but in fact the response to washington's missile the fan system in europe according to reports while they come just after the incoming u.s. ambassador to russia was quoted as saying washington will not seek to ease moscow's security concerns over the system let's get the other details from our correspondent igor and skin off there so your tell us a why i watch inten is reluctant to work with moscow on such a potentially explosive issue but it's a very good question washington is speeding up its plans for its missile defense system in europe despite all these alarming questions coming out of russia.
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romania and turkey have agreed to host elements of the system. one that the shield will be finished by twenty eight teen officially it's supposed to protect washington's allies in europe from potential threats coming out of rogue states such as iran and north korea but moscow has been sounding the alarm saying that the system could be a potential threat to its national security because it's planned that it will be able to intercept a range ballistic missiles iran doesn't have them north korea doesn't have them but there's plenty of them in a rush moscow has been proposing that this project should include russia should be a unified shield which would include russia. the e.u. and the united states were all would share the responsibility for the safety of each other but washington and some nato officials have been saying that this is not
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possible since russia is not part of the alliance moscow then started asking for legal guarantees from washington that this isto will not be aimed against russia but according to reports in the media the newly appointed u.s. ambassador to russia michael mcfaul was quoted saying that his country has no plans of making these illegal guarantees to russia we've already heard from russia's envoy to nato meeting about boys in blue said that if this is the case then moscow will have to start thinking about. making its own efforts to every store of the strategic balance of forces in europe and now there are also reports in the russian media from a source. named source coming from the kremlin which says that russia will think of
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a cheap but affective way as to answer as an answer to washington's miss out anti missile defense plans in europe we can't really we don't really know yet the details of which way this could be but we do know that this could possibly harm the previous major arms deals signs between moscow and washington for example like then the new strategic arms reduction treaty which is supposed to reduce the nuclear arsenals off both countries by over one third but according to the conditions of the treaty moscow can pull out if it if it feels threatened by these anti missile defense plans. from washington so we'll see how this. situation develops but it is definitely a fact that washington is not planning to crack down on its missile defense boards
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and your thanks very much for bringing us this update you were reporting there from moscow. now the european central bank says it's done enough to help the e.u. deal with its debt crisis and it's now time for governments to act as as spain becomes the latest credit downgrade victim was the ratings agency standard and poor's cutting its score by one notch well for more on this let's cross to our correspondent daniel bush. so daniel it's almost as though the european central bank's now washing its hands off the problem saying it's done its part so what happens next. well the patience of european central bank does seem to be running l.t. says that it can't really take the whole burden on itself it really needs the governments to come through the european governments to come through and take some action because the latest country problems in spain it's seeing problems with its solidarity a failure of solidarity is how the downgrade of its rating again which is going to make it even harder for it to raise money and pay off its debts we're expecting
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protests tomorrow perhaps the biggest protests so for new austerity measures in spain now russia's prime minister has come out and said that your risk of much could solve this problem if they wanted to. win. the crisis is more political than a financial issue according to different estimates between one and one and a half trillion dollars is needed the number is big but the eurozone can handle it it's a political issue because in order to get out of those resources the leading european countries must offer a shoulder to those in trouble and not take political courage. so governments in europe are accused of passing the blame no one wants to take responsibility but russia is one of many countries which is concerned by this because of course when the european economies are suffering the rest of the world has a knock on effect. or they are just how can the different governments solve the growing debt problems on their own. well political is the latest country which
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seems to announce new also measures that means more taxes potentially education health costing more and we are expecting coordinated action coordinated protests across europe including in lisbon over those austerity measures over the cuts. to be extremely painful for the population now we've also seen the. saying that he does expect those governments to come through with those cuts in order to balance its budget and there is a meeting today and tomorrow of the world's leading finance ministers as they try to tackle this crisis that has been in portugal more just be too painful for the people to take these austerity measures more from portugal from our correspondent. i'm afraid i'm afraid of the future i'm afraid that. things are going to be like they are in greece right now people. are not going to
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be able to. lucia's in the active member of the portuguese indignados delish movement its participants believe the government is hell bent on pleasing the rich and powerful and ignores the needs of the people they have to have to realize that we are not. we are not going to take. and the longer problem. it's happening and it's happening everywhere in spain here in greece. the worst rate of unemployment in thirty years at over twelve percent rising taxes and falling wages are the reality of portugal simply present situation things are so bad people are now making comparisons with cataclysmic periods in their history and looking to them for inspiration in a few centuries ago was in a situation similar to its present state because it was the capital was all but destroyed by an earthquake but one bad market. there managed to pull the country
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out of the crisis three hundred years on however if you believe anybody will be able to perform a similar body. the portuguese are not o's say the solution is to create more jobs and cut unnecessary expenditure but the government was forced into seventy eight billion euro i.m.f. bailout earlier this year following in the footsteps of greece and ireland to paid back. that introduced which will see longer working hours less holidays and even an end to the christmas bonuses which most workers enjoyed. life to. face your own. kids. you can't do it because the. system and the political system that is. it is so.
