tv [untitled] October 15, 2011 3:30am-4:00am EDT
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ok back here with our t. let's take a look at the top stories dozens of new arrests across america failed to stop it and support for occupy together movement from swelling with activists saying it's now simply too big to fail protests are spreading across the u.s. and dozens of cities worldwide. syrians are split over the seven months long uprising while the capital once president to give in war time to reform cities outside a mask is are tired of the regime the u.s. pilots the death toll at over three thousand. and ukraine's preparations for the
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euro two thousand and twelve football championships are under pressure from animal rights activists accusing the authorities are burning stray dogs on life. as the top stories now with ukraine's former prime minister you what he was found go sentenced to seven years in prison for abuse of power spotlights host al going off talks to the director of moscow based institute of national strategy about the implications of her trial that's next on our. i'm going to walk and chew through the interview show you part see i'm album out with you for they will be talking about the trial of the huli at similar show. the former ukrainian prime minister as opposition leader has been sentenced to seven
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years in prison the court found her guilty over stepping up hours while signing gas contracts with russia the verdict surprised and disappointed the world community and even russia in favor of which the contracts were allegedly stopped many saying the trial is politically motivated so is it a fair trial or a political question prove units in the show really go to prison and what's going to happen to the transcript we're asking the direct moscow based institute for national sex studies dr belfast. util mission kill was arrested in the summer on charges of abuse of office according to the prosecutors she signed an unfair long term contract with russia's gas exporter gazprom which resulted in almost two hundred million dollar losses all the ukraine russia the us and the you immediately condemned the verdict as politically motivated and europe
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even warned it could hold several trade agreements with kiev nevertheless right after the verdict no corruption charges were filed against him. and now she's accused of embezzling government funds to pay out the death of a company she wants rand. thank you very much for being with us on the shell was an honest e.u. authorities and even. members of the member states to paint. entries are menacing ukraine with grave consequences how far do you think europe may go in defending tima shoko and is a ukraine's u.p.a. and bishan really at stake a game as opposed to firstly far i don't think europe would agree to sales of free trade zone agreement and association agreement with ukraine expected of literals this year unless you let him set free by the end of the year and i'm hopeful it's
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very macabre tranter stance this well. we may have some proof to what you just said let's hear how european commission's foreign policy chief catherine ashton commented until machine because guilty verdict. you mean it's really disappointed with the verdict that's come out of ukraine in the case of yulia timoshenko the trial that took place didn't in our view respect international standards of being fair and transparent and having an independent legal process i've repeatedly asked for this in spades that i've made unfortunately what we're seeing confirms that justice is being applied so actively in what we see as politically motivated prosecutions of the leaders of the opposition and members of the former government i have to say six trini disappointing in a country that currently holds the chairmanship of the committee of ministers of the council of europe. in this club do you think that.
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would be ready to concede spending so reza least that's why i didn't own the pluto you're not god which promised to several european leaders to set you little muttering free and prove you literal results by the end of the year in the confidential conversations with those who read us. young college informally initiated the trial about half a year ago i think he did not expect not. such consequences but now he cannot reviews of actor really in development itself its movement towards europe so he will be forced to change the dress to me of a little russian well a ukraine considers itself to be a sovereign and independent country there are many may question it but still do you think it's independent enough not to let foreigners intervene into its internal judicial us. it's independent enough i believe but at the same time.
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the history of modern ukrainians and snake ninety one when the state emerged in current clear it was an existing borders reflected the basic current of ukrainian development out of russia. we from russia and they gear ukraine is not russia formulated them to flesh inflection book or the former ukrainian president alone it which more still dominates for them the political elite regardless of who is the queen president and so if not as russia then as europe europe as a key point for ukraine to get rid of this fall historical dependence on our country well of course ukraine is important for europe it is important for the for the west. timoshenko also is important who do you think is more important for western diplomacy for western politicians
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that may be deciding the fate of the former prime minister today who is most important ukraine. missed an issue and i think by this before the throw in washington has never been a hero for europe. she was not considered as a symbol of ukrainian democracy europe has been constantly suspicious about the business track record about her connections both rashers official some big business or personal connection was not an important which had been established in general in two thousand crying when this country had been signed and so on and so on was the when you say personal relations you mean business the business deal there the way they made business together is one of those do in future. hardly to be hidden from european view but do you believe there is mutual so there wasn't is merely observed or to. solve the problem many times and now we see and hear a lot more pods and. openly supports the let in washington it's here you go this is
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true because because she has never been a big fan of russia she has never been a big fan of moscow of kremlin how could it could have she she deserved sympathy. of prime minister if you read in washington i know her well enough as it was and when we were in france and early early of the decade and i think is not she's not ideologically nor a jew politically motivated person for her as a christian number one is power in any force or sense of the world health or for teams of power and to keep the power could be france was in some period of time what about the old russian saying that a friend of my enemy can can never be my friend she is a friend of circus really but a certain extent you should get used to be more of a close friend referred to in such issues and she was of how do i want to call her mother and what she's of her that he should not forget you little shanker and perfection as ukrainian parliament supporter to russia's position on south ossetia
