tv [untitled] October 15, 2011 6:31am-7:01am EDT
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peña wish it creates a. modern political system jim a crack system. with suits implemented and traffic to our own lives we should fight poverty which is still a huge problem in russia although there has been some achievements and progress we should just. work on improving living standards another topic i'd like to bring up here. and. and i've been doing this. it's fighting corruption. a lot of times that i've been criticised people sad you will not achieve anything you will not be able to feel overcome corruption it will only undermine your authority. i can say use straightaway. i
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don't look back. i went to stand the scope of the problem we understand that. the majority of our life in our society consists of a lot of corruption schemes but we started talking about that ten years ago we didn't talk about that but now we have taken some of it we don't some laws and we should continue fighting against the corruption we should do it in a serious manner and we cannot puts all of the bureaucrats all of the officials in jail or a fire all of the policemen and hire new ones will not be able to do that as our neighbors deeds we have a vast country of course we will continue to argue to discuss the pace of reforms but it's believed that these reforms should be irrevocably.
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our strategic task east see you so we set up a modern system of state governance from the more i dig into it the more i feel that there are so many in an imperfect system there are so many flaws here because i didn't have any illusions when i began my climbing the state's career i was quite a successful person. lawyer i was is this also a score in lore. and i thought i knew how this state works but i was wrong it turned out it's much more complex and it's much more monstrous and say that's why we need to. rethink the system of state governance with that taking it to
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a critical extent. but it should be a steady sustainable reform. one of my suggestions so we show like to discuss with you. then i suggest. talking of a grand government and extended government which would. work. jointly with the main party which could form this government the largest russia party with civil society with x. person analysts regional and denise a plethora it is with all those voters who are ready to vote for us and even with those who are who criticize that who sees the we are if they are ready to join our. other to discuss this with you so that. at this stage of election campaign we kids. mull these things with everyone
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i mean such things which include also the structure of the government the major principles of an efficient government we want to know want to discuss it with you with other people with this is with civil society. state governments should work. so. please to join the discussion. you are mostly welcome why i am a huge fan of various forms of chats various forms of social media the internet but when i was page huge attention to feedback such a notion is feedback from. order people from the grassroots why simply because the modern world.
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cannot work the other way the powers that be cannot work in a different way otherwise it would degrade and that's why any power any american politician will should be ready for a dialogue otherwise it would find itself inside to the dump with history. you can look at what's happened in the middle east and north africa. these are vivid examples. the authorities that's where they're holding all power it's enjoyed support huge support really and it seems that kind of power would stay forever but in a matter of weeks it's all went down to the drain because it wasn't. prepared so you need the major challenges it faced. and its. people faced so that's the idea i want to discuss it with you. and of course.
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it should not to look. like too many hopes it could be only done if we win have elections it's obvious of course. we have representatives of different political forces of the united russia party and i'm the top of the united russia tickets. maybe it seems strange to you. the members of the united russia party and those who support united russia party and those who don't like it to hate it. it was a decision that was carefully thought through. first of all let's not forget it's facts not to drudge.
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provided or made me the candidate for the presidency. it was a clear cut decision on their parts and. talking of all of my initiatives wanted to be passed united russia supported it's all of my bills and thirdly. we need to have. powerful force political force and i think well i don't know what's happened in the future in. within ten years time but there are what should be several strong political parties. one of them is united russia. because. that's the way history as it were to terrorists. and that's
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natural that's how it's happened. i believe if we. discussed this topic of the grand government the kiri would be played by united russia but. i think it's quite normal that it could be discussed by other forces by the movements. and that's the strong part behind this idea. that's what makes this idea so strong talking of united russia. as being the head of the least i think united russia should change that's the will of the of the moment it should become less bureaucratic. not surely. involve the various various kinds of people you know russia should include ministers governors but that should
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be. should not be the strongest base. this should be strong in her legs coming from the grassroots. coming from ordinary people that's why i supported the. concept of primaries for you know to draw a line and i believe that these preliminary voting has brought some results unexpected results some people who were. actually didn't manage to him stand the test were offended. nevertheless and the faster we know we move on in this aspect of this process the stronger political system we will be. political forces and you need one thing they need to have more influence and have more freedom at the same time. sort relevant for our political parties it's also relevant to the. mass media to the municipal authorities to various state
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. institutions throughout these years i've been trying to support these ideas to put my weight behind these ideas and to also to puts your support behind it. ferd's words of support from many of you and i really appreciate it what else needs to be done we shouldn't. continue to change our political structure whatever the criticism there's been some results we've managed to cut the special olds for the state toomer of political parties and will yield search results we've cut down all the possibilities for vote treating. and i hope that it will be really transparent elections. and any sort of various requirements it's just
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a provocation. any political party. should set certain girls for it's election but these plans should be feasible realistic. they should conform to the electoral. potential. anything else is just a hoax. and now a couple of words about a different topic any person sometimes reflects on what managed to and what he's not doing i think we've been able to achieve quite a lot. that's not a matter for been preparing for my address to the federal assembly
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we have some practical things we practically achievements we have some positive changes in demographics the death rate is going down it's not just an decimal points. a significant reduction. life expectancy has increased when i just started working in the government i was. i was really horrified by the statistics. the average life expectancy in our country was sixty three point five years i'm a life expectancy was just five fifty nine years well of course due to the bad habits. as for women this figure was about sixty seven let's take the figures we have now of course it's not perfect but they we've seen a change the average life expectancy. after we take all those maternity