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conditioned. personally. and does the crisis grows so too do the ranks of the outraged members of the indignados people. forget. the call for global direction or looked over the fifteenth from the occupy wall street movement in new york is expected to get a loud response in portugal but for many of those who will fill the streets here it's not so much about revolution as it is about turning it into a simple fight for survival he didn't. well there is much more and he's
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a media is waiting for you on line so i had to r.t. dot com and this is what we've got me there now adding insult to injury x. ukrainian pm yell at you shall go jailed for seven years on tuesday now faces new charges of attempting to embarrass them millions of dollars fourteen years ago. and the secret life of the russian president's son is revealed as tabloids discover that he's in fact a t.v. personality an aspiring screen star. now that other news stories from around the world at least sixteen people have been killed almost fifty one it in a twin blast in the iraqi capital baghdad the bombs were detonated at a local market one after another as people gathered to help victims of the first
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explosion a stronger and bigger one to place causing more damage and casualties comes just a day after the iraqi capital suffered its worst attacks since august which to the lives of twenty two people. silvio berlusconi is facing a confidence vote in parliament which could spell the end of his time as italy's prime minister position has challenged him to prove his governing coalition still has a majority after it lost a budget vote this county says he has no intention of stepping down but loses but if he loses rather it would almost certainly mean new elections he's faced a peta calls to resign from the unions and the business community following a string of damaging sex scandals. u.s. president barack obama has promised the toughest sanctions will be placed on iran over allegations of plotted to kill the saudi ambassador to washington obama says he has evidence proving iran's guilt and insists he will continue to mobilize the
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international community to ensure further isolation and make it pay for its behavior iran has dismissed the allegation saying the charges are fabricated to deflect attention from problems in the u.s. . and a self-proclaimed republic of transistor a breakaway territory in the republic of moldova not much has changed since it announced in the pants in one thousand nine hundred there is still no solution to the ethnic and territorial conflict with moldova and some believe the current leadership is to blame are. reports. one of the poorest regions in europe and recognized as a country across the world holds presidential elections in early december but already there were a serious dispute before the campaigns even started the current leader of the self-proclaimed breakaway moved over in republic of trains nice turn igudesman off has held the reins of power for the entire twenty one years of its disputed
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existence far from tiring of office his running again for a fifth term at decision criticized by moscow as a mistake. smearing of has created an atmosphere of personal power that has put the republic into a state of deep social and economic crisis there's a huge gap between ordinary people who are struggling and smirnoff inner circle who are all getting richer. the republic is certain its independence in one thousand nine hundred ninety from mulled over which is south splits from the soviet union a year later life has been tough there ever since the breakaway region is a tiny strip of land with a half million population bordering ukraine it acts as if it's a real state with its own government military currency and constitution the transnistria has always been viewed by moldova as part of its own territory meaning continued political tension. in one thousand nine hundred two war broke out in
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which hundreds died as moldova forces fought separatists before an internationally forged cease fire brought in an easy peace since then continued after his by russia and the international community to move the mood over and transnistria authorities towards dollars have not borne fruit leave intensions dangerously high for ordinary people life is tough. average earnings of just three dollars a day for those lucky enough to work with high unemployment make the area one of the poorest in europe opponents say that in the run up to the election there is a heightened climate of political fear with the current regime in no mood to relinquish power to the birds of must live in an atmosphere of fear and threat run many cases of political pressure like mailing in violation of laws in an attempt to
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discredit other candidates people and parties openly criticizing the current authorities by being put on the run. is placed in serious danger all democratic election procedures are just under two months before the poll it's clear the struggle for power will be far from a kid going to have some even warned it could be a flash point the latest twist in the difficult history of this troubled region a group of russian observers he's had interest nice to to monitor the elections following a request from the authorities that one of the ballots he's free and fair are not the votes not expected to resolve these areas long standing problems meaning the need for a lost and political resolution will remain. written off r.t. moscow. see what's happening in business now us here.
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hello and a very warm welcome to your business update the world's second largest maker of consumer goods here lever is buying an eighty two percent stake in russia's leading cosmetics make a killing on the deal is worth four hundred million here are the move a spot of unilever strategy to conquer fast occurring emerging markets clean the house especially percent share of russia's skincare market. the russian markets has to mergers and acquisitions grow close to the highest levels in a decade research company dealerships says the total volume reached sixty billion dollars in the first nine months over here only two thousand and seven so more details being done and list say the majority was signed in the resource industries among them because of gold seventy percent of polos gold full six a billion dollars and france's total took a twelve percent stake in russia's company novacek. let's have a look at the markets now oil is rising reversing earlier losses before
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a report that may show that retail sales in the u.s. climbed in september from the previous month brand bluntest trading at one hundred twelve dollars per barrel while while doubly g.i. is hovering at eighty five dollars per barrel. in europe stocks are climbing the foot say is rising more than half a percent and the dax is gaining point eight percent on the footsie b. b. and rio tinto leading the gains to coexist stocks are also offering some support off to google's results move it exceeded expectations. and here in russia the markets are seeing strong gains investors seem to be looking upbeat us prospects improved for containing europe's debt crisis the r.t.s. is skinny two point eight percent and the minus six is two point two percent on the rise let's have a look at some of individual moves on the why is that most of the blue chips are trading in the black the solve with parabolic up two point two percent the lender has announced it's going to increase the shelf for it to take its profit to seven
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percent in three years could leave the house jumped more than forty percent on a deal with you know lever the details in just a moment. telecom is also edging high the company may start to buy a bottle just holding a thirty percent decline in value in the last three months it's also reportedly interested in buying the only three g.o.p. . in ukraine the jail would be forced to one hundred seventy million dollars. when given the very high level of uncertainties associated with think global economy and also the euro zone we are concerned about the outlook for commodity prices and as a result wordwise in our clients to stay away from risky sectors and specific banking in specific metals and mining stocks and we prefer to see clients invested in the more defensive sectors like oil and gas in specific state owned companies which have strong balance sheets tracked the valuations and other important
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more. welcome back you're watching these are the headlines activists claim soldiers in northern syria are turning against the regime but the government says they are just armed gangs posing a threat to the public. gather and to corporate protest movement that began in new york goes in upon handle with demonstrations being planned in cities across the globe. plus the european central bank says it's done its part in the debt crisis and governments now have to take the lead. coming your way next hour special report about the colombian drug lord pablo escobar who became and i can after his death.
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