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in and up in august of two thousand eight hundred not support which was of paramount importance for was an apartment but you know to return to face is now a new criminal charge the accusations are fresh though the case is over crimes allegedly committed back in nineteen states when she had a private power company spotlight you know the media has. you lately mission because work is the president of the united energy systems of ukraine in the name to name does mean you one of the richest people in the country is going to have the nickname gasper inserts and made her the subject to criminal investigation ten years ago she was arrested on charges of costumes documents and smuggling guess between one thousand nine hundred five and one thousand nine hundred seven she was released several weeks raided the same year the me. military prosecutor pressure group charges against you lately mission who allegedly giving bribes to russian
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defense ministry officials russian investigators unsuccessfully tried to invite emission cuts for the question then in two thousand and four and the rest were in for who was issued in russia and it even went this worries putin who on interpol's wanted list. became prime minister of ukraine in two thousand and five but never travel to russia during her first seven months in office later the same year russian prosecutors dropped the courage is against the mission and this week ukrainian prosecutors have once again turned to events of fourteen years ago it gives intimidation of illegally using government money to cover her company's debt to the russian defense ministry if they key is goes to trial and if she's strong guilty to mission could face up to twelve years in prison. mr wilcox q what do you think. may be the political consequences of this trial for
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you it's a machine do said she has never been in a row for the west issue becoming a hero while some much has never been since august since sense has been arrested. she had become a she is she once again becoming a hero among. a big percent of the population in ukraine yes i think so i think knowing if you let emotions or personality told you i am very suspicious that she. was inclined to be arrested should his best still be arrested by and by august because he has resolved as a chief to builds a track to achieve since her defeat in presidential elections in two thousand and ten took team back to her status as an opposition leader as a unique opposition leader. to consolidate the european support around her she's achieved both girls and do you think that. conviction may have any consequences for
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the president gets the was between between gazprom enough to go in. and out of living for you on a college and me we need government would try to use this sentence as an argument and the dispute was russian because now ukraine would try to. approve the congress and we think of this court decision of the picturesque court decision of the center of the new generally two thousand and nine yes agreement was signed by the people are exceeded their powers and such we syllogism that at may be those arguments begin brought to the international situation orders but do you think do you think that putin and the aspirin they use in some papers put it may use the general outrage against ukraine's leadership in order to hard pressed ukraine on gas prices yes i think so because i don't see it as in our ports an unmanned guessed wrong.
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and i don't predict made making big successions stew in your brain so you guess war is not far from us says stanislav bill cost the director of the institute of international travel. will be back shortly we will continue this interview on throughout the day with. i'm discovering species. communicate with the want to. test yourself and become free. see what nature can give you.
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the longest big game hunting history. he was trying to store. data. but sprung the traps they laid for him. on the radio we have the search walks around the. always goes missing. one shot turns to. the global drug industry is called father became the most wanted trophy the world's guts hunters. combo escobar to grace hunt an artist. welcome back to the spotlight i'm going off in just a reminder that my guest in the studio today stanislas bill koskie director of the
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moscow based institute for national strategy what talking about the the the strong sense that. it's a mission called the former ukrainian prime minister got in a court of seven years and maybe maybe looking at another twelve years well many say that this decision was politically motivated well in russia this decision is called anti russian so do you think that this court decision may may influence russian ukrainian room. ations also negatively yes story considerable extent of the sentence was or had been quite predictable for the past two months and i don't think it's a surprise for russian leaders and involved in negotiations as ukraine and different actors well and here is the reaction of russian prime minister vladimir putin. to be honest i can't quite understand why she got those seven years to the show did not sign anything the contracts were signed between economic agents
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gus plum enough the guys they were signed fully in accordance with russian and ukrainian legislation as well as international rules and regulations i think it's dangerous and counterproductive to call into question the entire set of agreements . so there's the do you also agree that the trial machine co was politically motivated history considerable if then what's the motive there may be only two motives one motive was to make you even a bigger political star than there then she was three months ago and the other motive is to spoil your relations with your strategic partner which is russia so both that is there seem to be insane for the same politician yes levy should not try everest to meet with korean approaches politician. half a year ago and all the deal started. me be considerate of the potential consequences of the process as favorable for himself he really thought
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the trial would undermine ulit and watching her reputation as political and her position a little but the result as most of us have seen now and secondly. the gas largely around him and closing his chief of staff's argue logically an. energy minister yuriy boykins and other persons very close economically and and to a ukrainian president consider all of this tymoshenko trail as an instrument of pressure on to russia to change the basic conditions of two thousand and yes congress and this still hope it could be efficient if we got was not certain it's a very the result of the trial are very dull for the rest of political historical prospects of victory and i call it but i don't think. just how far why doesn't he realize simple things there there there that seem obvious for me for you it is because it's personal vendetta and we when people are on vendetta dead they don't