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programmes sixty nine years that's the average life expectancy. this even the soviet union has never managed to achieve such a figure six nine years. women have a figure of seventy four years well a nice example nice model for a mensa copy life stand living standards have improved we are not in a rally of course but i would like to mention this despite the crisis. our cellar is average salaries of course went up from seventy thousand to twenty one thousand roubles and we managed to keep the ruble in the narrow corridor we've managed to five the unemployment. at the g. eight summits we've discussed that at the g twenty summit we do also discuss that. i think the unemployment rates was the same as we had before the crisis i
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think you know this is a testimony to the hard work of the state duma to the and the overall federal assembly of the governments of myself and all those who worked on the problem. we've implemented some reforms soon of the judicial system in the legal system after try to consolidate the positions of a country of the international arena by taking a reasonable practical but also solid approach in some cases. we had to. rebuke and to reach sort. so we've spend these years in vain we have a good. story but we're no longer viewed as some force some strong power that's trying to boot others to bully others
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like everything he's. important all of the issues we showed mentioned are crucial and this will take a lot of time and a lot of effort we need some kind of global energy. i do believe we have it's i do believe these are all tasks that could be solved. and we'll solve them if we're together. and that's why i've. kind came here and now i want to ask for your support in this work i believe this is something if the paramount for a country and if we stand together i'm sure we'll be able to ensure victory no doubts about that. that sits. with you think you. want to go into
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a noun that's mobile want to thank you to the dialogue to the q. and a session. president medvedev. as you've rightly said there are different people that are gathered here today. some of us treat each other while and others just don't know each other very well. but i hope we're not going to fight today. but you. so far this is a uniting reason for us to get together that brings us together actually all of us here. get that here because we see that we see a part of what we want to contribute into what you have started doing this is very important. that has been started in the way it has been started.
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also was the choice in a real choice because you could have just strengthened administrative structure of the state but. make it more transparent and more open to people and you wanted to make the criminal code more humane and to eliminate that. unfortunately every businessman still feels but you could have just diversify the economy going away from the oil pipe but you decided to follow a different path of strange thing and investment into the advanced acknowledges and such challenges that would enable us to imply our potential as the most culturally and educated country and. here i believe it's very important to. make a signal that all these kind of things will carry on and will continue the way they are and presently. by gathering here i think
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we have. you know just. to vote for you in general we want to work together and we are willing and ready to work together because. what has been started. in answer to the key challenge that exists in russia today in russia we over these years there grew quite a quite a good middle class which is up to thirty percent in our country is way calculated not long and while i'm quite. figures there are different manage measurements but the middle class is the one that can have a choice and we can have a choice because of our education. and because our middle class has become a saw a large. it's not just like in the middle of saying surely the guarantee of stability of our society our middle class is
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a to tonights two percent consists of people with very high level of education and the middle class matches the creative class to a large extent therefore this kind of middle class which also which is not just for the stability not just the people who own shops or immersion it's about people who really want changes and who want to participate in these changes and i believe that the key priority of the top priority that we would like to say here is. that middle class in our country is ready for changes is prepared for changes we feel that we need not just the guarantees of stability but when you add the guarantees of development and away our rating not just to vote for you once as a say once again we are also willing to be not just for you but to be with you to be alongside. and this is something. i personally feel right now. with
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one think very much of the. well we discuss sort of things with you because. i really appreciate what you've just said. to be honest. i believe that our situation with situation the country can only be changed by a very active in a judge of people your all those present here are these kind of people we should not become frustrated become gloomy we should not criticize stony everything we should move on we should develop. of course thank you very much for your words of support. we're not been able to reach everything of course. that's what i've mentioned but. despite that i think we've managed see you. set a couple of trends within these years and. i
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think a lot of people have a lot of questions in the what's going to happen next the majority of active population and there are lawsuits it's the middle class you just mentioned not just the middle class they want things kind of development developments. has that might have a few scenarios could be a conservative scenario that we don't understand what kind of scenario it would be . the other option could be a a more aggressive one and i would like to. have your support in implementing the movies initiatives going. along this aggressive scenario because they move the key role will be played by those political forces that will have the majority of votes if we manage to win in this election
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if the united russia party wins in this election if we win the presidential vote its will ensure further development but. of course it's really important to assign various key positions to certain people and ice needs your support in this aspect. of. your body while i'm here with r.t. ally promise go and if you're just joining us we've been watching the russian a president dmitry medvedev addressing his supporters and let's just briefly go over some of the items to be touch down on our president and we have to certainly cover a broad range of issues let's start off with a broad. the russian president the outgoing president saying that it's it's important for the most popular member in russian politics to aspire to run the country. huge admiration for prime minister vladimir putin they've been friends for
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twenty years their brothers in arms. saying that he does want to stay in politics to continue to work for the future of russia on the issues of politics economics the culture of investment. strategy modernization are in effect but they cannot simply work overnight. welcome building a modern democracy not copying america's version rather one that caters to the needs of russia meditative saying that russia is a vast country one method of efficient management would be to set up these to teach a modern system of state governance and more details on our website i will touch briefly november the nineteenth will be the main announcement from the united russia party as exactly who will lead the party december is the parliamentary elections and then march the presidential elections stay with us here and get more details at c dot com.
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brotherson the hotel retreat. i dozens of new rests all across america fail to stop the. together from swelling. simply too big to fail. syrians are split over the. capital wants the president given more time to reform cities outside. of the regime. twelve football championships are under pressure from animal rights activists who are accusing the authorities of stray dogs.
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