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see anything when they. sent us because unocal which was so so makes its meaning many times mention for the context of his criminal prowess it's obvious. you've been in president. to remind his enemies of his competitor of the to be in prison and not to get into prison is not so complicated in our life so don't remember him he was in prison to sell your time since up so but certainly it was even know basically it was a strategy for victory and a clutch it hasn't got any political placers he want to talk about has got many political minuses headed duck predict well you know he actually said he regretted the court's decision when obstacles in the way of ukraine's european integration what does it regret that he was initially himself as european the european leader because he and approach emphasizes here does not interfere with any court decisions
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and with the powers of. here is how ukraine's president. reacted to the court's decision hours after it was in the last. natural decor community's decision on the basis of the current criminal code but it's not a final decision there is still the court of appeal. you know it will be very important on the basis of which laws the decision of the court of appeal will be made. will is speaking about political motivation the investigation against emission co started back in two thousand and nine if i'm not mistaken then he wasn't yet the president of the country do you think he had the power and he had enough influence to stop. the investigation not to let the verdict happen yes only he controls
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a general classic u. turn and after that most wanted it just depends on his willingness to start the investigation that's president you should go was a witness saying in court against to michelle they are friends we we all remember the latest picture and this guy was witnessing against this lady why did they do what. the most bitter you should consider is the most positive result of his five years presidency and not to let you little. place and yes because of the relationship between your college are much more friendly than between you and currently mushing you should really consider as you little much anger as the biggest threat to you weenie and democracy you green in future so he acts logically and predictably and also adding to her popularity the other position her status of you of the united position lose both guys and you both presidents rather that great
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i merely learned of people because of you green in heart of what. was tried still is tried to get a degree for treason he adds interest there is this accusation of treason of key appeal to the nationals the rest of the country. to our friends in the west. by and before the presidential election after assad simon. crean you mean you can invest in us were bitterly disappointed. both because of the cancun two thousand and country condition and the relationship friendship between you and blood in our party are there to even talk you merely. than ukrainian president viktor usually career in public li but now i think do you attribute your jacobi due to the under sentence. has got back all the support of your investors because solidly that supports what you're implying is that the political
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preferences the the political situation in ukraine is changing today because of the president's trial yes yes if you were you looking at shanghai and i think if you were was not arrested the result would be so dramatic and through she understood the rest of the very favorable for her politically and that's why looking at her behavior and sick. what how he offended to judge how assured of hundreds of jabs and the rules of behavior in the courts themselves i think he wanted to be arrested for some time being home for the same crimes of a year by europe's pressure she will be set free shortly if she's said free she she will still be a convicted criminal but she has to win the appeal if she wins the appeal that they're most vulnerable in the accusations is that most probably will mean that sure that you will be well at least one of the most probable candidates for presidency is that right now first and foremost as
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a leader of the opposition and the owner of the parliament a legend doesn't well and even if you let a machine that is not clear of the accusations he would not have the right to take part in the parliament elections two thousand and twelve personally see him here as the heir authority thing. here and europe it would bring very much the opposition victory i have heard that the head of the the head of the appeal court of ukraine is a pretty is a great fan of you is that right and those that he had of supreme court supreme muster are not the sort of final everything will depend a little in our college and has to satisfy european demands and we tymoshenko as you know we're talking about the worst to talk about moscow but what about the supporters of the mission queenside the country is their voice heard. you mean do they as somehow influence the the the political process of the country
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the years of course they think that while yes any support from from outside will consolidate you know it's a machine for supporters inside ukraine. the prosecution continues the investigation another corruption charges against the machine and do you think that these new accusations in this new threat of of adding another twelve years to her seven year sentence make untrue. it depends if it's a potential mechanisms of pressure onto your little machine if she's free this year but if. we do you are not god which will be wanting something sometime in the future to bring her back to try one present so those new yorkers eaton's and investigation results could be used to the same time the ukrainian powered ones to remind trash that russia has cleared. the general prosecutor's office of russia as
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legalism ashamed of those accusations in two thousand and five and so to reveal to you our coverage and his cronies one for one to emphasize that russia has could have some confidential delicate relationship but zealots in washington and the details of the relationship been put into motion could be disclosed if it would be political necessary for yanacocha but russia's clearance from intermission comes as the u.k.'s two thousand and five this was a political event immediately and i was limited because out of the three moments you learn so much from go visit that we needed her as a partner who is unable to do what's in your heart or be fired from from the prime minister's post but it was my first in moscow and they came to some agreements on how to fight for it or you should get on president and general competence puts and so if bolton is to heart. here from going to college himself and which could remind the world what the relationship between poison and tymoshenko has been for
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the five years since two thousand five. hundred this situation will be developing just a reminder that my guest on the show today was stanislav will cost the director of the institute of national standards and thanks a lot for the year with us and this is it from our lives spotlight and we'll be back with more it's going to comment on what's going on in and outside rush until then stay on to our team in haiti.
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